English Exercise: Theme: Brexit

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English Exercise

Theme: Brexit

Performed by: Group 2


-MOHAMAN Raïs (chief)

-PUEUGEU Yann Harris

-KAMDEM Gaddiel

-PRISO William



-MAMGUE Darylle


Coordinated by: Dr. MBOG Grace

Dr. TANYI Adolph

Introduction of the abstract

Information about the text and the author

Development of the abstract

Conclusion of the abstract

Point of view of the author

Point of view of the group


The word “Brexit” is an abbreviation for the term “British exit” which refers to
the possibility of Britain withdrawing from the European Union (EU). Although
several great personalities such as Barack Obama, former President of The
United States of America, or Mark Carney, a Governor in England, were against
Brexit, it managed to happen. In the text that we are about to summarize, the
author explains the slogan “Get Brexit done” used by Boris Johnson, who is now
the Prime Minister in office in England.

This text was written by Helen Parr, an English Professor of History in the
Keele University. It was published on the 10 th of December 2019 and its title is:
“Let’s be clear about what ‘get Brexit done’ really means”.

This passage describes the meaning of the slogan ‘Get Brexit Done’ as the title
suggests it. It explains the consequences on the British economy and also the
changes which may be encountered by the country due to Brexit.

In the beginning of the text, it is outlined that Boris Johnson won the UK
Election Campaign fighting with his slogan ‘Get Brexit Done’. The author
explains how getting the Brexit done won’t be easy and the road towards its
accomplishment, very long since getting parliamentary approval may not be

Then, she explains how it will enable Britain to become free and to focalize on
urgent priorities concerning the nation and this may as well change their
relationship with the other EU Countries even though their state of freedom may
be seen as an illusion.

The author explains the consequences on the country saying that a great change
may be encountered whether positive or negative and there will be no going
back. Britain may like to change its trade style adopting a “Super Canada Plus”
style free trade.

Moreover, Johnson has ruled out extending a period of time where the country
will start negotiating trade deals with some of its neighboring countries. Johnson
will also begin negotiations with other important trading partners such as big
countries like Japan and since that moment he will start negotiating with the US,
which may be very lengthy.

The author then concludes by saying that the term “Get Brexit Done” had such a
large resonance that the population got tired of hearing about it. They wanted to
pass to other important issues especially domestic ones. Actually when the
Brexit will truly be ‘done’, the most difficult part of this transformation will
really happen.

In a nutshell, we may conclude that this text is interesting on several aspects

because it explains clearly the crisis of Brexit as well as it gives several theories
on the future of England.
Point of view of the author

According to the author, Boris Johnson’s idea to stop the Brexit issue that was
started by Theresa May, his predecessor, will only lead to a reduction of the
scale of the Brexit among people, but will certainly not end it. This is actually
true because nowadays we hear less about Brexit but it truly is not over. Getting
Brexit done by following Johnson’s plan will result in getting the government
resources tied up on Brexit. Moreover, Boris Johnson’s plan not to extend the
transition period beyond 2020 is a risky idea because it sets the United Kingdom
in a cloudy future.
In such a short span, there is the risk of no deal between United Kingdom and
the European Union and also the difficulty of talks. For example, the UK was
forced to compromise on food standards. To summarize, for the author Boris
Johnson with his idea “Get Brexit Done” will surely get the UK outfit the EU.
But then he will make the United Kingdom face several economic issues after
that, due to consequences of the deals that have been established and also due to
the disregard of other crisis such as the health crisis of covid.
Point of view of the group

After having read the text, we can say that the current evolution of Brexit is
quite different to the hopes of Boris Johnson. Through his campaign, Johnson
was ensuring a speedy process in order to focus on Britain’s other issues, which
has been achieved since the UK left the EU on the 31st of January 2020.
Even though the measures that he proposed were risky, they were interesting
and necessary to get Britain out of the UK the quickest possible. The deals
established between the UK and the EU were favorable for both sides, although
they were cloudy at first. In short, we believe that Boris Johnson’s government
has achieved its “Get Brexit Done”. On the other hand, focusing on Brexit lead
to the disregard of other problems such as health crisis of covid or the regulation
of the immigration.

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