Pratama 2020

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International Journal of Research and Review

Vol.7; Issue: 11; November 2020

Research Paper E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Effect of Organizational Communication and Job

Satisfaction on Employee Achievement at Central
Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Binjai City
Siswa Pratama
Management Study Program, Social Science Faculty,
Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan, Indonesia, 20122

ABSTRACT take initiative and make decisions. This is

because the communication made by the
The purpose of this study was to determine the boss to subordinates is formal where there is
organizational communication and job a distant organizational structure between
satisfaction to performance at Central Bureau of the superior and subordinate. So the
Statistics (BPS) Binjai City. To obtain the data
consequence of this behavior is that its
in the preparation of this paper, the authors use
the instrument; Study the documentation, underlining is not utilized as a source of
observations, questionnaires (questionnaire). In information, ideas, and advice, while
analyzing the data using multiple regression, F communication with colleagues is quite
test, T test and a test of determination. Based on good because each employee helps each
the results of the discussion in mind that other in the completion of tasks given by the
organizational communication and job boss.
Satisfaction to performance affect Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS)
simultaneously (simultant) performance. The Binjai City is one of the Rating Agencies
results of simultaneous hypothesis indicates that serves as social and population
FCounts 246,216 count> F table value of 3,183
statistics, social statistics, trade economy in
and a significant probability 0,000 < 0,05, then
Binjai city for the assessment and
reject Ho (thank Hi) while the value of t, 4.961
> 1.675 t table, and a significant probability preparation of national policies in the field
value 0,001 < 0,05, then reject Ho (thank Hi). ). of statistic activities. There are negative
there are positive and significant influence factors that can decrease the employee's
simultaneously and partial organizational work performance, among others are the
communication and job Satisfaction to motivation in the form of rewards for good-
performance at Central Bureau of Statistics performing employees that are given less
(BPS) Binjai City, hypothesis Hi previously suitable employees so that employee
accepted, in other words, organizational performance is decreasing, the number of
communication and job Satisfaction good employees is not disciplined i.e. willingness
variable to explain the performance at, Central
in complying with all the rules and norms
Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Binjai City but only
that exist in performing their duties as a
in this study only.
form of responsibility so that the employee's
Keywords: Organizational Communication, Job work performance is not achieved, the lack
Satisfaction and Performance. of communication between leaders to
subordinates because it is formal where
INTRODUCTION there is a distant organizational structure
Based on pre-survey observations, between the boss and subordinates so that
communication relationships between the employee there is no initiative to do its
superiors and subordinates are rarely or job and the employee's work on the
never given to subordinates to act alone, to completeness of facilities and facilities is

International Journal of Research and Review ( 547

Vol.7; Issue: 11; November 2020
Siswa Pratama. Effect of organizational communication and job satisfaction on employee achievement at
Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Binjai City

less supportive of the work so that the According to Handoko (2008:135)

employee's work performance decreases. performance assessment (Performance
Appraisal) is a process through the
LITERATURE REVIEW managers of organizations evaluating
Organizational Communication employee work performance. This activity
According to Mangkunegara can improve personnel decisions and
(2011:145) communication is the process of provide employees with feedback about the
transferring information, ideas, implementation of their work. Based on
understanding from a person to another some of the above opinions, it can be
person can interpret it according to the concluded that the employee's work
intended purpose. Based on the above performance is the result that the employee
description can be concluded that achieves in completing a task that can be
communication is the process of sending or seen from one's abilities and prowess.
exchanging information to others directly or According to Mangkunegara (2011:67),
using the media so that the person can act, factors that influence the achievement of
in accordance with the purpose of the work achievement are ability factor and
messager. motivation factor.
According to Mangkunegara
(2011:148) There are two reviews of METHODOLOGY
affecting factors, namely factors from the Research Approach
sender or so-called communicators, and The research approach implemented
factors on the part of the receiver or in this study is quantitative associative.
communion. According to Sugiyono (2009:12)
associative research is a study that aims to
Job Satisfaction know the influence or relationship between
Job satisfaction is the result of two or more variables, where this research
employees' perceptions of how well their serves to explain, predict and control a
work delivers what is considered important symptom. While quantitative associative
(Luthans 2006:243). According to Handoko research is research by obtaining numbers or
(2008:193) stated job satisfaction is a qualitative data that is suspected.
pleasant or unpleasant emotional state with
which employees view their work. Population and Sample/ Type and Data
Based on the definition of job Source
satisfaction, it can be concluded that job Population
satisfaction is the level of a person's feelings Population is a generalized region
about his/her liking and dislike in view of consisting of: subjects or objects of a certain
his work, meaning that an employee will quality and characteristic stipulated by
like or dislike his work can be seen from his researchers to be studied and then drawn
attitude towards the job and everything conclusions (Sangadji and Sopiah,
faced in his work environment. 2010:185). The population in this study was
According to Luthans (2008: 171), there are an employee at Central Bureau of Statistics
six factors of job satisfaction, namely: Binjai of 35 people.
a. The work itself,
b. Salary. Sample
c. Promotion. Samples are part of the number and
d. Supervision. characteristics possessed by the population
e. Working group/ co-workers. (Sangadji and Sopiah, 2010: 186). In this
f. Working Conditions. study the authors. Conducted census
research because the population is over 30
Work Performance and under 100 people. So the population of
35 respondents is entirely sampled.

International Journal of Research and Review ( 548

Vol.7; Issue: 11; November 2020
Siswa Pratama. Effect of organizational communication and job satisfaction on employee achievement at
Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Binjai City

Data Analysis Techniques X2= Job Satisfaction (Independent

a. Multiple Linear Regression Variable)
a = Constants
Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + a b = Multiple Linear Regression Coefficients
Description: - Error Term / Error Rate
Y= Work Performance (Dependent b. Hypothesis Test
Variable) 1. Test F
X1= Organization Communication 2. Test t
(Independent Variable) 3. Determination Coefficient (R²)


Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Multiple Linear Regression Test Tables Coefficientsa
Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig. Correlations Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Zero- Partial Part Toleranc VIF
order e
1 (Constant) -.698 1.122 -.622 .538
Communication .480 .097 .494 4.961 .000 .944 .659 .217 .192 5.209
Job Satisfaction .366 .073 .500 5.018 .000 .944 .664 .219 .192 5.209
a. Dependent Variable: Work performance (Y)
Source: SPSS processing results version 19.00
Based on table it obtained multiple linear regressions as follows:
Y= -0,698 + 0,480 X1 + 0,366 X2 + .
Hypothesis Testing
F test (Simultant)
Simultaneous Test Results Table (Test f)
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 2384.906 2 1192.453 246.216 .000a
Residual 154.979 32 4.843
Total 2539.886 34
a. Predictors: (Constant), Job Satisfaction (X2), Communication (X1)
b. Dependent Variable: Work Performance (Y)
Source: SPSS processing results version 19.00

T Test (Partial)
T (Partial) Test Results Table
Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig. Correlations Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
B Std. Beta Zero- Partial Part Tolerance VIF
Error order
1 (Constant) -.698 1.122 -.622 .538
Communication .480 .097 .494 4.961 .000 .944 .659 .217 .192 5.209
Job Satisfaction .366 .073 .500 5.018 .000 .944 .664 .219 .192 5.209
a. Dependent Variable: Work Performance (Y)
Source: SPSS processing results version 19.00

Determination Test
Determination Test Results Table
Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .969a .939 .935 2.201
a. Predictors: (Constant), Job Satisfaction (X2), Communication (X1)
b. Dependent Variable: Work Performance (Y)

International Journal of Research and Review ( 549

Vol.7; Issue: 11; November 2020
Siswa Pratama. Effect of organizational communication and job satisfaction on employee achievement at
Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Binjai City

CONCLUSION satisfaction on the work performance of

1. Simultaneous analysis shows that F BPS Binjai City employees.
counts at 246,216 while table F is 3,183
and the probability of significant is REFERENCES
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<0.05, then there is a positive and Personalia dan Sumber Daya Manusia.
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communication and job satisfaction on 3. Mangkunegara. 2011. Manajemen Sumber
the work performance of BPS Daya Perusahaan. PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.
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2. Partial analysis shows that t counts 4. Sangadji, Etta Mamang., sopiah. 2010.
4,691 > t tabel 1,676 and significant Metodologi Penelitian Pendekatan Praktis
0,000 < 0.05, then there is a positive and dalam Penelitian. Yogyakarta.
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organization's communication on the Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D, Bandung:
work performance of BPS Binjai City Alfabeta
3. Partial analysis results show that t count How to cite this article: Pratama S. Effect of
5,018 > t table 1,676 and significant organizational communication and job
satisfaction on employee achievement at Central
0.000 < 0.05, then there is a positive and Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Binjai City.
significant influence on (partial) job International Journal of Research and Review.
2020; 7(11): 547-550.


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Vol.7; Issue: 11; November 2020

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