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(Do not copy the questions)

I. Name them:- ((Give one word for the following) (10x1=10)

(( 1) Trees losing all their leaves in a season - Ans:- Deciduous

2) Going to a warm place in winter and returning in summer - Ans:- migration .

3) Long winter sleep - Ans:- Hibernation

4) The larva of butterfly is called a – Ans:- carterpiller

5) A substance that dissolves a solute – Ans:- solvent

6) A tube that takes water to various parts of the leaf – Ans:- vein

7) Animals that live both on land and in water – Ans:- amphibians

8) Merging of animals with their surroundings so that it becomes difficult to see them –
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ans:- camouflage-------

9) The substance that gives a green colour to the plants – Ans:- chlorophyll

10) The shedding of old skin is called – Ans:- moulting

II. Fill in the blanks:- (Do not copy the questions) (10x1=10)

a) _________ trees have roots that grow above the soil. Ans:- mangrove

b) The __________ has leaves that look like containers with lids. Ans:- pitcher plant

c) ______ is used to test the presence of starch in leaves. Ans:- Iodine

d) The baby cockroach that hatches out from an egg and does not have wings is called __
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ans:- nymph

e) Animals that feed on living animals or plants are called _______ Ans:- parasites

f) Surrounding the yolk is a white portion called the _______. Ans:- albumen

g) _______ is the gas which is given out during photosynthesis. Ans:- oxygen

h) The amount of space that matter takes up is called its _______. Ans:- volume

i) The gas that leaves take from the air to make food is _________ Ans:- carbon dioxide
j) The environment in which an animal or a plant lives is called its _______ Ans:- habitat

III. Write True or False for these statements :- (Do not copy the questions) (6x1=6)

a) The energy needed for photosynthesis comes from food. Ans:- False

b) Mangrove trees grow in marshy or swampy places. Ans:-True

c) Leaves take in water through their stomata. Ans:- False .

d) Molecules in a gas are tightly packed. Ans:- False

e) Plants such as hydrilla and tape-grass live completely under water. Ans:- True

f) Fungi are neither plants nor animals. Ans:- True

IV. Answer the following questions:- (Do not copy the questions) (7x2=14)

1) How does Venus flytrap feed ?

2) What is matter? What are the three states of matter?

3) What is incubation?

4) What are stomata? Write the function of stomata.

5) How do the following animals protect themselves from their enemies?

i)Chameleon ii) Globefish

6) When sugar is dissolved in water the volume of water remains the same..Give reason ?

7) What are aquatic plants? What are the three different types of aquatic plants?


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