Dialogue Between Two Friends About Reality Vs Appearnce

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Starts with greeting!

Ayesha: Good morning!

Iqra :( replied) Morning.
Ayesha:I need some help from you….My teacher assign a topic about
Difference between "appearance vs reality".
Ayesha: Can you help me please…..i can’t understand how I start
Iqra:Yess Sure……. well it is quite interesting.
Iqra: What is the main contrast between Appearance and reality??

Iqra : The main difference between appearance and reality is that

appearance is the way something looks, but the reality is the state of
things as they actually exist or something's true state.
Ayesha: Why is appearance Vs Reality important?
Iqra: Appearance vs reality is indeed a universally significant theme
as it relates heavily to our human anatomy as it is present within
every single human. During Venetian society respect, loyalty and
honesty was highly valued and if someone appeared to have these
qualities he could potentially manipulate many people.
Ayesha: How can you elaborate this idea?Give some examples from
anything which you have read?
Iqras: Shakespeare’s plays display countless themes, some of which
develop through the body of plays as a whole. The idea, though, that
people, events and things in our world are often not what they seem,
is at the heart of all the plays. Indeed, some of the plays, for example
A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tempest, are largely about the
confusion between what is real and what is not. This theme of
appearance and reality is one that runs through many of
Shakespeare’s plays.
Furthermore Shakespeare’s plays are full of references to men who
hide their evil natures behind smiles.
Ayesha: Is social media a distraction from reality?can you relate this
idea to your surroundings what have you noticed?
“Some people use this social media to create something that they are
not,” he says, explaining that the virtual world can distract people so
much from their real lives that they either forget who they are or
become so involved in the reality they've created that they don't
want to work on their own issues.
Ayesha: yes you r absolutely right. One thing more Our social media
persona is often very different from who we are in real life, and the
boundary between the two is getting blurrier. That unclear
difference has an impact on our psychology sometimes positively
and often times negatively.
I hope you get my point. Iqras: yes ma'am
I have a question Why do authors use appearance vs reality?
Ayesha: Many works of fiction, drama, and poetry exploit false
appearances or contrast appearance with reality as a plot device.
One of the major reasons is that it is a way of creating suspense.
Iqra: Ma'am why is appearance Vs Reality important?
Ayesha : Appearance vs reality is indeed a universally significant
theme as it relates heavily to our human anatomy as it is present
within every single human. During Venetian society respect, loyalty
and honesty was highly valued and if someone appeared to have
these qualities he could potentially manipulate many people.
Ayesha: What are some examples of this idea in common society and
everyday life?
This topic can be "tackled" from many angles, but I want to ponder
upon, the "Facebook" and "Social Media Effect".
This topic can be "tackled" from many angles, but the one I will
suggest is one which many of my graduate iqras ponder upon, and it
is the "Facebook" and "Social Media Effect".
Anonymity makes us feel quite powerful. Behind a monitor, anybody
can become anybody else. Imagine the grand gift that this
generation has been given; we can become whoever we want by the
simple click of a button. The problem is that anonymity also can
make us daft, leading us to get in a tremendous amount of trouble if
we happen to stumble upon the wrong person, at the wrong time.

All this being said, today's society suffers tremendously from a lack
of realism. Many people create a persona which is only known to
other computer users who could very well be doing the same thing
at faking their lives. In this persona, the average individual can filter
out to the public only what is great about the things that they do,
and actually make themselves believe that all is great. Others can
just focus on the negative and equally make themselves believe that
the lives of others are better than their own. All this, within the
realms of a world that isn't really there. Imagine how much power
this social media effect has!

A great example of appearance vs. reality is Facebook. How many

times have we not come across a perfectly "photoshopped" or
"Instagrammed" picture of someone we know? When do people
EVER post pictures of themselves looking sick, or ugly, or
disheveled, unless they have a purpose with that? Never. People
show themselves happy, surrounded by "friends" (many whom they
may not even know that well), and always "out and about". Some
show marriages that seem almost perfect, or lives that are just
incredibly exciting. All lies, most of the time. Someone who is busy
having a great life hardly has time to post every single thing that
they do, and have the time to interact with those who "follow" or
"friended" them. It is the hunger for telling themselves "all is well"
that leads people to fake themselves in this manner. In the end, all
we have is the person that we are, however and whoever it really is.
Ayesha : well done iqras I am happy it was worth sharing ideas.keep
learning keep growing!
Best of luck for your future.
Stay blessed!

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