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Hi friends,

Can you believe it when we tell you that you are part of a country which is the world's unchallenged diabetes capital! Well it is
true that India has the highest number of diabetics in the world. By next year, the country will be home to 50.8
million diabetics. And the number is expected to go up to 87 million (8.4% of the country's adult population) by 2030. Very
soon almost every home will have a diabetic so it is important for everyone to know about it –how to prevent it and once it
occurs, how to manage it; because diabetes is a disease where the person himself has a huge role to play in the management.


Diabetes is also called 'Madhumeha' in Sanskrit, which literally means sweet urine. It is a disease of “starvation amidst
plenty” because although the blood is rich in sugar, this cannot be utilized by the body due to lack of insulin or to a
defect in the action of insulin.
The first type of Diabetes (Type-1) is hereditary and normally manifests at an earlier age (before forty), is seen more in
men or in women during pregnancy,
Whereas the second type (Type-2) is acquired and due to wrong life style. Diabetes has strong genetic links, meaning
that it tends to run in families and can also be precipitated by some risk factors:
High blood pressure

High blood triglyceride (fat) levels


Gestational diabetes or giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds


High-fat diet

High alcohol intake


Sedentary lifestyle

Obesity or being overweight


Aging - Risk begins to rise significantly at about age 45 years, and rises
considerably after age 65 years.
Certain diabetes risk factors like age, family history, and
ethnicity cannot be changed. However, changing other
diabetes risk factors by eating a healthier diet and increased
physical activity with or without weight loss may, help prevent
type 2 Diabetes. In addition, if you have high blood pressure or
are overweight, modifying your lifestyle habits may help in
type 2 diabetes prevention.
Are You Pre-diabetes
fasting glucose >=110mg/dl,

at Risk??
Impaired Glucose
Tolerance 140-199mg/dl)

Sedentary Age above
family history
lifestyle 45 years
of diabetes

We guide you with 5 simple tools

generally used to identify Increased abdominal
fatness -
If you are in a high risk category Waist circumference Male >=
90cms & Female >=85cms

Learn to recognise - Earlier the Better: Many of us don't even realise when we have diabetes as often it goes
undiagnosed because the symptoms can seem harmless and oftentimes normal. Some diabetes symptoms include:
Frequent urination - Are you visiting the bathroom much more off lately? Does it seem like you urinate all day long?
Urination becomes more frequent when there is too much glucose in the blood. If insulin is ineffective, the kidneys
find it difficult to filter glucose back to the blood.
Excessive thirst - If it feels like you can't get enough water and you're drinking much more than usual, it could be a sign
of diabetes, especially if it seems to go hand in hand with frequent urination.
Extreme hunger – Just because your body does not digest enough of glucose, it feels the need to take in more and
hence signals the brain for hunger.
Unusual weight loss - The body desperately looks for an energy source because the cells do not get enough glucose. It
starts to break down muscle tissue and fat for energy.
Increased fatigue -The glucose is not utilised hence the cells become energy starved and you feel tired and run down.


Blurry vision

Tingling or Numbness in Your Hands, Legs or Feet


Skin that is dry or itchy


Non healing wounds


If you find yourself experiencing many of these symptoms on a consistent, long term basis, you should visit a doctor to
be tested for diabetes. If diabetes is suspected, tested for, and diagnosed when those symptoms first start appearing,
other more serious symptoms of advanced diabetes can often be prevented or have their onset significantly delayed
through diet, exercise and proper blood sugar management.
Diabetes Management and Care
Before we start discussing how to manage diabetes, let us understand clearly- 'As of today, diabetes cannot be cured; it
can only be controlled' - So if anybody tells you otherwise, take it with a pinch of salt. Management of diabetes
comprises – Diet, exercise, weight reduction, care of body (especially feet), regular medication, regular monitoring, and
regular follow-up.
Diet - A diabetic should avoid both fasting and feasting. He/she should take small frequent meals, which will avoid a
load on the pancreas. A thin diabetic can take more quantity of food but change its quality, but an obese diabetic has to
change both.

Types of Preferred Avoid


Cereals All whole grains cereals such as Whole wheat, oats,ragi, Maida, polished rice, refined food products,
millets brown rice etc instant preparations.

Pulses Dals or grams with outer capsules(Skin) and Sprouts Fried food such as vada, fried dals, chips etc.

Vegetables Vegetables rich in fiber like greens, brinjal, cauliflower, Frying, deep frying, pickle, dehydrated vegetables.
gourds, salads Excess of potato, sweet potato, arvi, beet- root.

Fruits All fresh, frozen fruits and dry fruits like jamun Too much of banana, mango, sitaphal and chikoo,
(blue berries), pomegranate, papaya, guava, pineapple, Canned, Bottled, Juice, Squash, fruit-milkshakes
all berries and citrus fruits.

Dairy Products Skimmed milk, Unsweetened yoghurt, curd, buttermilk Cheese, ghee, ice cream, milk cream, Whole milk,

Meat products Fish, chicken, egg white – Boiled, steamed, grilled, Red meat, organ meat, egg yolk, frying and deep frying
roasted, barbecue or stew

Sugar and sweets Sugar, honey, jiggery - 3-4 tsp a day Sweets prepared with oil and vanaspathi

Oil and nuts Olive, groundnut, sunflower, safflower, Palm oil, coconut oil, lard, vanaspathi, refined and
Gingely oil - 25- 30 ml/day, Walnuts, pistachio, flax seeds, processed oil. Excessive intake of cashewnuts.
pumpkin seeds, soyabean, canola oil, and cotton seed oil

Beverages Water, Buttermilk, Clear soups, Tender coconut water Tea, coffee, aerated drinks, soda, alcohol.

Sample diet chart- Diabetics should avoid fasting because their blood sugar can come down suddenly, leading to
fainting or even coma. Here is a sample diet that can be followed by Diabetics.
7.30 am Tea\coffee without sugar or cream + 2 tsp soaked methi seeds with water.
10.00 am Permitted fruits.
12.00 pm Chapattis, 2 or 1 chapatti + 1\2 cup brown rice, a big cup of vegetables, a small cup of
dal (pulse), curds 1 cup (made from skimmed milk), plenty of unseasoned salads with
half cup sprouts.
3.30 pm Tea (without cream or sugar) & 2 Marie biscuits.
5.00pm Roasted or soaked chana (with skin) or two slices of plain brown bread as veg sandwich.
7.30 pm Dinner - similar to lunch. Avoid rice at night.
9.00pm A glass of skimmed milk if required / a fruit.

Limit the intake of Non-vegetarian food. If required you can have 2 egg whites – 3 times a week, fatless chicken and less
oily fish, restricted to 1-2 times a week (preferably roasted/ grilled/ steamed).
It is also important to learn the symptoms of hypoglycaemia (blood sugar coming down) and to deal with it quickly
when it occurs. These symptoms may be giddiness, palpitations, sweating, headache etc. In the elderly diabetic, these
warning symptoms may be blunted, so they should maintain regularity in checkups, meals and exercise as any
irregularity can cause hypoglycaemia which may not be recognized and even lead to coma.
Exercise and Weight check: Exercise is important to keep the weight under control and
also to help in more efficient utilisation of sugar. Moderate exercise should therefore, be
actively encouraged in all diabetics. 30 - 40 min of a brisk walk are ideal. You can try yoga
or some breathing exercises to beat the stress.
Body Care: Diabetics need to take care of their bodies, very meticulously and examine
themselves regularly, as many complications can be prevented from progressing, if
detected early. They should look out for any infections, loss of sensations etc. on their skin. Feet especially need extra
care, including regular cleaning and trimming of nails, comfortable shoes and cotton socks as loss of sensation can lead
to injury, non-healing wound and even gangrene. Infections should be immediately attended to, as not only does
diabetes increase the chances of infection, infections also increase severity of diabetes. So, don't ignore any coughs,
wounds and fevers if you are a diabetic, they could turn serious.
Regular Medication: It is important that you get regular with your medication as well as monitor your meals as per the
medication advised.
Regular Monitoring and regular check-ups: are of tremendous
significance to make sure diabetic control is maintained smoothly,
prevent complications and for adjustments in dosage of
Can diabetes be prevented?
Well, Type -1 diabetes that has a very strong genetic basis cannot
be prevented, but Type-2 that begins later in life can be prevented
by keeping weight in check, exercising regularly, and starting a
diabetic diet if there is a very strong family history. There are also a
few blood tests that can predict diabetes.

With proper care and a positive attitude, diabetics can enjoy a normal span of life.
Hopefully in the near future, we will have a permanent cure for diabetes. As of now,
let's learn to take control of it ourselves. A sweet thought indeed!

Swallowing 1 Tbsp of Methi seeds

with water on a daily
basis helps control blood sugar.

Dr. Geeta Sundar (MD)

Health Counsel - Vantage Wellness Program
For any health related queries and feedback you may write to

The content presented herein has been prepared by the Medical Panel of Vantage Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd. and is for information purpose only. Vantage & Group Companies, or any person connected with
it, make no guarantee, representation or warranty, whether express or implied and accept no responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect damage / injury to health, arising from the use of the material
provided. The information provided herein is generic and persons intending to use this information should do so only under appropriate medical advice.

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