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B2 Synonyms GV015

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms.

A precision viewpoint
B mistake loss
C advantage need
D attitude friendliness
E custom destiny
F work presentation
G quarrel cargo
H information physician
I confirmation obligation
J port remark
K fate accuracy
L demand staff
M property liberty
N performance benefit
O hospitality matter
P defeat fatigue
Q personnel collapse
R breakdown error
S freight reality
T doctor belongings
U duty labour
V truth approval
W freedom habit
X exhaustion argue
Y affair data
Z comment harbour

A precision D viewpoint
B mistake P loss
C advantage L need
D attitude O friendliness
E custom K destiny
F work N presentation
G quarrel S cargo
H information T physician
I confirmation U obligation
J port Z remark
K fate A accuracy
L demand Q staff
M property W liberty
N performance C benefit
O hospitality Y matter
P defeat X fatigue
Q personnel R collapse
R breakdown B error
S freight V reality
T doctor M belongings
U duty F labour
V truth I approval
W freedom E habit
X exhaustion G argue
Y affair H data
Z comment J harbour

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