Economic For Public Administators - Alabama State

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Economics for Public Administrators: Question One Part B

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Public goods are goods that are non-rivalry in nature and one’s consumption does not
prevent another from accessing and using such goods for example a streetlight or even a public
bridge (Ostrom, 1977). It is the core role of a government to provide public goods to enhance
efficient operations of the markets.
Alabama state government has played a forefront role as a government in ensuring that
the economic flow is favorable. From 2018 to currently the state has provided public goods such
as health care, industrialization, infrastructure, and education. In the health sector, the state of
Alabama has played a key in ensuring that quality services are provided to the state by allocating
more funds to the sector. The state has also invested deeply in the industrialization sector and
come up with strategies to big up the economy. For instance, in 2020 the state of Alabama
emerged third nationally in auto exports, and the state is still expected to grow following the
announcement of the Mazda Toyota Company to switch its operations online. The building of
infrastructures such as real estate, rentals, and leasing has also been part of great achievements
made by the state of Alabama over the past three years and providing job opportunities to over
110,000 residence only in 2018( Auburn, 2019). Education is also a major public provision the
state of Alabama is known for over the past years with academic excellence portrayed over the
past few years.
The statistics have shown that from the state of Alabama provision units of health care
services is below average in satisfying the residence needs. The research proves that for over the
past three years the state of Alabama has been announced among the worst six states in the
health care facilities sector. In industrialization, the government's provision units in industrial
firms such as automotive have provided employment opportunities to more than 40,000 people in
the past year. The Alabama state government provision units, however, still do not satisfy the
residences as the unemployed population still linger. In infrastructure, the Alabama state attained
a C rank in this year’s survey though there are still complaints that most roads are uncomfortable
and costs every driver about 440 dollars a year to repair their motors. In the education sector, the
government provision units are also below the state standards as compared to other states. The
state of Alabama has been rank 46th in the previous year and 41st was the best position they
attained best so far (Auburn, 2019). The government-provision units of educational facilities still
do not satisfy the Alabama population.
The Alabama state government production units in the health sector goods are considered
to be low since most rural areas in the state are still unable to access the services. The state
government is still however working to achieve equality. The production units in the
industrialization sector have expanded and captured more population in employment ranging
from the motor industry to the agricultural production industries. The infrastructure sector goods
in Alabama has also appreciated in production units with an average of 50 percent though the
state still under expansion as more roads are claimed to be in bad states the same applies to the
education sector where the states production level has not captured the state’s population
standards(Auburn, 2019).

The production methods applied by the state of Alabama in the creation of the public
goods include mass production, most of the public goods provided by the state are in bulk for
example in health care goods such as medicine. Another method of production is job production,
most services offered by the state were ordered for therefore they are done as a result of job
requests. Another method is flow production, as in the industrialization sector most services
provided by the state are as a result of the other creating the flow chain. Lastly, the batch
production, for instance in the health care goods more similar products are required by different
hospitals and health centers in the state making the state adopt the batch method of production.

Auburn University (2019), 2020 Alabama State Economic Report
Ostrom, V., & Ostrom, E. (1977). Public goods and public choices.

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