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I had to watch this video more than once before I could fully understand the story.

general, the story is about a client by the name of Alex who is a navy pilot who comes for a
therapy session to Dr. Paul, a well-known psychiatrist. Throughout the story, Alex recalls
many incidences that happen in his life and the crucial one is the bombing of a madrasah
which killed 16 innocent young boys who were memorizing the Quran.

I believe that the main reason for Alex to see Dr. Paul is due to his overtly guilty feelings
towards the killing incidence. That drives him to seek for a therapy. In addition, his best
friend cum running partner, Dr. Daniel feels Alex is not in the right state of mind when he
informs him that he wants to go to the bombing site in Baghdad, just when he came back to
life after his fatal heart attack. Dr. Daniel advises Alex to see a psychiatrist to assess his
mental health because going to Baghdad is a life-threatening situation for Alex.

In terms of Alex’s attitudes, I find that he is a very confused person whereby throughout
the sessions he keeps recalling all the events that have happened to him. At times, his
speeches on not coherent at all. One minute is talking about his near-death experience and
then he talks about his brother who is a real estate agent. He continues to jump from one topic
to another which I do not see any correlation among them. Despite these, he is a very self-
centered person who claims that he graduated from the Topgun academy and the best navy
pilot. On the other hand, he cannot continue living with the guilt in him thus, he feels he
needs to go to Baghdad. He is adamant to do so that other people’s opinions do not matter
including his wife’s. From my point of view, Alex is only there because he wants Dr. Paul to
reassure him that he is doing the right thing by going to the Baghdad. He wants Dr. Paul to be
responsible for his action just as his commanding office is with the bombing.

In reference to Dr. Paul’s mood. It is clear that his mood changes as the story progresses.
Initially, he was very calm and acting submissively towards Alex. He is bombarded with all
types of questions by Alex and even at one point, Alex questioned his credibility being the
best therapist in town. However, he starts to take control of the situation when Alex wants
him to take responsibility for his visit to Bagdad and Dr. Paul refuses to do so. He steps in
and tells Alex that he is just trying to run away from being accountable for his actions as he
has done before. That statement rally strikes hard on Alex and he is speechless. I think Dr.
Paul’s moods changes from being empathetic at the beginning to someone who is matter-of-
fact, straightforward and unemotional at the end of the story.

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