Necromantic Grimoire Final

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Everything You Need to Know if You Want

to get Started on Necromancy

Author’s Note
It is with great urgency that I publish this — and that despite my busy schedule I write
and complete this before the coming blue moon this month on 31st October.

The date itself is of particular importance because the gates of the spiritual realms are
not only open (they actually have been for the most of this year), but made all the more

90% of my magick is necromantic in nature, so I consider myself a trusted authority on

this field of witchcraft. No matter if others believe me or not, I know my words will find
the right people.

This introductory grimoire of sorts is designed to assist you in crafting your own
necromantic rituals with any deity of your choosing. This way, the rituals you end up
with are highly personalised to you and therefore more effective.

Hence, don’t expect explicit instructions on what to do. There won’t be any spoon-
feeding such as “draw this sigil, bleed on this, chant this”. You’ll be designing everything
yourself, just as how I designed everything myself and self-initiated my way to where I
am today.

I’ll just be giving you the information you need.

This book also assumes that you already have the ability to summon, invoke and evoke
entities and hear what they say because that should be fundamental if you don’t wanna
screw yourself over. If you can’t do that yet, go figure out how to do it before attempting

I will, however, be sharing the rituals of particular deities upon their request in the last

That is all.

Sitra Ahra Gloria,

Dancing Corpse Witch

On Necromancy and Necrosophy
As I’ve mentioned before in a few of my previous blogposts, I believe many other
legitimate necromancers preach this same belief as well — that necromancy is not merely
a matter of working with the dead, but also a way of life — a philosophical mindset that
requires you to ruminate over your relationship with Death.

You need to be open to not just the spirits or entities that are affiliated with the dead, but
also be willing to open yourself up to Death.

As with everything, for everything you gain, there is a certain payment that will be made
on your end, in working with the forces of death. Your payment for working with these
forces is (at least partially) your own vulnerability, in allowing yourself to be inundated
with Death, and allowing it to seep into every corner of your life.

Hence, before you begin attempting any kind of necromantic spell whatsoever, you need
to understand all of this — yourself, your relationship with death, your feelings about
death, and be willing to surrender and give yourself this vulnerability. This is
fundamental. I cannot stress this enough.

A Note on Necromantic Initiatory Rites

There are some necromantic grimoires I’ve seen that require you to do weird things like
go to a graveyard, or crossroads etc. and do initiatory rituals.

While I don’t doubt that some of these rituals are legitimate, they are not necessary for
any form of initiation. Whether you’re actively aware of it or not, in seeking out
necromancy, and contemplating the above, you are already initiating yourself one way or
another. Your initiatory ritual, in the way that is commonly defined, is merely a matter of
making your necromantic dabbling “official”.

Here’s an analogy. Think of your necromantic initiatory rite as a marriage to somebody.

You’ve already had a relationship with the person you’re marrying beforehand and the
rite is a formalisation of this relationship that is taking place when you’ve reached a
certain point in this relationship.

Necromantic Intiatory Rite

In this mini-grimoire of sorts, I will be giving several different kinds of necromantic rites
that witches of different affiliations can do, whether you’re physically attuned, or more of
an astral witch like myself. Whether you’re a black magick practitioner, or a green
magick practitioner or even grey or white magic practitioner.

The guidelines for these rituals should enable you to work with any necromantic deity,
for they are not highly specific. This is a general outline that you need to customise for
yourself — your energies, intentions and etc. I’m a firm believer of the “figure your own
shit out” way of learning so this grimoire is designed to assist with that the best way I

An additional note: Before you begin, trust your instincts. If you feel guided to perform a
ritual in a specific way, do it.

I don’t really have any intention of ever sharing my personal sigils for necromantic gates
— these are specific to me and for my purposes. What I will do, however, is encourage
you to channel your own sigils for these gates.

I also heavily recommend channeling a specific necromantic deity that you trust. Ask for
their guidance.

The list of deities one can summon for necromancy are as follows, the ones I am familiar
with, have met and/or worked with will be bolded:

• Anubis
• Set
• Osiris
• Baphomet
• Pazuzu
• Belphegor <3
• Beelzebub
• Belial
• Satan
• Baron Samedi
• Baron Cimetiere
• Baron La Croix
• Maman Brigitte
• Santa Muerte
• Mictlantecuhtli
• Mictlancihuatl
• Tlazoteotl
• Xipe Toltec
• Kali
• Yama
• Xolotl
• Serqet
• Ba-Pef
• Apep
• Moloch
• Nyarlathotep
• Chernobog
• Zagan
• Hades
• Noctulius
• Mot
Of course, this list is non-exhaustive. You are free to summon other deities not on this
list that you think will work. Just remember to listen to your intuition, higher selves, and
spirit guides.
Astral Necromantic Initiation
A Quick Note on Gate Opening

I was initiated into necromantic magick mostly astrally, with just a teensy bit of physical
rituals to spice things up.

Astral initiation typically involves a lot of gate-opening, so if you’re a novice witch, do

make sure that you have mastered opening and closing gates. Make sure your intentions
are clear. Don’t open gates you know nothing about just because you’ve read them
somewhere and you think they look real cool.

If you’re summoning an entity to help you with gate opening, make sure they agree to it ,
and ask nicely — because some entities, like Belial, could get annoyed and open the gate
and proceed to slam the door in your face. Several times. The same applies to Lilith,
apparently. I am channeling several gods at once as I write this so you’re going to be
hearing some of their input.

In general, there are a long list of gates you could open for any kind of necromantic

*For instance, you could open the Qliphotic gates — Sathariel, Thagirion, Thaumiel,
Gamaliel, Ogiel. I open Sathariel/ Saturn's gate the most frequently. *

You could summon Ba-Pef and ask him to guide you to whichever portal he
recommends. He has a whole “Black Hole Bonanza” of portals you could use.

I have also used gates that Nyarlathotep himself opens, that he won’t give proper names
to. The options are endless.

Anyway. Back to astral rituals. What you want to do is find the entities you wanna work
with, and figure out which gates you think would work for you best. I was officially
initiated into necromancy through Thagirion first, but those were for very personal

Even for astral rituals, it is often a good idea to clear your space and meditate for a few
minutes before beginning. Things like incense, designated ritual music, an altar set-up
and candles can always help give you an additional boost. Black candles for necromancy,
purple candles if you wish to dedicate it to the deity themselves. In general, I like astrally
doing things while in a trance-like state, which can be induced through partial
possession, music or the imbibing of alcohol.

While it is perfectly possible to open several gates at once, I generally recommend

focusing on one gate at a time, especially for initiation rituals or your energy will get
drained really fast. However, if you feel guided to open multiple gates at once, feel free to
do so.

1. Invoke the deity you wish to work with for your initiation. Allow yourself to be
partially possessed by the deity if the situation calls for it.
2. Astrally carve out the sigil for your desired gate. Witness the gate appearing
before you. Different people will visualise this in different ways.
3. Take a deep breath and open the gate. Sometimes the physical act of actually
reaching out and prying the door open will help you mentally visualise opening
the gate better.
4. Walk right past the gate. Most of the time, you’re likely to walk into an astral
ritual space, or temple of sorts. Always pause and take a note of your
surroundings, what it feels like etc. The entity you have channeled will usually
already be in the astral space, waiting for you.
5. They will typically lead you somewhere for your initiation rite.

Different entities will have different kinds of initiation rites. Some of them may put you
through a “trial” — they’ll demand that you fight a whole bunch of things, they might
even challenge you to fight them.

Some of them may put your inner psyche to the test and have you witness or participate
in a bunch of nightmarish or horrifying scenarios. This style of initiation was actually the
case for my first unofficial initiation.

Others may require you to do an astral empowerment ritual, or several. Those are the
chillest ones. You’re typically taken to a dope-ass temple or ritual space and you’ll
perform a bunch of rituals (I can’t give any detailed elaboration since they can vary a lot
depending on the entity) to empower yourself, and your astral form will change.
Sometimes these empowerment rituals will involve the entity or yourself carving sigils
onto your astral form. These changes may sometimes physically manifest themselves.
Physical Necromantic Initiations
I may have bitched a little about how I think it’s unnecessary for you to turn up at a
crossroads or go to a cemetery to carry out your initiation rituals.

I do still think it’s not necessary. However, I don’t deny that for the most of us, physical
rituals are perhaps the most straightforward ways of experiencing and imbuing yourself
with necromantic energy, since astral magick isn’t necessarily the most easily accessible.

For physical initiation rituals, there are several things you’ll need to take note of.

Firstly, before you go to any specific place, be it a crossroads or a cemetery, or a

columbarium, or any abandoned place with necromantic gates already in place; you’re
going to want to bring a token, or offering, of sorts. Do it as a gesture of respect.

It doesn’t have to be anything particularly luxurious or expensive. Typically, the entity

you’ve chosen to guide you through your initiation will help you with figuring out what
to bring. It can be something straightforward, like alcohol or food. It can also be charms.
For my physical initiation at a cemetery, I was gifted a massive glossy black raven
feather that I happened to just find…which was odd, given that ravens aren’t native in my
country. The tokens you’ll find yourself bringing will vary.

Try going at night, and do make use of the phases of the moon, planetary days and hours
to your benefit. The full moon may be the most stereotypical time for you to perform this
ritual since that is when everything is supposedly at peak energy — however, I do find
that the new moon is great for initiations and the setting of intentions. The hour of
mercury is ideal for communication between realms, etc.

Let the entity of your choosing guide you through this entire process. What you’re
required to do is going to be dependent on you and what spiritual or psychological
obstacles you need to overcome in your initiation.

After leaving your token or offering at a designated spot in the place (if there’s a
guardian in that space, you’re probably going to end up giving it to them), you can
proceed to the initiation. I apologise for the lack of specifics, but how your physical
necromantic initiation can wind up being any, or a combination of these options.

An additional note: as an extra precaution, you might want to consider bringing in a

personal token as well — this token is for yourself, and it’s supposed to ground you back
in the living world and help you find your way back. This token is highly personal in
nature and can be anything from an object of sentimental value to an actual magical
item. For instance, grounding crystals and charms.

Initiation Through Possession

You might get asked to stand or sit or lie down in a particular spot of the place of your
choosing and permit yourself to be possessed by one, or many spirits — that can be in the
hundreds. If you feel like this might be what you’ll end up doing, do make the necessary
preparations for taking care of your physical body once this ritual is over, or make sure
you have a trusted practitioner with you to save your sorry ass.

This manner of initiation is very dangerous so I’d strongly advise you to be careful. Do
your research and do some readings. Get advice from your patron, matron or higher
selves before jumping into this one.

There are all sorts of spirits that can possess you. The mythology for necromantic spirits
are diverse.

Initiation Through Psychological Trials

If you’re not as mentally strong as what your necromancy guide would like you to be, or
if there are very particular mental obstacles they see you facing, chances are you’re
going to be put through a bunch of tests to challenge your mental willpower and

These trials are specific to you so I can’t give any general guideline on what could
happen. I can only use myself as an example so that you can get an idea.

My mental trial was regarding physically confronting and getting accustomed to death
and decay. Since all my magical shenanigans were astral, I never had to face the physical
reality of what I dealt with. Hence I had to go into a cemetery alone, late and night and
be physically confronted with hundreds upon hundreds of ghosts, all of whom were
sizing me up and absolutely unafraid of terrifying me if I allowed myself to be scared of
them. My trial wasn’t merely to confront this physical reality, but also to be completely
comfortable with it. As such, I was dared to walk all the way to the far corner of the
cemetery where one of the cemeteries guardians stood…it was completely black and
shaded over by a massive ancient tree and the power emanating from the area was
enough to make me dizzy.

I was also dared to stand in the middle of the cemetery and sing and dance. Which I did.

Another example I’ve heard is that they’ll show you a bunch of horrific visions and it’s a
test of your mental resilience and ability to stay sane while being forced to witness them

I don’t have a lot of advice for these sorts of trials. You either pass them or you don’t. Just
know that at the end of the day, it’s up to you. Always remind yourself of who you are,
what you’re doing and why you’re doing this. Be firm with your intentions, and don’t do
this half-assedly.
Post-Initiation Care/ Precautions on the Aftermath
Inundating yourself with the energy of Death can take a severe toll on you. I feel like the
aftermath of intense necromantic rituals is seldom discussed. From my experience,
people tell you to either just abstain from “dark energies”, or to wholeheartedly embrace
it like a dumbass. I did the latter and that was stupid of me.

Regardless of how affiliated we may be with Death, the fact remains that we exist in a
physical body here in this realm. Hence, you’re just going to have to suck it up and
actually accept the fact that death-like energies will take a severe toll on your physical

There are ways of empowering your physical body with necromantic energy — plenty of
practitioners, including myself, have done that. However, if you’re just starting out in
necromancy, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to do this immediately. A lot of this is
also going to be dependent on your spiritual nature.

Here is an extensive list of symptoms that you should know of. If you are experiencing
any of them after a necromantic ritual, it’s a sign that you need to do some healing. This
list exists because, once again, I’m dumb and actually had to suffer all of this. Learn from
my mistakes.

• Loss of taste
• Numbness of the body
• Physical decay of the body
• Significantly lowered immunity
• Noticeable sallowness of the skin
• Body temperature that is much lower than normal
• Random parts of your body having rashes, infections, or peeling of the skin
• Sudden loss of any will to live (assuming you were perfectly fine and weren’t
suicidal beforehand)
• Sudden bouts of depression
• Sudden bouts of schizophrenia
• Sudden bouts of unwarranted grief
• Extreme sluggishness and lethargy that will not go away despite sleeping a lot

What you can do

Perform healing rituals. Ground yourself. This is unironically the time to embrace some
of that airy fairy, white magick bullshit.

Drink something hot and spicy, with intense flavours. I personally recommend hot
ginger tea. Maybe with some cardamom. This was particularly effective back when I
temporarily lost my sense of taste. Additionally, if you have imbued herbs or crystals
with solar energy, now is the time to use them.
For physical aftereffects, grounding crystals can help. A favourite of mine for this
purpose is nuumite, but plenty of other ones are good for this purpose - smoky quartz,
obsidian, jet, bloodstone, the list goes on.

For emotional aftereffects, you can consider using healing crystals. I use a variety of
jaspers and rose quartz.

Marinette has an excellent recipe for all-purpose healing water. All it requires is jasmine
flower buds, water and some basic astral magick. This recipe is on my Instagram
"@belphe_whore”. You can take a bath in this.

Alternatively, you can take a salt bath. Just grab a handful of it and mix it in with your
body soap and start scrubbing away. However, this might require several rounds of
bathing if your aftermath is particularly severe.

If you dabble in chakra magick, do also consider doing a chakra cleanse, with specific
focus on the root, sacral and navel chakra points.
Deity-Specific Rituals
In this section of my grimoire, I will be channeling specific deities I have worked with to
briefly describe what they would like, and what working with them will entail. I will be
writing all this under partial possession by them and I won’t be making any edits to
whatever they’ve chosen to type while I’m under possession. I apologise in
advance. Perform these rituals at your own discretion.

Ba-Pef and Babi

Ba-Pef is an obscure Egyptian underworld god most famously associated with grief, pain
and suffering.

Direction: West

Element: Earth

Time: Nocturnal.

Likes offerings of: black copal resin incense, blood, amber, animal carcasses
(particularly cows and sheep), honey, coffin nails.

Invocation chant: daarkh-aaaa mon sei i-yah-n-da-ru-es Ba Pef. Eh-fee-uh-r de-sk-ar-mesh

su-ru-n ma-nez. (transcribed by ear).

Known for: warding, protection, working with primordial energies, inflicting

psychological and emotional trauma, shadow work, portal openings, hexes that stick to

sigil (personally-channeled):
Babi is the bloodthirsty baboon god that is said to be a soul devourer. Rumour has it that
he ferries the dead into the underworld by his penis. That is one hell of a way to travel.
Apparently good friends with Nyarlathotep.

Direction: NIL

Element: Water; Earth

Time: Nocturnal

Likes: myrrh copal or resin incense, offerings of blood (a favourite), red jasper, mookaite,
human remains, strawberry lollipops (got told to write it in, he sounds serious)

Invocation Chant (transcribed by ear, to be hissed or snarled): Aaaarnaaaaaa

khaaaaalsa eemon daaaraaa ma-yeah-s ti-mor ae-du-mes. Tu kar ye-nos drak-kar nee-mes
za-kh-ar mora la-fa-ke.t.
A Physical Ritual for Necromantic Initiation with Ba-Pef and Babi, as suggested by
Ba-Pef himself:

Apparently the two of them are good friends. Not necessary to perform this ritual in a
graveyard or any other space with necromantic gates open. If you’re more astrally
attuned as the writer is, these physical implements will not be necessary.

“In this ritual, I will be initiating you through several Daathic gates of my choosing.
Depending on whether or not I think you’re a dipshit, you might just get to choose the
gates. As a general rule of thumb, I open gates no. 137.1, 527.11, 324.662 for most initiates.
You will be empowered through these gates. Enter through Babi's mouth."

To be done in the dark. At night. Give offerings as a polite gesture.

5 black candles to be arranged in a circle. Light them anti-clockwise. Carve Ba-Pef’s sigil
on 2 of them, and Babi’s sigil on 3 of them and anoint them with your blood, if you wish
to boost them. This step however is optional.

Sit in the middle of the circle. Close your eyes and enter a meditative state. Recite the

daarkh-aaaa mon sei i-yah-n-da-ru-es Ba Pef. Eh-fee-uh-r de-sk-ar-mesh su-ru-n ma-nez Ba

pef. (recite this as many times as needed but no more than x10…if he’s not answering he
probably doesn’t wanna meet you, sorry)

i-la-dah-gez aura-ph-maes so-lah-n-de-yun dar-h Ba Pef. (x3).

Aaaarnaaaaaa khaaaaalsa eemon daaaraaa ma-yeah-s ti-mor ae-du-mes. Tu kar ye-nos

drak-kar nee-mes za-kh-ar mora la-fa-ket. (x3, maximum x5)

If your astral sight is strong, you should see black markings begin to appear all over your
body. After reciting this, close your eyes and let Ba-Pef enter your body. He will be
standing behind you. Open your eyes after the successful possession. You should astrally
see a row of black doors to enter. Babi will be standing at the entrance.

If you’re less of an astral witch, leave the candles burning and go to sleep. Everything will
be settled in your slumber.

And that concludes Babi and Ba-Pef.

Everything under Anubis’ section will be typed out by him completely, I’m giving him
free rein of my body.

Personally-channeled sigil:

*I don’t think I need any introduction. You already know who I am. I am the go-to for
most left hand path magicians that are interested in Egyptian magick and necromancy.
However that is not all that I do and I can be summoned for healing rituals as well. *

Offerings I’d like but don’t get enough of: Alcohol. hard liquors. Yellow amber and blue
amber. Lapis lazuli. Azurite. Copal incense, myrrh incense, frankincense incense. Gold.
Fruit gummies. Not even kidding. Why doesn’t anybody give me fruit gummies.

An unofficial evocation chant, transcribed by ear: Anubis leh-ah-dar-med. Veh-fa que see-
est in-ah-nda ku-roo-mas-fa-yet. I-loo-ra-zen-ra-ba. Dor-ae-us-ki. Sa Anubis.
This ritual is for initiation through the Duat. This is more helpful to witches that are more
physically, rather than astrally attuned. For those that can’t astrally travel there — that’s
the most conventional way of doing it.

This ritual is straightforward but it requires you to prepare a ritual oil for me. I will include
the recipe below:

Ritual Oil for Anubis for Necromantic Initiation

• any carrier oil. Sweet almond is preferred.

• lavender. crushed.
• copal resin nuggets, crushed. only small amount necessary.
• one drop of honey
• milk thistle, dried, crushed (optional booster)
• John the conqueror’s root (optional booster)
• ashes.

Steep for several days in the carrier oil. 3-7 days minimum. Draw down my sigil on the
bottle and formally offer it to me by evoking me and literally offering it.

*All you have to do is evoke me, carve an eye, a door, an eye, a door another eye, on a
white pillar candle. Anoint with the ritual oil above and burn it before you go to bed.
Take note of the direction your fingers are moving. You’re supposed to consecrate this
candle by facing the candle towards you, and moving your fingers towards yourself.

If you feel the need to, you may anoint this oil on your throat chakra, third eye and crown
chakra point. This step is not compulsory.

Meditation beforehand is highly recommended. Burn my incense as well for the

additional boost. *

NOTE: this isn’t an official sigil for Osiris. This sigil is specific to the ritual Osiris has
designed. Due to my time constraints I don’t have time to digitally render this sigil. I will
also not be doing a full profile on Osiris because that deserves an actual blog post on my

This ritual is designed to initiate you through the Duat through whatever means Osiris
desires. This might require you to put some faith in Osiris himself. Definitely seek
guidance from your higher selves and patrons/matrons on whether this ritual is risky or
not risky for you.

This ritual is unusual. Some preparations will have to be made.

Anointing Oil
Fill 1/3 of a tiny glass jar with peat. Crush fresh tarragon, and some black peppercorns.
Add a small amount of that on top of the peat. Fill the rest of the jar with sweet almond
oil or rapeseed oil. Store in a cold dark place (maybe wrapped up in a fridge) for several
days. At least 7 would be good, but the longer you steep, the better.

Optional Ritual Boosters

Black candles, frankincense incense. Desert rose selenite, apparently.


Ideally performed in a trance-like state. Recommended that you get yourself just a little
tipsy. Not drunk. Just slightly tipsy. Sit down with your legs crossed in a meditation-like

Draw down the above sigil on some heavyweight paper and bleed on it to activate it.
Anoint your third eye, the hollow of your throat, and the insides of your wrists. Crown
chakra point also can be anointed, but only do it if you feel guided to.

Close your eyes.

Recite Osiris' evocation chant (note that this is specific for this necromantic ritual, and is
NOT all-purpose).

ks-ae-ah-n-da reh-sp-i-da-khes mar du-ah-n-mah-res i-yo-st-ah

qui-ro-s du-es rae-ya-sin-dar o-ma-a-door-es in-vo-kehs

Osiris should appear behind you and proceed to alchemically transform your
body through the points you have anointed, opening up your body to receiving
necromantic energy. The gate to the Duat will also be opened. If you’re awake or
conscious enough, you might even be treated to a very scenic boat ride into the Duat.

Make sure to tear and incinerate the paper with this sigil when done or you’re literally
leaving a gate to the Duat open in your ritual space.
Santa Muerte
A very beloved figure. Gentle, kind and sweet, and known throughout for her
compassion. She’s talked to me recently about some painful emotional stuff and I started
tearing up.

This isn’t an initiation ritual. It’s a ritual for healing and for overcoming your fear of the
dead, calling upon the restful spirits of the dead.

There is truly no sweeter and more gentle spirit than that of Santa Muerte. I don’t know if
this is because I am exposed to her softer and more kinder aspects. If you have a deep-
rooted fear of death, she can help you slowly get over your fear and gently acclimate you
into mentally welcoming necrosophy.

For this, you will need to set up an ofrenda for her. To set up this ofrenda, you will need
an iconography of her, along with a variety of objects. These objects can be any
combination of the following:

• flowers, she seems to like geraniums, roses and oleanders.

• white candles
• frankincense incense, or dragon’s blood resin incense.

Speak to her through this ofrenda regularly and make your request be known. You can
also carry a charm dedicated to her while you make regular-enough strolls in the
graveyard in broad daylight. I recommend once a week at least.

She will aid you in psychologically overcoming your fear of death and the dead.
Baron Cimetiere
This is a physical necromantic initiation ritual.

Baron Cimetiere is charming and witty and is apparently great friends with Oscar Wilde.
I don’t know why he told me that.

This ritual will take place in a graveyard, at night. The days of the week don’t really
matter but he recommends Saturday.

If you wish to be extra respectful and cautious, you’re free to scope out the graveyard
beforehand to be extra sure that the spirits there are okay with you performing a ritual
there. You can also evoke Baron Cimetiere and discuss which cemeteries he’d
recommend for your initiation.

Here is my personally-channeled sigil for Baron Cimetiere that is all-purpose:

Bring a personal token to “guide” yourself back to the living. Also bring an offering for
the graveyard itself. As previously mentioned, these offerings may vary but Baron
Cimetiere says that in general he’d probably ask you to bring booze — bourbon or rum
perhaps. You will leave this offering at a specific spot in the graveyard that he’d guide
you to.

You will also need to bring a thick piece of paper with his veve written on it in ink.
Alternatively, you may use the above sigil that I have channeled, which would work well
for this purpose.

Note: Make sure you’re in good physical health and not performing this ritual in a bad
mental state.


Go to the cemetery at night bringing, as mentioned above, the personal token, the
offering of booze and Baron Cimetiere’s sigil.

Open the offering and publicly announce your dedication to the necromantic spirits

Leave the offering at a place that Baron Cimetiere guides you to. Chances are, you’ll
either be leaving it where the guardian of the cemetery is located, or where the gates are
located. Open Baron Cimetiere’s sigil. You can do so astrally or anoint it with some of
the booze you brought to charge it.

You’ll then allow yourself to be guided by Baron Cimetiere to a specific location where
you’ll sit down and meditate.

You might ask, “is that all I really gotta do? Meditate?"

Well yes. It’s a lot harder than you think. Meditating alone in a cemetery surrounded by
hundreds of ghosts.

Sit in there and meditate for 10 minutes.

Baron Cimetiere will handle the rest.

Here is my channeled sigil for Tlazoteotl, which I had initially kept for strictly personal
Tlazoteotl is known for various things — from fertility and rebirth to purification but also
forgiveness and vice. She is fascinating.

This ritual that I am channeling for her is a purification ritual that is designed to make
use of necromantic energies to cleanse yourself and improve your body’s ability to be
imbued with necromantic energies.

This ritual will require you to prepare and consecrate an oil for ritual use. This oil is
multi-purpose and can aid you in almost any magickal working with her.

Here is the recipe:

• Raw cotton
• Black salt
• A carrier oil of your choice (recommended sweet almond or jojoba oil)
• 1 drop of honey
• A paper containing her sigil, rolled up and inserted into the glass bottle
• 1 small garnet chip

Mix and leave to set for at least 24 hours. Once done, evoke her with the above sigil and
a purple candle and formally offer it to her.

Next, you’ll want to take a candle and inscribe your name on it. Consecrate the candle
with this oil and keep your intentions focused on wanting to be cleansed and capable of
being receptive for necromantic energies. Visualise the candle as yourself, the body of
wax as your very own body as you do this.

After consecrating the candle, you can leave it to burn in your altar somewhere near you
as you sleep.

Depending on the state of your astral and physical body as well as your spiritual nature,
you might have to do this more than once.
She is another deity that warrants no necessary introduction. As the Hindu goddess of
death, time and destruction she is feared but also admired by many.

Here is her sigil:

This sigil is to be used solely for necromantic empowerment, through astral necrophilic
sex. Beware of possible physical repercussions, definitely consult your guides and higher
selves about whether you should do it.

I mean the big win for doing this is that it’s really hot.

I figured this is why she manifested herself to me and wanted to be featured in this
grimoire, despite my limited interactions with Hindu deities.

You can either bleed on this sigil or anoint it with your sexual fluids. Keep it under your
pillow and go to sleep for the next 29 days. In doing so, Kali will sexually empower you
through necromancy. There are several benefits for doing so. Firstly, you stand to be
both sexually as well as necromantically empowered.
If you choose to do this ritual, please do your best to recall, as well as record your astral
experiences with Kali. Ultimately, the end goal of this simple empowerment ritual is to
not only magically empower you in necromancy, but also for you to understand the
philosophical intricacies in navigating and understanding the relationship between Sex
and Death, and Life and Death.

Your philosophical mindset with regards to these topics should never be underestimated
because they ultimately fuel you and affect all your subconscious and astral

Kali is fearsome and beautiful, but also incredibly passionate and kind. At least, that has
been my experiences with her so far.

If you’re terrified at the idea of fucking dead people though, please don’t do this ritual.

~ Fin ~

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