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TITLE : Rubber Band Car



Muhammad Ariff Bin Shukri Tey 11DKM19F1055


LECTURER : Encik Ishak

DATE : 13 May 2021

A rubber band car is a model car that uses the energy in a wound-up rubber band to drive it forward.
There are many ways to design a rubber band car, but they are usually made of a body and two pairs
of wheels connected by an axle. One axle will be connected to a rubber band, and the other
connected to the body.

 Build a rubber band car, using a rubber band as the energy source.
 Learn more about the engineering that impacts a car’s performance – either speed or
 Understand the innovation cycle – design, prototype, test, and iterate

5 Step EDP
Step 1:
Understand the need (1. Determine of a need/problem definition):

What is the problem?

• Trying to keep the wheels straight,

• Faster it went the wobblier the wheels

What do we want to accomplish?

• More performance needed

• For maximum speed of the car

• To keep the wheel straight

What are the project requirements?

• expert in selecting materials

• need to have skills in choose car materials

• have knowledge how to connect all part

• expert in graphic design when creating a design that best suits the surrounding conditions

What are the limitations?

• type of material are use

• speed of the car

What is our goal?

• Car can go straight

• Car can past 4 meter

Step 2
Brainstorm different designs (2. Conceptualisation):

Imagine and brainstorm ideas.

Be creative; build upon the wild and crazy ideas of others.

Investigate existing technologies and methods to use.

Explore, compare and analyze many possible solutions.

• Only use used items

• On the wheel we chose plastic bottle cap as the material because it is readily available and it
has a relatively low mass

• At the body of car using popsicle stick to reduce weight of the car

Step 3
Select a design(3.Preliminary design and evaluation):

• Based on the needs identified, select the most promising idea.

• Plan: Draw a diagram of your idea.

-• How will it work?

1. The rubber band will be engine for the car

2. Wind up the rubber band around the dowel

3. Spin the drive wheels in circles until the rubber band is wound around the drive axel many

4. Put the car on the ground and it will move own his own

Step 4
Create (4. Detailed design and testing):

Assign team tasks.

Build a prototype and test it against your design objectives.

Push yourself for creativity,

imagination and excellence in design.

Does it work?

Analyze and talk about what works, what doesn't and what could be improved.

1. 2+ rubber bands can accelerate the car faster than use just 1 rubber band .
2. The reason the car doesn't go on forever is because of friction. Friction is when two objects
rub against each other and slow down.

3. If it's added to the frame, then the friction between the dowels and the inside of the straws
will increase.

Step 5
Improve(5.Production): Discuss how you could improve your product. Make revisions. Draw new
designs. Iterate your design to make your product the best it can be.

1. Make sure all parts have been tried to avoid lose any part of the car

2. Choose a wheel that suits the use of the car

3. The best design updates is a design of the car

Importance of material selection in design.

List types of material.
• Popsicle

• Stick

• Hot glue gun

• Straw

• Metal Bolts and nut

b. Describe the material properties.

• Popsicle sticks are made from baltic birch, which is used to make wooden aircraft so I
thought It might work for a longboard as well.

• Steel is the most common material used for making nuts and bolts . Steel include such as
zinc plating, galvanization, and chrome plating.

c. Evaluate factors in material selection to minimize environment impact.

• All material selections are recycled items used in order to support the green earth
movement that is environmentally friendly.

Design consideration
a. Explain the economic and production factor.
• Because of its simplicity in price and does not pollute the environment
b. Identify the codes and standard used in design.
• We would like to know how differently the codes predict the lifetime and extreme loads for
some turbine components.

c. Explain the safety and product liability.

• Maintain the use of products without compromising green technology

• and this product will not affect any of the ecosystems that exist around it

d. Explain the environment and sustainability.

• The appropriate area is in a spacious place and a flat road with no obstacles.

e. Propose appropriate design consideration when designing product.

• The materials used are recycled materials and the materials obtained are the result of
processing recycled goods

Ergonomic factors inside design

a. Define the ergonomic in relationship between human and machine.
• Ergonomics is the science of adapting products and processes to human characteristics and
capabilities in order to improve well-being and optimize productivity

• The goal of human factors is to reduce human error, increase productivity, and enhance

• The application of psychological and physiological principles to the engineering and design
of products, processes, and systems

b. Explain the relationship of basic ergonomic between human and machine in the
display element.
• Facilitate human work as humans do not need to expend a lot of energy in doing a job

• Human factors is employed to fulfill the goals of occupational health and safety and

• Human factors and ergonomics are concerned with the "fit" between the user, equipment,
and environment or "fitting a job to a person"

c. Evaluate ergonomic factors used on simple equipment, such as micrometer,

microscope etc.
• Hot glue gun, it makes it easier for users to stick in the work piece by piece with glue.
Specification in design

Overall, my hypothesis was correct. We used the rubber bands to power the car, and the tighter

we made the rubber band, the faster and farther the car traveled. I was skeptical of the design at

first. It felt flimsy and unable to travel. But, as I discovered, with the exception of the wheels, the

design was very solid. Also, unlike other cars, ours stayed in a straight and effective path. I

believe how we hooked the rubber band (seen in the diagram above), was a very big additive to

the effectiveness of the car. This lab helped me visualize kinetic and potential energy through a

realistic means. It is no longer a formula, but a realistic force that I use a lot.

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