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Name: ___________________________________ Teacher: Mrs. Susan O.

Year Level: ______________________________
Strand & Section: ________________________

Teaching Multigrade Clsses

Lesson I. Organizing the Multigrade Classroom

Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. describe ways of organizing resources in the Multigrade classroom; and

2. plan for effective group work.

I. Learners with Intellectual Disability


Task 1- Choose one way of displaying student’s work and make it. If will be a useful teaching aid when
you are posted to a school. Upload your work to our Google Classroom.

Task II- Draw two classrooms plans. The first one should show a traditional classroom you are familiar
with. Show how the room is organized and where resources are kept. On your second plan, design a
multigrade classroom. Show how you might organize things differently. Upload your work to our Google


Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project: Australian Agency International Development
(AuSAID) Compiled by Lynne Hill

Teaching Multigrade Classes

Lesson II- Managing The Teaching in a Multigrade Classroom

Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. discuss different types of groups, and when and how to use groups;

2. organize groups according to the outcomes of the teaching session;

3. define, discuss and plan for co-operative learning in groups.

Forming groups

There are many different ways to form groups, and your choice should be related to the objectives
you are trying to achieve.

 Random groups
 Interest based groups
 Ability groups
 Grade groups
 Cross age tutoring groups
 Mixed age tutoring groups
 Friendship groups

How do you get the attention of the groups once they are working?

When people are actively engaged each other, it will be difficult to gain their intention. They may be
unable to hear you; they may feel too involved to what they are doing in shift the focus of their attention.

An agreed upon signed which means ‘quiet’ needs to be established and practiced before the group work
commences. With young students, you will need to practice this a few times.


Task 1- Think of your own examples of lessons best taught by

A. Whole class teaching

B. Small group teaching

C. Individual teachig

Task II - Look at the following activities and decide which type of group(s) would be most suitable.
Discussyour answer.

 Bigbook shared reading lesson

 Reading aloud/buddy reading

 Art activity

 Math activity covering different levels of objectives

 Morning talk/show and tell

 Story writing

 Role play of a story

 Word building/vocabulary activities

 Pr9oblem solving in Mathematics.

Task III - Plan a group activity suitable for a lesson in Grade 4 and 5. Make sure you include:

 The objective of the lesson (use the syllabus document to help you)

 How you have structured the group process (what roles have you given?)

 How you have structured the task

 What concluding activity that you will use.

Task IV- Reflect on your learning about lesson #2 on Managing the teaching in a Multigrade Classroom.

Teaching Multigrade Classes

Lesson III - Classroom Routines

Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. discuss effective use of routies in the multigrade class;

2. identify and demonstrate specific strategies such as differentiated learning, “peeling off” and one input
many outputs” which can be used in the multigrade classroom.

Independent and shared study projects

Independent study projects are research projects where students learn how to develop skills for
independent learning. The degree of help and structure will vary between students depending on their
ability. Shared study projects are where two or three students work together on a project. All students
share the research, analysis and organization of the information but each student must complete an
individual project to demonstrate learning has taken place.

Key Terms and Glossary

Multigrade classroom
Class made up of students in several (two or more) grade levels learning together with one teachers, using
one teaching program.

Structuring the group process

Assigning or giving specific takes to indivicuals in small groups.

Structuring the task

Providing a challenging problem and a clear idea of the final requirements of the group to complete the

Differentiated instruction
Providing varied activities or strategies to support the different levels of learning in the classroom


Task I-Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Cite possible reasons for the adaption of Multigrade practices.

2. Identify the factors to be considered in structuring the multigrade school/class prior to the
beginning of the new school year.

3. In your own idea, what changes are still to be made that will affect the implementation of
Multigrade programs?

4. If you will be assigned to teach a Multigrade class, what are the things that you need to consider?
Explain your answer.

5. Discuss the importance of differentiated instruction in a multigrade classroom.

6. How are the physical arrangements be different in a multigrade classroom?

7. How is the responsibility for teaching and learning be different in the multigrade classroom?

Task II- You are teaching measurement skills in Mathematics to your 4 and 5 classes. Using the
example shown in lesson 3, design a peeling off activity for the groups requiring different outcomes.

Task III- Choose one of the differentiated learning strategies from the reading text in this lesson.
Show how you could use the strategy in a Math lesson in the Multigrade classroom.

Task IV-Design an activity using one input (e.g. a story, an excursion, a picture) and design three
group activities with different outputs. Identify an objective for each group, and differentiate the activities to
provide a range of tasks for different abilities.

Task V- Write a summary of what you have learned from Unit 2, Multigrade Methods.

Task VI-Reflection

Based from what you have read, Do you think Multigrade teaching is suitable for remote
schools in the philippines?



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