Episode I Font Guide Word97

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¶ Boba Fonts presents… the EPISODE I font

%#E P I &S& O& D$

&$E I$& 0.8

the fan d om menace

Install the EPISODE I font in order to display correctly this document
“normal” visualization recommended - created with Microsoft Word 97; best viewed in 800*600
you can click on the blue shortcuts in the contents menu

——————1. Introduction

——————2. EPISODE I The Fandom Menace font

————————2.1 Charset table of EPISODE I The Fandom Menace
————————2.2. Samples of EPISODE I The Fandom Menace

1. Introduction
This Star Wars EPISODE I: The Fandom Menace font is based both upon the official “EPISODE I”
movie logo lettering and upon the one used for the subtitle “The Phantom Menace”.

This font was created with the shareware font editor Softy 1.07b by D.W.Emmett.

The zip archive must contain:

Episode I font guide Word 97.doc
Feel free to distribute the zip but remember to keep it intact and complete.
This font is freeware. To tell the truth it’s…“e-mailware”: if you like it send me an e-mail.

Boba Fonts Website:

http://starwars.fans.net/bobafonts or

Boba Fonts
Davide Canavero
V.Vigliani 15/4
10135 TORINO

2. E P I S O D E I (capitals)
the fandom menace (smalls)
The EPISODE I: The Fandom Menace font is two fonts in one:
- the capital letters reproduce the main EPISODE I logo font
- the small letters reproduce the Phantom Menace subtitle font

2.1 The charset of E P I S O D E I


the fandom menace
Roman code

! ! Alt 33

" " Alt 34

Alt 35
# #EPISODE top left
Star Wars logo line

$ SODE$ Alt 36
top right logo line
% %EPISO Alt 37
bottom left logo line

& SODE& Alt 38

bottom right logo line

' ' Alt 39

( ( Alt 40

) ) Alt 41

* * Alt 42

+ + Alt 43

, , Alt 44

- - Alt 45

. . Alt 46

/ / Alt 47

0 0 Alt 48

1 1 Alt 49
2 2 Alt 50

3 3 Alt 51

4 4 Alt 52

5 5 Alt 53

6 6 Alt 54

7 7 Alt 55

8 8 Alt 56

9 9 Alt 57

: : Alt 58

; ; Alt 59

< < Alt 60

= = Alt 61

> > Alt 62

? ? Alt 63

@ @ Alt 64

A A Alt 65

B B Alt 66

C C Alt 67

D D Alt 68

E E Alt 69

F F Alt 70

G G Alt 71

H H Alt 72

I I Alt 73

J J Alt 74

K K Alt 75
L L Alt 76

M M Alt 77

N N Alt 78

O O Alt 79

P P Alt 80

Q Q Alt 81

R R Alt 82

S S Alt 83

T T Alt 84

U U Alt 85

V V Alt 86

W W Alt 87

X X Alt 88
Y Y Alt 89

Z Z Alt 90

[ [ Alt 91

\ \ Alt 92

] ] Alt 93

^ ^ Alt 94

_ _ Alt 95

` ` Alt 96

a a Alt 97

b b Alt 98

c c Alt 99

d d Alt 100

e e Alt 101
f f Alt 102

g g Alt 103

h h Alt 104

i i Alt 105

j j Alt 106

k k Alt 107

l l Alt 108

m m Alt 109

n n Alt 110

o o Alt 111

p p Alt 112

q q Alt 113

r r Alt 114
s s Alt 115

t t Alt 116

u u Alt 117

v v Alt 118

w w Alt 119

x x Alt 120

y y Alt 121

z z Alt 122

{ { Alt 123

| | Alt 124

} } Alt 125

~ ~ Alt 126
„ „ Alt 0132

Š Š Alt 0138

ΠΠAlt 0140

‘ ‘ Alt 0145

’ ’ Alt 0146

“ “ Alt 0147

” ” Alt 0148

š š Alt 0154

œ œ Alt 0156

Ÿ Ÿ Alt 0159

¶ ¶ Alt 0182
Boba Fonts Logo

¿ ¿ Alt 0191
À À Alt 0192

Á Á Alt 0193

  Alt 0194

à à Alt 0195

Ä Ä Alt 0196

Å Å Alt 0197

Æ Æ Alt 0198

Ç Ç Alt 0199

È È Alt 0200

É É Alt 0201

Ê Ê Alt 0202

Ë Ë Alt 0203

Ì Ì Alt 0204
Í Í Alt 0205

Î Î Alt 0206

Ï Ï Alt 0207

Ð Ð Alt 0208

Ñ Ñ Alt 0209

Ò Ò Alt 0210

Ó Ó Alt 0211

Ô Ô Alt 0212

Õ Õ Alt 0213

Ö Ö Alt 0214

Ø Ø Alt 0216

Ù Ù Alt 0217

Ú Ú Alt 0218
Û Û Alt 0219

Ü Ü Alt 0220

Ý Ý Alt 0221

Þ Þ Alt 0222

ß ß Alt 0223

à à Alt 0224

á á Alt 0225

â â Alt 0226

ã ã Alt 0227

ä ä Alt 0228

å å Alt 0229

æ æ Alt 0230

ç ç Alt 0231
è è Alt 0232

é é Alt 0233

ê ê Alt 0234

ë ë Alt 0235

ì ì Alt 0236

í í Alt 0237

î î Alt 0238

ï ï Alt 0239

ð ð Alt 0240

ñ ñ Alt 0241

ò ò Alt 0242

ó ó Alt 0243

ô ô Alt 0244
õ õ Alt 0245

ö ö Alt 0246

ø ø Alt 0248

ù ù Alt 0249

ú ú Alt 0250

û û Alt 0251

ü ü Alt 0252

ý ý Alt 0253

þ þ Alt 0254

ÿ ÿ Alt 0255

2.2 Samples of E P I S O D E I

#, $, %, & are four simple logo lines that allow you to create simple but cool logos.

Follow this brief tutorial. We want to display this logo:

%#E P %I S %O D $&I
O&$ I&$
la minaccia fantasma

see how the same text appears in Arial:

%#E P %I S %O D $&I
O&$ I&$
la minaccia fantasma
This is useful to understand how the font works, but if you don’t display the final font it’s difficult to
figure out what the result will look like. So, pick up the EPISODE I font:

1. write the text

2. go back before E and type "%" to display the first bottom-left logo line.
3. type "#" for the the "Star Wars"-top-left-logo-line
4. underline and overline all the text using "$" “%” and "&" up to the middle
5. go to the end after the last letter and type "&" for the bottom-right-logo-line
6. type "$" for the first top right logo line
7. underline and overline all the text using "$" “%” and "&" up to the middle

It’s easier to do than to tell.

If you want to reproduce the letter spacing of the original logo leave some spaces between the letters


for all the star wars fans around the world
Also available:

Star Jedi
Star Jedi Rounded
Star Jedi Hollow
Star Jedi Outline
Star Jedi Logo Monoline
Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine 1 & 2
Shadow of Xizor
Aurek-Besh Narrow
Aurek-Besh Hand


Visit Boba Fonts' site at:

http://starwars.fans.net/bobafonts or


For comments, suggestions, insults on the fonts (and for discussions on our beloved Star Wars saga) mail
to Boba Fonts

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