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1. The writer is another victim of the larger than life picture portrayed by both Shahrukh
Khan & Arindham Chaudhuri. It sounds really nice when someone of the stature of
Shahrukh talks about giving RESPECT, but how can we forget the way he respected
Sunil Gavaskar right after the debacle of KKR in IPL-II. He had to publicly apologise in
front of the media for his comments.

2. Michael says:
December 11, 2009 at 1:47 pm
Why write anything and everythng that we all already knew? This is one of the most
overblown, self proclaimed media launch of a pathetic book which we all know is
marketed really well.

3. Michael says:
December 11, 2009 at 1:55 pm
Seems like THE GURU has come up with another mediocre book meant for secondary
class students, always ready to exploit the virgin market with these comics. Not to forget
all the hooplah around the launch with all the glitterati.

4. mohammad says:
December 15, 2009 at 7:53 am
Who is Mr. Chaudhuri and what does he do
Review of “Discover the Diamond in You” by
Arindam Chaudhuri
Posted by saipradeep on January 23, 2010
This book review was written by my wife Sudha, her first venture in the world of review
writting… “All the best wifey”!!!
The Review:
We have heard of the “2120” concept… At 2110 F, water is still said to be boiling water, however
at 2120 F it converts into steam and has enough power to run even big ships. Just that one degree
increase has given water that potential and power.
Is this not what happens to most of us? Some of us do so much of hard work but are rarely
recognized. But there a few who do very little but are tagged with all praises. These are the
Smart workers of the world as we hard workers have to learn to become the Smart workers!!! Let
me stay clear, I am not saying that smart workers are not hardworkers but just that they have
learnt the art of ensuring that their work gets noticed.
There are so many times that we have run so much in life to get something but drop the effort
unable to bear the grind. The heat and pain gets on to us forcing us off track and off the battle
field. The winners in life are not people who are dreamt long, but the ones who were able to
hold onto that dream long enough. The winners are people who had it in them to walk that one
extra mile to achieve their goals. Winners are the ones who moved from 211 to 212. This is the
secret that “Arindam Chaudhuri” writes in his book “Discover the Diamond in You”.
Professor Arindam Chaudhuri is an economist & management guru and also is an eminent
author, an authoritative speaker & a transformational leader. He has been conferred upon with
‘Management Guru 2000’ award, ‘Personality of the Decade’ award, ‘Example to Youth’ award
& many more…. He is also the Dean of IIPM
What is that in this book that has made me write my first review? Well…this book says things in
simple ways that any one who reads it can relate and implement. That is the strength of this book
I was never a fan of Management books and was very reluctant to start off with this book. But
somehow I got riveted to this book, probably because you can finish it in less than an hour.
Arindam says that you can finish in 59 minutes flat but in fact it takes less than that.
Getting on to contents part of the book, Arindam talks about 9Ps, from Passion to Patriotism.
Loads of references of successful people are given. Just to state one, Sachin Tendulkar is the
heart throb and inspiration for many many people. But there are as many criticizers as well. They
just say that Sachin got lucky. Arindam in this books questions those critisisers as whether they
knew Sachin, at the age of 13 used to practice cricket for 5 hours every morning. He asks them
as to how many people they know who wake up that early and practice their passion at that
yound age. Only winners have that in them. Sachin had the dream and he followed the 9Ps. It is
an automatic formula to success. Such examples with known personalities adds flavor to this
book. Just identify your dreams and merge them with the 9Ps…This will be in your blood stream
and you will see Success Knocking your door.
Overall it was a pleasure to read this book as it started of a lot of serious thinking process. I
would recommend this book to anyone who want to introspect themselves and want to learn the
path to success…

Words about the book by- Manjulika

A light read, less than a hundred pages book but systematically imparting some heavy
doses of learning. Some days back I read an article about diamonds being made from
carbon captured from the human cremation remains and found interesting, but this book
inspires us to be a Diamond in real life-this is just awesome. Its an uncomplicated book with
simple words but pumps in great enthusiasm and strength to handle the odds of life with
vigor. Its got 9 Powerful Principles well defined and in rhythm with our life and society.
I enjoyed reading the book completely, I felt enriched and inspired at the end of the hour.
In fact it seems we have known these great virtues and principles from people around us
but to put them all at one place takes an effort. Needs to be Appreciated :)

The book doesn't talk anything out of the world, but successfully puts all the attributes at
one place to become a dazzling diamond. Each one of us has the potentials to be successful
as others but we lack on some part, this one guides us to identify them and work upon
them to go places in life.

The best thing about the book is that it isn't verbose, nor does it talk anything beyond
reach.While you read you realize its not just about how to trap and provoke the energy to
become a diamond, its important to know as well what doesn't make you the shining piece.
The comic strips were great examples of 'This ain't a diamond'.

Its got great examples from all arenas of society and these people have not been
'something like' God's favorite or lucky but have carved a glorious niche for themselves by
entrapping and polishing the diamond like qualities within them. They deserve every bit of
their success as nothing deterred them to take their move forward. Men and women just
like us, have become the glorious shining people because they had faith in themselves, they
were fearless, had a volcano of positive energy, the passion to excel beyond skies and most
importantly they believed that they were no less than the priceless diamonds.

I loved the short and crisp book. It was a nice break to go for it, just an hour read, to be
precise 59 minutes guide to success as claimed by author. The words in the book,
convincingly settled in the mind and heart and It Instilled in the thought that ' I am a
diamond ' and I just need to identify the qualities. This was an ultimate feeling and I am
sure the author wins to convey his part wonderfully. Books like this one are a must because
they pep you up during the low days and also fire the dwindling passion to go on for the
not- so -easy goals. I enjoy to read Arindam Chaudhuri's blog regularly and just like it the
book was also enjoyable and completely to the point and thought provoking to the core.

Next time when you think about those expensive , dazzling pieces of stone don't forget to
think about yourself, the diamond is in you.

Arindam begins his book with the following motivating words, “Yes! You are a
diamond! Just the way diamonds are rare, so are humans. Arwa Saifi gives us the

Posted On: Monday, December 06, 2010

http://w w w .educ

While diamonds are found only in rare places on earth, similar

is the case with life, which is found only in the rarest of rare
places in our solar system - in fact, earth is the only such
place known to me. And amongst the thousands of different
types of life, being born as a human being is no less than
being a diamond in a coal mine! However, most of us live life
without discovering that we have a diamond within us! At
times, even when we realize that there is a diamond within
us, we never bother to cut it properly; or rather, fail to get
the right teachers who can cut the various edges properly and
bring out the light inside. At times, we discover the diamond
and even cut it, but fail to polish it properly; for it’s only when
we polish a well-cut diamond properly that it starts to dazzle!
And some of us are diamonds that may have just lost their
sheen a little and require some more polishing. But it’s my
firm belief that we are all diamonds in this world! To believe
that you are a diamond, you have to believe that you are
rare. You have to believe that you can dazzle, once shown the
right path.”

The author strongly believes that discovering the diamond within us is not merely trying to
do well for ourselves but it’s about making a difference in society and making a better
society. Thus, if a diamond were to be the metaphor for human beings, then let’s consider
the four qualities which make a diamond so sought after:
1. Carat
2. Cut
3. Colour
4. Clarity

The author then explains the 9P’s of Success which are based on the above qualities. The
various examples that he gives us are simply superb and extremely motivating. Let me now
explain the 9P’s in a line or two:

PASSION - Nothing in life defines us more than how passionately we go about doing what
we believe in. Like the density of a diamond is measured in carats, similarly the depth of the
human diamond lies in his passion.

POSITIVE ENERGY - Linked very closely to passion, the other characteristic which
increases the carat of a human diamond is the positive energy that lies within us. The
higher the positive energy, the more our chances of achieving success.

PERFORMANCE - You need to perform and lead by example for others to follow. This is
where the hard work begins. It’s the true test of the cut of the diamond in you.

PERSEVERANCE - Be prepared to fail but have the perseverance to try again and again
and with exactly the same amount of sincerity and if you do so, you sure are a very well cut
diamond; and mind you, it is the cut of the diamond which requires the hardest work!

PERSONALITY - The colour of a human diamond is determined by an individual’s


PEOPLE - If you want to multiply your success score, you need to believe in people.
Personality and People Skills are the 2 P’s that focus on the colour of the human diamond.

PERSPECTIVE - Perspective helps determine the clarity of the human diamond. If you
know where you are travelling to and what you want in life, everything else becomes clear
and your journey reaps the maximum rewards.

PRINCIPLES - The clarity of the human diamond depends upon our principles in life. Our
principles help us become spotless clear diamonds. Sacrifice principles and you’ve put a big
spot inside the diamond that will be revealed someday.

PATRIOTISM - Patriotism is the final P that determines the clarity of the human diamond.
The love for your country and for human beings anywhere in the world is what makes the
human diamond perfect!
“The 9P’s of success that Arindam so swiftly and lucidly narrates will help you overcome
failures and achieve success”

(From the Foreword by Shah Rukh Khan)

“No quick fixes, this book is packed with sound, simple and realistic advice. It reveals and
guides one with clarity and in-depth searching, making one conscious of one’s own
potential, thereby empowering and motivating each individual to experience true

(Praises by Amitabh Bachchan)

You surely can’t miss this one! This book is for everybody who wants to increase his or her
productivity in life and work. Everybody who wants to be a better father, mother, sister,
brother, son, daughter, manager or entrepreneur! Just practice the above mentioned 9P’s
and be ready to DAZZLE!
About the Book

DISCOVER THE DIAMOND IN YOU is a book for any and everyone who aspires to break out of the cocoon of
self-satisfaction and chooses to tread the path of self-improvement. It is a book of self-discovery, self-belief and
optimism. It is for those who are brave enough to ´be´ the change they ´want to see´. Using the diamond as a
metaphor for human beings, the author draws a parallel between the 4 Cs that the excellence of a diamond is
judged on and the corresponding 9 qualities in human beings.
The 4 Cs of grading a diamond are: CARAT, CUT, COLOUR and CLARITY.The corresponding 9 Ps of grading
a ´human diamond´ are:
CARAT CUT COLOURCLARITY PassionPerformance Personality PrinciplesPositive EnergyPerseverance
People SkillsPerspective Patriotism
Table Of Contents
1.You Are a Diamond! The Discovery begins! 4. What Is the COLOUR of the Diamond in You?2.What is the
CARAT of the Diamond in You?The Fifth P of the Discovery: PERSONALITYThe first P of the Discovery:
PASSIONThe Sixth P of the Discovery: PEOPLEThe Second P of the Discovery:5.What Is the CLARITY of the
Diamond in You?POSITIVE ENERGYThe Seventh P of the Discovery: PRINCIPLES3.How Well CUT Is the
Diamond in You?The Eighth P of the Discovery: PERSPECTIVEThe Third P of the Discovery:
PERFORMANCEThe Ninth P of the Discovery: PATRIOTISMThe Fourth P of the Discovery:
PERSEVERANCE6. You Are a Diamond! Now Dazzle!
About Author(s)
Arindam Chaudhuri is the Hony. Dean at the Centre for Economic Research and Advanced Studies at IIPM,
India´s leading B-School. He is also the founder of the Planman Group which has business interests in
Consulting, Media and Entertainment and the Editor- in-Chief of The Sunday Indian ? the only news magazine
in the world that comes out in 14 languages. The author of Planning India as well as the bestselling books,
Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch and The Great Indian Dream, he teaches Leadership and National
Economic Planning at IIPM. His public seminars on Leadership are a rage with thousands attending them.
Since 2001 he has been annually presenting a much-watched ´Alternative Budget´ programme on TV, on the
day before the budget is announced. He has won numerous awards for his work and in 2004, at the age of 32,
he was selected as an advisor to the consultative committee of the Planning Commission of India in the
Education & Social sectors.
Under the banner of Planman Motion Pictures he has made several highly acclaimed films and was awarded
the National Award for Faltu in 2008 and The Last Lear in 2009. He is also the founder of the charity,
Aurobindo Chaudhuri Memorial Great Indian Dream Foundation, which works in the areas of health, education
and employment.

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