RCAF Gander Base - Apr 1944

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lished through the Kind permission of the Commanding Ofer G/C. M. B. Godwin, ts the imerest of station personel ‘THE STAFF Raitor-in-Chief F/O Hy Steirman ‘Art and Make-up Halitor. F/O MeLaan Editor. LAG H.W. Huchnergard Feature Editor LAC J. F. Paterson “Astociate Editor LAC Ron Rewbury W. D. Editor AW E. Martin Sports “Sgt. J. Sourkes Entertainment Bugene Hill YMCA Artists F/0 MeLean, LAC MeLellan Photographer F/S ‘Hap’ Day Circulation Manager Set. A.C. Van der Vliet Business Manager (pl Joan Hall Associates AW1 Babbitt, Set. Billings, AW1 Tetreault, Ken Genge YM.C.A., Set. Lauriston, LAC “Irv” Bennett, LAW Sue H. ecobs, Cpl J. Simmonds. * EDITOR'S NOTES « HIP HIP HURRAY! HIP HIP HURRAY! HIP HIP HURRAY! TIGER—HURRAY! ‘The Parade’s rousing cheors were led by W/C igle. ‘This was the last picture of Gander to be taken away hy G/C Annis ashe departed from our station, We will always remember him, just as he ‘His farewell address ‘and true feelings, All Gander joins the chorus of Au Revoirs, and God- speed. Whene'er you meet up with the “ald man”, "Remember me? I'm from ‘As this issue went to press, Gander was greeted with its new Commanding’ Officer, Group Captain HB. Godwin, Our new C.0. was for- merly "Chief Signals Officer at A.P.H.Q. May his stay at Gander be a pleasant one. Spring! A word of magic and enchantment, Never has a spring gone by, without us feeling ‘certain joy of living. Hore in Newfleland, we may not have the comforts of home, the birds may not be as plentyful to chirp in the new se som, but the sight of thawing snow peaks us up just the game, Yes spring does something to us. T would like to thank the many people who have sent in their good wishes and congratulations to our new and improved magazine. “Among the letters received were those notably from Air Marshall Bishop, Air Vice Marshall Heakes, Col. onel Lynch and’ the Acting High Commissioner for Canada, Mr. H. L. Keonleyside-, It is. with great please that T quote a portion ‘of the letter from the High Commissioner. “What particularly impressed me with this moga- ine was the spirit which pervaded it from cover to cover—the apirit of intelligent, decent, kindly hu- ‘manity. Tt made me feel better to read it—to know ‘that these young people are of @ quality that gives reality and promise to the future that we are fight- ing this war to achieve. If these are the young men ‘and women who are doing the job, and in whose hands the future of our Canada will rest, we need have no doubts about either victory or its aftermath. Yours very sincerely, jigned, H. L. KEENLBYSIDE ‘Acting High Commissioner for Canada. __,L Would also like to acknowledge the ood wishes” of our sister magazine, "Thumbs Up", and our big. brother “Wings Everyone on our station joins ip to thank the staf of “Wings” on their feature of our station in the March issue. "Not only was the story and Ander- sone drawings of oxclet albeit they were wth, authentic and colourful eapluving major portion of the loca atmosphere. ines ‘This issue sees us taking a bold step forward. ‘The powers that be, have sanctioned two stories, “Gander” for the use of . .. . It is with consid: ‘erable pride that we feature between these covers ‘an excellent detailed story on the adventures of a rew that crash landed in Labrador and awaited rescue for several days in sub zero weather. Also fhe authentie story of a superb submarine attack, taking you on a flip over the Atlantic and track. ing down a submarine. ‘The Farewell address given by G/C Clare L. ‘Annis 0.B.E. Is featured on the next page. Our regular stories contain all the 2ip of former tales ‘and then some. A new innovation is Hap Day's “Section Snapshots", while a story and pictures of the “All Clear” show highlights our’ center pages. ‘Need I mention that this month's pin-up gir] is non other than lovely Carol Landis. Thanks to 2oth Century Fox Films, our depleted stock of lovelies and cheesecake has been replenished for the coming issues. J would like to remind all the readers that the “Gander is your voice. Tt is up to you there- fore to let us know just what you would like to read. What features you want deleted, or to air Your criticism and gripes in general. (But don't ask us for a posting) EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LAST MINUTE NEWS FLASH It has been offically announcod that /O Pat Cheater (J9135) hasbeen awarded the Distinguished Flying Gross.” For the complete, story, read “No Return Engagements” COMMANDING OFFICER'S FAREWELL ADDRESS One of the many kind sets that wil always endear G/C Anis, to. our hearts, He is seen here visiting « elk fiend, Cpl. Potts with swell toni, 2 chorines from the “All Clear” show. It is hard for me to believe that I am going to leave this Station. Tt has been like home for the past year, and if it were not for the fact that it is ‘an Overseas posting, it would. be a. very great hardship indeed... There will be work to do to combat this menace and you have never failed me ‘once in the past — [have never had any worries at all in that regard. When there was work to be done, you have always done it, That extends to all, cornets. ‘The little ones, ike the shoe repair shop, the tailor shop, the barber shop, and all those little organizations that are so important — they have never failed. And then we get to the bigger ones, the laundry, the messing staff, the administration people, the accounts, and our ‘hospitals, who look. after us so well, and works and buildings and our fengineering staff. You have all done your work well and T-appreciate it. Then we have the flying squadrons. There are the fighter boys, I have ale ‘ways admired the fighter people because, a8 T told you last December, they have gone on working, land practising hard, and it is worth it all. You. have done your job. Our Radio. detachment—1 hhave been told there is no better Radio detachment in all the world and T fully believe it. Then the BR squadrons, Dumbo—whieh I am afraid T have to admit is my own, and Ido want to say before all of you and to “Dumbo” that I have nt shown, any partiality. I am proud of the “Cat” Squad- ron. They are a close-knit organization and a big squadron; and they have been very generous in their association with us. And of the "Dumbo" ‘Squadron—well, there is only one “Dumbo” ‘with so magnificent 4 record. Last night I talked to the officers and the senior NCO's—on this parade I want to talk to the Station, the Airmen and Airwomen, and I will say ‘again what I said last night. One thing Ihave learned more than anything else is that our people naturally build and as I have always tried to give them a free hand, they have always tried to goon building, but as news gets doubtful and as Tots of people like myself get Overseas to fight for ‘our principles actively, and you have to fight in a 194 passive way, 1 implore you not to forget what you ire fighting for. Remember why you joined. l have {old You before that T have two little boys and 1 ‘want them to_be free—to be able to go to schoo, {ogo to ehureh, to have a chanee to learn, #0 have 2 Job, and if they fail that fs thelr fault. T think al you people here who are married, ot on will ie, Will think that way too. We have to make the world safe for democ- racy, but let us not stop when itis safe, We can- hot stop but must go on working at it from day to day. We must remember, a5 Told you before, that life is Tike a rowboat and you must go up’ stream. You always have to keep rowing there is'no stopping or you slip back. And there is one other Tittle thing’ and that is that anybody ean row who is refreshed—it isto forget to row When You are tired. In other words, a good man is one iwho can. row when he is ted: ‘Don’t keep "on Fighting for your principles even when things Took black ‘There is one plessant thing. T don't want to get too gloomy and that i, i has been a privilege {0 work for you and I'am grateful for this—that T an go away with the thought of what a truly ‘wonderful group of officers and men we have here, You have a fine man to take over. Ihave known Wing Commander Coghill well, and he is an of- Heer and gentleman. He will give vou a good going-over when you are wrong and’ praise you {then you are right. It is a comfort to know the Commanding Officer has an understanding heart nd Task you to back him up and make this station oon, as Ht can and will go on- Twill write you later sometime and T will give you my views, and what your chances are of get- {ing over. All’of you who want to, I hope You ‘This fs about all T have to say-except God Bless You All Wing Commander Wigle led cheers for Group Captain Annis. the rousing ‘THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 THE pu “NO RETURN ENGAGEMENTS” by F/O H. Steirman 1 is mysteriously calm out over the ocean, many, ‘many miles from the mainland. Veteran sierew subeod: its swells Interrupting the tranquility of the day. On rough days, the cloudy aky, the fain and the snow and the windlashed waters Interpret the disturbance, as the ‘The aireraft and it's erew become a part of nature, ‘as the sun, the wind and the stare divulge thelr secrets ‘Seok and ye shall find"! To these everwatchful men out ‘on tireless patrol, hunting the denizens of the deep, this means, Seeking --- Searching _-- Probing “Pilot to Navigator, Plot to Navigator, do you soe that wake on our port bov Pat Cheater called middenly over the intercom as he pointed tout to the ‘Paul Lafond gazed out soto the dusky lighted At- lantie. ‘True enough there was something.” The curious ‘ects of twillght could not hide the grey conning tower land the dark sleek lines of a large German submavine SPhats a eu all right and i's shooting at st” [Not another word was spolen. An sntineubmarine crow is lke a well coached football teum, everyone knows Just what he isto do. This crew had been Aying ‘on tho,Bast coast for nearly two years without once Siting a sub. Now all thei training. their patient of- forts ad ails were to be put t0 tet, Banking Ais huge four engined ‘wards the hated pig boat, manoeuver- Ing s0 as to take advantage of the {ailing light. F/0 Mac Wallace in the co-plot’s ret, hi his hands on the Uhottes and bis eyes glued on the Instruments; Pat Patterson slipped out ot his flying Jocket and scrambled St top speed to the gun In the nose ‘Within a matter of seconds, each rember of the erew assured the cap {Gin that he wee at “acto sation “Bomb Doors Open” ordered the captain (Con ued on page 22) ‘THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 RESCUE FROM ‘A’ FOR ABLE AS TOLD TO AW. “THINE 18 THE KINGDOM, THE POWER AND THE GLORY" “9 for “Able” was returning trom a routine Aight to Iceland on the night when Ganderites were braving the famous 100 mile an hour Wind and snow storm. The ‘crew Was made up of Squadron Leader “AI” Trmle, DFC, captain: Flying OMeer Doug Campbell, co-pilot; igh Lieutenant Gar Harland, navigator; Pilot Oficer ‘Tames Gilmour and W.O. 2 Arthur Jobs, Wireless Ale Gunners, and they carried one passenger, Flying Oficer DF. Gritfin, About five in the afternoon a message to divert to Goose wer received. “Able” Was only an hour fut of Gander when they set course for Goose Serenely the big bomber crossed the Straits of Belle Inte and ploughed ahead into the swirling snow storm. "AU" and Doug in the plot's and co-pilot sees Kept @ ‘watchful vig GIL was sitting in the radio seat while ‘Johns and Flying OMeer Griffin occupied the fall of the big atrerat ‘Gradually it became increasingly noticeable to the ‘row that the weather was getting worse. The snow was coming thicker and ice was beginning to form on the slreraft But they were only 150 miles from Goose and fom steady course. “AI” decided to try to elm above the ‘overcast. He gave the lg ship move boos, but it refused ‘Without warning, Number 4 engine (outer starboard) Goose was only minutes away and three engines ELEANORE MARTIN ‘would bring them in; they continued serenely. ‘At an estimated 25 miles from the "drome, Number 3 engine, (inner starboard) sputtered and died. Two ‘engines left to land with and both on te port side t that. ‘But the crew's conidence in” their captains abllty to bring them in, never flagged. "In the meantime the navigational and radio adds be- came unservicesble. They were unable to communicate ‘hele plight to anxious ground crews awaiting their ar- rival at Goo "The captain was compelled to lose altitude. Tce was forming on the propeller governors but there was no ice formation where ite erdinarily found on the deicer boots flong the wings. Sul the crew was confident of s landing ft Goose, "AI" was using all the ingenuity and resouree- fulness, for which he i note, in trying to keep the big [By thie time the two remaining engines were on fire snd smoking, causing the ship 19 sway drunkenly from port to starboard. The crew, as a man, held it collective breath, ‘The Nomber 1 engine (the outer port one) had ‘begun to cough. Then it died! The boys knew they were {in for it The akipper exuded coafidence ashe informed them over the Intercom that he was going to set down, ‘They remained calm and. braced. themselves forthe rath ‘The earth was rushing at them and Squadron Leader Ime showed his coolness and levetheadeaness then when ‘THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 the made the lightning like decision which undoubtedly saved the lives of himself and his crew. He decided not to land on either of two stall lakes which ‘they were ‘approaching but to land in a stip of trees which super Gy Le ‘The big bomber rushed into the landing at approxi rately 150 miles an hour. The Impact was terrific. Ite force sorung the big 30 ton ship 180 degrees 4 face the “irecton they had come. Miraculously it dig not ten ‘over but came to a hal listing some 30 degrees to port ‘The big aireratt broke in half, the tail part swinging ‘around to form en open rectangle withthe wing. in telling of the creck-up, Doug described the 50 yard swath cut by the Lib and in is own inimitable man- her cracked: "She cut down enough trees for Saturday's fre.” The Aret thing sia when Tgot out war “ello this ‘Al and Doug, realizing thet they were alive, jumped ‘trom the broken port and starboard windows in the big plane's cockpit and landed alimost walst deep in the stl Snow, Struggling tothe top, Al managed to stand on the snow and began to count noses, Doug was all right. Ger ‘returned his halon. He was hemmed in but wae stgal- ing to get out through a hote inthe root. Oil yelled that he was unhurt but was trapped. “That left two, W. O. 2 Johns and Flying Ofteer Grit- fin, They had been in the tail. Al and. Doug floundered ‘through the deep soft snow to the broken tit bat found they were too late to help Flying Oficer Griffin ‘Their crew mate they found too. But all they could seo of him was his flying boots sticking soles up out of the snow. Poor old Johnsy had hed it too, they Agured tana turned back to help the living Gil they hacked out of is spot im the body of the lveraft with small hatchet they found and he reported 4 very tender shoulder. Gar war stil unable to get out Finally after backing down into the ship and removing his fying suit he was able to extricate himself Suddenly the boys heard a seratehy sound as of something rubbing against metal, Te being an odd sound in that desolate wilderness they hastened to explore. Feebly uttering and disturbing a twig which was ‘making the seratching nolse against the airraft, were the incongruous looking ying boots—sticking like slim ‘ee stumps from the virgin snow-—of their cham Johnsy. Foverisly they set to wore with @inghy ‘paddles and dug old Johnsy out. His alr was white "with snow. ‘There was snow in his ears, In his eyes, in his nostrils and snow stuffed his gaping mouth, JJohnsy was Just Fegaining consciousness. ‘Tenderly Doug lifted him, only to be gripped in a vice-ike hold (On coming to Johnsy recalled turning his heed and see- Ing the aircraft breaking up but did not remember mak Ing like bullet, aa he must have done to land head frst ‘and become imbedded In the snow. ‘That night it was 67 degrees Farenheit below zero! ‘With each step they took they sank up to thelr arm- pits im the soft snow and much time was wasted in dig- {ing one another out. And all the while the snow came flown and the Wind howled in the trees blowing snow In thelr faces, Luckily they did not feel the full force 5 fof the gale as their postion was sheltered partly by the Strip-of trees and partly by the aireraft, ‘Preparations for that frat night of camping out in- cluded tramping down an area in the rectangle afforded by the tal, ody and wing of the mulisted aircraft A couple of parachutes draped over the wing and tal gave bit more protection from the wind and a fre built from boughs cut by the plane in its descent, gave off some warmth. But sleep was elusive, And besides the mow kept blowing in their faces and he wind kept rusting their protection. An ominous creaking noise elso disturbed their slumbers.. Bach of the crew managed to snatch an hour's sleep by the time fst light came ‘Looking up asthe light illumined thelr erude shelter, the boys discovered the source of the ominous creaking ‘nolst. Like a flash they ducked from their shelter. One ‘of the big heavy wheels of the plane had been hanging bby a thread, so to speak, and hed It fallen would have ‘eld them all. It was their second lucky escape. ‘They ‘mathered some ofthe stouter tree trunks and propped the ‘wheel up ‘They spent Saturday, February 19th, in trying to Improve their lean to. Tho bough of the broken trees ‘they made into a Mooring forthe tent. These they cov- fered withthe engine covers and topped this with a layer fof maps. Some sheep skin rugs, purchased for souvenire {in Teeland, eme in handy next and then this was covered bby a layer of fying clothes. On top of all this. they made their beds, using for sheets the very best nylon silk parachutes and as blankets, more fying clothes. ‘The walls they draped with further parschutes . shades of the Chlet of Arable. allk drapes and sile sheets Im the barren wilderness, that is Labrador. AA hunt in the debris for thei Gibson Gis, the emer~ gency SOS. radio set, proved unsuccessful. However Gar found hie sextant and when the sun appeared for 4 {ew minutes he took a number of shots to ream their position. He judged that they were 13 air mile from their destination and had they continued would have hit the fleld direct. The boys were anxious to get out and start to walk but every time they stepped of the packed down area they sank arm deep in the treacherous soft "in their salvaging operations they found three boxes ‘of emergency rations, a hatchet, two boxes of Very cart- idges and some pyrotechnics. ‘While they talked of making snowshoes, they Kept ‘moving and decided to build a ire on the salvaged bomb Day door. "AI" had the bright Idea of ulizing the dinghy compartments for their water heating rystem. So they piled snow into the three compartments and had hot, medium and warm water Night fell end so did. the thermometer. Watches were stood during the night but poor ald Johny just couldn't get a decent sleep. Every ite while one of his pele would waken him. ‘Though they truthflly com= plained of his snoring they were really trying to Keep him from freezing his hands and feet had been a disheartening day. Several times they hd sighted various sireraft which seemed to be in the Goose Bay Cireuit. They hed counted on the smoke from their fre attracting any searching aircraft but the high Wind kept the smoke dlapersed close tothe ground. Dur- ng thelr enforced encampment, three aireratt, two Da- Keolas and’ a Canse, Rew divecly over” ther without sighting them. ‘They tried to shoot off the Very Pistol (Continued on page 28) THE 3 —MEET THE CHAMPS— ‘The Borden Ball team from the Found robin series that.chimaxed ound robin series, a sort of Stanley fied until the nal game (and that ‘replayed match) was over [ght teams comprised the league and of these, sir took part inthe Playoffs, ‘The “Scramble Squadron ad record of four wing and one oat in the playo series. Outstand= ‘ng for the Scramblers during the feriee war Jack Vogt, 2 latecomer 10 fhe Squadron who neite the football ‘any mes Bill Teams, the capa, fof the season with his al getting ‘roped back to defensive play dure ‘were not so many. Bill also earned the dubious title of the League Bad ‘Ball before they reached thls beeuly Spot and. during the season ie wot ten necesary for many of the play fers to go a whole game without re- Placement Tae fall after the softball season wos fished, FO. MeCalgan, Squad fon Adjutant and. O. Crampton, ‘Technical Offeer, tok «hand in ‘comprised the teu: goal, Art Craw= {ord and Ernie (Wee Wile) Wilson forwards, Renwick, Ned Kay and Laing anda second line of Bill ‘Teams, Jacke Vogt and Rockey Riddell "nthe final playott game, whieh ended #-8, the deciding goal to put minutos to go. The Seramblors led throughout most of the game by one In-such @ repid fving game. Art CCrawiord, the goalie wa outstanding fp this ame, at Was. Jace, Vor (Crawiord sustained a sprained thumb ‘Art an opportunity to duck infor Some first eid. With a to goal led fhe team settied back to tight de {eosive play snd while one more soa) ‘was scored by the Dumbo Manten- nee, they managed to retain the edge nd te championship. ANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 THRU THE HOOPS ‘rhe basketball schedule ended Fart the playoffs, The closing of the fmnasium for alterstons caused temporary delay but with the oot feraped, polished and” painted, the Dadketeers are just raring to Bo "The top positon war won BY the ‘Dumbo Maintenance ‘est who {rte and losing four games. Rune ner up spot wae falen by the Lan: Joases for” a total of twenty-four point. Third place went to “Dumbo” forles against ste defeats for twenty Reconnaissance Squadron edged out the Administration entry chalking 8p twenty pointe, wilt ten gates wor si si lst. "The “Dumbo” Maintenance quintet in the early stages of the season but Surely hung on to thie lead finishing fn basketball, the "Dumbo" Maine tenance ere may hit thelr early sea- som form and take the tile, Players the calle of Peete, Maher, Farrell fd. Lewis are not to. be regarded Tigauy and are a threst at ll times The surprise ofthe season was the ‘Laundry Pive. Lacking stable sub: siitute, the Laundry hoopsters were without any ‘reliel After shal Sart the team of Eusterbroak, Bem ‘ett, Sourkes, Dix and Legris began tp liek and won their lat seven con- With fir relief material, the Lane Ary lads should lve say of the other three teame a good rin for theit (Continued on page 32) ‘THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 Back Row: Maste, Hank Reih, Bill Marshall, Monty Montemurr, Ba. Kosak, ‘Moore, "Me Metniosh, Trainer, Fran Rudy Knns, Harold Schmalt, Louis Lacourse, Ned Kay. GANDER WINS HOCKEY SERIES ‘an invitation trom Commer Broa Tt Was an avitation for us to being @ hockey team to their fair ity, for 3 short series ‘Ken Genge of the YALCA. took over — and. without ‘inching one Dit, wired back that we'd be there With bells on. That ‘might sound ‘very cosy, ut, TH give you an iden one Before the team were finally 00 the tein, and away to the “Brook Permission fom the Commanding Comicer. Permission rom. the. Ral ways to travel at far’ at Comer team on the station, and It wae no ‘mean tak choosing one, in the short were a few things that needed a lot of attending 1, before everything ‘was. straightened out. For this— thanks goee to Ken Genge and hi two able asistants, Cpl, Louls La course (Couch) and Cpl. Rudy Enns Captat. ‘There were two trips down to Ccormer Brook In each cae, oUF team ‘managed to have the edge, and win fut by a 2 games to 1 game margin. ‘Scores in the frst series were 2-8, 5, 6-4 ‘Scores in the second. series—B-, By “Joel” Sourkes train ride to a waiting crowed at the Fink, There was no alternative but to play. For thie show of good sport ‘manip the team immediately gain- fd good following: and so, we had team. There were two thingy about that game in which the Corner Brook boys had the advantage. Firstly, the ‘uncommonly small ink, which doesn't allow for much individual play-and secondly, the nev centre the last period of iat game that our fenly two goals Were stored and in the mean ‘time, Comer Broke went merrily on their way piling Up a feore of nine. In the next two games, wwe had become accustomed fo the new rules and the ie, and the Fliers (Gwe had & name for them) were able Which makes the diference between Tong team and a winner, series, our fliers hada litle ret ‘The train came in about four hours before game time, and thie allowed plenty time fora good meal end forty Winks. Thus the six to four scor celebration, ana believe me the Fliers were really fying—but not on the inke—Just High" However, they pa 1 INTERNATIONAL SHOW A definite date has not_yet been set, but one day during the last week Of April is going to see the Dell Hall the center of haste bustle and activ= fy. On that day the Drill Hall state will be busy setting up the boxing Ping and doing all the other things te and ght show ‘A program of boxing and wresting bouts, with “nite International ned, Along with thexe bouts wll be ‘weight lifting and gymnastic x= hone. "battle Royal might also be held, to ad tothe evenings enter- fainmest. To top it all off, we are 1 this article appears before the show is over. IE be the fest time Inthe sports history ot the magazine fad the staion that our deadline Ie Dior to an event.” Lets hope that story ie madera. for their fun, because the Cornsr Brook team tras not to be caught napping, and woke up the boys with 2 irteen to four shellacking. There fre no excuses for that gute, The team was outplayed (and played out) from start to finish = The. Anal sme was the “reel hockey game ‘eries, ‘The tenon ould be ‘elt on’ entering the rink. ‘At no time during that eaine was fther team ahead for more than two fr three mines. At one would score, the other would te it up. This went fon until two mites retained until the end of the game, und the score ll ted up at sve” goals apiece. A break forthe fiers came slong. and they really knew how to use Ie Two fof the local boys got rough at the ‘Sime time, and both of them were Sent to the penalty box. With this break, our boys poked home the win ning eal, and the gue was ove Tn true amateur spirit both teams {ot together after the game, and had 4 litle party. By the time the even= Ing was over, all minor differences ‘must have been ironed out, beceuse ‘members of the different team could ‘be seen with their arme around each ‘ther, singing Maire Dosts, ‘A word must be aid about @ few of the outstanding. players of the ‘eres, who helped our team win, sd (Continued on page 21) WID BITS With Raster on the wa all our feminine thoughts were turning. 10 bite of straw with Iota of velling and ‘uff, we sighed longingly for evi Hon. Suddenly we "had it. A great erowd of new gine came i, many of them just off course or tresh trom Manning’ Depot at Rockelife, We didn't mind our man of the hour turning to whiste and stare but what hurt was when he Began to praise their new style sive great coats. "Boy thoee really look elasry. ‘That pleat and belt in the back gives them something yours hasn't got", he sid and our hears sank. We were wearing our old ited models and lenew ‘We dug deep into our pockets recently to put forth two bite for a ite piece of American Beauty red. ll with the well-known Gander runway plan and Gander Complete with goggles and helmet. ‘This was the new fest for sports wear and Is quite an attractive addition ‘The editorship of “The Feminine Front” underwent change since publication of the last Issue. Corporal Betty Powers was posted to Moncton after the fine job she did on the Jan-Feb seue pages and we hear that she Tongs to be back at The Gander although she is ot n= Inappy in her new posting. We wish you luce Betty and hope that we can keep up the good work "Ten neweomers to the station, Women's Division Redlo Telephone Operators, received. their first dil lusion in the service when they reported to theit Seton, ‘The ails, the frst WD. RTOs to graduate from No. 1 ‘Wireless School in Montreal, were ten on a tour of n= specton. AL each of the R70. sites in the Section the fils shook their heads: We dont want to work In any of these places, we want to work in the Control tower and fall t0 the pilot, they said. Ah delusions of glamor During the month of March an a ime high was set Jn the number of dances to which the Women's Division members were invited, Some 14 dances were scheduled and on each occasion # large number of WD's turned out We are still trying to find the one gel who managed 10 tlend all 14 and see how she stood up toi al ‘There have been several changes among our Wo- men's Division's oMcers during the past few weeks. We ‘would like to greet the following: Flight Offer C. forn= ff, Assistant Section Ofer F. Kent, and Section Officer E. Langford. To those who have departed, Fight Ofcer E_N. MacKay, Section Oflcer M. E. Tonalin, Section Otcer Vera Geer, Assistant Section Ofer J. Robertson ‘and Nursing Sistr D.L. Thompoon, we wish "God speed” nd as happy @ posting as Gander. ‘THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 the eminine front NEW W. D. CLUBHOUSE BANG! The mortar soared and with a terrific ex- plosion burst ato bilizt red and white lights as Group Copisin Clare L. Annis, OBE, Commanding Oteer, and Flight Officer R. 8. Jernbolm, Senior W-D. Oficer, cut the green ribbon to offically open the dors ofthe uxur~ fous W. b. Clubhouse, ight o'lock and most of the alrwomen were on band for the ceremony. ‘They squesied and cheered a5 the flare Durst and Group Captain Annis and Mise Jernhalm led the procesion into the Clubhouse ‘There are a set number of regulations governing the use ofthe Club, among them is that each gil is re= sponsible for her particular date. The escort must sign the guest book: which is located just inside the main ‘door. This i celled “introducing” your date to the house land the W.D. must co-sign her name opposite his. "The Club was honored in having ae its tint guest ‘the Commanding Omicer who was introduced. by ‘Miss JJeraholm. Amongst the ofher guests attending were Wing Commander 7. C. M. McGill, MBE. Squadron Leader LV. Vinberg, Squadron Leader D. P. Fille, Wing Com ‘ander John A. Siton, Flying OMcer J. H. Bourne, Fight Lieutenant A. Alves, Mr. Eugene Hl, YMCA, and W.0.2 W. A, Cullum, the president ofthe Sats Meas. ‘There are three tain rooms to the Clubhouse which ‘Tad main soot, oF “Gate” room is sofly Wuminsted by indiect lighting and shaded lamape, ‘The blg stone fire- place exhumes atmosphere and sets off the room very Dicely for # quict evening of chatting oF listening to the Fadio. ‘The soft leather chairs and cheslerfields are in Keeping with the dark panelling of the room and the liter of the crystal ash trays is reflected by the poish~ fd surfaces of the many coffee tables whieh adorn the oom. Here indeed, one can spend a pleasant evening. THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 P. T.-IT'S WONDERFUL By LAW. Sue H. Jacobs ‘We are going to take up the cudgels in favor of P.T. We are going to attempt to prove tat, torture though it be thas it compensations "Now the ruling is thet, when the hour of agony com- ences, all men shal be excluded. trom the rill hal Somehow this ts never quite the case: Whether they hide in the shadows until the doors are locked, or craw! through the cracks in the wall after we begin, ie as yet ‘undetermined. The fact remains tht there le alwaye fringe of very superfluous males ranged around the hal, ‘enjoying our misery to the ful, ‘We start tripping lithtly around the room, swinging ‘our arms all over the place, when suddenly we cateh sight ‘ot the current hero, the one who finally asked Us for ate, ooking as though he wonders why. We know only {eo well what i coming, and gna frantically to him {0 0 away, He ignores our pls. Here it comes. “Squat down on your heels, hands on your knees, snd walk lite 4 duck. Left Right, Left, Rig" From shead comes rebelicus gros “It the Lard had intended us to walk ike duc he would have given 1 web feet and bile "And trom behind, the grunt ie, “Theyre geting ss ready for the spring thaw.” AC. 2 Don Jus sail on the butekets grinning from ear {0 ear. At last Ite ver and ‘we callapee on bench and reach for s cigarette. But what fe this we se before us? ‘A tine of men teipping around the room, waving theie arm all over the pace. And here comes the Dayott, "Squat down on your heels, hands on your knees, and walk ike « duck. Left, Right, Left, Right” "They make like ducks. We settle back comfortably ‘with our cigarette, at peace with the world Pe, Its wonder) YVONNE LANDRY A.F.M. LAW Yvonne Mf Landry, ait frame mechanic, is ‘21 who has really found her voraton ‘nthe Air Force On February 14 the celebrated 14 montas at Gander, but the date that really makes her ejer shine is October 27th, 1043, when she started to work at the repair depot. For her fist nine months here, she worked inthe Inn dry, but she hs always like the idea of working with Imachinery, and she wouldnt give up her gel. Prior 19 her enlistment in January, 1043, she Teft her home in ‘Amherst N.S, t0 work in the anodyzing department of the Westinghouse factory at ‘Hamilton, ‘Ontario, where the helped fo make parts for intricate secret eqvioment ‘After her ‘Basie Training at Hockelife, she came straight to Gander. When she started work a8 an AA. it was without benett of the regular course; but armed twih her previ experience and her enthusiasm to help het, she hes made good. "Within six weeks she passed thr sat trade test, and in the months thet followed, she progressed from making minor repairs on silerons, id= ers, etc, to a knowledge of her work which enables hher to carry out Dit’ (Daily Inspections) for her sec fon: checking the aiteraft 10 age that the controls are ‘working and all the alte locked, and that there are ne tears in the metal fabric framework, ‘Other W.Dve on the sation have tied to switch to ‘his trade but Yoonne isthe only ane who hasbeen sb "WE" ENTERTAIN By LAW Grace HL Babbitt ‘Our W.D. leap-year dance was a formal, giving ws ia chance, once again, to lt people see how we had looked in that far off day winen we were civilans, 30 all the fortunate gals with long gowns sapped out, be ‘fed, be-tulle, and be-satined, nd hair was let way fdoven, oF piled way up. ‘Ae usual, whenever thee i formal here, the lat was an extra cold one, witha sizeable gale. ‘The silver ippers went tothe dance inside qreat-hulking-le-force- {seue-glamour (2) oot, and the slick and ultra coitus that hed necessitated hours—in some. cazes—for Sembling, a to be swathed In Kerchets and searves for ‘even that its tripe "But the ree hall was jammed from the start and the ‘mond was strictly party—of the gayect variety, and con Uinued so all evening. Flight Oficer Jernolm, looking attractive in e two piece violet crepe dinner gown-—the Short ecket alverteimmed—ied the grand march with Group Captain Annis. Our wonderful CO. had left an ‘other party just a0 he could come over to ours on Our big Aight, if only for a litle white The evening fairly Mew by, leaving no complete Bleture to remember, Just impressions of all the wist- fully lovely, very ladylike W.D's who wanted the band to play walizes . «of the tall git in the daringly Ble'low cut black corded taffeta gown, designed for dane {ng in New York and Montrel and the git tn the pastel candy-sriped taffeta, also decollets, with rest ‘wide skirt and rufting Way up top snd round the hem of the Ite Iasr in the penel-slim dinner dress of ‘ame crope with zipper Jacket snd childice round white collar and the silver slippers with platform sles the wore with it =the WD. ine dinner gown wih = FHralght black’ kirt and jeweled ‘bodice who. wares ‘parting Juliet cap over er light brown curls = and the grt with tho coal black Inte, pale skin and Bright red mouth, who so effectively wore © s0Wy white shiet- ‘att and aire ery maemo ae and the watchers,—the alrmen around the floor ‘onthe balcony "just looking thanks” because 1 wae a by invitation only’. and in contrast, the invited lads ‘who seld afterwards that they had fun because for once {mn Gander they had had more than two or three dances ‘In an evening .. of the frantic dash across the rect from the ree hell to the sergeants’ mess In the Arete ar clothed only in a few yards of satin and tulle—for {efreshment and of the usual final mad struggle Wwnen all was over, for clothing, and clothing, tat would ‘Bt. "Thanks to another ‘committee. for anther. lovely evening to stick to It, Although she would never admit It, work ing from eight to ve every day as am AM. is no ten partybut ahe lover it Despite her 14 months at Gander, she sppeers far trom eager to leave here, Perhaps her feling of sat= Isfection come from the resl love she has for her work as she says: °T like to get right down and work the frease"—and the knowledge of it tangible value. She fan see the results of her efforts every time one of the tslrerat she has worked on ter of, and she can Know that she has helped to "Keep ‘em fying". H. J 10 ‘THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 S/LN. R. JOHNSTONE New 0. C. “Scramble Squadron" has had his plot's wings for along time, comparatively speaking. Aviation be- ing an active hobby with hm for years. While attending University of Manitoba, he tole simmer coises with the RCAF, at Camp Borden And received his pilot's wings in the ‘summer of 103%, and. commissioned (Prov) P.O, at that time, He went overseas with the fist RCAF. group to leave Canada, an ‘Army Covop Squadron in February 1840. There he piloted the dauntiess ‘Lisies". He later flew while over= seas, with several Canadian Squat Fons and with the RAP. Wat one of the legendary "Few" who fought the vaunted Luttwatte toa life: ving stalemate during the Battle of Britaln 'S/L. Johnstone flew the early fighter, the Marke 1 Hurrieene, with No. 1 Canadian Fighter Squadron in Scotland's bleak orth country, and later sumed command of ts te= formation to No. 40! Fighter RC AVP. The Squadron operated out of the hottest spot in that whole flan ‘cauldron, "Biggan HIP” Later he Was made Chiet Flying Instructor st © Spitfire O-TU. Thence as sper rnumerary to 412 Squadron awaiting repatriation to Canada. This latter ‘ame in February, 193, three years ater his arrival In the Island Fortress. ‘Lack of space unfortunately doesn't permit more than a cursory in- troduction to the O.C. But some mention should be made of his cvilan ‘aveor. He played half for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Played basketball Sia for the Alma Mammy, U. of Mand worked for the frm whose slogan is "The Pause that Retreshes" (advt. deleted). Mr. Johnstone was in the sdvertising and promation end of the business and his post-war Blane call for return to Regina or points theresboute for a resumption of selling that beveraae Graduated trom the aforementioned University, University af Manl- toba with asheep-skin bearing the letters Be. (In electrical engineering) ‘There isa Mrs, Johnstone, whose home was Victoria, BCC. Queried ab to Winnipeg, (where his career got It original impetus — he was bor Where he conslders home, after mention of such Western sites as Regina, ‘here—) and Victoria, the O.C. was a bit uncertain. Probably take a bit of conference when the bugle blows "It's all over frends, you can go home Dow." Ms, Johnstone is currently living in New Brunswek. A lot of doings this month’ Great gobs of names must be perpetuated 4m the book of historial recordings. If Your is overlooked, please forgive this once. Ladder of success taking a big leap up the aforesaid pile of ung: are two swell guys P.O. Jake (Toronto) Broad and P.O. Mac (Halitax) nicLeod, it couldn't have heppened to sweller e's, congrats in a lange manner. Understand the honors were observed in all the tsditional situa. Flying Oticers, MeLean, (say-he works on the Gander don't he?) Reid and Wood ..- Cp. Freddie Evans, (mentioned here lat month) joined the ‘called company of the senior N.C.0', than whom there is no whomer ‘Tohnay Brant, presently recuperating from a bit of hot foot ungently ap- plied (not to his foot) went soaring into the realms of the W.O T's and ow spoken to with deference -- Jay Trewin of the wireless section got {Seo hooks, but welll et his own sction supply the proper comments, ood ‘Two of the ground crew became happy pappies recently... take a bose, Cpl Jim Overend for a potential W.D. in B.C. and LAC Putnam from the other coast,-the Eastern one—har a baby boy to tell all about G.AP.O. 40, whieh is one way of finding an audience ‘New arrivals in the Squadron Include /Sgt. Pim in the wireles section, taking over from Set. Fydell posted to Headquarters... Cpls. A. FR. Shlely (Kitchener) and H, G. Bolster from Coburg (the garden et¥) Joined the hard-working armorers .. a gaumles greeting gentimen ‘that far-awray look in the eyes of EW. “Snafu” Smith has something %0 do with a lassie down Washington way and a bit of a scheme to Join the “Mics in holy wedlock Nick by Kaforuk reports the Squadron of Seramblers have added a new phrase unique to us—not even—Things are not even this of nat even that, eoe. et. Embellishments may be added at the ds cretion of the speaker, ‘THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 u PUT VICTORY FIRST BUY-V CTORY BONDS 2 THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 SLIPSTREAM== = © EQUIPMENT Power House by LAW. E, ML Coleman Blues 11 thre any pace in Gander Dyulpment hs been posted to Mone eres aur? Gaeee west: | 6 eal erty oven ener | ttivay bem eopeted went Sa inp a Bean Roe ak be a aes HoT a eae Se Sen ca ess re ere oes ee a eee Rs sae ee lc past mort sop cond ts tear Neoetiteee BSE eee ee eee Seat io'crcopton” oe eave let lat Georges gees Col Deon Mor Sige hl ee tod ses Griedy Am has bec, Artur Wvpully ontog tose to Siw lata tg ate sens ee escenario epee [ety San ef al tenth tine he probably be Some eto ain eer mown at aly Card posts om Tech Stove Ing Gergen Monin and then hell Topetonginan uta ae of he Toe ron Km te caged that, a al over apna ole ‘5 our Sergeant Major so aply tetn~ Tey say that inthe spring’ young At this time we would like to wel~ co at theres danger of somebody man's faney turns to thoughts oflove, come the new additions to our staf: getting, wounded in “Tally Card Gte, and it being spring and there Sgt. Campbell of the laundry, Cpls Action”. The atmosphere in that reem ing ole of young men in Stores, Smith, Jarvis and Hurley ofthe 's 2 happy one, hous especially yomances are beginning to bloom all seam turbo plant. May thelr say be when our litle Benny is around. No- Ground us. For instance, why ls it long and BaDDy. ody could be blue where Benny Is that a certain young Corporal, who itis with regret and_ perhaps a because she's in such a RAPPY frame orks on ALT. spares, should come tte envy that we see Cpls, David ‘of mind looking forward to ® posting ail the way from Barrack Stores, bets son, Whelan and Surette, feving out fo Torbay. Remember, Benny, tavel- the front office, and go upto the I & happy family and wending their way ling is educational. Atleast, thats "Section locking forthe Major, beth’ to Canad, Mey tet tu ot ‘what your father says ‘without even glancing intg the front duty on thets new stations beat Have you noticed our Sergeant~ orice where the Major would loge happy as the days spent om Gander Major around the bulding lately? Sly bet Ofcourse the & Ris the A's feminine wee over the es looking extremely chipper theto Only place In Stores where thes 2 yg/tweet, feminine voice ove: the aye and although we aren just sure fai! blue-eyed Blonde working, but yeqohame formed us that wedding ee ramon: ste et be bas with surely that couldn't have anyibine Feely, Congratulations! im and Best Epi. "shettekd in ‘Clothing Stores {ogy with ie Then, tn, ee been PES. ‘might have something to do with it SSulteq"tnat Vic ne pa , find no doubt she'd beable enisht” Cotuscetevish the Orderly Renee _,WE are sorry to hear that Set fn you on the matter. Iie more frequent than is neces- Hushway ix confined to howital — "Te big evento the month in Cloh= ne ete Meswenly than is TASS” pope he wil be around soon ing Stores was the adionat«'new Sitant“aried fom Hegeay We {ae on our morning ral ell tat Sea mw tom Tort ft Wakely, Jet you happen to walk Hye Bata deat ee ee We woxpen war Jato Stores some’ day and suddenly, LAG fal tom Clothing Stress {or no apparent reason, hear = dee going infor badminton ha bg way Sx Abbot was so reluctant to Saritone voice burst into song don't Jeti, that ir whenever'@cerain Moncon. Secome alarmed — its’ jut Ralpt td indy trom Accounts Mappers 0 Sgt. Mayhew spends so much tine Jeng offsite teem, ‘be around the Dil Hal ‘nthe al ball could tbe that Waly shh Stam, of the Pant and Dove “were all looking forward to some if ineresed in more then turbines ection is a proud pape. We Wop! seatly ine music at Church Peach tas’ ees ara Lana it too own up by the Fase, orl Geraghty, nepacae’ SE, Cuncingarn hat mtb lime you see her, Conmatalaons to Ease for ll Geraghty, Repel 2704 Dot TE be nee Raving om eae ec Fight Mate iso happy since the Ing ese a fence runing sound Sgr ae ie a ey cis fet tn month fhe froct ran ‘We think though, bays, you'd better Fight Geldart isso worried these to Bi ink Maman hasbeen bated NTange to have saat One practice gaya Cher p Di Woon oe So oa etc none omens ny with the et of the chor sine over say have fo ell hm ba. he pgz Youve been holding yours independ: "That's aout al fortis tine folks. Iss “him. Sgt. Pounds of ‘Mojor ently and NOT in the Station Chapel. ce you in the nent sue of Gander ‘THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 ry STATION WORKSHOP MYSTERY CLEARED by Willie Work and not so gentle moans, we. man= ‘god to coox a small Paral tractor from the powers thet be. Using this ‘with aval trailer the we peked up Wn trucking; and thar get bac on Speaking terms with the more fortun- Ste sections from whom we were al ‘ways eadging transportation. Imagine four consternation when someone Kidnapped Bertha, as. we affection- ately call our tractor because of her St. Paul Richard the big bose of the sheet metal shop and well-known wrestler and welght-ifer, had pro- ceded on temporary duty with Ber~ that and Junior (the taller) to the SRD. to pick up some metal This Was a serounge, af urual, and while negotiations were afoot rome scoune {rel ran off with Bertha Set Richard was very much put out but rose to the oceesion and proved that his wrestling and weightlifting training ‘was of value when he tok the traler almost superhuman strength droased the whole thing back to its home base. A very dim view of the whole thing was taken by 8/L Land, as Bertha is the apple of his eye and so posthaste, Gander Yard, the home of Newly Dew? the famous Gander Detective Force Detective Inspector MoKenle wat assigned to the ease and afer spend= ing some time on the ease was forced to admit that it was one of the most Daffling mysteries he had ever en- countered. St. Brown, Station work ‘hips own private sleuth supplied many valuable clues. such as. the tractors number, which incidental was only four figures out, but cou ‘hot be persuaded that ie own pet theory, that Bertha had become fed up with the humdrum ways of ite land had_gone out on patol, was wrong. The mystery was eventually solved and Bertha. was returned (0 ‘the bosom of her family as pure os she had been before she was spirited faway. Owing tothe fact that some of the most important names on the station were involved in this crime, it isnot possible to publish full de- tails of the masterly detective work that ed to the solving of this mye tery. All of Workship' pertonnel are ‘ratefal to. Detectives Guthray” and MeKenzie for saving the pursie and without turther hesitation recom- ‘mend them to anyone ele who Binds themselves in the same position. ‘As one philosopher said, “People have more fun than shybody", tnd ‘we manage to have a litle fun on fur own hook We have our bowling Teague and while there are no super bowlers in it, everyone manages $0 have a good time and win s couple ‘or packs of clgaretes now and then ‘A team is belng entered in the pro- posed Station Bowling League and ‘we expect to hold our own with all KITTEN-NAPPER STILL AT Don Forest, who, it i alleged, it- tenned “Daphine", & black an. white feat, has not yet “been apprehended by the authorities. Daphne. disap- peared from Barrack Block 182 last ‘month and has since then been Kept tives for thi dastardly erime are n= Iknown, but it was unofcally stated that the transmitter staff were lone= Some for feminine company. Sparks were for slong time the ‘only trades badges in the Air Force tnd even today they soem to bestow Upon their ‘wearer an air of difer fence, which the other badges fail to five. Perhaps it was this fact that Inspired an anonymous person to write this lite ditty which we dedi- fate to the finest wireless ops in the ‘country—the Gander W.0.G"s LARGE ‘THE WIRELESS BOY Blessings on thee, litle WOG, With thy neatly pencilled to, With thy voice 20 ike a Ia With thy lovely set of sparks, With thine ears so red and stil, Pressed upon by earphones sheill— rom mine eyes the sult tears drop, For damnit, Pm a wireless opt Prince thou art! The pilot guy Dut a chauffeur who’ can Ay at leer then in aivraft go Strutting wingless here ‘Thou hast more than they ea buy, ‘Thou hast sparks, they ean but Ay! Lite sunshine, mothers joy, Blessing on thee, Wireless Bayt u ‘THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, 1944 @ SLIPSTREAM === © STATION ARMAMENT BIDS |HOT BITS ADIEU TO F.L. CASPER FROM THE By LAC L. Kaufman FIRE HALL As thle goes to press, Station Ar- la (no relation to Simone Simone) mament says good-bye to F/L. Cas- he made the long trip East, His per. It is with regret that we love only complaint so\ far” has been, bir “O.C." of the pést 12 months. In. “When does the sun shine?” "Hs the pariance af the boys, he's been favorite ong is,“ want 0 g0 back ere we are again. Adjust your 8 "Good Egg’ ‘and a regular fellow. to where T came from" PcatonaTasee rear wacas Et are) Our loss will be Ottawa's gain where "Following his footsteps came rego with the text hhe goes to take up hls new post. LAC “Cas” Caswell, also from the “Gtr wert wishes go to Sah Saye Good luck and best wishes for ful: wide open spaces, Dafor, Sask, to CUT tert, wiahes fo to Set. Saye lure success. Don't forget us back be exact. "Cas", has had s bt of bad YO 10 apather, otate talon here in the Gander, Tick of late, Being confined to the {Ta'AY raion” CPL, foudett aod Like Grand Hotel life goes on and hospital with a back injury after [AC Brendan, he Jon rescoly wwe welcome back amongst us an only a few weeks in the Gander. POstng 19 Canada. ‘hey, Jolt wits old and popular friend, F/O. Camp- Latest report has it that he is going They ave our sympaity. We wont bell, formerly of Gander, but more to Christie Street Hospltal, Toronto, tg cicome Cpl. Melean ond LA's recently of Labrador" He Just for an operation, We're really sot’ {mtn Gosbell and Mealliaten, May couldn't stay away and relums to ry to lose you s0 soon but here's they "anjoy thee say By LAC. Bill Hunter take over F/L Caspers job Wishing” you a speedy Tecovery, ae dee arc ‘These last months have seen many “Cas pariiiaimprp rea, old friends depart to distant places. As a further addition to our ranke a . ter the gods ot the covan have tear” ft them around. With soap, water fd plenty of elbow grease, it Tooke like new. ‘The hal set has taken ‘more modern appearance with the in- Stallation of new doors. ‘They were certainly needed as the old type with ‘high wind would whic you around like Hard Hearted Hannah at the old ‘Don Spiers just back off lave trom ‘With regret we said zo long to Cpl. is Chick Sheppard, a former Sec: Storm (the Immortal) easly the rity uard, Chick has been here #0 most versatile armourer in cur sec: long nov he has grown' roots tion. "Stormy’"Ieft his mark not only "There. is one thing that all the fon us but on the entire station, His crew, both old and new, would like ‘many contributions to station life to ste and that “Newt” Colle Will” be remembered, With him witha smile on his fae, How about went Ken Loughlin after spending it Sarge? As Slim O'Connor says tmly four months on the Island “De Gander ain't s0 tough,” (Some Luck). To Yermouth, N.S. Our proud father Jimmy McCash- went an old familiar “Ganderite” in in expects to go home shortly to ee the person of one known in these his baby git! for the Ast time Jim- ; j ‘winnipeg where he bsune the hare part ar "Richie, alias Fred Reh. my's chert expanded three hches : rca CA surprise porting came to since the big event There be no "Gd of Mist Dory Meroe of Win TEAC. Harold Mitchel in the form of bldg him ow ipes, Our incre congratulations Don and Dot. He rays there is noth Ing like i, fellows, and he wouldnt De single again even for » posting ‘Well, spring must be here ae “Hep care” har trimmed his: moustache, (oF elze he has broken hie moustache cup. Cpls. Hope and ‘Stewart are studying CAP. 00. Why such sud- ‘en interest fellows? ‘Tommle's Blackwood system didn't work so hot at the bridge furnament the other evening where he snd Halls washed out. Was Halls Ieting you "You may now remove your specs ax this is the end of our text. See you the Bom Instructor's Course at "Since “Hub” Winters saw the Mountainview. We wonder how “Desert Song’, the peaceful atmas- he's doing back at sehool, now, "phere at the seeton has been petiod ‘Of course this migration of old lealy shattered by his personal ver friends vesulted in new faces around sion of the “Rif” call. However, the section, The fist of these was everything is under control and the LAC Bill Stewart. “Stew” came crew is standing by with @ brand from the west, and we do mean the ew straight Jacket. Any day aow West, After 18 months in Bella Bel- boys! ‘THE GANDER, MARCH-APRIL, ADMIN. Cpl, Ros, JA. and LAG Brown, J.B. For ll of you readers ofthe "Gat. der” that ate not already aware of the situation, we come to press again to announce the siceesefal. tem ation of our Bowling League, 8 Goes not permit us to make our faustie comments von the scoring ‘An unabridged detailed, and lurid Geseription may be obtained by rmerely mentioning the game around certain offices. Congratulations to the winners, and better luck next time for the rest of YOU It was hoped that our “Society Column!" would be able to give you the latest on our “Big Craw! but duc fo circumstances over which we had no control all wae a litte hazy. Just before thee urtain fell we did notice that one of the “Pay Stat?” had taken an intrest in the Station 1 anyone as any information on who ieepe the telephone operators cheerful these evenings would they Kindly pass the information along As it is all of the “leter punches ‘Paper Chasers", and. "Pen. Push~ cers", wish the two new rovers of the sea of matrimony the Best, Several new faces and legs have appeared since last we wrote, although we've tried, you haven't {been altogether familia. Perhaps there may be something in the say- Jing about wolves; but try us out just once, In short here's wishing you all & short, happy and memorable stay. ‘On feveral oveations sorties were rade ageinst dhe elements, Reports Were that Sling was exeellent with numerous inclines, but more fall ‘A few bones were broken and sev ral eliminations on the Arst_ run, bout nearly everyone went back for a sccond ty, ‘The Aunners have again wheeled jut their bleyeles, 50. you can take {from us that spring is on the way. Perhaps things will loosen up In the sway of postings and ease up on some oF our work Don't be a bit surprised to walk. into the bullding and with no inte tion of doing s0, walk into an ef Darrassing position. You” see we have changed offices again, but don't be surprised; we also get confused, ‘Continued on page #2) 10 LAUNDRY HOLDS SUCCESSFUL DANCE Greeting trom the cleaners you are O18: Reerestion Hall we hope thet scramble enjoyed it as much ss the Committee did In putting It over. ‘Due to the appearance on the s tion of the All Clear Show, the pro- be out done, combined the hearts vrih sharrocks to make ita unigue Bitfair in the way of decorations ‘The evening war hugh success many an aching foot can tell O/C of the Laundry, has been able a tlend. He war asked to say a few ‘words during the course of the even Ing and in his brief address express- ‘ed the thanks of our seston to those ‘who helped in making at enjoyable ‘Since our last issue, a few more old soaps have been posied namely, Cp ‘Tack Bidwell, Cpl Brownlee, LAW's Sanders, ‘Brant, Henderson, Lach= ruth, Broaders, Beaver, Wysae, fly, Hamilton and Wilkinson. Our a deserted male is walking. around ‘with hie face in hia hands these ae. We would like to take thi oppor= tunity to welcome the new faces in the section, May your stay with us be ‘happy and long remembered when this battle of Gander is over ‘Speaking of batles, we hear that loved one during his furlough which they say is any day now (Congratulations are. inorder for the boya who recently received, hooks. Keep up the sod work ‘You may have heard some cours regarding better service on your laundry, but as the C. 0. said ina recent broadcast, Gander is noted for its tall tales. But seriously, every thing possible is being done to offset the delays, even to working twenty Tour hows 2 day. Till next lose remember it all comes out in the wash or does Jt?

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