TOPIC 6 (Week 12-14) Vibration

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Eleventh Edition


Ferdinand P. Beer
E. Russell Johnston, Jr.
Phillip J. Cornwell Mechanical Vibrations
Brian P. Self

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the topic/chapter the students would be able to:
• Solve the free vibrations/simple harmonic motions of a particle,
simple pendulum and rigid bodies. (CO2-PO2)
• Apply Newton’s second law and determine the equation of motion
of rigid bodies (CO2-PO2)
• Apply the principle of conservation of energy to obtain the period
of vibration (CO2-PO2)

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Free Vibrations of Particles. Simple
Harmonic Motion
Simple Pendulum (Approximate
Simple Pendulum (Exact Solution)
Sample Problem 19.1
Free Vibrations of Rigid Bodies
Sample Problem 19.2
Sample Problem 19.3
Principle of Conservation of Energy
Sample Problem 19.4

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics

Because running in the International Space Station

might cause unwanted vibrations, they have installed a
Treadmill Vibration Isolation System.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
• Mechanical vibration is the motion of a particle or body which
oscillates about a position of equilibrium. Most vibrations in
machines and structures are undesirable due to increased stresses
and energy losses.
• Time interval required for a system to complete a full cycle of the
motion is the period of the vibration.
• Number of cycles per unit time defines the frequency of the vibrations.
• Maximum displacement of the system from the equilibrium position is
the amplitude of the vibration.
• When the motion is maintained by the restoring forces only, the
vibration is described as free vibration. When a periodic force is applied
to the system, the motion is described as forced vibration.
• When the frictional dissipation of energy is neglected, the motion
is said to be undamped. Actually, all vibrations are damped to
some degree.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Free Vibrations of Particles. Simple Harmonic Motion
• If a particle is displaced through a distance xm from its
equilibrium position and released with no velocity, the
particle will undergo simple harmonic motion,
ma  F  W  k  st  x   kx
mx  kx  0
• General solution is the sum of two particular solutions,
 k   k 
x  C1 sin t   C2 cos t 
 m   m 
 C1 sin  n t   C2 cos n t 
• x is a periodic function and n is the natural circular
frequency of the motion.
• C1 and C2 are determined by the initial conditions:
x  C1 sin  n t   C2 cos n t  C 2  x0
v  x  C1 n cos n t   C2 n sin  n t  C1  v0  n
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
The mass is 0.5kg, the spring constant is k= 50 N/m, and the initial displacement is
1 cm, then

which is plotted in Figure 1

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics


Figure 1: The position of a mass as a function of time if

k = 50 N/m,
m= 0.5kg,
x(0)=1cm and

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Free Vibrations of Particles. Simple Harmonic Motion

x  xm sin  n t    xm  v0  n 2  x02  amplitude

  tan 1 x 0n v 0   phase angle
n   period
1 
fn   n  natural frequency
 n 2
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Free Vibrations of Particles. Simple Harmonic Motion

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Free Vibrations of Particles. Simple Harmonic Motion
• Velocity-time and acceleration-time curves can be
represented by sine curves of the same period as the
displacement-time curve but different phase angles.

x  xm sin  n t   
v  x
 x m n cosn t  

a  x
  x m 2n sinn t  

v m  x m n a m  x m 2

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
An instrument package A is bolted to a shaker table as shown. The table
moves vertically in simple harmonic motion at the same frequency as
the variable-speed motor which drives it. The package is to be tested at
the peak acceleration of 50 m/s2. Knowing that the amplitude of the
shaker table is 60mm, determine (a) the required speed of the motor in
rpm, (b) the maximum velocity of the table.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Simple Pendulum (Approximate Solution)
• Results obtained for the spring-mass system can be
applied whenever the resultant force on a particle is
proportional to the displacement and directed towards
the equilibrium position.
• Consider tangential components of acceleration and
force for a simple pendulum,
 Ft  mat :  W sin   ml
  sin   0

for small angles,

    0
   m sin  n t   
2 l
n   2
n g

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Simple Pendulum (Exact Solution)
An exact solution for   sin   0
l  2 d
leads to n  4  (1)
g 0 1  sin 2  2 sin 2 

which requires numerical solution.

2K  l
n   2  , with K being integral in (1)
  g

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Concept Question

The amplitude of a
vibrating system is
shown to the right.
Which of the following
statements is true
(choose one)?

a) The amplitude of the acceleration equals the amplitude of

the displacement
b) The amplitude of the velocity is always opposite (negative to)
the amplitude of the displacement
c) The maximum displacement occurs when the acceleration
amplitude is a minimum
d) The phase angle of the vibration shown is zero
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.1
• For each spring arrangement, determine
the spring constant for a single
equivalent spring.
• Apply the approximate relations for the
harmonic motion of a spring-mass

A 50-kg block moves between vertical

guides as shown. The block is pulled
40mm down from its equilibrium
position and released.
For each spring arrangement, determine
a) the period of the vibration, b) the
maximum velocity of the block, and c)
the maximum acceleration of the block.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.1
k1  4 kN m k2  6 kN m SOLUTION:
• Springs in parallel:
- determine the spring constant for equivalent spring

- apply the approximate relations for the harmonic motion

of a spring-mass system
k 104 N/m
n    14.14 rad s
m 20 kg
n   n  0.444 s

P  k1  k2 vm  x m  n
P  0.040 m 14.14 rad s  vm  0.566 m s
k  k1  k2

a m  x m 2n
 10 kN m  10 N m 4
 0.040 m 14.14 rad s 
am  8.00 m s 2

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.1
k1  4 kN m k2  6 kN m • Springs in series:
- determine the spring constant for equivalent spring
- apply the approximate relations for the harmonic motion
of a spring-mass system

k 2400N/m
n    6.93 rad s
m 20 kg
n   n  0.907 s

P P vm  x m  n
  1   2  
k1 k 2  0.040 m 6.93 rad s  vm  0.277 m s

k1  k 2 P
k 1k 2 am  x m an2
P k 1k 2  0.040 m 6.93 rad s 2 am  1.920 m s 2
k 
 k1  k 2 
 2.4kN / m  2400N / m
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Free Vibrations of Rigid Bodies
• If an equation of motion takes the form
x   n2 x  0 or    n2  0
the corresponding motion may be considered
as simple harmonic motion.
• Analysis objective is to determine n.
• Consider the oscillations of a square plate
 W b sin    mb  I
 
1 m 2b 2  2b 2  2 mb 2 , W  mg
but I  12 3
3g 3g
 sin      0
5b 5b
3g 2 5b
then  n  , n   2
5b n 3g
• For an equivalent simple pendulum,
l  5b 3
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.2
• From the kinematics of the system, relate
k the linear displacement and acceleration
to the rotation of the cylinder.
• Based on a free-body-diagram equation
for the equivalence of the external and
effective forces, write the equation of
A cylinder of weight W is suspended • Substitute the kinematic relations to arrive
as shown. at an equation involving only the angular
Determine the period and natural displacement and acceleration.
frequency of vibrations of the cylinder.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.2
• From the kinematics of the system, relate the linear
displacement and acceleration to the rotation of the cylinder.
x  r   2 x  2r
  
  a  r  r  a  r
• Based on a free-body-diagram equation for the equivalence of
the external and effective forces, write the equation of motion.
 M A   M A eff : Wr  T2 2r   ma r  I
but T2  T0  k  12 W  k 2r 

• Substitute the kinematic relations to arrive at an equation

involving only the angular displacement and acceleration.
2 
Wr  1 W  2kr 2r   mrr  1 mr 2 2
   0
8k 2 3m  n 1 8k
n  n   2 fn  
3m n 8k 2 2 3m
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.3
• Using the free-body-diagram equation for
the equivalence of the external and
effective moments, write the equation of
motion for the disk/gear and wire.
m = 10 kg • With the natural frequency and moment
t n = 1.13s  n  1.93 s of inertia for the disk known, calculate
The disk and gear undergo torsional the torsional spring constant.
vibration with the periods shown. • With natural frequency and spring
Assume that the moment exerted by the constant known, calculate the moment of
wire is proportional to the twist angle. inertia for the gear.
Determine a) the wire torsional spring • Apply the relations for simple harmonic
constant, b) the centroidal moment of motion to calculate the maximum gear
inertia of the gear, and c) the maximum velocity.
angular velocity of the gear if rotated
through 90o and released.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.3
• Using the free-body-diagram equation for the equivalence
of the external and effective moments, write the equation of
motion for the disk/gear and wire.
 M O   M O eff :  K   I 
W  20 lb     0
 n  1.13s  n  1.93 s
K 2 I
n  n   2
I n K

• With the natural frequency and moment of inertia for the

disk known, calculate the torsional spring constant.

I = 12 mr 2 = 1 (10 kg)(0.2 m ) = 0.2 kg ×m 2

1.13  2
K K = 6.18 N ×m rad

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.3
• With natural frequency and spring constant known,
calculate the moment of inertia for the gear.
1.93  2 Igear = 0.583 kg× m2

• Apply the relations for simple harmonic motion to

W  20 lb
calculate the maximum gear velocity.
 n  1.13s  n  1.93 s
   m sin nt    mn sin nt m   mn

 m  90  1.571 rad

 2  2 
m   m    1.571 rad 
K 2 I 
 n  1.93 s 
n  n   2
I n K
m  5.11rad s
K = 6.18 N× m rad

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Group Problem Solving
• Using the free-body and kinetic diagrams,
write the equation of motion for the

• Determine the natural frequency and

moment of inertia for the disk (use the
small angle approximation).

• Calculate the period.

A uniform disk of radius 250 mm is
attached at A to a 650-mm rod AB of
negligible mass which can rotate freely
in a vertical plane about B. If the rod is
displaced 2°from the position shown
and released, determine the period of
the resulting oscillation.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Group Problem Solving
Draw the FBD and KD of the pendulum (mbar ~ 0).

Bn Bt

 l

Determine the equation of motion. *Note that you could also do
M B  I B this by using the “moment”
from at, and that at = l

mgl sin   I  ml 2   mgl sin   I   lmat
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Group Problem Solving
Find I, set up equation of motion
using small angle approximation
mgl sin   I  ml 2   
1 2
I mr , sin   
æ1 2 ö
ç mr + ml ÷q + mglq = 0

è2 ø

Determine the natural frequency

n2 
 r2
 l2  Calculate the period

(9.81)(0.650) 2
 n   1.676 s
(0.250) 2
 (0.650) 2 n
 14.053  n  1.676 s
n  3.7487 rad/s
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Concept Question

In the previous problem, what

would be true if the bar was
hinged at A instead of welded at A
(choose one)?

a) The natural frequency of the oscillation would be larger

b) The natural frequency of the oscillation would be larger
c) The natural frequencies of the two systems would be the same

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Principle of Conservation of Energy
• Resultant force on a mass in simple harmonic motion
is conservative - total energy is conserved.
T V  constant 1 mx 2  1 kx 2  constant
2 2
x 2   n2 x 2 
• Consider simple harmonic motion of the square plate,
T1  0 V1  Wb1  cos m   Wb2 sin 2 m 2
 12 Wb2m

T2  12 mvm2  12 I  m
2 V2  0

 12 mbm   12
23 mb 2  m2
 12 53 mb 2 m2
T1  V1  T2  V2
 
0  12 Wb m2  12 53 mb 2  m2  n2  0  n  3g 5b
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.4
• Apply the principle of conservation of
energy between the positions of maximum
and minimum potential energy.
• Solve the energy equation for the natural
frequency of the oscillations.

Determine the period of small

oscillations of a cylinder which rolls
without slipping inside a curved

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.4
• Apply the principle of conservation of energy between the
positions of maximum and minimum potential energy.
T1  V1  T2  V2

T1  0 V1  Wh  W  R  r 1  cos  

 W  R  r   m2 2 
T2  12 mvm2  12 I  m
2 V2  0

 
 1 m R  r  2  12 1 mr  R  r   2
m   m
2 2  r 
 34 mR  r 2m2

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 19.4
• Solve the energy equation for the natural frequency of the
T1  0 
V1  W R  r   m2 2 
T2  34 m R  r 2m2 V2  0

T1  V1  T2  V2

 m2
0  W R  r   34 m R  r 2 m2  0

 m2
mg R  r   34 m R  r 2  m n 2m

2 g 2 3 Rr
 n2  n   2
3 Rr n 2 g
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Concept Question
A small trailer and its load have
a total mass m. The trailer can
be modeled as a spring with
constant k. It is pulled over a
road, the surface of which can
be approximated by a sine
curve with an amplitude of 40
mm and a wavelength of 5 m.
Maximum vibration amplitude
occur at 35 km/hr. What
happens if the driver speeds up
to 50 km/hr?
a) The vibration amplitude remains the same.
b) The vibration amplitude would increase.
c) The vibration amplitude would decrease.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics

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