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7/28/2019 Project- Ice Cream Final

 Preparing a project of this nature is an arduous task and I was fortunate
enough to get support from a large number o persons. I wish to express my deep

 sense of gratitude to all those who generously helped in successful completion of 
this report by sharing their invaluable time and knowledge.

 It is my proud and previledge to express my deep regards to Respected 

 HOD Dr. Pramesh Gautam,  Head of Department of Business Management ,
allowing me to undertake this project.

 I feel extremely exhilarated to have completed this project under the able
and inspiring guidance of Miss. Amrita Rawat  he rendered me all possible help
me guidance while reviewing the manuscript in finalising the report.

 I also extend my deep regards to my teachers , family members , friends and 

all those whose encouragement has infused courage in me to complete to work 

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 Preparing a project of this nature is an arduous task and I was fortunate

enough to get support from a large number o persons. I wish to express my deep
 sense of gratitude to all those who generously helped in successful completion of 
this report by sharing their invaluable time and knowledge.

 It is my proud and previledge to express my deep regards to Respected ,

 Head of Department  Dr.Pramesh Gautam, Department of Business Management ,
me to undertake this project.

 I feel extremely exhilarated to have completed this project under the able
and inspiring guidance of He rendered me all possible help me guidance while
reviewing the manuscript in finalising the report.

 I also extend my deep regards to my teachers , family members , friends and 

all those whose encouragement has infused courage in me to complete to work 


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 Date :

 I declare that the project report titled  " MARKETING STRATEGIES OF 

TOP FIVE BRAND OF ICECREAM " on Market Segmentation is nay own work 

conducted under the supervision of MISS. AMRITA RAWAT Department of 


TECHNOLOGY SAGAR To the best of my knowledge the report does not contain
any work , which has been submitted for the award of any degree , anywhere.

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The project report titled   " MARKETING STRATEGIES OF TOP 


 IST SEM. under the guidance and supervision of  Miss. AMRITA RAWAT  for 

the partial fulfillment of the Degree of MBA.

 Signature of the Signature of the Signature of the

 Supervisor Head of the  Examiner 

7/28/2019 Project- Ice Cream Final







7/28/2019 Project- Ice Cream Final


Comparative research, simply put, is the act of comparing two or more things
with a view to discovering something about one or all of the things being
compared. This technique often utilizes multiple disciplines in one study.

When it comes to method, the majority agreement is that there is no

methodology peculiar to Comparative research. The multidisciplinary approach is
good for the flexibility it offers, yet Comparative programs do have a case to
answer against the call that their research lacks a “seamless whole”.

There are certainly methods far more common than others in comparative studies,
however. Quantities analysis is much more frequently pursued than qualitative,
and this is seen in the majority of comparative studies which use quantitative data.

The general method of comparing things is the same for comparative research as it
is in our everyday practice of comparison. Like cases are treated alike, and

different cases are treated differently; the extent of difference determines how
differently cased are to be treated. The point here is that if one is able to
sufficiently distinguish two cases, comparative research conclusions will not be
very helpful.

Secondary analysis of quantative data is relatively widespread in comparative

research, undoubtedly in part because of the cost of obtaining primary data for 
such large things as a country’s policy environment. This study is generally
aggregate data analysis. Comparing large quantities of data is prevalent. A typical
method of comparing welfare states is to take balance their levels of spending on
social welfare.

In line with how a lot of theorizing has gone in the last century,

comparative research does not tend to investigate ‘grand theories’, such as

Marxism. It instead occupies itself with middle-range theories’ theories that do not 6/43
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 purport to describe our social system in its entirety, but a subset of it. A good
example of this is the common research program that looks for differences
 between two or more social systems, then looks at these differences in relation to
some other variable coexisting in those societies to see if it is related. The classic
case of this is Esping-Anderson’s research on social welfare systems.

He noticed there was a difference in types of social welfare systems, and

compared them based on their level of decommodification of social welfare goods.
He found that he was able to class Welfare states into four types, based on their 
level of decommodification. She further theorized from this that

decommodification was based on a combination of class coalitions and

mobilization, and regime legacy. Here Esping-Anderson is using comparative
research: he takes many western countries and compares their level of 
decommodification, then develops a theory of the divergence based on his

Comparative research is a research methodology in the social sciences that aims to

make comparisons across different countries or cultures. A major problem in
comparative research is that the data sets in different countries may not use the
same categories, or define categories differently.

Comparative research can take many forms. Two factors are space and time.
Spatially, cross-national comparisons are by far the most common, although

comparisons within countries, contrasting different areas, cultures or governments

also subsist and are very constructive, especially in a country like New Zealand,
where policy often changes depending on which race it pertains to. Recurrent
interregional studies include comparing similar or different countries or sets of 
countries, comparing one’s own country to others or to the whole world.

The historical comparative model involves comparing different time-frames. The

two main choices within this model are comparing two stages in time (either 
snapshots or time-series), or just comparing the same thing over time, to see if a
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 policy’s effects differ over a stretch of time. When it comes to subject matter of 
comparative enquiries, many contend there is none unique to it. This may indeed
 be true, but a brief perusal of comparative endeavors reveals there are some topics
more recurrent than others. Determining whether socioeconomic or political
factors are more important in explaining government action is a familiar theme. In
general, however, the only thing that is certain in comparative research issues is
the existence of differences to be analyzed.


The origins of ice cream can be traced back to at least the 4th century B.C. Early
references include the Roman emperor Nero (A.D. 37-68) who ordered ice to be
 brought from the mountains and combined with fruit toppings, and King Tang
(A.D. 618-97) of Shang, China who had a method of creating ice and milk 
concoctions. Ice cream was likely brought from China back to Europe. Over time,
recipes for ices, sherbets, and milk ices evolved and served in the fashionable

Italian and French royal courts.

After the dessert was imported to the United States, it was served by several
famous Americans. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson served it to their 
guests. In 1700, Governor Bladen of Maryland was recorded as having served it to
his guests. In 1774, a London caterer named Philip Lenzi announced in a New
York newspaper that he would be offering for sale various confections, including
ice cream. Dolly Madison served it in 1812. 8/43
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First Ice Cream Parlor In America - Origins Of English Name

The first ice cream parlor in America opened in New York City in 1776. American

colonists were the first to use the term "ice cream". The name came from the
 phrase "iced cream" that was similar to "iced tea". The name was later abbreviated
to "ice cream" the name we know today.

Methods and Technology

Whoever invented the method of using ice mixed with salt to lower and control the
temperature of ice cream ingredients during its making provided a major 
 breakthrough in ice cream technology. Also important was the invention of the
wooden bucket freezer with rotary paddles improved ice cream's manufacture.
Augustus Jackson, a confectioner from Philadelphia, created new recipes for 
making ice cream in 1832.

Nancy Johnson and William Young - Hand-Cranked Freezers

In 1846, Nancy Johnson patented a hand-cranked freezer that established the basic
method of making ice cream still used today. William Young patented the similar 
"Johnson Patent Ice-Cream Freezer" in 1848.

Jacob Fussell - Commercial Production 9/43
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In 1851, Jacob Fussell in Baltimore established the first large-scale commercial ice
cream plant. Alfred Cralle patented an ice cream mold and scooper used to serve
on February 2 1897.

 Mechanical Refrigeration

The treat became both distributable and profitable with the introduction of 
mechanical refrigeration. The ice cream shop or soda fountain has since become
an icon of American culture.

Continuous Process Freezer 

Around 1926, the first commercially successful continuous process freezer for ice
cream was invented by Clarence Vogt.


Ice cream industry occupies important place in India. It is one of the

consumer goods industries its products is important popular diet.

India is an agriculture-based country because of the large number of cattle

and large milk production most of the dairy and ice-cream industries has
developed and India is well ranked in the world.

Ice cream industry has brought magnificent change in the rural economy. It
 provides employment to the marginal farmers.
It has an important role in employment generation and reducing the
migration of villagers towards the town and cities for live hood.

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Today the competition in ice-cream of players like amul, Kwality walls ,

Vadilal etc. as ice cream has been a regular edible item the consumption of ice
cream is more.

Small Beginning, Big Vision, Great Ambitions. Havmor Ice Cream began its
 branded life in 1944 in Karachi, in undivided India. By 1947, it was a popular 
local brand there.
But in 1947, in the wake of the partition, its founder Satish Chona had to join the
exodus into India, with virtually no moveable assets. Searching for a new turf, he

tried out Dehra Dun and Indore, and finally, settled down in Ahmedabad.
 No, it was not a case of “Brand Relocation”, or anything else as fanciful. He had to
start the venture from scratch again. In fact, he had to begin from a hand-cart at the
Ahmedabad Railway Station, churning out the Ice Cream manually.
He called this fledgling brand 'Havmor' - a neologism for 'Have More' - which
meant the customer got more value for money, and more taste to relish from his
Ice Creams.
Perhaps he didn't know it then, but he had laid the foundation for one of Western
India's most enduring market legends.
And good quality, like good character, wins over the situation sooner or later.
Today, Havmor Ice Cream is a delicious facet of Western India's daily life and part
of its market lore. It reaches hundreds of thousands of consumers through 50 main
outlets and 12000 plus dealers.
That's a very very long way from a hand-cart.
Good Old Values, New Generation Leadership
Mr.Pradeep Chona, son of Late Shri Satish Chona, today heads the Havmor 
conglomerate. He has continued his father's quality obsession and streak of 
To his father's motto - 'Achchai, Sachchai, Safai'. He added a suffix - “Navu Su

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 Now that is quite simple, but a powerful reason for taste innovation. In fact, that is
not even a corporate axiom. It is the question regular Havmor customers ask at
frequent intervals. Because they expect Havmor to keep pleasing their palates in
new way, always.
Mr.Pradeep Chona set off a series of Changes at Havmor - in technology, in
quality & hygiene standards, in management, in HRD and in the overall corporate
environment. This re-engineering was complemented by capacity expansions and
a flurry of promotional activities, to maintain the company's market presence
intact in competitive times...

Sometime back, Ankit Chona, Mr.Pradeep Chona's son also joined the
 business after completing his graduation from the United States. He has been a
driving force in expanding the Restaurant division as well as popularizing the

Company owned Ice Cream & Fast Food par lour’s known as HAV FUNN. He has
 brought a lot of innovation and standardization in the business.

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Every study is being conducted with a purpose in it. The study of market of 
DINSHAWS ICE-CREAM is carried out to achieve the objectives listed below.

01. To study the market share analysis and potential.

02. To have comparative study of value of the product among the other brands in
the market.

03. To determine the market share of the product through research and survey.

04. To determine the customer awareness about the product.

05. To identify the competitor and determine their share and position.

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According to Green and Tall “A research design is the specification of the

methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed. It is the overall
operational pattern or framework of the project that stipulates which information is
to be collected, from where it is to be collected and by what procedures”

This research process based on primary data analysis and secondary data analysis
will be clearly defined to meet the objectives of the study.

• I chose the primary sources to get the data. A questionnaire was designed in
accordance with our mentor in Ketchup. I chose a sample of about 30
corporate customers
• I collected some data from the secondary sources like published Company
documents, internet etc.
Research Design
“A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collections and analysis of 

data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedures”. It is a descriptive cross sectional design .It is the
conceptual structure with in which research is conducted; it constitutes the
 blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.
It is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research
operations, thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding maximal

information with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money.

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In the preliminary stage, my research stage constituted of exploratory study by

which it is clear that the existence of the problem is obvious .So, I can directly
head for the conclusive research.
Sampling Plan
“Sampling plan” is a distinct phase of research process. In this stage I have to
determine who is to be sampled, how large should be the needed sample and how
sampling unit is to be selected.
In my research, I have defined my population as a complete set of customers of 
Sagar City.
Sample Survey
As compared to census study, a sample study has been conducted by us because
 Wide range of population, it was impossible to cover the whole population

 Time and money constraints.

Sample Unit
In this survey I took the list of customers from the dealers of Ketchup  
Sampling Technique
Sampling technique implies the method of choosing the sample items, the two
methods of selecting sample are:
 Probability method.

  Non-probability method.
“Probability method” is those in which every item of the universe has an equal
chance of the inclusion in the sample. “Non-probability methods” are those that do
not provide every item in the universe with known cause of being included in the
sample. The selection process is partially subjective.
For my study, I employed the Non-probability sampling technique, in which I got
the data of the customers from the dealer of Ketchup.
Instrument of collection of data

I have used one set of questionnaire to collect data from the customers. This
questionnaire is structured and highly ordered. This includes both close ended and

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open ended questions. The close ended questions included both dichotomous and
multiple choice questions.


Ice CreamShare of 

Others 19% Kwality Walls

 Arun 6% 37%

Ben and
Vadilal 8%

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All marketing starts with the consumer. So consumer is a very important person to
a marketer. Consumer decides what to purchase, for whom to purchase, why to
 purchase, from where to purchase, and how much to purchase. In order to become
a successful marketer, he must know the liking or disliking of the customers. He
must also know the time and the quantity of goods and services, a consumer may
 purchase, so that he may store the goods or provide the services according to the
likings of the consumers. Gone are the days when the concept of market was let
the buyer’s beware or when the market was mainly the seller’s market. Now the
whole concept of consumer’s sovereignty prevails. The manufacturers produce
and the sellers sell whatever the consumer likes. In this sense, “consumer is the
supreme in the market”.

As consumers, we play a very vital role in the health of the economy local,
national or international. The decision we make concerning our consumption
 behavior affect the demand for the basic raw materials, for the transportation, for 
the banking, for the production; they effect the employment of workers and
deployment of resources and success of some industries and failures of others.
Thus marketer must understand this.

Preference a concept in the social sciences, particularly economics. It assumes a

real or imagined "choice" between alternatives and the possibility of rank ordering
of these alternatives, based on happiness, satisfaction, gratification, enjoyment,
utility they provide. More generally, it can be seen as a source of  motivation. In
cognitive sciences, individual preferences enable choice of objectives/goals.

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The study of the consumer preference not only focuses on how and why
consumers make buying decision, but also focuses on how and why consumers
make choice of the goods they buy and their evaluation of these goods after use.
So for success of any company or product promotion it is very necessary to depart
its concentration towards consumer preference.

Vadilal Ice Cream Ltd:

Vadilal ice cream division has always been a hot favorite

with the people both inside and outside the organization. In India,
the name Vadilal is synonymous with Ice Cream. The Ice Cream
industry in India today has a turnover of Rs. 15 billion [US$ 330
million]. A quarter of this comes from the house of Vadilal alone.
But that’s no surprise, considering that we have the largest range
of Ice Creams in the country – 120 – plus flavors, in a variety of 
more than 250 packs and forms. The range includes cones,
candies, bars, ice-lollies, small cups, big cups, family packs, and
economy packs. Something for all tastes, preferences and

To make it convenient for our consumers to relish our

complete range under one roof, we have set up a chain of 
Happiness Parlors – ‘Ice Cream boutiques’ so to say. Hordes of 
people flock to these parlors daily because they know that our
products contain the purest and creamiest milk, and the freshest
and tastiest fruits and nuts.

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Among our products are OneUp Chocobar and King Cone –

all-time favorites which have today attained the generic status.
Another hit is our Kulfi – traditional Indian milk sweet. Some of 
our products are a combination with confectioneries.

Since our products are highly perishable, quick transport

and proper storage are of paramount importance. Hence our
refrigeration equipment and deep freezes are imported from
companies, which are world leaders in their respective fields. To
ensure sufficient, timely and constant ice cream supply, we have
a Cold Chain Network comprising three manufacturing plants
[totaling a production capacity of 1.25 lakh litre per day], about
23 C&FA, more than 500 Distributors and over 40,000 Retailers.
Amul India Ltd:

AMUL means "priceless" in Sanskrit. The brand name

"Amul," from the Sanskrit "Amoolya," was suggested by a quality
control expert in Anand. Variants, all meaning "priceless", are
found in several Indian languages. Amul products have been in
use in millions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk
Powder, Amul Ghee, Amulspray, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates,
Amul Shrikhand, Amul Ice cream, Nutramul, Amul Milk and
Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in India. (Turnover:
Rs. 67.11 billion in 2008-09). Today Amul is a symbol of many
things. Of high-quality products sold at reasonable prices. Of the
genesis of a vast co-operative network. Of the triumph of 
indigenous technology. Of the marketing savvy of a farmers'
organisation. And of a proven model for dairy development.
Kwality Walls Ltd:

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Kwality Ice Cream is the pioneer in the Indian ice-cream

manufacturing industry and in 1956 became the first company in
the country to use imported technology for manufacturing ice-
cream on a commercial scale. As the ice-cream industry exploded
in India, in 1995 Kwality Group joined hands with Hindustan Lever
Limited and then there was no looking back.

 The Indian consumer market was introduced to “KWALITY

WALLS” – the result of a collaboration between global brand Walls
and the leading Indian ice-cream brand Kwality. Though the two
giants eventually parted ways, the collaboration made Kwality a
household name and created deep in roads for the brand in the
consumer market. Today, Kwality is not just a brand – it is the
ice-cream associated with the Indian summer; it’s the first choice
in ice-cream for any child or adult during the scorching Indian
summers. Kwality ice-creams are trusted not only for their rich,
creamy flavours, but also for their trusted quality and nutritious
food value.
Mother Diary Ltd:

Mother Dairy Fruit and Vegetable Pvt. Ltd. offers the

following products: Mother Dairy markets dairy products like
Liquid Milk, Ice Creams, Flavoured Milk, Dahi, Lassi, Mishti Doi,
Ghee, White Butter, Table Butter, Cheese, UHT Milk, Dhara range
of edible oils and the Safal range of fresh Fruits & Vegetables,
Frozen Vegetables and Fruit Juices at a national level, through its
sales and distribution networks, for marketing food items. Mother
Dairy milk (Bulk Vended Milk) is fortified with vitamin A @2000 IU
per litre of milk as a part of social accountability. This program
was started with the Mother Dairy, Delhi, since February 1980and
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there after Mother Dairy is continuing this program on their own

as a social responsibility without having any financial assistance
from the Government as well as since it is felt that BVM is
generally consumed by the middle / lower middle / poor strata of 
the society. It is also found that the dietary practices adopted by
these classes are deficient in Vitamin A.

Mother Dairy sources significant part of its requirement of 

liquid milk from dairy cooperatives. Mother Dairy sources fruits
and vegetables from farmers / growers associations. Mother Dairy
also contributes to the cause of oilseeds grower cooperatives that
manufacture/ pack the Dhara range of edible oils by undertaking
to nationally market all Dhara products.The company markets an
array of fresh and frozen fruit and vegetable products under the
brand name SAFAL through a chain of 400+ own Fruit and
Vegetable shops and more than 20,000 retail outlets in various
parts of the country. Fresh produce from the producers is handled
at the Company’s modern distribution facility in Delhi with an
annual capacity of 200,000 MT. An IQF facility with capacity of 
around 75 MT per day is also operational in Delhi. A state-of-the-
art fruit processing plant of fruit handling capacity of 120 MT per
day, a 100 percent EOU, setup in 1996 at Mumbai supplies
quality products in the international market. With increasing
demand another state-of-the-art fruit processing plant has been
set up at Bangalore with fruit handling capacity of around 250 MT
per day.

Ben & Jerry Ltd:

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Since 2003, Ben & Jerry's have been working on a

sustainable Caring Dairy initiative, which helps level out needs of 
the farmers and their cows, as well as the planet's needs. The
company has, so far, reduced energy use on their 11 farms by
2%, and converted all their farms to green energy. Also, in 2002,
Ben & Jerry's in the USA committed to reducing carbon dioxide
emissions by 10% by 2007, and by investing in a variety of 
efficiency measures, this target was achieved with ease - the USA
now produce 32% less carbon dioxide emissions (per pint of ice
cream) today (in 2008) than in 2002. This initiative was brought
to the exclusive provider of milk for Ben & Jerry's European ice
cream production, Beemster Cheese, in 2007.

In addition to helping farmers and their cows, in 2001 Ben &

 Jerry's began sourcing vanilla, cocoa, and coffee, for their smooth
ice creams, from cooperatively run farmer associations - these
community structures help promote their members' quality of life,
improve worker's benefits, and sustain a commitment to their
land and communities. In 2006, the world's first ever vanilla ice
cream made with Fairtrade ingredients was launched by Ben &
 Jerry's. 2007 saw the release of Vanilla Toffee Crunch, using
100% Fairtrade certified cocoa, sugar, and vanilla, and in 2008,
Chunky Monkey was guaranteed to be traded in accordance with
international Fairtrade standards as well.

MTR Pvt Ltd:

MTR Foods Private Limited is amongst the top five processed

food manufacturers in India. We manufacture, market and export
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a wide range of packaged foods to global markets that include

USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, Japan
and Oman.

Starting with the legendary MTR restaurant in Bangalore,

India’s silicon valley, we now offer ''complete meal solutions'. Our
wide range of products include ready-to-eat curries and rice,
ready-to-cook gravies, frozen foods, ice cream, instant snack and
dessert mixes, spices and a variety of accompaniments like
pickles and papads.

Our deep understanding of culinary expectations and needs

has resulted in many new and innovative products. Our
investments in infrastructure and technology ensure that we can
scale rapidly and bring these to market. Today, consumers across
the globe count on us to bring them all-natural, wholesome and
delicious food that is also convenient and no-fuss.


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• Raspberry Dolly

• Mango Dolly

• Zulu Bar 

• Classic Chocobar 
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• Kacchi Keri


• Vanilla
• Plain Pista

• Royal Gulab


• Butter Scotch

• Chocolate Chips

• Lonavali

• Pina Chips

• Almond Carnival

• Vanilla

• Cashew Treat

• Cherry Berry

• Butter Scotch

• Pina Chips

• Kaju Draksh

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• Kesar Pista


• Strawberry Sundae
• Choco Sundae
• Super Sundae
• Chic Choc Sundae
• Mango Sundae


• Black Current
• Caramel Crunch
• Mocha Brownie Fudge

• Ringo Bingo
• Chic Choc
• Butter Scotch
• Chocolate
• Raja Rani


• Bon Bon
• Bouncer Ball
• Sandwich Ice Cream

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• Slice Cassata
• Black Forest I/C Pastry


• Malai Kulfi
• American Nuts
• Dry Fruit Katri
• Sun Moon Star 
• Fifty Fifty

• Fruit Salad Ice Cream
• Rose Petal Sancha
• Kulfi Nut

• Raja Rani (Roll)
• Swiss Cake
• Mocha Brownie Fudge
• Pan Ice Cream
• Pudding Ice Cream (Tub)
• Kesar Malti
• Kesar Ras Malai
• Rich Coffee/Chocolate
• Chocolate Chips
• Raj Bhog

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• Vanilla

• Cashew Treat
• Chocolate Chips
• Raspberry Ripple
• Pista Malai

• Mocha Brownie Fudge

• Pan Ice Cream

• Pina Chips


• Strawberry

• Chocolate

• Anjir 

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Wholesalers and Jobbers

A wholesaler, or jobber, is a firm that typically buys goods from manufacturers

and resells them to retailers. A wholesaler stocks goods from many different
manufacturers in one or more warehouses and ships those goods as one combined

order under one invoice.

In highly competitive industries, such as those selling consumer products through

retailers, several wholesalers might stock identical merchandise, putting much
 pressure on profit margins. As a result, wholesalers are unlikely to offer ancillary
services to you, such as advertising or sales solicitation and service unless you pay
for these services in addition to the basic wholesaling charges.

So, selling your product to a wholesaler doesn't necessarily mean your 

merchandise will automatically end up on a store shelf. You and your sales force
and/or independent representatives will have to take on the responsibility of 
creating order demand.

Wholesale, however, does have advantages. Retailers hesitate to buy direct from
new, small vendors and just feel safer purchasing from established wholesalers.
Even if you offer a very deep discount, retailers won't be anxious to buy from you
direct. They won't see any value in processing the paperwork associated with
establishing and doing business with a small account.

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Distributors usually serve a multipurpose role. They will perform in a manner 

similar to that of an independent representative in that they will solicit orders from
the retailer for your products. They also act as wholesalers in that they stock your 
merchandise, too. Distributors may provide other services as well, such as
catalogue creation, trade advertising, and trade-show representation. Usually
distributors represent manufacturers on an exclusive basis only within their 
territory. In many industries a distributor will also sell to wholesalers in addition to
retailers. In this case, the distributor is called a master distributor.

Because a distributor acts as your “salesperson” and often sells to both wholesalers
and retailers, it will require a deeper discount rate when purchasing your 
merchandise than would be the rule with a wholesaler.

Most manufacturers don't use distributors. They prefer to sell direct to wholesalers,
retailers, consumers, or some combination of all three. However, a good
distributor can be an excellent way for a small firm to instantly establish
credibility and a presence within either their industry's domestic or foreign


The term importer means different things to different people. Often it is used to
describe a firm that serves as an exclusive distributor to an overseas territory and
 provides sales solicitation, warehousing, and invoicing services.

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Sometimes it refers to a firm that arranges to buy merchandise from a foreign

manufacturer and resells the merchandise to one or more distributors who then
handle the domestic sales functions. Typically, the importer will arrange to have
the merchandise cleared through customs, and may also arrange for shipment from
the country of origin.

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Marketing research is the collection and interpretation of data that help the
marketing management to get the products more efficiently in to the hands of 
the consumers.


Marketing research as systematic collection, recording, analysis, interpretation

and reporting of information about existing or potential markets marketing
strategies and tactics etc.Marketing research and market research should not be
confused. Market research is one of the market it self that is its size no. of 
competitor active in it and their market share.
Market research can be used for estimating the market share but in reality there
may have to be eliminated because of certain factors. Market research is very
much significant in determining the market potential. One of the method used
 by business marketers in determining the market potential is build up method.
In this method the first step is identify all the potential buyers in each market
and then to estimate their potential purchase. In the research undertaken the
 potential buyers of DINSHAWS ICE-CREAM are various shopkeeper market
research has played an important role.

Thus marketing research can help the manufacturer and dealer in deciding his
 potential market in the context of size of market any manufacturer or dealer 
seeking a new market would be interested in getting this information because
this will help to decide whether or not it will be profitable to enter the market.

In this way research plays an important role firstly find out market share & how
to the increase the market share.

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To analyze the primary data and then decide strategy for increase the market
any manufacturer or dealer seeking a new market would be interested in getting
this information because this will help to decide whether or not it will be
 profitable to enter the market.

In this way research plays an important role firstly find out market share & how
to the increase the market share. To analyze the primary data and then decide
strategy for increase the market share.

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We have categorized schools in three segments

which are as following:

• Government schools

• Private schools

According to my survey I have following findings

1. How many different school categories in Indore?

• According to my survey in my project coverage there are
two categories of schools Eg. government & private schools.

• In that categories there are 35% of the total schools are

government & rest 65% are private schools.

2). How many schools having canteen?

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• Out of the total number of schools surveyed 78% are
not having canteen and 22% are having the canteen
within the school campus.

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2. In those canteens how many use AMUL


• out of those 22 % of schools, which are having canteen, only
20% of the canteens are having AMUL products , rest are
not maintaining the range of AMUL products.

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3. Availability of AMUL product near by


This graph is giving the information about the availability of AMUL products at
the near by shops , This shows:
1) AMUL products are available at the 67% of the shops rest
are not keeping AMUL products in their shop.

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4. AMUL vs. other brands products usage in schools and

near by area?

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This graph is giving the information about the usages of AMUL products at the
near by shops , This shows:
1) AMUL products are used in only 37% of the schools and by
the people near by schools. So that it can be interpreted
that other brands are having a strong market share in
comparison with AMUL.


Prizes of Indian ice cream should be reduc.

• Innovation should also be brought in the ice cream of India and China.

• Marketing strategies should be made with the consideration of lower 


• Indian Should adopted more technical ice cream in their range.

• China should increase size of the ice cream with more durability.

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o Visit at each and every retail shop.

o Regular visits every week should be there.

o More emphasis on research and survey

Better understanding of market demand

o More emphasis on product diversification


• Promotional activities for sale should be increased.

• Promotional activities like posters, dangler, and hoardings should

 be enhanced.

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• T.V. advertisements should be increased.

• Local newspaper advertisement should be there i.e. advertisement in Dainik 

Bhaskar, Nai Duniya, etc.


o Damaged product should be taken care of efficiently and seriously.

o Machine & Refrigerator must be provided to the retailers.


The Indian ice cream factory is growing at an average rate of 20%and is now convinced with
the fact that it needs to investin:-
• Technology,

• Marketing,

• Safety aspects,

• Tooling and brand building, if they want to grow further.

• European quality at Chinese cost is the formula forgrowth.

Prizes of China ice cream should be lower down. Innovation should also
 be brought in the ice cream of India and China. China should increase size
of the ice cream with more durability.

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o Kotler Philip “ Marketing Management ” prentice Hall of India Pvt.

Ltd. New Delhi,1999

o Kothari, CR “Research Methodology” vishwa publication, New

Delhi, 2001.




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