04 Section III Scope of Requirements

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: MHA00003000010073








1.1 The Home Team Departments under the Ministry of Home Affairs (hereinafter
referred to as “the Authority”) has a requirement to establish a Framework
Agreement (FA) for the engagement of research officers and statisticians
(hereinafter referred to as “the Contract Officers”) to provide psychology
research services (hereinafter referred to as “the Services”).

1.2 Specifically, the Authority requires the Services of an estimated quantity of one
(1) Senior Principal Researcher Officer, one (1) Principal Research Officer,
eight (8) Senior Research Officers, fifty (50) Research Officers and four (4)
Statisticians. The Services of these Contract Officers shall be directed and
supervised by the Authority.

1.3 Successful Tenderer(s) for this tender [hereinafter referred to as “the

Contractor(s)”] shall be formally invited subsequently via Request for
Quotation (RFQ) to quote for the exact requirement with specific scope of
Services (setting out the details such as the nature and requirement of project,
specific skill sets, qualifications and the number of Contract Officers required,
etc.) as and when the Authority has a requirement for the provision of the
Services during the period of the FA. In respect of each RFQ issued, the
Authority may, after assessing the quotations received from each Contractor,
issue a Purchase Order to the awarded Contractor to provide the relevant
Services required at the rates he has quoted for those Services. Each Purchase
Order shall state the price and other details of the Services to be supplied and
shall constitute a separate contract between the Authority and the awarded
Contractor for the provision of the Services stated therein. The Authority
reserved the rights to assign titles to the Contract Officers.

1.4 Tenderers are reminded to study the terms and conditions of the FA (which also
states the requirements for RFQ and Purchase Order) as set out in Section II and
the Scope of Requirement (SOR) stated in this Section III.


2.1 The FA shall tentatively commence on 1 Dec 2021 for a period of four (4) years.
The actual commencement date of the FA shall be stated in the Letter of
Acceptance (LOA) which shall be issued to the Contractor(s) upon tender


3.1 The detailed scope of Services is listed at Annex A.


4.1 The Contract Officers must meet all requirements specified in the Annex A.


4.2 Location of Services

(a) The office spaces for the Contract Officers shall be based in the
Authority’s premises, unless otherwise stated.

(b) The Services are normally conducted within the Authority’s premises and
when necessary, travelling out of the Authority’s premises might be

(c) The Authority reserves the right to relocate the Contract Officers to any
of the Authority’s premises during the contract period set out in the
Purchase Order. No cost shall be claimed against the Authority for the

4.3 Working Hours for Engagement of Contract Officers

(a) The Contract Officers will be on a five (5) day Workweek Scheme from
Mondays to Fridays. The working hours will be 8.5 hours from Mondays
to Thursdays, and 8 hours for Fridays [including a one (1) hour lunch

(b) The official working hours shall range between the following timings
unless otherwise specified:

Mondays to Thursdays : 8.30 am to 6.00 pm

Fridays : 8.30 am to 5.30 pm

(c) The Contract Officers shall maintain a monthly time sheet indicating his
daily reporting and leaving time. The time sheet shall be signed by the
Contract Officer and his/her Supervisor. The Authority and the
Contractor(s) shall each keep a copy of this time sheet for the purpose of
validating the excess hours spent.

(d) A copy of this time sheet template shall be provided to the Contractor(s),
upon award of the RFQ.

4.4 Overtime Rates

(a) Contract Officer is not eligible for overtime rates and the Authority shall
not entertain claims for overtime pay.

4.5 Work Deployment

(a) The Authority reserves the right to deploy and allocate additional roles or
tasks, but not restricted to what is specified in Annex A to the Contract
Officers, as long as such additional duties are of similar nature to the
original scope of works and/ or the scope of works normally expected of
such designation in the general market.


(b) The Contract Officers should not be involved in any work(s) assigned by
the Contactor(s) without prior consent from the Authority.

4.6 Retaining Contract Officers

(a) The Contractor(s) shall propose a retention framework in place to retain

Contract Officers for continuity to work through the Services which shall
be assessed and scored in the evaluation of this tender. The framework
may include approaches such as payment of gratuity equivalent to one (1)
month of service fee to the Contract Officers upon the completion of a one
(1) – year contract. Tenderers will be evaluated on the retention
framework they have in place to ensure the effective retention of Contract
Officers. The Contractor(s) shall note that a manpower attrition rate
of not more than 25% for the entire contract duration is tolerated.

(b) Gratuity shall not be given to the Contract Officer if they resigned or
terminated their contract without completing one (1) full contractual year.
However, proration for new Contract Officer who was recruited to fill the
remaining contractual period of the vacated position can be allowed to
entice and facilitate recruitment. This is subjected to the Authority’s


5.1 The Contractor(s) shall appoint one representative (hereinafter referred to as the
“Contractor’s Representative”), at no additional cost to the Authority. The
Contractor’s Representative shall act as a single point of contact for managing
the Purchase Order and shall provide the necessary administration services to
the Contract Officers.

5.2 The Contractor’s Representative shall provide quarterly written report to the
Authority. The quarterly report shall minimally include the following

• Contractual Period of Purchase Order

• Profile of Contract Officers Recruited

- Number of Contract Officers
- Positions filled
- Qualifications

• Staff Matters
- Leave entitlement, number of days of vacation leave taken, number of
days of MC/hospitalisation leave taken
- Resignation received and feedback (if any)

• Training and development schedule (where applicable)

• Any other matters



6.1 Tenderers shall quote the total costs for the Services of Contract Officers, and
this shall be submitted through GeBIZ. Tenderers shall also provide a
breakdown of the pricing (monthly payment payable to Contract Officers) in the
Price Schedule as set out in Appendix 1.1 to Section I:

(a) Tenderers should quote according to the requirements in Appendix 1.1 to

Section I.

(b) Tenderers are to note that all relevant costs related to the Services should
be priced into the quotation.

(c) The Contractor(s) shall not be liable to seek additional cost for the Services
to be performed under this FA, i.e. no hidden cost or additional charges will
be entertained.

(d) Prices quoted in ranges shall not be accepted.

(e) All forms of costs/ charges to the Authority will be taken into consideration
when evaluating the competitiveness of the pricing for the award of the


7.1 The Contractor(s) will be paid the full monthly fee for the Services rendered if the
Contract Officer works for the full month. For purposes of calculating the
monthly fee payable to the Contractor(s) for Contract Officer who did not
perform the Services for the whole month, the pro-rated monthly fee payable to
the Contractor(s) for the performance of Services in that calendar month shall be:

Number of Working Days the Contract Officer X Monthly Fees payable per
Worked in That Calendar Month calendar month
Total Number of Working Days in That
Calendar Month


8.1 Within fourteen (14) working days of the date of each RFQ, the Contractor(s)
shall arrange for interview sessions with the Authority and provide the relevant
documents and information shown below to facilitate the Authority in assessing
the suitability of the candidate(s):

(a) Curriculum vitae of suitable candidate(s);

(b) Availability of candidate(s) such as notice period and start date; and


(c) Necessary documents such as educational qualification certificates,

transcripts, testimonials, etc.

8.2 The Authority will issue the Purchase Order to the Contractor(s) on the
commencement of work upon successful selection of candidate(s) and RFQ

8.3 For any shortfall in the total number of successful candidates due to resignation
of the successful candidates prior to commencement of Services or candidates
were unsuccessful during the interview sessions, the Contractor(s) shall provide
the Authority with the documents stated under Para 8.1 (a) to (c) and arrange
for additional candidates to be interviewed within fourteen (14) working days
upon notification by the Authority, at no additional cost to the Authority.


9.1 The Contractor(s) shall provide suitably qualified Contract Officers with
qualifications and skills meeting the requirements specified in Annex A and are
fit for the Services. The Authority reserves the right to reject candidates who do
not meet the requirements specified in Annex A or assessed to be unsuitable for
the posts via the interviews.

9.2 The Contractor(s) shall ensure that their recruitment and employment of the
Services to be provided to the Authority does not contravene any Employment
Acts / Rules and / or Regulations as stipulated by the Ministry of Manpower.

9.3 The Contractor(s) shall be responsible for timely administration and mandatory
payments as required under the Employment Act, including the Contract
Officers’ salaries, CPF contributions, coverage of workmen’s compensation /
insurance and all other related costs and benefits.

9.4 On a monthly basis, the Contractor(s) shall provide the Authority with the
monthly pay-slip for the Contract Officer as evidence of his / her salary and all
contributions made.


10.1 Absenteeism of Contract Officers

(a) The Contractor(s) shall inform the Authority within the same working day
if the Contract Officer is unable to report for work. The Contractor shall
also provide valid reasons and evidences for his / her absence (e.g. MC and
etc). In the event that the Contract Officer is unable to report to work, for
any reasons, for more than seven (7) working days, the Contractor shall
arrange for a replacement of equivalent or higher qualifications and
experience at the same or lower contract rate/monthly fee within fourteen
(14) working days (inclusive of the time for the Contractor to shortlist the
candidate, arrange interviews and selection of candidate by the Authority)


upon receipt of the MC notification from the Contract Officer, at no

additional cost to the Authority.

(b) No fees or other charges shall be payable by the Authority to the Contractor
for the period which the Contract Officer did not perform the Services.

10.2 Resignation/Termination of Contract Officer

(a) The Contractor(s) shall ensure that the Authority are kept informed of any
resignation of the Contract Officer with a minimum of one (1) month’s
notice prior to his/her last day of Service. The Contract Officer shall submit
his / her resignation letter to the Contractor and pass a copy of the letter to
the Authority on the same day of submission. Alternatively, the Contractor
shall notify the Authority immediately upon receipt of the resignation

(b) In the event that the Contract Officer resigns before the end of the agreed
period, the Contractor shall arrange for a replacement of equivalent or
higher qualifications and experience at the same or lower contract
rate/monthly fee within fourteen (14) working days (inclusive of the time
for the Contractor to shortlist the candidate, arrange interviews and
selection of candidate by the Authority) from date of resignation of Services
by the Authority, at no additional cost to the Authority. Such changes due
to the replacement shall not require the execution of a formal contract
variation, unless there are changes to the contract rates/monthly fees
approved by the Authority.

10.3 The Authority shall reserve the rights to terminate the Contract Officer with
immediate effect and shall not be liable for any damages and compensation,
including payment for any Services due if:

(a) The Contract Officer does not demonstrate professional competence in

carrying out the Services and efforts by the Contractor(s) have failed to
resolve the issue.

(b) The conduct of the Contract Officer is found to be detrimental to the good
reputation of the Authority.

(c) The Contract Officer fails to turn up for work without informing the
Authority with any valid reason acceptable to the Authority on the day of
absence for more than three (3) days and/or three (3) incidents.

(d) The Contract Officer is found guilty of any misdemeanor, misconduct or

committed offences1 that warrant dismissal by the Authority.

Offences that warrant criminal breaches shall be reported and separate investigations from the Authority
shall be carried out.


10.4 The Authority shall give the Contractor seven (7) days’ notice to inform the
Contractor and the Contract Officer of his/ her underperformance if the
underperformance is not related to the circumstance as stated in Para 10.3. The
Authority shall reserve the right to terminate the Contract Officer if his/ her
work performance did not improve in meeting the requirements after prior
notice of 3 calendar months has been given. The Authority shall also reserve the
right to terminate the Contract Officer immediately if he/ she was ever issued
with a prior notice of his/ her poor performance.

10.5 In the event the Services of any of the Contract Officer is terminated by the
Authority before the end of the contract period, the Contractor shall arrange for
a replacement of equivalent or higher qualifications and experience at the same
or lower contract rate/monthly fee within fourteen days (14) working days
(inclusive of the time for the Contractor to shortlist the candidate, arrange
interviews and selection of candidate by the Authority) from date of termination
of Services by the Authority, at no additional cost to the Authority. Such
changes due to the replacement shall not require the execution of a formal
contract variation, unless there are changes to the contract rates/monthly fee
approved by the Authority.


11.1 The Contractor(s) and the Contract Officers awarded for the specified Services
via a Purchase Order are obliged to maintain confidentiality on the Authority’s
information and to ensure integrity in managing the Authority’s information
assets. The Contractor(s) and the Contract Officers are also required to comply
with the Official Secrets Act (Chapter 213, Revised Edition 2012) and to sign
an undertaking to safeguard classified information (if any) and fully comply
with all written instructions issued by the Authority.

11.2 The Contractor(s) and each Contract Officer shall sign an undertaking to
safeguard official information as per Annex B.


12.1 The contract agreement between the Contractor(s) and the Contract Officer shall
not have any binding effect on the Authority, neither does it lead to any
contractual obligations on the part of the Authority.

12.2 The contract between the Contractor(s) and the Contract Officer supplied to the
Authority should not include any conditions binding the Contract Officer to seek
employment with the Authority, upon expiry of the Purchase Order awarded
under the RFQ. Neither should it deter the Contract Officer from joining the
Authority immediately if the Contract Officer chooses to seek employment with
the Authority after releasing himself of his contractual obligations with the

12.3 The Contractor shall extend a copy of the contract agreement signed with each
Contract Officer to the Authority.



13.1 The Contract Officers may be allowed to make transportation claims for
transport of official document (e.g. research report and data results) belonging
to the Authority. Prior approval must be sought from the relevant approving
supervisor from the Authority before the Contract Officer can make claims for
reimbursement. The cost of such transportation claims will be borne by the

13.2 The Contractor may be required to send the Contract Officer for trainings and
conferences based on the Authority’s operational requirements. The Authority
will identify the course/ programme and the Contractor shall facilitate the
requirement to register / enroll the Contract officers. The cost of such trainings
and conferences will be borne by the Authority and paid to the Contractor(s) on
a reimbursement basis.

13.3 The Contractor(s) shall ensure that the details (date and cost incurred, staff
making the claim, purpose of expenses, etc.) of such costs are clearly listed in
the monthly invoice for the Authority’s verification. Approval must be sought
by the Contract Officers from the Authority before any claim was made. The
receipts and approval must be provided to the Contractor(s) and billed to the
Authority on a reimbursement basis at cost after it has been consumed without
imposing service fee or mark-up.


14.1 The Contractor(s) shall be responsible for the leave management (e.g. medical
and vacation leave) of the Contract Officers. The Contract Officers shall plan
their intended leave and inform the Contractor one (1) month in advance before
applying for leave (e.g. Annual Leave, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave,
Shared Parental Leave, Adoption Leave, Childcare Leave, Extended Childcare
Leave) unless in special circumstances where it is not possible (e.g. child or
parent suddenly fell sick in the morning). In such circumstance, it is the Contract
Officers’ responsibility to inform and apply leave at the earliest possible time.
The Contractor shall provide the Authority with the Leave Plan of all Contract
Officers at least one (1) week before the first day of the following month. The
Leave Plan shall consist of information such as the number of leave entitled and
the number of remaining leave of the respective Contract Officer.


15.1 The Contractor(s) shall submit the e-invoices to the Authority within two (2)
weeks of the following month that the Contract Officer has worked (e.g. invoice
for the month of April should be submitted before 14th May), and to also submit
the supporting documents (time-sheet, etc.) to the Authority for verification.



16.1 The Contractor(s) shall ensure that the Contract Officer deployed to the
Authority must abide by the rules and regulations of the Authority.

16.2 Where the quality of Services of any Contract Officer provided is not
acceptable, they would be sent back to the Contractor(s) within five (5) working
days from the respective commencement date of the Contract Officer to provide
Services to the Authority. The Contractor shall terminate the Services of the
Contract Officer and arrange for a replacement within fourteen (14) working
days (inclusive of the time for the Contractor to shortlist the candidate, arrange
interviews and selection of candidate by the Authority) from date of termination
of Services of Contract Officer, at no additional cost to the Authority.

16.3 Payment shall only be made for those days where the Contract Officer has
reported to work. Payment will be pro-rated accordingly, based on the appended
formula as stated in Para 7.1, for the number of days Services was provided.

16.4 The Contractor(s) shall be wholly responsible for the timely supply of Contract
Officers according to the requirements stated in this FA.


17.1 A compulsory tender briefing will be held at Ministry of Home Affairs, or via
video conferencing. The Authority will confirm whether the briefing will be
held via video conferencing 3 working days before the briefing. Tenderers will
have to make their own transport arrangements to travel to Ministry of Home
Affairs. Tenderers are to confirm their attendance via email to Mr Chan Chunmu
(CHAN_chunmu@mha.gov.sg) at least three (3) working days before the tender
briefing, with the name of company, name of representative(s), NRIC,
designation, contact numbers, email and addresses for security clearance. A
maximum of two (2) representatives can attend the tender briefing and the
representatives are required to bring along their personal identity
card/passport/documents for verification. Tender proposals from tenderers
who fail to attend the tender briefing are liable for rejection.

Tender Briefing Details

Date: 18 Jun 2021
Time: 3 pm (Singapore Time)
(Please arrive by 2.45 pm to register your attendance)
Venue: Online Zoom Session (to be advise after RSVP) or
New Phoenix Park
28 Irrawaddy Road
Singapore 329560



18.1 After Tender closed, shortlisted Tenderers will be invited for a compulsory
interview at the Authority’s premises to present their proposals for the Services
they have tendered for. The interview will allow the Authority to assess the
quality and seek clarifications on the proposal, which will form part of the
evaluation process. Failure to attend the interview session will result in the
disqualification of the participation in the Tender without further consideration.

18.2 Requirements of the presentation and details of the interview session will be
communicated to the Tenderers along with the invitation to the compulsory
interview at least 7 working days in advance.


19.1 The Authority reserves the right to require the Contractor to pay a sum
calculated at the rate set out in the table below as LD for non-performance of
Services. The amount of LD shall be deducted from any monies due or to
become due to the Contractor under the FA or any other contracts with MHA,
with prior notice to the Contractor.

S/No. Reference Type of Complaint Quantum of

Para Liquidated
1. 9.2 Failure to ensure that their
recruitment and employment of the
Services to be provided to the S$200.00 per
Authority does not contravene any incident per
Employment Acts / Rules and / or Contract Officer
Regulations as stipulated by the
Ministry of Manpower.
2. 9.3 Failure to ensure timely
administration and mandatory
payments as required under the S$200.00 per
Employment Act, including the incident per
Contract Officers’ salaries, CPF Contract Officer
contributions, coverage of
workmen’s compensation /
insurance and all other related costs
and benefits.
3. 10.1(a), Failure to provide replacement
10.2(b), within fourteen (14) working days S$50.00 per day
10.5, 16.2 (inclusive of the time for the per Contract
Contractor to shortlist the candidate, Officer for each
arrange interviews and selection of day of delay
candidate by the Authority).
4. 10.3(d) The Contract Officer is found guilty S$200.00 per
of any misdemeanor, misconduct or incident per
committed offences that warrant Contract Officer


S/No. Reference Type of Complaint Quantum of

Para Liquidated
dismissal by the Authority. This list
of misdemeanors/ misconduct/
committed offences is not
exhaustive. Examples include
gambling or sleeping while on work,
drinking before or during work or
outrage of modesty or breaching of
Official Secret Act, etc.
5. 14.1 Failure to provide Leave Plan of all
S$200.00 per
Contract Officers at least one (1)
incident per
week before the first day of the
Contract Officer
following month.
6. -- Failure to prevent loss of official S$200.00 per
document in the process of incident per
transportation and handling. Contract Officer


20.1 Tenderers shall include the following documents in their electronic submission
via GeBIZ before the closing date and time as specified in the Tender:

(a) Form of Tender (Appendix 1 to Section I);

(b) Price Schedule (Appendix 1.1 to Section I);

(c) Compliance to Conditions of Contract (Appendix 2 to Section I);

(d) Compliance to SOR (Appendix 3 to Section I);

(e) GST Declaration Form (Appendix 4 to Section I);

(f) Company Information and Declaration Form (Appendix 5 to Section I);

(g) Company profile, which includes the year of establishment, nature of

business, areas of specialization and staff strength;

(h) Company track records and relevant experience in providing research


(i) At least four (4) resumes of the research officers who meet all requirements
specified in the Annex A from the pool of candidates the Tenderer intend
to supply the Authority with;

(j) A complete proposal which include (1) system for human resources and
timesheet management; (2) plan and system to manage claims; (3) retention
framework; (4) employment benefits (e.g. medical benefits); and (5)


professional consultative service and advice to the Authority for Contract

Officer management (e.g. workplace injuries or dispute).

(k) Any additional Services which the Tenderer can value-add to the Authority;

(l) Other supporting documents, if any.


21.1 The following Stage 1 Evaluation criteria shall be used to evaluate the
Tenderers’ offers. Completeness of submission of the required documents is
compulsory. Offers that fail to meet these criteria will not be considered for
further Stage 2 evaluation and acceptance.

Stage 1 - Evaluation Criteria

I) Attendance at compulsory tender briefing;

ii) Compliance with Conditions of Contract (Section II) and Requirement
Specifications (Section III) of the tender;
iii) Completeness of submission of the required documents as set out in Para 20
iv) Tenderers and its Directors shall not be debarred on or after the closing date of
the Tender; and
v) Meeting the Government Registration Authority (GRA) supply category of
EPU/SER/19 – Service (Data Entry, Supply of Manpower) or EPU/SER/34
(Consultancy Services), with a financial category of S8 (S$10M).

If the Tenderer is not a registered Expenditure & Policies Unit (EPPU) supplier
meeting EPU/SER/19 – Service (Data Entry, Supply of Manpower) or
EPU/SER/34 (Consultancy Services) for a financial category of up to S$10M
(S8), Tenderer shall provide Certified/Audited Financial Reports or Annual
Reports for the past three (3) years or other Relevant Accounting Documents,
i.e., Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Accounts etc. for evaluation by the Authority.

Stage 2 Evaluation Criteria (In order of priority)

21.2 Proposals that met the Stage 1 Evaluation Criteria shall be evaluated further
based on the following Stage 2 Evaluation Criteria.

Ranking* Criteria
1 Price Competitiveness
2 Quality of Proposal
3 Track Records^
- Relevant track records/past experience of providing similar
4 Relevant Experience of Research Officers#
* In terms of importance (i.e. Rank 1 is most important, followed by Rank 2, 3 and 4).


^ Tenderers with more than 5 years of relevant experience will be assessed more
favorably than those with less experience.
# Research Officers with more than 3 years of relevant experience in psychology /
related behavioural sciences will be assessed more favorably than those with less

21.3 The Authority reserves the right to award the tender in whole or accepting such
portion of the tender as the Authority may decide.


22.1 Please contact the following person for any clarifications regarding this Section

Name: Mr Chan Chunmu

Email: Chan_chunmu@mha.gov.sg
Tel: 6465 3730


Annex A

Scope of Services

1. Principal / Senior Research Officers

The Principal/Senior Research Officer is to conceptualize and operationalise research

studies based on the Authority’s requirements for research. In addition, he/she is to
support the branch in-charge/principal investigator of the project. Candidates are
expected to be proficient in all aspects of the research process such as literature search,
data entry & management, basic statistical analysis etc. The Principal/Senior Research
Officer should also be proficient in data analysis and is expected to be able to execute
advanced data analysis independently. Further, candidates are expected to possess good
writing, communication and training skills that will be essential in the communication
of research findings to stakeholders of project.

The Principal/Senior Research Officer is required to handle all research-related

administrative work. This will include liaising with different parties for meetings,
preparing files & documents etc. He/she will also be expected to perform miscellaneous
administrative duties from time to time as directed by the senior permanent staff
member in psychological services outfits in the Home Team.

Roles and Responsibilities

a. Draw on knowledge of psychology and behavioural sciences to conceptualize and
conduct applied research studies as required by the Authority
b. Support professional supervision of research officers involved in assigned project
c. Conduct literature reviews and write reports on research studies as required by
the Authority
d. Collect and analyse research data
e. Communicate research findings through presentations and training platforms (e.g.
classroom, seminars)
f. Coordinate with internal and external parties to facilitate research requests
g. Providing publication related support
h. Archive research process and outcomes as part of the Authority’s knowledge
management efforts
i. Ensure no lost and safeguard of official documents.
j. Any other duties as assigned by the Authority

Competencies, Skills and Knowledge

a. At least A bachelor’s degree (with honours) from a recognised course/
programme in psychology (preferred) or any field of study
b. 3 years of relevant work experience (5 years for principal) in psychology / related
behavioural sciences is preferred
c. Good writing, analytical and communication skills
d. Good team work skills
e. Basic understanding of statistics and proficiency in the use of statistical software


2. Research Officers

The Research Officer would conduct applied research, using extensive application of
both theoretical and psychological knowledge. Candidates are expected to be proficient
in all aspects of the research process such as literature search, data collection, entry &
management, statistical analysis, report writing and communication of findings etc. In
addition, research officers will also be expected to aid in the conceptualization and
conduct studies based on the Authority’s research requirements. The ability to write
clearly and concisely and the ability to make effective presentations (e.g. during
meetings, training events) are requirements for prospective candidates.

Research Officers are also required to handle all research-related administrative work.
This will include liaison with different parties for meetings, preparing files &
documents etc. They will also be expected to perform miscellaneous administrative
duties from time to time as directed by the permanent staff member.

Roles and Responsibilities

a. Draw on knowledge of psychology and behavioural sciences to support
conceptualization of and conduct applied research studies as required by the
b. Conduct literature reviews and write reports on research studies as required by
the Authority
c. Collect and analyse research data
d. Communicate research findings through presentations and training platforms (e.g.
classroom, seminars)
e. Coordinate with internal and external parties to facilitate research requests
f. Providing publication related support
g. Archive research process and outcomes as part of the Authority’s knowledge
management efforts
h. Ensure no lost and safeguard of official documents.
i. Any other duties as assigned by the Authority

Competencies, Skills and Knowledge

a. At least a bachelor’s degree (with honours) from a recognised course/programme
in psychology (preferred) or any field of study
b. 1 year of work experience in psychology / related behavioural sciences is
c. Good writing, analytical and communication skills
d. Good team work skills
e. Basic understanding of statistics and proficiency in the use of statistical software


3. Statisticians

The Statistician is expected to conceptualise and operationalise the statistical aspects of

research studies (e.g. research design, sample size, data analysis) based on the
Authority’s requirements for research. Candidates are expected to be proficient in
research design and statistical methods, especially statistical methods for behavioural
sciences type projects. In addition, the Statistician is expected to be proficient in data
analysis and is expected to be able to execute advanced data analysis independently.
Further, candidates are expected to possess good communication and teamwork skills
that will be essential for the smooth progress of any research project.

Roles and Responsibilities

a. Draw on knowledge of statistics to support conceptualization and conduct of
applied research studies as required by the Authority
b. Analyse research data and support report writing
c. Providing publication related support
d. Archive research process and outcomes as part of the Authority’s knowledge
management efforts
e. Any other duties as assigned by the Authority

Competencies, Skills and Knowledge

a. At least a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics or Mathematics from a recognised course
or academic programme. Candidates with Bachelor degrees (with honours) in
Psychology/Behavioural Sciences with a strong research/statistics focus will also
be considered
b. 1 year of work experience as a statistician in fields of psychology / related
behavioural sciences research is preferred
c. Good writing, analytical and communication skills
d. Good team work skills
e. Advanced understanding of statistics and proficiency in the use of statistical


Annex B


My attention has been drawn to the Official Secrets Act (Chapter 213, Revised
Edition 2012) and in particular to Section 5 thereof which relates to the safeguarding of
official information.

2 I understand and agree that all official information acquired by me in the course
of my work and consultancy with any government department, statutory board or
government-owned company is strictly confidential in nature, and is not to be published
or communicated by me to any unauthorised person in any form at any time, without
the official sanction of the relevant Permanent Secretary or the Chief Executive Officer
of the statutory board or government-owned company.

3 I further understand and agree that any breach or neglect of this undertaking
may render me liable to prosecution under the Official Secrets Act.

………………………….. …………………………….............
(Signature of Officer) (Full name in BLOCKS and NRIC)

………………………….. ……………………………..
(Designation) (Name of Company)


…………………………… ... …………………………

(Signature of WITNESS) (Full name in BLOCKS and NRIC)



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