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1. Eat a fruit immediately after the workout (5 min max) and then take your 40g of proteins (2
scoops). By elevating the release of insulin before the consumption of a whey protein drink,
you have effectively set the stage for a serious anabolic reaction.
2. 40g of proteins is the max what a body can absorb at once
3. Consume a whey protein drink shortly after a whole food meal. By doing so, you will have
created an environment very conducive to muscle growth. By consuming that whole food
meal, you will have suppressed the rate of muscle breakdown. Firstly, by starting a slow
cascade of amino acids through your system.
4. Provided your meal had some kind of carbohydrates, you will have stimulated the release of
insulin which, in itself, can slow the rate of muscle breakdown. Insulin is also the hormone
that governs protein synthesis rate.
5. There is a slight delay from the time you digest carbohydrates and the time that insulin
levels peak. Because of the fact that whey is absorbed so quickly, it is possible that the peaks
between amino acids and insulin will not coincide, resulting in a less-than-optimal response.
Once the whey protein has been completely assimilated, amino acid levels will drop.
However, they will not return to normal, because the "Amino Acid Cascade" that you stared
with the whole food meal is still streaming. It's a beautiful sight, isn't it? This little step has
effectively stimulated protein synthesis as well as slowing protein breakdown.
6. Consume a casein-based meal within the next 2 hours. Have two a day, making sure to
have one just prior to bed. The degree of protein synthesis is directly related to the degree
of change in the levels of amino acids. By consuming a casein-based meal here we will allow
for that drop while keeping amino acid levels above normal. This keeps the rate of protein
breakdown to a minimum.


- casein is a "slow" protein that is classified as anti-catabolic. That means that it prevent
excessive protein breakdown. Whey protein is a "fast" protein that is classified as anabolic -
meaning that it stimulates protein synthesis, but does not inhibit catabolism.
- We can't do both at the same time, but we can mimic the effect by manipulating our dietary
- it is the rapid increase of amino acids that results in increases in protein synthesis.
- Fast refers to the amount of time it takes to be fully metabolized. More specifically, the time
it takes for it to be digested (if needed), absorbed into the blood, taken up by a bodily tissue,
and complete one of many metabolic fates. The two dominant pathways here are the
creation of a new protein from the individual amino acids or oxidation into urea and possibly
glucose. Somewhere between 20-40 minutes, the level of amino acids in your blood has
reached its high point. Within the hour it will have gone through the various metabolic
processes, either protein synthesis, or oxidation.
- Muscle growth is dependent on the balance between protein synthesis and breakdown18. If
the synthesis of new muscle protein is greater than the breakdown of muscle protein, net
gains in muscle mass are seen.
- Just having constantly high levels of amino acids or merely having a positive protein balance
doesn't stimulate protein synthesis and doesn't lead to increases in muscle mass. It is the
about presenting your body with sudden change and increase of amino acids that stimulates
protein synthesis rates.
- right around two hours, synthesis rates will level off and return to normal despite the
abnormally high levels of amino acids.2 What is even more interesting is that even if amino
acid levels are already very high and protein synthesis is dropping, I can consume more
amino acids and further stimulate an increase in synthesis rates.
- Diets that are comprised of a lot of foods high on the glycemic index result in higher
amounts of fat accumulation. Where as the foods lower on the glycemic index seem to
reduce fat while slightly increasing muscle mass.

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