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English 2: Novel Study-The Old Man and the Sea

Name ________________________________

The Old Man and the Sea

Novel Guide

Unit Introduction:
Visit to get started.

Author Study: Ernest Hemingway

After watching the video and reading the

information provided, please answer the questions
below on a separate piece of paper.
1. How did Hemingway's experience working at
a newspaper influence his writing style?
2. In Paris, Hemingway became part of what
group of people? How did the connections
that he established with the other group
members impact his literary career?
3. What novel is considered Hemingway's
greatest work?  What does it examine?
4. When Hemingway was not writing or
working, what did he spend his time doing?
5. What two coveted literary awards did he
receive for his work?
6. What were some of the personal demons that
Hemingway battled during his lifetime and
how did they lead to his death?


Hemingway had a deep love for the sea and was an avid fisherman.  He spent many of his happiest
moments on his boat near the Gulf of Mexico.  His experiences out on those waters served as
inspiration for his story The Old Man and the Sea and other works. Discover more about the setting of
the story by clicking on the link about Cuba and watch the video clip to learn about his fishing know-
Answer the questions below.

1. Cuba is geographically located south of the U.S. state of _________________, west of __________________
America, and _____________ of South America.
2. The colors of the Cuban flag are ______________, _________________, and _________________.
3. The people of Cuba are a mixture of ___________________, __________________, and _____________________.
4. What is the official language of Cuba? _________________________________.
5. What is Cuba’s favorite sport? ___________________________.
6. Hemingway spent most of his time on his __________________, Pilar.
7. What two kinds of fish did he catch? ___________________________________________________________.
8. Who did Hemingway dedicate his book and the award the he won for it to? _________________________.
English 2: Novel Study-The Old Man and the Sea
1. List the seven characteristics of modernism:
2. What horrific event was the catalyst for the literary movement? ________________________________________
3. Describe the feelings that emerged in the modernist authors as a result of their experiences.

Literary Elements
These are the literary elements that we will be focusing on as we delve into the novel.
1) Allegory:  a narrative in which characters and action represent concepts different from the
literal meaning of the story.
2) Conflict: the struggle between opposing forces.
                     -external conflict: the character struggles against an outside force (man vs. man, man vs.
nature, man vs. supernatural)
                     -internal conflict: the character struggles against themselves (man vs. self)           
3) Symbol:  something that on the surface is its literal self but which also has another meaning or
even several meanings.
4) Theme: a central message of insight revealed through the literary work
5) Characterization: the act of creating or developing a character
      -direct characterization: the author directly states a character's traits.
                                    ex: Susan has brown hair.
                      -indirect characterization: based on appearance, actions, speech, etc., the reader must draw
his or her own conclusions about who the character is.
                                    ex:  Susan visits her grandma every weekend at the nursing home.


On a separate piece of paper create a chart that looks like this:

Character Direct Characterization Indirect Characterization
The Sea
The Sharks

As you read, fill in the chart with the information that they author reveals either directly or indirectly
about each character.
English 2: Novel Study-The Old Man and the Sea
The Old Man and the Sea
Reading Comprehension Questions.

Please answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper.

Pages 9-28

1. Who is Santiago? Describe him.

2. Who is Manolin?
3. Why is the boy not fishing with the old man anymore? Does he want to?
4. What did the other fishermen think of the old man?
5. Describe Santiago’s house.
6. What’s the point behind the conversation about yellow rice with fish and the cast net?
7. Why is there so much talk about baseball, specifically DiMaggio?
8. “There are many food fishermen and some great ones. But there is only you.” What does the
boy mean?
9. What is Hemingway’s point to having the old man say, “I may not be as strong as I think…”
10. What did the old man dream about?

Pages 28-41
1. How did Santiago think of the sea? (To what does he compare it?)
2. “It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes, you are ready.”
3. What fish did the old man catch first?
4. “If the other heard me talking out loud, they would think I am crazy…But since I am not crazy, I
do not care.” What does this tell us about the old man’s character?

Pages 41-63
1. What happened when the old man first tried to pull in the big fish?
2. What does the old man think of porpoises and flying fish, and the pair of marlin he had hooked
3. Santiago often wished the boy were there. Why?
4. “His choice had been to stay in the deep dark water far out beyond all snares and traps…My
choice was to go there to find him beyond all people…in the world” (50). Explain the
importance of this passage.
5. Why did Santiago want the fish to turn and swim with the current?
6. Explain the significance of “Take a good rest, small bird…Then go in and take your chances like
any man or bird or fish” (55).
7. What happened when the fish lurched?
8. What was Santiago’s problem with the left hand?

Pages 63-95
1. How big was the fish?
2. “But, thank God, they are not as intelligent as we who kill them, although they are more noble
and more able.” What’s Hemingway saying?
3. He settled comfortably against the wood and took his suffering as it came…” is one of the many
religious references in the novel. To whom is Santiago compared in this one?
4. Santiago feels he must “prove himself” to the fish and to the boy. “Now he was proving it again.
Each time was a new time…” What is the implication in broader terms; do we EVER stop
having to prove ourselves (according to Hemingway)?
5. Who was El Campeon? How did he get that name?
6. What second fish did the old man catch, and what will he do with it?
English 2: Novel Study-The Old Man and the Sea
7. Santiago tries to justify killing the big fish by thinking of how many people he will feed. What
does the old man conclude?
8. Santiago sleeps again. What does he dream of now?
9. What woke him up?
10. When did the fish start to circle?
11. How did the old man kill the big fish?

Pages 95-End
1. How did Santiago intend to take the fish back to port since the fish was bigger than the boat?
2. Santiago asks himself, “is he bringing me in or am I bringing him in?” What does he conclude?
3. What problem did the old man have getting the fish home?
4. What are the old man’s arguments with himself about whether or not killing the big dish is a
sin? (What arguments does he make for and against it being a sin?)
5. The old man apologizes to the big fish. (“I am sorry that I went too far out. I ruined us both.”)
6. What of the big fish is left by the time Santiago reaches home?
7. With the mast on his shoulder, Santiago had to stop and rest five times in his way home. What
is the symbolic reference?
8. What does Manolin cry?
9. What is the conclusion of the story?

The Iceberg Theory: Hemingway had a very distinct, minimalistic style of writing that “focused on
surface elements without explicitly discussing the underlying themes. Hemingway believed the true
meaning of a piece of writing should not be evident from the surface story, rather, the crux of the story
lies below the surface and should be allowed to shine through.” While you are reading, be conscious of
the symbols that are being presented and write down what you think they are meant to represent.
1) The Sea:

2) The Marlin:.

3) The Sharks:

4) Joe Dimaggio:

5) The Lions:

6) The Mast:

7) Manolin:

8) The lost harpoon:

Allegory Project
English 2: Novel Study-The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea is not just a great story; it can also be considered an allegory.

1) Create a Word Document

2) Choose a picture that is a true representation of what each character or element in the story
3) Write the character/element’s name next to the picture that you have chosen to represent
them and write a brief description of what s/he/it symbolizes and why.
4) Write a paragraph explaining how The Old Man and the Sea is an allegory. The topic
sentence should state the title of the work and something about how the experience of the
old man at sea is like Life. The paragraph should include two characters and what they
symbolize, with analysis.

Write a paragraph (8-10 sen.) discussing how each theme is evident in the story. Support your
position with evidence from the text.
Manhood and Masculinity:


English 2: Novel Study-The Old Man and the Sea
Write a brief description of how each type of conflict was evident in the story.
Man vs. man

Man vs. society

Man vs. nature

Man vs. self

Quote Analysis

Choose five of the quotes below to analyze.

Quote: Then the fish came alive, with his death in him, and rose high out of the water showing all his
great length and width and all his power and his beauty. He seemed to hang in the air above the old
man in the skiff. Then he fell into the water with a crash that sent spray over the old man and over all
of the skiff.

Quote: Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and
were cheerful and undefeated.
English 2: Novel Study-The Old Man and the Sea

Quote: Anyone can be a fisherman in May.


Quote: I wish I had the boy.


Quote: My choice was to go there and find him beyond all people. Beyond all people in the world. Now
we are joined together and have been since noon. And no one to help either of us.


Quote: But I must have the confidence and I must be worthy of the great DiMaggio who does all things
perfectly even with the pain of the bone spur in his heel.


Quote: Fish, I love you and respect you very much. But I will kill you dead before this day ends.


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