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Jalan Karapitan no. 140 Bandung

Profit & Loss Statement

January 2018 through December 2018


Sales of Merchandise Rp1.298.800.000,00
Freight Collected Rp3.850.000,00
Late Fee Colected Rp0,00
Sales Discount (Rp17.300.000,00)
Total Income Rp1.285.350.000,00

Cost Of Sales
Cost of Goods Sold Rp769.480.000,00
Freight Paid Rp2.440.000,00
Purchase Discount (Rp3.780.000,00)
Total Cost Of Sales Rp768.140.000,00

Gross Profit Rp517.210.000,00

Advertising Expenses Rp28.900.000,00
In Store Promotion Expenses Rp16.000.000,00
Utility Expense Rp14.400.000,00
Telephone Expense Rp10.800.000,00
Rent Expense Rp25.000.000,00
Supplies Expense Rp18.200.000,00
Maintenance and Repair Expense Rp20.900.000,00
Bad Debt Expense Rp4.000.000,00
Depreciation Expenses Rp29.300.000,00
Insurance Expense Rp14.500.000,00
Late Fee Expense Rp440.000,00
Wages & Salaries Rp62.000.000,00
Total Expenses Rp244.440.000,00

Operating Profit Rp272.770.000,00

Other Income
Interest Income Rp7.000.000,00
Deviden Income Rp17.000.000,00
Total Other Income Rp24.000.000,00

Other Expenses
Interest Expense Rp9.940.000,00
Bank Service Charge Rp15.000.000,00
Income Tax Expense Rp53.071.000,00
Gain/Loss Sales Vehicle Rp4.000.000,00
Total Other Expenses Rp82.011.000,00

Net Profit/(Loss) Rp214.759.000,00

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