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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE =, TWENTY-EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FILER NY ADMINISTRATIVE, GRDER ates, seme tton Re: Buncombe Cea ‘Covid-19 Mask Requirements A TESS ‘This matter comes on before the Senior Resident Supefor Court Judge and Chit District Court Judge of the 28° Juda District, in exercise oth inchambersjurstion, throvgh the “inerent power the our [having] the !utorty odo al things that are reasonably necessary foe the proper administration of justice” (Bead v. North CCrotna State Ba, 320 N.C. 126, 129 (1987) and pursuant to authority delegated by the Chief Justice ofthe ‘North Carotna Supreme Court. (This document is hereinafter refered toss this "Local Order of une 11,2021") (On May 13,2021 the U.S. Centers for Disease Conrol and Prevention issued new recommendations, noting that filly vaeenate people are es likely to transmit COVID-19. Governor Cooper followed suit on May 14,202, suing an Executive Onde ing the improvements in the State's key COVID-I9 meties snd the progress in the Sate's COVID-19 vacinaions. Noting the Obstacles involved in distinguishing between vaccinated and unvaccinated North Carolinians, the Executive Order ‘rovides thatthe fae covering requirement could be led in most setings, and the eapaciyrestctions and Sela distancing requirements could be ited forall setngs. Pursuant to the May 10, 2021 Order ofthe Chet Justice ofthe Supreme Court of North Carolina, the Chief Justice directed adherence to Anicle |, Seton 18 ofthe North Carolina Cansttation providing that "(ll courts “all he agen” and tha “Justice shall be adminitred without favor denial, or dla.” Th Ona leo rogue ‘he Judicial Branch to full this mandate in ways that pririze and protect the health andsafty of jueal officials and employees and the public. ‘The Chief Justice determined and declared under NCGS. § 7A-39(0\2) tha etastrophiccondtons resting {fom the COVID- 19 oubeak have existed and contin to exis inal counties ofthis tat. ‘The Chief Justice recognized that “local courthouses ae in the best position to address health and safety concerns" and emphasized that, “(ven the grave impact offrter delaying justice, is imperative that the “Tudiial Branch ois best to continue to move closer t fully opening courts.” Pursuant to the June 7, 2021, Order ofthe Chief Justice, the Chief Juice “extended for an additional thiny= ‘ay period ony those emergency directives that provige the necessary tools to effetvely dispose of those Accumulated eases and therefore administer justice without delay” (Le Emergency Directives 3 and 5) (See tached). ven recent statewide and local improvements in key COVID-19 mets, including COVID-19 aly iagnoses, the percent of otal COVID-19 test that are postive, se number of emergency department visits that are due 6 COVID-Ike illnesses, andthe number of COVID-19 associated hospializatons, the emergency Airestve of previous orders of the Chief Justice (with the exeption of Emergency Directives 3 and 8) will, not be extended and will not bein effect in Buncombe County after June 12,2021, Pach judicial officer ‘ill exercise his or her discretion in conducting proceedings in a manner so as to maintain the health and Safty of court staff and the publi. ‘After Jane 12, 2021, face coverings will no longer be required for individuals admitted to Buncombe ‘County court faites unless otherwise directed bya judicial officer, Any individuals entering Buncombe ‘Count cour facilities who have not been fully vaccinated wear CDC compliant face everings a al times while ITISHEREBY ORDERED: 1 ‘The Emergency Directives extended pursuant 1 the June 7, 2021, Order of the Chief Justice (Emergency Direcves3 and 5) and this Local Onder of Sune 11, 2021 wil expire uly 4 2021 1 \Non-jury Superior Court, District Court and Clerk of Superior Court proceedings may be conducted through ‘emote audio and vdeo transmissions inthe discretion of the ji oficial with radon over an individu proceeding andin compliance wth Emergency Directive 3 ofthe Oder ofthe Chief Justice In accordance wth Section 18 of Article I ofthe Constution of North Carolina these proceadings are open fo the publi and ‘rangement canbe made withthe appropriate administrative personne of the eourvClerk hearing the mater to aces the remote proceeding. uw, All rimina and civil Superior Court jury trials will continue in-person. Existing spacing of jurors, witnesses, storey, judicial officers and cout personnel as well as plexiglass barriers will continue ae implemented ‘pursuant tthe 28 ud District Jury Tval Resumption Plan ‘This Order becomes effective immediatly, this 11 day of ne 202),

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