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Chilli (Halize) is an important vegetable cum spice crop grown in almost all parts of tropical and
subtropical regions of the world. It belongs to the family solanaceae and originated from South
and central America where it was domesticated around 7000 BC. Capsicum annuum is cultivated
either for pungent fruited genotypes called chilli (synonyms; hot pepper, American pepper, Chile,
azi, cayenne, paprika etc.) or non-pungentnon-pungent fruited genotype called sweet pepper
(synonyms: capsicum, paprika, bell pepper, Shimla mirch). Chilli had many culinary advantages.
It comprises numerous chemicals including steam-volatile oils, fatty oils, capsaicinoids,
carotenoids, vitamins, proteins, fibres and mineral element . Capsicum fruits may serve as a source
of natural bactericidal agents to be used in food and medicinal systems.Many chilli constituents
are important for nutritional value, flavor, aroma, texture and colour. Chillies are low in sodium
and cholesterol free, rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, a good source of potassium and folic
acid. Fresh green chilli peppers contain more vitamin C than citrus fruits and fresh red chilli has
more vitamin A than carrot. It with bright colour and less pungency are reffered in Europe and in
the west. Chilli is commercially important for two qualities, I.e., it's red colour is due to the
pigment capsanthin and it's biting pungency is due to capsaicinoids. Among these alkaloids,
capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin are the major alkaloids that contribute up to 80 per centof the total
capsaicinoids (Hornero-Mendez Halize 2011). In India chilli occupies an area of 7.50 lakh
hectares with an annual production of 11.67 lakh tones (2009). Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are major chilli growing states in India which together contributes
about 75 percent of the total cultivated area (1.234 lakh hectares) and production (1.419 lakh
tones), which in productivity it ranks eight position with an average yield of 1150kgs of dry chilli
per hectares. The important chilli growing district in Karnataka are Haveri, Dharwad,Gadag,
Koppal, Belgaum, Bellary and Raichur of which Haveri and Dharwad districts themselves make
up 72 and 60 percent of total area and production, respectively. In recent years there has been a
great demand for the increasing the diversity in chilli for a within both culinary and ornamental
purposes. Though India is the leading producer, the average yield of chilli is very low (1.11 t/ha
dry chilli) as compared to developed countries like be USA, China, South Korea, Taiwan etc, be
where the average yield range from 3-4 ,t/ha. Low productivity in chilli is mainly attributed to
lack, of high yielding, pest and disease resistant varieties or hybrids. Only about 2.60 percent chilli
area is under hybrids in India, while in the countries like Korea and Taiwan more than 90 percent
area is covered by hybrids. Capsicum annuum L. is characterized by a wide variety of fruit Suze,
shape and with different capscaicnoid content. Despite the importance of this plant as spice and it's
medicinal uses, research on its genetic variability and potential for breeding program is still
incipient. There is also an urgent need to investigate the genetic control of some traits with the
objective of introgressing these traits into cultivated varieties.
Worldwide there is an increasing interest to use organic manure in compensating decrease in soil
fertility.The need to reduce cost of fertilizing crops has revive the use of Organic fertilizers
(Delate and Camberdella, 2004; Farhadet al., 2009).Organic fertilizers are essential for the proper
developmentof plants, vegetables, flowers and fruits, as they offer rapidgrowth with superior
quality to all species. They have thenutrients necessary for better development. In addition, the or-
ganic matter serves as nutrients and energy sources for soilmicroorganisms (Silva et al., 2012).
The suitability and useful-ness of organic fertilizers has been attributed to high availabil-ity of
NPK content which capable toenhance soil fertility. They also act as a sub-strate for soil
microorganisms which lead to increase microbialactivity, whereof increasing the rat of organic
material decom-posing and releasing nutrient for plant uptake. They improvethe physical
properties of the soil as well (Nasef et al., 2004;Palada et al., 2004; Khalid and Shafei,
2005).reported that organic fertilizer(farm yard manure) resulted in significant increase in soil car-
bon, nitrogen, pH, cation exchange capacity, and exchange-able Ca, Mg, and K which invariably
enhance crop yield and productivity.
The development of new products for soil correction and fertilization constitutes a kind of
strategic innovation for Brazil, since 75% of the fertilizers consumed in the country are imported
(ANDA, 2016). Of the widely-available raw materials for the production of solid or fluid
organomineral fertilizers, residues from swine and poultry production chains can be used to
compose formulations adapted to the nutritional demands of crops in different kinds of soils
(Antille et al., 2014; Morais & Gatiboni, 2015), as well as enabling reutilization of these residues
in sites at greater distances from high production locations. The efficiency of the organomineral
fertilizers is associated to the nutrient dynamics in the different soil classes. Therefore, phosphate-
rich organomineral fertilizers are generally shown to be more efficient than mineral fertilization,
since the presence of organic compounds can reduce the phosphorus binding to colloids in the soil
(Gatiboni et al., 2008; Santos et al., 2008). Studies into organomineral fertilizers in solid form
have shown their greater benefits to the chemical properties of the soil, and even increased crop
yield, compared to mineral-derived fertilizers (Babalola et al., 2007; Correa et al., 2016). For
organomineral fertilizers in fluid form, however, research has been scarce. Subtropical soils with
variable load with fertility built up through prolonged agricultural use may display distinct
response patterns to different fertilizers (Hentz et al., 2016). Over recent decades, the intensive use
of technologies, associated to good soil correction and fertilization practices, has generated highly
fertile soils. However, the ever-increasing yield potential imposed by genetic enhancement
challenges research to increase the efficiency of fertilizer use (Lacerda et al., 2015). In view of the
foregoing, this work has the unprecedented feature of assessing the effects of new fertilizers, in
this case, organomineral fertilizers in fluid and solid forms in relation to the traditional mineral
forms, under a no-tillage farming system. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of
organomineral and mineral fertilizers in solid and fluid forms in Rhodic Kandiudox and
Distrochrept, with built-up fertility, on the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels in the soil
and in the plant, and on the corn and black oat dry matter yields, with no-tillage
The aim of this experiment is to establish a concrete evidence on how different rate of organo-
mineral fertilizer affects growth,development and yield of Capsicum annuum

2.1 Origin and distribution of Capsicum annuum
Capsicum (Capsicum spp.), also called as pepper, is a main vegetable and spice crop originated
in the American tropics and today cultivated all over the world for fresh, dried,and processing
products. Around the genus Capsicum there is an increasing interest and fascination due to the
considerable variationfor several traits, which makes this crop extremely versatile and suitable for
innumer-able uses as food and non-food products. The genus Capsicum includes over 30 species,
five of which (C. annuum,C. frutescens,C. chi-nense,C. baccatum, and C. pubescens) are
domesticated and mainly grown for consumption. A large number of accessions of domesticated
and wild species are stored in the world seed-banks, representing a valuable resource for breeding
in order to transfer traits relatedto resistances to various abiotic and biotic stresses as well for
quality improvement. The recent advances in terms of genetic and genomic knowledge will help to
unlock the potentiality of these resources. In this chapter,we provide an overview of the origin and
history of the pepper, describing its economic importance,properties and commercial market type.
The genus Capsicum is part of the large Sola-naceae family, which, among the more than
90genera and 2500 species of flowering plants,includes commercially important vegetables suchas
tomato, potato, and eggplant. This genus isnative to tropical and subtropical America in a wide
region comprisingMexico and northern Central America, the Car-ibbean, the lowland Bolivia, the
northern low-land Amazonia, and the mid-elevation southernAndes, where archaeological
evidence suggestsuse of this spice crop since 6000 BC (Perry et al. 2007). Atthe beginning, fruits
were exchanged for blackpepper (Piper nigrum), a species similar in taste(though not in
appearance) although not phylo-genetically related to Capsicum (Gordo et al.2012). For this
reason, it was incorrectly named“pepper”.It was Fuchs, who proposed for the first timein 1543, the
botanical term Capsicum, which wasadopted later in 1753 by Linneo. The namewould be the
Neolithic derivation of Greek“Capsa,”which refers to the peculiar shape of the fruit. The crop was
firstly introduced in Europeby Christopher Columbus during his travels afterthe discovery of
America in the fifteenth centuryand later spread to Africa and Asia. Earlyimported varieties belong
to C. chinense (ScotchBonnet or Habanero) which most probably werethe most consumed during
that time (). The flourishing commercialexchanges of Spanish and Portuguese facilitatedthe spread
of pepper around the globe, with animmediate success due to a well acclimatizationin the regions,
where they were used as a spicefrom that part of the population who could notafford to purchase
cinnamon, nutmeg, and otherspices that are widely used for seasoning andpreserving food. To
date, the existence of 35Capsicum species is reported (Carrizo Garcíaet al. 2016), five of which,
namely, C. annuum,C. baccatum,C. chinense,C. frutescens, andC. pubescens have been
domesticated andwidespread with different terms depending on theregion of cultivation. In
Mexico and CentralAmerica, the crop is called “chile”which was theancient name given by local
populations of thenew world, in American English it becomes“chilli,”in Caribbean and countries
LatinAmerican countries it is commonly referred to as“ají”and “rocoto,”from which derived
names ofmany cultivars of different species today presenton the market (i.e., aji Amarillo, aji
limon, ajipanca, rocoto manzano, rocoto brown, androcoto de seda). It is also known as
pimiento(Spanish), red pepper and pepper (English),pepper (Italian), piment (French), paprika
(Ger-man and other northern European languages).Overall, the present term “chili pepper”refers
tovarieties with small and spicy fruits, on thecontrary, the term “sweet pepper”refers to vari-eties
with larger fruits and little or no spicy

2.2 Botany of Capsicum annuum

C. annuum can grow across a range of dry, sub-arid, sub-humid and humid forests at 0-1000 m
altitudes in Madagascar (Madagascar Catalogue, 2014) and in similar forest conditions in
Antioquia, Colombia to altitudes of 1500 m (Vascular Plants of Antioquia, 2014); in Panama in is
found at 0-2000 m (Panama Checklist, 2014). In Peru, the species is also found at altitudes of 0-
2000 m, in disturbed areas, forests and rocky slopes (Peru Checklist, 2014). The species is
cultivated in plains, lower hills and valleys in India, at a wider range of altitudes, 0-2100 m. In
Bolivia the species grows in rain forests, dry valleys, and mountain lowlands, and has been found
at varying ranges of altitudes, 0-500, 1000–1500, 2000–2500, 3500–4000 m (Bolivia Checklist,
2014), while in Ecuador, the species grows in a variety of habitats in the Galapagos, Coastal,
Andean, and Amazonian regions, at even higher altitudes of up to 3000 m (Vascular Plants of
Ecuador, 2014). Seeds of the domesticated crop germinate in 6-21 days after sowing and
continuous flowering begins 60-90 days after sowing. Flowers are open for 2-3 days. Although
normally considered a self-pollinated crop, outcrossing up to 91% may occur, depending on bee
activity and heterostyly. Under normal circumstances, approximately 40- 50% of the flowers set
fruit. Fruits begin to mature 4-5 weeks after flowering, and can be picked in sequences of 5-7
days. The peak harvest period is 4-7 months after sowing, but perennial growth continues in the
absence of frost or disease. Wild C. annuum seeds have staggered seed dormancy, which allows
germination and recruitment when optimal conditions occur in a more variable and uncertain
environment (Luna-Ruiz et al., 2018). Wild seeds have thicker testae than domesticated plants,
and produce more but smaller seeds adapted for dispersal. Wild C. annuum has high rates of
outcrossing by insect pollinators. Flower initiation is late, but once initiated is persistent and very
prolific, with overlapping stages of flower and fruit development over the season (Luna-Ruiz et
al., 2018). Although the species name annuum means “annual” (from the Latin annus "year"), the
plant is not an annual but is frost tender. [Royal horticultural society 2017] In the absence of
winter frosts it can survive several seasons and grow into a large, shrubby perennial herb. [Katzer
Gernot 2018] The single flowers are an off-white (sometimes purplish) color while the stem is
densely branched and up to 60 cm (24 in) tall. The fruit are berries that may be green, yellow,
orange or red when ripe.[organization for economic cooperation and Development 2006 ] While
the species can tolerate most frost-free climates, C. annuum is especially productive in warm and
dry climates. Capsicum annuum plants are bright coloured, fleshy, podlike fruit and is popular
indoor species. They are bushy and low growing – 30-38cm (12-15 inch) tall and across. These
plants bear fruit profusely. The stems are somewhat woody with thin, dark green branches
carrying usually lance-shaped slightly hairy, green leaves 4-10cm (1.5-4 inch) long and 1-4cm
(0.4-1.5 inch) wide on 1cm (0.4 inch) long stalks. White flowers are produced from leaf axils in
early summer, but are insignificant. The fruit that follows the flowers usually remains decorative
for 8 to 12 weeks after which it wrinkles and drop off. This species has been organized into five
botanical groups of which only three – cherry, cone and cluster peppers – are familiar potted
plants.Cherry peppers have berry-like, bright yellow or purplish white fruit 2cm (0.8 inch)
diameter.Cone peppers have cone-shaped or cylindrical fruit up to 5cm (2 inch) long. Fruit colour
may be green, ivory white, yellow, orange, red or purple and the colour may well change as fruit
ripens.Cluster peppers have slender pointed 8cm (3 inch) long, red fruit which grow in clusters of
two or three

2.3 Climatic and soil requirements

Capsicum annuum is a tropical species, but adapted to cultivation in temperate regions during the
summer or, in protected cultivation, year-round. Optimal temperatures for growth and production
are between 18°C and 30°C. Seeds germinate best at 25–30°C. Flowering is delayed if day
temperatures drop below 25°C. Flower buds abort if night temperatures are too high (above 32°C).
Pollen viability is significantly reduced at temperatures above 30°C and below 15°C. Cool nights
down to 15°C favour fruit setting. Sweet pepper needs cooler nights and is clearly more adapted to
cooler growing conditions than hot peppers. Sweet pepper cultivation is difficult in the hot and
humid tropical lowland. Capsicum is day-neutral, but certain forms may show a photoperiodic
reaction; long days may slightly delay the first flowering. It tolerates shade up to 45% of solar
radiation, although shade may delay flowering. Capsicum grows at a wide range of altitudes, from
lowland up to 2000 m, in Ethiopia even up to 3000 m. If not irrigated, an annual rainfall of at least
600 mm is required. Capsicum grows on almost all soil types, but is most suited to well-drained
sandy or loamy soils, rich in lime, with a pH of 5.5–6.8 and a high water retention capacity.
Severe flooding or drought is injurious. Waterlogging causes poor fruit setting, diseases and fruit
rotting. Capsicum is moderately sensitive to soil salinity. Soils must be well-drained, with
optimum pH of 5.5–6.5, rich in organic nutrients. Avoid planting where Capsicum species
(peppers), Solanum lycopersicum (tomatoes) or Solanum melongena (eggplants) grew previously.
All three are members of the same family and are subject to similar diseases. After one or more
plantings of any of these three in a particular location, carryover pathogens in the soil can infect
new plants. Plant Capsicum annuum in fertile well-drained soil 45 to 60cm (18-24 inch) apart in
rows 45 to 60cm (18-24 inch) apart. Do not permit seedlings or plants to suffer from low
temperature or drought. Add a 5 to 8cm (2-3 inch) layer of mulch around the base of Capsicum
annuum plants once they have become well-established, after about three weeks of growth. The
mulch layer will conserve vital moisture and control weeds that may compete for nutrients. Use
bark mulch, hay or leaves. C. annuum can grow across a range of dry, sub-arid, sub-humid and
humid forests at 0-1000 m altitudes in Madagascar (Madagascar Catalogue, 2014) and in similar
forest conditions in Antioquia, Colombia to altitudes of 1500 m (Vascular Plants of Antioquia,
2014); in Panama in is found at 0-2000 m (Panama Checklist, 2014). In Peru, the species is also
found at altitudes of 0-2000 m, in disturbed areas, forests and rocky slopes (Peru Checklist, 2014).
The species is cultivated in plains, lower hills and valleys in India, at a wider range of altitudes, 0-
2100 m (Basu and De, 2003). In Bolivia the species grows in rain forests, dry valleys, and
mountain lowlands, and has been found at varying ranges of altitudes, 0-500, 1000–1500, 2000–
2500, 3500–4000 m (Bolivia Checklist, 2014), while in Ecuador, the species grows in a variety of
habitats in the Galapagos, Coastal, Andean, and Amazonian regions, at even higher altitudes of up
to 3000 m (Vascular Plants of Ecuador, 2014).

2.4 Cultivation of Capsicum annuum.

Seeds should be harvested from mature fruits after some weeks of post-harvest ripening. Seed
extraction of pungent peppers is an unpleasant work that can be alleviated by mechanical dust
collection. The 1000-seed weight is about 3.3 g for bird pepper to 7 g for types with large fruits.
Seed remains viable for 2–3 years without special conservation methods if kept dry at room
temperature, but it rapidly loses viability if stored at high temperatures or humidity. Seed
dormancy may occur to a limited extent during some months after harvest, especially if seed is
harvested from immature fruits. Seed priming treatments are sometimes effective in invigorating
germination and are sometimes applied for sweet peppers in Western countries but they are not
used in Africa. Storage of primed (pre-germinated) seed is difficult. To plant one ha, 200–800 g of
seed is needed, depending on plant density and provided adequate nursery technology is applied.
In fact, the better the seed quality and nursery technology, the lower the seed requirement. The
extreme is shown by sweet pepper under protected cultivation; growers use only 150 g/ha of
expensive hybrid seed. The hot pepper seed used by most African farmers is from own production
or is cheap seed of uncertain quality and origin from local seed dealers. The germination capacity
being doubtful, farmers use several kg seed per ha.[V.M.J.Ayala 2012]. The seed is sown
shallowly in nursery beds or flats, broadcast or in rows 20 cm apart. Direct seeding is rarely
practised. Seedbeds should be protected against rain and direct sun. They are usually covered with
straw, palm leaves or plastic. For better production, seedlings may be transferred to seedling pots
(soil blocks, plastic pots, paper cups, banana leaf-rolls) when the cotyledons are fully expanded. In
the nursery, starter fertilizer is recommended at 2-week intervals. Transplants are planted out in
the field when they have 8–10 leaves, usually 30–40 days after sowing. Restriction of watering
and removal of shade protection, starting a week before transplanting, is recommended to produce
hardy transplants. Transplanting should be done during cloudy days or in the late afternoon; when
planted in dry soil irrigation should be applied. Capsicum is suitable for intercropping and is then
sometimes sown directly in the field. A normal spacing is 50–80 cm between the rows and 20–40
cm in the rows, with densities of 50,000–80,000 plants per ha. In Ethiopia, farmers transplant in
beds 1.2 m wide without rows, at a density of 5–15 plants per m² with an optimum of 10
plants/m². In Mauritius, a spacing of 60 cm × 30 cm (55,000 pl/ha) gave the highest yield (6.2
t/ha); in Zimbabwe, the recommended number of plants per ha is 30,000–55,000 for chillies,
20,000–55,000 for sweet peppers, and 55,000–70,000 for paprika powder production.
[A.L.A.Langle' 2011]
In Africa capsicum production is usually practised on small-scale farms on plots of 0.1–0.5 ha.
If properly managed, it is labour intensive, especially planting, weed control and the repeated
harvests. The greatest part of the hot pepper area in tropical Africa, however, is cultivated in an
extensive way as a low input system. Capsicum thrives best if supplied with liberal quantities of
organic matter supplemented with balanced mineral fertilizers. Nutrient availability is subject to
soil type and environmental conditions, so local recommendations for fertilizer application vary
greatly. A reasonable recommendation is to supply 10–20 t/ha of organic fertilizer (e.g. manure).
General nutrient requirements are 130 kg/ha of N, 80 kg/ha of P and 110 kg/ha of K, split into a
basal dressing plus some side dressings at intervals of 3–4 weeks, beginning at first flowering.
Boron at the rate of 10 kg/ha is also recommended. Capsicum is very sensitive to blossom-end rot
caused by calcium deficiency and irregular irrigation.[G.H.Castro 2005]. Capsicum is grown
under rainfed (rainy season) or irrigated (dry season) conditions; it requires at least 600 mm water
during its growing period. During flowering and fruit setting it is sensitive to moisture stress,
causing flower and fruit dropping, and more than normal pungency of the fruits. Irrigation is
needed when plants show wilting in the afternoon. In Africa, manual weeding is the common
practice for weed control. Organic (usually straw) or plastic mulches are also effective. Staking is
not common in most of Africa, but may help to minimize lodging and fruit rotting in the rainy
season. Capsicum is often relay-cropped with tomatoes, onions, garlic, okra, Brassica species,
cucurbits and pulses. It also grows well among newly established perennial crops. To avoid
soilborne diseases, capsicum should not be planted after other solanaceous crops. Protected
cultivation using plastic tunnels is rarely used in Africa; it is practised for sweet pepper in the
highlands, and at lower elevations on seedbeds as roofing against heavy rains.

2.5 Nutritional composition of Capsicum annuum

Capsicum has been known as part of the human diet as spice, condiments and vegetables since
the commencing of civilization. Green fruits of chili are used as vegetable. On the other hand,
ripe dried fruits as spice because of its pungency and imposing flavors (Hasan et al. 2014). It is
inseparably involved with almost every kitchen in Bangladesh and its demand is increasing
day by day due to its pungency, appealing color and flavor (Hasan et al. 2015). Many cultivars
are grown in Bangladesh differing in habit, size, shape, color, yield, pungency of the fruit
and preference of customer. In 2013, global production of chilli pepper (both green and dried)
was 34.6 million tonnes with 47% of output coming from China alone. India is the top
producer of dry peppers, producing 1.4 million tones (FAOSTAT 2012). In Bangladesh, average
yield and production was 1.46t/ha and more than 3 lakhs t/ha during 2014 and 2015 respectively
(BBS 2015), which is lower to that of China and India . The pungency of chilli is due to capsaicin
( ) , which has a great medicinal value. The ‘capsaicin’ is an alkaloid present in the placenta of
the fruit, which can directly reduce various free radicals (Reddy and Lokesh 1992; Kogure et
al. 2002; Bhattacharya et al. 2010) and has diverse prophylactic and therapeutic uses in
Allopathic and Ayurvedic medicine (Chakrabarty et al. / Fundam Appl Agric 2017). The
applications of capsaicinoids in pharmaceuticals are attributed to its antioxidant, anticancer,
antiarthritic and analgesic properties (Prasad et al. 2006). Chili is a good source of vitamin C
(ascorbic acid) used in different food and beverage industries. vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin
K and minerals like calcium, magnesium, folate, potassium, thiamin, iron, copper ctc. It has also
attained a great importance because of having ‘oleoresin’, which permits better distribution of
color. Capsaicin is considered a safe and effective topical analgesic agent in the
management of arthritis pain, herpes zoster-related pain, diabetic neuropathy, mastectomy
pain, headaches and lowers blood sugar levels, heal intestinal problems, improves heart health
and protects against strokes. A number of study on human found that capsaicin has the
potential to kill prostate cancer cells (Díaz-Laviada 2010). Other bioactive compounds such
as Lutein, Sinapic acid, Ferulic acid, Violaxanthin etc. are present in Chili. In this respect
chili, for the presence of capsaicin and other known active principles, can be regarded as a
functional food. The consumption of hot red chili pepper reported to be associated with
reduced mortality. Hot red chili peppers may be a beneficial component of the diet
(Chopan and Littenberg 2017). contains good amount of other antioxidants such as vitamin A, B-
complex group of vitamins such as niacin, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), riboflavin and thiamin
(vitamin B1) and flavonoids like β-carotene, α-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin, and cryptoxanthin.
Chili also carries different minerals like potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. The
leaves of all species of Capsicum are edible. Though almost all other Solanaceous crops
contain toxins in their leaves, chili peppers do not. The piquancy of chili leaves are mildly
bitter but somewhere near as hot as the fruit (Pawar et al. 2011). The leaves of chili pepper
contain capsaicin which has enzymatic synthesis and anti-obese properties, stimulates
immune system and reduces blood pressure (Shimoda 2009). Capsaicin induces death of cancer
cell in mice and even helps start producing insulin again in pancreatic cells in cases of type-2
diabetes (Kwon 2013). It also contains antioxidant which reduces cancer risk, cataracts,
cardiovascular diseases and macular degeneration. The leaves are mildly bitter in taste but in
some species it is nearly hot as the fruit (Dubey 2010; Sarkar et al. 2015). In Philippine recipe
ingredients, it is called dahonngsili (literally "chili leave. . Green chilies are rich in vitamin C
which is strong antioxidant that strengthens natural immunity to diseases and vitamin A
which is a fat soluble vitamin and an important antioxidant help to decrease the health hazards
caused by free radicals. Vitamin A helps with the synthesis of red blood cells and is an
essential component of rhodopsin, the protein that allows retinal receptors in the eye to absorb
light. Green chili peppers are also rich in vitamin E that is essential for producing certain natural
skin oils and prevents early ageing of skin. Green chilies have been linked with a lowered risk of
having lung cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer (Diaz-Laviada 2010). Red chili produces
phytochemical called capsaicin and it is used as spice and medicine. Capsaicin of red chili has
pungent active principle that has been shown to cause gastric mucosal swelling and hyperemia
and decrease in the gastric acid output. Capsaicin helps in the metabolism of epoxide
aromatic hydrocarbons, which intervenes with their ability of bind to DNA. It is also reported
that red pepper have anti-obesity, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects in animals and
humans due to the capsaicin (kwon 2013)

2.6 Nutritional and medicinal importance of capsicum annuum

In general, products derived from Capsicum fruits include fresh, dried, or pickled pepper, ground
powders, and processed products such as purees, sauces, and oleoresins. Oleoresins contain a
significant amount of esters of capsorubin, capsanthin, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and other
carotenoids [A.L.Kothari,A.Joshi, and N.Ochoa 2010], used in foodstuff and cosmetics, and serve
as a source of the pungent component capsaicin for pharmaceutical products [J.S.Pruthi 2013,and
T.J.Zachariah 2008] or self-defense weaponry. Bioactive compounds present in Capsicum fruits
display antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, and antiobesity pharmaceutical
properties, among others, and they also promise other health benefits [L.As in and S.W.Park
2015]. Furthermore, these fruits exhibit a wide range of pharmacological activities, including
chemopreventive, analgesic, antilithogenic, antidiarrhoeal, antiallergic, antidiabetic,
antihypertensive, hypoglycaemic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, and antiviral properties
[F.A.Khan,T.Mahmood and M.Ali 2014]. Compounds known as capsaicinoids cause the pungency
of chili pepper fruit. Capsaicinoids include capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin,
homodihydrocapsaicin, and homocapsaicin, with capsaicin being the primary capsaicinoid in chili
pepper (i.e., accounting for up to 80% of capsaicinoid content of fruits)
[V.Fattoti,M.S.N.Hohmann and A.C.Rossaneis 2016]. As a culinary commodity, C. annuum is
known, in dried form, as both chilli pepper and paprika (Basu and De, 2003), and fruits are used in
salads, are stuffed or baked, added to soups and stews, dried and used as culinary seasoning, or
pickled, while leaves make a good spinach dish (FAO EcoCrop, 2014). Capsicum pepper is the
most popular and most widely used condiment all over the world. Capsicum peppers are
extensively pickled in salt and vinegar. Colour and flavour extracts are used in both the food and
feed industries, for example, ginger beer, hot sauces and poultry feed, as well as for some
pharmaceutical products. Sweet, non-pungent peppers are widely used in the immature, green-
mature or mature-mixed-colours stage as a vegetable, especially in the temperate zones. Capsicum
extracts show promise against some crop pests. In addition to uses as food and food additives, the
fruits of C. annuum also have been grown on a large scale and used as medicine for the digestive
system, blood system, muscular/skeletal, and skin applications (FAO EcoCrop, 2014). It has also
been reportedly used in arrow poisons by some tribal peoples, such as the Dyaks of Borneo and
Youri Tabocas of Brazil (De, 1994). The commercial use of the species in skin cosmetic products
was recently reviewed in a toxicological risk assessment and found to be safe to humans within
the ingredient formulae (Anon, 2007). Ornamental peppers reach 25 to 50 cm in height and are
grown as annuals or pot plants, producing colourful fruits. In warmer climates, ornamental
peppers are perennial and a good bedding plant for hot weather conditions, performing well as a
ground cover in mixed flower borders, as an edging, or in containers. Most varieties that are bred
for ornamental use hold their peppers in a upright position above the foliage.

2.7 Fertilizer and crop performance

The importance of agriculture to Nigeria’s economy is currently at the center stage of national
attention as farming is the main source of livelihood for over 70% of households in the country. In
2008, agriculture contributed 42% of the country’s GDP (FMARD 2010), which was significantly
higher than the 18% derived from petroleum and natural gas production. However, the country’s
promising agricultural potential has not been realized and low fertilizer use is a major factor
contributing to the stagnant agricultural productivity in Nigeria (FMARD 2010). The compost,
which is an organic fertilizer and an alternative soil amendment, is not very popular among the
farmers because of its slower nutrient release potential and bulkiness. A large quantity of organic
fertilizer must be applied to crops for effective results, due to low nutrient composition (Akanbi et
al. 2007). Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve the quality of organic-based fertilizers for
food security and environmental protection in Nigeria. However, over-dependence on expensive
inorganic fertilizers may have serious environmental health hazards, such as water pollution and
increased production of greenhouse gases, leading to global climate change and eutrophication of
water bodies that can cause algal bloom and production of toxins.
Fertilizers are broadly divided into organic (composed of enriched organic matter—plant or
animal), or inorganic (composed of synthetic chemicals and/or minerals) (Heinrich 2000) types.
By definition, the term ‘fertilizer’ refers to a soil amendment that guarantees the minimum
percentages of nutrients (at least the minimum percentage of nitrogen, phosphate, and potash). An
“organic fertilizer” refers to fertilizer derived from non-synthetic organic materials, including
plant and animal by-products, rock powders, seaweed, inoculants, sewage sludge, animal manures,
and plant residues (Benton and Jones 2012) produced through the process of drying, cooking,
composting (Dadi et al. 2019), chopping, grinding, fermenting (Mario et al. 2019) or other
methods (Thanaporn and Nuntavun 2019). Organic and inorganic fertilizers have been used for
many centuries (Erisman et al. 2008), whereas chemically synthesized inorganic fertilizers were
only widely developed during the industrial revolution. Thus, increased understanding and use of
fertilizers were important parts of the pre-industrial British Agricultural Revolution and the
industrial green revolution of the 20th century.Seasonal variation and changes in weather
conditions should predict the performance of microbes on bio-mineralization of organic fertilizer
(Gaofei et al. 2010; John et al. 2018) and, consequently, agronomic development of crops.
Knowledge of different organic fertilizer responses to seasonal variation will help in climate
change resilient and climate-smart agriculture. According to Eghball (2002), compost application
in excess of crop requirements can last for several years in the soil since only a fraction of
nitrogen and other nutrients in compost become available in the first year after application.
Previous studies could not identify the most suitable organic fertilizer for specific crops during
each planting season (Dadi et al. 2019; Madhumita and Ashalata 2019; Najla et al. 2018). Zerihun
and Haile (2017) tested the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the yield of two soybean
varieties and found out that the response of soybean varieties to applied fertilizers was
significantly affected by rainfall and its geographical distribution at the two seasons. In another
study, Mukhtar et al. (2010) analyzed characters of sweet potato varieties grown at varying levels
of organic and inorganic fertilizer during the wet seasons of 2004 and 2005. They concluded that
application of organic fertilizer increased the yield of sweet potato in both years. Specifically, this
study was conducted to test the effects of different organic fertilizer formulations (OFFs) on cereal
(maize), legume (soybean) and tuber (yam) crops during the two seasons (dry and rainy seasons)
in terms of agronomic performances, residual soil nutrient levels and crop yield after harvesting
with the aim of mitigating climate-induced drought and threat to global food security.

2.8 Organomineral

The development of new products for soil correction and fertilization constitutes a kind of
strategic innovation for Brazil, since 75% of the fertilizers consumed in the country are imported
(ANDA, 2016). Of the widely-available raw materials for the production of solid or fluid
organomineral fertilizers, residues from swine and poultry production chains can be used to
compose formulations adapted to the nutritional demands of crops in different kinds of soils
(Antille et al., 2014; Morais & Gatiboni, 2015), as well as enabling reutilization of these residues
in sites at greater distances from high production locations. The efficiency of the organomineral
fertilizers is associated to the nutrient dynamics in the different soil classes. Therefore, phosphate-
rich organomineral fertilizers are generally shown to be more efficient than mineral fertilization,
since the presence of organic compounds can reduce the phosphorus binding to colloids in the soil
(Gatiboni et al., 2008; Santos et al., 2008). Studies into organomineral fertilizers in solid form
have shown their greater benefits to the chemical properties of the soil, and even increased crop
yield, compared to mineral-derived fertilizers (Babalola et al., 2007; Correa et al., 2016). For
organomineral fertilizers in fluid form, however, research has been scarce. Subtropical soils with
variable load with fertility built up through prolonged agricultural use may display distinct
response patterns to different fertilizers (Hentz et al., 2016). Over recent decades, the intensive use
of technologies, associated to good soil correction and fertilization practices, has generated highly
fertile soils. However, the ever-increasing yield potential imposed by genetic enhancement
challenges research to increase the efficiency of fertilizer use (Lacerda et al., 2015). In view of the
foregoing, this work has the unprecedented feature of assessing the effects of new fertilizers, in
this case, organomineral fertilizers in fluid and solid forms in relation to the traditional mineral
forms, under a no-tillage farming system. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of
organomineral and mineral fertilizers in solid and fluid forms in Rhodic Kandiudox and
Distrochrept, with built-up fertility, on the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels in the soil
and in the plant, and on the corn and black oat dry matter yields, with no-tillage. In most ways,and
perhaps in virtually all, a chilli pepper plant has the same growth requirements as do pepper plant
in general. Pepper are tropical, heat-loving plants. Start them from seed indoors in seed-starting
trays or other containers, then move them out to the garden when the warm weather arrives. Each
of the stages in the chili pepper seedlings do need some nutrients to get started ,

2.9 Role of Nitrogen in crop production

Nitrogen (N) occupies a comspicuous place in plant metabolism system all vital processes in
plant are associated with protein, of which nitrogen is an essential contituent. Consequently to get
more crop production, nitrogen application is indispensable and unavoidable. Nitrogen plays a key
roll in Agriculture of increasing of crop yield. (Massignam, A.M., S.C. Chapman, G.L. Hammer
and S. Fukai, 2009). Nitrogen not only enhances the yield but also improve the food quality.
( Ullah, M.A., M. Anwar and A.S. Rana, 2010) optimum rate of N increases photosynthetic
processes, leave area production, leave area duration as well as net assimilation rate (Ahmad, S.,
R. Ahmad, M.Y. Ashraf, M. Ashraf and E.A. Waraich, 2009). The maximum leave area (LA) and
total leave biomass if plant are a determinant of higher crop yield (Rafiq, M.A., A. Ali, M.A.
Malik and M. Hussain, 2010). Since the previous 50 years, the yield of various crops increase
globally due to maximum use of N along with good management practices. All plant including
cereals, oilseeds, fibre, and sugar producing and horticultural crops requires a balance amount of
nitrogen for vigorous growth and developmental roles. Judicious use of N ensures greatest harvest
with better quality. Nitrogen is showing a fundamental role in enhancing the productivity of four
major crops of Pakistan eg, wheat, rice, sugarcane and cotton. Wheat growth and yield parameters
are plant height number if tillers, number of spikelet's spike, grain Spike and length of Spike and
1000-grain weight increased by nitrogen fertilization. Increasing levels of nitrogensignificantly
influence on grain yield of crop. The maximal grain yield of wheat 3.848 tons ha-1was
obtained through application of 180kg N [Amjed, A., A. Ahmad, W.H.Syed, T. Khaliq, M. Asif,
M. Aziz, M. Mubeen, 2011]. Another important grain crop is rice, which is cultivated worldwide.
The chemical nutrient nitrogen produces the highest yield. Nitrogen at rate 120 kg ha-1 showed
promising results, for plant height of rice, number of tillers , dry weight , length of panicle ,
number of filled grains / panicle , straw yield , biological yield , harvest index, benefit cost ratio
and grain yield 4.66 tonsha-1[Malik, T.H., S.B. Lal, N.R.Wani, D. Amin, R.A.Wani, 2014].
Similarly, in the cotton crop, judicious use of nitrogenous fertilizer is more important.
Nitrogen is being essential nutrient effects plant growth, fruiting and yield of cotton. Nitrogen
levels had significant differences in yield components and seed cotton yield. Nitrogen 100kg ha-
1produced more seed cotton yield due to more number of monopodial branches (where from
vegetative parts develops) and sympodial branches (where from reproductive parts develops),
bolls plant-1, average boll weight and 100 cotton seed weight. 100kg nitrogen ha-1 is
recommended [ Nadeem, M.A., A. Ali,M.Tahir, M. Naeem, A. Raza, C.S. Ahmad, 2010]. For
sugarcane crops, nitrogen is also backbone. It improves the vegetative parts and thus increases the
cane weight. China and India obtain doublet yield, because of their recommendation application of
nitrogen is about 300kg ha-1. In other countries, N is usually applied at the rate of 150 to 200kg
ha-1. Yield and quality constituents of sugarcane were declared significant through increasing rate
of N at 195.5kg ha-1. In further 299kg nitrogen ha-1determined adverse effect on the quality of
sugarcane was recorded poor [ Hemalatha, S., 2015]. Among oil seed crops mustard and
sunflower are widely cultivated throughout the country. Nitrogen at the rate of 180kg ha-
1significantly increases yield of sunflower crop in semiarid conditions [Nasim, W., A. Ahmad,
H.M. Hammad, H.J.Chaudhary and M.F.H. Munis, 2012].Nitrogen is not an element which is
useful for a specific crop or providing limited results for a particular crop. It is great food for
every living plant. Nitrogen requirement of horticultural crops is valuable, but its role some time
becomes hidden specially in ornamental and large fruit tree crops, mainly due to lack of
knowledge and awareness in Pakistan. Proper rate of N is essential for improvement of
horticultural crops. In this sector, the major crops are citrus, mango, onion and potato in the
country. However, vegetables including chilies, tomato, turnip, okra, carrot, cauliflower, peas,
tinda gourd, garlic, radish, cucumber, brinjal etc are also cultivated at a wider range. From the
floricultural point of view, the flowers like, marigold, calendula officinale, bougainvillea and rose
are important crops. Nitrogen takes good place for enhancement of yield and quality of mango
fruit. Application of N fertilizer to mango tree markedly increased the number of fruit tree-1, pulp
content as well as fruit quality. The increased fruit yield due to frequent fertilizer application.
Where as in the citrus, the recommended rate of N for younger plants are commonly depends upon
leaf N analysis or N removal in harvested fruit. The recommended rates start at 0.2 - 0.5kg N tree-
1year-1. In Texas (USA), N levels of six to eight year older plant of citrus ranges from 0.5 to
0.6kg per tree per year. Leaves, branches and roots are directly or indirectly contribute yield
of many vegetables. Nitrogen functions in accumulation of biomass as it is utilized from roots
and leaves, since its major role in vegetative growth of vegetables. It increases leaf size of
spinach and color. Nitrogen forms are widely used in vegetable production [ Wang, Z. H., S. Xli
and S. Malhi, 2008]. It is an essential constituent of protein, nucleic acids, chlorophyll and
growth hormones. It is luminary as input of crop production that is a single element which
contributes very much in agriculture. It enhances the metabolic processes that based on
protein, leads to increases in vegetative, reproductive growth and yield of the crop. In view of
great importance of nitrogen in agriculture, current research review article is written to explore the
role of nitrogen in different angles and show the scope of nitrogen study for boosting of crop
yield. Nitrogen and Plants: Nitrogen being a major food for plants is an essential constituent of
protein (build from amino acids that involves in catalization of chemical responses and
transportation of electrons) and chlorophyll (enable the process of photosynthesis) present in
many major portions of the plant body. Nitrogen plays a most important role in various
physiological processes. It imparts dark-green color in plants, promotes leaves, stem and other
vegetative part’s growth and development. Moreover, it also stimulates root growth. Nitrogen
produce rapid early growth, improve fruit quality, enhances the growth of leafy vegetables,
increases protein content of fodder crops; It encourages the uptake and utilization of other
nutrients including potassium, phosphorous and controls overall growth of plant [ Bloom, A.J.,
2015, Hemerly, A., 2016].Deficiency of nitrogen causes reduced growth, appearances of
chlorosis (changing of the green color into yellow color of leaves), and appearances of red and
purple spots on the leaves, restrict lateral bud growth (from which leaves, stem and branches
develop). Commonly, the deficiency symptoms first appear on older leaves [ Bianco, M. S., A.B.
CecílioFilho and L.B. de Carvalho, 2015.] then leaf senescence starts and excessive application of
nitrogen has adverse effects on plant growth, promotes extra dark-green color on the leaves,
makes succulents the entire growth and favors less fruit quantity with less quality. Overuse
of N causes excess vegetative growth particularly in tropical areas. Plants only uptake nitrogen
in useful form, most plants takes nitrogen in nitrate structure, however, it is not functional in some
soils like submerged, whereas NH4+ is most suitable and stable for rice. Proper growth and
development of plants require optimum supply of nitrogen. Too little application of nitrogen
directly reduces crop yield while excess of N also causes negative effect on plant and this issue
getting focus continuously in crop production.

3.1. Experimental site
This experiment was carried out at experimental plot at the back of Bee-Hall, Ladoke Akintola
University of Technology, Ogbomoso in the guinea Savannah zone of Nigeria, between April and
August Ogbomoso lies on latitude (8degree N 10degree) and longitude (4degree west, 10degree).
The maximum temperature is 28degree censius the humidity in high at about 76percent all the
year round except in January when dry wind blows from the North, annual rainfall is over

3.2 Materials used

The material used include; seeds chilli peppers, experimental pot, watering can, kegs, rake,
how, Cutlass, shovel, organo-mineral, water, rubber, pipes, insecticide, knapsack sprayer, storex
tank etc.

3.3. Land preparation

The land was cleared manually of the existing vegetation and the area was fenced with wire
mesh. The pot were laid, soil sample were taken for physico chemical analysis at the laboratory of
institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Ibadan. Fencing of the experimental site was done
by wire netting to keep the site away from pest, animals and human disturbance.

3.4 Treatment and experimental design

Six treatment were introduced. To (zero application if fertilizer), TI (20kgN/ha-1 organization
mineral), T2 (40kgN/ha-1 organization mineral), T3. (60kgN/ha-1 organization mineral), T4
(80kgN/ha organization mineral), T5 (100kgN/h-1 organo mineral). The trial was arranged in
completely randomized design (CRD), replicated three times.
3.5. Cultural practice of chilli peppers
Nursery technique; sowing of seeds was done on 14th November 2019, by sowing the seed on
a prepared bed, which was later transplanted on 4th of December after attaining 6 to 8 leaved
seedlings. Watering was done immediately after sowing and continuous watering was done
subsequently. Organo mineral at different rate was applied at different rate at four weeks after
transplanting. Weeding of the plot was done with the use of hoe to weed the plot on weely basis.
Cyperforce (cypern enthrin) was used for the control of pest by spraying with knapsack sprayer

3.6 Data collection

Data collection commenced five weeks after sowing (5WAS). The growth patameters
determine were plant height, number if leaves, stem girth and number of leaves were determine by
visual observation and direct counting of the fully opened leaves per plant, plant height was
determined using measuring tape by placing at the stem base and straighten to the tip of the plant.
Stem girth was determined using venier caliper to determine the diameter of the plant and then use
the formula pieD to calculate the circumference of the stem . Biomass yield parameter such as
shoot dry weight was determined by weighing before and after oven drying of plant samples at 80
degree censius for 72 hours, using electronic weight balance.

3.7 Data analysis

All data collected were analyzed following the procedures of analysis if variance (ANOVA).
Means were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT)., at 5 percent level of
Result and discussion

4.1. Soil physiochemical properties

The pre-cropping chemical and physical analysis of the sample used showed that the soil was
slightly acidic with the pH6.10 (Table 4.1). The soil sample was grossly low in essential nutrient
particularly N (0.24percent), P(5.20mgkg-1) and K (0.30cmolkg-1). Also the soil was texturally
sandy-loam (Table 4.1). The result were in line with the earlier research finding Babajide (et al.,
2008) which indicated that soil sample in the study area were grossly low essential nutrient.
Table 4.1: physico-chemical properties of the soil sample used

Soil properties Values

PH (H2O) 6.10
Organic Carbon (g/ Kg) 3.28
Total N (g kg¹ 0.24
Available P (mg kg¹ 5.20
Fe (mg kg¹) 11.64
Cu (mg kg¹) 2.88
Zn (mg kg¹) 2.84
Exchangeable k 0.30
Exchangeable Na (cmol kg¹) 0.28

Exchangeable Ca (cmol kg¹) 24.40

Exchangeable Mg (cmol kg¹) 3.52
Sand (%) 82.06
Silt (%) 10.00
Clay (%) 7.94
Textural class Sandy loam

4.2 Effect of varying rates of organo-mineral on growth parameter of capsicum annuum at

different weeks after sowing.
Application of fertilizer has no effect on the value of plant height (Table 4.2) capsicum
annuum 8WAS, application of 20kgN/ha it has observed that T4 had the highest value significant
of plants height with value 17.42. This value is not significantly different from all other treatment
while T0 had the least.(Table 4.2). 10WAS, application of 40kgN/ha it has observed that T4 had
the highest value significant of plant height with value 24.08. This value is not significantly
different from all other treatment while control had the least. (Table 4.2). 12WAS, application of
60kgN/ha it has observed that T1 had the highest value significant of plant height with value
33.50. This value is not significantly different from all other treatment while control had the least.
(Table 4.2) 14WAS , application of 80kg/ha, it was observed that T1 has the highest value of 37.17
in plant height while Control has the least . and 16WAS, application of 100kgN/ha it has observed
that T4 had the highest value significant of plant height with value 44.83, this value is not
significantly different from all other treatment while T0 had the least. (Table 4.2). Application of
fertilizer has no effect on the value of number of leaves of capsicum annuum (Table 4.3), being
that ,in the 8WAS and 10WAS , T5 has the highest value of 31 and 68.83 respectively , while in
12WAS, 14WAS and 16WAS T4 is the highest with the value of 109.83, 119.17 and 215
respectively ,while T0 is the least in all.
There is no significant differences in the values of the plant stem circumference , and number of

PH4 PH6 PH8 PH10 PH12
T0 13.58a 17.50a 22.92a 27.33a 31.33a
T1 15.08a 23.33ab 29.92ab 37.17ab 41.17a
T2 15.50a 20.83ab 27.00ab 36.25a 35.5a
T3 13.92a 19.92a 26.33ab 35a 34.17a
T4 17.42a 24.08a 33.5ab 35.33a 44.83a
T5 15.83a 20.67a 25.83b 29.83a 33a


T0 20.83a 44.67a 74.33a 91.83a 103a
T1 20.83a 45.17a 76.17a 104a 143a
T2 23.67a 64.83a 90.5a 105.67a 185a
T3 27.33a 45a 85.5a 94.33a 166a
T4 30.17a 61.5a 109.83a 119.17a 215a
T5 31a 68.83a 94.83a 115.83a 176.83a
SC4 SC6 SC8 SC10 SC12
T0 0.68a 0.79a 1.07a 1.31a 1.42a
T1 0.66a 0.92a 1.31a 1.21a 1.28a
T2 0.68a 0.82a 1.1a 1.48a 1.54a
T3 0.63a 1.00a 1.23a 1.36a 1.47a
T4 0.81a 0.95a 1.31a 1.57a 1.56a
T5 0.71a 0.79a 1.36a 1.41a 1.49a
T0 1.33a 3.17a 4.17a 4.37a 4.5a
T1 0.67a 3.33a 5.00a 4.5a 5.17a
T2 1.67a 3.83a 5.00a 4.1a 4.67a
T3 0.67a 3.67a 4.67a 4.67a 4.67a
T4 1.33a 4.67a 4.83a 5.00a 5.33a
T5 2.00a 3.33a 5.00a 5.00a 5.33a
4.4 Nutrient uptake of capsicum annuum under different fertilizer application
Application 20kgN/ha of organo-mineral increase P, Na, Cu, Mn and Zn uptake s. The (Table
4.5) N-uptake was observed in T2,T3,T4, and T5 while control had the least value of nutrient
uptake, highest P-uptake value was observed in T1,T2,T3,T4, and T5 while control have the least
(Table 4.5). Application of T3,T4 and T5 increases K-uptake while control had the least value of
K-uptake (Table 4.5) Application of T5 increases Ca-uptake, while the control had the least,
Application of T2,T3,T4 and T5 increases Mg-uptake T4 had highest value of Fe uptake while the
least value was observed at T0. T1 has the highest value of Cu, Mn, and Zn up take ,while the T0
is the least in all ,except in Zn-uptake ,which have T5 as its least value.
N P K Ca Mg Na Fe Cu Mn Zn
T0 7.47d 0.83d 0.67e 0.47e 0.5c 0.7b 97.8e 11.47c 59.6b 13.
T1 30.67c 12.73ab 12.73d 2.6d 0.73c 1.17a 115.6d 14.3a 72.93a 24.
T2 59.57a 11.4bc 14.8c 5.93b 1.93b 0.8b 150.76b 13.23b 32.87c 11.
T3 43.73b 11.7bc 16.3b 4.33c 2.03b 0.73b 127.07cd 13.4b 31.03cd 12.
T4 57.47a 13.93a 17.93a 7.4a 2.43a 0.46c 183.13a 13.13b 25.53e 7.7
T5 53.9a 10.47c 17.27a 7.73a 2.6a 0.67bc 142.27bc 13.03b 27.07de 14.
b 73

Fruit yield
T0 50.40a
T1 35.53a
T2 66.3a
T3 111.5a
T4 59.67a
T5 74.83a

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