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This is a journey of seconds which clock up to minute, empowering the minutes

to take over and aggregated to hour, in this spite of clock ticking and the
sedimentation of cursoring enclockies, emerges the day and night. Its very
thoughtful of a rationalist, to mesmerize on this enigmatic control, and where it
lies or where exactly it is coming from. How come human wasn't Incorporated
into the soil and they grows, where is those breath coming from, why some have
eyes ,even a bigger one, and they are unable to see . aren't all these giant stars
hanging in the air?, and the sun which was estimated to have weighed many
millions of kgs even millions of tonnes, neither do we sees it drawing closer due
to it's trillions of years of being there nor do we notice a dismantling due to
wearing off of it's compositing materials. We actually claims to know much
about the space which in reality we hadn't know anything,ok now, let get into the
ground, how much can we say? We can't even express upto 5% of what we can
say about the sky and it's components, even the sea divers hasnt been able to
explore upto 1% of the sea wideness neither do they have dive downward up to
20% of some deeper seas . I could remember a sea whereby scientists wanted to
know it's depth, they tie a waterproof timer around an iron rod, then the iron
was thrown into the sea,whereby the timer started reading and it reads 11 hours
when reaching the bottom of the sea. Amazing?!!! Right. The iron will move fast
and still it takes 11 hours, that's even Small in comparation to some other seas
with deeper depth. All I'm saying is to let you recall that non of these are going
on there own but it's obvious there is a certain force acting on these and our
living activities. There is no doubt that there must be an initiator and originator.
I want your thought to start evolving the authenticity of this majestic presence
that has such energetism in making every pop ups pops in a stipulated time and
holding everything in it's place to aid human's ease. What if HE decides to
release the skies to meet the ground, do you have anywhere to hide that's not
under HIS sky?, if at all HE decides to hold up the air, please tell me of the living
things that gonna remain. HE is actually a very powerful master and ever
standard originator that can call all utilities of human off and no one can
challenge HIM, Yoruba adage even says " *eni tomo atiwaye oluunegun lo maa
mo ati loo re*" meaning the one that originates is capable to de- emerginate.
Actually HE is asking you to fear HIM and not because that will benefits HIM in
anyway but will antagonize the phagious encapsulation of punishment and HIs
wrath. We seek refuge with HIS Mercy from HIs punishment and wrath. This
write up might be far away from your comprehension and might seem very
lengthy but the value of this scripture is very high.
Certainly there is a seemingly far away superiority which is at the same time
very closer to you than your eye Iris, even from now till eternity enscripting the
essence of this superiority, to us, will give a very lengthy conversation but all in
all this essence and superiority will still be eyed higher higher till eternity


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