Acid Base Physio Costanzo

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Acid-Base Physiology

Acid-base balance is concerned with maintaining a

normal hydrogen ion concentration in the body fluids. pH of Body Fluids, 299
This balance is achieved by utilization of buffers in Acid Production in the Body, 300
extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid, by respiratory
Buffering, 300
mechanisms that excrete carbon dioxide, and by renal
mechanisms that reabsorb bicarbonate and secrete Renal Mechanisms in Acid-Base Balance, 306
hydrogen ions. Acid-Base Disorders, 312
Summary, 324
pH of Body Fluids Challenge Yourself, 324

The hydrogen ion (Hþ) concentration of the body fluids is extremely low. In arterial
blood, the Hþ concentration is 40  109 equivalents per liter (or 40 nEq/L), which is
more than six orders of magnitude lower than the sodium (Naþ) concentration.
Because it is cumbersome to work with such small numbers, Hþ concentration is rou-
tinely expressed as a logarithmic function called pH:
pH ¼ log10 [Hþ ]
The normal Hþ concentration of 40  109 Eq/L is converted to pH as follows:
pH ¼ log10 [40  109 Eq=L]
¼ 7:4
When using pH instead of Hþ concentration, there are two points of caution. First,
because of the minus sign in the logarithmic expression, a mental reversal is neces-
sary: As Hþ concentration increases, pH decreases, and conversely. Second, the rela-
tionship between Hþ concentration and pH is logarithmic, not linear. Thus, equal
changes in pH do not reflect equal changes in Hþ concentration. This lack of linearity
is illustrated in Figure 7-1, in which the relationship between Hþ concentration and pH
is shown over the physiologic range in body fluids. An increase in pH from 7.4 to 7.6
(0.2 pH units) reflects a decrease in Hþ concentration of 15 nEq/L; a decrease in pH
from 7.4 to 7.2 (also 0.2 pH units) reflects a larger increase in Hþ concentration of
23 nEq/L. In other words, a given change in pH in the acidic range (pH < 7.4) reflects
a larger change in Hþ concentration than the same change in pH in the alkaline range
(pH > 7.4).
The normal range of arterial pH is 7.37 to 7.42. When arterial pH is less than 7.37, it
is called acidemia. When arterial pH is greater than 7.42, it is called alkalemia. The pH
range compatible with life is 6.8 to 8.0.
The mechanisms that contribute to maintaining pH in the normal range include buff-
ering of Hþ in both extracellular fluid (ECF) and intracellular fluid (ICF), respiratory
compensation, and renal compensation. The mechanisms for buffering and respiratory

300 • Physiology

within the red blood cells, and carried to the lungs.

120 In the lungs, the reactions occur in reverse, and CO2
is regenerated and expired. (CO2 is therefore called a
100 volatile acid.) Thus, buffering of the Hþ that comes
from CO2 is only a temporary problem for venous
80 Ac
id e
[H+] (nEq/L)


Catabolism of proteins and phospholipids results in
the production of approximately 50 mmol/day of
40 fixed acid. Proteins with the sulfur-containing amino
ka acids (e.g., methionine, cysteine, and cystine) gener-
20 ia ate sulfuric acid when they are metabolized, and
phospholipids generate phosphoric acid. In contrast
with CO2, which is volatile and will be expired by
0 the lungs, sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid are not
7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0
volatile. Therefore, fixed acids first must be buffered
in the body fluids until they can be excreted by the
Figure 7-1 Relationship between [H+] and pH.
In addition to sulfuric and phosphoric acids,
which are produced from normal catabolic pro-
cesses, in certain pathophysiologic states, fixed acids
compensation occur rapidly, within minutes to hours. can be produced in excessive quantities. These fixed
The mechanisms for renal compensation are slower, acids include b-hydroxybutyric acid and acetoace-
requiring hours to days. tic acid, both ketoacids that are generated in
untreated diabetes mellitus, and lactic acid, which
may be generated during strenuous exercise or when
the tissues are hypoxic. In addition, other fixed acids
Acid Production in the Body may be ingested, such as salicylic acid (from aspirin
overdose), formic acid (from methanol ingestion),
Arterial pH is slightly alkaline (7.4) despite the pro- and glycolic and oxalic acids (from ethylene glycol
duction of large amounts of acid on a daily basis. ingestion). Overproduction or ingestion of fixed
This acid production has two forms: volatile acid acids causes metabolic acidosis, as discussed later
(carbon dioxide, CO2) and nonvolatile, or fixed, acid. in the chapter.
Both volatile and fixed acids are produced in large
quantities and present a challenge to the normally
alkaline pH.


CO2, or volatile acid, is the end product of aerobic A buffer is a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate
metabolism in the cells and is generated at a rate of base or a weak base and its conjugate acid. The two
13,000 to 20,000 millimoles daily (mmol/day). CO2 forms of the buffer are called the buffer pair. In
itself is not an acid. However, when it reacts with water Brnsted-Lowry nomenclature, for a weak acid, the
(H2O), it is converted to the weak acid carbonic acid, acid form is called HA and is defined as the Hþ donor.
H2CO3: The base form is called A and is defined as the Hþ
acceptor. Likewise, for a weak base, the Hþ donor is
CO þ H O !  H CO !
2  Hþ þ HCO 
2 2 3 3 called BHþ and the Hþ acceptor is called B.
carbonic anhydrase
A buffered solution resists a change in pH. Thus,
The reactions show that CO2 combines reversibly Hþ can be added to or removed from a buffered solu-
with H2O to form H2CO3, catalyzed by the enzyme tion, but the pH of that solution will change only
carbonic anhydrase. H2CO3 dissociates into Hþ and minimally. For example, when Hþ is added to a buff-
HCO3, and the Hþ generated by this reaction must ered solution containing a weak acid, it combines
be buffered. Recall that CO2 produced by the cells is with the A form of the buffer and converts it to
added to venous blood, converted to Hþ and HCO3 the HA form. Conversely, when Hþ is removed from
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 301

a buffered solution (or OH is added), Hþ is released Rearranging again to solve for [Hþ]:
from the HA form of the buffer, converting it to the [HA]
A form. [Hþ ] ¼ K
[A ]
The body fluids contain a large variety of buffers,
which constitute an important first defense against To express [Hþ] as pH, take the negative log10 of both
changes in pH. Robert Pitts demonstrated this buffer- sides of the previous equation. Then,
ing capacity experimentally by injecting 150 mEq of [HA]
Hþ (as hydrochloric acid, HCl) into a dog whose total log[Hþ ] ¼ logK  log
[A ]
body water was 11.4 L. In a parallel experiment, Pitts
added 150 mEq of Hþ to 11.4 L of distilled water. In Recall that log [Hþ] equals pH, that log K equals pK,
the dog, the addition of Hþ caused the blood pH and that minus log HA/A equals plus log A/HA. Thus,
to decrease from 7.44 to 7.14—the dog was acidemic, the final form of the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
but alive. In the distilled water, addition of the same is as follows:
amount of Hþ caused the pH to drop precipitously [A ]
to 1.84, a value that would have been instantly fatal pH ¼ pK þ log
to the dog. Pitts concluded that the dog’s body fluids
contained buffers that protected his pH from the where
addition of large amounts of Hþ. The added Hþ pH ¼ log10 [Hþ ] (pH units)
combined with the A form of these buffers, and a
strong acid was converted to a weak acid. The pK ¼ log10 K (pH units)
change in the dog’s body fluid pH was minimized, [A ] ¼ Concentration of base form of buffer (mEq=L)
although not totally prevented. The distilled water
contained no buffers and had no such protective [HA] ¼ Concentration of acid form of buffer (mEq=L)
Therefore, the pH of a buffered solution can be calcu-
lated with the following information: the pK of the
HENDERSON-HASSELBALCH EQUATION buffer, the concentration of the base form of the buffer
([A]), and the concentration of the acid form of the
The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is used to calcu-
buffer ([HA]). Conversely, if the pH of the solution
late the pH of a buffered solution. This equation is
and the pK of the buffer are known, it is possible to cal-
derived from the behavior of weak acids (and bases)
culate the relative concentrations of the A and HA
in solution, which is described by the kinetics of
reversible reactions:
pK is a characteristic value for a buffer pair. What
K1 factor, or factors, determine its value? In the previous
HA !
 Hþ þ A derivation, note that the equilibrium constant (K) is
the ratio of the rate constant of the forward reaction
The forward reaction, the dissociation of HA into Hþ divided by the rate constant of the reverse reaction.
and A, is characterized by a rate constant, K1, and Therefore, strong acids such as HCl are more
the reverse reaction is characterized by a rate con- dissociated into Hþ and A, and they have high equi-
stant, K2. When the rates of the forward and reverse librium constants (K) and low pKs (because pK
reactions are exactly equal, there is a state of chemi- is minus log10 of the equilibrium constant). On the
cal equilibrium, in which there is no further net other hand, weak acids such as H2CO3 are less disso-
change in the concentration of HA or A. As shown ciated and have low equilibrium constants and
here, the law of mass action states that at chemical high pKs.
K1 [HA] ¼ K2 [Hþ ] [A ]
Rearranging, buffer pair is 6.8. Answer two questions about this
K1 [Hþ ][A ] buffer: (1) At a blood pH of 7.4, what are the relative
¼ concentrations of the acid form and the base form of
K2 [HA]
this buffer pair? (2) At what pH would the concentra-
The ratio of rate constants can be combined into a sin- tions of the acid and base forms be equal?
gle constant, K, called the equilibrium constant, as SOLUTION. The acid form of this buffer is H2PO4,
follows: and the base form is HPO42. The relative concentra-
tions of the acid and base forms are set by the pH of
[Hþ ][A ]
K¼ the solution and the characteristic pK.
302 • Physiology

(1) Answering the first question: The relative con-

centrations of acid and base forms at pH 7.4 are cal-
culated with the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
(Hint: In the last step of the solution, take the anti-
log of both sides of the equation!)
pH ¼ pK þ log
H2 PO4

Removal of H+
Addition of H+
7:4 ¼ 6:8 þ log
H2 PO4 pK = 6.5

0:6 ¼ log
H2 PO4
3:98 ¼ HPO42 =H2 PO4
Therefore, at pH 7.4, the concentration of the base A–
form (HPO42) is approximately fourfold that of the
acid form (H2PO4). 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(2) Answering the second question: The pH at
which there would be equal concentrations of the Figure 7-2 Titration curve of a weak acid (HA) and its con-
acid and base forms can also be calculated from jugate base (A-). When pH equals pK, there are equal concentra-
the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. When the tions of HA and A.
acid and base forms are in equal concentrations,
HPO42/H2PO4 ¼ 1.0. equal concentrations of HA and A: Half of the buffer
HPO42 is in the HA form and half in the A form.
pH ¼ pK þ log
H2 PO4 A striking feature of the titration curve is its sigmoi-
dal shape. In the linear portion of the curve, only
¼ 6:8 þ log1
small changes in pH occur when Hþ is added or
¼ 6:8 þ 0 removed; the most effective buffering occurs in this
¼ 6:8 range. The linear range of the curve extends 1.0 pH
The calculated pH equals the pK of the buffer. This unit above and below the pK (pK  1.0). Therefore,
important calculation demonstrates that when the the most effective physiologic buffers will have a pK
pH of a solution equals the pK, the concentrations of within 1.0 pH unit of 7.4 (7.4  1.0). Outside the effec-
the acid and base forms of the buffer are equal. As dis- tive buffering range, pH changes drastically when
cussed later in the chapter, a buffer functions best small amounts of Hþ are added or removed. For this
when the pH of the solution is equal (or nearly equal) buffer, when the pH is lower than 5.5, the addition of
to the pK, precisely because the concentrations of the Hþ causes a large decrease in pH; when the pH is
acid and base forms are equal, or nearly equal.
higher than 7.5, the removal of Hþ causes a large
increase in pH.


The major buffers of the ECF are bicarbonate and phos-
phate. For bicarbonate, the A form is HCO3 and the
Titration curves are graphic representations of the HA form is CO2 (in equilibrium with H2CO3). For phos-
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. Figure 7-2 shows phate, the A form is HPO42 and the HA form is
the titration curve of a hypothetical weak acid (HA) H2PO4. The titration curves of these buffers are shown
and its conjugate base (A) in solution. As Hþ is added in Figure 7-3.
or removed, the pH of the solution is measured.
HCO3-/CO2 Buffer
As previously shown by the Henderson-Hasselbalch
equation, the relative concentrations of HA and A The most important extracellular buffer is HCO3/CO2.
depend on the pH of the solution and the pK of the It is utilized as the first line of defense when Hþ is
buffer. The pK of this hypothetical buffer is 6.5. At gained or lost from the body. The following character-
low (acidic) pH, the buffer exists primarily in the HA istics account for the preeminence of HCO3/CO2 as
form. At high (alkaline) pH, the buffer exists primarily an ECF buffer: (1) The concentration of the A form,
in the A form. When the pH equals the pK, there are HCO3, is high at 24 mEq/L. (2) The pK of the
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 303

solubility of CO2 in blood (0.03 mmol/L/mm Hg). The

ECF BUFFERS final form of the equation is as follows:
pH ¼ pK þ log
H2PO4– 0:03  Pco2
CO2 Substituting the following normal values, the pH of
arterial blood can be calculated as follows:
pK ¼ 6:1

Removal of H+
Addition of H+

[HCO3 ] ¼ 24 mmol=L
pK = 6.1 pK = 6.8
Pco2 ¼ 40 mm Hg
24 mmol=L
pH ¼ 6:1 þ log
0:03  40 mm Hg
HCO3– HPO4–2
¼ 6:1 þ log20
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
pH ¼ 7:4

Figure 7-3 Comparison of titration curves for H2PO4–/

The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation also can be re-
HPO4 –2 and CO2/HCO3 –. ECF, Extracellular fluid. presented on an acid-base map, which shows the rela-
tionships between PCO2, HCO3 concentration, and pH
(Fig. 7-4). The lines radiating from the origin on the map
are called the isohydric lines (meaning same Hþ concen-
HCO3/CO2 buffer is 6.1, which is fairly close to the pH tration or same pH); each isohydric line gives all of the
of ECF. (3) CO2, the acid form of the buffer, is volatile combinations of PCO2 and HCO3 that yield the same value
and can be expired by the lungs (see Fig. 7-3). of pH. The ellipse in the center shows the normal values
The function of the HCO3/CO2 buffer is illu- for arterial blood. Any point on the graph can be calcu-
strated in the previous example of HCl injection into lated by substituting the appropriate values into the Hen-
a dog. To understand this example, assume that ECF derson-Hasselbalch equation. For example, the previous
is a simple solution of NaHCO3, ignoring its other con- calculations show that a PCO2 of 40 mm Hg and an HCO3
stituents. When HCl is added to ECF, Hþ combines concentration of 24 mEq/L yields a pH of 7.4. The acid-
with some of the HCO3 to form H2CO3. Thus, a strong base map confirms that when the PCO2 is 40 mm Hg and
acid (HCl) is converted to a weak acid (H2CO3). H2CO3 the HCO3 concentration is 24 mEq/L, the pH is 7.4.
then dissociates into CO2 and H2O, both of which are It is important to note that abnormal combinations of
expired by the lungs. The pH of the dog’s blood PCO2 and HCO3 concentration can yield normal (or
decreases, but not as dramatically as if no buffer were nearly normal) values of pH. For example, the combina-
available. The reactions are as follows: tion of a PCO2 of 60 mm Hg and an HCO3 concentration
of 36 mEq/L also corresponds to a pH of 7.4, although
Hþ þ Cl þ Naþ þ HCO  !  Naþ þ Cl þ H CO 3 2
Ø 3 both the HCO3 concentration and the PCO2 clearly are
higher than normal. For another example, the combina-

tion of a PCO2 of 20 mm Hg and an HCO3 concentration

CO2 þ H2 O
of 12 mEq/L also corresponds to a pH of 7.4, although
The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation can be applied both the HCO3 concentration and the PCO2 are lower than
to the HCO3/CO2 buffer. The base form (A) is HCO3 normal. (This important principle underlies the processes
and the acid form (HA) is H2CO3, which is in equilib- of respiratory and renal compensation that attempt to
rium with CO2. In the presence of carbonic anhydrase, normalize the pH when there is an acid-base disorder.)
most of the H2CO3 is present in the CO2 form (i.e., 400 The importance of the HCO3/CO2 buffer system in
CO2:1 H2CO3); thus, the H2CO3 concentration usually protecting the pH can be illustrated by imagining that
is so low that it is ignored. 12 mmol/L of HCl is added to ECF. The initial HCO3
The pH of arterial blood can be calculated with the concentration of ECF is 24 mmol/L. Then, 12 mmol/L of
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation by substituting the added Hþ combines with 12 mmol/L of HCO3 to form
normal concentrations of HCO3 and CO2 and by 12 mmol/L of H2CO3, which is converted to 12 mmol/L
knowing the pK. Note that because values of CO2 usu- of CO2 in the presence of carbonic anhydrase. After
ally are reported as partial pressures, PCO2 must be con- this buffering reaction occurs, the new HCO3 con-
verted to CO2 concentration by multiplying by the centration will be 12 mmol/L instead of the original
304 • Physiology

pH 6.92 7.10
100 7.2
Acide 2



PCO2 (mm Hg)




0 12 24 36 48 60

[HCO3– ] (mEq/L)

Figure 7-4 Acid-base map. The relationships shown are between arterial blood PCO2, [HCO3], and pH. The ellipse in the center gives
the range of normal values. (Modified from Cohen JJ, Kassirer JP: Acid/Base. Boston, Little, Brown, 1982.)

24 mmol/L. The new CO2 concentration will be the origi- Clearly, a pH this low (6.06) would be fatal! There
nal concentration of 1.2 mmol/L (i.e., 40 mm Hg  0.03) is, however, a second protective mechanism, respira-
plus the 12 mmol/L that is generated in the buffering reac- tory compensation, which prevents the pH from
tion. Assuming for a moment that the additional CO2 gen- falling to this fatally low value. Acidemia stimulates
erated cannot be expired by the lungs, the new pH will be
chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies that produce an
pH ¼ 6:1 þ log
12 mmol=L immediate increase in the ventilation rate (hyperventi-
1:2 mmol=L þ 12 mmol=L lation): All of the excess CO2, plus more, is expired by
12 mmol=L the lungs. This response, called respiratory compensa-
¼ 6:1 þ log
13:2 mmol=L tion, drives the PCO2 down to lower than normal values
¼ 6:06 (e.g., to 24 mm Hg). Substituting these values in the
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 305

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, another pH can be increased levels of lactic acid, excess Hþ is produced
calculated: along with lactate, and Hþ and lactate enter the cells
12 mmol=L together, preserving electroneutrality. (3) In other cases
pH ¼ 6:1 þ log of excess or deficit of fixed Hþ in which there is no
0:03  24 mm Hg
accompanying organic anion, Hþ exchanges with Kþ
¼ 6:1 þ log
12 mmol=L to preserve electroneutrality.
0:72 Although they are not present in ICF, plasma pro-
¼ 7:32 teins also buffer Hþ. A relationship exists between
plasma proteins, Hþ, and calcium (Ca2þ), which results
The combination of buffering by HCO3 and respiratory in changes in ionized Ca2þ concentration when there is
compensation (i.e., hyperventilation) results in an an acid-base disturbance. (See also Chapter 9, Fig. 9-
almost normal pH (normal ¼ 7.4). Although both the 32.) The mechanism is as follows: Negatively charged
HCO3 concentration and the PCO2 are severely reduced, groups on plasma proteins (e.g., albumin) can bind either
the pH is nearly normal. Full restoration of acid-base Hþ or Ca2þ. (Protein-binding of Ca2þ is extensive and
balance depends on the kidneys. Eventually, by pro- accounts for 40% of total Ca2þ.) In acidemia, there is
cesses described later in this chapter, the kidneys secrete an excess of Hþ in blood. Because more Hþ is bound to
Hþ and synthesize “new” HCO3 to replace the HCO3 plasma proteins, less Ca2þ is bound, producing an
that was consumed in buffering the added fixed Hþ. increase in free Ca2þ concentration. In alkalemia, there
is a deficit of Hþ in blood. Because less Hþ is bound to
HPO4-2/H2PO4- Buffer plasma proteins, more Ca2þ is bound, producing a
decrease in free Ca2þ concentration (hypocalcemia).
Inorganic phosphate also serves as a buffer. Its titration
Symptoms of hypocalcemia commonly occur in respira-
curve can be compared with that for HCO3 (see Fig. 7-3).
tory alkalosis and include tingling, numbness, and tetany.
Recall that the pK for HCO3/CO2 is 6.1, with the linear
portion of the titration curve extending from pH 5.1 to
Organic Phosphates
7.1; technically, the linear portion is outside the buffer-
ing range for a pH of 7.4. On the other hand, the pK of Organic phosphates in ICF include adenosine triphos-
the HPO42/H2PO4 buffer is 6.8, with the linear por- phate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), adenosine
tion of its curve extending from pH 5.8 to 7.8. It seems monophosphate (AMP), glucose-1-phosphate, and
that inorganic phosphate would be a more important 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG). Hþ is buffered by
physiologic buffer than HCO3, because its effective the phosphate moiety of these organic molecules. The
buffering range is closer to 7.4, the pH of blood. How- pKs for these organic phosphates range from 6.0 to
ever, two features of the HCO3/CO2 buffer make it the 7.5, ideal for effective physiologic buffering.
more effective buffer: (1) HCO3 is in much higher con-
centration (24 mmol/L) than phosphate (1 to 2 mmol/L). Proteins
(2) The acid form of the HCO3/CO2 buffer is CO2, which
Intracellular proteins serve as buffers because they
is volatile and can be expired by the lungs.
contain a large number of acidic or basic groups such
as COOH/COO or NH3þ/NH2. Of all the disso-
ciable groups on proteins, those with a pK in the phys-
iologic range are the imidazole group of histidine
There are vast quantities of intracellular buffers, which (pK 6.4 to 7.0) and the a amino groups (pK 7.4 to 7.9).
include organic phosphates and proteins. To utilize The most significant intracellular buffer is hemoglo-
these ICF buffers in acid-base disturbances, Hþ first bin, which is present in high concentration inside red
must cross the cell membrane by one of the following blood cells. Each hemoglobin molecule has a total of
three mechanisms: (1) In conditions where there is 36 histidine residues (9 on each of the 4 polypeptide
an excess or a deficit of CO2, as in respiratory acid-base chains). The pK of oxyhemoglobin is 6.7, which is in
disturbances, CO2 itself can cross the cell membranes. the range for effective physiologic buffering. Deoxyhe-
For example, in respiratory acidosis, there is excess moglobin, however, is an even more effective buffer
CO2, which generates Hþ that must be buffered. CO2 with a pK of 7.9. The change in the pK of hemoglobin
rapidly enters the cells, and the Hþ it generates is buff- when it releases oxygen (O2) has physiologic signifi-
ered by intracellular buffers. (2) In conditions where cance. As blood flows through the systemic capillaries,
there is an excess or a deficit of fixed acid, Hþ can oxyhemoglobin releases O2 to the tissues and is con-
enter or leave the cell with an organic anion, such as verted to deoxyhemoglobin. At the same time, CO2 is
lactate. For example, in metabolic acidosis caused by added to systemic capillary blood from the tissues. This
306 • Physiology

CO2 diffuses into the red blood cells and combines with be calculated (as explained in Chapter 6) by comparing
H2O to form H2CO3. The H2CO3 then dissociates into Hþ the filtered load of HCO3 with the excretion rate of
and HCO3. The Hþ generated is buffered by hemoglobin, HCO3. If the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is
which now is conveniently in its deoxygenated form. 180 L/day and the plasma HCO3 concentration is
Deoxyhemoglobin certainly must be an excellent buffer 24 mEq/L, then the filtered load is 4320 mEq/day
for Hþ: The pH of venous blood is 7.37, which is only (180 L/day  24 mEq/L). The measured excretion rate
0.03 pH units more acidic than the pH of arterial blood of HCO3 is merely 2 mEq/day. Therefore, the reabsorp-
despite the addition of large amounts of acid as CO2. tion rate of HCO3 is 4318 mEq/day, which is 99.9% of
the filtered load. Most filtered HCO3 reabsorption occurs
in the proximal tubule and only small quantities are
reabsorbed in the loop of Henle, distal tubule, and collect-
Renal Mechanisms in Acid-Base ing duct.
Mechanism of HCO3- Reabsorption
The kidneys play two major roles in the maintenance of in the Proximal Tubule
normal acid-base balance: reabsorption of HCO3 and
excretion of Hþ. The first role of the kidneys is to reab- Figure 7-5 is a diagram of a cell of the early proximal
sorb the filtered HCO3 so that this important extracel- tubule, where filtered HCO3 is reabsorbed. Reab-
lular buffer is not excreted in urine. The second role of sorption of filtered HCO3 involves the following
the kidneys is to excrete fixed H+ that is produced from steps and includes conversion of HCO3 to CO2 in
protein and phospholipid catabolism. There are two the lumen, diffusion of CO2 into the cell, conversion
mechanisms for excretion of this fixed Hþ: (1) excretion back to HCO3 in the cell, and reabsorption of HCO3
of Hþ as titratable acid (i.e., buffered by urinary phos- into the blood:
phate), and (2) excretion of Hþ as NH4þ. Excretion of 1. The luminal membrane contains an Na+-H+
Hþ by either mechanism is accompanied by synthesis exchanger, which is one of several Naþ-dependent
and reabsorption of new HCO3. The purpose of synthe- secondary active transport mechanisms in the early
sis and reabsorption of new HCO3 is to replenish the proximal tubule. As Naþ moves from the lumen into
HCO3 stores that were used in buffering fixed Hþ. the cell down its electrochemical gradient, Hþ
moves from the cell into the lumen against its elec-
trochemical gradient.
2. The Hþ secreted into the lumen combines with fil-
Almost 99.9% of the filtered HCO3
is reabsorbed, tered HCO3 to form H2CO3. The H2CO3 then
ensuring that the major extracellular buffer is con- decomposes into CO2 and H2O, catalyzed by a brush
served, rather than excreted. The reabsorption rate can border carbonic anhydrase. (Carbonic anhydrase


Lumen Cell of the proximal tubule Blood



Figure 7-5 Mechanism for
reabsorption of filtered HCO3–
HCO3– Filtered HCO3

in a cell of the proximal tubule.
HCO3– + H+ H+ H+ + HCO3–
(filtered) HCO3– is reabsorbed ATP, Adenosine triphosphate.

H2CO3 H2CO3 Cl–

carbonic carbonic
anhydrase anhydrase

CO2 + H2O CO2 + H2O

7—Acid-Base Physiology • 307

inhibitors such as acetazolamide inhibit the reab- Effect of Extracellular Fluid Volume
sorption of filtered HCO3 by interfering with this
Most of the filtered HCO3 is reabsorbed in the proxi-
step.) The CO2 and H2O that are formed in this reac-
mal tubule, where changes in ECF volume alter isos-
tion readily cross the luminal membrane and enter
motic reabsorption via changes in the Starling forces
the cell.
in the peritubular capillaries (see Chapter 6). Since
3. Inside the cell, the reactions occur in reverse. CO2 HCO3 is part of this isosmotic reabsorption, changes
and H2O recombine to form H2CO3, catalyzed in ECF volume alter HCO3 reabsorption in a predict-
by intracellular carbonic anhydrase. H2CO3 is able way. For example, ECF volume expansion
converted back to Hþ and HCO3. The fates of the inhibits isosmotic reabsorption in the proximal tubule
Hþ and HCO3 are different. Hþ is secreted by the and, therefore, inhibits HCO3 reabsorption. Con-
Naþ-Hþ exchanger to aid in the reabsorption of versely, ECF volume contraction stimulates isosmotic
another filtered HCO3. The HCO3 is transported reabsorption in the proximal tubule and stimulates
across the basolateral membrane into the blood HCO3 reabsorption.
(i.e., the HCO3 is reabsorbed) by two mechanisms: A second mechanism, involving angiotensin II, par-
Naþ-HCO3 cotransport and Cl-HCO3 exchange. ticipates in the response of HCO3 reabsorption to ECF
Special features of the mechanism for reabsorption volume contraction. Recall that decreases in ECF vol-
of filtered HCO3 include the following: ume activate the renin–angiotensin II–aldosterone sys-
tem. Angiotensin II stimulates Naþ-Hþ exchange in
' The process results in net reabsorption of Na+
the proximal tubule, thus stimulating HCO3 reabsorp-
and HCO3-. Thus, a portion of the Naþ reabsorp-
tion and increasing the blood HCO3 concentration.
tion in the proximal tubule is linked directly to
This mechanism explains the phenomenon of contrac-
the reabsorption of filtered HCO3. (The rest of
tion alkalosis, which literally means metabolic alkalo-
the Naþ reabsorption is linked to reabsorption
sis that occurs secondary to ECF volume contraction.
of glucose, amino acids, Cl, and phosphate.)
Contraction alkalosis occurs during treatment with
' There is no net secretion of H+ via this mecha- loop diuretics or thiazide diuretics, and it is a compli-
nism. Each Hþ secreted by the Naþ-Hþ exchanger cating factor in the metabolic alkalosis caused by
in the luminal membrane combines with a fil- vomiting. Contraction alkalosis is treated by infusing
tered HCO3 to form CO2 and H2O, which enter isotonic NaCl to restore ECF volume.
the cell and are converted back to Hþ and HCO3.
Effect of PCO2
The Hþ is recycled across the luminal membrane
on the Naþ-Hþ exchanger to reabsorb more fil- Chronic changes in PCO2 alter the reabsorption of fil-
tered HCO3. tered HCO3 and explain the phenomenon of renal
compensation for chronic respiratory acid-base disor-
' Because there is no net secretion of Hþ by this
ders. Increases in PCO2 increase the reabsorption of
mechanism, it produces little change in tubular
HCO3, and decreases in PCO2 decrease the reabsorp-
fluid pH.
tion of HCO3.
The mechanism underlying the effect of CO2 is not
completely understood. One explanation, however,
Effect of Filtered Load of HCO3- involves the supply of CO2 to the renal cells. In respira-
The filtered load of HCO3 is the product of GFR and tory acidosis, the PCO2 is increased. Because more CO2
the plasma HCO3 concentration. Over a wide range is available in the renal cells to generate Hþ for secre-
of filtered loads, virtually all of the HCO3 is reab- tion by the Naþ-Hþ exchanger, more HCO3 can be
sorbed. However, when the plasma HCO3 concentra- reabsorbed. Thus, the plasma HCO3 concentration
tion is greater than 40 mEq/L, the filtered load increases, which increases the arterial pH (a compen-
becomes so high that the reabsorption mechanism is sation). In respiratory alkalosis, the PCO2 is decreased.
saturated; any filtered HCO3 that cannot be reab- As less CO2 is available in the renal cells to generate
sorbed is excreted. For example, in metabolic alkalosis Hþ for secretion, less HCO3 is reabsorbed. In this case,
where the blood HCO3 concentration is elevated, res- the plasma HCO3 concentration decreases, which
toration of normal acid-base balance requires excretion decreases the arterial pH (a compensation).
of the excess HCO3 in the urine. This is accomplished
because, as the concentration of HCO3 in the blood
increases, the filtered load increases and exceeds the
reabsorptive capacity. The nonreabsorbed HCO3 is By definition, titratable acid is Hþ excreted with uri-
excreted, lowering the blood HCO3 concentration to nary buffers. Inorganic phosphate is the most impor-
normal. tant of these buffers because of its relatively high
308 • Physiology

concentration in urine and its ideal pK. Recall that that the concentration of HPO42 is almost fourfold
there is a significant amount of phosphate in urine, the concentration of H2PO4 in the glomerular filtrate
because only 85% of the filtered phosphate is reab- (pH ¼ pK þ log HPO42/H2PO4, where pK ¼ 6.8; at
sorbed; 15% of the filtered phosphate is left to be pH 7.4, HPO42/H2PO4 ¼ 3.98).
excreted as titratable acid.
2. The Hþ secreted by the Hþ ATPase is produced in
the renal cells from CO2 and H2O, which combine
Mechanism of Excretion of Titratable Acid
to form H2CO3 in the presence of intracellular car-
Titratable acid is excreted throughout the nephron, but bonic anhydrase. H2CO3 dissociates into Hþ, which
primarily in the a-intercalated cells of the late distal is secreted, and HCO3, which is reabsorbed into
tubule and collecting ducts. The cellular mechanism the blood via Cl-HCO3 exchange.
for this process is illustrated in Figure 7-6 and is
3. For each Hþ excreted as titratable acid, one new
described as follows:
HCO3 is synthesized and reabsorbed. This new
1. The luminal membrane of a-intercalated cells of the HCO3 replenishes extracellular HCO3 stores, which
late distal tubule and collecting ducts contains two previously had been depleted from buffering fixed
primary active transport mechanisms for secreting Hþ. Since the generation, or synthesis, of new
Hþ into tubular fluid. The first mechanism for Hþ HCO3 is an ongoing process, HCO3 is continuously
secretion is H+ ATPase, which is stimulated by aldo- replaced as it is used for buffering the fixed acids pro-
sterone. Aldosterone not only acts on the principal duced from protein and phospholipid catabolism.
cells in stimulation of Naþ reabsorption and Kþ
Amount of Urinary Buffer
secretion, but also stimulates Hþ secretion in the
a-intercalated cells. The other mechanism for Hþ The amount of Hþ excreted as titratable acid depends
secretion is H+-K+ ATPase, the transporter responsi- on the amount of urinary buffer available. Although it
ble for Kþ reabsorption in a-intercalated cells (see may not be immediately obvious why this is so, the
Chapter 6). In the lumen, the secreted Hþ combines underlying principle is that the minimum urine pH
with the A form of the phosphate buffer, HPO42, is 4.4. Since blood pH is 7.4, a urine pH of 4.4 repre-
to produce the HA form of the buffer, H2PO4. sents a 1000-fold difference in Hþ concentration across
H2PO4 is titratable acid, which is excreted. the renal tubular cells. This 1000-fold difference is the
For this mechanism to be useful, it is essential largest concentration gradient against which Hþ can
that most of the filtered phosphate be in the form be secreted by the Hþ ATPase. When the urine pH is
that can accept an Hþ; that is, in the HPO42 form. reduced to 4.4, net secretion of Hþ ceases.
Is this so? By calculating the relative concentrations To understand this principle, it is important to dis-
of HPO42 and H2PO4 at pH 7.4, it can be confirmed tinguish between the amount of Hþ excreted and the


Lumen α-Intercalated cell Blood



Figure 7-6 Mechanism for ex-
ATP H+ + HCO3– HCO3– New HCO3– cretion of H+ as titratable acid.
HPO4 + –2 H+
(filtered) is reabsorbed ATP, Adenosine triphosphate.

Cl –
K+ anhydrase
H2PO4– CO2 + H2O
(titratable acid
is excreted)
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 309


A Phosphate B Creatinine

H2PO4 –

Removal of H+

Removal of H+
Addition of H+

Addition of H+
6.8 5.0

Total H+ Total H+
excretion –2 excretion Creatinine–

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
pH pH

Figure 7-7 Comparison of effectiveness of phosphate (A) and creatinine (B) as urinary buffers. The pK of the phosphate
buffer is 6.8; the pK of the creatinine buffer is 5.0. The shaded areas show the total amount of Hþ that is secreted into tubular fluid
between the glomerular filtrate (pH 7.4) and the final urine (pH 4.4).

value for urine pH. To illustrate this distinction, con- creatinine (with a pK of 5.0) as a urinary buffer with
sider the following two examples: First, imagine that the effectiveness of phosphate (with a pK of 6.8). He
there are no urinary buffers. The first few Hþ secreted, found that for a given quantity of urinary buffer, more
finding no urinary buffers, would be free in solution Hþ was excreted when the buffer was phosphate than
and cause the pH to decrease to the minimum value when the buffer was creatinine (see Fig. 7-7).
of 4.4, and thereafter, no additional Hþ could be The difference in the amount of Hþ excreted is
secreted. Next, imagine that urinary buffers are plenti- attributed to the different pKs of the two buffers.
ful. Large quantities of Hþ can be secreted and buffered Remember that phosphate is an almost ideal urinary
in urine before the pH is reduced to 4.4. buffer. The linear range of its titration curve overlaps
This point is further illustrated in Figure 7-7. Fig- almost perfectly with the range of tubular fluid pH. In
ure 7-7A shows the range of tubular fluid pH (shaded Figure 7-7A, the shaded area under the phosphate
area) superimposed on the phosphate titration curve. titration curve represents the total amount of Hþ
Begin with the glomerular filtrate, which has a pH of secreted as the tubular fluid pH decreases from pH
7.4: Both HPO42 and H2PO4 are present, with the 7.4 in glomerular filtrate to pH 4.4 in the final urine.
concentration of HPO42 considerably higher than that Figure 7-7B shows the titration curve for creatinine.
of H2PO4. As Hþ is secreted into tubular fluid, it com- Again, the pH of tubular fluid ranges from 7.4 (in
bines with the HPO42 form of the phosphate buffer glomerular filtrate) to 4.4 in the final urine. The pK of
and converts it to H2PO4. In the linear portion of the creatinine, at 5.0, is close to the minimum urine pH;
titration curve (pH 7.8 to 5.8), the addition of Hþ to therefore, the total amount of Hþ that can be secreted
tubular fluid causes the pH to decrease only modestly. (shaded area) before the pH falls to 4.4 is much less than
However, once most of the HPO42 has been converted the amount secreted when phosphate is the buffer.
to H2PO4, further secretion of Hþ causes the tubular
fluid pH to decrease precipitously to 4.4. At that point,
no additional Hþ can be secreted. The only way to
secrete more Hþ would be to provide more HPO42. If titratable acid were the only mechanism for excreting
Thus, the amount of Hþ excreted as titratable acid Hþ, then excretion of fixed Hþ would be limited by
depends on the amount of available urinary buffer. the amount of phosphate in urine. Recall that fixed
Hþ production from protein and phospholipid catabo-
pK of Urinary Buffers
lism is approximately 50 mEq/day. On average, how-
The pK of the urinary buffers also affects the amount of ever, only 20 mEq/day of this fixed Hþ is excreted as
Hþ that is excreted. Robert Pitts demonstrated the titratable Hþ. The remaining 30 mEq/day is excreted
importance of pK by comparing the effectiveness of by a second mechanism, NH4þ.
310 • Physiology

Mechanism of Excretion of H+ as NH4+ HCO3. In the cell, NH3 is converted to NH4þ, which is
secreted into the lumen on the Naþ-Hþ exchanger
Three segments of the nephron participate in the excre-
(NH4þ substitutes for Hþ). The HCO3 is reabsorbed
tion of Hþ as NH4þ: the proximal tubule, the thick
into the blood via Naþ- HCO3 cotransport. Similar to
ascending limb of Henle’s loop, and a-intercalated cells
the titratable acid mechanism, this HCO3 is newly
of the collecting ducts. In the proximal tubule, NH4þ is
synthesized and helps to replenish HCO3 stores in the
secreted by the Naþ-Hþ exchanger. In the thick ascend-
ECF. For each Hþ secreted, one new HCO3 is
ing limb, NH4þ that was previously secreted by the
proximal tubules is reabsorbed and added to the cortico-
The fate of the NH4þ, once in the lumen of the
papillary osmotic gradient. In the a-intercalated cells of
proximal tubule, is complicated. A portion of the
the collecting duct, NH3 and Hþ are secreted into the
NH4þ is excreted directly in the urine. The remainder
lumen, combine to form NH4þ, and are excreted.
follows a circuitous route and is excreted indirectly:
' Proximal tubule. In the cells of the proximal tubule, It is first reabsorbed by the thick ascending limb,
glutamine is metabolized to NH3 and a-ketoglutarate then deposited in the medullary interstitial fluid,
(Fig. 7-8). In turn, a-ketoglutarate is metabolized to glu- and then secreted from the medullary interstitial
cose, which is metabolized to CO2 and H2O and then to fluid into the collecting ducts for final excretion.


Proximal tubule
Lumen Cell Blood



New HCO3–
Na+ is reabsorbed


NH3 Figure 7-8 Mechanism of ex-

cretion of H+ as NH4+. In the
Glutamine proximal tubule, NH3 is produced
from glutamine in the renal cells,
and NH4þ is secreted by the
Naþ-Hþ exchanger. In the collecting
ducts, NH3 diffuses from the med-
Collecting duct
ullary interstitium into the lumen,
Lumen α-Intercalated cell Blood combines with secreted Hþ in the
NH3 (from medullary lumen, and is excreted as NH4þ.
interstitium) ATP, Adenosine triphosphate.


NH3 H+ K+
ATP H+ + HCO3–

H+ New HCO3–
H2CO3 is reabsorbed
K+ anhydrase
NH4 CO2 + H2O
is excreted
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 311

' Thick ascending limb. As previously noted but not Effect of Acidosis on NH3 Synthesis
shown in Figure 7-8, a portion of the NH4þ that is
The rate of NH3 synthesis changes, depending on the
secreted in the proximal tubule and delivered to
quantity of Hþ that must be excreted. In chronic acido-
the loop of Henle is reabsorbed by the thick ascend-
sis, there is an adaptive increase in NH3 synthesis in
ing limb. At the cellular level, NH4þ is reabsorbed by
the cells of the proximal tubule. The mechanism
substituting for Kþ on the Naþ-Kþ-2Cl cotranspor-
involves a decrease in intracellular pH, which induces
ter. As a result of this substitution, NH4þ participates
the synthesis of enzymes involved in glutamine metab-
in countercurrent multiplication (much like NaCl)
olism. When NH3 synthesis is augmented in this way,
and is concentrated in the interstitial fluid of the
more Hþ is excreted as NH4þ, and more new HCO3
inner medulla and papilla of the kidney.
is reabsorbed. For example, in diabetic ketoacidosis,
' Collecting duct. As described for the titratable acid fixed acid production is increased. The ability of the
mechanism, the luminal membrane of a-intercalated kidneys to excrete this additional fixed acid load is
cells of the collecting duct contains two transporters attributable, in large part, to an adaptive increase in
that secrete Hþ into tubular fluid (see Fig. 7-8): Hþ NH3 synthesis.
ATPase and Hþ-Kþ ATPase. The H+ ATPase is stimu-
Effect of Plasma K+ Concentration on NH3
lated by aldosterone.
As Hþ is secreted into tubular fluid, NH3 diffuses
from its high concentration in the medullary intersti- Plasma Kþ concentration also alters NH3 synthesis.
tial fluid into the lumen of the collecting duct, where Hyperkalemia inhibits NH3 synthesis and reduces the
it combines with the secreted Hþ to form NH4þ. The ability to excrete Hþ as NH4þ, causing type 4 renal
question that arises is Why does only the NH3 form tubular acidosis (RTA). Hypokalemia stimulates NH3
of the NH3/NH4þ buffer diffuse from the medullary synthesis and increases the ability to excrete Hþ as
interstitium? The answer is that while both NH4þ NH4þ. These effects are most likely mediated by the
and NH3 are present in the medullary interstitial exchange of Hþ and Kþ across renal cell membranes,
fluid, only the NH3 form is lipid soluble and can dif- which in turn alters intracellular pH. In hyperkalemia,
fuse across the collecting duct cells into tubular Kþ enters the renal cells and Hþ leaves. The resulting
fluid. Once in the tubular fluid, NH3 combines with increase in intracellular pH inhibits NH3 synthesis from
the secreted Hþ to form NH4þ. NH4þ is not lipid sol- glutamine. In hypokalemia, Kþ leaves renal cells and
uble and, thus, is trapped in the tubular fluid and Hþ enters. The resulting decrease in intracellular pH
excreted. The overall process is termed diffusion stimulates NH3 synthesis from glutamine.
trapping because the lipid-soluble form of the buffer
(NH3) diffuses and the water-soluble form of the COMPARISON OF TITRATABLE ACID AND NH4+
buffer (NH4þ) is trapped and excreted. EXCRETION
Note that the source of the Hþ secreted by the
On a daily basis, Hþ is excreted as both titratable acid
a-intercalated cells is CO2 and H2O. For each Hþ pro-
and NH4þ so that normally all of the fixed Hþ produced
duced in the cells and secreted, one new HCO3 is
from protein and phospholipid catabolism is eliminated
synthesized and reabsorbed. As with the titratable
from the body (and all of the HCO3 used to buffer that
acid mechanism, this new HCO3 helps to replenish
fixed Hþ is replaced). Table 7-1 summarizes and com-
depleted HCO3 stores.
pares the rates of excretion of Hþ as titratable acid and
NH4þ in normal persons and in those with different
Effect of Urinary pH on Excretion of NH4+
As urinary pH decreases, the excretion of Hþ as NH4þ Table 7-1 Comparison of H+ Excretion as
increases. The effect of urine pH on the excretion of Titratable Acid and NH4+
NH4þ is advantageous: In acidosis, where urine pH
tends to be low, there are large quantities of Hþ to be Excretion
excreted. The mechanism underlying the effect of urine Total of H+ as
pH is based on diffusion trapping of NH3/NH4þ. As the Production Titratable Excretion of
pH of urine decreases, more of the urinary buffer is of Fixed H+ Acid H+ as NH4+
Condition (mEq/day) (mEq/day) (mEq/day)
present in the NH4þ form and less is present in the
NH3 form. The lower the luminal concentration of Normal 50 20 30
NH3, the larger the gradient for diffusion of NH3 from Diabetic 500 100 400
medullary interstitial fluid into tubular fluid. Thus, ketoacidosis
the lower the pH of tubular fluid, the greater the Chronic renal 50 10 5
amount of NH3 diffusion and the greater the amount failure
of Hþ excreted as NH4þ.
312 • Physiology

types of metabolic acidosis (i.e., diabetic ketoacidosis concentration of Hþ in blood, reflected as abnormal pH.
and chronic renal failure). Acidemia is an increase in Hþ concentration in blood
(decrease in pH) and is caused by a pathophysiologic
' In normal persons eating a relatively high protein
process called acidosis. Alkalemia, on the other hand,
diet, approximately 50 mEq of fixed Hþ is produced
is a decrease in Hþ concentration in blood (increase in
daily. The kidneys excrete all (100%) of the fixed acid
pH) and is caused by a pathophysiologic process called
that is produced: 40% is excreted as titratable acid
(20 mEq/day) and 60% as NH4þ (30 mEq/day).
Disturbances of blood pH can be caused by a pri-
' In persons with diabetic ketoacidosis, fixed acid mary disturbance of HCO3 concentration or a primary
production may be increased as much as 10-fold, to disturbance of PCO2. Such disturbances are best under-
500 mEq/day. To excrete this additional acid load, stood by considering the Henderson-Hasselbalch equa-
excretion of both titratable acid and NH4þ is tion for the HCO3/CO2 buffer. Recall that the equation
increased. NH4þ excretion is increased because aci- states that blood pH is determined by the ratio of the
dosis induces the enzymes involved in glutamine HCO3 concentration to the CO2 concentration. Thus,
metabolism, thereby increasing NH3 synthesis. As changes in either HCO3 concentration or PCO2 will
more NH3 is produced by the renal cells, more Hþ produce a change in pH.
is excreted as NH4þ. Disturbances of acid-base balance are described as
It is less apparent why titratable acid excretion is either metabolic or respiratory, depending on whether
increased. In diabetic ketoacidosis, b-OH butyric the primary disturbance is in HCO3 or CO2. There
acid and acetoacetic acid are overproduced, which are four simple acid-base disorders, where simple
causes metabolic acidosis. The salts of these ketoa- means that only one acid-base disorder is present.
cids (i.e., butyrate and acetoacetate) are themselves When there is more than one acid-base disorder pres-
filtered and serve as urinary buffers, similar to phos- ent, the condition is called a mixed acid-base disorder.
phate, increasing the total amount of Hþ excreted as Metabolic acid-base disturbances are primary disor-
titratable acid. ders involving HCO3. Metabolic acidosis is caused by
a decrease in HCO3 concentration that, according to
' Chronic renal failure is another cause of metabolic
the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, leads to a decrease
acidosis. A person in chronic renal failure who con-
in pH. This disorder is caused by gain of fixed Hþ in the
tinues to eat a relatively high protein diet will produce
body (through overproduction of fixed Hþ, ingestion of
50 mEq of fixed acid daily. In this disease, there is
fixed Hþ, or decreased excretion of fixed Hþ) or loss of
progressive loss of nephrons, and the renal mechan-
HCO3. Metabolic alkalosis is caused by an increase in
isms for excreting fixed acid are severely impaired
HCO3 concentration that, according to the Henderson-
for two reasons: (1) Titratable acid excretion is
Hasselbalch equation, leads to an increase in pH. This
reduced because glomerular filtration is reduced,
disorder is caused by loss of fixed Hþ from the body or
which reduces the filtered load of phosphate and,
gain of HCO3.
thus, the amount of phosphate that can serve as a uri-
Respiratory acid-base disturbances are primary disor-
nary buffer; (2) NH4þ excretion is reduced because
ders of CO2 (i.e., disorders of respiration). Respiratory
synthesis of NH3 is impaired in the diseased nephrons.
acidosis is caused by hypoventilation, which results
Notice that the total fixed acid excretion in
in CO2 retention, increased PCO2, and decreased pH.
chronic renal failure is only 15 mEq/day (10 mEq
Respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperventilation,
as titratable acid plus 5 mEq as NH4þ), which is
which results in CO2 loss, decreased PCO2, and in-
much less than the amount of fixed acid produced
creased pH.
from protein catabolism (50 mEq/day). In chronic
When there is an acid-base disturbance, several
renal failure, the cause of the metabolic acidosis is,
mechanisms are utilized in an attempt to keep the
in fact, the inability of the kidneys to excrete all of
blood pH in the normal range. The first line of defense
the fixed acid produced daily. Logically, persons with
is buffering in ECF and ICF. In addition to buffering,
chronic renal failure are placed on a low protein diet
two types of compensatory responses attempt to nor-
to reduce daily fixed acid production.
malize the pH: respiratory compensation and renal
compensation. A helpful rule of thumb to learn is this:
If the acid-base disturbance is metabolic (i.e., distur-
Acid-Base Disorders bance of HCO3), then the compensatory response is
respiratory to adjust the PCO2; if the acid-base distur-
Disturbances of acid-base balance are among the most bance is respiratory (i.e., disturbance of CO2), then
common conditions in all of clinical medicine. Acid- the compensatory response is renal (or metabolic) to
base disorders are characterized by an abnormal adjust the HCO3 concentration. Another helpful rule
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 313

Table 7-2 Summary of Acid-Base Disorders

Disorder CO2 + H2O ⇄ H+ + HCO3 Compensation Renal Compensation or Correction
" HCO3 reabsorption (correction)

Metabolic Acidosis # " Hyperventilation
" HCO3 excretion (correction)

Metabolic Alkalosis " # Hypoventilation
" HCO3 reabsorption (compensation)

Respiratory Acidosis " " None
# HCO3 reabsorption (compensation)

Respiratory Alkalosis # # None

Bold arrows indicate initial disturbance.

is this: The compensatory response is always in the The range of normal values for the plasma anion
same direction as the original disturbance. For exam- gap is 8 to 16 mEq/L. The normal value for anion gap
ple, in metabolic acidosis, the primary disturbance can be obtained by substituting normal values for
is a decrease in the blood HCO3 concentration. The plasma Naþ concentration, HCO3 concentration, and
respiratory compensation is hyperventilation, which Cl concentration into the equation. Thus, if the Naþ
decreases the PCO2. In respiratory acidosis, the primary concentration is 140 mEq/L, the HCO3 concentration
disturbance is increased PCO2. The renal compensation is 24 mEq/L, and the Cl concentration is 105 mEq/L,
increases the HCO3 concentration. then the plasma anion gap is 11 mEq/L.
As each acid-base disorder is presented, the buffer- The plasma anion gap is useful primarily in the dif-
ing and compensatory responses are discussed in ferential diagnosis of metabolic acidosis. Metabolic
detail. Table 7-2 presents a summary of the four simple acidosis is, by definition, associated with a decrease
acid-base disorders and the expected compensatory in plasma HCO3 concentration. Assuming that the
responses that occur in each. Naþ concentration is unchanged, to preserve electro-
neutrality of the plasma compartment, the concentra-
ANION GAP OF PLASMA tion of an anion must increase to replace the “lost”
HCO3. That anion can be one of the unmeasured
A measurement that is useful in the diagnosis of acid- anions, or it can be Cl. If HCO3 is replaced by
base disorders is the anion gap of plasma (or simply
anion gap). The anion gap is based on the principle
of electroneutrality: For any body fluid compartment,
such as plasma, the concentration of cations and
anions must be equal. In routine analysis of plasma,
some cations and anions are measured and others are
not. The cation that usually is measured is Naþ; the ANION GAP OF PLASMA
anions that usually are measured are HCO3 and Cl.
When the Naþ concentration (in mEq/L) is compared Anion gap Protein, phosphate,
citrate, sulfate
with the sum of the HCO3 and Cl concentrations
(in mEq/L), there is an anion gap; that is, the Naþ HCO3–
concentration is greater than the sum of the HCO3
concentration and the Cl concentration (Fig. 7-9).
Since electroneutrality is never violated, plasma must
contain unmeasured anions that make up this differ- Na+
ence, or “gap.” The unmeasured anions of plasma
include plasma proteins, phosphate, citrate, and sulfate.
The anion gap of plasma is calculated as follows:
Plasma anion gap ¼ [Naþ ]  ([HCO3 ] þ [Cl ])
Plasma anion gap ¼ Unmeasured anions (mEq=L)
[Naþ ] ¼ Measured cation (mEq=L) Cations Anions

3 ] and [Cl ] ¼ Measured anions (mEq=L) Figure 7-9 Anion gap of plasma.
314 • Physiology

unmeasured anions, the calculated anion gap is ACID-BASE MAP

increased. If HCO3 is replaced by Cl, the calculated
Each of the four simple acid-base disorders is asso-
anion gap is normal.
ciated with a range of values for pH, PCO2, and HCO3
concentration. These values can be superimposed as
Increased Anion Gap
shaded areas on the acid-base map, as shown in
In several forms of metabolic acidosis, an organic Figure 7-10. This map provides a convenient method
anion (e.g., ketoacid, lactate, formate, or salicylate) is for assessing a patient’s acid-base status.
accumulated. In these cases, the decrease in HCO3
' Metabolic disorders. Each of the simple metabolic
concentration is offset by an increase in the concentra-
disorders has one range of expected values, since
tion of an unmeasured organic anion. Thus, there is an
respiratory compensation for metabolic acidosis or
increased anion gap, and this type of metabolic acido-
metabolic alkalosis occurs immediately.
sis is called metabolic acidosis with an increased anion
gap. Examples of increased anion gap metabolic acidosis ' Respiratory disorders. Each of the simple respira-
are diabetic ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, salicylate poi- tory disorders has two ranges of expected values,
soning, methanol poisoning, ethylene glycol poisoning, one for the acute disorder and one for the chronic
and chronic renal failure. disorder. The acute disorder is present before renal
In certain causes of metabolic acidosis with compensation has occurred, and, therefore, values
increased anion gap (i.e., methanol and ethylene glycol for blood pH tend to be more abnormal. The
poisoning), there is also an osmolar gap. Osmolar gap chronic disorder is present once renal compensa-
is the difference between the measured plasma osmolar- tion has occurred, which takes several days.
ity and the estimated plasma osmolarity. (Recall from Because of the compensatory process, values for
Chapter 6 that plasma osmolarity is estimated by sum- blood pH tend to be more normal in the chronic
ming the major solutes in plasma; that is, Naþ [and its phase.
accompanying anions Cl and HCO3], glucose, and
The acid-base map is used as follows: If a patient’s
urea. As explained in Chapter 6, estimated plasma
values fall within a shaded area, it can be concluded
osmolarity ¼ 2  Naþ þ glucose/18 þ BUN/2.8.) Nor-
that only one acid-base disorder is present. If a
mally, there is little difference between measured and
patient’s values fall outside the shaded areas (e.g.,
estimated plasma osmolarity because the estimation
between two areas), then it can be concluded that
method accounts for almost all solutes normally pres-
more than one disorder is present (i.e., mixed disor-
ent. However, in the case of methanol poisoning or eth-
der). As each simple acid-base disorder is described
ylene glycol poisoning, because these substances have
subsequently, refer to Table 7-2 and the acid-base
low molecular weight, there is significant addition of
map shown in Figure 7-10.
moles of solute to plasma, thus increasing the measured
plasma osmolarity. As the estimated plasma osmolarity
does not count these unusual solutes, an osmolar gap is RULES FOR COMPENSATORY RESPONSES
present. Theoretically, other substances that cause met-
The acid-base map is useful pictorially, but it may be
abolic acidosis with increased anion gap (e.g., keto-
inconvenient to use at the patient’s bedside. There-
acids, lactic acid, salicylic acid) could produce an
fore, “rules of thumb,” or “renal rules,” have been
osmolar gap. However, because of their relatively high
developed to determine if the patient’s pH, PCO2, and
molecular weights, toxic concentrations contribute little
HCO3 concentrations are consistent with a simple
to the total osmolarity of plasma.
acid-base disorder. These rules are summarized in
Table 7-3. For each metabolic disorder, the rules
Normal Anion Gap
predict the expected compensatory change in PCO2
In a few forms of metabolic acidosis (e.g., diarrhea, (i.e., respiratory compensation) for a given change
renal tubular acidosis), no organic anion is accumu- in HCO3 concentration. For each respiratory dis-
lated. In these cases, the decrease in HCO3 concentra- order, the rules predict the expected compensatory
tion is offset by an increase in the concentration of Cl, change in HCO3 concentration (i.e., renal compensa-
which is a measured anion. Because one measured tion) for a given change in PCO2. As with the acid-base
anion (HCO3) is replaced by another measured anion map, for each respiratory disorder there are two sets
(Cl), there is no change in the anion gap. This type of predictions: one for the acute phase, and one for
of metabolic acidosis is called hyperchloremic meta- the chronic phase.
bolic acidosis with a normal anion gap. (Some may If a patient’s blood values are the same as the pre-
use the term “nonanion gap,” but this is a misnomer. dicted values, a single acid-base disorder is present. If
In such cases, an anion gap is still present, but it is nor- a patient’s values are different from the predicted
mal, rather than increased.) values, a mixed acid-base disorder is present.
pH 6.92 7.10

iratory acidosis


Acute resp


PCO2 (mm Hg)

ic a


40 lkal sis



ry a




at o




20 ro
u te

0 12 24 36 48 60
[HCO3– ] (mEq/L)

Figure 7-10 Values for simple acid-base disorders superimposed on acid-base map. Shaded areas show the range of values usually
seen for each of the simple acid-base disorders. There are two shaded areas for each respiratory disorder: one for the acute phase and one for
the chronic phase.

Table 7-3 Renal Rules for Predicting Compensatory Responses in Simple Acid-Base Disorders

Acid-Base Disturbance Primary Disturbance Compensation Predicted Compensatory Response

[HCO3] PCO2 1 mEq/L decrease in HCO3 ! 1.3 mm Hg decrease


Metabolic Acidosis
in PCO2
[HCO3] PCO2 1 mEq/L increase in HCO3 ! 0.7 mm Hg increase

Metabolic Alkalosis
in PCO2
Respiratory Acidosis
Acute PCO2 [HCO3] 1 mm Hg increase in PCO2 ! 0.1 mEq/L increase

in HCO3
Chronic PCO2 [HCO3] 1 mm Hg increase in PCO2 ! 0.4 mEq/L increase

in HCO3
Respiratory Alkalosis
Acute PCO2 [HCO3] 1 mm Hg decrease in PCO2 ! 0.2 mEq/L decrease

in HCO3
Chronic PCO2 [HCO3] 1 mm Hg decrease in PCO2 ! 0.4 mEq/L decrease

in HCO3
316 • Physiology

gastrointestinal tract (Table 7-4 and Box 7-1). The arte-

SAMPLE PROBLEM. A woman who had been vomit- rial blood profile seen in metabolic acidosis is
ing for 3 days was taken to the emergency department,
where the following blood values were measured: pH ↓
pH, 7.5; PCO2, 48 mm Hg; and HCO3, 37 mEq/L. What [HCO3 ] ↓
acid-base disorder does she have? Does she have a
simple or a mixed acid-base disorder? Pco2 ↓
SOLUTION. The woman has an increased (alkaline) The following sequence of events occurs in the gen-
blood pH and increased PCO2 and HCO3 concentration. eration of metabolic acidosis to produce this blood pro-
These values all are consistent with a metabolic alkalo-
file. Although metabolic acidosis can be caused by a
sis. Metabolic alkalosis is initiated by an increase in
HCO3 concentration, which leads to an increase in frank loss of HCO3, as in diarrhea and type 2 renal
pH. The increase in pH, acting through chemorecep- tubular acidosis, most often it is caused by an excess
tors, causes hypoventilation. Hypoventilation leads to of fixed acid in the body.
CO2 retention and increased PCO2, which is the respira- 1. Gain of fixed H+. Excess fixed Hþ is accumulated in the
tory compensation for metabolic alkalosis.
body either through increased production or ingestion
The question of whether the woman has simple
metabolic alkalosis or a mixed acid-base disorder of fixed acid or from decreased excretion of fixed acid.
can be answered by applying the renal rules (see 2. Buffering. The excess fixed Hþ is buffered in both ECF
Table 7-3). For metabolic alkalosis, the renal rules and ICF. In ECF, the Hþ is buffered primarily by
predict the expected increase in PCO2 for a given HCO3, which produces a decrease in HCO3 concen-
increase in HCO3 concentration. If the actual PCO2
tration. The decrease in HCO3 concentration causes
is the same as the predicted PCO2, the person has sim-
ple metabolic alkalosis. If the actual PCO2 differs from a decrease in pH, as predicted by the Henderson-
the predicted PCO2, the person has metabolic alkalosis Hasselbalch equation (pH ¼ pK þ log HCO3/CO2).
combined with another acid-base disorder (i.e., In ICF, the excess fixed Hþ is buffered by organic
mixed disorder). In this example, the renal rules are phosphates and proteins. To utilize these intracellu-
applied as follows: lar buffers, Hþ first must enter the cells. Hþ can
enter the cells with an organic anion such as keto-
Increase in HCO3 anion, lactate, or formate, or it can enter the cells
ðabove normalÞ ¼ 37 mEq=L  24 mEq=L in exchange for Kþ. When the Hþ is exchanged for
¼ 13 mEq=L Kþ, hyperkalemia occurs.
Predicted increase in Pco2
3. Respiratory compensation. Decreased arterial pH
ðabove normalÞ¼ 0:7 mm Hg=mEq=L  13 mEq=L
¼ 9:1 mm Hg
stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors in the caro-
tid bodies, which respond by causing hyper-
Predicted Pco2 ¼ 40 mm Hg þ 9:1 mm Hg ventilation. In turn, hyperventilation produces a
¼ 49:1 mm Hg decreased PCO2, which is the respiratory compensa-
To interpret this calculation, in simple metabolic alka- tion for metabolic acidosis. To appreciate why this is
losis with an HCO3 concentration of 37 mEq/L, com- a compensatory response, examine the Henderson-
pensatory hypoventilation is expected to raise the Hasselbalch equation:
PCO2 to 49.1 mm Hg. The woman’s actual PCO2 of
[HCO3 ] ( ↓ ¼ Primary disturbance)
48 mm Hg is virtually identical. Thus, she has the pH ¼ pK þ log
expected degree of respiratory compensation for sim- Pco2 ( ↓ ¼ Respiratory compensation)
ple metabolic alkalosis, and no other acid-base disor- The primary disturbance is decreased HCO3 concen-
der is present. tration, which, by itself, would lead to a profound
decrease in pH. The respiratory compensation, hyper-
ventilation, decreases the PCO2, which tends to normal-
ize the ratio of HCO3/CO2 and to normalize the pH.
4. Renal correction. Buffering and respiratory compen-
sation occur quickly. However, the ultimate correction
Metabolic acidosis is caused by a decreased HCO3 of metabolic acidosis occurs in the kidneys and takes
concentration in the blood. Metabolic acidosis can several days. The excess fixed Hþ will be excreted as
result from increased production of fixed acids such titratable acid and NH4þ. Simultaneously, new HCO3
as ketoacids or lactic acid; from ingestion of fixed acids will be synthesized and reabsorbed by the kidneys to
such as salicylic acid; from the inability of the kidneys replace the HCO3 that was consumed earlier in buff-
to excrete the fixed acids produced from normal metab- ering. In this way, the blood HCO3 concentration will
olism; or from loss of HCO3 via the kidneys or the be returned to normal.
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 317

Table 7-4 Causes of Metabolic Acidosis

Cause Examples Comments

Excessive Diabetic ketoacidosis Accumulation of b-OH butyric acid and acetoacetic acid
production or Anion gap

ingestion of Lactic acidosis Accumulation of lactic acid during hypoxia
fixed Hþ Anion gap

Salicylate poisoning Also causes respiratory alkalosis
Anion gap

Methanol/formaldehyde poisoning Converted to formic acid
Anion gap

Osmolar gap
Ethylene glycol poisoning Converted to glycolic and oxalic acids
Anion gap

Osmolar gap

Loss of HCO3 Diarrhea Gastrointestinal loss of HCO3

Normal anion gap
Type 2 renal tubular acidosis Renal loss of HCO3 (failure to reabsorb filtered HCO3)
(type 2 RTA) Normal anion gap

Inability to Chronic renal failure Excretion of Hþ as NH4þ


excrete fixed Anion gap


Type 1 renal tubular acidosis Excretion of Hþ as titratable acid and NH4þ

(type 1 RTA) Ability to acidify urine

Normal anion gap
Type 4 renal tubular acidosis Hypoaldosteronism
Excretion of NH4þ

(type 4 RTA)
Hyperkalemia inhibits NH3 synthesis
Normal anion gap

BOX 7-1 Clinical Physiology: Diabetic Ketoacidosis

DESCRIPTION OF CASE. A 56-year-old woman has a The woman is given an insulin injection and an
15-year history of type I diabetes mellitus, which has intravenous infusion of isotonic saline solution. Her
been controlled by careful dietary monitoring and treat- blood values and her breathing return to normal within
ment with subcutaneous injections of insulin twice a 12 hours after beginning treatment.
day. A recent viral illness results in loss of appetite,
fever, and vomiting. She becomes short of breath and EXPLANATION OF CASE. The woman’s diabetes
is admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital. mellitus was well controlled until an acute viral illness
Physical examination reveals that the woman is precipitated an episode of diabetic ketoacidosis. Her
acutely ill. Her mucous membranes are dry, and she elevated blood glucose level of 650 mg/dL (normal,
has decreased skin turgor. She is breathing deeply and 80 mg/dL) and the presence of glucose in her urine are
rapidly. A urine sample contains glucose and ketones. evidence that her diabetes mellitus is not being controlled.
Laboratory tests on her blood yield the following She is excreting glucose in her urine because the blood
information: glucose concentration is so high that the filtered load has
exceeded the reabsorptive capacity of the renal tubule.
Arterial blood Venous plasma On admission, the woman has arterial blood values
pH; 7:07 ½Naþ ; 132 mEq=L consistent with metabolic acidosis: decreased pH,
Pco2 ; 18 mm Hg ½Cl ; 94 mEq=L decreased [HCO3], and decreased PCO2. Metabolic acido-
½HCO 3 ; 5 mEq=L ½Kþ ; 5:9 mEq=L sis in uncontrolled type I diabetes mellitus is caused by
½Glucose; 650 mg=dL excessive production of the fixed acids b-OH butyric acid

318 • Physiology

BOX 7-1 Clinical Physiology: Diabetic Ketoacidosis—Cont.

and acetoacetic acid. The absence of insulin causes Considering the woman’s history of diabetes mellitus
increased lipolysis (increased fat breakdown); fatty acids, and the presence of ketones in her urine, these unmea-
the products of lipolysis, then are converted to the keto- sured anions most likely are b-OH butyrate and
acids b-OH butyric acid and acetoacetic acid. (The pres- acetoacetate.
ence of ketones in her urine supports the diagnosis of The decreased skin turgor and dry mucous membranes
ketoacidosis.) These excess fixed acids are buffered by suggest ECF volume contraction. The cause of her ECF
extracellular HCO3, which decreases the blood [HCO3] volume contraction is loss of solute and water in urine
and decreases blood pH. The decreased PCO2 is a result of due to an osmotic diuresis of glucose. Because the
hyperventilation (rapid, deep breathing), a respiratory woman’s blood glucose is so high, a portion of the filtered
compensation for metabolic acidosis known as Kuss- glucose cannot be reabsorbed. The unreabsorbed glucose
maul’s respiration. then acts as an osmotic diuretic, and NaCl and water are
Does the woman have simple metabolic acidosis (one excreted along with it to cause ECF volume contraction.
acid-base disorder), or does she have a mixed acid- Hyponatremia, or decreased blood [Naþ], is often
base disorder? To answer this question, the rules of thumb seen in diabetic ketoacidosis and can be explained
are used to calculate the predicted change in PCO2 (res- as follows: Because the woman’s ECF [glucose] is
piratory compensation) for the measured change in markedly elevated, her ECF osmolarity also is elevated
[HCO3] (refer to Table 7-3 for this calculation). For sim- (glucose is an osmotically active solute). As a result of
ple metabolic acidosis, the rules state that a decrease this hyperosmolarity of ECF, water shifts out of the
in [HCO3] of 1 mEq/L will produce a decrease in PCO2 cells to achieve osmotic equilibration between ECF
of 1.3 mm Hg. The woman’s [HCO3] is 5 mEq/L, which and ICF, diluting the solutes in the ECF and decreasing
is a decrease of 19 mEq/L from the normal value of the blood [Naþ].
24 mEq/L; thus, the predicted change in PCO2 for this The woman has hyperkalemia (increased blood
change in [HCO3] is 25 mm Hg (19  1.3). The predicted [Kþ]). The relationship between acid-base balance and
change in PCO2 now is compared with the actual change in Kþ balance is often complicated, but particularly so in
PCO2. The woman’s PCO2 is 18 mm Hg, which is 22 mm Hg cases of diabetic ketoacidosis. The most likely cause of
lower than the normal value of 40 mm Hg. The predicted her hyperkalemia is the lack of insulin. Recall from
change in PCO2 (25 mm Hg) and the actual change in PCO2 Chapter 6 that insulin is a major factor causing a shift
(22 mm Hg) are close and suggest that only one acid-base of Kþ into cells. In the absence of insulin, Kþ shifts
disorder is present, metabolic acidosis. out of cells and produces hyperkalemia. The other factor
contributing to her hyperkalemia is hyperosmolarity,
The plasma anion gap provides useful information
which is presumed to be a result of the elevated blood
in the differential diagnosis of metabolic acidosis. The
glucose. As water shifts out of the cells to achieve
woman’s anion gap is calculated as follows:
osmotic equilibration, it carries Kþ along with it, caus-
ing further hyperkalemia. The metabolic acidosis is
Anion gap ¼ ½Naþ   ð½Cl  þ ½HCO3 Þ most likely not a factor in causing her hyperkalemia,
¼ 132  ð94 þ 5Þ because when Hþ enters the cells to be buffered, it
enters with the ketoanions; it need not exchange for Kþ.
¼ 33 mEq=L

The normal value for plasma anion gap is 8 to TREATMENT. Treatment consists of an injection of
16 mEq/L. At 33 mEq/L, the woman’s anion gap is insulin, which decreases the woman’s blood glucose
severely elevated due to the presence of unmeasured level, corrects her ketoacidosis, and corrects her hyper-
anions. In other words, HCO3, a measured anion, is kalemia. She also is given an intravenous saline solu-
decreased and is replaced by unmeasured anions to main- tion to replace the losses of Naþ and water resulting
tain electroneutrality of the plasma compartment. from the osmotic diuresis.

METABOLIC ALKALOSIS The arterial blood profile seen in metabolic alka-

losis is
Metabolic alkalosis is caused by an increased HCO3-
pH ↑
concentration in the blood. Metabolic alkalosis is
the result of loss of fixed Hþ from the gastrointes- [HCO3 ] ↑
tinal tract; loss of fixed Hþ from the kidney (e.g.,
Pco2 ↑
hyperaldosteronism); administration of solutions
containing HCO3; or ECF volume contraction (e.g., The following sequence of events occurs in the genera-
administration of diuretics) (Table 7-5 and Box 7-2). tion of metabolic alkalosis to produce this blood
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 319

Table 7-5 Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis

Cause Examples Comments

Loss of H Vomiting Loss of gastric Hþ
HCO3 remains in the blood
Maintained by volume contraction
Hyperaldosteronism Increased Hþ secretion by intercalated cells
Gain of HCO3 Ingestion of NaHCO3
Milk-alkali syndrome Ingestion of large amounts of HCO3 in conjunction with
renal failure
Volume contraction alkalosis Loop or thiazide diuretics HCO3 reabsorption due to angiotensin II and


BOX 7-2 Clinical Physiology: Metabolic Alkalosis due to Vomiting

DESCRIPTION OF CASE. A 35-year-old man is admit- This case shows that an increased anion gap does
ted to the hospital for evaluation of severe epigastric not necessarily mean that there is metabolic acidosis.
pain. For several days prior to admission, he has had per- In this man, the acid-base disorder is metabolic alkalo-
sistent nausea and vomiting. On physical examination, sis. His anion gap is elevated because he has not eaten
he has midepigastric tenderness. His blood pressure is for several days. Fat is being catabolized, and the
120/80 mm Hg when supine and 100/60 mm Hg when resulting fatty acids are generating ketoacids, which
standing. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy reveals a are unmeasured anions.
pyloric ulcer with partial gastric outlet obstruction. The The man has orthostatic hypotension (his blood
following blood values are obtained on admission: pressure falls when he stands), which is consistent
with ECF volume contraction. His ECF volume contrac-
Arterial blood Venous blood tion activates the renin–angiotensin II–aldosterone sys-
pH; 7:53 ½Naþ ; 137 mEq=L tem, which worsens his metabolic alkalosis. The
Pco2 ; 45 mm Hg ½Cl ; 82 mEq=L increased angiotensin II increases HCO3 reabsorption
½HCO3 ; 37 mEq=L ½Kþ ; 2:8 mEq=L by stimulating Naþ-Hþ exchange, and the increased
aldosterone increases Hþ secretion. Together, these
The man is treated with intravenous isotonic saline two effects on the renal tubule exacerbate the meta-
solution and Kþ, and surgery is recommended. bolic alkalosis. To summarize this point, the loss of
gastric Hþ generated the metabolic alkalosis and vol-
EXPLANATION OF CASE. In this patient, the pyloric ume contraction maintained it by not allowing the
ulcer has created a gastric outlet obstruction. Because excess HCO3 to be excreted in the urine.
the gastric contents could not pass easily to the small The hypokalemia has several explanations. First,
intestine, the man started vomiting. Arterial blood some Kþ is lost in gastric fluids. Second, in metabolic
values are consistent with metabolic alkalosis: increased alkalosis, Hþ shifts out of cells and Kþ shifts into cells,
pH, increased [HCO3], and increased PCO2. The man has causing hypokalemia. Finally, the most important fac-
vomited and lost Hþ from his stomach, leaving HCO3 tor is that ECF volume contraction has caused
behind in the blood. Note that his blood [Cl] is increased secretion of aldosterone. This secondary
decreased (normal, 100 mEq/L), because Hþ is lost from hyperaldosteronism causes increased Kþ secretion by
the stomach as HCl. His PCO2 is elevated as a result of the renal principal cells (see Chapter 6), which leads
hypoventilation, which is the expected respiratory com- to further hypokalemia.
pensation for metabolic alkalosis.
The anion gap is calculated with any acid-base disorder. TREATMENT. Immediate treatment consists of intra-
The man’s plasma anion gap is elevated, at 18 mEq/L: venous saline and Kþ. To correct the metabolic alkalo-
Anion gap ¼ ½Naþ   ð½Cl  þ ½HCO3 Þ sis, ECF volume must be restored even if the vomiting
¼ 137  ð82 þ 37Þ
¼ 18 mEq=L
320 • Physiology

profile. Although metabolic alkalosis can be caused by However, the correction of metabolic alkalosis is
administration of HCO3, most often it is caused by often not so straightforward. It is complicated when
loss of fixed acid from the body. there is associated ECF volume contraction (e.g.,
due to vomiting). ECF volume contraction produces
1. Loss of fixed acid. The classic example of metabolic
three secondary effects on the kidney, all of which
alkalosis is vomiting, in which HCl is lost from the
conspire to maintain the metabolic alkalosis (con-
stomach. The gastric parietal cells produce Hþ and
traction alkalosis) by not allowing the excess HCO3
HCO3 from CO2 and H2O. The Hþ is secreted with
to be excreted in urine (Fig. 7-11): (1) ECF volume
Cl into the lumen of the stomach to aid in diges-
contraction, via the Starling forces, causes increased
tion, and the HCO3 enters the blood. In normal per-
HCO3 reabsorption in the proximal tubule; (2) ECF
sons, the secreted Hþ moves from the stomach to
volume contraction, via the renin–angiotensin II–
the small intestine, where a low pH triggers the
aldosterone system, produces increased levels of
secretion of HCO3 by the pancreas. Thus, normally,
angiotensin II; angiotensin II stimulates Naþ-Hþ
the HCO3 added to blood by the parietal cells is
exchange and promotes reabsorption of filtered
later removed from blood in the pancreatic secre-
HCO3; (3) Increased levels of aldosterone stimulate
tions. However, when vomiting occurs, Hþ is lost
secretion of Hþ and reabsorption of “new” HCO3.
from the stomach and never reaches the small intes-
When combined, these effects, all of which are sec-
tine. HCO3 secretion from the pancreas, therefore,
ondary to ECF volume contraction, increase the
is not stimulated, and the HCO3- remains in the
HCO3 concentration and maintain the metabolic
blood, resulting in an increase in HCO3- concentra-
alkalosis, even when vomiting has stopped.
tion. The increase in HCO3 concentration causes
an increase in pH, as predicted by the Henderson-
Hasselbalch equation (pH ¼ pK þ log HCO3/CO2). RESPIRATORY ACIDOSIS

2. Buffering. As with metabolic acidosis, buffering occurs Respiratory acidosis is caused by hypoventilation,
in both ECFand ICF. To utilize ICF buffers, Hþ leaves the which results in retention of CO2. The retention of
cells in exchange for Kþ, and hypokalemia occurs. CO2 can be caused by inhibition of the medullary respi-
ratory center, paralysis of respiratory muscles, airway
3. Respiratory compensation. Increased arterial pH obstruction, or failure to exchange CO2 between pul-
inhibits the peripheral chemoreceptors, which monary capillary blood and alveolar gas (Table 7-6
respond by causing hypoventilation. In turn, hypo- and Box 7-3). The arterial blood profile seen in respira-
ventilation produces an increased PCO2, which is tory acidosis is
the respiratory compensation for metabolic alkalo-
pH ↓
sis. As before, examine the Henderson-Hasselbalch
equation to understand the compensation: [HCO3 ] ↑
[HCO3 ] ( ↑ ¼ Primary disturbance)
pH ¼ pK þ log Pco2 ↑
Pco2 ( ↑ ¼ Respiratory compensation)
The following sequence of events occurs in the genera-
The primary disturbance in metabolic alkalosis
tion of respiratory acidosis to produce this blood profile:
is an increased HCO3 concentration that, by itself,
would lead to a profound increase in pH. The res- 1. Retention of CO2. Hypoventilation causes reten-
piratory compensation, hypoventilation, increases tion of CO2 and an increase in PCO2. The increased
the PCO2, which tends to normalize the ratio of PCO2 is the primary disturbance in respiratory aci-
HCO3/CO2 and to normalize the pH. dosis and, as predicted by the Henderson-Hassel-
balch equation, causes a decrease in pH (pH ¼
4. Renal correction. The correction of metabolic alka-
6.1 þ log HCO3/CO2). The increased PCO2, by mass
losis should be the most straightforward of all the
action, also causes an increased concentration of
acid-base disorders. Since the primary disturbance
is increased HCO3 concentration, restoration of
acid-base balance will take place when the excess 2. Buffering. Buffering of the excess CO2 occurs exclu-
HCO3 is excreted by the kidneys. This can be sively in ICF, especially in red blood cells. To utilize
accomplished because the renal tubule has a finite these intracellular buffers, CO2 diffuses across the
reabsorptive capacity for filtered HCO3. When the cell membranes. Within the cells, CO2 is converted
filtered load of HCO3 exceeds the reabsorptive to Hþ and HCO3, and the Hþ is buffered by intra-
capacity, HCO3 is excreted in the urine, eventually cellular proteins (e.g., hemoglobin) and by organic
reducing the HCO3 concentration to normal. phosphates.
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 321




Angiotensin II Aldosterone

Na+–H+ exchange

H+ secretion K+ secretion
Filtered HCO3– and “new” HCO3–
reabsorption reabsorption


Figure 7-11 Generation and maintenance of metabolic alkalosis with vomiting. ECF, Extracellular fluid.

Table 7-6 Causes of Respiratory Acidosis

Cause Examples Comments

Inhibition of the medullary Opiates, barbiturates, anesthetics
respiratory center Lesions of the central nervous system
Central sleep apnea
Oxygen therapy Inhibition of peripheral chemoreceptors
Disorders of respiratory Guillain-Barré syndrome, polio, amyotrophic
muscles lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis
Airway obstruction Aspiration
Obstructive sleep apnea
Disorders of gas exchange Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Exchange of CO2 between pulmonary

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) capillary blood and alveolar gas
Pulmonary edema
322 • Physiology

BOX 7-3 Clinical Physiology: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

DESCRIPTION OF CASE. A 68-year-old man has The rules of thumb can be used to determine
smoked three packs of cigarettes per day for 40 years. whether renal compensation has taken place;
He has a history of producing morning sputum, cough, that is, whether this man has acute or chronic respi-
and dyspnea (shortness of breath), and he has had ratory acidosis. Recall that in respiratory acidosis,
frequent episodes of asthmatic bronchitis. He is admit- the change in [HCO3] is predicted for a given change
ted to the hospital with a low-grade fever, dyspnea, in PCO2. In this man, the PCO2 is 70 mm Hg, which is
and wheezing. His physical examination indicates 30 mm Hg higher than the normal value of 40 mm
that he is cyanotic and that he has a barrel-shaped Hg. His [HCO3] is 33 mEq/L, which is 9 mEq/L
chest. The following blood values are obtained on higher than the normal value of 24 mEq/L. Is this
admission: increase in HCO3 consistent with acute or chronic
respiratory acidosis? For a 30 mm Hg increase in
Arterial blood Venous blood PCO2, the rules for acute respiratory acidosis predict
pH; 7:29 ½Naþ ; 139 mEq=L an increase in [HCO3] of 3 mEq/L; for chronic
Pco2 ; 70 mm Hg ½Cl ; 95 mEq=L respiratory acidosis, the rules predict an increase of
Po2 ; 54 mm Hg 12 mEq/L. Thus, the change in the man’s [HCO3]
½HCO3 ; 33 mEq=L is closer to that predicted for compensated chronic
respiratory acidosis (he has a history of chronic
EXPLANATION OF CASE. The man’s history of smok- lung disease). Since the change in [HCO3] is not
ing combined with asthma and bronchitis suggests exactly the value predicted by the rules, a second
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The acid-base disorder may be present, which may be
arterial blood values are consistent with respiratory lactic acidosis due to poor tissue oxygenation.
acidosis: decreased pH, increased PCO2, and increased The anion gap is 11 mEq/L (anion gap ¼ Naþ  Cl 
[HCO3]. When obstructive lung disease is present, HCO3 ¼ 139  95  33 ¼ 11 mEq/L), which is within
alveolar ventilation is inadequate. Thus, his PO2 the normal range, suggesting that if any lactic acidosis
is markedly depressed, at 54 mm Hg (normal PO2, is present, it is not yet significant. The anion gap
100 mm Hg), because there is insufficient O2 transfer should be carefully monitored for the development of
from alveolar gas into pulmonary capillary blood. Like- lactic acidosis superimposed on his chronic respiratory
wise, his PCO2 is markedly elevated because there is acidosis.
insufficient transfer of CO2 from pulmonary capillary
blood into alveolar gas (i.e., respiratory acidosis). The
TREATMENT. The man is treated with antibiotics and
[HCO3] is elevated because of mass action and possi-
his lungs are mechanically ventilated.
bly, in addition, because of renal compensation.

3. Respiratory compensation. There is no respiratory son-Hasselbalch equation but little increase in the
compensation for respiratory acidosis, since respira- numerator). On the other hand, in chronic respiratory
tion is the cause of this disorder. acidosis, renal compensation is occurring, which
increases the HCO3 concentration and tends to normal-
4. Renal compensation. Renal compensation for
ize both the ratio of HCO3/CO2 and the pH. The differ-
respiratory acidosis consists of increased Hþ excre-
ence between acute and chronic respiratory acidosis lies
tion as titratable acid and NH4þ and increased
in the renal compensation. Accordingly, based on the
synthesis and reabsorption of new HCO3. Reab-
absence or presence of renal compensation, the renal
sorption of new HCO3 increases the HCO3 con-
rules give different calculations for the expected change
centration even further than the effect of mass
in HCO3 concentration that occurs in acute and chronic
action alone. The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
respiratory acidosis (see Table 7-3).
can be used to understand why the increased
HCO3 concentration is a compensatory response.
[HCO3 ] ( ↑ ¼ Renal compensation)
pH ¼ pK þ log Respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperventilation,
Pco2 ( ↑ ¼ Primary disturbance) which results in excessive loss of CO2. Hyperven-
In acute respiratory acidosis, renal compensation tilation can be caused by direct stimulation of the
has not yet occurred, and the pH tends to be quite low medullary respiratory center, by hypoxemia (which sti-
(there is an increase in the denominator in the Hender- mulates peripheral chemoreceptors), or by mechanical
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 323

Table 7-7 Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis

Cause Examples Comments

Stimulation of the medullary Hysterical hyperventilation

respiratory center Gram-negative septicemia
Salicylate poisoning Also causes metabolic acidosis
Neurologic disorders (tumor; stroke)
Hypoxemia High altitude Hypoxemia stimulates peripheral
Pneumonia; pulmonary embolism chemoreceptors
Severe anemia
Mechanical ventilation

ventilation (Table 7-7). The arterial blood profile seen numerator). In chronic respiratory alkalosis, renal
in respiratory alkalosis is compensation is occurring, which further decreases
pH ↑ the blood HCO3 concentration and tends to normalize
both the ratio of HCO3/CO2 and the pH. The
[HCO3 ] ↓ difference between acute and chronic respiratory alka-
losis lies in renal compensation. Again, based on the
Pco2 ↓
absence or presence of renal compensation, the renal
The following sequence of events occurs in the genera- rules give different calculations for the expected
tion of respiratory alkalosis to produce this blood change in HCO3 concentration in acute and chronic
profile: respiratory alkalosis (see Table 7-3).
1. Loss of CO2. Hyperventilation causes an excessive
loss of CO2 and a decrease in PCO2. The decreased SAMPLE PROBLEM. A patient has the following arte-
PCO2 is the primary disturbance in respiratory alkalo- rial blood values: pH, 7.33; [HCO3], 36 mEq/L; PCO2,
sis and, as predicted by the Henderson-Hasselbalch 70 mm Hg. What is the patient’s acid-base disorder?
equation, causes an increase in pH (pH ¼ 6.1 þ log Is it acute or chronic? Are the blood values consistent
HCO3/CO2). The decreased PCO2, by mass action, with a simple or mixed acid-base disorder?
also causes a decreased concentration of HCO3. SOLUTION. With a pH of 7.33, the patient is acidemic.
2. Buffering. Buffering occurs exclusively in ICF, par- The [HCO3] and PCO2 are consistent with respiratory
ticularly in red blood cells. In this case, CO2 leaves acidosis rather than metabolic acidosis. The PCO2 is
elevated due to primary hypoventilation. (If it was
the cells and intracellular pH increases.
metabolic acidosis, the PCO2 would be decreased due
3. Respiratory compensation. As with respiratory aci- to compensatory hyperventilation.)
dosis, there is no respiratory compensation for Whether the respiratory acidosis is acute or
respiratory alkalosis, since respiration is the cause chronic can be determined by comparing the patient’s
of the disorder. values with the ranges on the acid-base map. Using
the acid-base map, it can be concluded that the
4. Renal compensation. Renal compensation for respi- patient has chronic respiratory acidosis.
ratory alkalosis consists of decreased excretion of Hþ The rules of thumb also can be used to distinguish
as titratable acid and NH4þ and decreased synthesis between acute and chronic respiratory acidosis by
and reabsorption of new HCO3. Decreased reabsorp- calculating the predicted change in [HCO3] for the
tion of HCO3 decreases the HCO3 concentration change in PCO2. The patient’s PCO2 is 70 mm Hg,
which is 30 mm Hg above normal (normal PCO2,
even further than did the effect of mass action alone.
40 mm Hg). The compensatory response is an
The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation can be used to increased [HCO3]. The patient’s [HCO3] is
understand why the decreased HCO3 concentration 36 mEq/L, which is 12 mEq/L above normal (normal
is a compensatory response: [HCO3], 24 mEq/L). The change in [HCO3] relative
[HCO3 ] ( ↓ ¼ Renal compensation) to the change in PCO2 is therefore 12/30, or 0.4 mEq/L/
pH ¼ pK þ log mm Hg. The compensation is exactly as predicted by
Pco2 ( ↓ ¼ Primary disturbance)
the rules of thumb for chronic respiratory acidosis. It
In acute respiratory alkalosis, renal compensation can be concluded that the patient has simple chronic
has not yet occurred, and pH is quite high (there is a respiratory acidosis with the expected level of renal
decrease in the denominator of the Henderson- compensation.
Hasselbalch equation but little decrease in the
324 • Physiology

Summary 2 If a person’s arterial blood has a pH of 7.22

and PCO2 of 20 mm Hg, what is the HCO3
n The pH of body fluids is normally maintained at concentration?
7.4 in spite of the daily production of large
amounts of CO2 (volatile acid) and fixed acids 3 For the person described in question 2, is
(nonvolatile acids). The mechanisms that maintain ventilation increased, decreased, or unchanged
a constant pH include buffering, respiratory com- (compared to normal)?
pensation, and renal compensation. 4 A person’s arterial blood pH is 7.25, PCO2 is
n Buffering represents the first line of defense in pro- 24 mm Hg, and HCO3 is 10.2 mEq/L. Which of
tecting the pH. A buffered solution is a mixture of a the following might cause this pattern: diarrhea,
weak acid and its conjugate base. The most effec- vomiting, obstructive pulmonary disease, hysterical
tive physiologic buffers have a pK near 7.4. Extra- hyperventilation, salicylate overdose, chronic
cellular buffers include HCO3/CO2 (the most renal failure?
important) and HPO42/H2PO4. Intracellular buf- 5 Which class(es) of diuretics cause(s) meta-
fers include organic phosphates and proteins (e.g., bolic alkalosis: carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, loop
deoxyhemoglobin). diuretics, thiazide diuretics, Kþ-sparing diuretics?
n Renal mechanisms in acid-base balance include reab- 6 A patient is seen in the emergency department
sorption of virtually all of the filtered HCO3 and with the following blood values: pH, 7.1; HCO3,
excretion of Hþ as titratable acid and NH4þ. For each 10 mEq/L; Naþ, 142 mEq/L; and Cl, 103 mEq/L.
Hþ excreted as titratable acid or NH4þ, one new What is the acid-base disorder, and what is the
HCO3 is synthesized and reabsorbed. value of the anion gap?
n Simple acid-base disorders can be metabolic or 7 What are the units of osmolar gap?
respiratory in origin. Metabolic disorders involve a
primary disturbance of the [HCO3], caused by gain 8 Among patients with the following disorders,
or loss of fixed Hþ. When there is a gain of fixed Hþ, which is/are hypoventilating: diarrhea, vomiting,
metabolic acidosis occurs; when there is a loss of ascent to high altitude, morphine overdose,
fixed Hþ, metabolic alkalosis occurs. Respiratory obstructive lung disease, hyperaldosteronism,
disorders involve a primary disturbance of PCO2, ethylene glycol poisoning, salicylate poisoning?
caused by hypoventilation (respiratory acidosis) or 9 What is the correct sequence of these events:
hyperventilation (respiratory alkalosis). Naþ-Hþ exchange, filtration of HCO3 across
n Compensation for acid-base disorders is either glomerular capillaries, facilitated diffusion of
respiratory or renal. When the primary disorder is HCO3, conversion of H2CO3 to CO2 and H2O,
metabolic, compensation is respiratory. When the conversion of H2CO3 to Hþ and HCO3, conversion
primary disorder is respiratory, compensation is of HCO3 to H2CO3?
renal (metabolic). 10 If, in one day, 25 mEq of Hþ is excreted as
H2PO4 and 45 mEq of Hþ is excreted as NH4þ,
how much new HCO3 is synthesized?
11 Two patients have an elevated arterial PCO2
Answer each question with a word, phrase, of 70 mm Hg. One has acute respiratory acidosis
sentence, or numerical solution. When a list of and the other has chronic respiratory acidosis.
possible answers is supplied with the question, Which patient has the higher blood HCO3
one, more than one, or none of the choices may concentration? Which patient has the higher pH?
be correct. Correct answers are provided at the
12 A patient has the following blood values: pH,
end of the book.
7.22; HCO3, 18 mEq/L; and PCO2, 45 mm Hg. Are
1 Weak acid “A” has a pK of 5.5 and weak acid these values consistent with a simple acid-base
“B” has a pK of 7.5. At pH 7, which weak acid is disorder? If yes, which one? If no, what acid-base
predominantly in its A form? disorders are present?
7—Acid-Base Physiology • 325

13 In the conversion from acute to chronic
respiratory alkalosis, what happens to blood pH? Cohen JJ, Kassirer JP: Acid/Base. Boston, Little, Brown, 1982.
Davenport HW: The ABC of Acid-Base Chemistry, 6th ed. Chicago,
14 Which is the best indicator of total Hþ University of Chicago Press, 1974.
excreted in the urine: urine pH, filtered load of Rose BD: Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders,
HPO42, filtered load of NH3? 5th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Valtin H, Gennari FJ: Acid-Base Disorders. Boston, Little, Brown, 1987.
15 Which condition has the highest excretion of
NH4þ: diabetic ketoacidosis, chronic renal failure,
vomiting, hysterical hyperventilation?

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