Low-Profile Horizontal Omni-Directional Antenna For LoRa Wearable Devices

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2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications

Low-profile horizontal omni-directional antenna for

LoRa wearable devices
L.H. Trinh1, , T.Q.K. Nguyen2,3 , H.L. Tran1 , P.C. Nguyen1 , N. V. Truong4 , F. Ferrero2
University of Information Technology - Vietnam National University HCM, Vietnam
University Cote d’Azur, CNRS, LEAT, UMR 7248, France
Bach Khoa University - Vietnam National University HCM, Vietnam
Institute of Applied Mechanics and Informatics, Vietnam
Email: huytl@uit.edu.vn

Abstract—In this paper, a novel antenna suitable for wearable

LoRa devices is introduced. Its size is just 42.5 x 45 mm2 , similar
to the size of a watch, thanks to the advantage of a wire-patch
antenna structure. The proposed antenna operates at 868MHz
frequency band with the realized gain up to 0.4 dBi. This antenna
is proved to be better than former designs by obtaining azimuthal
polarization which reduces effects from human body. In addition,
its polarization is circular, thus loss from polarization mismatch
is expected to be minimized.
Keywords - LoRa, wearable device, circular pattern, horizontal
Nowadays, with the boom of the Internet of Things, or
IoT, the world is promptly getting connected. Although former Fig. 1. The antenna dimensions without substrate
communicating systems are advanced enough for linking peo-
ple regardless of distances, there should be an improvement
for system of Machine to Machine communication (M2M). An antenna design from Ferrero et al. is taken into account,
Thereby, Semtech introduced LoRa, standing for Long Range it is very good design for portable devices which fit inside
communications. This system is perfectly adaptable to require- a very small volume. Nevertheless, it has linear polarizations
ments with two main criteria: long communication range and together with vertical patterns thanks to characteristic of IFA
low power consumption. Meanwhile, low data rate problem is used [1]. Therefore, this design is not suitable for wearable
this technology’s drawback. However, there are a lot of IoT devices because antenna efficiency can be reduced due to
applications that don’t need to transmit the big size packet the vicinity of user hands coinciding with vertical pattern.
such as: environment monitoring (temperature, air pressure, Meanwhile its linear polarization can easily lead to polar-
humidity...) for smart agriculture, geolocation (longitude, lati- ization mismatch. When the existence of hand is concerned,
tude...) for smart transportation or appliance status (on, off...) there will be a remarkable distortion for antenna pattern due
for smart home and more. Thus, LoRa technology low data to power absorption of hand. It leads to the reduction in
rate transmitting cause no severe problem. About the working quality factor [2]. In addition, the antenna efficiency will
frequencies, LoRa operates at 433MHz, 868MHz in Europe be degraded and functioning frequency is expecting to be
and 915MHz in America. Besides, its bandwidth is narrow, lowered [3]. There were several previous works on minimizing
normally smaller than 5MHz. body effect on antenna performance. For instance, in [3]
In detail, a LoRa device can satisfy these following con- Valkonen et al. have used RF switch and capacitance sensors
ditions: Firstly, it has the ability to transmit and receive to choose radiated one between two antennas for mobile
signals for a distance of about 20km in line-of-sight condition. application. Likewise, Anguera et al. have used multi-element
Therefore, a LoRa network can cover a very large area and configurations approach for their improvement [4]. Inspired
function with multiple nodes. Secondly, LoRa device can be by the idea of making a better antenna for wearable devices,
usable for up to 10 years without changing its battery. It the authors have applied a wired patch [5] prototype with
ensures reliability of system. Main disadvantage is low data modifications to create antenna with circular polarization and
rate - it can only transmit up to 50kbps. However, it is proved horizontal pattern.
to be sufficient for most of IoT applications. Next section will present the antenna design with details
One of LoRa plausible applications is for wearable devices, about sizes and structure. In third section, both simulation and
which requires compact and low profile qualities of its antenna. experiment result will be shown to verify a good agreement

978-1-5386-2896-6/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 136

2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications

Fig. 2. Structure of the proposed antenna with FR-4 substrate

Phi sweeper @Theta=90

Theta sweeper @Phi=90
120° 60°

150° 30° Fig. 4. Like-dipole radiation pattern of the proposed antenna

for a screen module to be put inside. However, there are some

−8 −6 −4 −2 0 key points should be considered that compared to plain patch,
180° 0°
hollow patch antenna will have resonance frequency lowered
and more narrow bandwidth [6].
The total space for antenna, ground and substrate of pre-
210° 330° sented device can fit inside a box with sides of 45 x 42.5 x
5.5 mm, so it can be wear by hand. Thickness of the substrate
is 0.8 mm ( = 4.4 and tanδ = 0.02). Antenna’s patch
240° 300° can be divided into two parts, one forward (above ground,
270° 45 x 36.5 mm) and one backward (above nothing, 45 x 6
mm). The forward patch is the main patch, which decides the
Fig. 3. Radiation pattern of the proposed antenna
resonance while backward patch is used to balance antenna’s
pattern. Both of them are hollow patch. To increase length of
between them. Finally, in conclusion, a small discussion about antenna’s strip, two slot-like parts are symmetrically added in
perspective for further researches and applications for this kind main patch, each occupies an area of 3 x 6 mm . The width of
of antenna will be proposed. strip around the hollow is 1.5mm for main strip while 1mm
around the slot and in backward side, including joint strip .In
II. A NTENNA DESIGN addition, a tunable capacitor is integrated at the end of strip.
Despite its unpopularity, wire-patch antenna has some very Its value can be adjusted to help antenna reaching desired
interesting keypoints worth noticing. Firstly, it can obtain resonance. In this case, a resonance at 868MHz is achieved
a dipole-like radiation pattern while keeping a low-profile with 1pF value of the capacitor.
structure thank to its special geometry. Secondly, ground can Antenna’s patches are connected with ground through a
be reduced in a small size - it usually has the same size of vertical plate, one driven strip and two short strips. Vertical
the patch. Compare to well-known dipole or patch kind of plate is in rectangular shape 12 x 5.5 mm. Each short strip
antenna, wire-patch will have a great improvement because it has a length of 4 mm and a width of 1mm. For convenience
can reduce not only the height of dipole but also the area of the in manufacturing, there is also a substrate layer above hollow
ground of patch while keeping the good properties of them. patch and behind vertical bar, serving as a skeleton for device.
This advantage constitutes to the compact feature of wearable
devices, such as watches [5]. A good example of antenna
design based on this kind is from Lizzi et al. In his design, The antenna was designed and simulated using HFSS from
one driven wire-patch and three parasitic ones are used for Ansoft. This software provides an effective way for solving 3D
pattern reconfiguration. Thank to dipole-like pattern property structure problems and for optimizing results. The antenna’s
of wire-patch and function of three Digital Tunable Capacitor real performance is assured not having many deviations from
(DTC), three horizontal patterns are achieved and it totally simulation results.
suits Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) application. Antenna resonance is tuned using capacitor in Fig. 5. To
The proposed antenna basing on wire-patch type has a make explanation short, three values of capacitor are consid-
symmetrical geometry with two short strips and a hollow ered: 0.7pF, 1pF and 1.3pF respectively. From Fig. 5, operating
patch, shown in Fig 1. Initially, the hollow patch is created frequency can be observed to shift from 865MHz to 868MHz

2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications

1.3 pF
1.0 pF
0.7 pF
Return Loss (dB)




−25 Fig. 7. Return loss as a function of distance between short and feed
860 865 870 875 880
Freqency (MHz)

Fig. 5. Return loss as a function of tunable capacitor value

Fig. 8. Return loss as a function of short width

make resonance move from nearly 850MHz to 900MHz, Fig.

Fig. 6. Return loss as a function of antenna height 7. However, while changing on short’s width makes nearly
linear results, changing on short’s position creates a non-
function. Consequently, there should be a appropriate analytic
and return to 867MHz while increasing capacitive value. On with several simulation checks to obtain desired resonance. In
the other hand, antenna bandwidth in each case is nearly all three figures concerned above, the red lines match at right
3MHz. Consequently, a capacitor of 1pF will be used for frequency of 868MHz. From the simulation results, the way
later measurements because frequency band at this value fits that antenna operates can be explained clearly.
the Lora band. Besides, a good antenna efficiency is obtained Besides, main objective of making a dipole-like pattern is
within this band. Concretely, it is in the vicinity of -1.07dB achieved as shown in Fig. 3, in which total gain is a function of
as shown in Fig. 9. direction (φ, θ). In azimuthal plane, total gain is maximized in
To better understand how the antenna works, some para- all direction, with value of approximately 0,63dB. In vertical
metric studies are made. For instance, if shifting sizes are direction, there is minimum gain transmitted. Therefore, when
tolerable, height of antenna can be adjusted from 2mm to antenna is placed in parallel with human body surface, the
6mm to see a range of resonance from 770MHz to 920MHz effect stated in * is expected to be reduced significantly.
like in Fig. 6. The higher the antenna height is applied, Fig. 11 shows distributions of current along the antenna’s
the higher the resonance is. In case of there is a need to strips and on the ground. On the main strip, the highest current
tune resonance frequency without changing overall sizes of is near the feed, and it reduces gradually along strip line, then
device, shorts can be considered properly. In Fig. 7, there is reaches lowest value at the capacitor. Thus, it again confirms
a good range for tuning, approximately 100MHz by varying the dependence of antenna resonance on length of main strips.
shorts’ width. Alternatively, changing position of short can However, the horizontal pattern is mainly obtained by the

2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications


Antenna Efficiency (dB)




860 865 870 875 880
Freqency (MHz)

Fig. 9. Antenna Efficiency

Fig. 11. Surface Current (top view)

Fig. 12. Surface Current (side view)

control components, such as switches or diodes, to make a

pattern reconfigurable antenna.
The authors would like to thank UIT’s Faculty of Computer
Engineering and L.E.A.T laboratory and Institute of Applied
Mechanics and Informatics for their full supports to help this
research done.
Fig. 10. Axial Ratio @θ = 160◦
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In this paper, a new antenna structure is proposed. Thanks [5] L. Zaid and R. Staraj, Miniature circular GSM wire-patch antenna on
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This paper is dedicated for providing sufficient descriptions of
antenna geometry and performance, together with some studies
of antenna parametries. For further researches, it is possible
that this antenna can cooperate with a simple PIFA and some


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