Test Unit 5 Empower, A2

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Test Unit 5 Empower, A2


Name: ______________________ Date: ____________________ Score: ______________/50

Task A. Translate the words: ___/10

1. Tiltas -
2. Upė -
3. Aikštė -
4. Veidrodis -
5. Spinta -
6. užuolaidos -
7. fotelis -
8. viryklė -
9. kriauklė -
10. kaimynystė -


ARE, positive, negative and questions. ____/20
1. ______________________(-) an airport, but ______________________(+) seven cafes.
2. ______________________(-) any theatres, but ___________________ (+) some cinemas.
3. ______________________ a big school near here? - No, ______________________.
4. ______________________ any good restaurants? - Yes, ______________________.
5. How many stadiums ______________ in your city? - _______________ five big stadiums.

Task C. You can see a map at the top right corner. Please write the missing words in a
conversation. The starting point is where Dan and Leo are. ___/8
A: Can you ________ us how to get to the cafe? (1)
B: Yes, certainly. Go ___________ (2) on Henrietta Street, then turn ___________(3) at the
corner ___________(4) King Street. Go along the King Street for about 200 ___________(5)
and turn ___________(6) into Park Road. The cafe is ______(7) your right, near the park.
A: Thank you very ____________________(8).

Task D. Fill in the gaps with so, and, but. ____/6

1. My neighbourhood’s in the centre of town __ there are lots of different shops near my house.
2. My neighbourhood’s quite busy during the day _______ it’s nice and quiet at night.
3. My neighbourhood’s very friendly _____ it’s a nice place to live, ______ sometimes it’s noisy
in the evening.
4. There’s a popular cafe in my neighbourhood ____ I don’t like coffee _____ I never go there.

Task E. Describe where something is using the prepositions of place.____/6

1. Number three is _________ the school.

2. Number six is _________ the bank and
the cafe.
3. Number two is _________ the theatre.
4. Number eight is _________ the cinema.
5. Number nine is ______ the right.
6. Number seven is _________ the corner.

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