Speaking 3-Kelly-Yulisa

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K: Good afternoon Yulisa. How are you?

Y: Hello Kelly. I’m good. And you?

K: I’m fine. Can I ask you some questions? It’s for a survey about eating habits.

Y: Yes of course. No problem.

K: Well! The first question is What do you usually have for a quick lunch when you don’t have time to

Y: I usually eat when I don’t have time rice and chips.

K: Oh interesting!. Next question. What do you usually have for a dessert at home or in a restaurant?

Y: I usually have jelly and fruit for a dessert at home and in a restaurant.

K: Three question. What do you usually have when you’re hungry between meals?

Y: I usually have a drink orange juice.

K: Four question. What do you usually have for breakfast at the weekend?

Y: I usually have breakfast mondongo and cereal.

K: Well. Five question. What do you usually have for a special occasion?

Y: I usually eat on a special occassion BBQ.

K: Very delicisious! And finally the last question. What do you usually have when you order a

Y: I usually have chicken soup, pizza and chicken.

K: Thank you Yulisa.

Y: Excuse me. Can I ask you similar questions too? I’m doing a survey for the university.

K: Oh yes of course.

Y: The first question is What do you usually have for a quick lunch when you don’t have time to

K: I usually have rice with egg and orange juice for a quick lunch.

Y: Next question. What do you usually have for a dessert at home or in a restaurant?

K: I usually have fruit salad for a dessert at home.

Y: Oh interesting! The three question. What do you usually have when you’re hungry between

K: I usually have biscuits, chocolate or cake.

Y: Oh I love chocolate! The four question. What do you usually have for breakfast at the weekend?

K: I usually have salad fruit, coffee and bread with cheese or jam for breakfast at the weekend.

Y: Oh delicious! Five question. What do you usually have for a special occasion?
K: I usually have chicken or meat, rice, salad, cake and juice fruits for a special occasion.

Y: And finally the last question. What do you usually have when you order a takeaway?

K: I usually have pizza or pasta when I order takeaway.

Y: Thank you very much. Bye Kelly.

K: Bye Yulisa.

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