01-02 ACL Configuration

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet

Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

2 ACL Configuration

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to configure access control lists (ACLs) on devices.
2.1 Overview of ACLs
2.2 Understanding ACLs
2.3 Application Scenarios for ACLs
2.4 Licensing Requirements and Limitations for ACLs
2.5 Summary of ACL Configuration Tasks
2.6 Default Settings for ACLs
2.7 Configuring and Applying a Basic ACL
2.8 Configuring and Applying an Advanced ACL
2.9 Configuring and Applying a Layer 2 ACL
2.10 Configuring and Applying a User-Defined ACL
2.11 Configuring and Applying a User ACL
2.12 Configuring and Applying a Basic ACL6
2.13 Configuring and Applying an Advanced ACL6
2.14 Maintaining ACLs
2.15 Configuration Examples for ACLs
2.16 Troubleshooting ACLs
2.17 FAQ About ACLs

2.1 Overview of ACLs

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Access Control Lists (ACLs) filter packets based on rules that define the packet
filtering conditions, such as the source address, destination address, and port
number of packets.
An ACL is a packet filter, while ACL rules are the filter elements. Based on ACL
rules, a device perform packet filtering to control whether to forward or discard
packets that match the rules according to the policies used by the service module
to which the ACL is applied.
An ACL can be applied to various service modules, such as Telnet, FTP, and
routing. Usually, an ACL is applied to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy.
This enables the device to deliver ACL rules globally, in a VLAN, or on an interface
to filter packets to be forwarded. The service modules use different actions and
mechanisms to process the packets filtered by ACL. For details, see 2.2.7 Default
ACL Actions and Mechanisms of Different Service Modules.


A configured ACL takes effect only after it is applied to a service module.

The fast growth of network technologies brings challenges to network security
and Quality of Service (QoS). ACL is a security policy that is enforced on networks
to prevent the following problems:
● To prevent information leaks and unauthorized access of resources on key
servers of an enterprise network
● To prevent viruses on the Internet from entering and spreading on the
enterprise intranet
● To prevent random services from occupying network bandwidth, thereby
guaranteeing bandwidth for delay-sensitive services such as voice and video
These problems are detrimental to network communication, so network security is
ACL accurately identifies and controls packets on the network to manage network
access behaviors, prevent network attacks, and improve bandwidth use efficiency.
In this way, ACL ensures security and high service quality on networks.
Figure 2-1 shows a typical network with ACL configured.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Figure 2-1 ACL application scenario

VLAN10 Financial server

R&D ac
face Interface 3
Switch Router

Permitted packets
President office Denied packets

● To ensure financial data security, access to the financial server is allowed only
from the president office; access from the R&D department to the financial
server is blocked. The implementation method is as follows:
Configure an ACL in the inbound direction of Interface 1 to block the packets
from the R&D department to the financial server. The ACL does not need to
be configured on Interface 2, so the packets from the president office to the
financial server are allowed.
● Protect the enterprise intranet against viruses entering and spreading from
the Internet. The implementation method is as follows:
Configure an ACL in the inbound direction of Interface 3 to block packets that
match virus signatures.

Related Information
Support Community

● ACL Application
● Basic Knowledge About ACL
● ACL Matching

2.2 Understanding ACLs

2.2.1 ACL Fundamentals

An ACL matches packets against the rules in contains to filter packets. The device
supports software and hardware-based ACLs. The two types of ACLs differ in types
of packets to be filtered, filter methods, and actions to be taken on the packets
that do not match any rule.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

ACL Structure
Figure 2-2 shows the structure of an ACL.

Figure 2-2 ACL structure

ACL number

Time Range
acl number 2000

rule 5 permit source time-range time1

rule 15 permit source

rule 20 permit source
Rule ID

Action Source IP
rule 4294967294 deny

● ACL number: identifies a numbered ACL.

ACLs are classified into basic ACL, advanced ACL, Layer 2 ACL, user ACL, and
user-defined ACL. These ACLs have different number ranges. For details, see
2.2.2 ACL Classification.
You can also define the name of an ACL to help you remember the ACL's
purpose. In this situation, an ACL name is like a domain name that represents
an IP address. Such an ACL is called named ACL.
An ACL number can be part of an ACL name. That is, you can also specify an
ACL number when you define an ACL name. If you do not specify an ACL
number, the system will automatically allocate a number to an ACL. The
following is an ACL name consisting of a name deny-telnet-login and a
number 3998.
acl name deny-telnet-login 3998
rule 0 deny tcp source destination 0 destination-port eq
rule 5 deny tcp source destination 0 destination-port eq

● Rule: describes packet matching conditions.

– Rule ID: identifies an ACL rule. The rule IDs can be manually set or
automatically allocated by the system.
The ACL rule IDs range from 0 to 4294967294. The rule IDs in an ACL are
allocated in an ascending order. Therefore, in Figure 2-2, rule 5 is in the
first line and rule 4294967294 is in the bottom line of an ACL. The system
matches packets against the rules from the first line to the bottom line,
and stops matching if the packets match a rule.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

– Action: includes permit and deny.

– Matching option: ACLs support many matching conditions. In addition to
the source IP address and time range, they support Layer 2 Ethernet
frame header information (source MAC, destination MAC, and Ethernet
protocol type), Layer 3 packet information (destination address and
protocol type), and Layer 4 packet information (TCP/UDP port number).
For details about ACL matching conditions, see 2.2.5 Matching

Matching Mechanism
The device stops matching packets against ACL rules as long as the packets match
one rule, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 ACL matching mechanism



Does the ACL exist?


Does the ACL contain


Analyze the first


Yes permit
Is the ACL
Do packets
action permit or
match the rule?


Are there other

Packets do not
Result is deny Result is permit
match a rule
Analyze the next


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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

The device checks whether an ACL is configured.

● If no ACL is configured, the device returns the result "negative match."
● If an ACL is configured, the device checks whether the ACL contains rules.
– If the ACL does not contain rules, the device returns the result "negative
– If the ACL contains rules, the device matches the packets against the
rules in ascending order of rule IDs.

▪ When the packets match a permit rule, the device stops matching
and returns the result "positive match (permit)."

▪ When the packets match a deny rule, the device stops matching and
returns the result "positive match (deny)."

▪ If the packets do not match any rule in the ACL, the device returns
the result "negative match."

The ACL matching results include "positive match" and "negative match."
● Positive match: Packets match a rule in an ACL.
The result is "positive match" regardless of whether packets match a permit
or deny rule in an ACL.
● Negative match: No ACL exists, the ACL does not contain rules, or packets do
not match any rule in an ACL.

Different service modules process the packets that match and do not match ACL
rules in different ways. For example, the Telnet module forwards the packets
matching the permit rules. Conversely, the traffic policy module discards the
packets matching the permit rule if the action configured in the traffic policy
module is deny. For details about ACL processing in each service module, see 2.2.7
Default ACL Actions and Mechanisms of Different Service Modules.

ACL Implementation Modes

The device supports two ACL implementation modes:

● Software-based ACL: applied to the interactive protocol packets sent to the

local device, for example, FTP, TFTP, Telnet, SNMP, HTTP, routing, and
multicast protocol packets. These packets must be sent to the CPU.
● Hardware-based ACL: applied to all packets (especially the forwarded data
packets), for example, the ACLs referenced by traffic policy, ACL-based
simplified traffic policy, user group ACL, and ACL for adding outer VLAN tags
for the packets received by interfaces.

The differences between the two implementations are as follows:

● They filter different types of packets. Software-based ACL filters the packets
to be sent to the CPU, whereas hardware-based ACL filters all packets (it is
generally applied to data packets).
● They filter packets in different ways. Software-based ACL is referenced by
upper-layer software and consumes CPU resources, whereas hardware-based
ACL is delivered to hardware for packet filtering and consumes hardware
resources. Hardware-based ACL provides faster packet filtering.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

● They take different actions on the packets that do not match any ACL rule.
When packets do not match any ACL rule, software-based ACL rejects the
packets, whereas hardware-ACL permits the packets.

2.2.2 ACL Classification

Based on ACL Naming Methods

ACLs are classified into:

● Numbered ACL: This is the traditional naming method. After an ACL is

created, a unique number is specified for the ACL.
● Named ACL: An ACL is identified by a name.

You can specify a number for a created ACL. Different types of ACLs have different
number ranges, as described in Table 2-1. You can also specify a name for the
created ACL to help you remember the ACL's purpose. A named ACL consists of a
name and number. That is, you can specify an ACL number when you define an
ACL name. If you do not specify a number for a numbered ACL, the device
automatically allocates a number to it.


The name of a named ACL cannot be modified. Deleting an ACL name will delete the ACL.
Repeated ACL names can only be used between basic ACL and basic ACL6, and between
advanced ACL and advanced ACL6.

Based on IP Protocol Versions

ACLs are classified into:

● ACL4: filters IPv4 packets. It is also called ACL.

● ACL6: filters IPv6 packets. It is also called IPv6 ACL.

In this document, ACL refers to ACL4, ACL6, and the ACL supporting both IPv4 and
IPv6 packet filtering. Table 2-1 describes how each type of ACLs support IPv4 and
IPv6 packets.

Based on ACL Rule Definition Methods

Table 2-1 describes the ACLs based on rule definition methods.

Table 2-1 ACL classification based on ACL rule definition methods

Category IP Version Rule Definition Description Number Range

Basic ACL IPv4 Defines rules based on source 2000-2999

IP addresses, fragmentation
information, and time ranges.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Category IP Version Rule Definition Description Number Range

Advanced IPv4 Defines rules based on source 3000-3999

ACL IPv4 addresses, destination
IPv4 addresses, IPv4 protocol
types, ICMP types, TCP source/
destination port numbers, UDP
source/destination port
numbers, and time ranges.

Layer 2 IPv4&IPv6 Defines rules based on 4000-4999

ACL information in Ethernet
frame headers of packets,
such as the source MAC
addresses, destination MAC
addresses, and Layer 2
protocol types.

User- IPv4&IPv6 Defines rules based on packet 5000-5999

defined headers, offsets, character
ACL string masks, and user-
defined character strings.
The ACL performs an AND
operation on the packet bytes
from a certain position behind
the packet header and the
character string mask. Then,
the ACL compares the
extracted character string
against the user-defined
character string.

User ACL IPv4 Defines rules based on source 6000-9999

IPv4 addresses or user
control list (UCL) groups/
destination IPv4 addresses or
destination UCL groups, IPv4
protocol types, ICMP types,
TCP source/destination port
numbers, and UDP source/
destination port numbers.

Basic IPv6 Defines rules based on source 2000-2999

ACL6 IPv6 addresses, fragmentation
information, and time ranges.

Advanced IPv6 Defines rules based on source 3000-3999

ACL6 IPv6 addresses, destination
IPv6 address, IPv6 protocol
types, ICMPv6 types, TCP
source/destination port
numbers, UDP source/
destination ports, and time

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

2.2.3 Step

What Is a Step
A step is an increment between neighboring rule IDs automatically allocated by
the system.
If a rule is added to an empty ACL without a rule ID manually specified, the
system allocates the step value as the ID to this rule. If an ACL contains rules with
manually configured IDs and a new rule is added without an ID manually
configured, the system allocates to this new rule the minimum multiple of the
step value which is greater than the largest rule ID in the ACL. Rule IDs must be
integers. For example, an ACL (basic ACL, advanced ACL, Layer 2 ACL, user ACL,
user-defined ACL) contains rule 5 and rule 12, and the default step is 5. When a
new rule is added to the ACL, the system allocates ID 15 to this new rule (15 is
greater than 12 and is the minimum multiple of 5).


Basic ACL6 and advanced ACL6 do not support step configuration, and use a step of 1.
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] display this
acl number 2001 //Empty ACL
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule deny source //Configure the first rule without specifying
an ID.
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] display this
acl number 2001
rule 5 deny source
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule 12 deny source //Configure a rule with ID 12.
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] display this
acl number 2001
rule 5 deny source
rule 12 deny source
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule deny source //Configure another rule without specifying
an ID.
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] display this
acl number 2001
rule 5 deny source
rule 12 deny source
rule 15 deny source

If the step value of an ACL is changed, the system reallocates IDs to rules in the
ACL. For example, when the step value is changed to 2, the system allocates 2, 4,
6... to rules. After the step is restored to the default value, the system reallocates
IDs to the rules using the default step, that is, 5, 10, 15....
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] display acl 2001
Basic ACL 2001, 3 rules

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Acl's step is 5
rule 5 deny source
rule 12 deny source
rule 15 deny source
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] step 2 //Set the step to 2
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] display acl 2001
Basic ACL 2001, 3 rules
Acl's step is 2
rule 2 deny source
rule 4 deny source
rule 6 deny source

[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] undo step //Restore the default step.

[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] display acl 2001
Basic ACL 2001, 3 rules
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 deny source
rule 10 deny source
rule 15 deny source

How a Step Functions

Setting a step facilitates rule insertion between existing rules of an ACL.

For example, an ACL contains rule 5, rule 10, and rule 15. The network
administrator wants to add a rule that denies the packets from source IP address The rules are as follows:
rule 5 deny source 0 //Reject the packets from source IP address
rule 10 deny source 0 //Reject the packets from source IP address
rule 15 permit source //Reject the packets from source IP address segment

The system stops matching packets once the packets match a rule. The packets
from source addresses and match rule 5 and rule 10, and are
therefore discarded. The packets from source address match rule 15, and
are therefore forwarded. To deny the packets from source IP address, add
a new deny rule. You can add rule 11 before rule 15 so that the packets from
source IP address match rule 11 and are discarded. Rule 11 does not
affect existing rule IDs in the ACL. The rule IDs are 5, 10, 11, and 15.
rule 5 deny source 0 //Reject the packets from source IP address
rule 10 deny source 0 //Reject the packets from source IP address
rule 11 deny source 0 //Reject the packets from source IP address
rule 15 permit source //Reject the packets from source IP address segment

To add a rule to an ACL with the step value of 1 (rule 1, rule 2, rule 3...), you must
first delete existing rules. Then, add the new rule and reconfigure the deleted

A step resolves the preceding issue and facilitates rule insertion.

2.2.4 Matching Order

An ACL consists of multiple deny | permit clauses, each of which describes a rule.
These rules may repeat or conflict. For example, an ACL contains two rules:
rule deny ip destination //Reject the packets destined for network segment
rule permit ip destination //Permit the packets destined for network segment, which has a smaller range than

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

The permit and deny rules conflict. If the system first matches a packet destined
for against the deny rule, the packet is discarded. However, if the system
matches the packet against the permit rule first, the packet is forwarded.
Therefore, if ACL rules repeat or conflict, the matching order decides the matching
The device supports two matching orders: the configuration order (config) and
the automatic order (auto). The default order is config.

Config Order
The system matches packets against ACL rules in ascending order of rule IDs. That
is, the rule with the smallest ID is processed first.
● If a smaller rule ID is manually specified for a rule, the rule is inserted in one
of the front lines of an ACL. This rule is processed earlier.
● If no ID is manually specified for a rule, the system allocates an ID to the rule.
The rule ID is greater than the largest rule ID in the ACL and is the minimum
multiple of the step; therefore, this rule is processed last.

Auto Order
The system arranges rules according to the precision degree of the rules (depth
first principle), and matches packets against the rules in descending order of
precision. A rule with the highest precision defines strictest conditions, and has the
highest priority. The system matches packets against this rule first. Table 2-2
describes how the auto order is applied to each type of ACL.
For details about the ACL matching conditions mentioned in Table 2-2, such as IP
address wildcard mask, types of protocols carried by IP, TCP/UDP ports, Layer 2
protocol type wildcard mask, and MAC address wildcard mask, see 2.2.5 Matching

Table 2-2 Auto matching order

ACL Type Matching Rules

Basic ACL 1. The rule that defines a VPN instance is processed first.
and basic 2. The rule that defines the smallest source IP address range is
ACL6 processed. The wildcard mask with the most 0 bits identifies the
smallest source IP address range.
3. If the source IP address ranges are the same, the rule with the
smallest ID is processed.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

ACL Type Matching Rules

Advanced 1. The rule that defines a VPN instance is processed first.

ACL and 2. The rule that defines a protocol type is processed.
ACL6 3. If the protocol types are the same, the rule that defines the
smallest source IP address range is processed. The wildcard mask
with the most 0 bits identifies the smallest source IP address
4. If the protocol types and source IP address ranges are the same,
the rule that defines the smallest destination IP address range is
processed. The wildcard mask with the most 0 bits identifies the
smallest destination IP address range.
5. If the protocol types, source IP address ranges, and destination IP
address ranges are the same, the rule that defines the smallest
Layer 4 port number (TCP/UDP port number) range is processed.
6. If the preceding ranges are all the same, the rule with the
smallest ID is processed.

Layer 2 1. The rule with the largest L2 protocol type wildcard (with the
ACL most 1 bit in the wildcard mask) is processed first.
2. The rule that defines the smallest source MAC address range is
processed. The wildcard mask with the most 1 bit identifies the
smallest source MAC address range.
3. If the source MAC address ranges are the same, the rule that
defines the smallest destination MAC address range is processed.
The wildcard mask with the most 1 bit identifies the smallest
destination MAC address range.
4. If the source and destination MAC address ranges are the same,
the rule with the smallest ID is processed.

User- A user-defined ACL matches packets against rules in ascending

defined order of rule IDs.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

ACL Type Matching Rules

User ACL 1. The rule that defines a protocol type is processed first.
2. If the protocol types are the same, the source IP address ranges
are compared. If all source IP addresses are IP network segments,
the rule with a smaller source IP address (with more 0 bits in
wildcard mask) is processed. If not all the source IP addresses are
IP network segments, the rule in which the source IP address is
an IP network segment is processed earlier than the rule in
which the source IP address is a UCL group.
3. If the protocol types and source IP address ranges are the same,
the destination IP address ranges are compared. If all destination
IP addresses are IP network segments, the rule with a smaller
destination IP address (with more 0 bits in wildcard mask) is
processed. If not all the destination IP addresses are IP network
segments, the rule in which the destination IP address is an IP
network segment is processed earlier than the rule in which the
destination IP address is a UCL group.
4. If the protocol types, source IP address ranges, and destination IP
address ranges are the same, the rule that defines the smallest
Layer 4 port number (TCP/UDP port number) range is processed.
5. If the preceding ranges are all the same, the rule with the
smallest ID is processed.

If you add a rule to an ACL in auto mode, the system automatically identifies the
rule priority and assigns an ID to the rule.
For example, two rules are added to advanced ACL 3001 in auto mode:
rule deny ip destination //Reject the packets destined for network segment
rule permit ip destination //Permit the packets destined for network segment, which has a smaller range than

The two rules do not specify VPN instances, and specify identical protocol range
and source IP address range. According to the auto matching principle in Table
2-2, the system compares the destination IP address ranges in the rules. The
destination IP address range specified in the permit rule is smaller than that
specified in the deny rule, so the permit rule has a higher precision. The system
allocates a smaller ID to the permit rule. Therefore, the system arranges the two
rules in ACL 3001 in the following order:
acl number 3001 match-order auto
rule 5 permit ip destination
rule 10 deny ip destination

A rule rule deny ip destination 0 is added to ACL 3001. (This rule has a
higher priority than the previous two rules because the destination IP address is a
host address.) The system reassigns IDs to the rules according to the rule
priorities. The new order is as follows:
acl number 3001 match-order auto
rule 5 deny ip destination 0

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

rule 10 permit ip destination

rule 15 deny ip destination

Compared with the config mode, auto mode is more complex; however, it offers
advantages in some scenarios. For example, to ensure network security, the
administrator has configured an ACL in auto mode to discard all IP packets in
untrusted network segments. When more services are deployed on the network,
some IP packets on these network segments need to be allowed. The
administrator needs to add new rules to the ACL, but does not need to rearrange
the rules to avoid incorrect packet discarding.

2.2.5 Matching Conditions

The device supports various ACL matching conditions. This section describes the
commonly used conditions.

Time Range
Format: time-range time-name
All ACLs support packet filtering based on time ranges. For details about time
ranges, see 2.2.6 Time Range.

Protocol Type Carried by IP

Format: protocol-number | icmp | tcp | udp | gre | igmp | ip | ipinip | ospf
An advanced ACL can filter packets based on protocol types, such as ICMP
(protocol number 1), TCP (protocol number 6), UDP (protocol number 17), GRE
(protocol number 47), IGMP (protocol number 2), IP (any IP layer protocol), IPinIP
(protocol number 4), and OSPF (protocol number 89). The protocol number
ranges from 1 to 255.
For example, to forbid user access on an interface susceptible to attacks, specify
the protocol type as IP to discard all IP traffic on the interface. The configuration is
as follows:
rule deny ip //Reject IP packets.

Source/Destination IP Addresses and Wildcard Masks

Format of source IP address and wildcard mask: source { source-address source-
wildcard | any }
Format of destination IP address and wildcard mask: destination { destination-
address destination-wildcard | any }
A basic ACL can filter packets based on source IP addresses; an advanced ACL can
filter packets based on both source and destination IP addresses.
When the source and destination IP addresses are specified as matching
conditions, the wildcard masks must be specified for them to determine address
The IP address wildcard mask format is the same as the inverse subnet mask
format (32-bit numeric string). The wildcard mask specifies the digits in the IP

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

address to be checked. Among the bits in a mask, the value 0 indicates "check"
and the value 1 indicates "not check." An IP address subnet mask must have
continuous 0s and 1s, whereas a wildcard mask can have discontinuous 0s and 1s.

The wildcard mask can be or 0 (equivalent to The value indicates any IP address, which is equivalent to the any keyword.
The value 0 indicates that the source/destination address is a host address.

For example, configure a rule with an IP address wildcard mask specified to permit
all IP packets from network segment
rule 5 permit ip source

In this rule, the wildcard mask is, indicating that only the bits in the
binary bytes in the first three groups in the IP address are checked. Packets are
permitted only if the first 24 bits in the source IP address are the same as the first
24 bits in the specified IP address (192.168.1). That is, only the packets sent from
source IP address segment are permitted. Table 2-3 illustrates how
the address range is calculated.

Table 2-3 Wildcard mask example

Item Decimal Binary

Specified IP 11000000.10101000.0000000

address 1.00000000

Wildcard mask 00000000.00000000.0000000


Determined 192.168.1.* 11000000.10101000.0000000

address range * indicates an integer 1.xxxxxxxx
between 0 and 255. x can be 0 or 1.

For more examples of determining an address range by IP address and wildcard

mask, see Table 2-4.

Table 2-4 Determining address ranges by IP addresses and wildcard masks

IP Address IP Address Wildcard Mask Determined Address Range Any IP address IP addresses on network

segment Only host address IP addresses on network

segment IP addresses on network


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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

IP Address IP Address Wildcard Mask Determined Address Range (discontinuous 1s IP addresses that are in the

and 0s in wildcard mask) range of and and have an
even number in the third
byte, for example,,,, and

Source/Destination MAC Addresses and Wildcard Masks

Format of source MAC address and wildcard mask: source-mac source-mac-
address [ source-mac-mask ]
Format of destination MAC address and wildcard mask: destination-mac dest-
mac-address [ dest-mac-mask ]
Only the Layer 2 ACL can filter packets based on source and destination MAC
When the source and destination MAC addresses are specified as matching
conditions, the wildcard masks can be specified for them to determine address
The formats of a MAC address wildcard mask and a MAC address are the same.
Both of them are in hexadecimal format. A MAC address wildcard mask consists of
six bytes (48 bits) to indicate the bits in a MAC address to be checked. Different
from those in an IP address wildcard mask, the value 1 in the MAC address
wildcard mask indicates "check" and the value 0 indicates "not check." If the
wildcard mask is not specified, the default mask ffff-ffff-ffff is used, indicating that
every bit in a MAC address is checked.
Table 2-5 illustrates how a MAC address and a wildcard mask determine an
address range.

Table 2-5 Determining address ranges by MAC addresses and wildcard masks
MAC Address MAC Address Wildcard Determined Address Range

00e0-fc01-0101 0000-0000-0000 Any MAC address

00e0-fc01-0101 ffff-ffff-ffff Only 00e0-fc01-0101

00e0-fc01-0101 ffff-ffff-0000 00e0-fc01-0000 to 00e0-


VLAN ID and Mask

Format of outer VLAN ID and mask: vlan-id vlan-id [ vlan-id-mask ]
Format of inner VLAN ID and mask: cvlan-id cvlan-id [ cvlan-id-mask ]

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

A Layer 2 ACL can filter packets based on outer and inner VLAN IDs.

When the VLAN IDs are configured as matching conditions, the VLAN mask can be
specified behind the VLAN IDs to determine a VLAN range.

A VLAN mask is in the hexadecimal format, ranging from 0x0 to 0xFFF. If the
VLAN mask is not specified, the default mask 0xFFF is used, indicating that every
bit in the VLAN ID is checked.

Table 2-6 illustrates how a VLAN ID and a mask determine a VLAN range.

Table 2-6 Determining VLAN ranges by VLAN IDs and masks

VLAN ID VLAN Mask Determined VLAN Range

10 0x000 Any VLAN

10 0xFFF Only VLAN 10

10 0xFF0 VLAN 1 to VLAN 15

TCP/UDP Port Number

Format of source port number: source-port { eq port | gt port | lt port | range
port-start port-end }

Format of destination port number: destination-port { eq port | gt port | lt port |

range port-start port-end }

When the protocol type of an advanced ACL is specified as TCP or UDP, the device
can filter packets based on TCP or UDP source/destination port numbers.

The operators of specifying TCP/UDP port numbers are as follows:

● eq port: equivalent to the source/destination port number.
● gt port: greater than the destination/source port number.
● lt port: less than the source/destination port number.
● range port-start port-end: source/destination port number range. port-start
indicates the start port number, and port-end indicates the end port number.

The TCP/UDP port numbers can be represented by numeric or character strings

(alias). For example, rule deny tcp destination-port eq 80 can be represented by
rule deny tcp destination-port eq www. Table 2-7 and Table 2-8 list the
commonly used TCP ports and UDP ports respectively, and provide the
corresponding character strings.

Table 2-7 Commonly used TCP ports and character strings

Port Character String Protocol Description


7 echo Echo Echo service.

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Port Character String Protocol Description


9 discard Discard Null service used for

connectivity test.

13 daytime Daytime Daytime protocol.

19 CHARgen Character generator Character Generator


20 ftp-data FTP data FTP data port.


21 ftp File Transfer File Transfer

Protocol(FTP) Protocol (FTP) port.

23 telnet Telnet Telnet service.

25 smtp Simple Mail Simple Mail Transfer

Transport Protocol Protocol (SMTP).

37 time Time Time protocol.

43 whois Nicname (WHOIS) Directory service.

49 tacacs TAC Access Control Access control

System (TACACS) system based on
(TACACS login host

53 domain Domain Name Domain name

Service (DNS) service.

70 gopher Gopher Information index

protocol (document
searching and
indexing on the

79 finger Finger Queries online user

information on a
remote host.

80 www World Wide Web Protocol used by the

(HTTP) WWW service. HTTP
is used to browse
web pages.

101 hostname NIC hostname Host name service

server on the NIC machine.

109 pop2 Post Office Protocol Email protocol

v2 version 2.

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Port Character String Protocol Description


110 pop3 Post Office Protocol Email protocol

v3 version 3.

111 sunrpc Sun Remote RPC protocol of

Procedure Call (RPC) SUN. It is used to
remotely execute
commands and used
by the network file
system (NFS).

119 nntp Network News Network News

Transport Protocol Transfer Protocol for
(NNTP) retrieval of
messages. It carries

179 bgp Border Gateway Border Gateway

Protocol (BGP) Protocol (BGP).

194 irc Internet Relay Chat Internet Relay Chat

(IRC) (IRC) protocol.

512 exec Exec (rsh) Authenticates

remote process.

513 login Login (rlogin) Remote login.

514 cmd Remote commands Used to execute

commands on a
remote system
(rshell, rcp).

515 lpd Printer service Line Printer

Daemon. It is a print

517 talk Talk Remotely talks with

server and client.

540 uucp Unix-to-Unix Copy Unix-to-Unix copy

Program protocol.

543 klogin Kerberos login Kerberos login

protocol version 5.

544 kshell Kerberos shell Kerberos Remote

shell protocol
version 5.

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Table 2-8 Commonly used UDP ports and character strings

Port Character String Protocol Description

7 echo Echo Echo service.

9 discard Discard Null service used for

connectivity test.

37 time Time Time protocol.

42 nameserver Host Name Server Host name service.

53 dns Domain Name Domain name

Service (DNS) service.

65 tacacs-ds TACACS-Database TACACS database

Service service.

67 bootps Bootstrap Protocol Bootstrap Protocol

Server (BOOTP) Server,
also used by
Dynamic Host
Protocol (DHCP).

68 bootpc Bootstrap Protocol Bootstrap Protocol

Client (BOOTP) Client, also
used by Dynamic
Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP).

69 tftp Trivial File Transfer Trivial File Transfer

Protocol (TFTP) Protocol (TFTP).

90 dnsix DNSIX Security DoD Network

Attribute Token Map Security for
Exchange (DNSIX)
Security Attribute
Token Map.

111 sunrpc SUN Remote RPC protocol of

Procedure Call (SUN SUN. It is used to
RPC) remotely execute
commands and used
by the network file
system (NFS).

123 ntp Network Time Network Time

Protocol (NTP) Protocol (NTP),
which may be
utilized by worm

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Port Character String Protocol Description


137 netbios-ns NETBIOS Name NETBIOS name

Service service.

138 netbios-dgm NETBIOS Datagram NETBIOS datagram

Service service.

139 netbios-ssn NETBIOS Session NETBIOS session

Service service.

161 snmp SNMP Simple Network

Protocol (SNMP).

162 snmptrap SNMPTRAP SNMP trap.

177 xdmcp X Display Manager X Display Manager

Control Protocol Control Protocol

434 mobilip-ag MobileIP-Agent Mobile IP agent.

435 mobilip-mn MobileIP-MN Mobile IP


512 biff Mail notify Notifies user of

received emails.

513 who Who Login user list.

514 syslog Syslog UNIX system log


517 talk Talk Remotely talks with

server and client.

520 rip Routing Information RIP routing protocol.


TCP Flag
Format: tcp-flag { ack | established | fin | psh | rst | syn | urg }*

When the TCP protocol is specified in an advanced ACL, the device filters packets
based on the TCP flag.

A TCP packet header contains six flag bits:

● URG(100000): indicates that the Urgent pointer field is significant.
● ACK(010000): indicates that the Acknowledgment field is significant.
● PSH(001000): push function. Asks to push the buffered data to the receiving
● RST(000100): resets the connection.

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● SYN(000010): synchronizes sequence numbers to initiate a connection.

● FIN(000001): no more data from sender.
The established field in TCP flags indicates that the flag bit is ACK(010000) or
The ACL rule with the tcp-flag keyword specified can implement unidirectional
access control. For example, it is required that users on network segment can access network segment, but users on network
segment cannot access network segment To meet
this requirement, you can apply an ACL rule to the inbound direction of the
interface connecting to network segment
From TCP connection setup to teardown only the packets used for TCP connection
establishment can have the ACK value of 1 and RST value of 1. According to the
packet characteristics, configure the following rules to permit the packets used for
establishing TCP connections and reject other TCP packets. In this way, you can
block the TCP connection requests from network segment
● Rule 1: Configure an ACL rule with the ack and rst keywords specified.
rule 5 permit tcp source tcp-flag ack //Permit the TCP packets with the ACK
value of 1.
rule 10 permit tcp source tcp-flag rst //Permit the TCP packets with the RST
value of 1.
rule 15 deny tcp source //Reject other TCP packets.
● Rule 2: Configure an ACL rule with the established keyword specified.
rule permit tcp source tcp-flag established //established indicates that ACK is 1
or RST is 1. The packets exchanged during TCP connection established are permitted.
rule deny tcp source //Reject other TCP packets.

IP Fragmentation
Format: fragment
A basic ACL and an advanced ACL can filter packets based on IP fragmentation
The fragments of an IP packet include the initial fragment and non-initial
fragments. Only the initial fragment contains Layer 4 information, such as TCP
and UDP port numbers. A network device checks whether a received fragment is
the last fragment. If the fragment is not the last, the device allocates memory
space for it, and reassembles the fragments after the last fragment is received.
The device does not release memory until the last fragment is received and all
fragments are reassembled. However, an exploit exists whereby an attacker may
send fragments to a device without sending the last fragment. If a large enough
number of fragments are sent in a short period, the device cannot process other
services due to insufficient memory resources. To mitigate such an attack, the
device starts a reassembling timer. If reassembly cannot be finished before the
timer expires, the device returns an ICMP Error packet to the sender. If reassembly
cannot be finished after the timer expires, the device discards the fragments
stored in memory.
To prevent fragment packet attacks, you can specify the fragment keyword in an
ACL rule to block non-initial fragments.
Table 2-9 describes how the ACLs process non-fragment packets, initial fragments,
and non-initial fragments.

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Table 2-9 IP packet processing methods

Matching Non-fragment Initial Fragments Non-initial
Conditions Packets Fragments

Layer 3 When packets When packets When packets

informatio match Layer 3 match Layer 3 match Layer 3
n (such as information, the information, the information, the
source/ matching result matching result matching result
destination (permit or deny) is (permit or deny) is (permit or deny) is
IP returned; otherwise, returned; otherwise, returned; otherwise,
addresses) the next rule is the next rule is the next rule is
processed. processed. processed.

Layer 3 When packets When packets The packets do not

informatio match both Layer 3 match both Layer 3 match the rule, so
n and and Layer 4 and Layer 4 the next rule is
Layer 4 information, the information, the processed.
informatio matching result matching result
n (such as (permit or deny) is (permit or deny) is
TCP and returned; otherwise, returned; otherwise,
UDP port the next rule is the next rule is
numbers) processed. processed.

Layer 3 The packets do not The packets do not When packets

informatio match the rule, so match the rule, so match Layer 3
n and the next rule is the next rule is information, the
fragment processed. processed. matching result
(permit or deny) is
returned; otherwise,
the next rule is

For example, ACL 3012 contains the following rules:

acl number 3012
rule 5 deny tcp destination 0 fragment
rule 10 permit tcp destination 0 destination-port eq www
rule 15 deny ip

A TCP packet has a destination IP address of

● This packet is a non-fragment packet or initial fragment: If the destination
port number is 80 (WWW), this packet matches rule 10 and is permitted.
Otherwise, the packet matches rule 15 and is discarded.
● The packet is a non-initial fragment: The packet matches rule 5 and is

2.2.6 Time Range

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An ACL contains various matching conditions to filter most packets. However,
networks continue to evolve and requirements change. For example, an enterprise
allows employees to access only the specified websites during work hours, and to
access other websites in off-hours and weekends. Here is another example. The
P2P and downloading services affect other data services during the peak hours of
20:00-22:00. Therefore, the network administrator is required to lower the
bandwidth for the P2P and downloading services in this period.

Time-based ACL can meet the preceding requirements. The network

administrators can create one or multiple time ranges according to users' network
access behaviors and network congestion condition, and associate the time ranges
with ACL rules. In this way, administrators can configure different policies in
different time ranges to optimize networks.

Time Range Mode

You can associate a time range with ACL rules in either of the following ways:

● Mode 1 - Periodic time range: defines a time range based on weeks. The
associated ACL rules take effect at an interval of one week. For example, if
the time range of ACL rules is 8:00-12:00 on Monday, the ACL rules take
effect at 8:00-12:00 on every Monday.
Format: time-range time-name start-time to end-time { days } &<1-7>
– time-name: indicates the name of a time range. It is a string starting with
a letter.
– start-time to end-time: indicates the start and end time of the time
range. The format is [hour:minute] to [hour:minute].
– days: includes the following values:

▪ One of Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, and Sun or a combination of
them. The value can also be numeric. For example, 0 indicates
Sunday, 1 indicates Monday..., and 6 indicates Saturday.

▪ working-day: from Monday to Friday.

▪ daily: from Monday to Sunday.

▪ off-day: Saturday and Sunday.

● Mode 2 - Absolute time range: defines a time range from YYYY/MM/DD
hh:mm to YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm. The associated ACL rules take effect only in
this period.
Format: time-range time-name from time1 date1 [ to time2 date2 ]
– time-name: indicates the name of a time range. It is a string starting with
a letter.
– time1/time2: The format is [hour:minute].
– date1/date2: The format is [YYYY/MM/DD], indicating year/month/date.
You can specify multiple time ranges in the same time-name parameter. The
device obtains the intersection of the configured periodic or absolute time ranges.

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For example, ACL 2001 is associated with time range test, which contains three
time-range test 8:00 to 18:00 working-day
time-range test 14:00 to 18:00 off-day
time-range test from 00:00 2014/01/01 to 23:59 2014/12/31
acl number 2001
rule 5 permit time-range test

● Sub-range 1: 8:00-18:00 from Monday to Friday (periodic time range)

● Sub-range 2: 14:00-18:00 on Saturday and Sunday (periodic time range)
● Sub-range 3: from 2014-1-1 00:00 to 2014-12-31 23:59 (absolute time range)

The time range test is: 8:00-18:00 on Monday to Friday and 14:00-18:00 every
Saturday and Sunday in 2014.

2.2.7 Default ACL Actions and Mechanisms of Different

Service Modules

Applying ACL to Service Modules

After an ACL is configured, it must be applied to a service module so that the ACL
rules can be delivered and take effect.

Usually, an ACL is applied to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy. This enables
the device to deliver ACL rules globally, in a VLAN, or on an interface to filter
packets to be forwarded. In addition, an ACL can be applied to the service
modules such as Telnet, FTP, and routing.

Table 2-10 describes how the service modules process ACLs.

Table 2-10 Applying ACLs to service modules

Service Usage Scenario Service Modules


Filtering The device filters received Traffic policy, simplified

packets to be packets globally, on an traffic policy
forwarded interface, or in a VLAN, and
then discards, modifies
priorities of, or redirects the
filtered packets.
For example, you can use ACL
to reduce the service level for
the bandwidth-consuming
services, such as P2P
downloading and online video.
When network congestion
occurs, these packets are
discarded first.

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Service Usage Scenario Service Modules


Filtering If too many protocol packets Blacklist

packets to be are sent to the CPU, the CPU
sent to the usage increases and CPU
CPU performance degrades. The
device restricts the packets to
be sent to the CPU.
For example, when a user sends
a large number of ARP attack
packets to the device, the CPU
is busy and service is
interrupted. You can apply an
ACL to the local attack defense
service, and add the user to the
blacklist so that the CPU
discards the packets from this

Login control The device controls access Telnet, STelnet, FTP, SFTP,
permission of users. Only HTTP, SNMP
authorized users can log in to
the device, and other users
cannot log in without
permission. This ensures
network security.
For example, only the
administrator is allowed to log
in to the device. You can apply
an ACL to the Telnet service
and specify the hosts that can
log in to the device or the hosts
that cannot log in.

Route filtering ACLs can be applied to various BGP, IS-IS, OSPF, OSPFv3, RIP,
dynamic routing protocols to RIPng, multicast protocol
filter advertised and received
routes and multicast groups.
For example, you can apply an
ACL to a routing policy to
prevent the device from
sending routes of a network
segment to the neighboring

Default ACL Actions and Mechanisms

When an ACL is applied to service modules, the modules take different actions on
the packets matching or not matching ACL rules.
For example, the default action of a traffic policy is permit and an ACL containing
rules is applied to the traffic policy. If a packet does not match any ACL rules, the

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packet is permitted. The default action of the Telnet module is deny and an ACL
containing rules is applied to the Telnet module. If a packet does not match any
ACL rules, the packet is rejected.
The blacklist module processes ACL in a different way. After an ACL is applied to a
blacklist, the packets matching any ACL rule are discarded no matter whether they
match the permit or deny rule.
Table 2-11, Table 2-12, and Table 2-13 provide the default ACL actions and
mechanisms taken by each service module.

Table 2-11 Default ACL actions and mechanisms of different service modules
Default Telnet STelnet HTTP FTP TFTP

Default deny deny deny deny deny

ACL Action

Packets permit permit permit permit permit

Match the (allowed to (allowed to (allowed to (allowed to (allowed to
permit log in) log in) log in) log in) log in)

Packets deny (not deny (not deny (not deny (not deny (not
Match the allowed to allowed to allowed to allowed to allowed to
deny Rule log in) log in) log in) log in) log in)

Packets Do deny (not deny (not deny (not deny (not deny (not
Not Match allowed to allowed to allowed to allowed to allowed to
Any Rule in log in) log in) log in) log in) log in)
an ACL

An ACL permit permit permit permit permit

Does Not (allowed to (allowed to (allowed to (allowed to (allowed to
Contain log in) log in) log in) log in) log in)

ACL Is Not permit permit permit permit permit

Created (allowed to (allowed to (allowed to (allowed to (allowed to
log in) log in) log in) log in) log in)

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Table 2-12 Default ACL actions and mechanisms of different service modules
Default SFTP SNMP Traffic Simplified Local
ACL policy traffic attack
actions policy defense
and policy
mechanis (blacklist)

Default deny deny permit permit permit

ACL Action

Packets permit permit ● When permit (the deny

Match the (allowed to (allowed to the device (discarded)
permit log in) log in) traffic takes the
Rule behavio action
r is defined in
permit, the
the simplified
packets traffic
are policy)
● When
r is
● When
r is
in traffic

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Default SFTP SNMP Traffic Simplified Local

ACL policy traffic attack
actions policy defense
and policy
mechanis (blacklist)

Packets deny (not deny (not deny ● When deny

Match the allowed to allowed to (discarded) the (discarded)
deny Rule log in) log in) NOTE action
The switch in the
takes the simplifie
action d traffic
defined in
policy is
the traffic
behavior traffic-
only when filter or
the traffic traffic-
behavior is secure:
traffic deny
collection, ● When
MAC the
address action
learning in the
or traffic
mirroring. d traffic
policy is

Packets Do deny (not deny (not permit permit permit

Not Match allowed to allowed to (traffic (simplified (blacklist
Any Rule in log in) log in) policy does traffic does not
an ACL not take policy does take effect,
effect, and not take and
packets are effect, and packets are
forwarded packets are forwarded)
without forwarded
the without
restriction the
of traffic restriction
policy) of

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Default SFTP SNMP Traffic Simplified Local

ACL policy traffic attack
actions policy defense
and policy
mechanis (blacklist)

An ACL permit permit permit permit permit

Does Not (allowed to (allowed to (traffic (simplified (blacklist
Contain log in) log in) policy does traffic does not
Rules not take policy does take effect,
effect, and not take and
packets are effect, and packets are
forwarded packets are forwarded)
without forwarded
the without
restriction the
of traffic restriction
policy) of

ACL Is Not permit permit permit permit permit

Created (allowed to (allowed to (traffic (simplified (blacklist
log in) log in) policy does traffic does not
not take policy does take effect,
effect, and not take and
packets are effect, and packets are
forwarded packets are forwarded)
without forwarded
the without
restriction the
of traffic restriction
policy) of

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Table 2-13 Default ACL actions and mechanisms of different service modules
Default ACL Route Policy Filter Policy igmp- igmp-
actions and snooping snooping
mechanisms ssm-policy group-policy

Default ACL deny deny deny ● When

Action default-
permit is
● When
permit is

Packets ● When the permit (route permit (added ● When

Match the matching advertisement to SSM group default-
permit Rule mode is or reception is address permit is
permit: allowed) range) configured:
permit permit
(routing (added to
policy is multicast
enforced) group)
● When the ● When
matching default-
mode is permit is
deny: deny not
(routing configured:
policy is permit
not (added to
enforced) multicast

Packets deny (routing deny (route deny (not ● When

Match the policy does advertisement added to SSM default-
deny Rule not take or reception is group address permit is
effect) not allowed) range) configured:
deny (not
added to
● When
permit is
deny (not
added to

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Default ACL Route Policy Filter Policy igmp- igmp-

actions and snooping snooping
mechanisms ssm-policy group-policy

Packets Do deny (routing deny (route deny (not ● When

Not Match policy does advertisement added to SSM default-
Any Rule in not take or reception is group address permit is
an ACL effect) not allowed) range) configured:
(added to
● When
permit is
deny (not
added to

An ACL Does permit deny (route deny (not ● When

Not Contain (routing advertisement added to SSM default-
Rules policy takes or reception is group address permit is
effect on all not allowed) range, and no configured:
routes) group is in permit
the SSM (added to
group address multicast
range) group)
● When
permit is
deny (not
added to

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Default ACL Route Policy Filter Policy igmp- igmp-

actions and snooping snooping
mechanisms ssm-policy group-policy

ACL Is Not deny (routing permit (route deny (not ● When

Created policy does advertisement added to SSM default-
not take or reception is group address permit is
effect) allowed) range, and configured:
only the permit
temporary (added to
group multicast
addresses group) ● When
255.255.255 default-
are in the permit is
SSM group not
address configured:
range) deny (not
added to

2.2.8 ACL Configuration Guidelines

When configuring ACL rules, follow these guidelines:
1. The rules in an ACL may overlap. If packets match the rules with loose
conditions, the later ACL rules are not processed. In this case, packets cannot
match the rules with strict conditions. Therefore, the rules with strict
conditions must be arranged in front lines and those with loose conditions
must be arranged towards the end.
2. The ACL configuration guidelines vary according to the default ACL actions
taken by the service modules (for details, see 2.2.7 Default ACL Actions and
Mechanisms of Different Service Modules). For example, if a service module
with the default action of permit must deny the packets from some IP
addresses, deny rules only for these IP addresses need to be configured; a
permit rule for any IP address is not required. The converse is true for a
service module whose default action is deny. Table 2-14 describes the ACL
configuration guidelines.

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The following rules are for reference. Adhere to the command line syntax when configuring
ACL rules.
● rule permit xxx/rule permit xxxx: allows the specified packets to pass. xxx/xxxx
indicates packet attributes, such as source IP address, source MAC address, and time
range. The range xxxx involves the range xxx. For example, if xxx is an IP address, xxxx
is the network segment where the IP address resides or any (any IP address); if xxx is a
time range on Saturday, xxxx is all day long on weekends or from Monday to Sunday.
● rule deny xxx/rule deny xxxx: blocks the specified packets.
● rule permit: allows all packets to pass.
● rule deny: blocks all packets.

Table 2-14 ACL configuration guidelines

Defaul Permit All Deny All Permit a Few Deny a Few
t ACL Packets Packets Packets and Packets and
Action Deny Most Permit Most
Packets Packets

permit No ACL is Configure rule Configure rule Only rule

required. deny. permit xxx deny xxx is
first, and then required, and
rule deny rule permit
xxxx or rule xxxx or rule
deny. permit is not
NOTE required.
This guideline NOTE
applies to If rule permit
packet is configured
filtering. When and ACL is
an ACL is applied to a
applied to traffic policy in
traffic policing which the
or traffic behavior is
statistics deny, all
collection in a packets are
traffic policy, rejected and
configure rule all services are
permit xxx if interrupted.
you only need
to count rate
or collect
statistics on
the specified

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Defaul Permit All Deny All Permit a Few Deny a Few

t ACL Packets Packets Packets and Packets and
Action Deny Most Permit Most
Packets Packets

deny ● Routing ● Routing Only rule Configure rule

and and permit xxx is deny xxx first,
multicast multicast required, and and then rule
module: modules: rule deny permit xxxx
Configure ACL is not xxxx or rule or rule
rule required. deny is not permit.
permit. ● Other required.
● Other modules:
modules: Configure
ACL is not rule deny.

– Example 1: Apply an ACL to a traffic policy to filter packets from network
segment Reject the packets from hosts and, and allow the packets from other hosts on network segment to pass.
The default ACL action of the traffic policy module is permit, and a few
packets are denied and most packets are permitted. Therefore, you only
need to configure rule deny xxx.
acl number 2000
rule 5 deny source 0
rule 10 deny source 0
– Example 2: Apply an ACL to a traffic policy to filter packets from network
segment Allow the packets from hosts and to pass, and reject the packets from other hosts on network
The default ACL action of the traffic policy module is permit, and a few
packets are permitted and most packets are denied. Therefore, you need
to configure rule permit xxx first, and then rule deny xxxx.
acl number 2000
rule 5 permit source 0
rule 10 permit source 0
rule 15 deny source
– Example 3: Apply an ACL to Telnet, to allow only the administrator's host
( to Telnet to the device and reject other users.
The default ACL action of the Telnet module is deny, and a few packets
are permitted and most packets are denied. Therefore, you only need to
configure rule permit xxx.
acl number 2000
rule 5 permit source 0

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

– Example 4: Apply an ACL to Telnet, to forbid two hosts ( and to Telnet to the device and allow other user hosts to Telnet
to the device.
The default ACL action of the Telnet module is deny, and a few packets
are denied and most packets are permitted. Therefore, you need to
configure rule deny xxx first, and then rule permit.
acl number 2000
rule 5 deny source 0
rule 10 deny source 0
rule 15 permit

– Example 5: Apply an ACL to FTP to prevent users from accessing the FTP
server from 00:00-08:00 every Saturday.
The default ACL action of the FTP module is deny, and a few packets are
denied and most packets are permitted. Therefore, you need to configure
rule deny xxx first, and then rule permit xxxx.
time-range t1 00:00 to 08:00 Sat
time-range t2 00:00 to 23:59 daily
acl number 2000
rule 5 deny time-range t1
rule 10 permit time-range t2

2.3 Application Scenarios for ACLs

2.3.1 Using an ACL to Control Telnet Login Rights

To allow only specified Telnet clients to access a Telnet server, you can apply an
ACL to the Telnet module.

In Figure 2-4, to manage the remote Telnet server conveniently, the administrator
configures AAA authentication on the Telnet server. Only the Telnet users passing
the AAA authentication can log in to the server. In addition, an ACL-based login
control policy is configured on the server so that only the administrator's PC can
log in to the server.

Figure 2-4 Using an ACL to control Telnet login rights


PC Telnet Server

2.3.2 Applying an ACL to SNMP to Filter NMSs

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

To control which NMSs can access a device, you can apply an ACL to the SNMP
In Figure 2-5, to manage the remote switch conveniently, the administrator
configures the SNMP agent service on the switch so that the agent can report the
switch's status to the NMS in a timely manner and the NMS can remotely control
the switch. In addition, an ACL-based NMS access right control is configured to
allow only the trusted NMS (NMS2) to manage the switch.

Figure 2-5 Applying an ACL to SNMP to filter NMSs

NMS1 IP Network


2.3.3 Using an ACL to Restrict Mutual Access Between

Network Segments
Unrestricted mutual access between different network segments brings security
risks. To restrict users' access to network segments on which they do not reside,
you can apply an ACL to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy.
In Figure 2-6, the financial department and the marketing department reside on
separate network segments. Information leak may occur if the two departments
have unrestricted access to each other. Therefore, to restrict mutual access
between the two departments, an ACL-based traffic policy or simplified traffic
policy is applied in the inbound direction of the interfaces (Interface 1 and
Interface 2).

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Figure 2-6 Using an ACL to restrict mutual access between network segments


Financial e1


2 Switch Router
t e rfa


2.3.4 Using an ACL to Prevent Certain Users from Accessing

the Internet in the Specified Time Range
To prevent certain users from accessing the Internet in a specified time range, you
can apply an ACL to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy.
In Figure 2-7, the enterprise intranet connects to the Internet through a switch.
Some employees access non-work-related websites in work hours, lowering their
work efficiency. Therefore, to prevent these employees from accessing the Internet
in work hours and allow access in off-hours, a time-based ACL is configured and
an ACL-based traffic policy or simplified traffic policy is applied to the inbound
direction of Interface 1, which connects to these employees.

Figure 2-7 Using an ACL to prevent certain users from accessing the Internet in
the specified time range

MAC: 00e0-f201-0101

Interface 1
HostB LSW Switch Router
MAC: 00e0-f201-0102

MAC: 00e0-f201-0103

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

2.3.5 Using an ACL in QoS to Implement Traffic Policing

To monitor the rate of different traffic entering the network and penalize excess
traffic, you can apply an ACL to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy. In this
way, you can restrict the rate of traffic entering the network to guarantee network
In Figure 2-8, VLAN 100, VLAN 110, and VLAN 120 of an enterprise network
provide the data, video, and voice services, respectively. ACL-based traffic policing
is configured to ensure the service quality of data is higher than that of video, and
that of video is higher than that of voice. ACL-based traffic policing classifies
different service flows of the enterprise based on VLAN IDs and limits the rate of
packets that match ACL rules. In this way, the traffic rates of different services can
be controlled and bandwidth for the services can be guaranteed.

Figure 2-8 Using an ACL in QoS to implement traffic policing


VLAN 120


VLAN 100 LSW Switch Router


internal network Traffic direction
VLAN 110

2.3.6 Using an ACL to Filter OSPF Routes

An ACL can be applied to various dynamic routing protocols to filter advertised
and received routes.
In Figure 2-9, the network runs the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol.
SwitchA receives routes from the Internet and advertises the routes to the OSPF
network. The OSPF network is allowed to access only three network segments:,, and The network connected to
SwitchC is allowed to access only the network segment
To meet the preceding requirements, an ACL and a routing policy are configured
on SwitchA. This routing policy permits SwitchA to advertise only the routes on
network segments,, and to SwitchB,
so that the OSPF network can access only these three network segments. An ACL
and a routing policy are also configured on SwitchC. The routing policy permits
SwitchC to receive only the route, so that the network connected
to SwitchC can access only the network segment

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Figure 2-9 Using an ACL to filter OSPF routes
Interface 1 Interface 3
Interface 2 Interface 4
SwitchC SwitchB SwitchA


2.4 Licensing Requirements and Limitations for ACLs

Involved Network Elements
Other network elements are not required.

Licensing Requirements
ACL configuration commands are available only after the S1720GW, S1720GWR,
and S1720X have the license (WEB management to full management Electronic
RTU License) loaded and activated and the switches are restarted. ACL
configuration commands on other models are not under license control.

For details about how to apply for a license, see S Series Switch License Use

Version Requirements

Table 2-15 Products and versions supporting ACL

Product Product Software Version


S1700 S1720GFR V200R006C10, V200R009C00, V200R010C00,

V200R011C00, V200R011C10

S1720GW V200R010C00, V200R011C00, V200R011C10


S1720GW- V200R010C00, V200R011C00, V200R011C10

E and

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Product Product Software Version


S1720X V200R011C00, V200R011C10


Other Models that cannot be configured using commands.

S1700 For details about features and versions, see S1700
models Documentation Bookshelf.

S2700 S2700SI Not supported.

S2700EI V100R005C01, V100R006(C00&C01&C03&C05)

S2710SI V100R006(C03&C05)

S2720EI V200R006C10, V200R009C00, V200R010C00,


S2750EI V200R003C00, V200R005C00SPC300, V200R006C00,

V200R007C00, V200R008C00, V200R009C00,
V200R010C00, V200R011C00, V200R011C10

S3700 S3700SI V100R005C01, V100R006(C00&C01&C03&C05)


S3700HI V100R006C01, V200R001C00

S5700 S5700LI V200R001C00, V200R002C00,

V200R003(C00&C02&C10), V200R005C00SPC300,
V200R006C00, V200R007C00, V200R008C00,
V200R009C00, V200R010C00, V200R011C00,

S5700S-LI V200R001C00, V200R002C00, V200R003C00,

V200R005C00SPC300, V200R006C00, V200R007C00,
V200R008C00, V200R009C00, V200R010C00,
V200R011C00, V200R011C10

S5710-C-LI V200R001C00

S5710-X-LI V200R008C00, V200R009C00, V200R010C00,

V200R011C00, V200R011C10

S5700SI V100R005C01, V100R006C00, V200R001C00,

V200R002C00, V200R003C00, V200R005C00

S5700EI V100R005C01, V100R006(C00&C01),

V200R001(C00&C01), V200R002C00, V200R003C00,

S5710EI V200R001C00, V200R002C00, V200R003C00,


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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Product Product Software Version


S5720EI V200R007C00, V200R008C00, V200R009C00,

V200R010C00, V200R011C00, V200R011C10

S5720LI V200R010C00, V200R011C00, V200R011C10


S5720SI V200R008C00, V200R009C00, V200R010C00,

and V200R011C00, V200R011C10

S5700HI V100R006C01, V200R001(C00&C01), V200R002C00,

V200R003C00, V200R005(C00SPC500&C01&C02)

S5710HI V200R003C00, V200R005(C00&C02&C03)

S5720HI V200R006C00, V200R007(C00&C10), V200R008C00,

V200R009C00, V200R010C00, V200R011C00,

S5730SI V200R011C10

S5730S-EI V200R011C10

S6700 S6700EI V100R006C00, V200R001(C00&C01), V200R002C00,

V200R003C00, V200R005(C00&C01&C02)

S6720LI V200R011C00, V200R011C10


S6720SI V200R011C00, V200R011C10


S6720EI V200R008C00, V200R009C00, V200R010C00,

V200R011C00, V200R011C10

S6720S-EI V200R009C00, V200R010C00, V200R011C00,


To know details about software mappings, see Hardware Query Tool.

Feature Limitations
When creating ACL rules:
● If an ACL rule that you want to create already exists, the system does not
create the rule again.
● If the specified rule ID already exists and the new rule conflicts with the
original rule, the new rule replaces the original rule.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

When configuring ACL rules:

● Repeated ACL names can only be used between basic ACL and basic ACL6,
and between advanced ACL and advanced ACL6.
● The match order of an ACL affects packet matching results. Therefore,
consider the match order when configuring rules. If the match-order
parameter is not specified when you create an ACL, the default match order
config is used.
● When the first rule of an ACL is created without the rule-id parameter
specified, the switch uses the step value as the rule ID. If an ACL has the rules
with manually configured IDs and a new rule is added without the rule-id
parameter specified, the system allocates the minimum multiple of the step
value which is greater than the largest rule ID in the ACL to this new rule. In
addition, a rule ID must be an integer. This rule is located at the bottom of
the ACL. For example, an ACL contains rule 5 and rule 12, and the default
step is 5. When a new rule needs to be added to the ACL, the system
allocates ID 15 to this new rule (15 is greater than 12 and is the minimum
multiple of 5).
● If the rule-id parameter is not specified when you configure an ACL6, the
switch automatically allocates rule IDs. The allocated rule IDs start from 0
and increase by 1 each time a rule is created. If a rule ID is in use, the next
one is allocated. For example, if an ACL6 contains rule 0, rule 1, and rule 3,
the system allocates 2 to a new rule when the rule-id is not manually
● To associate a time range with an ACL rule, ensure that the system time of
the switch is the same as that of other devices on the network; otherwise, the
rule cannot take effect. The time-name must already exist; otherwise, the rule
cannot be bound to the time range.
● When the source source-address source-wildcard or destination destination-
address destination-wildcard parameter is specified in a rule, the IP address
wildcard mask (source-wildcard or destination-wildcard) is an inverse mask
similar to the IP address inverse subnet mask.
● If the vpn-instance vpn-instance-name parameter is not specified for an ACL
rule, the switch matches the packets of both public and private networks.

When applying ACL rules:

● Apply an ACL to a correct direction of an interface. If an ACL is applied to an
inbound direction of an interface, the switch matches the packets received by
this interface against ACL rules; if an ACL is applied to an outbound direction
of an interface, the switch matches the packets sent by this interface against
ACL rules.
● If an ACL rule defines deny and ACL-based traffic policy or ACL-based traffic-
filter is applied to the outbound direction on the S5720EI, S5720HI, S6720EI,
and S6720S-EI, control packets of ICMP, OSPF, BGP, RIP, SNMP, and Telnet sent
by the CPU are discarded. This affects relevant protocol functions.
● When WLAN service is configured on the switch, the switch can deliver only
the following types of ACL rules to APs:
a. Rules 0-127 of advanced ACLs 3000-3031
b. Rules 0-127 of Layer 2 ACLs 4000-4031 (supported in V200R010 and later

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

c. Rules 0-127 of user ACLs 6000-6031

● When an ACL is applied to a physical interface configured with a sub-
interface, the ACL also takes effect on the sub-interface.
When deleting ACL rules:
The undo rule command deletes an ACL rule even if the ACL rule is referenced. (If
a simplified traffic policy references a specified rule in an ACL, this command does
not take effect.) Before deleting a rule, ensure that the rule is not being
ACL resource allocation mode:
To configure the ACL resource allocation mode for an S5720HI, run the assign
resource-template acl-mode command.

Table 2-16 ACL specifications in different resource allocation modes

Resource Maximu Maximu Maximu Maximu Maximu Total
Allocatio m m m m m Number
n Mode Number Number Number Number Number of ACLs
of IPv4 of Layer of IPv6 of Layer of Layer
ACLs 2+IPv4 ACLs 2+IPv6 2 ACLs

dual- 16K 16K 8K 8K 16K 16K(IPV4

ipv4-ipv6 )

l2-ipv4 32K 32K 0 0 32K 32K

l2-ipv6 0 0 16K 16K 16K 16K

ipv4 64K 0 0 0 0 64K

l2 0 0 0 0 64K 64K

2.5 Summary of ACL Configuration Tasks

The device supports the following types of ACLs: basic ACL, advanced ACL, Layer 2
ACL, user ACL, user-defined ACL, basic ACL6 and advanced ACL6.
Table 2-17 lists ACL configuration tasks. The configuration tasks can be performed
in any sequence. You need to select at least one of them.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Table 2-17 ACL configuration tasks

Scenario Description Task

Configure and apply a A basic ACL defines rules 2.7 Configuring and
basic ACL. to filter IPv4 packets Applying a Basic ACL
based on information
such as source IP
addresses, fragment
information, and time
If you only need to filter
packets based on source
IP addresses, you can
configure a basic ACL.

Configure and apply an An advanced ACL defines 2.8 Configuring and

advanced ACL. rules to filter IPv4 Applying an Advanced
packets based on source ACL
IP addresses, destination
IP addresses, IP protocol
types, TCP source/
destination port
numbers, UDP source/
destination port
numbers, fragment
information, and time
Compared with a basic
ACL, an advanced ACL is
more accurate, flexible,
and provides more
functions. For example, if
you want to filter
packets based on source
and destination IP
addresses, configure an
advanced ACL.

Configure and apply a A Layer 2 ACL defines 2.9 Configuring and

Layer 2 ACL. rules to filter IPv4 and Applying a Layer 2 ACL
IPv6 packets based on
Ethernet frame
information, such as
source MAC addresses,
destination MAC
addresses, VLANs, and
Layer 2 protocol types.
If you only need to filter
packets based on Layer 2
information, configure a
Layer 2 ACL.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Scenario Description Task

Configure and apply a A user-defined ACL 2.10 Configuring and

user-defined ACL. defines rules based on Applying a User-
packet headers, offsets, Defined ACL
character string masks,
and user-defined
character strings. With
such a user-defined ACL
configured, the system
performs an AND
operation on the packet
bytes from a certain
position behind the
packet header and the
character string mask,
compares the extracted
character string against
the user-defined
character string, and
then filters IPv4 and IPv6
Compared with basic
ACL, advanced ACL, and
Layer 2 ACL, user-
defined ACL is more
accurate, flexible, and
provides more functions.
For example, if you want
to filter ARP packets
based on source IP
addresses and ARP
packet types, you can
configure a user-defined

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Scenario Description Task

Configure and apply a A user ACL defines rules 2.11 Configuring and
user ACL. to filter IPv4 packets Applying a User ACL
based on the source IP
addresses or source User
Control List (UCL)
groups, destination IP
addresses or destination
UCL groups, IP protocol
types, ICMP types, TCP
source/destination port
numbers, UDP source/
destination port
numbers, and time
To filter packets based
on UCL groups, configure
a user ACL.

Configure and apply a A basic ACL6 defines 2.12 Configuring and

basic ACL6. rules to filter IPv6 Applying a Basic ACL6
packets based on
information such as
source IPv6 addresses,
fragment information,
and time ranges.
If you only need to filter
packets based on source
IPv6 addresses, you can
configure a basic ACL6.

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Scenario Description Task

Configure and apply an An advanced ACL6 2.13 Configuring and

advanced ACL6. defines rules to filter Applying an Advanced
IPv6 packets based on ACL6
source IPv6 addresses,
destination IPv6
addresses, IPv6 protocol
types, TCP source/
destination port
numbers, UDP source/
destination port
numbers, fragment
information, and time
Compared with a basic
ACL6, an advanced ACL6
is more accurate, flexible,
and provides more
functions. For example, if
you want to filter
packets based on source
and destination IPv6
addresses, configure an
advanced ACL6.

2.6 Default Settings for ACLs

Table 2-18 describes the default settings for the ACL.

Table 2-18 Default settings for ACLs

Parameter Default Setting

Step 5
The ACL6 does not support the step.

Matching order Configuration order

2.7 Configuring and Applying a Basic ACL

2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL

Takes Effect

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

By default, an ACL always takes effect after it is applied to a service module. To
make ACL rules work only in a certain period, you can define a time range and
associate it with the ACL rules. In this way, services can be controlled through a
time-based ACL. For example, with a time-based ACL, an enterprise can forbid
employees to access the Internet during work hours and limit bandwidth for
bandwidth-consuming services such as P2P and downloading services during peak
hours to avoid network congestion.
Time ranges associated with ACL rules are classified into:
● Periodic time range: defines a time range by week. The associated ACL rules
take effect at an interval of one week. For example, if the time range of ACL
rules is 8:00-12:00 on Monday, the ACL rules take effect at 8:00-12:00 on
every Monday.
● Absolute time range: defines a time range from YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm to
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm. The associated ACL rules take effect only in this period.

If the system time of a device is not synchronized with the network time, the ACL rules cannot
take effect in the associated time range. Therefore, configuring the Network Time Protocol
(NTP) is recommended on the device to synchronize the system time. NTP ensures clock
consistency on all devices on a network. For details on how to configure NTP, see Configuring
Basic NTP Functions in "NTP Configuration" in the S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720
V200R011C10 Configuration Guide - Device Management.

Step 1 Run system-view
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 Run time-range time-name { start-time to end-time { days } &<1-7> | from time1
date1 [ to time2 date2 ] }
A time range is created.
By default, no time range is configured on a device.
You can specify multiple time ranges for the same time range defined by time-
name. The device obtains the intersection of the configured periodic or absolute
time ranges.
To delete a time range, see Deleting a time range.


Follow-up Procedure
After a time range is created, you need to create an ACL and configure the ACL
rules to be associated with the time range. For the configuration of a basic ACL,
see 2.7.2 Configuring a Basic ACL.

Configuration Tips
Deleting a time range

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Before deleting a time range, you must delete the ACL rules associated with the
time range or delete the ACL to which the ACL rules belong.
For example, ACL 2001 contains rule 5 and is associated with time range time1.
time-range time1 from 00:00 2014/1/1 to 23:59 2014/12/31
acl number 2001
rule 5 permit time-range time1

Before deleting time1, delete rule 5 or ACL 2001.

● Delete rule 5, and then time1.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl 2001
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] undo rule 5
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] quit
[HUAWEI] undo time-range time1

● Delete ACL 2001, and then time1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] undo acl 2001
[HUAWEI] undo time-range time1

2.7.2 Configuring a Basic ACL

If you need to configure a time-based ACL, create a time range and associate the
time range with the ACL rules. For details, see 2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time
Range in Which an ACL Takes Effect.

A basic ACL defines rules to filter IPv4 packets based on information such as
source IP addresses, fragment information, and time ranges.
If you only need to filter packets based on source IP addresses, you can configure
a basic ACL.

Step 1 Run system-view
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 Create a basic ACL. You can create a numbered or named ACL.
● Run the acl [ number ] acl-number [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command to create a numbered basic ACL (2000-2999) and enter the basic
ACL view.
● Run the acl name acl-name { basic | acl-number } [ match-order { auto |
config } ] command to create a named basic ACL and enter the basic ACL
By default, no ACL exists on the device.
For details about the numbered and named ACLs, see 2.2.2 ACL Classification.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

If the match-order parameter is not specified when you create an ACL, the
default match order config is used. For details about ACL match order, see 2.2.4
Matching Order.
The default step of a created ACL is 5. If the default step cannot meet your ACL
configuration requirements, you can change the step value. For details about the
step, see 2.2.3 Step; for configuration of the step, see 2.14.1 Adjusting the Step
of ACL Rules.
To delete an ACL that has taken effect, see Deleting an ACL.
Step 3 (Optional) Run description text
A description is configured for the ACL.
By default, an ACL does not have a description.
The ACL description helps you understand and remember the functions or purpose
of an ACL.
Step 4 Run rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } [ source { source-address source-wildcard |
any } | fragment | logging | time-range time-name | vpn-instance vpn-instance-
name ] *
Rules are configured in the basic ACL.
In this example, only one permit or deny rule is configured. In actual
configuration, you can configure multiple rules and decide the match order of the
rules according to service requirements.
For details about the time range, source IP address and its wildcard mask, and IP
fragment information, see 2.2.5 Matching Conditions. Configuring rules for a
basic ACL provides a rule configuration example.
Step 5 (Optional) Run rule rule-id description description
A description is configured for the ACL rules.
By default, an ACL rule does not have a description.
The ACL rule description helps you understand and remember the functions or
purpose of an ACL rule.
You can configure descriptions for only the rules existing on the device. That is,
you cannot configure a description for a rule before creating the rule.


Configuration Tips
Deleting an ACL
To delete an ACL, run the undo acl { [ number ] acl-number | all } or undo acl
name acl-name command in the system view. This command can delete an ACL
no matter whether the ACL is applied to a service module; however, if a specified
rule in an ACL is used in a simplified traffic policy, the ACL cannot be deleted
using this command. Before using this command to delete an ACL, you do not
need to delete the service configurations.
Configuring rules for a basic ACL

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

● Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the source IP address (host

To allow the packets from a host to pass, add a rule to an ACL. For example,
to allow packets from host to pass, create the following rule in
ACL 2001.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl 2001
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule permit source 0
● Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the source IP address
To allow the packets from a host to pass and reject the packets from other
hosts on the same network segment, configure rules in an ACL. For example,
to allow the packets from host to pass and reject the packets
from other hosts on network segment, configure the following
rules in ACL 2001 and set the description of ACL 2001 to Permit only through.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl 2001
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule permit source 0
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule deny source
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] description permit only through
● Configuring a time-based ACL rule
Create a time range working-time (for example, 8:00-18:00 on Monday
through Friday) and configure a rule in ACL work-acl. The rule rejects the
packets from network segment within the set working-time.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] time-range working-time 8:00 to 18:00 working-day
[HUAWEI] acl name work-acl basic
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-work-acl] rule deny source time-range working-time
● Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the IP fragment information
and source IP address segment
To reject the non-initial fragments from a network segment, configure a rule
in an ACL. For example, to reject the non-initial fragments from network
segment, configure the following rule in ACL 2001.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl 2001
[HUAWEI-acl-basic-2001] rule deny source fragment

2.7.3 Applying a Basic ACL

After an ACL is configured, it must be applied to a service module so that the ACL
rules can be delivered and take effect.
Usually, an ACL is applied to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy. This enables
the device to deliver ACL rules globally, in a VLAN, or on an interface to filter
packets to be forwarded. In addition, an ACL can be applied to the service
modules such as Telnet, FTP, and routing.

Step 1 Apply a basic ACL
Table 2-19 describes the application of a basic ACL.

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 57

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Table 2-19 Applying a basic ACL

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used

Filtering The device filters received ● Simplified traffic policy:

packets to be packets globally, on an See ACL-based Simplified
forwarded interface, or in a VLAN, and Traffic Policy
then discards, modifies Configuration in the
priorities of, or redirects the S1720, S2700, S5700, and
filtered packets. S6720 V200R011C10
For example, you can use ACL Configuration Guide -
to reduce the service level for QoS.
the bandwidth-consuming ● Traffic policy: See MQC
services, such as P2P Configuration in the
downloading and online video. S1720, S2700, S5700, and
When network congestion S6720 V200R011C10
occurs, these packets are Configuration Guide -
discarded first. QoS.
Filtering If too many protocol packets ● Blacklist: See 3.4.2
packets to be are sent to the CPU, the CPU Configuring a Blacklist in
sent to the usage increases and CPU Local Attack Defense
CPU performance degrades. The Configuration.
device restricts the packets to
be sent to the CPU.
For example, when a user sends
a large number of ARP attack
packets to the device, the CPU
is busy and service is
interrupted. You can apply an
ACL to the local attack defense
service, and add the user to the
blacklist so that the CPU
discards the packets from this

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 58

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


Login control The device controls access ● Telnet: See Enabling the
permission of users. Only Telnet Server Function in
authorized users can log in to "CLI Login Configuration"
the device, and other users in the S1720, S2700,
cannot log in without S5700, and S6720
permission. This ensures V200R011C10
network security. Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
● FTP: See Managing Files
When the Device
Functions as an FTP
Server in "File
Management" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
● SFTP: See Managing Files
When the Device
Functions as an SFTP
Server in "File
Management" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
● HTTP: See Configuring
Access Control on Web
Users in "Web System
Login Configuration" in
the S1720, S2700, S5700,
and S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
● SNMP: See (Optional)
Restricting Management
Rights of the NMS
(SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c)
and (Optional) Restricting
Management Rights of
the NMS (SNMPv3) in
"SNMP Configuration" in
the S1720, S2700, S5700,
and S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Network Management
and Monitoring.

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 59

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


Route filtering ACLs can be applied to various ● BGP: See Controlling the
dynamic routing protocols to Advertisement of BGP
filter advertised and received Routes and Controlling
routes and multicast groups. the Receiving of BGP
For example, you can apply an Routes in "BGP
ACL to a routing policy to Configuration" in the
prevent the device from S1720, S2700, S5700, and
sending routes of a network S6720 V200R011C10
segment to the neighboring Configuration Guide - IP
router. Unicast routing.
● IS-IS (IPv4): See
Configuring IS-IS to
Advertise Specified
External Routes to an IS-IS
Routing Domain and
Adding Specified IS-IS
Routes to the IP Routing
Table in "IPv4 IS-IS
Configuration" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide - IP
Unicast routing.
● OSPF: See Configuring
OSPF to Filter Received
Routes and Configuring
OSPF to Filter the Routes
to Be Advertised in "OSPF
Configuration" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide - IP
Unicast routing.
● RIP: See Configuring RIP
to Import Routes and
Configuring RIP to Filter
Received Routes in "RIP
Configuration" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide - IP
Unicast routing.
● Multicast: See Filtering
IGMP Messages Based on
Source IP Addresses in
"IGMP Configuration",
Configuring a Multicast
Group Policy and

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


(Optional) Configuring an
SSM Group Policy in
"IGMP Snooping
Configuration" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide - IP


2.7.4 Verifying the ACL Configuration

● Run the display acl { acl-number | name acl-name | all } command to check
ACL configuration.
● Run the display time-range { all | time-name } command to view
information about the time range.


2.8 Configuring and Applying an Advanced ACL

2.8.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL

Takes Effect

For details, see 2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL Takes
Effect in Configuring and Applying a Basic ACL.

2.8.2 Configuring an Advanced ACL

If you need to configure a time-based ACL, create a time range and associate the
time range with the ACL rules. For details, see 2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time
Range in Which an ACL Takes Effect.

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 61

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

An advanced ACL defines rules to filter IPv4 packets based on source IP addresses,
destination IP addresses, IP protocol types, TCP source/destination port numbers,
UDP source/destination port numbers, fragment information, and time ranges.
Compared with a basic ACL, an advanced ACL is more accurate, flexible, and
provides more functions. For example, if you want to filter packets based on
source and destination IP addresses, configure an advanced ACL.

Step 1 Run system-view
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 Create an advanced ACL. You can create a numbered or named ACL.
● Run the acl [ number ] acl-number [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command to create a numbered advanced ACL (3000-3999) and enter the
advanced ACL view.
● Run the acl name acl-name { advance | acl-number } [ match-order { auto |
config } ] command to create a named advanced ACL and enter the
advanced ACL view.
By default, no ACL exists on the device.
For details about the numbered and named ACLs, see 2.2.2 ACL Classification.
If the match-order parameter is not specified when you create an ACL, the
default match order config is used. For details about ACL match order, see 2.2.4
Matching Order.
The default step of a created ACL is 5. If the default step cannot meet your ACL
configuration requirements, you can change the step value. For details about the
step, see 2.2.3 Step; for configuration of the step, see 2.14.1 Adjusting the Step
of ACL Rules.
To delete an ACL that has taken effect, see Deleting an ACL in Configuring a
Basic ACL.
Step 3 (Optional) Run description text
A description is configured for the ACL.
By default, an ACL does not have a description.
The ACL description helps you understand and remember the functions or purpose
of an ACL.
Step 4 Configure rules for the advanced ACL.
You can configure advanced ACL rules according to the protocols carried by IP. The
parameters vary according to the protocol type.
● When the protocol type is ICMP, the command format is:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { protocol-number | icmp } [ destination
{ destination-address destination-wildcard | any } | { { precedence precedence
| tos tos } * | dscp dscp } | { fragment | first-fragment } | logging | icmp-type

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 62

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

{ icmp-name | icmp-type [ icmp-code ] } | source { source-address source-

wildcard | any } | time-range time-name | ttl-expired | vpn-instance vpn-
instance-name ] *
● When the protocol type is TCP, the command format is:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { protocol-number | tcp } [ destination
{ destination-address destination-wildcard | any } | destination-port { eq port
| gt port | lt port | range port-start port-end } | { { precedence precedence |
tos tos } * | dscp dscp } | { fragment | first-fragment } | logging | source
{ source-address source-wildcard | any } | source-port { eq port | gt port | lt
port | range port-start port-end } | tcp-flag { ack | established | fin | psh | rst
| syn | urg } * | time-range time-name | ttl-expired | vpn-instance vpn-
instance-name ] *
● When the protocol type is UDP, the command format is:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { protocol-number | udp } [ destination
{ destination-address destination-wildcard | any } | destination-port { eq port
| gt port | lt port | range port-start port-end } | { { precedence precedence |
tos tos } * | dscp dscp } | { fragment | first-fragment } | logging | source
{ source-address source-wildcard | any } | source-port { eq port | gt port | lt
port | range port-start port-end } | time-range time-name | ttl-expired | vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name ] *
● When the protocol type is GRE, IGMP, IP, IPINIP, or OSPF, the command format
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { protocol-number | gre | igmp | ip | ipinip |
ospf } [ destination { destination-address destination-wildcard | any } |
{ { precedence precedence | tos tos } * | dscp dscp } | { fragment | first-
fragment } | logging | source { source-address source-wildcard | any } | time-
range time-name | ttl-expired | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] *

● The S2750, S5700LI, and S5700S-LI do not support tos.

● Only the S5720EI, S6720S-EI, and S6720EI support ttl-expired.
● The vpn-instance parameter is supported only when a software-based ACL is applied to the
S5720SI, S5720S-SI, S5720EI, S5720HI, S5730SI, S5730S-EI, S6720SI, S6720S-SI, S6720EI, or
S6720S-EI. For usage scenarios of software-based ACLs, see "ACL Implementations" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 V200R011C10 Configuration Guide - Security ACL
Configuration - 2.2.1 ACL Fundamentals.
● Only the S5720EI, S5720HI, S6720S-EI, and S6720EI support first-fragment.

In this example, only one permit or deny rule is configured. In actual

configuration, you can configure multiple rules and decide the match order of the
rules according to service requirements.
For details about the time ranges, types of protocols carried by IP, source/
destination IP addresses and their wildcard masks, TCP/UDP port numbers, TCP
flaps, and IP fragment information, see 2.2.5 Matching Conditions. Configuring
rules for an advanced ACL provides a rule configuration example.
Step 5 (Optional) Run rule rule-id description description
A description is configured for the ACL rules.
By default, an ACL rule does not have a description.

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 63

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

The ACL rule description helps you understand and remember the functions or
purpose of an ACL rule.
You can configure descriptions for only the rules existing on the device. That is,
you cannot configure a description for a rule before creating the rule.

Configuration Tips
Configuring rules for an advanced ACL
● Configuring a packet filtering rule for ICMP protocol packets based on
the source IP address (host address) and destination IP address segment
To allow the ICMP packets from a host that are destined for a network
segment to pass, configure a rule in an ACL. For example, to allow the ICMP
packets from host that are destined for network segment to pass, configure the following rule in ACL 3001.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl 3001
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3001] rule permit icmp source 0 destination
● Configuring a packet filtering rule for TCP protocol packets based on the
TCP destination port number, source IP address (host address), and
destination IP address segment
To prohibit Telnet connections between the specified host and the hosts on a
network segment, configure a rule in an advanced ACL. For example, to
prohibit Telnet connections between host and hosts on network
segment, configure the following rule in the advanced ACL
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl name deny-telnet
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-deny-telnet] rule deny tcp destination-port eq telnet source 0
To prohibit the specified hosts from accessing web pages (HTTP is used to
access web pages, and TCP port number is 80), configure rules in an advanced
ACL. For example, to prohibit hosts and from
accessing web pages, configure the following rules in ACL no-web and set the
description for the ACL to Web access restrictions.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl name no-web
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-no-web] description Web access restrictions
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-no-web] rule deny tcp destination-port eq 80 source 0
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-no-web] rule deny tcp destination-port eq 80 source 0
● Configuring a packet filtering rule for TCP packets based on the source IP
address segment and TCP flags
To implement unidirectional access control on a network segment, configure
rules in an ACL. For example, to implement unidirectional access control on
network segment, configure the following rules in ACL 3002.
In the following rules, the hosts on can only respond to TCP
handshake packets, but cannot send TCP handshake packets. Set the
descriptions of the ACL rules to Allow the ACK TCP packets through, Allow the
RST TCP packets through, and Do not Allow the other TCP packet through.
To meet the preceding requirement, configure two permit rules to allow the
packets with the ACK or RST field being 1 from to pass, and
then configure a deny rule to reject other TCP packets from this network

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl 3002
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] rule permit tcp source tcp-flag ack
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] display this // If you do not specify an ID for a created rule, you can view
the rule ID allocated by the system, and configure a description for the rule by specifying the rule ID.
acl number 3002
rule 5 permit tcp source tcp-flag ack // The rule ID allocated by the
system is 5.
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] rule 5 description Allow the ACK TCP packets through
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] rule permit tcp source tcp-flag rst
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] display this
acl number 3002
rule 5 permit tcp source tcp-flag ack
rule 5 description Allow the ACK TCP packets through
rule 10 permit tcp source tcp-flag rst // The rule ID allocated by the system
is 10.
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] rule 10 description Allow the RST TCP packets through
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] rule deny tcp source
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] display this
acl number 3002
rule 5 permit tcp source tcp-flag ack
rule 5 description Allow the ACK TCP packets through
rule 10 permit tcp source tcp-flag rst
rule 10 description Allow the RST TCP packets through
rule 15 deny tcp source // The rule ID allocated by the system is 15.
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] rule 15 description Do not Allow the other TCP packet through

You can specify the established parameter to allow the packets with the ACK
or RST field being 1 from to pass and configure a deny rule to
reject other TCP packets from this subnet.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl 3002
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] rule permit tcp source tcp-flag established
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] rule 5 description Allow the Established TCP packets through
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] rule deny tcp source
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] rule 10 description Do not Allow the other TCP packet through
[HUAWEI-acl-adv-3002] display this
acl number 3002
rule 5 permit tcp source tcp-flag
rule 5 description Allow the Established TCP packets
rule 10 deny tcp source
rule 10 description Do not Allow the other TCP packet

● Configuring a time-based ACL rule

For details, see Configuring a time-based ACL rule in Configuring a Basic
● Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the IP fragment information
and source IP address segment

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

For details, see Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the IP

fragment information and source IP address segment in Configuring a
Basic ACL.

2.8.3 Applying an Advanced ACL

After an ACL is configured, it must be applied to a service module so that the ACL
rules can be delivered and take effect.
Usually, an ACL is applied to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy. This enables
the device to deliver ACL rules globally, in a VLAN, or on an interface to filter
packets to be forwarded. In addition, an ACL can be applied to the service
modules such as FTP and multicast.

Step 1 Apply an advanced ACL
Table 2-20 describes the application of an advanced ACL.

Table 2-20 Applying an advanced ACL

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used

Filtering The device filters received ● Simplified traffic policy:

packets to be packets globally, on an See ACL-based Simplified
forwarded interface, or in a VLAN, and Traffic Policy
then discards, modifies Configuration in the
priorities of, or redirects the S1720, S2700, S5700, and
filtered packets. S6720 V200R011C10
For example, you can use ACL Configuration Guide -
to reduce the service level for QoS.
the bandwidth-consuming ● Traffic policy: See MQC
services, such as P2P Configuration in the
downloading and online video. S1720, S2700, S5700, and
When network congestion S6720 V200R011C10
occurs, these packets are Configuration Guide -
discarded first. QoS.

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 66

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


Filtering If too many protocol packets Blacklist: See 3.4.2

packets to be are sent to the CPU, the CPU Configuring a Blacklist in
sent to the usage increases and CPU Local Attack Defense
CPU performance degrades. The Configuration.
device restricts the packets to
be sent to the CPU.
For example, when a user sends
a large number of ARP attack
packets to the device, the CPU
is busy and service is
interrupted. You can apply an
ACL to the local attack defense
service, and add the user to the
blacklist so that the CPU
discards the packets from this

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 67

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


Login control The device controls access ● Telnet: See Enabling the
permission of users. Only Telnet Server Function in
authorized users can log in to "CLI Login Configuration"
the device, and other users in the S1720, S2700,
cannot log in without S5700, and S6720
permission. This ensures V200R011C10
network security. Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
● FTP: See Managing Files
When the Device
Functions as an FTP
Server in "File
Management" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
● SFTP: See Managing Files
When the Device
Functions as an SFTP
Server in "File
Management" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
● HTTP: See Configuring
Access Control on Web
Users in "Web System
Login Configuration" in
the S1720, S2700, S5700,
and S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
Route filtering An ACL can be applied to the Multicast: See Configuring a
multicast protocol to filter Multicast Group Policy in
multicast groups. "IGMP Snooping
For example, the ACL and IGMP Configuration" and
snooping functions can be used (Optional) Configuring the
together to prevent hosts in a Range of Multicast Groups
VLAN from joining a multicast That an Interface Can Join in
group. "IGMP Configuration" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide - IP

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 68

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration


2.8.4 Verifying the ACL Configuration

● Run the display acl { acl-number | name acl-name | all } command to check
ACL configuration.
● Run the display time-range { all | time-name } command to view
information about the time range.


2.9 Configuring and Applying a Layer 2 ACL

2.9.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL

Takes Effect

For details, see 2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL Takes
Effect in Configuring and Applying a Basic ACL.

2.9.2 Configuring a Layer 2 ACL

If you need to configure a time-based ACL, create a time range and associate the
time range with the ACL rules. For details, see 2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time
Range in Which an ACL Takes Effect.

A Layer 2 ACL defines rules to filter IPv4 and IPv6 packets based on Ethernet
frame information, such as source MAC addresses, destination MAC addresses,
VLANs, and Layer 2 protocol types.

If you only need to filter packets based on Layer 2 information, configure a Layer
2 ACL.

Step 1 Run system-view

The system view is displayed.

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 69

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Step 2 Create a Layer 2 ACL. You can create a numbered or named ACL.
● Run the acl [ number ] acl-number [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command to create a numbered Layer 2 ACL (4000-4999) and enter the Layer
2 ACL view.
● Run the acl name acl-name { link | acl-number } [ match-order { auto |
config } ] command to create a named Layer 2 ACL and enter the Layer 2
ACL view.

By default, no ACL exists on the device.

For details about the numbered and named ACLs, see 2.2.2 ACL Classification.

If the match-order parameter is not specified when you create an ACL, the
default match order config is used. For details about ACL match order, see 2.2.4
Matching Order.

The default step of a created ACL is 5. If the default step cannot meet your ACL
configuration requirements, you can change the step value. For details about the
step, see 2.2.3 Step; for configuration of the step, see 2.14.1 Adjusting the Step
of ACL Rules.

To delete an ACL that has taken effect, see Deleting an ACL in Configuring a
Basic ACL.

Step 3 (Optional) Run description text

A description is configured for the ACL.

By default, an ACL does not have a description.

The ACL description helps you understand and remember the functions or purpose
of an ACL.

Step 4 Run rule [ rule-id ] { permit | deny } [ [ ether-ii | 802.3 | snap ] | l2-protocol
type-value [ type-mask ] | destination-mac dest-mac-address [ dest-mac-mask ] |
source-mac source-mac-address [ source-mac-mask ] | vlan-id vlan-id [ vlan-id-
mask ] | 8021p 802.1p-value | cvlan-id cvlan-id [ cvlan-id-mask ] | cvlan-8021p
802.1p-value | double-tag | time-range time-name ] *
Rules are configured in the Layer 2 ACL.

In this example, only one permit or deny rule is configured. In actual

configuration, you can configure multiple rules and decide the match order of the
rules according to service requirements.

For details about the time range, source/destination MAC addresses and their
wildcard masks, VLAN IDs and their masks, see 2.2.5 Matching Conditions.
Configuring rules for a Layer 2 ACL provides a rule configuration example.

Step 5 (Optional) Run rule rule-id description description

A description is configured for the ACL rules.

By default, an ACL rule does not have a description.

The ACL rule description helps you understand and remember the functions or
purpose of an ACL rule.

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 70

S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

You can configure descriptions for only the rules existing on the device. That is,
you cannot configure a description for a rule before creating the rule.


Configuration Tips
Configuring rules for a Layer 2 ACL
● Configuring packet filtering rules based on the source MAC address,
destination MAC address, and Layer 2 protocol types
To allow the ARP packets with the specified destination and source MAC
addresses and Layer 2 protocol type to pass, configure a rule in a Layer 2 ACL.
For example, to allow the ARP packets with destination MAC address
0000-0000-0001, source MAC address 0000-0000-0002, and Layer 2 protocol
type 0x0806 to pass, configure the following rule in ACL 4001.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl 4001
[HUAWEI-acl-L2-4001] rule permit destination-mac 0000-0000-0001 source-mac 0000-0000-0002
l2-protocol 0x0806

To reject the PPPoE packets with the specified Layer 2 protocol type, configure
a rule in a Layer 2 ACL. To reject the PPPoE packets with Layer 2 protocol type
0x8863, configure the following rule in ACL 4001.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl 4001
[HUAWEI-acl-L2-4001] rule deny l2-protocol 0x8863

● Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the source MAC address

segment and inner VLAN IDs
To reject the packets from the specified MAC address segments in a VLAN,
configure a rule in a Layer 2 ACL. For example, to reject the packets from
source MAC address segment 00e0-fc01-0000 to 00e0-fc01-ffff in VLAN 10,
configure the following rule in Layer 2 ACL deny-vlan10-mac.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl name deny-vlan10-mac link
[HUAWEI-acl-L2-deny-vlan10-mac] rule deny vlan-id 10 source-mac 00e0-fc01-0000 ffff-ffff-0000

● Configuring a time-based ACL rule

For details, see Configuring a time-based ACL rule in Configuring a Basic

2.9.3 Applying a Layer 2 ACL

After an ACL is configured, it must be applied to a service module so that the ACL
rules can be delivered and take effect.
Usually, an ACL is applied to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy so that the
device can deliver ACL rules globally, in a VLAN, or on an interface to filter packets
to be forwarded. In addition, an ACL can be applied to the service modules such as
local attack defense.

Step 1 Apply a Layer 2 ACL.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Table 2-21 describes the application of a Layer 2 ACL.

Table 2-21 Applying a Layer 2 ACL

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


Filtering The device filters received ● Simplified traffic policy:

packets to be packets globally, on an See ACL-based Simplified
forwarded interface, or in a VLAN, and Traffic Policy
then discards, modifies Configuration in the
priorities of, or redirects the S1720, S2700, S5700, and
filtered packets. S6720 V200R011C10
For example, you can use ACL Configuration Guide -
to reduce the service level for QoS.
the bandwidth-consuming ● Traffic policy: See MQC
services, such as P2P Configuration in the
downloading and online video. S1720, S2700, S5700, and
When network congestion S6720 V200R011C10
occurs, these packets are Configuration Guide -
discarded first. QoS.
Filtering If too many protocol packets Blacklist: See 3.4.2
packets to be are sent to the CPU, the CPU Configuring a Blacklist in
sent to the usage increases and CPU Local Attack Defense
CPU performance degrades. The Configuration.
device restricts the packets to
be sent to the CPU.
For example, when a user sends
a large number of ARP attack
packets to the device, the CPU
is busy and service is
interrupted. You can apply an
ACL to the local attack defense
service, and add the user to the
blacklist so that the CPU
discards the packets from this


2.9.4 Verifying the ACL Configuration

● Run the display acl { acl-number | name acl-name | all } command to check
ACL configuration.
● Run the display time-range { all | time-name } command to view
information about the time range.


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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

2.10 Configuring and Applying a User-Defined ACL

2.10.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL

Takes Effect

For details, see 2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL Takes
Effect in Configuring and Applying a Basic ACL.

2.10.2 Configuring a User-Defined ACL

If you need to configure a time-based ACL, create a time range and associate the
time range with the ACL rules. For details, see 2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time
Range in Which an ACL Takes Effect.

A user-defined ACL defines rules based on packet headers, offsets, character string
masks, and user-defined character strings. With such a user-defined ACL
configured, the system performs an AND operation on the packet bytes from a
certain position behind the packet header and the character string mask,
compares the extracted character string against the user-defined character string,
and then filters IPv4 and IPv6 packets.
Compared with basic ACL, advanced ACL, and Layer 2 ACL, user-defined ACL is
more accurate, flexible, and provides more functions. For example, if you want to
filter ARP packets based on source IP addresses and ARP packet types, you can
configure a user-defined ACL.

Step 1 Run system-view
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 Configure a user-defined ACL. You can create a numbered or named ACL.
● Run the acl [ number ] acl-number [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command to create a numbered user-defined ACL (5000-5999) and enter the
user-defined ACL view.
● Run the acl name acl-name { user | acl-number } [ match-order { auto |
config } ] command to create a named user-defined ACL and enter the user-
defined ACL view.
By default, no ACL exists on the device.
For details about the numbered and named ACLs, see 2.2.2 ACL Classification.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

If the match-order parameter is not specified when you create an ACL, the
default match order config is used. For details about ACL match order, see 2.2.4
Matching Order.

The default step of a created ACL is 5. If the default step cannot meet your ACL
configuration requirements, you can change the step value. For details about the
step, see 2.2.3 Step; for configuration of the step, see 2.14.1 Adjusting the Step
of ACL Rules.

To delete an ACL that has taken effect, see Deleting an ACL in Configuring a
Basic ACL.

Step 3 (Optional) Run description text

A description is configured for the ACL.

By default, an ACL does not have a description.

The ACL description helps you understand and remember the functions or purpose
of an ACL.

Step 4 Run rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } [ [ l2-head | ipv4-head | ipv6-head | l4-
head ] { rule-string rule-mask offset } &<1-8> | time-range time-name ] *

Rules are configured in the user-defined ACL.

In this example, only one permit or deny rule is configured. In actual

configuration, you can configure multiple rules and decide the match order of the
rules according to service requirements.

Configuring a user-defined ACL rule provides a rule configuration example.

Step 5 (Optional) Run rule rule-id description description

A description is configured for the ACL rules.

By default, an ACL rule does not have a description.

The ACL rule description helps you understand and remember the functions or
purpose of an ACL rule.

You can configure descriptions for only the rules existing on the device. That is,
you cannot configure a description for a rule before creating the rule.


Configuration Tips
Configuring a user-defined ACL rule
● Configuring packet filtering rules based on Layer 2 headers, offsets,
character string masks, and user-defined character strings
To reject the ARP packets from the specified host, configure a rule in a user-
defined ACL. For example, to reject the ARP packets from host,
configure the following rule in ACL 5001.
In the following rule:
– 0x00000806 indicates the ARP protocol.
– 0x0000ffff is the character string mask.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

– 10 indicates the protocol type field offset in the ARP packets (without
– c0a80002 is the hexadecimal format of
– 26 and 30 respectively indicate the offsets of the higher and lower two
bytes in the source IP addresses in ARP packets (without VLAN ID). The
source IP address in an ARP packet begins at the 28th byte in Layer 2
header and occupies 4 bytes. The Layer 2 header offset defined in a user-
defined ACL must be 4n+2 (n is an integer). Therefore, the source IP
address is divided into two segments for matching. The lower two bytes
among the four bytes behind offset 26 (4 x 6 + 2) and the higher two
bytes among the four bytes behind offset 30 (4 x 7 + 2) are matched
To filter ARP packets with VLAN IDs, add 4 to each of the following offsets.

Figure 2-10 Source IP address field offset in Layer 2 header of an ARP packet
0 15 23 31 bit

Ethernet Address of destination(0-31) 4 byte

Ethernet Address of destination(32-47) Ethernet Address of sender(0-15)

Ethernet Address of sender(16-47)

Frame Type Hardware Type

Protocol Type Hardware Length Protocol Length

OP 4×6+2=26byte Ethernet Address of sender(0-15) 24 byte

Ethernet Address of sender(16-47) 28 byte

IP Address of sender 4×7+2=30byte

32 byte
Ethernet Address of destination(0-31)

Ethernet Address of destination(32-47) IP Address of destination(0-15) 40 byte

IP Address of destination(16-31)

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl 5001
[HUAWEI-acl-user-5001] rule deny l2-head 0x00000806 0x0000ffff 10 0x0000c0a8 0x0000ffff 26
0x00020000 0xffff0000 30

To reject all TCP packets, configure a rule in user-defined ACL deny-tcp.

In the following rule:
– 0x00060000 indicates the TCP protocol.
– 8 indicates the protocol type offset in the IP packets. (The protocol type
field in an IP packet begins at the 10th byte in IPv4 header and occupies
one byte. The IPv4 header offset defined in a user-defined ACL must be
4n (n is an integer). Therefore, the second higher byte among the four
bytes behind offset 8 in the IPv4 header is matched.)
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl name deny-tcp user
[HUAWEI-acl-user-deny-tcp] rule 5 deny ipv4-head 0x00060000 0x00ff0000 8

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Figure 2-11 TCP protocol field offset in IPv4 header

0 4 8 16 19 24 31 bit
Version Header Length Tos Total length 4 byte

10byte identifier Flags Fragment offset 8 byte

TTL Protocol Header checksum 12 byte

Header Source IP address 20 byte
Destination IP address

Options (variable length)



When specifying an ACL rule to match offset bytes in the Layer 2 header on the
S5730SI, S5730S-EI, S6720-56C-PWH-SI-AC, or S6720-56C-PWH-SI, add a tag first if
the ACL rule will be applied on a GE electrical interface through which packets having
no tag pass.
● Configuring a time-based ACL rule
For details, see Configuring a time-based ACL rule in Configuring a Basic

2.10.3 Applying a User-Defined ACL

After an ACL is configured, it must be applied to a service module so that the ACL
rules can be delivered and take effect.
Usually, a user-defined ACL is applied to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy
so that the device can deliver ACL rules globally, in a VLAN, or on an interface to
filter packets to be forwarded.

Step 1 Apply a user-defined ACL.
Table 2-22 describes the application of a user-defined ACL.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Table 2-22 Applying a user-defined ACL

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


Filtering The device filters received ● Simplified traffic policy:

packets to be packets globally, on an See ACL-based Simplified
forwarded interface, or in a VLAN, and Traffic Policy
then discards, modifies Configuration in the
priorities of, or redirects the S1720, S2700, S5700, and
filtered packets. S6720 V200R011C10
For example, you can use ACL Configuration Guide -
to reduce the service level for QoS.
the bandwidth-consuming ● Traffic policy: See MQC
services, such as P2P Configuration in the
downloading and online video. S1720, S2700, S5700, and
When network congestion S6720 V200R011C10
occurs, these packets are Configuration Guide -
discarded first. QoS.


2.10.4 Verifying the ACL Configuration

● Run the display acl { acl-number | name acl-name | all } command to check
ACL configuration.
● Run the display time-range { all | time-name } command to view
information about the time range.


2.11 Configuring and Applying a User ACL

2.11.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL

Takes Effect

For details, see 2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL Takes
Effect in Configuring and Applying a Basic ACL.

2.11.2 Configuring a User ACL

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

● The NAC mode has been set to the unified mode using the authentication
unified-mode command and the device has been restarted to make the NAC
mode take effect.
● A UCL group that identifies user category has been created using the ucl-
group command.
● If you need to configure a time-based ACL, create a time range and associate
the time range with the ACL rules. For details, see 2.7.1 (Optional) Creating
a Time Range in Which an ACL Takes Effect.

A user ACL defines rules to filter IPv4 packets based on the source IP addresses or
source User Control List (UCL) groups, destination IP addresses or destination UCL
groups, IP protocol types, ICMP types, TCP source/destination port numbers, UDP
source/destination port numbers, and time ranges.
To filter packets based on UCL groups, configure a user ACL.


Only S5720EI, S5720HI, S6720S-EI, and S6720EI support user ACL.

Step 1 Run system-view
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 Create a user ACL. You can create a numbered or named ACL.
● Run the acl [ number ] acl-number [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command to create a numbered user ACL (6000-9999) and enter the user
ACL view.
● Run the acl name acl-name { ucl | acl-number } [ match-order { auto |
config } ] command to create a named user ACL and enter the user ACL view.
By default, no ACL exists on the device.
For details about the numbered and named ACLs, see 2.2.2 ACL Classification.
If the match-order parameter is not specified when you create an ACL, the
default match order config is used. For details about ACL match order, see 2.2.4
Matching Order.
The default step of a created ACL is 5. If the default step cannot meet your ACL
configuration requirements, you can change the step value. For details about the
step, see 2.2.3 Step; for configuration of the step, see 2.14.1 Adjusting the Step
of ACL Rules.
To delete an ACL that has taken effect, see Deleting an ACL in Configuring a
Basic ACL.
Step 3 (Optional) Run description text
A description is configured for the ACL.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

By default, an ACL does not have a description.

The ACL description helps you understand and remember the functions or purpose
of an ACL.
Step 4 Configure user ACL rules.
You can configure the user ACL rules according to the protocol types of IP packets.
The parameters vary according to the protocol types.
● When the protocol type is ICMP, the command format is:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { protocol-number | icmp } [ source
{ { source-address source-wildcard | any } | { ucl-group { source-ucl-group-
index | name source-ucl-group-name } } } * | destination { { { destination-
address destination-wildcard | any } | { ucl-group { destination-ucl-group-
index | name destination-ucl-group-name } } } * | fqdn fqdn-name } | icmp-
type { icmp-name | icmp-type [ icmp-code ] } | time-range time-name | vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name ] *
● When the protocol type is TCP, the command format is:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { protocol-number | tcp } [ source { { source-
address source-wildcard | any } | { ucl-group { source-ucl-group-index | name
source-ucl-group-name } } } * | destination { { { destination-address
destination-wildcard | any } | { ucl-group { destination-ucl-group-index |
name destination-ucl-group-name } } } * | fqdn fqdn-name } | source-port
{ eq port | gt port | lt port | range port-start port-end } | destination-port
{ eq port | gt port | lt port | range port-start port-end } | tcp-flag { ack |
established | fin | psh | rst | syn | urg } * | time-range time-name | vpn-
instance vpn-instance-name ] *
● When the protocol type is UDP, the command format is:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { protocol-number | udp } [ source
{ { source-address source-wildcard | any } | { ucl-group { source-ucl-group-
index | name source-ucl-group-name } } } * | destination { { { destination-
address destination-wildcard | any } | { ucl-group { destination-ucl-group-
index | name destination-ucl-group-name } } } * | fqdn fqdn-name } | source-
port { eq port | gt port | lt port | range port-start port-end } | destination-
port { eq port | gt port | lt port | range port-start port-end } | time-range
time-name | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] *
● When the protocol type is GRE, IGMP, IP, IPINIP, or OSPF, the command format
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { protocol-number | gre | igmp | ip | ipinip |
ospf } [ source { { source-address source-wildcard | any } | { ucl-group
{ source-ucl-group-index | name source-ucl-group-name } } } * | destination
{ { { destination-address destination-wildcard | any } | { ucl-group
{ destination-ucl-group-index | name destination-ucl-group-name } } } * |
fqdn fqdn-name } | time-range time-name | vpn-instance vpn-instance-
name ] *
In this example, only one permit or deny rule is configured. In actual
configuration, you can configure multiple rules and decide the match order of the
rules according to service requirements.
A rule configuration example is provided in Configuring user ACL rules.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Step 5 (Optional) Run rule rule-id description description

A description is configured for the ACL rules.
By default, an ACL rule does not have a description.
The ACL rule description helps you understand and remember the functions or
purpose of an ACL rule.
You can configure descriptions for only the rules existing on the device. That is,
you cannot configure a description for a rule before creating the rule.


Configuration Tips
Configuring user ACL rules
● Configuring a packet filtering ACL rule based on the source UCL group
and destination IP address
Configure a rule in ACL 6000 to reject all the IP packets sent from the hosts in
source UCL group group1 to network segment
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] ucl-group 1 name group1
[HUAWEI] acl 6000
[HUAWEI-acl-ucl-6000] rule deny ip source ucl-group name group1 destination

● Configuring a time-based ACL rule

For details, see Configuring a time-based ACL rule in Configuring a Basic

2.11.3 Applying a User ACL

After an ACL is configured, it must be applied to a service module so that the ACL
rules can be delivered and take effect.
Currently, the user ACL can only be applied to the UCL groups of the NAC feature.
To control the network access rights of users based on user groups, you can
perform the following operations: configure a UCL group, associate user ACL rules
with the UCL group so that the ACL rules apply to all users in the user group,
configure packet filtering based on user ACL to make the ACL take effect, and
then apply the UCL group to the AAA service scheme.

Step 1 Apply a user ACL.
Table 2-23 describes the application of a user ACL.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Table 2-23 Applying a user ACL

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used

Filtering The device binds a user ACL to NAC: See (Optional)

packets to be a UCL group to filter incoming Configuring Authentication
forwarded packets on all interfaces, thus Event Authorization
controlling the network access Information in "NAC
rights of users based on user Configuration (Unified
groups. Mode)" in the S1720, S2700,
For example, if too many users S5700, and S6720
need to access the network and V200R011C10 Configuration
ACL resources on the device are Guide - User Access and
insufficient, you can configure Authentication.
UCL groups and user ACLs.
Users are added to different
user groups and the ACL rules
applying to a user group are
valid to all users in the user
group. This method conserves
ACL resources on the device
and you do not need to
configure network access
control policy for each user.


2.11.4 Verifying the ACL Configuration

● Run the display acl { acl-number | name acl-name | all } command to check
ACL configuration.
● Run the display time-range { all | time-name } command to view
information about the time range.

2.12 Configuring and Applying a Basic ACL6

2.12.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL6

Takes Effect

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

The time range configurations of ACL6 and ACL are the same. For details, see
2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL Takes Effect in
Configuring and Applying a Basic ACL.

2.12.2 Configuring a Basic ACL6

If you need to configure a time-based ACL6, create a time range and associate the
time range with the ACL6 rules. For details, see 2.12.1 (Optional) Creating a
Time Range in Which an ACL6 Takes Effect.

A basic ACL6 defines rules to filter IPv6 packets based on information such as
source IPv6 addresses, fragment information, and time ranges.

If you only need to filter packets based on source IPv6 addresses, you can
configure a basic ACL6.

Step 1 Run system-view

The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Create a basic ACL6. You can create a numbered or named ACL.
● Run the acl ipv6 [ number ] acl6-number [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command to create a numbered basic ACL6 (2000-2999) and enter the basic
ACL6 view.
● Run the acl ipv6 name acl6-name { basic | acl6-number } [ match-order
{ auto | config } ] command to create a named basic ACL6 and enter the
basic ACL6 view.

By default, no ACL6 exists on the device.

The functions of numbered and named ACL6 are the same as the functions of
numbered and named ACL. For details, see 2.2.2 ACL Classification.

If the match-order parameter is not specified when you create an ACL6, the
default match order config is used. The match order of ACL6 is the same as that
of ACL. For details, see 2.2.4 Matching Order.

To delete an ACL6 that has taken effect, see Deleting ACL6.

Step 3 Run rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } [ fragment | logging | source { source-ipv6-
address prefix-length | source-ipv6-address/prefix-length | source-ipv6-address
postfix postfix-length | any } | time-range time-name | vpn-instance vpn-
instance-name ] *
Rules are configured in the basic ACL6.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

In this example, only one permit or deny rule is configured. In actual

configuration, you can configure multiple rules and decide the match order of the
rules according to service requirements.

Configuring rules for the basic ACL6 provides a rule configuration example.

Step 4 (Optional) Run rule rule-id description description

A description is configured for the ACL rules.

By default, an ACL rule does not have a description.

The ACL rule description helps you understand and remember the functions or
purpose of an ACL rule.

You can configure descriptions for only the rules existing on the device. That is,
you cannot configure a description for a rule before creating the rule.


Configuration Tips
Deleting ACL6

Run the undo acl ipv6 { all | [ number ] acl6-number } or undo acl ipv6 name
acl6-name command in the system view to delete an ACL6. This command can
delete an ACL6 no matter whether the ACL6 is applied to a service module. That
is, before using this command to delete an ACL6, you do not need to delete the
service configurations. However, if a specified rule in an ACL6 is used in a
simplified traffic policy, the ACL6 cannot be deleted using this command.

Configuring rules for the basic ACL6

● Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the source IPv6 address (host
Configure a rule in ACL6 2001 to allow the packets from host fc00:1::1/128 to
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl ipv6 2001
[HUAWEI-acl6-basic-2001] rule permit source fc00:1::1 128

● Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the source IPv6 address

Configure a rule in ACL6 2001 to allow the packets from host fc00:1::1/128 to
pass and reject the packets from other hosts on network segment fc00:1::/64.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl ipv6 2001
[HUAWEI-acl6-basic-2001] rule permit source fc00:1::1 128
[HUAWEI-acl6-basic-2001] rule deny source fc00:1:: 64

● Configuring a time-based ACL6 rule

For details, see Configuring a time-based ACL rule in Configuring a Basic
● Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the IP fragment information
and source IP address segment
For details, see Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the IP
fragment information and source IP address segment in Configuring a
Basic ACL.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

2.12.3 Applying a Basic ACL6

After an ACL6 is configured, it must be applied to a service module so that the
ACL6 rules can be delivered and take effect.
Usually, an ACL6 is applied to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy so that the
device can deliver ACL6 rules globally, in a VLAN, or on an interface to filter
packets to be forwarded. In addition, an ACL6 can be applied to the service
modules such as Telnet, FTP, and routing.

Step 1 Apply a basic ACL6.
Table 2-24 describes the application of a basic ACL6.

Table 2-24 Applying a basic ACL6

Service Usage Scenario How ACL6s Are Used

Filtering The device filters received ● Simplified traffic policy:

packets to be packets globally, on an See ACL-based Simplified
forwarded interface, or in a VLAN, and Traffic Policy
then discards, modifies Configuration in the
priorities of, or redirects the S1720, S2700, S5700, and
filtered packets. S6720 V200R011C10
For example, you can use ACL6 Configuration Guide -
to reduce the service level for QoS.
the bandwidth-consuming ● Traffic policy: See MQC
services, such as P2P Configuration in the
downloading and online video. S1720, S2700, S5700, and
When network congestion S6720 V200R011C10
occurs, these packets are Configuration Guide -
discarded first. QoS.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Service Usage Scenario How ACL6s Are Used


Login control The device controls access ● Telnet: See Enabling the
permission of users. Only Telnet Server Function in
authorized users can log in to "CLI Login Configuration"
the device, and other users in the S1720, S2700,
cannot log in without S5700, and S6720
permission. This ensures V200R011C10
network security. Configuration Guide -
For example, only the Basic Configuration.
administrator is allowed to log ● FTP: See Managing Files
in to the device. You can apply When the Device
an ACL6 to the Telnet service Functions as an FTP
and specify the hosts that are Server in "File
allowed to log in to the device. Management" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
● SFTP: See Managing Files
When the Device
Functions as an SFTP
Server in "File
Management" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
● SNMP: See (Optional)
Restricting Management
Rights of the NMS
(SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c)
and (Optional) Restricting
Management Rights of
the NMS (SNMPv3) in
"SNMP Configuration" in
the S1720, S2700, S5700,
and S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Network Management
and Monitoring.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Service Usage Scenario How ACL6s Are Used


Route filtering ACL6s can be applied to various ● BGP: See Controlling the
dynamic routing protocols to Advertisement of BGP
filter advertised and received Routes and Controlling
routes and multicast groups. the Receiving of BGP
For example, you can apply an Routes in "BGP
ACL6 to a routing policy to Configuration" in the
prevent the device from S1720, S2700, S5700, and
sending routes of a network S6720 V200R011C10
segment to the neighboring Configuration Guide - IP
router. Unicast routing.
● IS-IS (IPv6): See
Configuring IS-IS to
Advertise Specified
External Routes to an IS-IS
Routing Domain and
Adding Specified IS-IS
Routes to an IPv6 Routing
Table in "IPv6 IS-IS
Configuration" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide - IP
Unicast routing.
● OSPFv3: See Configuring
OSPFv3 to Filter the
Received Routes and
Configuring OSPFv3 to
Import External Routes in
"OSPFv3 Configuration" in
the S1720, S2700, S5700,
and S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide - IP
Unicast routing.
● RIPng: See Configuring a
RIPng Process to Import
External Routes and
Controlling the Receiving
of RIPng Routes in "RIPng
Configuration" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide - IP
Unicast routing.
● Multicast: See (Optional)
Configuring the Range of
Multicast Groups That an
Interface Can Join in
"MLD Configuration" and

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Service Usage Scenario How ACL6s Are Used


Configuring an RP in "IPv6
PIM Configuration" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide - IP


2.12.4 Verifying the ACL6 Configuration

● Run the display acl ipv6 { acl6-number | name acl6-name | all } command to
check ACL6 configuration.
● Run the display time-range { all | time-name } command to view
information about the time range.

2.13 Configuring and Applying an Advanced ACL6

2.13.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL6

Takes Effect

The time range configurations of ACL6 and ACL are the same. For details, see
2.7.1 (Optional) Creating a Time Range in Which an ACL Takes Effect in
Configuring and Applying a Basic ACL.

2.13.2 Configuring an Advanced ACL6

If you need to configure a time-based ACL6, create a time range and associate the
time range with the ACL6 rules. For details, see 2.12.1 (Optional) Creating a
Time Range in Which an ACL6 Takes Effect.

An advanced ACL6 defines rules to filter IPv6 packets based on source IPv6
addresses, destination IPv6 addresses, IPv6 protocol types, TCP source/destination

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

port numbers, UDP source/destination port numbers, fragment information, and

time ranges.
Compared with a basic ACL6, an advanced ACL6 is more accurate, flexible, and
provides more functions. For example, if you want to filter packets based on
source and destination IPv6 addresses, configure an advanced ACL6.

Step 1 Run system-view
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 Create an advanced ACL6. You can create a numbered or named ACL.
● Run the acl ipv6 [ number ] acl6-number [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command to create a numbered advanced ACL6 (3000-3999) and enter the
advanced ACL6 view.
● Run the acl ipv6 name acl6-name { advance | acl6-number } [ match-order
{ auto | config } ] command to create a named advanced ACL6 and enter the
advanced ACL6 view.
By default, no ACL exists on the device.
The functions of numbered and named ACL6 are the same as the functions of
numbered and named ACL. For details, see 2.2.2 ACL Classification.
If the match-order parameter is not specified when you create an ACL6, the
default match order config is used. The match order of ACL6 is the same as that
of ACL. For details, see 2.2.4 Matching Order.
To delete an ACL that has taken effect, see Deleting an ACL6 in Configuring a
Basic ACL6.
Step 3 Configure rules for the advanced ACL6.
You can configure advanced ACL6 rules according to the protocols carried by IP.
The parameters vary according to the protocol types.
● When the protocol type is TCP, the command format is:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { tcp | protocol-number } [ destination
{ destination-ipv6-address prefix-length | destination-ipv6-address/prefix-
length | destination-ipv6-address postfix postfix-length | any } | destination-
port { eq port | gt port | lt port | range port-start port-end } | { { precedence
precedence | tos tos } * | dscp dscp } | routing [ routing-type routing-type ] |
{ fragment | first-fragment } | logging | source { source-ipv6-address prefix-
length | source-ipv6-address/prefix-length | source-ipv6-address postfix
postfix-length | any } | source-port { eq port | gt port | lt port | range port-
start port-end } | tcp-flag { ack | established | fin | psh | rst | syn | urg } * |
time-range time-name | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] *
● When the protocol type is UDP, the command format is:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { udp | protocol-number } [ destination
{ destination-ipv6-address prefix-length | destination-ipv6-address/prefix-
length | destination-ipv6-address postfix postfix-length | any } | destination-
port { eq port | gt port | lt port | range port-start port-end } | { { precedence
precedence | tos tos } * | dscp dscp } | routing [ routing-type routing-type ] |

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

{ fragment | first-fragment } | logging | source { source-ipv6-address prefix-

length | source-ipv6-address/prefix-length | source-ipv6-address postfix
postfix-length | any } | source-port { eq port | gt port | lt port | range port-
start port-end } | time-range time-name | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

● When the protocol is ICMPv6, the command format is:

rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { icmpv6 | protocol-number } [ destination
{ destination-ipv6-address prefix-length | destination-ipv6-address/prefix-
length | destination-ipv6-address postfix postfix-length | any } |
{ { precedence precedence | tos tos } * | dscp dscp } | routing [ routing-type
routing-type ] | { fragment | first-fragment } | icmp6-type { icmp6-type-
name | icmp6-type [ icmp6-code ] } | logging | source { source-ipv6-address
prefix-length | source-ipv6-address/prefix-length | source-ipv6-address postfix
postfix-length | any } | time-range time-name | vpn-instance vpn-instance-
name ] *
● When the protocol is others, the command format is:
rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit } { protocol-number | gre | ipv6 | ospf }
[ destination { destination-ipv6-address prefix-length | destination-ipv6-
address/prefix-length | destination-ipv6-address postfix postfix-length | any }
| { { precedence precedence | tos tos } * | dscp dscp } | routing [ routing-type
routing-type ] | { fragment | first-fragment } | logging | source { source-
ipv6-address prefix-length | source-ipv6-address/prefix-length | source-ipv6-
address postfix postfix-length | any } | time-range time-name | vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] *
In this example, only one permit or deny rule is configured. In actual
configuration, you can configure multiple rules and decide the match order of the
rules according to service requirements.
Configuring rules for the advanced ACL6 provides a rule configuration example.
Step 4 (Optional) Run rule rule-id description description
A description is configured for the ACL rules.
By default, an ACL rule does not have a description.
The ACL rule description helps you understand and remember the functions or
purpose of an ACL rule.
You can configure descriptions for only the rules existing on the device. That is,
you cannot configure a description for a rule before creating the rule.


Configuration Tips
Configuring rules for the advanced ACL6
● Configuring a packet filtering rule for ICMPv6 protocol packets based on
source IPv6 address (host address) and destination IPv6 address segment
Configure a rule in ACL6 3001 to allow the ICMPv6 packets from fc00:1::1 and
destined for network segment fc00:2::/64 to pass.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl ipv6 3001
[HUAWEI-acl6-adv-3001] rule permit icmpv6 source fc00:1::1 128 destination fc00:2:: 64

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

● Configuring a packet filtering rule for TCP protocol packets based on the
TCP destination port number, source IPv6 address (host address), and
destination IPv6 address segment
Configure a rule in the advanced ACL6 deny-telnet to forbid Telnet
connections between the host fc00:1::3 and hosts on network segment
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl ipv6 name deny-telnet
[HUAWEI-acl6-adv-deny-telnet] rule deny tcp destination-port eq telnet source fc00:1::3 128
destination fc00:2:: 64

Configure a rule in the advanced ACL6 no-web to forbid hosts fc00:1::3 and
fc00:1::4 from accessing web pages (HTTP is used to access web pages, and
TCP port number is 80).
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] acl ipv6 name no-web
[HUAWEI-acl6-adv-no-web] rule deny tcp destination-port eq 80 source fc00:1::3 128
[HUAWEI-acl6-adv-no-web] rule deny tcp destination-port eq 80 source fc00:1::4 128

● Configuring a time-based ACL6 rule

For details, see Configuring a time-based ACL rule in Configuring a Basic
● Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the IP fragment information
and source IP address segment
For details, see Configuring a packet filtering rule based on the IP
fragment information and source IP address segment in Configuring a
Basic ACL.

2.13.3 Applying an Advanced ACL6

After an ACL6 is configured, it must be applied to a service module so that the
ACL6 rules can be delivered and take effect.
Usually, an ACL6 is applied to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy so that the
device can deliver ACL6 rules globally, in a VLAN, or on an interface to filter
packets to be forwarded. In addition, an ACL6 can be applied to the service
modules such as FTP and multicast.

Step 1 Apply an advanced ACL6.
Table 2-25 describes the application of an advanced ACL6.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Table 2-25 Applying an advanced ACL6

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used

Filtering The device filters received ● Simplified traffic policy:

packets to be packets globally, on an See ACL-based Simplified
forwarded interface, or in a VLAN, and Traffic Policy
then discards, modifies Configuration in the
priorities of, or redirects the S1720, S2700, S5700, and
filtered packets. S6720 V200R011C10
For example, you can use ACL6 Configuration Guide -
to reduce the service level for QoS.
the bandwidth-consuming ● Traffic policy: See MQC
services, such as P2P Configuration in the
downloading and online video. S1720, S2700, S5700, and
When network congestion S6720 V200R011C10
occurs, these packets are Configuration Guide -
discarded first. QoS.
Login control The device controls access ● Telnet: See Enabling the
permission of users. Only Telnet Server Function in
authorized users can log in to "CLI Login Configuration"
the device, and other users in the S1720, S2700,
cannot log in without S5700, and S6720
permission. This ensures V200R011C10
network security. Configuration Guide -
For example, only the Basic Configuration.
administrator is allowed to log ● FTP: See Managing Files
in to the device. You can apply When the Device
an ACL6 to the Telnet service Functions as an FTP
and specify the hosts that are Server in "File
allowed to log in to the device. Management" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.
● SFTP: See Managing Files
When the Device
Functions as an SFTP
Server in "File
Management" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


Route filtering An ACL6 can be applied to the Multicast: See Configuring a

multicast protocol to filter Multicast Group Policy in
multicast groups. "MLD Snooping
For example, the ACL6 and Configuration" and
MLD snooping functions can be (Optional) Configuring the
used together to prevent hosts Range of Multicast Groups
in a VLAN from joining a That an Interface Can Join in
multicast group. "MLD Configuration" in the
S1720, S2700, S5700, and
S6720 V200R011C10
Configuration Guide - IP


2.13.4 Verifying the ACL6 Configuration

● Run the display acl ipv6 { acl6-number | name acl6-name | all } command to
check ACL6 configuration.
● Run the display time-range { all | time-name } command to view
information about the time range.

2.14 Maintaining ACLs

2.14.1 Adjusting the Step of ACL Rules

During routine maintenance, you may need to add rules to an ACL to meet new
service requirements. If the default step 5 is used (the system allocates 5, 10, 15...
as rule IDs), you can insert only four rules (rules 6, 7, 8, and 9) between
neighboring rules. If you need to insert more than 4 rules between neighboring
rules, increase the step to a value greater than 6. Then the system reallocates IDs
(6, 12, 18...) to the rules, and you can insert more than four rules (rules 7, 8, 9, 10,
and 11) between neighboring rules.
For details about the step, see 2.2.3 Step.


Basic ACL6 and advanced ACL6 do not support step configuration, and use a step of 1.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Step 1 Run system-view
The system view is displayed.
Step 2 You can create a numbered or named ACL.
● Run the acl [ number ] acl-number [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command to create a numbered ACL and enter the ACL view.
● Run the acl name acl-name [ advance | basic | link | ucl | user | acl-number ]
[ match-order { auto | config } ] command to create a named ACL and enter
the ACL view.
By default, no ACL exists on the device.
For details about the numbered and named ACLs, see 2.2.2 ACL Classification.
Step 3 Run step step
The step is set.
The default step is 5.


2.14.2 Displaying ACL Resources

If the device prompts that an ACL fails to be applied, the available ACL resources
in the system may be insufficient.
You can view ACL resource usage in the system to check whether the ACL
resources have been used up.

● Run the display acl resource [ slot slot-id ] command in any view to check
information about ACL resources.
If the value of Rule Free or Free is not 0, idle ACL resources exist on the

2.14.3 Optimizing ACL Resources

Many services use ACL rules to control packets. These ACL rules occupy ACL
resources. The ACL resources on the device are limited. If the number of occupied
ACL resources reaches the upper limit, new services cannot be delivered. However,
the device running and the services that have ACLs applied are not affected.
To optimize ACL resources, you need to know how ACL rules occupy ACL
resources. Generally, the number of occupied ACL resources is calculated as

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Number of occupied ACL resources = Number of ACL rules x ACL application scope
(Number of interfaces or Number of VLANs or 1 if the ACL is applied globally) x
ACL application direction (1 for inbound and 1 for outbound, and 2 for inbound
and outbound)

For example, if 1K ACL rules are configured in an ACL using the if-match acl { acl-
number | acl-name } command and the traffic policy that references the ACL is
applied to the outbound direction of 8 interfaces, then totally 8K (1K rules x 8
interfaces x 1 direction) ACL resources are occupied.

Actually, the number of ACL rules configured on the device is different from the
actual number of ACL resources occupied. The calculation method varies
depending on factors such as the hardware chip and the type of service to which
an ACL is applied.


In the preceding traffic policy example, if the device supports a maximum of 7K

downstream ACL resources, the service cannot be configured. You can use any of
the following methods to optimize ACL resource usage so that the service can be
successfully configured:

● Method 1: Delete unnecessary services.

– Run the display traffic-policy applied-record command to check the
traffic policy application records and delete redundant traffic policies.
– Check the services that use ACLs other than the traffic policy and delete
redundant services or ACLs.
● Method 2: Adjust ACL application range.
If the interfaces to which the traffic policy is applied belong to the same
VLAN or some of the interfaces belong to the same VLAN (the interfaces
without traffic policy configured are not in this VLAN), you can apply the ACL
to the VLANs (for example, VLAN 10 and VLAN 20) to which the interfaces
belong. After the ACL application range is adjusted, the number of occupied
ACL resources is 2K (1K rules x 2 VLANs).
● Method 3: Combine ACL rules to reduce the number of effective ACL rules.
Find out the common matching conditions in the ACL rules and relationships
between the rules.
For example, the following content is included in 1K ACL rules:
acl number 3009
rule 1 permit ip source 0 destination 0
rule 2 permit ip source 0 destination 0
rule 3 permit ip source 0 destination 0
rule 4 permit ip source 0 destination 0
rule 255 permit ip source 0 destination 0
rule 256 permit ip source 0 destination 0
rule 510 permit ip source 0 destination 0
rule 801 deny tcp destination-port eq www //Port 80
rule 802 deny tcp destination-port eq 81
rule 803 deny tcp destination-port eq 82
rule 830 deny tcp destination-port eq pop2 //Port 109
rule 831 deny tcp destination-port eq pop3 //Port 110

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

rule 1000 xxx

Rules 1 through 510 use source and destination IP addresses as matching
conditions. Source IP addresses are all IP addresses on network segments and Therefore, rules 1 through 510 can be combined
into the following two rules by using the IP address wildcard mask.
acl number 3009
rule 1 permit ip source destination 0
rule 2 permit ip source destination 0
After combination, rules 1 through 510 are reduced to 492 rules. The number
of occupied ACL resources is reduced to 3936 (492 rules x 8 interfaces), which
is lower than the upper limit of ACL resources.
In addition, rules 801 through 831 use TCP destination ports 80-110 as the
matching conditions. Therefore, you can specify the range keyword to
combine rules 801 through 831 into the following rule:
acl number 3009
rule 801 deny tcp destination-port range 80 110
After combination, rules 801 through 831 are reduced to 462 rules. The
number of occupied ACL resources is reduced to 3696 (462 rules x 8
interfaces), which is lower than the upper limit of ACL resources.

2.14.4 Setting Alarm Threshold Percentage of ACL Resource

After the device runs the ACL or ACL6 service for a period, the running ACL
services occupy ACL resources. You can set the alarm threshold percentage of ACL
When the ACL resource usage (that is, the ratio of existing ACL entries to the
maximum number of ACL entries supported by the device) is equivalent to or
higher than the threshold, the device generates an alarm. When the ACL resource
usage is equivalent to or lower than the lower threshold, the device generates a
clear alarm.

Step 1 Run system-view
The system view is displayed.

Step 2 Run acl threshold-alarm { upper-limit upper-limit | lower-limit lower-limit } *

The alarm threshold percentage of ACL resource usage is set.

By default, the lower alarm threshold percentage is 70, and the upper alarm
threshold percentage is 80.


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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

2.14.5 Configuring the Resource Mode of the Extended ACL

Entry Space

A core device processes a large number of services and therefore maintains many
ACL entries. However, the number of entries supported by the device is limited. If
these entries cannot meet service requirements, the service processing efficiency
degrades. The device provides a register for expanding entry spaces. You can
configure the resource allocation mode for the extended entry space to expand
space for ACL entries.


Only the S5720HI supports this command.

Step 1 (Optional) Run display system resource-template [ slot slot-id ]

The system resource template information is displayed.

Step 2 Run system-view

The system view is displayed.

Step 3 Run assign resource-template acl-mode { dual-ipv4-ipv6 | ipv4 | l2 | l2-ipv4 |

l2-ipv6 } [ slot slot-id ]

The ACL resource allocation mode is configured.

By default, the ACL resource allocation mode is dual-ipv4-ipv6.


After configuring the ACL resource allocation mode, save the configuration, and restart the
device for the configuration to take effect.

Table 2-26 ACL specifications in different resource allocation modes

Resource Maximu Maximu Maximu Maximu Maximu Total

Allocatio m m m m m Number
n Mode Number Number Number Number Number of ACLs
of IPv4 of Layer of IPv6 of Layer of Layer
ACLs 2+IPv4 ACLs 2+IPv6 2 ACLs

dual- 16K 16K 8K 8K 16K 16K(IPV4

ipv4-ipv6 )

l2-ipv4 32K 32K 0 0 32K 32K

l2-ipv6 0 0 16K 16K 16K 16K

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Resource Maximu Maximu Maximu Maximu Maximu Total

Allocatio m m m m m Number
n Mode Number Number Number Number Number of ACLs
of IPv4 of Layer of IPv6 of Layer of Layer
ACLs 2+IPv4 ACLs 2+IPv6 2 ACLs

ipv4 64K 0 0 0 0 64K

l2 0 0 0 0 64K 64K


2.14.6 Clearing ACL or ACL6 Statistics



The deleted ACL statistics cannot be restored. Exercise caution when you run the

● Run the reset acl counter { name acl-name | acl-number | all } command in
the user view to clear ACL statistics.
● Run the reset acl ipv6 counter { name acl6-name | acl6-number | all }
command in the user view to clear ACL6 statistics.


2.15 Configuration Examples for ACLs

2.15.1 Example for Using Basic ACLs to Restrict FTP Access


Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-12, the Switch functions as an FTP server. The requirements
are as follows:

● All the users on subnet 1 ( are allowed to access the FTP
server anytime.
● All the users on subnet 2 ( are allowed to access the FTP
server only at the specified period of time.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

● Other users are not allowed to access the FTP server.

The routes between the Switch and subnets are reachable. You need to configure
the Switch to limit user access to the FTP server.

Figure 2-12 Using basic ACLs to restrict FTP access rights


FTP Server

Configuration Roadmap
The following configurations are performed on the Switch. The configuration
roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure time ranges and ACLs so that the device can filter user packets to
control FTP access rights of different users.
2. Configure basic FTP functions.
3. Apply the ACL to the FTP module to make the ACL take effect.

Step 1 Configure time ranges.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch
[Switch] time-range ftp-access from 0:0 2014/1/1 to 23:59 2014/12/31
[Switch] time-range ftp-access 14:00 to 18:00 off-day

Step 2 Configure a basic ACL.

[Switch] acl number 2001
[Switch-acl-basic-2001] rule permit source
[Switch-acl-basic-2001] rule permit source time-range ftp-access
[Switch-acl-basic-2001] rule deny source any
[Switch-acl-basic-2001] quit

Step 3 Configure basic FTP functions.

[Switch] ftp server enable
[Switch] aaa
[Switch-aaa] local-user huawei password irreversible-cipher SetUesrPasswd@123
[Switch-aaa] local-user huawei privilege level 15
[Switch-aaa] local-user huawei service-type ftp
[Switch-aaa] local-user huawei ftp-directory flash:
[Switch-aaa] quit

Step 4 Configure access permissions on the FTP server.

[Switch] ftp acl 2001

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Step 5 Verify the configuration.

Run the ftp command on PC1 ( in subnet 1.
PC1 can connect to the FTP server.
Run the ftp command on PC2 ( in subnet 2 on
Monday in 2014. PC2 cannot connect to the FTP server. Run the ftp command on PC2 ( in subnet 2 at 15:00 on
Saturday in 2014. PC2 can connect to the FTP server.
Run the ftp command on PC3 ( PC3 cannot
connect to the FTP server.

Configuration Files
Switch configuration file
sysname Switch
FTP server enable
FTP acl 2001
time-range ftp-access 14:00 to 18:00 off-day
time-range ftp-access from 00:00 2014/1/1 to 23:59 2014/12/31
acl number 2001
rule 5 permit source
rule 10 permit source time-range ftp-access
rule 15 deny
local-user huawei password irreversible-cipher $1a$a/sUWg/.p1*))=~SWzIRS0N",`&aS%'7X).m=o[PkQcv"!!
local-user huawei privilege level 15
local-user huawei ftp-directory flash:
local-user huawei service-type ftp

2.15.2 Example for Using Basic ACLs to Control Telnet Login


Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-13, the PC and device are reachable to each other. Users
require that the device be remotely configured and managed in an easy way. To
meet the requirement, configure AAA authentication for Telnet users on the server
and configure a security policy to allow only users meeting the policy to log in to
the device.

Figure 2-13 Networking diagram for configuring Telnet login


PC Telnet_Server

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Log in to the device using Telnet to remotely maintain the device.
2. Configure the administrator user name and password, and configure an AAA
authentication policy to ensure that only users passing the authentication can
log in to the device.
3. Configure a security policy to ensure that only users meeting the policy can
log in to the device.

Step 1 Enable the server function.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Telnet_Server
[Telnet_Server] telnet server enable

Step 2 Set parameters for the VTY user interface.

# Set the maximum number of VTY user interfaces.
[Telnet_Server] user-interface maximum-vty 15

# Specify the IP address of the host allowed to log in to the device.

[Telnet_Server] acl 2001
[Telnet_Server-acl-basic-2001] rule permit source 0
[Telnet_Server-acl-basic-2001] quit
[Telnet_Server] user-interface vty 0 14
[Telnet_Server-ui-vty0-14] protocol inbound telnet
[Telnet_Server-ui-vty0-14] acl 2001 inbound

# Set terminal attributes for the VTY user interface.

[Telnet_Server-ui-vty0-14] shell
[Telnet_Server-ui-vty0-14] idle-timeout 20
[Telnet_Server-ui-vty0-14] screen-length 0
[Telnet_Server-ui-vty0-14] history-command max-size 20

# Set an authentication mode for the VTY user interface.

[Telnet_Server-ui-vty0-14] authentication-mode aaa
[Telnet_Server-ui-vty0-14] quit

Step 3 Configure the login user information.

# Set an authentication mode for login users.
[Telnet_Server] aaa
[Telnet_Server-aaa] local-user admin1234 password irreversible-cipher Helloworld@6789
[Telnet_Server-aaa] local-user admin1234 service-type telnet
[Telnet_Server-aaa] local-user admin1234 privilege level 3
[Telnet_Server-aaa] quit

Step 4 Log in to the client.

Run commands on the Windows Command Prompt of the PC to log in to the
device using Telnet.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator> telnet

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Press Enter, and enter the configured user name and password in the login
window. If authentication succeeds, the CLI is displayed, indicating that you have
successfully logged in to the device. (The following information is only for
Login authentication

Info: The max number of VTY users is 8, and the number
of current VTY users on line is 2.
The current login time is 2012-08-06 18:33:18+00:00.


Configuration File
Telnet_Server configuration file
sysname Telnet_Server
telnet server enable
acl number 2001
rule 5 permit source 0
local-user admin1234 password irreversible-cipher $1a$aVW8S=aP=B<OWi1Bu'^R[=_!~oR*85r_nNY+kA(I}
local-user admin1234 privilege level 3
local-user admin1234 service-type telnet
user-interface maximum-vty 15
user-interface vty 0 14
acl 2001 inbound
authentication-mode aaa
history-command max-size 20
idle-timeout 20 0
screen-length 0
protocol inbound telnet

2.15.3 Example for Applying Basic ACLs to SNMP to Filter


Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-14, two NMSs are available on the network to monitor
network devices. The network size is small and the network has a high security
level. Therefore, the administrator requires that only the trusted NMS (NMS2)
manage network devices and the Switch use SNMPv1 to communicate with the
NMS. Invalid NMSs cannot manage the Switch. According to service requirements,
the administrator allows the NMS to manage only the objects except RMON, and
the administrator should be able to locate and rectify faults quickly through the

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Figure 2-14 Applying basic ACLs to SNMP to filter NMSs

NMS1 GE0/0/1 VLANIF100
IP network



Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure the SNMP version on the Switch to SNMPv1.

2. Configure ACLs, MIB view, and community name to control the access rights
of NMSs. The NMS2 can only manage the objects on Switch except RMON,
and NMS1 cannot manage the Switch.
3. Configure the trap host for the Switch to deliver traps generated on the
Switch to NMS2. To help quickly identify faults according to trap messages
and reduce useless traps, configure the Switch to send only the traps of the
modules enabled by default.
4. Configure NMS2.

Step 1 Configure an IP address for the interface of Switch to provide a reachable route
between the NMS and the Switch.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch
[Switch] vlan 100
[Switch-vlan100] quit
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type hybrid
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port hybrid pvid vlan 100
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port hybrid untagged vlan 100
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Switch] interface vlanif 100
[Switch-Vlanif100] ip address 24
[Switch-Vlanif100] quit

Step 2 Set the SNMP version on the Switch to SNMPv1.

[Switch] snmp-agent sys-info version v1

Step 3 Configure the access rights.

# Configure an ACL that allows NMS2 to manage the Switch and prevents NMS1
from managing the Switch.

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[Switch] acl 2001

[Switch-acl-basic-2001] rule 5 permit source
[Switch-acl-basic-2001] rule 6 deny source
[Switch-acl-basic-2001] quit

# Configure the MIB view to allow NMS2 to manage all MIB objects on the Switch
except RMON objects.
[Switch] snmp-agent mib-view excluded allextrmon

# Configure a community name and reference the ACL and MIB view for the
[Switch] snmp-agent community write adminnms2 mib-view allextrmon acl 2001

Step 4 Configure the trap host.

[Switch] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname adminnms2

Step 5 Configure NMS2.

You must set a read-write community name for an NMS running SNMPv1. For
details about the NMS configuration, see the manual of the NMS.


The authentication parameter configuration on the NMS must be the same as that on the
Switch. Otherwise, the NMS cannot manage the Switch. If only the write community name
is configured on the device, the read and write community names on the NMS must be the
same as the write community name configured on the device.

Step 6 Verify the configuration.

After completing the configuration, run the following commands to verify that the
configurations have taken effect.
# View the SNMP version.
[Switch] display snmp-agent sys-info version
SNMP version running in the system:

# View the configuration of the target host used to receive traps.

[Switch] display snmp-agent target-host
Target-host NO. 1
IP-address :
Source interface : -
VPN instance : -
Security name : %^%#uq/!YZfvW4*vf[~C|.:Cl}UqS(vXd#wwqR~5M(rU%%^%#
Port : 162
Type : trap
Version : v1
Level : No authentication and privacy
NMS type : NMS
With ext-vb : No


Configuration Files
Switch configuration file
sysname Switch

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vlan batch 100
acl number 2001
rule 5 permit source 0
rule 6 deny source 0
interface Vlanif100
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid pvid vlan 100
port hybrid untagged vlan 100
snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB03360102101100
snmp-agent community write cipher %^%#.T|&Whvyf$<Gd"I,wXi5SP_6~Nakk6<<+3H:N-h@aJ6d,l0md
%HCeAY8~>X=>xV\JKNAL=124r839v<*%^%# mib-view allextrmon acl 2001
snmp-agent sys-info version v1 v3
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname cipher %^%#uq/!
snmp-agent mib-view excluded allextrmon rmon

2.15.4 Example for Using Basic ACLs to Filter OSPF Routes

Networking Requirements
Figure 2-15 shows how on an OSPF network, SwitchA receives routes from the
Internet and provides these routes for the OSPF network. A user wants devices on
the OSPF network to access only the network segments,, and, and SwitchC to access only the network

Figure 2-15 Networking diagram for filtering the received and advertised routes
GE0/0/1 GE0/0/1
GE0/0/2 GE0/0/1
SwitchC SwitchB SwitchA


Device Interface VLANIF Interface IP Address

SwitchA GE0/0/1 VLANIF10

SwitchB GE0/0/1 VLANIF10

SwitchB GE0/0/2 VLANIF20

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Device Interface VLANIF Interface IP Address

SwitchC GE0/0/1 VLANIF20

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure an ACL on SwitchA so that SwitchA advertises only the,, and routes to SwitchB. In this
situation, the OSPF network can access only,,
2. Configure an ACL on SwitchC so that SwitchC receives only the
routes. In this situation, the network connected to SwitchC can access only the
network segments

Step 1 Add interfaces to VLANs.
# Configure SwitchA. Ensure that the configurations of SwitchB and SwitchC are
the same as the configuration of SwitchA.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname SwitchA
[SwitchA] vlan batch 10
[SwitchA] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit

Step 2 Assign IP addresses to VLANIF interfaces.

# Configure SwitchA. Ensure that the configurations of SwitchB and SwitchC are
the same as the configuration of SwitchA.
[SwitchA] interface vlanif 10
[SwitchA-Vlanif10] ip address 24
[SwitchA-Vlanif10] quit

Step 3 Configure basic OSPF functions.

# Configure SwitchA.
[SwitchA] ospf
[SwitchA-ospf-1] area 0
[SwitchA-ospf-1-area-] network
[SwitchA-ospf-1-area-] quit
[SwitchA-ospf-1] quit

# Configure SwitchB.
[SwitchB] ospf
[SwitchB-ospf-1] area 0
[SwitchB-ospf-1-area-] network
[SwitchB-ospf-1-area-] network
[SwitchB-ospf-1-area-] quit
[SwitchB-ospf-1] quit

# Configure SwitchC.

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[SwitchC] ospf
[SwitchC-ospf-1] area 0
[SwitchC-ospf-1-area-] network
[SwitchC-ospf-1-area-] quit
[SwitchC-ospf-1] quit

Step 4 Configure five static routes on SwitchA and import these routes into OSPF.
[SwitchA] ip route-static 24 NULL 0
[SwitchA] ip route-static 24 NULL 0
[SwitchA] ip route-static 24 NULL 0
[SwitchA] ip route-static 24 NULL 0
[SwitchA] ip route-static 24 NULL 0
[SwitchA] ospf
[SwitchA-ospf-1] import-route static
[SwitchA-ospf-1] quit

# Check the IP routing table on SwitchB. You can see that the five static routes are
imported into OSPF.
[SwitchB] display ip routing-table
Route Flags: R - relay, D - download to fib
Routing Tables: Public
Destinations : 11 Routes : 11

Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost Flags NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0 Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0 O_ASE 150 1 D Vlanif10 O_ASE 150 1 D Vlanif10 O_ASE 150 1 D Vlanif10 O_ASE 150 1 D Vlanif10 O_ASE 150 1 D Vlanif10 Direct 0 0 D Vlanif10 Direct 0 0 D Vlanif10 Direct 0 0 D Vlanif20 Direct 0 0 D Vlanif20

Step 5 Configure a route advertisement policy.

# Configure ACL 2002 on SwitchA to allow only,,
and to pass.
[SwitchA] acl number 2002
[SwitchA-acl-basic-2002] rule permit source
[SwitchA-acl-basic-2002] rule permit source
[SwitchA-acl-basic-2002] rule permit source
[SwitchA-acl-basic-2002] quit

# Configure a route advertisement policy on SwitchA and associate ACL 2002 with
the policy to filter routes.
[SwitchA] ospf
[SwitchA-ospf-1] filter-policy 2002 export static
[SwitchA-ospf-1] quit

# View the IP routing table on SwitchB. SwitchB has received only the three routes
defined in ACL 2002.
[SwitchB] display ip routing-table
Route Flags: R - relay, D - download to fib
Routing Tables: Public
Destinations : 9 Routes : 9

Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost Flags NextHop Interface

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0 Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0 O_ASE 150 1 D Vlanif10 O_ASE 150 1 D Vlanif10 O_ASE 150 1 D Vlanif10 Direct 0 0 D Vlanif10 Direct 0 0 D Vlanif10 Direct 0 0 D Vlanif20 Direct 0 0 D Vlanif20

Step 6 Configure a route receiving policy.

# Configure ACL 2003 on SwitchC to allow only to pass.
[SwitchC] acl number 2003
[SwitchC-acl-basic-2003] rule permit source
[SwitchC-acl-basic-2003] quit

# Configure a route receiving policy on SwitchC and associate ACL 2003 with the
policy to filter routes.
[SwitchC] ospf
[SwitchC-ospf-1] filter-policy 2003 import
[SwitchC-ospf-1] quit

# View the IP routing table on SwitchC. SwitchC has received only the route
defined in ACL 2003.
[SwitchC] display ip routing-table
Route Flags: R - relay, D - download to fib
Routing Tables: Public
Destinations : 5 Routes : 5

Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost Flags NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0 Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0 O_ASE 150 1 D Vlanif20 Direct 0 0 D Vlanif20 Direct 0 0 D Vlanif20


Configuration Files
● Configuration file of SwitchA
sysname SwitchA
vlan batch 10
acl number 2002
rule 5 permit source
rule 10 permit source
rule 15 permit source
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
ospf 1
filter-policy 2002 export static
import-route static

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ip route-static NULL0
ip route-static NULL0
ip route-static NULL0
ip route-static NULL0
ip route-static NULL0

● Configuration file of SwitchB

sysname SwitchB
vlan batch 10 20
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface Vlanif20
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 20
ospf 1

● Configuration file of SwitchC

sysname SwitchC
vlan batch 20
acl number 2003
rule 5 permit source
interface Vlanif20
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 20
ospf 1
filter-policy 2003 import

2.15.5 Example for Using Advanced ACLs to Restrict Mutual

Access Between Network Segments

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-16, the departments of an enterprise are connected through
the Switch. To facilitate network management, the administrator allocates the IP
addresses on two network segments to the R&D and marketing departments
respectively. In addition, the administrator adds the two departments to different
VLANs for broadcast domain isolation. The Switch needs to restrict mutual access
between two network segments to ensure information security.

Figure 2-16 Using advanced ACLs to restrict mutual access between network
LAN SwitchA
R&D GE0/0/3

Switch Router
VLAN20 GE0/0/2
LAN SwitchB

Configuration Roadmap
The following configurations are performed on the Switch. The configuration
roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure an advanced ACL and ACL-based traffic classifier to filter the
packets exchanged between R&D and marketing departments.
2. Configure a traffic behavior to discard the packets matching the ACL.
3. Configure and apply a traffic policy to make the ACL and traffic behavior take

Step 1 Configure VLANs and IP addresses for interfaces to ensure network connections.
# Create VLAN 10 and VLAN 20.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch
[Switch] vlan batch 10 20

# Configure GE0/0/1 and GE0/0/2 on the Switch as trunk interfaces and add the
interfaces to VLAN 10 and VLAN 20 respectively.

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[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port link-type trunk
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port trunk allow-pass vlan 20
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

# Create VLANIF 10 and VLANIF 20 and assign IP addresses to them.

[Switch] interface vlanif 10
[Switch-Vlanif10] ip address 24
[Switch-Vlanif10] quit
[Switch] interface vlanif 20
[Switch-Vlanif20] ip address 24
[Switch-Vlanif20] quit

Step 2 Configure the ACL.

# Create advanced ACL 3001 and configure rules for the ACL to block the packets
from the R&D department to the marketing department.
[Switch] acl 3001
[Switch-acl-adv-3001] rule deny ip source destination
[Switch-acl-adv-3001] quit

# Create advanced ACL 3002 and configure rules for the ACL to block the packets
from the marketing department to the R&D department.
[Switch] acl 3002
[Switch-acl-adv-3002] rule deny ip source destination
[Switch-acl-adv-3002] quit

Step 3 Configure an advanced ACL-based traffic classifier.

# Configure the traffic classifier tc1 to classify packets that match ACL 3001 and
ACL 3002.
[Switch] traffic classifier tc1
[Switch-classifier-tc1] if-match acl 3001
[Switch-classifier-tc1] if-match acl 3002
[Switch-classifier-tc1] quit

Step 4 Configure a traffic behavior.

# Configure the traffic behavior tb1 to reject packets.

[Switch] traffic behavior tb1
[Switch-behavior-tb1] deny
[Switch-behavior-tb1] quit

Step 5 Configure a traffic policy.

# Define the traffic policy and associate the traffic classifier and traffic behavior
with the traffic policy.
[Switch] traffic policy tp1
[Switch-trafficpolicy-tp1] classifier tc1 behavior tb1
[Switch-trafficpolicy-tp1] quit

Step 6 Apply the traffic policy to interfaces.

# Packets from the R&D department are received by GE0/0/1 and packets from
the marketing department are received by GE0/0/2; therefore, apply the traffic
policy to the inbound direction of GE0/0/1 and GE0/0/2.

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[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] traffic-policy tp1 inbound
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] traffic-policy tp1 inbound
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

Step 7 Verify the configuration.

# Check the configuration of ACL rules.
[Switch] display acl 3001
Advanced ACL 3001, 1 rule
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 deny ip source destination
[Switch] display acl 3002
Advanced ACL 3002, 1 rule
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 deny ip source destination

# Check the configuration of the traffic classifier.

[Switch] display traffic classifier user-defined
User Defined Classifier Information:
Classifier: tc1
Operator: OR
Rule(s) : if-match acl 3001
if-match acl 3002

Total classifier number is 1

# Check the configuration of the traffic policy.

[Switch] display traffic policy user-defined tp1
User Defined Traffic Policy Information:
Policy: tp1
Classifier: tc1
Operator: OR
Behavior: tb1

# The two network segments where the R&D and marketing departments reside
cannot access each other.


Configuration Files
Switch configuration file
sysname Switch
vlan batch 10 20
acl number 3001
rule 5 deny ip source destination
acl number 3002
rule 5 deny ip source destination
traffic classifier tc1 operator or
if-match acl 3001
if-match acl 3002
traffic behavior tb1
traffic policy tp1 match-order config

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classifier tc1 behavior tb1

interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface Vlanif20
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
traffic-policy tp1 inbound
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 20
traffic-policy tp1 inbound

Related Content

Configure ACL

2.15.6 Example for Using Advanced ACLs to Implement

Unidirectional Access Control

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-17, different offices of an enterprise are connected through
SwitchC. To facilitate network management, the administrator allocates the IP
addresses on two network segments to the president's office and employee's
office, respectively. In addition, the administrator adds the two offices to different
VLANs for broadcast domain isolation. The president's office must be able to
access the employee's office, but the employee's office is not allowed to access the
president's office to protect the enterprise's confidential information.

Figure 2-17 Using advanced ACLs to implement unidirectional access control

LAN SwitchA
President's office
GE0/0/3 Internet

VLAN 20 GE0/0/2
LAN SwitchB
Employee's office

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Configuration Roadmap
1. Configure an advanced ACL and ACL-based traffic classifier to restrict ICMP
and TCP services so that unidirectional access from the president's office to
the employee's office can be implemented.
– TCP service: permits SYN and ACK packets from the employee's office to
the president's office, that is, responds to TCP connections initiated by the
president's office; denies SYN request packets from the employee's office
to the president's office to prevent the employee's office from initiating
TCP connections.
– ICMP service: denies echo request packets from the employee's office to
the president's office to prevent the employee's office from initiating ping
connectivity tests.

Unidirectional access cannot be implemented for UDP services.

2. Configure a traffic behavior so that packets matching ACL rules are forwarded
based on the original policy.
3. Configure and apply a traffic policy to make the ACL and traffic behavior take

Step 1 Configure IP addresses for interfaces and add the interfaces to VLANs.
# Create VLAN 10 and VLAN 20.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname SwitchC
[SwitchC] vlan batch 10 20

# Configure GE0/0/1 and GE0/0/2 on the SwitchC as trunk interfaces and add
them to VLAN 10 and VLAN 20, respectively.
[SwitchC] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[SwitchC-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk
[SwitchC-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
[SwitchC-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[SwitchC] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[SwitchC-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port link-type trunk
[SwitchC-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port trunk allow-pass vlan 20
[SwitchC-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

# Create VLANIF 10 and VLANIF 20, and assign IP addresses to them.

[SwitchC] interface vlanif 10
[SwitchC-Vlanif10] ip address 24
[SwitchC-Vlanif10] quit
[SwitchC] interface vlanif 20
[SwitchC-Vlanif20] ip address 24
[SwitchC-Vlanif20] quit

Step 2 Configure an ACL.

# Create advanced ACL 3001 and configure ACL rules.
[SwitchC] acl 3001
[SwitchC-acl-adv-3001] rule permit tcp source destination tcp-flag

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syn ack
[SwitchC-acl-adv-3001] rule deny tcp source destination tcp-flag syn
[SwitchC-acl-adv-3001] rule deny icmp source destination icmp-
type echo
[SwitchC-acl-adv-3001] quit

Step 3 Configure a traffic classifier based on the advanced ACL.

# Configure the traffic classifier tc1 to classify packets that match ACL 3001.
[SwitchC] traffic classifier tc1
[SwitchC-classifier-tc1] if-match acl 3001
[SwitchC-classifier-tc1] quit

Step 4 Configure a traffic behavior.

# Configure the traffic behavior tb1.

[SwitchC] traffic behavior tb1
[SwitchC-behavior-tb1] permit
[SwitchC-behavior-tb1] quit

Step 5 Configure a traffic policy.

# Define a traffic policy, and associate the traffic classifier and traffic behavior
with the traffic policy.
[SwitchC] traffic policy tp1
[SwitchC-trafficpolicy-tp1] classifier tc1 behavior tb1
[SwitchC-trafficpolicy-tp1] quit

Step 6 Apply the traffic policy to an interface.

# Apply the traffic policy in the inbound direction of GE0/0/2.

[SwitchC] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[SwitchC-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] traffic-policy tp1 inbound
[SwitchC-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

Step 7 Verify the configuration.

# Check the ACL configuration.

[SwitchC] display acl 3001
Advanced ACL 3001, 3 rules
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 permit tcp source destination tcp-flag ack syn
rule 10 deny tcp source destination tcp-flag syn
rule 15 deny icmp source destination icmp-type echo

# Check the traffic classifier configuration.

[SwitchC] display traffic classifier user-defined
User Defined Classifier Information:
Classifier: tc1
Operator: OR
Rule(s) : if-match acl 3001
Total classifier number is 1

# Check the traffic policy configuration.

[SwitchC] display traffic policy user-defined tp1
User Defined Traffic Policy Information:
Policy: tp1
Classifier: tc1
Operator: OR
Behavior: tb1

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

# The president's office can access the employee's office, but the employee's office
cannot access the president's office.


Configuration Files
SwitchC configuration file
sysname SwitchC
vlan batch 10 20
acl number 3001
rule 5 permit tcp source destination tcp-flag ack syn
rule 10 deny tcp source destination tcp-flag syn
rule 15 deny icmp source destination icmp-type echo
traffic classifier tc1 operator or
if-match acl 3001
traffic behavior tb1
traffic policy tp1 match-order config
classifier tc1 behavior tb1
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface Vlanif20
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 20
traffic-policy tp1 inbound

Related Content

Configure ACL

2.15.7 Example for Using Advanced ACLs to Control Access to

the Specified Server in the Specified Time Range

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-18, the departments of an enterprise are connected through
the Switch. The R&D and marketing departments cannot access the salary query
server at in work hours (08:00 to 17:30), whereas the president office
can access the server at anytime.

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

Figure 2-18 Using advanced ACLs to control access to the specified server in the
specified time range

LAN SwitchA
Salary query server
President office GE0/0/4 VLANIF 100
LAN SwitchB
VLAN20 GE0/0/2
VLANIF 20 Switch Router
Marketing GE0/0/3

LAN SwitchC

Configuration Roadmap
The following configurations are performed on the Switch. The configuration
roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure the time range, advanced ACL, and ACL-based traffic classifier to
filter packets from users to the server in the specified time range. In this way,
you can restrict the access of different users to the server in the specified time
2. Configure a traffic behavior to discard the packets matching the ACL.
3. Configure and apply a traffic policy to make the ACL and traffic behavior take

Step 1 Add interfaces to VLANs and assign IP addresses to the VLANIF interfaces.
# Add GE0/0/1 - GE0/0/3 to VLANs 10, 20, and 30 respectively, add GE0/0/4 to
VLAN 100, and assign IP addresses to the VLANIF interfaces. The configurations on
GE0/0/1 and VLANIF 10 are used as an example here. The configurations on
GE0/0/2, GE0/0/3, and GE0/0/4 are similar to those on GE0/0/1, and the
configurations on VLANIF 20, VLANIF 30, and VLANIF 100 are similar to the
configurations on VLANIF 10.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch
[Switch] vlan batch 10 20 30 100
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 10

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[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Switch] interface vlanif 10
[Switch-Vlanif10] ip address
[Switch-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure a time range.

# Configure the time range from 8:00 to 17:30.
[Switch] time-range satime 8:00 to 17:30 working-day

Step 3 Configure ACLs.

# Configure an ACL for the marketing department to access the salary query
[Switch] acl 3002
[Switch-acl-adv-3002] rule deny ip source destination time-range
[Switch-acl-adv-3002] quit

# Configure an ACL for the R&D department to access the salary query server.
[Switch] acl 3003
[Switch-acl-adv-3003] rule deny ip source destination time-range
[Switch-acl-adv-3003] quit

Step 4 Configure ACL-based traffic classifiers.

# Configure the traffic classifier c_market to classify the packets that match ACL
[Switch] traffic classifier c_market
[Switch-classifier-c_market] if-match acl 3002
[Switch-classifier-c_market] quit

# Configure the traffic classifier c_rd to classify the packets that match ACL 3003.
[Switch] traffic classifier c_rd
[Switch-classifier-c_rd] if-match acl 3003
[Switch-classifier-c_rd] quit

Step 5 Configure traffic behaviors.

# Configure the traffic behavior b_market to reject packets.
[Switch] traffic behavior b_market
[Switch-behavior-b_market] deny
[Switch-behavior-b_market] quit

# Configure the traffic behavior b_rd to reject packets.

[Switch] traffic behavior b_rd
[Switch-behavior-b_rd] deny
[Switch-behavior-b_rd] quit

Step 6 Configure traffic policies.

# Configure the traffic policy p_market and associate the traffic classifier
c_market and the traffic behavior b_market with the traffic policy.
[Switch] traffic policy p_market
[Switch-trafficpolicy-p_market] classifier c_market behavior b_market
[Switch-trafficpolicy-p_market] quit

# Configure the traffic policy p_rd and associate the traffic classifier c_rd and the
traffic behavior b_rd with the traffic policy.

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[Switch] traffic policy p_rd

[Switch-trafficpolicy-p_rd] classifier c_rd behavior b_rd
[Switch-trafficpolicy-p_rd] quit

Step 7 Apply the traffic policy.

# Packets from the marketing department are received by GE0/0/2, so apply the
traffic policy p_market to the inbound direction of GE0/0/2.
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] traffic-policy p_market inbound
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

# Packets from the R&D department are received by GE0/0/3, so apply the traffic
policy p_rd to the inbound direction of GE0/0/3.
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/3
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] traffic-policy p_rd inbound
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] quit

Step 8 Verify the configuration.

# Check the configuration of ACL rules.

[Switch] display acl all
Total nonempty ACL number is 2

Advanced ACL 3002, 1 rule

Acl's step is 5
rule 5 deny ip source destination 0 time-range satime (Active)

Advanced ACL 3003, 1 rule

Acl's step is 5
rule 5 deny ip source destination 0 time-range satime (Active)

# Check the configuration of traffic classifiers.

[Switch] display traffic classifier user-defined
User Defined Classifier Information:
Classifier: c_market
Operator: OR
Rule(s) : if-match acl 3002

Classifier: c_rd
Operator: OR
Rule(s) : if-match acl 3003

Total classifier number is 2

# Check the configuration of traffic policies.

[Switch] display traffic policy user-defined
User Defined Traffic Policy Information:
Policy: p_market
Classifier: c_market
Operator: OR
Behavior: b_market

Policy: p_rd
Classifier: c_rd
Operator: OR
Behavior: b_rd

Total policy number is 2

# Check the traffic policy use records.

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[Switch] display traffic-policy applied-record

Policy Name: p_market
Policy Index: 0
Classifier:c_market Behavior:b_market
*interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
traffic-policy p_market inbound
slot 0 : success
Policy total applied times: 1.
Policy Name: p_rd
Policy Index: 1
Classifier:c_rd Behavior:b_rd
*interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
traffic-policy p_rd inbound
slot 0 : success
Policy total applied times: 1.

# The R&D and marketing departments cannot access the salary query server in
work hours (08:00 to 17:30).


Configuration Files
Switch configuration file
sysname Switch
vlan batch 10 20 30 100
time-range satime 08:00 to 17:30 working-day
acl number 3002
rule 5 deny ip source destination 0 time-range satime
acl number 3003
rule 5 deny ip source destination 0 time-range satime
traffic classifier c_market operator or
if-match acl 3002
traffic classifier c_rd operator or
if-match acl 3003
traffic behavior b_market
traffic behavior b_rd
traffic policy p_market match-order config
classifier c_market behavior b_market
traffic policy p_rd match-order config
classifier c_rd behavior b_rd
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface Vlanif20
ip address
interface Vlanif30

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ip address

interface Vlanif100
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 20
traffic-policy p_market inbound
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 30
traffic-policy p_rd inbound
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 100

2.15.8 Example for Using Layer 2 ACLs to Block Network

Access of the Specified Users

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-19, the Switch that functions as the gateway is connected to
the users' PCs. The administrator wants to block network access of PC1 after
detecting that PC1 (00e0-f201-0101) is an unauthorized user.

Figure 2-19 Using Layer 2 ACLs to block network access of the specified users

GE0/0/2 GE0/0/1
PC1 Internet

SwitchA Switch Router


Configuration Roadmap
The following configurations are performed on the Switch. The configuration
roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure a Layer 2 ACL and ACL-based traffic classifier to discard packets
from MAC address 00e0-f201-0101 (preventing the user with this MAC
address from accessing the network).

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2. Configure a traffic behavior to discard the packets matching the ACL.

3. Configure and apply a traffic policy to make the ACL and traffic behavior take

Step 1 Configure an ACL.
# Configure a Layer 2 ACL to meet the preceding requirement.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch
[Switch] acl 4000
[Switch-acl-L2-4000] rule deny source-mac 00e0-f201-0101 ffff-ffff-ffff
[Switch-acl-L2-4000] quit

Step 2 Configure an ACL-based traffic classifier.

# Configure the traffic classifier tc1 to classify packets that match ACL 4000.
[Switch] traffic classifier tc1
[Switch-classifier-tc1] if-match acl 4000
[Switch-classifier-tc1] quit

Step 3 Configure a traffic behavior.

# Configure the traffic behavior tb1 to reject packets.
[Switch] traffic behavior tb1
[Switch-behavior-tb1] deny
[Switch-behavior-tb1] quit

Step 4 Configure a traffic policy.

# Configure the traffic policy tp1 and associate tc1 and tb1 with the traffic policy.
[Switch] traffic policy tp1
[Switch-trafficpolicy-tp1] classifier tc1 behavior tb1
[Switch-trafficpolicy-tp1] quit

Step 5 Apply the traffic policy.

# Packets from PC1 to the Internet are received by GE0/0/2, so apply the traffic
policy tp1 to the inbound direction of GE0/0/2.
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] traffic-policy tp1 inbound
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

Step 6 Verify the configuration.

# Check the configuration of the ACL rule.
[Switch] display acl 4000
L2 ACL 4000, 1 rule
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 deny source-mac 00e0-f201-0101

# Check the configuration of the traffic classifier.

[Switch] display traffic classifier user-defined
User Defined Classifier Information:
Classifier: tc1
Operator: OR
Rule(s) : if-match acl 4000

Total classifier number is 1

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# Check the configuration of the traffic policy.

[Switch] display traffic policy user-defined tp1
User Defined Traffic Policy Information:
Policy: tp1
Classifier: tc1
Operator: OR
Behavior: tb1

# Check the traffic policy use records.

[Switch] display traffic-policy applied-record
Policy Name: tp1
Policy Index: 0
Classifier:tc1 Behavior:tb1
*interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
traffic-policy tp1 inbound
slot 0 : success
Policy total applied times: 1.

# The user with MAC address 00e0-f201-0101 cannot access the Internet.


Configuration Files
Switch configuration file
sysname Switch
acl number 4000
rule 5 deny source-mac 00e0-f201-0101
traffic classifier tc1 operator or
if-match acl 4000
traffic behavior tb1
traffic policy tp1 match-order config
classifier tc1 behavior tb1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
traffic-policy tp1 inbound

2.15.9 Example for Using Layer 2 ACLs in QoS to Implement

Traffic Policing

Networking Requirements
Voice, video, and data services are transmitted in VLAN 120, VLAN 110, and VLAN
100 respectively.

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Traffic policing needs to be configured on the Switch to police packets of different

services so that traffic is limited within a proper range and bandwidth of each
service is guaranteed.

Table 2-27 describes QoS required by different services.

Table 2-27 QoS guarantee for uplink traffic on the Switch

Traffic Type CIR (kbit/s) PIR (kbit/s)

Voice 2000 10000

Video 4000 10000

Data 4000 10000

Figure 2-20 Networking of traffic policing


VLAN 120

PC GE0/0/1 GE0/0/2

VLAN 100 SwitchA Switch Router


Enterprise Traffic
campus network direction

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:
1. Create VLANs and configure interfaces so that the enterprise can access the
Network through the Switch.
2. Configure ACLs on the Switch to match services from different VLANs.
3. Configure ACL-based traffic policing on the Switch to limit different packets
from the enterprise.

Step 1 Create VLANs and configure interfaces.

# Create VLAN 100, VLAN 110, and VLAN 120 on the Switch.

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<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch
[Switch] vlan batch 100 110 120

# Configure GE0/0/1 and GE0/0/2 as trunk interfaces, and add GE0/0/1 and
GE0/0/2 to VLAN 100, VLAN 110, and VLAN 120.
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 110 120
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port link-type trunk
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 110 120
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit

Step 2 Configure ACLs.

# Configure Layer 2 ACLs on the Switch to classify different service flows from the
enterprise based on the VLAN ID.
[Switch] acl 4001
[Switch-acl-L2-4001] rule 1 permit vlan-id 120
[Switch-acl-L2-4001] quit
[Switch] acl 4002
[Switch-acl-L2-4002] rule 1 permit vlan-id 110
[Switch-acl-L2-4002] quit
[Switch] acl 4003
[Switch-acl-L2-4003] rule 1 permit vlan-id 100
[Switch-acl-L2-4003] quit

Step 3 Configure traffic policing.

# Configure traffic policing in the inbound direction of GE0/0/1 on the Switch to
limit different packets from the enterprise.

[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] traffic-limit inbound acl 4001 cir 2000 pir 10000
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] traffic-limit inbound acl 4002 cir 4000 pir 10000
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] traffic-limit inbound acl 4003 cir 4000 pir 10000
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit

Step 4 Verify the configuration.

# Check information about ACLs and actions on the interface in the inbound
[Switch] display traffic-applied interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 inbound
ACL applied inbound interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1

ACL 4001
rule 1 permit vlan-id 120
limit cir 2000 ,cbs 250000
pir 10000 ,pbs 1250000
green : pass
yellow : pass
red : drop

ACL 4002
rule 1 permit vlan-id 110
limit cir 4000 ,cbs 500000
pir 10000 ,pbs 1250000
green : pass

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yellow : pass
red : drop

ACL 4003
rule 1 permit vlan-id 100
limit cir 4000 ,cbs 500000
pir 10000 ,pbs 1250000
green : pass
yellow : pass
red : drop


Configuration Files
Switch configuration file
sysname Switch
vlan batch 100 110 120
acl number 4001
rule 1 permit vlan-id 120
acl number 4002
rule 1 permit vlan-id 110
acl number 4003
rule 1 permit vlan-id 100
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 110 120
traffic-limit inbound acl 4001 cir 2000 pir 10000 cbs 250000 pbs 1250000
traffic-limit inbound acl 4002 cir 4000 pir 10000 cbs 500000 pbs 1250000
traffic-limit inbound acl 4003 cir 4000 pir 10000 cbs 500000 pbs 1250000
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 110 120

2.15.10 Example for Using User-Defined ACLs to Filter the

Specified Packets

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-21, users are connected to the Switch through GE0/0/1. The
Switch needs to discard certain packets sent by users (four bytes behind the 14th
byte in the packet match 0x0180C200).

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Figure 2-21 Using user-defined ACLs to filter the specified packets


GE0/0/1 GE0/0/2

SwitchA Switch Router


Configuration Roadmap
The following configurations are performed on the Switch. The configuration
roadmap is as follows:

1. Configure a user-defined ACL and an ACL-based traffic classifier to filter

certain packets (four bytes behind the 14th byte in the packet match
2. Configure a traffic behavior to discard the packets matching the ACL.
3. Configure and apply a traffic policy to make the ACL and traffic behavior take

Step 1 Configure an ACL.

# Configure a user-defined ACL.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch
[Switch] acl 5000
[Switch-acl-user-5000] rule deny l2-head 0x0180C200 0xFFFFFFFF 14
[Switch-acl-user-5000] quit

Step 2 Creating a traffic classifier based on the user-defined ACL.

# Configure the traffic classifier tc1 to classify packets that match ACL 5000.
[Switch] traffic classifier tc1
[Switch-classifier-tc1] if-match acl 5000
[Switch-classifier-tc1] quit

Step 3 Configure a traffic behavior.

# Configure the traffic behavior tb1 to reject packets.

[Switch] traffic behavior tb1
[Switch-behavior-tb1] deny
[Switch-behavior-tb1] quit

Step 4 Configure a traffic policy.

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# Define the traffic policy and associate the traffic classifier and traffic behavior
with the traffic policy.
[Switch] traffic policy tp1
[Switch-trafficpolicy-tp1] classifier tc1 behavior tb1
[Switch-trafficpolicy-tp1] quit

Step 5 Apply the traffic policy to an interface.

# Apply the traffic policy to the inbound direction of GE0/0/1.

[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] traffic-policy tp1 inbound
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit

Step 6 Verify the configuration.

# Check the configuration of the ACL rule.

[Switch] display acl 5000
User ACL 5000, 1 rule
Acl's step is 5
rule 5 deny 0x0180c200 0xffffffff 14

# Check the configuration of the traffic classifier.

[Switch] display traffic classifier user-defined
User Defined Classifier Information:
Classifier: tc1
Operator: OR
Rule(s) : if-match acl 5000

Total classifier number is 1

# Check the configuration of the traffic policy.

[Switch] display traffic policy user-defined tp1
User Defined Traffic Policy Information:
Policy: tp1
Classifier: tc1
Operator: OR
Behavior: tb1


Configuration Files
Switch configuration file
sysname Switch
acl number 5000
rule 5 deny 0x0180c200 0xffffffff 14
traffic classifier tc1 operator or
if-match acl 5000
traffic behavior tb1
traffic policy tp1 match-order config
classifier tc1 behavior tb1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
traffic-policy tp1 inbound

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2.15.11 Example for Using User ACLs to Control Network

Access Rights of Enterprise's Internal Users Based on Groups

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-22, a large number of terminals in an office area of an
enterprise connect to the enterprise internal network through the switch. Some
departments have multiple branches in different locations, so the terminals of the
same department cannot use the IP addresses of the same network segment.

The administrator requires that the switch authenticate the terminals (including
computers and printers) of every department, to prevent unauthorized users. In
addition, due to the differentiated responsibilities, the administrator wants to
grant different network access rights to the users of different department,
avoiding secret information leak caused by mutual access between users.

The following requirements must be met:

● The marketing department cannot access the IT department.
● The R&D department cannot access the IT department.

Figure 2-22 Using user ACLs to control network access rights of enterprise's
internal users based on groups

LAN SwitchA
Marketing 1
& R&D 1 RADIUS Server

VLAN 10 GE0/0/1
LAN SwitchB
Marketing 2 GE0/0/2 GE0/0/4 Intranet
Switch GE0/0/3


LAN SwitchC

Configuration Roadmap
The configuration roadmap is as follows:

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1. Create and configure a RADIUS server template, an AAA scheme, and an

authentication domain, and bind the RADIUS server template and AAA
scheme to the authentication domain, ensuring that the Switch and RADIUS
server can communicate with each other and terminals can be authenticated
by the RADIUS server.
2. Some terminals cannot have the 802.1X client installed, for example, printers.
To ensure that all terminals can be authenticated, configure MAC address
authentication and 802.1X authentication, and configure MAC address
authentication to be used first.
3. Each department has a large number of terminals and the terminals of some
departments the same department are located on different network
segments. The workload of configuring network access policy for the
terminals one by one is huge. Therefore, configure the UCL group to classify
the terminals into different types, and associate a user ACL with the UCL
group so that the terminals in each group can share the ACL rules. The
workload of administrator is reduced, and ACL resource use efficiency on the
device is improved.
4. Create service schemes and apply the service schemes to the UCL group to
control the network access right of each department based on groups.


This example only provides the configurations on the Switch. The configurations on LAN
switch and RADIUS server are not provided here.

Step 1 Configure VLANs and IP addresses for interfaces to ensure network connections.
# Create VLAN 10, VLAN 20, VLAN 30, and VLAN 40.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch
[Switch] vlan batch 10 20 30 40

# Configure GE0/0/1, GE0/0/2, GE0/0/3, and GE0/0/4 of Switch as trunk interfaces

and add the interfaces to VLAN 10, VLAN 20, VLAN 30, and VLAN 40. Take the
configurations on GE0/0/1 as an example. The configurations on GE0/0/2,
GE0/0/3, and GE0/0/4 are similar to the configurations on GE0/0/1, and are not
mentioned here.
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit

# Create VLANIF 10, VLANIF 20, VLANIF 30, and VLANIF 40, and assign IP
addresses to these VLANIF interfaces so that reachable routes can be set up
between the terminals, Switch, and enterprise internal servers.
[Switch] interface vlanif 10
[Switch-Vlanif10] ip address 24
[Switch-Vlanif10] quit
[Switch] interface vlanif 20
[Switch-Vlanif20] ip address 24
[Switch-Vlanif20] quit
[Switch] interface vlanif 30
[Switch-Vlanif30] ip address 24
[Switch-Vlanif30] quit

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[Switch] interface vlanif 40

[Switch-Vlanif40] ip address 24
[Switch-Vlanif40] quit

Step 2 Create and configure a RADIUS server template, an AAA scheme, and an
authentication domain.
# Create and configure the RADIUS server template rd1.
[Switch] radius-server template rd1
[Switch-radius-rd1] radius-server authentication 1812
[Switch-radius-rd1] radius-server shared-key cipher huawei@2017
[Switch-radius-rd1] radius-server retransmit 2
[Switch-radius-rd1] quit

# Create AAA scheme abc and set the authentication mode to RADIUS.
[Switch] aaa
[Switch-aaa] authentication-scheme abc
[Switch-aaa-authen-abc] authentication-mode radius
[Switch-aaa-authen-abc] quit

# Create authentication domain abc11, and bind the AAA scheme abc and
RADIUS server template rd1 to the authentication domain.
[Switch-aaa] domain abc11
[Switch-aaa-domain-abc11] authentication-scheme abc
[Switch-aaa-domain-abc11] radius-server rd1
[Switch-aaa-domain-abc11] quit
[Switch-aaa] quit

Step 3 Configure MAC address authentication and 802.1X authentication.

# Set the NAC mode to unified mode.


By default, the NAC mode is unified mode, so this step can be skipped.
After the common mode and unified mode are switched, you must restart the device to make
each function take effect in the new mode.
[Switch] authentication unified-mode

# Configure a MAC access profile.

[Switch] mac-access-profile name m1
[Switch-mac-access-profile-m1] mac-authen username fixed A-123 password cipher Huawei123
[Switch-mac-access-profile-m1] quit

# Configure an 802.1X access profile.


By default, an 802.1X access profile uses the EAP authentication mode. Ensure that the RADIUS
server supports EAP; otherwise, the server cannot process 802.1X authentication request packets.
[Switch] dot1x-access-profile name d1
[Switch-dot1x-access-profile-d1] quit

# Configure an authentication profile.

[Switch] authentication-profile name p1
[Switch-authen-profile-p1] mac-access-profile m1
[Switch-authen-profile-p1] dot1x-access-profile d1
[Switch-authen-profile-p1] authentication dot1x-mac-bypass
[Switch-authen-profile-p1] quit

# Enable MAC address authentication and 802.1X authentication on GE0/0/1,

GE0/0/2, and GE0/0/3.

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[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] authentication-profile p1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] authentication-profile p1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/2] quit
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/3
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] authentication-profile p1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/3] quit

Step 4 Create an UCL group, associate the user ACL with the UCL group, and apply the
user ACL to filter packets.

# Create UCL groups group_m and group_r. Add the marketing department to
group_m and R&D department to group_r.
[Switch] ucl-group 1 name group_m
[Switch] ucl-group 2 name group_r


The user group information of marketing and R&D departments must have been configured on
the RADIUS server.

# Create user ACL 6001 and configure ACL rules. Configure rule 5 to prevent the
marketing department from accessing the IT department; configure rule 10 to
prevent the R&D department from accessing the IT department.
[Switch] acl 6001
[Switch-acl-ucl-6001] rule 5 deny ip source ucl-group name group_m destination
[Switch-acl-ucl-6001] rule 10 deny ip source ucl-group name group_r destination
[Switch-acl-ucl-6001] quit

# Configure user ACL-based packet filtering to make the user ACL take effect.
[Switch] traffic-filter inbound acl 6001

Step 5 Configure service schemes service-scheme1 and service-scheme2, and apply the
service schemes to UCL groups group_m and group_r to control the network
access right of each department based on groups.
[Switch] aaa
[Switch-aaa] service-scheme service-scheme1
[Switch-aaa-service-service-scheme1] ucl-group name group_m
[Switch-aaa-service-service-scheme1] quit
[Switch-aaa] service-scheme service-scheme2
[Switch-aaa-service-service-scheme2] ucl-group name group_r
[Switch-aaa-service-service-scheme2] quit
[Switch-aaa] quit
[Switch] quit


After the preceding steps are complete, configure the RADIUS server to associate the service
schemes with users.

Step 6 Verify the configuration.

# Run the display acl all command to view information about the user ACL.
<Switch> display acl all
Total nonempty ACL number is 1

Ucl-group ACL 6001, 2 rules

Acl's step is 5
rule 5 deny ip source ucl-group name group_m destination
rule 10 deny ip source ucl-group name group_r destination

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# Run the display ucl-group all command to view information about all UCL
<Switch> display ucl-group all
ID UCL group name
1 group_m
2 group_r
Total : 2

# Run the display dot1x command to check the 802.1X authentication

configuration. The command output (802.1x protocol is Enabled) shows that the
802.1X authentication has been enabled on the interface GE0/0/1, GE0/0/2, and

# Run the display mac-authen command to check the MAC address

authentication configuration. The command output (MAC address
authentication is enabled) shows that MAC address authentication has been
enabled on the interface GE0/0/1, GE0/0/2, and GE0/0/3.

# The marketing department cannot access the IT department and the R&D
department cannot access the IT department.


Configuration Files
Switch configuration file

sysname Switch
vlan batch 10 20 30 40
authentication-profile name p1
dot1x-access-profile d1
mac-access-profile m1
authentication dot1x-mac-bypass
ucl-group 1 name group_m
ucl-group 2 name group_r
radius-server template rd1
radius-server shared-key cipher %^%#zH_B2{mN=177WZ2z+G|5)c'OKD[VaPNYP4>&6uC~%^%#
radius-server authentication 1812 weight 80
radius-server retransmit 2
acl number 6001
rule 5 deny ip source ucl-group name group_m destination
rule 10 deny ip source ucl-group name group_r destination
authentication-scheme abc
authentication-mode radius
service-scheme service-scheme1
ucl-group name group_m
service-scheme service-scheme2
ucl-group name group_r
domain abc11
authentication-scheme abc
radius-server rd1
interface Vlanif10
ip address

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Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

interface Vlanif20
ip address
interface Vlanif30
ip address
interface Vlanif40
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
authentication-profile p1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 20
authentication-profile p1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 30
authentication-profile p1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 40
traffic-filter inbound acl 6001
dot1x-access-profile name d1
mac-access-profile name m1
mac-authen username fixed A-123 password cipher %^%#(!XnF'#X^Sc=[&,fH38!

2.15.12 Example for Using Advanced ACL6s to Filter Certain

Types of IPv6 Packets

Networking Requirements
As shown in Figure 2-23, users are connected to the Switch through GE0/0/1. The
Switch needs to block the certain types of IPv6 packets from users in which the
source IPv6 address is host address fc01::2/64 and destination IPv6 address is

Figure 2-23 Using advanced ACL6s to filter certain types of IPv6 packets
VLAN10 fc01::1/64
GE0/0/1 GE0/0/2

LAN Switch Switch Router


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Configuration Roadmap
The following configurations are performed on the Switch. The configuration
roadmap is as follows:
1. Configure an advanced ACL6 and ACL6-based traffic classifier to filter the
IPv6 packets in which the source IPv6 address is host address fc01::2/64 and
destination IPv6 address is fc01::1/64.
2. Configure a traffic behavior to discard the packets matching the ACL6.
3. Configure and apply a traffic policy to make the ACL6 and traffic behavior
take effect.

Step 1 Enable the IPv6 forwarding capability, add an interface to a VLAN, and assign an
IPv6 address to the VLANIF interface.
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname Switch
[Switch] ipv6
[Switch] vlan batch 10
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Switch] interface vlanif 10
[Switch-Vlanif10] ipv6 enable
[Switch-Vlanif10] ipv6 address fc01::1 64
[Switch-Vlanif10] quit

Step 2 Configure an advanced ACL6 and ACL6-based traffic classifier. Configure a traffic
behavior and traffic policy, and apply the traffic policy to the inbound direction of
GE0/0/1 to reject the IPv6 packets with source IPv6 address fc01::2/64 and
destination IPv6 address fc01::1/64.
[Switch] acl ipv6 number 3001
[Switch-acl6-adv-3001] rule deny ipv6 source fc01::2/64 destination fc01::1/64
[Switch-acl6-adv-3001] quit
[Switch] traffic classifier class1
[Switch-classifier-class1] if-match ipv6 acl 3001
[Switch-classifier-class1] quit
[Switch] traffic behavior behav1
[Switch-behavior-behav1] deny
[Switch-behavior-behav1] statistic enable
[Switch-behavior-behav1] quit
[Switch] traffic policy policy1
[Switch-trafficpolicy-policy1] classifier class1 behavior behav1
[Switch-trafficpolicy-policy1] quit
[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] traffic-policy policy1 inbound
[Switch-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit

Step 3 Verify the configuration.

# Check the ACL6 configuration.
[Switch] display acl ipv6 3001

Advanced IPv6 ACL 3001, 1 rule

rule 0 deny ipv6 source FC01::/64 destination FC01::/64

# Check the configuration of the traffic classifier.

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[Switch] display traffic classifier user-defined

User Defined Classifier Information:
Classifier: class1
Operator: OR
Rule(s) : if-match ipv6 acl 3001

Total classifier number is 1

# Check the configuration of the traffic policy.

[Switch] display traffic policy user-defined
User Defined Traffic Policy Information:
Policy: policy1
Classifier: class1
Operator: OR
Behavior: behav1
Statistic: enable

Total policy number is 1

# If PC1 cannot access the network, run the display traffic policy statistics
interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1 inbound command on the Switch. The command
output shows that the number of matched packets is the same as the number of
discarded packets. This indicates that packets matching ACL 3001 are all


Configuration Files
Switch configuration file
sysname Switch
vlan batch 10
acl ipv6 number 3001
rule 0 deny ipv6 source FC01::/64 destination FC01::/64
traffic classifier class1 operator or
if-match ipv6 acl 3001
traffic behavior behav1
statistic enable
traffic policy policy1 match-order config
classifier class1 behavior behav1
interface Vlanif10
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address FC01::1/64
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 10
traffic-policy policy1 inbound

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2.16 Troubleshooting ACLs

2.16.1 Services Are Interrupted Due to Incorrect IP Address

Wildcard Mask

Fault Description
A traffic policy has been configured on a device to redirect packets. To redirect the
packets from a certain IP address, the administrator adds a rule to the ACL used
by the traffic policy following the ACL configuration guidelines. The new rule uses
this source IP address as the matching condition. However, the IP address wildcard
mask in the rule is incorrectly configured. As a result, BGP packets cannot be sent
to the CPU and most services are interrupted.

Step 1 Run the display this command in the ACL view to check the new rule.
The new rule is as follows:
rule 100 permit ip source

The IP address wildcard mask is, which is not an inverse mask.

This rule is equivalent to "rule 100 permit ip" and "rule 100 permit ip source any",
meaning that packets from any IP address are matched.
The traffic policy using this ACL has been applied to a large number of interfaces,
so all BGP packets received by these interfaces are redirected to other interfaces,
but not sent to the CPU. The device times out to process protocol packets and
most services are interrupted.
Step 2 Run the rule (advanced ACL view) command in the ACL view to modify the IP
address wildcard mask in the new rule.
The modified rule is as follows:
rule 100 permit ip source //indicates the IP address of a single host only when the IP
address wildcard mask is

Services are recovered, and packets from source IP address are redirected


2.16.2 Users Cannot Access the Internet Because the DNS

Server Address Is Blocked

Fault Description
An ACL is configured on the device to restrict the destination addresses that can
be accessed by users; however, the DNS server address is blocked in the ACL. As a

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result, the query packets sent from users to the DNS server are discarded. The
domain names cannot be resolved, so users cannot access the Internet.

Step 1 Run the display acl command in the system view to check ACL rules.
The following rule is included:
rule 100 deny ip destination //Reject the packets from network segment

The DNS server address configured on user PCs is, which belongs to
network segment Therefore, packets sent from users to the DNS
server are discarded. The domain names cannot be resolved, so users cannot
access the Internet.
Step 2 Run the rule (advanced ACL view) command in the ACL view to add a rule to
permit the DNS server address.
rule 99 permit ip destination //Permit the packets destined for the DNS server.
rule 100 deny ip destination //Reject the packets destined for network segment

After rule 99 is added, the packets sent from users to the DNS server match rule
99 and pass. The domain names can be resolved, and users can access the


2.16.3 Time Range-based ACL Does Not Take Effect Due to

Incorrect System Time

Fault Description
The system time on the device is incorrect, so the time range-based ACL does not
take effect.

Step 1 Run the display acl command in the system view to check ACL rules.
A rule based on time range is included:
rule 10 deny ip source 0 time-range time1 //Reject the packets from in the time range

Step 2 Run the display time-range { all | time-name } command in the system view to
check the configuration of time range time1.
The following information is displayed:
Current time is 14:53:17 8-16-2013 Friday

Time-range: time1 ( Inactive )

from 00:00 2014/1/1 to 23:59 2014/12/31
Total time-range number is 1

The time range time1 starts at 00:00 on January 1, 2014 and ends at 23:59 on
December 31, 2014, while the system time is 14:53:17 on August 16, 2013. The

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actual date is August 16, 2014. The system time on the device is not within the
time range time1. Therefore, the ACL associating with time1 does not take effect,
and packets from are not discarded.
Step 3 Change the system date and time.
● Correct the system date and time.
Run the clock datetime command in the user view.
clock datetime 14:53:17 2014-08-16 //Set the date to 2014-08-16.

● Configure NTP to enable automatic clock synchronization on the device so

that the device can synchronize clock with a trusted device (which has been
synchronized clock with an authoritative clock through network).
a. On the trusted device, configure the NTP master clock and clock stratum.
Run the ntp-service refclock-master command in the system view.
ntp-service refclock-master 2 //A small stratum value indicates a high precision.

b. On the device that needs to synchronize clock with the trusted device, set
the NTP working mode. For details, see Configuring NTP Operating
Modes in "NTP Configuration" in the S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720
V200R011C10 Configuration Guide - Device Management.

2.16.4 Access Control Does Not Take Effect Due to Incorrect

Direction of Traffic Policy

Fault Description
As shown in Figure 2-24, the departments of an enterprise are connected through
the Switch. GE0/0/4 of the Switch is connected to the salary query server. The
enterprise allows only the president office to access the salary query server, but
prevents other departments, such as R&D and marketing departments, from
accessing the salary query server. Therefore, the administrator configures an ACL
and a traffic policy that uses the ACL on the Switch, and applies the traffic policy
to the inbound direction of GE0/0/4. The traffic policy is applied to a wrong
direction, so access control does not take effect.

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Figure 2-24 Applying the traffic policy to an interface

LAN SwitchA
Salary query server
President office GE0/0/4 VLANIF 100
LAN SwitchB
VLAN20 GE0/0/2
VLANIF 20 Switch Router
Marketing GE0/0/3

LAN SwitchC

Step 1 Run the display traffic policy interface [ interface-type interface-number ]
command in any view to check traffic policy configuration on the interface.
The traffic policy p1 has been applied to the inbound direction of GE0/0/4.
Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0/4

Direction: Inbound
Policy: p1

Step 2 Run the display traffic-applied interface [ interface-type interface-number ]

inbound verbose command in any view to check information about the ACL used
by the traffic policy on the interface and the direction to which the traffic policy is
The traffic policy p1 uses ACL 3001 and the traffic policy is applied to the inbound
direction of the interface.
Policy applied inbound interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4

Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0/4

Direction: Inbound

Policy: p1
Classifier: c1
Operator: OR
Rule(s) :
if-match acl 3001
Behavior: b1

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Step 3 Run the display this command in the view of advanced ACL 3001 to check ACL
rule configuration.
ACL 3001 contains the following rules:
acl number 3001
rule 5 permit ip source destination 0 //Allow the president office to
access the server.
rule 10 deny ip destination 0 //Prevent other departments from accessing the server.

The source IP address is the network segment where the president office resides
and the destination IP address is the salary query server's address. The ACL rules
meet the packet filtering requirement, so the ACL configuration is correct.
Step 4 Check the direction to which the traffic policy is applied.
As shown in Step 2, the traffic policy is applied to the inbound direction of the
interface. However, packets from each department do not enter the Switch
through GE0/0/4, but enter the Switch through other interfaces and are sent out
through GE0/0/4. (The Switch searches for a route after receiving the packets, and
sends packets out through GE0/0/4.)
Therefore, when the traffic policy using the ACL is applied to the inbound direction
of GE0/0/4, access control does not take effect. To make access control effective,
apply the traffic policy to the outbound direction or apply the traffic policy
globally, to the VLANs of the departments, or to the inbound direction of each
interface connecting to each department.
Step 5 Change the direction to which the traffic policy is applied.
Run the traffic-policy policy-name outbound command in the view of GE0/0/4 to
apply the traffic policy to the outbound direction.


2.17 FAQ About ACLs

2.17.1 In Which Methods Can ACLs Be Delivered?

After an ACL is configured, it must be applied to a service module so that the ACL
rules can be delivered and take effect.
Usually, an ACL is applied to a traffic policy or simplified traffic policy. This enables
the device to deliver ACL rules globally, in a VLAN, or on an interface to filter
packets to be forwarded. In addition, an ACL can be applied to the service
modules such as Telnet, FTP, and routing.
Table 2-28 describes the common ACL delivery methods.

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Table 2-28 ACL delivery methods

Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used

Filtering The device filters received ● Simplified traffic policy:

packets to be packets globally, on an See "ACL-based Simplified
forwarded interface, or in a VLAN, and Traffic Policy
then discards, modifies Configuration" in the
priorities of, or redirects the Configuration Guide - QoS
filtered packets. of the corresponding
For example, you can use ACL product version.
to reduce the service level for ● Traffic policy: See "MQC
the bandwidth-consuming Configuration" in the
services, such as P2P Configuration Guide - QoS
downloading and online video. of the corresponding
When network congestion product version.
occurs, these packets are
discarded first.

Filtering If too many protocol packets ● Blacklist: See 3.4.2

packets to be are sent to the CPU, the CPU Configuring a Blacklist in
sent to the usage increases and CPU Local Attack Defense
CPU performance degrades. The Configuration.
device restricts the packets to
be sent to the CPU.
For example, when a user sends
a large number of ARP attack
packets to the device, the CPU
is busy and service is
interrupted. You can apply an
ACL to the local attack defense
service, and add the user to the
blacklist so that the CPU
discards the packets from this

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Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


Login control The device controls access ● Telnet: See "Enabling the
permission of users. Only Telnet Server Function" in
authorized users can log in to the Configuration Guide -
the device, and other users Basic Configuration of the
cannot log in without corresponding product
permission. This ensures version.
network security. ● FTP: See "Managing Files
When the Device
Functions as an FTP
Server" in the
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration of the
corresponding product
● SFTP: See "Managing Files
When the Device
Functions as an SFTP
Server" in the
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration of the
corresponding product
● HTTP: See "Configuring
Access Control on Web
Users" in the
Configuration Guide -
Basic Configuration of the
corresponding product
● SNMP: See "(Optional)
Restricting Management
Rights of the NMS"
(SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c)
and "(Optional)
Restricting Management
Rights of the NMS"
(SNMPv3) in the
Configuration Guide -
Network Management
and Monitoring of the
corresponding product

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Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


Route filtering ACLs can be applied to various ● BGP: See "Controlling the
dynamic routing protocols to Advertisement of BGP
filter advertised and received Routes" and "Controlling
routes and multicast groups. the Receiving of BGP
For example, you can apply an Routes" in the
ACL to a routing policy to Configuration Guide - IP
prevent the device from Unicast routing of the
sending routes of a network corresponding product
segment to the neighboring version.
router. ● IS-IS (IPv4): See
"Configuring IS-IS to
Advertise Specified
External Routes to an IS-IS
Routing Domain" and
"Adding Specified IS-IS
Routes to the IP Routing
Table" in the
Configuration Guide - IP
Unicast routing of the
corresponding product
● OSPF: See "Configuring
OSPF to Filter Received
Routes" and "Configuring
OSPF to Filter the Routes
to Be Advertised" in the
Configuration Guide - IP
Unicast routing of the
corresponding product
● RIP: See "Configuring RIP
to Import Routes" and
"Configuring RIP to Filter
Received Routes" in the
Configuration Guide - IP
Unicast routing of the
corresponding product
● Multicast: See "Filtering
IGMP Messages Based on
Source IP Addresses",
"Configuring a Multicast
Group Policy" and
"(Optional) Configuring
an SSM Group Policy" in
the Configuration Guide -
IP Multicast of the

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Service Usage Scenario How ACLs Are Used


corresponding product

2.17.2 What Is the Relationship Between the permit/deny

Rules in an ACL and Those in the Behavior of a Traffic Policy?
An ACL is usually used with a traffic policy. A traffic policy includes the traffic
classifier that meets the requirement of an ACL and a traffic behavior, such as
The permit/deny rules in an ACL and a behavior in the traffic policy are used as

Table 2-29 Usage of permit/deny rules in an ACL and in a behavior

ACL Behavior in a Traffic Action Taken for

Policy Matching Packets

permit permit permit

permit deny deny

deny permit deny

deny deny deny


The traffic policy module permits packets by default. If you just want to block mutual
access between network segments, you only need to define the characteristics of the
packets to be denied in the ACL. If you add rule permit at the bottom of the ACL, the
packets that do not match previous rules will match the last rule. In addition, if the traffic
behavior is set to deny, the device discards all packets matching rule permit. As a result, all
services are interrupted.

2.17.3 How Can I Apply an ACL to a VLAN?

You can use either of the following methods to associate an ACL with a service
module (traffic policy or simplified traffic policy), and apply the ACL to a VLAN:


The following commands are only for you reference. You should comply with the command line
syntax of the version running on your device.
● Method 1: Apply a traffic policy to a VLAN.
a. Configure a traffic classifier.

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i. Run the traffic classifier classifier-name [ operator { and | or } ]

[ precedence precedence-value ] command in the system view to
enter the traffic classifier view.
ii. Run the if-match acl { acl-number | acl-name } command to apply
an ACL to the traffic classifier.
b. Configure a traffic behavior.
Run the traffic behavior behavior-name command in the system view to
create a traffic behavior and enter the traffic behavior view.
c. Configure a traffic action.
There are two actions for packet filtering: deny and permit. For other
traffic actions, see Configuration Guide - QoS of the corresponding
product version.
d. Configure a traffic policy.
i. Run the traffic policy policy-name [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command in the system view to create a traffic policy and enter the
traffic policy view.
ii. Run the classifier classifier-name behavior behavior-name
command to configure a traffic behavior for the specified traffic
classifier in the traffic policy. That is, bind the traffic behavior to the
e. Apply the traffic policy.
Run the traffic-policy policy-name { inbound | outbound } command in
the VLAN view to apply the traffic policy.
● Method 2: Apply the simplified traffic policy with the specified VLAN ID
Run the following commands in the system view:
– Packet filtering based on ACL

▪ traffic-filter vlan vlan-id inbound acl xxx

▪ traffic-filter vlan vlan-id outbound acl xxx

▪ traffic-secure vlan vlan-id inbound acl xxx

– Traffic policing based on ACL

▪ traffic-limit vlan vlan-id inbound acl xxx

▪ traffic-limit vlan vlan-id outbound acl xxx

– Redirection based on ACL
traffic-redirect vlan vlan-id inbound acl xxx
– Re-mark based on ACL

▪ traffic-remark vlan vlan-id inbound acl xxx

▪ traffic-remark vlan vlan-id outbound acl xxx

– Traffic statistics collection based on ACL

▪ traffic-statistic vlan vlan-id inbound acl xxx

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▪ traffic-statistic vlan vlan-id outbound acl xxx

– Traffic mirroring based on ACL
traffic-mirror vlan vlan-id inbound acl xxx

2.17.4 How Can I Apply an ACL to an Interface?

An ACL cannot be directly applied to an interface. You can use either of the
following methods to associate an ACL with a service module (traffic policy or
simplified traffic policy), and apply the ACL to an interface:


The following commands are only for you reference. You should comply with the command line
syntax of the version running on your device.
Since V200R009, only the S5720EI, S5720HI, S6720EI, and S6720S-EI support applying a traffic
policy to a VLANIF interface.
● Method 1: Apply a traffic policy to an interface.
a. Configure a traffic classifier.
i. Run the traffic classifier classifier-name [ operator { and | or } ]
[ precedence precedence-value ] command in the system view to
enter the traffic classifier view.
ii. Run the if-match acl { acl-number | acl-name } command to apply
an ACL to the traffic classifier.
b. Configure a traffic behavior.
Run the traffic behavior behavior-name command in the system view to
create a traffic behavior and enter the traffic behavior view.
c. Configure a traffic action.
There are two actions for packet filtering: deny and permit. For other
traffic actions, see Configuration Guide - QoS of the corresponding
product version.
d. Configure a traffic policy.
i. Run the traffic policy policy-name [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command in the system view to create a traffic policy and enter the
traffic policy view.
ii. Run the classifier classifier-name behavior behavior-name
command to configure a traffic behavior for the specified traffic
classifier in the traffic policy. That is, bind the traffic behavior to the
e. Apply the traffic policy.
Run the traffic-policy policy-name { inbound | outbound } command in
the interface view to apply the traffic policy.
● Method 2: Apply a simplified traffic policy to an interface.
Run the following commands in the interface view:
– Packet filtering based on ACL

▪ traffic-filter inbound acl xxx

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▪ traffic-filter outbound acl xxx

▪ traffic-secure inbound acl xxx

– Traffic policing based on ACL

▪ traffic-limit inbound acl xxx

▪ traffic-limit outbound acl xxx

– Redirection based on ACL
traffic-redirect inbound acl xxx
– Re-mark based on ACL

▪ traffic-remark inbound acl xxx

▪ traffic-remark outbound acl xxx

– Traffic statistics collection based on ACL

▪ traffic-statistic inbound acl xxx

▪ traffic-statistic outbound acl xxx

– Traffic mirroring based on ACL
traffic-mirror inbound acl xxx

2.17.5 How Can I Check the Order in Which ACL Rules Take

Run the display acl { acl-number | name acl-name | all } or display acl ipv6
{ acl6-number | name acl6-name | all } command in any view or the display this
command in the ACL view to check the order in which ACL rules take effect, as
shown in Table 2-30.

Table 2-30 ACL matching order

ACL Type Order

ACL in config mode The rules with smaller IDs take effect
earlier than the rules with larger IDs.

ACL in auto mode The rules with smaller IDs take effect
earlier than the rules with larger IDs.

ACL6 in config mode The rules with smaller IDs take effect
earlier than the rules with larger IDs.

ACL6 in auto mode The rules in front lines take effect

earlier than the rules in latter lines.
The rules may not be arranged in the
ascending order of rule IDs.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration


When multiple traffic policies using ACLs are applied to a device, if a packet matches the ACL
rules in different traffic policies, the matching order of the ACL rules depends on the processing
mechanism of the traffic policy module. For details, see Configuration Guide - QoS of the
corresponding product version.

2.17.6 How Can Unidirectional Access Control Be

You can use either of the following methods to implement unidirectional access


The following commands are only for you reference. You should comply with the command line
syntax of the version running on your device.
● Method 1: Traffic policy
a. Configure an advanced ACL.
Run the acl [ number ] acl-number [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command in the system view to create an advanced ACL (3000-3999)
and enter the advanced ACL view or run the acl name acl-name
{ advance | acl-number } [ match-order { auto | config } ] command to
create a named advanced ACL and enter the advanced ACL view.
b. Configure rules for the advanced ACL.
Run the rule command to configure a rule with the tcp-flag parameter
For example, it is required that users on network segment
can access network segment, but users on network
segment cannot access network segment
From TCP connection setup to teardown only the packets used for TCP
connection establishment can have the ACK value of 1 and RST value of
1. According to the packet characteristics, configure the following rules to
permit the packets used for establishing TCP connections and reject other
TCP packets. In this way, you can block the TCP connection requests from
network segment

▪ Rule 1: Configure an ACL rule with the ack and rst keywords
rule 5 permit tcp source tcp-flag ack //Permit the TCP packets with
the ACK value of 1.
rule 10 permit tcp source tcp-flag rst //Permit the TCP packets with
the RST value of 1.
rule 15 deny tcp source //Reject other TCP packets.

▪ Rule 2: Configure an ACL rule with the established keyword

rule permit tcp source tcp-flag established //established indicates
that ACK is 1 or RST is 1. The packets exchanged during TCP connection established are
rule deny tcp source //Reject other TCP packets.

c. Configure a traffic classifier.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

i. Run the traffic classifier classifier-name [ operator { and | or } ]

[ precedence precedence-value ] command in the system view to
enter the traffic classifier view.
ii. Run the if-match acl { acl-number | acl-name } command to apply
an ACL to the traffic classifier.
d. Configure a traffic behavior.
Run the traffic behavior behavior-name command in the system view to
create a traffic behavior and enter the traffic behavior view.
e. Configure a traffic action.
There are two actions for packet filtering: deny and permit. For other
traffic actions, see Configuration Guide - QoS of the corresponding
product version.
f. Configure a traffic policy.
i. Run the traffic policy policy-name [ match-order { auto | config } ]
command in the system view to create a traffic policy and enter the
traffic policy view.
ii. Run the classifier classifier-name behavior behavior-name
command to configure a traffic behavior for the specified traffic
classifier in the traffic policy. That is, bind the traffic behavior to the
g. Apply the traffic policy.
Run the traffic-policy policy-name { inbound | outbound } command in
the interface view to apply the traffic policy.
In this example, apply the traffic policy to the inbound direction of the
interface connected to network segment
● Method 2: Simplified traffic policy
a. Configure an advanced ACL and rules. The configurations are the same as
those in traffic policy.
b. Apply the simplified traffic policy.
Run the traffic-filter { inbound | outbound } acl xxx command in the
interface view to apply the simplified traffic policy (ACL-based packet
In this example, apply the simplified traffic policy to the inbound
direction of the interface connected to network segment

2.17.7 After a Traffic Policy Is Configured, Two ACL Rules Are

Occupied Based on the display acl resource Command Output.
Packets sent to the CPU for processing. To prevent these packets from being
affected by a traffic policy, the switch delivers two ACL rules for the traffic policy.

2.17.8 How Are deny and permit in ACL Rules Used in

Different Services?

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

The deny and permit parameters in ACL rules have different functions in different
● Traffic policy
a. When permit is used in the ACL rule, the system executes the specified
traffic behavior only when traffic matches the ACL rule. When the traffic
behavior is deny, the system discards traffic matching the rule. When the
traffic behavior is permit, the system forwards traffic matching the rule.
b. When deny is used in the ACL rule, the system discards traffic matching
the ACL rule regardless of the traffic behavior.
c. If an ACL does not contain rules, the traffic policy referencing the ACL
does not take effect.
● Telnet
a. When permit is used in the ACL rule:

▪ If the ACL is applied in the inbound direction, the device with the
specified source IP address can access the local device.

▪ If the ACL is applied in the outbound direction, the local device can
access the device with the specified source IP address.
b. When deny is used in the ACL rule:

▪ If the ACL is applied in the inbound direction, other devices cannot

access the local device.

▪ If the ACL is applied in the outbound direction, the local device

cannot access other devices.
c. When the ACL contains no rule:

▪ If the ACL is applied in the inbound direction, any other devices can
access the local device.

▪ If the ACL is applied in the outbound direction, the local device can
access any other devices.
a. The device with the specified source IP address can establish an HTTP
connection with the local device only when permit is used in the ACL
b. When deny is used in the ACL rule, other devices cannot establish HTTP
connections with the local device.
c. When the ACL contains no rule, any other devices can establish HTTP
connections with the local device.
a. The device with the specified source IP address can establish an FTP
connection with the local device only when permit is used in the ACL
b. When deny is used in the ACL rule, other devices cannot establish FTP
connections with the local device.
c. When the ACL contains no rule, any other devices can establish FTP
connections with the local device.

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S1720, S2700, S5700, and S6720 Series Ethernet
Configuration Guide - Security 2 ACL Configuration

a. The device with the specified source IP address can establish a TFTP
connection with the local device only when permit is used in the ACL
b. When deny is used in the ACL rule, the local device cannot establish TFTP
connections with other devices.
c. When the ACL contains no rule, the local device can establish TFTP
connections with any other devices.
a. When permit is used in the ACL rule, an NMS with a specified source IP
address can access the local device.
b. When deny is used in the ACL rule, the local device rejects access from
other NMS.
c. When the ACL does not contain rules, the local device access from any
other NMS.
a. When permit is used in the ACL rule, the ntp-service access command
takes effect.
b. When deny is used in the ACL rule, the ntp-service access command
does not take effect.
c. When the ACL does not contain rules, the ntp-service access command
does not take effect.

Issue 12 (2020-11-15) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 151

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