Engineering Structures: Wei-Chu Chuang, Seymour M.J. Spence

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Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758

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A performance-based design framework for the integrated collapse and

non-collapse assessment of wind excited buildings
Wei-Chu Chuang, Seymour M.J. Spence ⇑
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Current prescriptive design provisions are moving towards performance-based design approaches in
Received 9 February 2017 which system-level probabilistic measures are used to explicitly describe performance. While earthquake
Revised 12 June 2017 engineering has embraced these changes over the last few decades, the same cannot be said for wind
Accepted 11 July 2017
engineering where design provisions have remained predominantly prescriptive. The significant wind
related economic losses incurred each year around the world has spurred strong interest in developing
general performance-based wind engineering frameworks. To this end, this paper presents a
simulation-based framework for multistory wind excited buildings that rigorously integrates system-
Performance-based wind engineering
Aerodynamic loads
level estimates of both collapse and non-collapse losses. In particular, it is proposed to use the theory
Monte Carlo simulation of dynamic shakedown as an efficient means for describing the collapse probability of the main wind
Wind engineering force resisting system. The practicality and potential of the proposed framework is illustrated on a full
Performance-based design scale case study.
Dynamic shakedown Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction collapse performance assessment of specialized wind excited

structures such as tall buildings and long span bridges. However,
The advantages of performance-based design over traditional as outlined in [15], the next steps in applying performance-based
prescriptive provisions is well known in the field of seismic engi- design to wind engineering would require the development of
neering. In particular, intense research over the past 30 plus years general methodologies that can model the behavior of systems
has led to the development of what is commonly referred to as sec- subject to a full range of moderate to severe wind events.
ond generation Performance-Based Seismic Design (PBSD) [1,2] To develop such a framework, models that estimate both the
and, in particular, the publication by the Federal Emergency Man- non-collapse as well as the collapse performance in terms of prob-
agement Agency (FEMA) of the P-58 volumes [3–5]. These docu- abilistic system-level losses are necessary. Therefore, the possibil-
ments outline a general methodology that not only accounts for ity of allowing the system to enter an inelastic response regime
the inevitable uncertainty in accurately predicting the response needs to be taken into consideration in order to avoid leaving the
of building systems subject to severe earthquakes, but also system exposed to undesirable post-yield behavior and possible
communicates performance through system-level measures that collapse. In this respect, various contributions have been made
are easily understood by decision-makers and/or stakeholders, towards better understanding how systems respond inelastically
e.g. expected repair time and cost. While the framework outlined to wind [16–24,15]. In particular, the computational challenge of
in the P-58 volumes – and more in general the model proposed estimating the nonlinear response has been identified as a major
by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) center issue as, in a nonlinear response regime, the complete duration
[1,2] – was developed for buildings subject to earthquake excita- of the event must be considered if meaningful results are to be
tion, it is a relatively general procedure that can in theory be obtained. Because of the long duration of typical wind events (in
extended to other natural hazards such as wind. In this respect, the order of several hours), the possibility of applying robust
several research efforts have been conducted over the past few numerical methods that require direct integration of the nonlinear
years [6–15]. These works have mainly focused on the non- dynamic equations of motion over the entire duration of the storm,
such as incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) [25], are lost. This is
especially true if the probability of inelastic response, and
⇑ Corresponding author. ultimately collapse, is desired (which is necessary if frameworks
E-mail addresses: (W.-C. Chuang), such as the P-58 are to be developed for wind excited systems).
(S.M.J. Spence).
0141-0296/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758 747

An alternative approach to directly integrating the nonlinear equa- 3. The proposed PBWE framework
tions of motion, which has recently been applied to the analysis of
wind excited systems [26], is that based on applying dynamic 3.1. Non-collapse assessment
shakedown theory [27–32]. These methods have the potential to
rapidly provide a complete picture of the post-yield behavior of This section focuses on defining appropriate models for carrying
the structure, indicating, for instance, whether the structure is in out the sub-analyses for solving the non-collapse problem of Eq.
shakedown or low cycle fatigue. (1).
In this paper, a simulation-centered Performance-Based Wind
Engineering (PBWE) framework for multi-story wind excited 3.1.1. Wind hazard analysis
buildings is proposed that rigorously integrates both non- A common measure of the intensity of an extreme wind event is
collapse as well as collapse performance in terms of system-level the maximum wind speed, v  z , to occur at a height of interest z (e.g.
metrics such as probable repair costs and downtime. In particular, building or eave height) averaged over a fixed time interval T (e.g.
in estimating the probable repair times, the recent methods out- an hour). As discussed in [13], this parameter is a logical choice for
lined in the Resilience-based Earthquake Design Initiative (REDi) a site specific intensity measure, IM. In particular, IM can be related
guidelines are integrated into the proposed framework, while the to meteorological data, v, collected at nearby weather stations
theory of probabilistic dynamic shakedown is proposed as a means through a probabilistic transformation, P, that accounts for aspects
to fully describe the post-yield behavior of the main wind force such as differences in the site roughnesses, averaging times, as well
resisting system (MWFRS). as observational and modeling uncertainties [33]. In this work, the
transformation outlined in [13] is adopted, which has the following
general form:
2. Performance-based wind engineering: problem setting
im ¼ v z ¼ P½T; z; z0 ; uIM ; v ðs; Hmet ; z01 Þ ð3Þ
The PBWE framework that will be developed in this work will
where s is the averaging time associated with the meteorological
be based on the recently proposed extension to wind engineering
data, z0 and z01 are the roughnesses at the site of interest and the
of the PEER framework [6,7]. In particular, instead of considering
meteorological station of height Hmet respectively, while U IM is a
the mean annual rates of exceedance of the thresholds dv, struc-
vector collecting the uncertain parameters associated with the
tural performances will here be measured in terms of the annual
transformation of Eq. (3). More details on the transformation of
exceedance probability of the thresholds, Pf , as this measure is
Eq. (3) can be found in [13].
more commonly used in wind engineering. Thus, performance is
assessed by solving the following probabilistic integral:
3.1.2. Aerodynamic analysis
ZZZZ After identifying the intensity of the wind event, aerodynamic
Pf ðdv Þ ¼ Gðdv jdmÞ  jdGðdmjedpÞj loads, F, acting on the structure need to be determined before
the EDPs can be estimated through structural analysis. These loads,
jdGðedpjipÞj  jdGðipjimÞj  pðimÞ  dim
defined as the interaction parameters (IP), can be obtained from
where GðajbÞ is the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Func- specific wind tunnel tests or associated databases, computational
tion (CCDF) of A conditional on B (where the common convention fluid dynamics or quasi-steady models. In general, the interaction
of using capital letters to indicate random variables and lower case parameters will depend on a vector of uncertain model parameters,
letters for their realizations has been used); DM is the damage mea- U IP , as well as the intensity of the wind event v
sure indicating the state of damage of structural and/or non- ip ¼ Fðt; v z ; uIP Þ ð4Þ
structural components; EDP is the engineering demand parameter,
i.e. the structural response responsible for causing damage; IP rep- In this work, a quasi-steady model is used to simulate the wind
resents a set of interaction parameters (i.e. the aerodynamic loads time histories as outlined in Appendix A.
acting on the structure); and IM is the measure of the intensity of
the event with pðimÞ the probability density function of the annual 3.1.3. Structural analysis
largest values of IM. The damage models for assessing the system-level building per-
As in the case of the FEMA P-58 seismic framework, in this work formance developed in this paper are driven by a vector of EDPs
Eq. (1) is used for estimating the performances of buildings that are defined by structural responses such as displacements u, velocities
repairable, i.e. for buildings that do not collapse during the wind u_ and accelerations u€ . In particular, the EDPs are taken as the max-
event. To separate collapse from non-collapse, a model based on imum responses to occur over the duration, T, of the wind event:
dynamic shakedown theory will be developed. In particular, since edp ¼ max Rðt; F; uEDP Þ ð5Þ
collapse and non-collapse are mutually exclusively events, the
probability of the DV exceeding a threshold, dv, considering both where Rðt; F; uEDP Þ is the vector collecting the response processes of
scenarios can be expressed through the total probability theorem interest while U EDP is a vector containing the uncertain parameters
as: associated with estimating the structural responses (e.g. the modal
damping ratios or Young’s modulus). In particular, the vector R can
PðDV > dv Þ ¼ PðDV > dv jNCÞPðNCÞ þ PðDV > dv jCÞPðCÞ ð2Þ
be formally defined as:
where PðCÞ is the probability of collapse, PðNCÞ the complement of 
Rðt; F; uEDP Þ ¼ K u ð6Þ
PðCÞ (i.e. the probability non-collapse), PðDV > dv jNCÞ is the annual
exceedance probability of dv given that the building does not col- where K is an indicator matrix extracting the responses, including
lapse, while PðDV > dv jCÞ is the annual exceedance probability of combinations (e.g. inter-story drifts), from the augmented response
dv given that the building collapses during the event.

vector u ¼ fu€ ; u;
_ ugT . In particular, in order to determine the
In order to solve Eq. (2), models need to be defined for estimat- dynamic response of the structure, a modal framework can in gen-
ing PðNCÞ; PðDV > dv jCÞ, as well as for the sub-analysis tasks eral be used [34].
involved in solving Eq. (1). The following sections will outline To account for the uncertainties involved in the structural
possible models to this end. model and material properties, the modal damping ratios, ni , and
748 W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758

Young’s modulus, ey , can be taken as random variables, as can any Repair cost. Following the framework outlined above, for
other parameter used in defining the structural model. For repair cost estimation, the consequence functions take the form
instance, in this work, in addition to the above mentioned param- of unit repair cost functions (i.e. functions that estimate, for exam-
eters, a random variable DM is introduced to model the uncertainty ple, the cost to repair a given damage state per square meter of par-
in the mass matrix. The aforementioned random variables are col- tition wall, or the cost to repair a single window subject to a given
lected in the vector U EDP ¼ fn1 ; . . . ; nm ; DM ; Ey gT . damage state [3]). In particular, the unit repair cost functions are
described by the following parameters: maximum and minimum
unit costs, associated maximum and minimum quantities, as well
3.1.4. Damage analysis as dispersion parameters describing the uncertainty in translating
In general, a building system will have a large number of damage into repair costs. An example of a unit repair cost function
repeated components (e.g. windows, partition walls, ceiling ele- is shown in Fig. 2. In particular, the reduction in unit repair costs as
ments, etc.). These groups of common elements have the same sus- the quantity goes up (i.e. number of elements that require repair)
ceptibility to damage and consequences, and can therefore be models the economies of scale. In general, together with the dis-
grouped together to form what are commonly refereed to as Fragi- persion parameter, a possible distribution is also indicated, for
lity Groups (FGs). For each FG, a series of discrete damage states example log-normal.
(DSi for i ¼ 1; . . .) are generally identified and associated with In this work, once the number, N DSi , of elements in a given dam-
appropriate fragility functions that formally represent the proba- age state (DSi ) are identified for a given PG, the repair cost for those
bility of exceeding each damage state DSi given a demand level elements can be estimated by sampling from the probability den-
edp, or: sity function of the corresponding consequence function (at the
ordinate N DSi ) and then multiplying by N DSi . Following this scheme,
FragilityDSi ðedpÞ ¼ ProbðDSi jedpÞ ð7Þ the total repair cost can be evaluated by aggregating over all dam-
age states and performance groups.
Because in general, more than one component of a FG will be sub-
ject to the same demand, a number of FG subsets can be defined.
These subsets are termed performance groups (PGs) and are associ- Downtime. In addition to the direct financial losses, build-
ated with one demand parameter or EDP. In particular, the possibil- ings are generally also vulnerable to indirect economic losses due
ity of correlation (or lack of) between damage occurrences can be to downtime, defined as the time required to achieve a recovery
assessed for the components of any given PG. In practice, once a state such as re-occupancy, functional recovery, or full recovery,
demand (i.e. an EDP) value is obtained from the structural analysis, after a wind event [35]. In this work, a downtime assessment
e.g. EDP ¼ EDP  , damage analysis is performed by entering into a model based on integrating the recently proposed methodology
suite of fragility functions at EDP (as illustrated in Fig. 1) and con- outlined in the REDi guidelines [36] with that proposed in [3] will
sidering as an ordinate the value assumed by a sample of a uni- be developed.
formly distributed random number in ½0; 1. As discussed in [2,3], In assessing downtime, impeding factors that delay the initiation
the value assumed by the sample can be used to identify which of repairs required to achieve a certain recovery state must be iden-
damage state has occurred. tified and included in the downtime estimate. As illustrated in Fig. 3,
some impeding factors occur in series while others occur simultane-
ously. In particular, after inspection the sequence producing the
3.1.5. Non-collapse loss assessment greatest delay among: (1) engineering mobilization and permitting;
The approach adopted in this work for assessing losses is based (2) contractor mobilizations; and (3) financing, must be used in cal-
on the framework proposed by FEMA [3]. Accordingly, in order to culating downtime. Furthermore, long-lead times due to the
translate the damage states identified through the fragility analysis unavailability of certain building components will in general occur,
outlined in Section 3.1.4 to losses, a unique set of consequence therefore hindering the repair of the corresponding component. As
functions are defined. In particular, each fragility function is asso- illustrated in Fig. 3, this source of potential delay should be included
ciated with a consequence function that translates the damage at the end of the contractor mobilization phase.
state described by the fragility function into a numerical value of In order to estimate total repair time, delays due to impeding
the consequence, e.g. dollars for repair cost or number of days factors must then be added to repair work times (i.e. the time that
for repair time. workers require to carry out the repairs). To estimate these last,
For the framework developed in this work, losses are restricted two extreme cases are considered in this work. In the first case,
to estimated repair cost and time. However, the procedure is gen- repair work is assumed to be carried out in series, i.e. repair for
eral and can be extended to other relevant loss measures, such as one component has to be finished before work on another can
condition tagging or casualties. start. This will provide an upper bound on the repair time as in
general some work can be carried out in parallel. In the second
case, all repair work is assumed to be carried out simultaneously.

Fig. 1. Example of fragility functions for a component with three possible damage
states, DS1 ; DS2 and DS3 (adapted from FEMA [3]). Fig. 2. Example of a possible consequence function (adapted from FEMA [3]).
W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758 749

Fig. 3. Sequences of delays due to impeding factors.

This will provide a lower bound on the repair work time as, in gen- safe inelastic state and collapse in the case of wind excited
eral, some repair work will inevitably require the repair of certain systems.
elements before it can commence. The actual time required for the
repair work will be somewhere between the upper and lower
3.2.1. Dynamic shakedown and collapse of wind excited systems
bounds. To estimate these bounds, a model similar that proposed
The state of dynamic shakedown is not in general easily esti-
in [3] is considered. Therefore, the time necessary for a single worker
mated. A case of particular interest is that concerning external
to repair the damage states described by the fragility functions is
periodic loads of infinite duration [27,37,32,26]. Indeed, as shown
estimated through unit consequence functions. In particular, each
in [26] and reported in Appendix B for convenience, under this con-
consequence function is described by the following parameters: a
dition the identification of the state of dynamic shakedown
maximum and minimum repair time; associated upper and lower
reduces to the resolution of a Linear Programming (LP) problem.
quantities; a dispersion parameter modeling the uncertainty in the
Because LP problems can be very efficiently solved (even in high
repair time. The maximum and minimum repair times mentioned
dimensions), the state of dynamic shakedown is easily identified
above are associated with the increased efficiency that is likely to
in the case of infinite duration periodic loads.
occur if multiple components in the same damage state are repaired.
Unfortunately, naturally occurring wind storms are of finite
It should be observed that, because it is assumed that only a single
length and non-periodic. However, by considering the wind storm
worker is available, the repair work time can be reduced proportion-
of duration T as a finite realization of a stationary stochastic process
ally if multiple workers are considered.
of period T, then an artificial wind storm is defined that is periodic
Utility disruption is also considered in estimating downtime to
and of infinite duration. For this artificial wind storm, the LP prob-
full or functional recovery. In particular, for wind storms, only dis-
lems of Eqs. (27) and (28) of Appendix B can be directly applied for
ruption to the electrical systems is considered. Finally, the overall
estimating not only the load multiplier sp that separates the state of
downtime is estimated as:
dynamic shakedown from a state of potential incremental plastic
Downtime ¼ Maxfutility disruption; impeding factorsg collapse/low cycle fatigue, but also se , which separates a purely
ð8Þ elastic response from a state of dynamic shakedown. The signifi-
þ repair work
cance of the results obtained for the artificial wind storm outlined
above lies in the fact that, if the structure shakes down for the
3.2. Collapse assessment artificial infinite duration and periodic wind storm, then it cannot
undergo plastic fatigue failure or incremental plastic collapse dur-
Section 3.1 outlined a procedure for assessing the performance ing the actual wind storm of duration T. This result is extremely
of building systems that do not collapse during the wind event. In useful as it allows the state of shakedown or non-shakedown (i.e.
order to determine whether collapse has occurred or not, a defini- non-collapse or collapse) to be identified by solving a LP problem
tion of collapse must be given. This can range from the instability of the type shown in Eq. (27) of Appendix B, which, as already
of a numerical model of the structural system, to the exceedance of mentioned, does not present any particular computational issues
a predetermined deformation limit. As already mentioned, the dif- even for events of long duration (T in the order of hours). In
ficulty of estimating collapse in the case of wind excited systems particular, a value of sp P 1 implies that, under the loads FðtÞ, the
lies in treating the long duration of typical wind events (order of structure will shakedown and is therefore safe against fatigue
hours), which creates both computational as well as theoretical failure or incremental plastic collapse. This implies that, within a
challenges (i.e. collapse could occur due not only to incremental simulation framework, if for a given wind load realization it is
plasticity but also phenomena such as low cycle fatigue). To over- found that sp P 1, it can be stated that the system has not collapsed,
come this, in this work it is proposed to define collapse of the where collapse is defined as the failure to reach a state of dynamic
MWFRS as the failure of the system to achieve ‘‘dynamic shake- shakedown. It is this definition of collapse/non-collapse that is used
down”, where ‘‘dynamic shakedown” is defined as a state in which in the proposed framework.
plastic deformation is produced only during a first phase of finite Before closing this section, it should be observed that local fail-
duration whilst the whole subsequent phase is purely elastic ure mechanisms (e.g. local buckling deformations of the web and
[27,37,32,26]. This state precludes the occurrence not only of incre- flange of a connection) are included in this framework through
mental plastic collapse but also of low cycle fatigue, and would the damage states and associated fragility functions considered
therefore seem well adapt for defining the separation between a in the non-collapse damage analysis of Section 3.1.4.
750 W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758

3.2.2. Collapse loss assessment where F DVjC is the conditional cumulative distribution function of the
As mentioned in Section 2, the estimation of losses given that total losses if the MWFRS collapses, e.g. the conditional distribution of
collapse occurs requires the estimation of PðDV > dv jCÞ. In order the total replacement cost if the decision variable is financial loss, or
to estimate PðDV > dv jCÞ, it is here proposed – in accordance with the total replacement time if downtime is the decision variable.
the FEMA P-58 guidelines – to take the repair cost/time equal to
the replacement time/cost in the case of building collapse. There-
4. Simulation strategy
fore, PðDV > dv jCÞ is a probabilistic distribution representing the
building performances if replacement is required, that is:
Section 3.1 presented models for assessing the repair costs and
PðDV > dv jCÞ ¼ 1  F DVjC ðdv jCÞ ð9Þ downtime associated with the occurrence of a severe wind storm

Fig. 4. Flowchart of the overall simulation strategy.

W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758 751

conditioned on the MWFRS not collapsing during the extreme where dv in Eq. (11) is evaluated following the models of Section 3.1
wind event. Section 3.2, on the other hand, presented a model for if the system is deemed not to have collapsed (i.e. the building
determining the integrity of the MWFRS with respect to collapse. shakedowns as defined in Section 3.2) while, if the system is
These models can be used to define a Monte Carlo simulation deemed to have collapsed, a sample from F DVjC (Eq. (9)) is
framework for estimating Eq. (2). To this end, consider generating generated.
N s samples of the basic random vector U ¼ fV; U IM ; U IP ; U EDP ; U sh gT A flowchart of the proposed simulation-based framework is
that collects all the uncertain parameters of the problem (with Ush shown in Fig. 4. In particular, the steps defining the Monte Carlo
a vector of uncertain parameters associated with the shakedown algorithm are as follows:
analysis – see Appendix B). By estimating a decision variable value
(i.e. a repair cost and repair time value) for each sample, the fol- 1. Generate a realization v ðiÞ of V and of the random vector
lowing expression can be used to directly estimate Eq. (2): U IM ; uIM , and use Eq. (3) to estimate the intensity measure,
1 X Nnc
Nnc 1 X Nc
Nc v z ðT; z; z0 Þ, at all heights of interest.
PðDV > dv Þ  IðuðjÞ
nc Þ  þ IðucðkÞ Þ 
2. Generate a realization uIP of FðtÞ to use together with v
Nnc j¼1 Nnc þ N c Nc k¼1 Nnc þ Nc  z ðT; z; z0 Þ of
" # the previous step in order to estimate a realization of the interac-
1 X
Nnc XNc
tion parameters, i.e. the aerodynamic loads FðtÞ of Eq. (4).
ðjÞ ðkÞ
¼ Iðu Þ þ Iðuc Þ ð10Þ
Nnc þ Nc j¼1 k¼1
3. Generate a realization uEDP of U EDP to use together with the
aerodynamic loads of the previous step, for estimating the
where N c and Nnc are the total number of samples for which collapse/ 
ðkÞ ðjÞ response vector u.
non-collapse occurred with uc for k ¼ 1; . . . ; N c and unc for ðiÞ
j ¼ 1; . . . ; N nc the corresponding samples of U, while I is an indicator 4. Generate a realization ush of U sh and use it together with the
function defined – irrespective of whether collapse occurs or not – as: responses from step 3 to determine the shakedown safety fac-
( tor, sp , by solving the linear programming problem of Eq. (27).
1 if dv ðuðiÞ Þ > dv Check if the structure has collapsed during the wind event, i.e.
IðuðiÞ Þ ¼ ð11Þ
0 if dv ðuðiÞ Þ 6 dv if sp < 1.

(4)@6.1 m = 24.4 m
Level 40
154.7 m

24.4 m

Level 30
116.6 m

36.6 m

Level 20
3.8 m
Typical 78.5 m

Level 10
Building Plan Column and
40.4 m
beam sizes vary,
see Table 2

Surface Level 0

Fig. 5. Schematic of the 40 story steel frame of the case study.

752 W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758

5. If the structure does not shakedown (i.e. sp < 1), it is deemed to

have collapsed and repair cost and downtime for the ith realiza- 1
tion, dv ðuðiÞ Þ, are set equal to the building replacement cost and
6. If collapse has not occurred, i.e. sp P 1, a realization of the -1 1
demand vector edpðiÞ (Eq. (5)) is generated. The vector edpðiÞ is -0.15 0.15
then used to estimate damage to the components of the perfor-
mance groups through their respective fragility functions.
Values of downtime and repair cost are then estimated for each -1
performance group through the consequence functions associ-
ated with each damage state. By aggregating over all perfor- Fig. 6. Piecewise linear failure domain of the plastic hinges in the columns.
mance groups, non-collapse values for dv ðuðiÞ Þ are obtained.
7. Use Eq. (11) to determine the value of IðuðiÞ Þ.
ear domain shown in Fig. 6, where N y is the axial generalized yield
By repeating steps 1–7 for N s samples of the random vector U, stress given by N y ¼ ry A while M y is the yield moment given by
estimates of the probability of the decision variable exceeding a
M y ¼ ry S with A and S the area and section modulus of the cross
threshold value, PðDV > dv Þ, can be obtained from Eq. (10).
section respectively. For plastic hinges located in the beams, the
yield domain is simply defined by the yield moments due to the
action of the floor diaphragms.
5. Case study
For the application described in this section, the distribution
characterizing the largest yearly meteorological wind speeds v
5.1. Description
was taken as a Type II distribution with mean value of 30 m/s
and standard deviation 3.5 m/s. In calibrating the transformation
As a case study, the 40-story four-span plane steel frame of
of Eq. (3), s was assumed as 1 h while a roughness length of
Fig. 5 is considered. The geometry of the frame is described by
z01 ¼ 0:05 m and a meteorological height of Hmet ¼ 10 m were con-
beam span lengths of 6.1 m (20 ft) and by the inter-story heights
sidered. The roughness length at the site of the structure, z0 , was
of 6.1 m (20 ft) at ground level and 3.8 m (12.5 ft) for all other
taken as a random variable with uniform distribution between
floors. The overall height of the structure is 154.7 m (507.5 ft). Col-
0.01 m and 0.03 m. For the parameters of U IM , the distributions
umn splices occur every three floors. The columns are built-up box
indicated in Table 2 of [13] were used. It should be observed that
members while the beams are wide flange standard W sections. A
in this work a ‘‘time-based” P-58 style assessment of the building
summary of the section sizes is reported in Table 1. The steel com-
system is carried out, i.e. losses for all possible wind intensities
posing the frame is assumed to be elastic perfectly plastic and is
over a duration of 1 year are estimated. To perform an ‘‘intensity
therefore completely described by the yield stress ry and Young’s
based” assessment, it would simply be necessary to consider a
modulus Ey , which are considered as uncertain parameters with
fixed wind speed value with desired mean recurrence interval.
log-normal distributions. In particular, the yield stress is assigned
In order to model the aerodynamic loads acting on the frame,
a mean 355 MPa and a standard deviation of 15 MPa while the
the quasi-steady model outlined in Appendix A was adopted while
Young’s modulus has a mean of 210 GPa and standard deviation
considering an influence width for each floor of 12.2 m (40 ft), a
of 15 GPa. The mass of the structure is lumped at each floor and
pressure coefficient of C j ¼ 1:3, and an air density of q ¼ 1:25 kg/
is calculated as the sum of the element mass and dead load mass
m3. In calibrating the model, N was chosen to be 2048 therefore
M ¼ qo L=g, where g is the gravitational acceleration while
yielding wind storms with a stationary duration of T = 16,085 s
qo ¼ 11:96 [kN/m2 ]  h is the dead load with h and L the height
with a sampling frequency of 1.27 Hz. In order to generate realiza-
and influence width of each floor respectively. To model uncer-
tions of the forcing functions FðtÞ, a total of 81,920 independent
tainty, the mass at each floor is multiplied by a log-normal random
and uniformly distributed random numbers in ½0; 2p are required.
variable, DM , with unit mean and standard deviation 0.05. To com-
In the proposed framework, these random numbers are collected in
plete the calibration of U EDP , the modal damping ratios are also
the random vector U IP . A typical realization of the 40th floor forc-
taken as log-normal random variables with mean 0.05 and stan-
ing function, F 40 ðtÞ, and the corresponding interstory drift ratio
dard deviation 0.005 [38,39].
response are shown in Fig. 7, while Fig. 8 shows the target and sim-
For analyzing the dynamic shakedown multipliers, rigid-
ulated power spectral density (PSD) functions.
perfectly plastic hinges are assumed at the extremes of all beams
In defining the fragility and consequence functions, building
and columns. The yield domain associated with the plastic hinges
components were grouped into five main categories, as follows:
of the columns (defined by the interaction between the axial stress
(1) structure; (2) façade; (3) egress; (4) mechanical, electrical
N and bending moment M) is modeled through the piece-wise lin-
and plumbing (MEP); and (5) office fitouts. The FGs included in
the case study together with the characteristics of the fragility
Table 1 functions – chosen from the FEMA fragility database [5] – and unit
Section sizes defining the steel frame. repair cost functions for the first damage state are summarized in
Level range Wide-flange beams Box columns Table 2. In practice, more than one damage state was considered
for each FG (the definition of the fragility and consequence func-
Interior (in.) Exterior (in.)
tions for each additional damage state can be found in [5] using
1–10 W36  282 22  22 20  20 the FEMA designation codes reported in Table 2). For failure modes
t¼3 t ¼ 2:5
11–20 W36  194 20  20 20  20
occurring at the column splices and beam-column connections, six
t¼2 t¼2 different FGs (FGs 2–7) were defined based on the total weight
21–30 W33  169 18  18 18  18 above the component and whether one or two beams were con-
t¼1 t¼1 nected to the beam column joint. Both the fragility functions and
31–40 W27  84 18  18 18  18
the URCFs (unit repair cost functions) were assumed to be lognor-
t ¼ 0:75 t ¼ 0:75
W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758 753

20 0.4

10 0.2

0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000








0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000

Fig. 7. A realization of the top floor stochastic forcing function and corresponding interstory drift ratio response: (a) Net force and corresponding effective pressure, i.e. ratio
between story force and building width times story height; (b) interstory drift ratio response.

for FG 32, 40 PGs are defined). Analogously, for FGs 11–26, which
are sensitive to floor acceleration, the components were divided
into 40 PGs, depending on the floor to which they belong while
the peak floor acceleration was assigned as the EDP. FGs 27–31
were MEP facilities assumed to be installed at the top floor, so

one PG was assigned to each FG. As a result, a total of 899 PGs were

5.2. Results

The analyses were carried out for N s = 26,000 simulation points.

Fig. 9 reports the distributions of sp and se . In particular, for a
threshold value sp ¼ 1, i.e. no amplification of the forcing function
FðtÞ, the annual system-level probability of the structure suffering
f plastic collapse was estimated to be Pðsp < 1Þ ¼ 0:0004 while the
annual probability of the structure exiting the elastic regime was
Fig. 8. PSD functions for the target and simulated forcing function of floor 40.
estimated to be Pðse < 1Þ ¼ 0:039. The difference between the
two curves indicates the significant plastic reserves of the frame
mally distributed with dispersion bf for the fragility functions and under investigation. In addition to the information above, the dis-
bc ¼ 0:25 for all URCFs. The median of the fragility functions is tributions of sp and se also provide useful information on the sen-
indicated with mf in Table 2, while the median of the URCF is sitivity of the probabilities associated with undergoing plastic
defined by the four values C max ; C min ; Q max and Q min and is fixed collapse or exiting the elastic regime as a result of amplifications
for a given wind storm (i.e. simulation point) by the quantity of in the external excitation.
damaged components. Fig. 10 shows annual probability of exceedance associated with
The PGs were identified as follows. PGs belonging to FGs 1–10 total repair costs. As can be seen, the total repair cost with a return
and 32 are defined by interstory drift sensitive components and period of 5 years (Pf ¼ 0:2) is about $2,267,000, indicating that the
were therefore assigned peak interstory drifts as EDPs. The PGs structure was poorly designed and underperformed, while the cost
were therefore defined by grouping elements at each floor (e.g. with a 50 year return period (P f ¼ 0:02) is approximately
754 W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758

Table 2
Summary of the FGs and associated fragility functions and URCFs for the first Damage State.

FG Category FEMA Description EDP Damage state 1

number designation type
Fragility Unit repair cost functions
mf bf C max [$] C min [$] Q max Q min

1 Structure B1031.011c Steel column base plates Drift 0.04 0.4 25,812.00 17,208.00 15 5
2 Structure B1031.021b Column splice (150 < W < 300 plf) Drift 0.04 0.4 12,168.00 8112.00 15 5
3 Structure B1031.021c Column splice (W > 300 plf) Drift 0.04 0.4 13,608.00 9072.00 15 5
4 Structure B1035.041 Pre-Northridge Welded Unreinforced Flange-Bolted (WUF-B) Drift 0.017 0.4 14,472.00 9648.00 30 10
beam-column joint, beam one side
5 Structure B1035.042 Pre-Northridge WUF-B beam-column joint, beam one side of Drift 0.017 0.4 15,072.00 10,048.00 30 10
column, beam depth >= W30
6 Structure B1035.051 Pre-Northridge WUF-B beam-column joint, beam both sides Drift 0.017 0.4 21,096.00 14,064.00 30 10
7 Structure B1035.052 Pre-Northridge WUF-B beam-column joint, beam both sides of Drift 0.017 0.4 21,096.00 14,064.00 30 10
column, beam depth >= W30
8 Façade B2011.201a Precast concrete panels with user-specified in-plane Drift 0.005 0.5 17,160.00
connection capacity
9 Fitout C1011.001a Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum with metal studs, Full Height, Drift 0.0021 0.6 2.50 2.04 13,000 1300
Fixed Below, Fixed Above (based upon 130  1000 Panels)
10 Fitout C3011.001a Wall Partition, Type: Gypsum + Wallpaper, Full Height, Fixed Drift 0.0021 0.6 3.90 2.40 5000 500
Below, Fixed Above (based upon 90  1000 Panels)
11 Fitout C3027.001 Raised Access Floor, non seismically rated. Acc. 0.5 0.5 1.27 1.04 10,000 1000
12 Fitout C3032.001b Suspended Ceiling, SDC A, B, Area (A): 250 < A < 1000, Vert Acc. 0.55 0.4 1.89 1.31 2500 250
support only
13 Fitout C3034.001 Independent Pendant Lighting – non seismic Acc. 0.6 0.4 643.50 396.00 10 5
14 Fitout E2022.023 Desktop electronics including computers, monitors, stereos, Acc. 0.4 0.5 1000.00
etc., smooth surface
15 MEP D2021.011a Cold Water Piping (dia > 2.5 in.), SDC A or B, PIPING FRAGILITY Acc. 1.5 0.4 700.00 210.00 10 5
16 MEP D2022.011a Hot Water Piping – Small Diameter Threaded Steel – (2.5 in. in Acc. 0.55 0.5 279.00
diameter or less), SDC A or B, PIPING FRAGILITY
17 MEP D2022.011b Hot Water Piping – Small Diameter Threaded Steel – (2.5 in. in Acc. 1.2 0.5 383.00
diameter or less), SDC A or B, BRACING FRAGILITY
18 MEP D2022.021a Hot Water Piping – Large Diameter Welded Steel – (greater Acc. 1.5 0.5 348.00
than 2.5 in. in diameter), SDC A or B, PIPING FRAGILITY
19 MEP D2031.021a Sanitary Waste Piping – Cast Iron w/bell and spigot couplings, Acc. 2.25 0.5 3167.00
20 MEP D2031.021b Sanitary Waste Piping – Cast Iron w/bell and spigot couplings, Acc. 1.2 0.5 423.00
21 MEP D3041.011a HVAC Stainless Steel Ducting less than 6 sq. ft in cross Acc. 1.5 0.4 1300.00 390.00 10 5
sectional area, SDC A or B
22 MEP D3041.012a HVAC Stainless Steel Ducting less than 6 sq. ft in cross Acc. 1.5 0.4 1900.00 570.00 10 5
sectional area, SDC C
23 MEP D3041.031a HVAC Drops/ Diffusers in suspended ceilings – No Acc. 1.3 0.4 360.00 240.00 50 10
independent safety wires, SDC A or B
24 MEP D3041.041a Variable Air Volume (VAV) box with in-line coil, SDC A or B Acc. 1.9 0.4 14,796.00
25 MEP D4011.021a Fire Sprinkler Water Piping – Horizontal Mains and Branches – Acc. 1.1 0.4 348.00
Old Style Victaulic – Thin Wall Steel – No bracing, SDC A or B,
26 MEP D4011.031a Fire Sprinkler Drop Standard Threaded Steel – Dropping into Acc. 0.75 0.4 526.00
unbraced lay-in tile SOFT ceiling – 6 ft. long drop maximum,
SDC A or B
27 MEP D5012.021a Low Voltage Switchgear – Capacity: 100 to <350 Amp – Acc. 1.28 0.4 550.00 450.00 3 1
Unanchored equipment that is not vibration isolated –
Equipment fragility only
28 MEP D3031.011c Chiller – Capacity: 350 to <750 Ton – Unanchored equipment Acc. 0.2 0.4 2420.00 1980.00 4 1
that is not vibration isolated – Equipment fragility only
29 MEP D3031.021c Cooling Tower – Capacity: 350 to <750 Ton – Unanchored Acc. 0.5 0.4 2420.00 1980.00 4 1
equipment that is not vibration isolated – Equipment fragility
30 MEP D3052.011d Air Handling Unit – Capacity: 25,000 to <40,000 CFM – Acc. 0.25 0.4 2066.00
Unanchored equipment that is not vibration isolated –
Equipment fragility only
31 MEP D5012.013a Transformer/primary service – Capacity: <100 kVA – Acc. 0.73 0.45 4167.00
Equipment that is either hard anchored or is vibration isolated
with seismic snubbers/restraints – Anchorage fragility only
32 Egress C2011.001b Prefabricated steel stair with steel treads and landings with no Drift 0.005 0.6 520.00 320.00 5 1
seismic joint.

$4,564,000. In interpreting these numbers, it should be observed the repair costs are calculated at an individual component-level
that it is generally acknowledged that the time and cost conse- before being aggregated for estimating the total system-level con-
quences of the 2012 FEMA fragility database (as used in this work) sequence. Therefore, by deaggregating over all FGs, information on
associated with interior partitions, gravity shear tabs and in plane how the various FGs contribute to the total repair cost can be
precast panels are somewhat conservative leading to relatively found. As can be seen from Fig. 11, FG 8–14 (concrete panels and
high repair cost and time estimates. In the proposed approach, office fitouts) and 32 are responsible for the bulk of the repair costs
W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758 755




Elastic multiplier
Shakedown multiplier

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fig. 9. Distributions of the elastic, se , and dynamic shakedown, sp , safety factors.

Fig. 11. Deaggregation of the total repair cost among the fragility groups.

0.8 1
In Series
In Parallel
0.6 0.8
Possible repair strategy

0.4 0.6

0.2 0.4

0 0.2
104 105 106 107 108
C[$(US)] 0
102 103 104
Fig. 10. Annual probability of exceedance of the total repair cost C.

Fig. 12. Annual probability of exceedance of the total downtime T D .

while FG 4–7, 23, 24, 30 and 31 contribute minimally to the total
cost. This information would be particularly useful in the redesign
or retrofit of the building and illustrates the type of decision sup-
gely driven by the delays associated with contractor mobilization,
port information that the proposed framework has been developed
contributes – in this example – almost as much as the repair work
to provide.
time to the total downtime. This simple example would suggest
In parallel with the repair cost estimation, downtime for full
that, the total downtime may be greatly underestimated if delays
recovery was also assessed. In this respect, Fig. 12 shows the
that prevent the initiation of the repairs are neglected, as in the
annual probability of exceedance of total downtime thresholds.
FEMA P-58 procedures. Moreover, for this case study, utility dis-
In particular, upper and lower bounds were estimated considering
ruption does not control over impeding factors and therefore – in
the repair work done in series or parallel respectively. The corre-
this case – does not have a direct impact on the downtime
sponding total downtime with a return period of 5 years
(P f ¼ 0:2) is about 726 and 230 days, respectively. In addition, a
strategy in which repairs were carried out floor by floor in a serial
manner (i.e. all structural and non-structural components repaired 5.3. Discussion
simultaneously at a certain floor before repairs can commence at
the next floor) was also considered. In this case, the estimated The primary objective of this work was the introduction of an
downtime with a return period of 5 years (P f ¼ 0:2) is around efficient PBWE framework for the integrated collapse and non-
626 days which, consistent with how the repair strategy was collapse assessment of multistory wind excited buildings systems.
defined, is between the two extreme scenarios. The case study presented in this section demonstrated the poten-
Fig. 13 shows the deaggregation of the system-level total repair tial of the framework for assessing the performance of a system
time among all fragility groups. In particular, it can be seen that given a set of input data with associated probabilistic distributions.
non-structural components, such as concrete panels and office fit- Obviously, the quality of the performance estimates obtained from
outs, contribute mostly to the total repair cost, independently of the proposed framework depends on the correct estimation of the
whether the repairs are assumed to be carried out in series or in input parameters. Having said this, it should be kept in mind that
parallel. A breakdown of the different downtime contributors for the framework presented in this work is based on Monte Carlo
the intermediate repair strategy considered above as well as the simulation. Therefore, the sensitivity of the results can be studied
deaggregation of the impeding factors is illustrated in Fig. 14. It in a straightforward manner with respect to any of the input
can be observed that the delay caused by the impeding factors, lar- parameters. This aspect was not investigated in this paper as it
756 W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758







Utility Disruption Impeding Factors Repair Work





Inspection Engineering Financing Contractor Permitting

Fig. 13. Deaggregation of the total repair time: (a) repair work carried out in series; Fig. 14. (a) Downtime contributors; (b) deaggregation of impeding factors for the
(b) repair work carried out in parallel. structure.

was focused on the development of the framework itself. However, mating not only the integrated system-level collapse and non-
a separate study into this very aspect would be of sure interest. collapse losses, but also the deaggregated non-collapse losses.
Before closing this section, it should be mentioned that, while Due to the efficiency of the procedure and its systematic estima-
the case study presented here is 2D, the extension to 3D problems tion of both structural and non-structural damage, it is believed
would be straightforward. Indeed, due to the efficiency with which that the framework outlined in this work could be of significant
high dimensional LP problems can be solved, an extension to 3D and immediate interest to the designers of wind excited building
should not present any particular computational difficulties. systems.

6. Summary and conclusions Acknowledgements

A probabilistic PBWE framework is proposed in this paper that This research effort was in part supported by the National
integrates probabilistic dynamic shakedown analysis with system- Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. CMMI-1562388 and
level damage and loss estimation models. In particular, perfor- CMMI-1462084. This support is gratefully acknowledged.
mance is expressed at a system-level through metrics such as
repair costs and downtime, therefore enabling straightforward Appendix A. Quasi-steady stochastic wind loading model
interpretation by decision-makers of diverse technical back-
grounds. With respect to downtime estimation, a model is devel- The quasi-steady model used in this paper for generating the
oped that depends not only on the estimation of repair work forcing function Fðt; v
 z ; uIP Þ is related to the fluctuating and mean
time but also on the estimation of delays caused by impeding fac- wind speeds through:
tors that prevent the start of actual repair work. By applying
F j ðt; v z ; uIP Þ ¼ gj ðv zj þ v j ðtÞÞ2 ’ gj ðv 2zj þ 2v zj v j ðtÞÞ;
dynamic shakedown theory, an efficient model is defined for
describing the post-yield behavior of structural systems subject j ¼ 1; 2 . . . ; n ð12Þ
to long duration (order of hours) dynamic wind loads. By defining
where n is the number of floors; v zj is the mean wind velocity at
safety against collapse as the occurrence of dynamic shakedown,
collapse scenarios for the MWFRS are efficiently estimated and height zj determined from the wind hazard analysis; v j ðtÞ is the
integrated into the overall loss model. To illustrate the potential corresponding fluctuating component of the wind speed; gj is a
of the proposed PBWE framework, a case study consisting of a coefficient equal to 0:5qC j Aj , where q is the air density, C j is a
40-story frame building was presented. This allowed for the illus- quasi-steady pressure coefficient and Aj is the influence area of
tration of the capability of the framework for systematically esti- the jth degree of freedom in the direction of the mean wind.
W.-C. Chuang, S.M.J. Spence / Engineering Structures 150 (2017) 746–758 757

The Power Spectral Density (PSD) function of the longitudinal Appendix B. Dynamic shakedown for infinite duration periodic
component of the fluctuating wind velocity, v j ðtÞ, was modeled loads
as proposed in [40] and therefore as:
Consider an elastoplastic structure with the vectors qðtÞ and
1 200 2 zj 1
Sj ðxÞ ¼ v  5=3 ; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n ð13Þ Q ðtÞ collecting the time varying generalized strains and stresses
2 2p  v zj xz
1 þ 50 2pvjz induced by the external wind loads FðtÞ. Equilibrium and geomet-
ric compatibility can then be expressed in terms of qðtÞ and Q ðtÞ
where v  is the shear velocity of the flow given by:
ka € t ðtÞ  Ctt u_ t ðtÞ
BT Q ðtÞ ¼ FðtÞ  Mtt u ð22Þ
v  ¼ v 10 b   ð14Þ
ln z0 qðtÞ ¼ But ðtÞ ð23Þ
where ka ¼ 0:4 is the Von Kármán’s constant while z0 is the where B is the strain-displacement (compatibility) matrix that
ground roughness height. The cross power spectral density was depends on the undeformed geometry of the system, ut ðtÞ is the
defined as: response of the system in the dynamically significant degrees of
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi freedom (DOFs) – with over-dot indicating derivation with respect
Sjk ðxÞ ¼ Sj ðxÞSk ðxÞcjk ðxÞ; j; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n; j – k ð15Þ to time – Ctt is the damping matrix associated with the dynamic
DOFs, and Mtt is the mass matrix associated with the dynamic DOFs.
where cjk is the coherence function between v j ðtÞ and v k ðtÞ. The The strain vector qðtÞ is defined as the sum of an elastic, eðtÞ, and a
model suggested in [41] was used for the coherence function plastic, pðtÞ, strain. The elasticity equations for this system can be
between the fluctuating velocities at heights z1 and z2 : expressed as:
" #
x C z Dz Q ðtÞ ¼ DeðtÞ þ Q  ðtÞ ð24Þ
cjk ðDz; xÞ ¼ exp  ð16Þ
2p 12 ðv 1 þ v 2 Þ
where D is the block diagonal matrix collecting the elastic stiffness
matrices of each element while Q  is a vector of the perfectly
where v  1 and v 2 are the mean wind speeds at heights z1 and z2 ,
clamped element generalized stresses.
respectively, Dz ¼ jz1  z2 j is the difference between two heights
In order to satisfy the yield criterion, the generalized stresses,
and C z is a constant that can be set equal to 10 for design purposes
i.e. the internal forces, at each cross section cannot lie outside
the yield surface. This implies that the following must hold:
In order to simulate the n-dimensional multivariate stochastic
process v ðtÞ, the cross-spectral density matrix SðxÞ, defined with f ¼ NT Q ðtÞ  R 6 0 ð25Þ
diagonal components given by Eq. (13) and off-diagonal terms
given by Eq. (15), is decomposed into the following form: where f is a piece-wise linearized yield vector, N is the block diag-
onal matrix of unit external normals to the yield surface while R is a
SðxÞ ¼ HðxÞH ðxÞ T
ð17Þ plastic resistance vector that depends on the yield stress, ry , of the
material. To account for possible uncertainty in the material
where ðÞT is the transpose of the complex conjugate. This decom-
strength, ry can be taken as uncertain. Under these circumstances,
position can be performed using Cholesky’s method or eigenfunc-
ry would be a component of the uncertain vector U sh the collects
tion expansion.
uncertain parameters associated with the dynamic shakedown
Once the cross-spectral density matrix is decomposed, the com-
ponents of the stochastic vector process v ðtÞ can be simulated by
A necessary and sufficient condition for dynamic shakedown
the following series as N ! 1 [42,43]:
[27,37] to occur is that there exists a finite time r P 0 such that
n X
N pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the sum of a free motion stress field Q F ðtÞ, a time independent
v j ðtÞ ¼ 2 jHjm ðxml Þj Dx cos½xml ðtÞ  hjm ðxml Þ þ /ml ;
self-stress distribution q representing the initial plastic strains
m¼1 l¼1
along with the elastic stress response to the loads backward trun-
j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n ð18Þ
cated at r; Q E ðr þ sÞ, proves to be inside the yield surface at any
where /ml for m ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n and l ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N are sequences of time s 0:
independent random phase angles uniformly distributed in ½0; 2p
f ¼ NT ½Q E ðr þ sÞ þ Q F ðsÞ þ q  R < 0; 8s P 0 ð26Þ
and collected in the vector U IP ; xml is given by
m In order to estimate the safety factor against inadaptation (i.e.
xml ¼ ðl  1ÞDx þ Dx; l ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N ð19Þ non-shakedown) of the structure, a scalar multiplier s > 0 of the
forcing function is introduced so that the following scaled loads
with Dx the sampling frequency; while hjm is a complex angle that can be defined F s ðtÞ ¼ sFðtÞ. For this time dependent loading sys-
can be written in the following form if the off-diagonal elements tem, the shakedown safety factor is defined as the threshold
Hjm ðxÞ of HðxÞ are written in the polar form: value s, indicated by sp , for which shakedown will always occur
Im½Hjm ðxÞ if s < sp .
hjm ðxÞ ¼ tan1 ð20Þ In the case of periodic external actions, sp can be estimated by
Re½Hjm ðxÞ
dropping the free vibration stress and setting r ¼ 0 as it is always
where Im and Re are imaginary and real parts of the complex num- possible to find some particular initial conditions that will make
ber Hjm ðxÞ. the purely elastic response of the system coincide with its forced
The period of the function simulated in this way is given by: vibration counterpart [27,37,32]. Accordingly, the elastic backward
truncated stress response Q E ðr þ sÞ can be represented by the
2pn 2pnN
Tb ¼ ¼ ð21Þ steady state response Q S . Therefore, the shakedown safety factor
Dx xup
can be estimated by solving the following linear programming
where xup is the cut-off frequency. problem:
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