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My ideal my selft


my ideal self never leaves things for
the last /mi yo ideal nunca deja las
cosas para el final
my ideal self always says no to
drugs/ mi ser ideal siempre le dice
no a las drogas .
my ideal self sometimes says no to
alcoholic beverages/mi ser ideal
algunas veces le dice no a las bebidas
my ideal self says yes to always
studying a lot/ mi ser ideal le dice sí
a siempre estudiar bastante.
my ideal self says yes to frequently being
responsible / mi ser ideal le dice sí a
frecuentemente ser responsable
we live so aware of our
economy that we do
nothing for our lives.
my ideal self says always yes to be respectful / mi ser
ideal dice siempre sí a ser respetuoso

 you have to have respect for
others, but for that you must
have respect for yourself
My ideal self always says no to
bullying/Mi ser ideal dice siempre
no al acoso escolar
 do not do to others what you do not
want them to do to you
My ideal self usually says yes to
moral ethics/Mi ser ideal le dice
usualmente sí a la ética moral

 Base your life on morals and ethics,

since it is the only thing that defines
you as a person.
My ideal self sometimes says yes to
finding my "inner selves"/Mi ser
ideal dice algunas veces sí a
encontrar mis “yoes interiores”
 we have to find ourselves to
accept your mistakes
My ideal self sometimes studies
English before going to sleep/Mi ser
ideal algunas veces estudia ingles
antes de irse a dormir .

 studying every day helps your brain

my ideal self always tries to do the right thing no
matter what situation it is in/mi ser ideal siempre
intenta hacer lo correcto sin importar la
situación en que se encuentre.
it's always the right time to
do the right thing
my ideal self always takes care of the planet / mi
ser ideal siempre cuida el planeta

 Our level of ignorance increasingly

exceeds the limits, which causes our It is up to you to take care of the planet,
self-destruction. <-you have to set an example .->

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