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The main character in a piece of literature is called the “protagonist.” The protagonist
often overcomes a weakness to achieve a new understanding by the work’s end. A
protagonist who acts with courage and strength may be called a “hero.” The
protagonist’s journey is made more dramatic by challenges from characters with
different beliefs or perspectives. A “foil” provokes or challenges the protagonist. The
most important foil, the “antagonist,” opposes the protagonist, barring or complicating
his or her success. Captain Beatty, the fire chief, is a key foil and a historian of sorts.
While Montag once followed Beatty’s values, he now resists Beatty’s commitment to
burning books. Meanwhile, Faber represents a musty, academic link to the past.
Clarisse McClellan, a teenager, longs for the romantic days of front porches and rocking
chairs, complaining, “we never ask questions.” Mildred, the model citizen, attempts
suicide while living in a world enchanted by television. The characters of Mildred,
Clarisse, Faber, or Beatty bring out dramatic responses from Montag.

Part Two – The Sieve and the Sand

Answer briefly the following questions:

1. In the scene where Mildred and Montag read books together, what are their separate

2. What is the effect throughout sections I and II, of the bombers flying over?

3. Who is Professor Faber?

4. Why did Montag go to see Faber?

5. What three elements did Faber feel were missing from life?

6. What plan did Montag and Faber devise?

7. What was Montag willing to do to convince Faber to carry out his plan?

8. What had Faber designed that allowed him to be in constant contact with Montag?

9. Why did Faber decide to go to St. Louis?

10. Why did Montag burn the book of poetry in the wall incinerator at his home?

11. Where did Montag hide his books after the ladies left?

12. What was the destination of the alarm on the night that Montag returned to work at
the firehouse?

13. What is the “damnedest snake” that Montag describes?

14. If Beatty discovers what Montag is hiding, what is Mildred afraid of losing?

15. Who is Mildred’s family?

16. What does Montag say the country has won twice since 2022?

17. What book does Montag have which might be the last copy in the world?

18. While riding the subway, what memory from his childhood does Montag recall?

19. How does Faber speak with Montag at the fire station?

20. Montag thinks most people are happy. True or false

21. The title of section 2 is The Sieve and The Sand. If the sand represents the written
words in the books, what does the sieve represent?

22. Which character sees himself/herself as a coward?

23. What is the “White Clown”?

24. Does Montag hide the Bible when he takes the train to see Faber?

25. Committing suicide and hurting people is a common occurrence in this society. True
or False.

26. What book may be the last copy which Montag has in his possession?

27. Montag’s reaction to the commercial on the subway is a turning point in his life. How
does he react and why?
28. What argument does Faber make for books?

29. What is the “small green metal object”?

30. What does the White Clown show lead you to believe about television programming
in this society?

31. Why does Mrs. Phelps cry when Montag reads “Dover Beach”?

32. What is Montag’s destination at the end of section II? Why?

33. Montag tells Faber that, “nobody listens any more. (he) can’t talk to the walls
because they are yelling at him.” What does he want Faber to do for him?

34. Children in this society are ignored by their parents. True or false.

35. What is a sieve?

36. Who says, “I’m trotting right strait home. . . I won’t come in the fireman’s crazy
house again in my lifetime.”Montag thinks most people are happy. True or false.

37. What poem does Montag repeatedly read to Millie and her friends?

1. Choose one character and discuss how that character leads Montag toward self-
2. How does Montag’s relationship to the chosen character change? Present your
conclusion, using specific textual support.

3. Who do you believe to be the antagonist?

4. Why is this character opposed to Montag?

5. How does this character force Montag to reevaluate himself? Use passages from
the text to support your conclusions.

Type your 5 paragraphs (two page response) and submit to Google classroom.
Remember to use: Arial, Size 12, Double Spaced.

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