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Welcome to the Elite

Lifestyle Bible!
We’re going to cover a lot of topics here, that will not only improve your
game, but will take your life in general to a level usually only enjoyed by
celebrities and billionaires. If you follow this guide exactly, there will be
very little in your life that is not 100% handled. Realize though, that this
much change can be scary and daunting. Your brain is likely to reject this
much change in its quest for homeostasis. This means it’s important to
take on each of the sections one at a time, and to make sure that each
habit is ingrained before concentrating on the next one. We are looking
for lasting change here, not feel good mental masturbation. Keep in mind
that these are the exact steps that my assistants and I have followed, and
that nothing is put in here arbitrarily. This is not “Ten Steps for Better Abs”.
Its information that has been painstakingly gathered and tested by men
who live the most desirable lifestyles in the world. Experiment with the
information yourself, but also realize that the more discipline you have in
following these steps, the better your life will become.

I have divided this guide into two parts: Inner Lifestyle, and Outer
Lifestyle. Inner Lifestyle does not mean inner game, which is covered
in detail in the Inner Game Secrets Guidebook. Inner lifestyle, instead,
means the part of your lifestyle that is concerned with self-improvement
and keeping your own metaphorical (and literal) house in order. I have
put this section first because without getting your inner lifestyle handled,
your outer lifestyle will collapse. It’s hard to go to Maxim parties when
you can’t even dress yourself properly or finance an Uber ride. Outer
lifestyle is concerned with what you do out in the world. This means travel,
building a social circle, throwing parties, etc. This is the fun stuff. The type
of information that will make your friends jealous and keep your Instagram
looking like a museum of clinical depression. You should start building your
outer lifestyle in concert with your inner lifestyle habits, as long as you are
giving each habit enough time to be ingrained correctly. Just remember,
you can’t build a house without a good foundation.

Speaking of foundations… One of the core features of this guide is an

emphasis on foundations and fundamentals. If your familiar with the
Pareto principle, you know that 20% of your actions create 80% of your
results. In fact, it is estimated that this might even understate the case.
Most likely, 10% or more of your actions are what causes 90% or more of
your positive results in life. A weight lifter who has a disciplined focus only
on Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Presses, and Rows will often get more results
then the guy who uses a separate machine for every muscle he has. This
is true in EVERY area of lifestyle. If you get focus on the fundamentals,
and get those absolutely perfect, you will absolutely get better results
than the guy trying to balance every possible habit in that realm. Get the
fundamentals perfect and see if you can hold that for 6 months. Then start
adding in the small stuff that will get you 1% more gains, as long as they
don’t interfere with the big stuff.

So, let’s begin...

Section 1: Inner Lifestyle: Grooming,
Hygiene, and Fashion
I started with this section because it’s the easiest to fix, and will have
the biggest returns per unit time. This does not mean it has the biggest
returns in general. What it means rather is that this is a project that will
dramatically improve your life, while only taking a week or so to complete.
For instance, I have seen guys that are charismatic as hell that get no
results in life simply because they have bad breath. This is no exaggeration.
Grooming, Hygiene and Fashion are some of the most ignored areas by
men, with disastrous results.

“But Derek! I heard that it doesn’t matter what you look like to get girls.
Now you’re saying that it does. I’m confused and scared.”

What we have said at RSD from the beginning is that good game
overcomes good looks and good fashion every time. And this is true. You
can look like a homeless person and bang models on occasion if your game
is entirely on point. However, why put up any obstacles to your success
at all!? Especially obstacles that are so easy to not only fix, but perfect.
It’s not even about becoming “better looking”, it’s about conveying that
you have your life handled, that you know who you are, and that you
know how to express that in a positive way. A guy with mediocre physical
genetics who has a good haircut, good breath, and a congruent style is
more attractive than a male model who looks like he recovered his clothes
from a crashed Greyhound bus. Secondly and more importantly, you
have to understand that while style and grooming don’t matter as much
to the women you are attracted to, it does matter to other people. More
specifically, it matters to her friends (who in a loud club can often only
see you and not hear what you are saying), it matters to your potential
business partners, it matters to the bouncers who decide whether or
not you get to come into the best clubs, etc. And again, considering how
easy to fix these things are, the real question is: If you’re not a complete
fucktard, why wouldn’t you do it?

Grooming and Hygiene:

Grooming for men is much easier than it is for women. We don’t have to
worry about make-up, eye lashes, or any of that crap. What we do have to
worry about falls into three categories. They are: Skin, Hair, and Mouth.
(This is assuming you already shower, wash your body with soap, and put
on deodorant every day. If you don’t, start doing that immediately)!

Probably the most ignored grooming feature by men. Most men have skin
that is dry, pimply, or oily. For the most part, if you have dry or cracked skin
anywhere but your face, you can use coconut oil or a basic moisturizer. For
the face, the habit algorithm is a bit more complex, but still something you
can put together in a day.
For acne, the best treatments are benzoyl peroxide, topical tretinoin, or
both. The benzyl peroxide should be used every day, and the tretinoin
should be used twice a week before you go to bed.
If your face is overly wrinkled or aged, tretinoin twice a week before bed
will help, as well as moisturizer, which is mentioned in the algorithm below.
For oily, dry, or even normal facial skin, you can keep your skin looking
healthy using the following routine:
1. While in the shower, wet your face
2. Apply a men’s facial wash, then wash that off, this cleans your pores,
stopping acne and grime from building up
3. Every other day apply a men’s facial exfoliate, then wash that off, this
gets rid of dry skin
4. Once out of the shower, apply a thin layer of facial toner to your face
using a cloth or cotton pad. This keeps your face from looking blotchy.
5. End by applying moisturizer and sunscreen, or preferably a
moisturizing sunscreen. This keeps your face looking healthy and
prevents wrinkles long term.
Do not spend an inordinate amount of money on this stuff. Off brands
have the same effectiveness as brand name items. That’s it. All of this can
be ordered off amazon and done in two minutes a day.


A good haircut can make an average looking guy look much more
professional and attractive. And a haircut that costs $30-$40 looks
infinitely better than a $10 haircut. Any more than that, and you’re
wasting your money. Instead of agonizing over what haircut to get, you can
easily side step the process by outsourcing it to the two types of people
that understand men’s hair the most: Gay hair stylists, and Barbers that
only cut men’s hair. Find one of these two characters with a high yelp
rating, and specifically tell them that you want a haircut that will look good
to the opposite sex, and to just do whatever they think will look the best.
Most men don’t realize this, but you probably do not know what haircut
looks best for you. So, give them creative license to do what they want,
with the caveat that you’re trying to look sexy, not safe. Assuming they
do a good job, you should be getting a haircut every 3 weeks at the least
(unless you have long hair). Any less than that and it starts to look lazy. For
hair grooming, if you should be using shampoo every day if your hair is oily,
at least every other day if it’s not. Use Head and Shoulders brand every
day if you have dandruff. Putting product in your hair is also fine, but talk
to your barber about specifically what type of product and how to style it.
Too much shiny goop can make you look like a retard. Also, if you’re going
bald, shave your head. Better to own it then to try to hide it.

Facial Hair:

It has to look like it is there on purpose. What does this mean? It means
that if you have a gangly untrimmed neck beard that looks like you don’t
take care of yourself, it’s a no. However, a beard or mustache that is even,
shampooed and trimmed can be great.

Facial hair should also be congruent with the overall archetype or image
that is congruent to you. If you’re a musician living in Austin, Texas a
hipster mustache is congruent with that. It’s not congruent if you’re a wall
street broker living in Dallas. With my own hair, I tend to be clean shaven
but with long, kempt head hair. This is because I’m a businessman, but I
want to convey that I am high up enough in that world to be able to show
personal style and flair. This means that I am still within that archetype,
but with a distinctive look that makes it clear I don’t have an office job.
Any hair on your neck, or the back of your neck below your hairline should
be shaved off. Hair between your eyebrows or above your eyebrows
should be taken off as well (your barber can do this for you). Or consider
laser hair removal.
Hair on your back should also be shaved, and pubes should be trimmed
enough that they don’t look like a rainforest. Shaving your chest is optional


This might be the biggest factor holding some guys back. It’s a game killer,
a business killer, and a killer of any social interaction in general. The sad
part is, if you have bad breath, you usually can’t tell, because your nose
becomes desensitized to it and no one will tell you. There are two ways to
combat this.

»» First, tell a few close friends and wings to always call you out if you
have bad breath. If you’re not around anyone you know, lick an eating
utensil and then smell it. If it smells bad, you have bad breath.

»» Also, you would think most guys reading this brush and floss twice
a day, but a surprising amount do not. This is absolutely essential:
Flossing not only increases gum health (which improves your breath),
it also gets rid of tiny particles of food that if left between your teeth
will rot and smell. In addition, you should be brushing your tongue
with toothpaste and using mouthwash twice a day.

If your breath remains rancid, you may have a medical condition such
as a dead tooth. It can also be caused by a bad diet, one that is high in
processed foods and meat and low in fruits and vegetables. Well get into
that later. For now, make absolutely sure you are brushing your teeth and
tongue, flossing, and using mouthwash twice a day.

Fashion is a surprisingly easy thing to hack, once you know the
fundamentals. My hope is not that you spend an inordinate amount of
time and money obsessing about this, but rather that you get handled to
a degree where its working in your favor, not against you. Once you get to
the point where you are getting a moderate number of compliments on
how you dress, you’re good. Here are some rules for better fashion:

»» First, your clothing should present the specific archetype that most
fits your personality and tribe. If you still haven’t figured this out,
go back and listen to commandment seven. In particular, you want
clothing that portrays you as the highest status person in that tribe.
So, if you’re a lawyer, you should be wearing suits that look like you
just made partner, not like you just started your summer internship.
If you’re a rocker, you should look like the guy on stage, not the guy
at the back of the crowd. Very simple way to know what this means:
look at pictures of famous people that are in your tribe and have your
archetype. What does their style look like? What specific types of
clothing are they wearing?

»» Next, I’m going to give you the biggest secret to what makes a person
look fashionable. Wearing clothes that fit perfectly. This is the
number one aspect making any item look fashionable or out of place.
Not only is this well known in the fashion community, but there have
actually been studies on this. Men in cheap suits that fit exactly were
seen as more confident, better dressed, and higher status than men
in extremely expensive suits that were ill fitting. This means pants
should be bought that are tapered near the ankle and not baggy in
the seat or thigh area (you don’t need to go to a tailor per se, they sell
pants like these everywhere now). Shirts should fir tight enough to
show the shape of your body, go down to just past your belt buckle,
but with enough room to feel comfortable. Take the time to find
pieces that fit exactly. There are plenty of stores (such as H&M) that
have quality looking pieces that are both inexpensive and sized for a
variety of men.

»» Now let’s talk about color. As a general rule, the darker skin you have,
the lighter colors you should wear. If you are pale, dark colors look
better. If you are dark skinned, lighter colors look better. Colors of
accompanying pieces should also not be vastly different from each
other. In other words, don’t wear dark brown pants with a hot pink
shirt. This also means not to wear contrasting patterns. A plaid shirt
can look good with solid blue jeans, but not with striped pants. Colors
of clothing should also get darker with each layer outward. This is
why a black leather jacket with a white t shirt was so popular for so
long. Lastly, the color of your belt should match the color of your
Quality of pieces and Congruence: This is the other secret that makes
fashionable people look good. Each piece looks high quality. Once again,
this doesn’t mean expensive. It means it looks relatively new, without
serious fades, stains, or scuffs. This is why shopping at thrift stores sucks.
Furthermore, men look good when each piece is congruent with the other
pieces of the outfit. A T-shirt and Jeans can look good, a T-shirt and Khakis
looks weird. Each piece should be congruent with your archetype, and
congruent with one another.

Other tips:

On Peacocking: the misinterpretation of this phrase has done more

damage to men’s sex lives in the past 20 years then the catholic church
did in 2000. The idea of peacocking, was that if you wore one or two
items that made you stand out, you would get more attention. However,
what it became was an arms race to see who could look the weirder and
more out of place. The idea in context is good: If you can find one or two
accessories or clothing pieces that stand out and obey the above rules it
can work great for you. This means pieces that are congruent with your
archetype, fit well, are high quality, and don’t look too weird. A Rolex watch
for a businessman is a great example. It does not mean going to your local
costume shop.
Other random tips:

Hats are usually a no unless you’re an athlete wearing a ball cap. Especially
fedoras, just don’t.

Other accessories can be good as long as you don’t have too many of them
and they obey the above rules. Remember they are there to accent your
existing outfit, not stand out in an abnormal way.

If you are heavy, darker colors are better because they do not accent your
curves. Also, start the process of losing weight.

On cologne:

A little is ok. A lot is a fucking train wreck. In general people should not be
able to smell it unless they are very close to you.

Look, don’t get lost in this stuff. Take these guidelines, make this your
project for the week, and get it done. If you spend a day buying clothes
and ten minutes buying grooming supplies, you’re good. Get this done
permanently now, so that it’s something that distinguishes you positively
and not negatively.
While the last topic was put first to give you the biggest gains per unit
time, this section is what’s going to give you the biggest gains in general.
While health is often looked at as a side project, one that you should think
about when you’ve got everything else handled, in reality it has massive
effects on every area of your life, probably in ways that you didn’t know

Here is what poor health does to you:

»» Makes you lethargic and unable to get into “state”
»» Makes you depressed, paranoid, and anxious, so that no one wants to
be around you
»» If you’re overweight, not only will it affect your career and dating
prospects, but your body will be in a constant state of inflammation,
affecting your ability to think clearly
»» You will not be able to have good sex, or participate in fun activities
with your friends
»» Eventually, you will spend much of your time seeing doctors, paying
for treatments, and dealing with the side effects of all the pills you’ve
been put on
»» You will die much earlier than you’d like, most likely in a painful
gradual way
Here’s what excellent health does for you:
»» Changes your body chemistry, gut biome, and neurophysiology to
provide an excellent mood, clear thoughts, and absence of stress
»» You will stand out to both potential business partners and women
as someone who has a high degree of will power, discipline, and self-
»» Many psychiatric conditions disappear on their own
»» The way your genes are expressed will change (Yes, this is actually
scientific consensus now, look up epigenetics)
»» You will be able to engage in any of the physical activities that help
comprise an epic lifestyle

While I am not a healthcare professional, I have consulted with many of my

physician friends to create this part of the guide. I have also made it a habit
to read as many books on both mental and physical health as I can. While
most people think that there is a lot of variation in what professionals view
as “healthy”, in truth most top experts tend to have a consensus in what
you can do to be in the top 1% of healthy people. Everything I in the guide
below is backed by mountains of peer reviewed research. The few points
that are not will be specified.

While most television shows about hospitals feature an array of different

kinds of patients with different kinds of diseases, in truth the large
majority hospital patients fall into the following few categories:
1. Those with chronic diseases caused by lifestyle (such as liver failure
or chronic kidney disease)
2. The very old
3. The obese
4. Smokers
5. Alcoholics and addicts

If you look above, 4 out 5 of those categories are caused by some kind of
lifestyle, not genetics. In contrast, those who live an abnormally long time,
are abnormally fit and healthy, or are abnormally happy tend to have the
following things in common:

1. They do not smoke, do drugs, or drink to excess

2. They eat diets that are high in fruits and vegetables, and low in
processed foods and sugar
3. They regularly sleep 8 hours a night (MUCH more important than
you may think)
4. They exercise

The tricky thing about health is that most people know what do, but
they don’t quite understand why they’re supposed to do it, and they lack
the structure to do it easily. If you can make all the following categories
habit, you will have surpassed about 98% of the US population, and that’s
exactly what I am going to show you how to do. Remember we are talking
about fundamentals in this guide. In health, more than any other field,
the fundamentals make up the vast majority of the results. We’re talking
99.9 percent here. So, I have listed the following health topics in order of
importance. ALL of them are essential, or they wouldn’t be here. However,
which ones are most essential may surprise you.

Subsection 1: Sleep:

Getting a full night’s sleep every night is probably the biggest boost you
can give to your health. Though some people might be confused to see this
come before diet and exercise, consider the following:
»» You will die much earlier from lack of sleep then from a poor diet
»» The effects of lack of sleep on your ability to function are more
immediate and profound than those of bad diet

This is not to say that diet and exercise are not important, they are very
important. However, most people do not know just how important sleep
is, and how much they need. It is estimated that if you were to take all
the people that actually get enough sleep and express it as a percentage
of the population you would have to round it down to 0%. New studies
have shown that everyone needs 8 hours of sleep, and everyone is heavily
affected by lack of sleep. The systems most affected by lack of sleep are:
»» Memory consolidation: If you learn a lesson then get 5 hours of sleep,
the lesson is gone. But what’s interesting is that even if you get 11
hours of sleep the next night, the lesson from the first day is still gone.
Memory consolidation and integration are so tied to sleep that it is
literally impossible without sleep.
»» Will power: Your willpower and decision making functions are
controlled by your prefrontal cortex. Guess what is immediately
weakened by lack of sleep? Exactly, your prefrontal cortex. Those
who are under-slept are much more likely to break diets, skip
workouts, or be disloyal. Sleep is an essential process in both goal
setting and execution.
»» Your ability to gain muscle or lose fat. Those who were in a calorie
deficiency who were also under-slept lose ⅘ of a pound of muscle for
every pound lost. Those who were well slept lost ⅘ of a pound of fat
for every pound lost.
»» Your immune system: Sleep decreases the function and number
of what are called “Natural Killer Cells”, the white blood cells in
your body that find and destroy bacteria, viruses, and even cancer
cells. This is why lack of sleep can make you sick, and why you are
encouraged to rest when you get ill. It is estimated that someone with
even a moderate amount of sleep deprivation has 10% of the natural
killer cells in their blood stream of someone caught up on sleep.

The consequences of lack of sleep affect almost every system in your

body. The above three systems were highlighted to give you a sense of
how much a lack of sleep can fuck you up. So how do we get more sleep?
For most of you reading this, it will simply be a matter of making it a
priority. Realize that no matter what you have to finish right now, your
quality of life is going to be better tomorrow if you get 8 hours of sleep
then if you stay up all night. For those of you who have a hard time falling
asleep, follow these rules for a couple of weeks:

1. No blue light two hours before bed. (Blue light from computers,
phones, TVs, sends signals to your pineal gland to stop producing
melatonin, your body’s primary sleep hormone.

2. No stimulants 8 hours before you go to bed.

3. Exercise at some point during the day for at least 30 minutes, but not
within 2 hours of your bedtime.

4. Go to sleep at the same time every night (Yes, I realize this is hard
if you are going out to bars and clubs on the weekends. In that
case, make sure you are asleep every night at the same time during

5. Do not nap during the day.

6. Sleep in a room that is pitch black (Cover your windows), and slightly
cool (Around 65 degrees). Use ear plugs to block out sound.
If the above rules are followed perfectly and you still have trouble
sleeping, go to your doctor and get a sleep study. You may have sleep
apnea or clinical insomnia. In case it isn’t obvious from above, let me state
it here: Your ability to have good game is proportional to how much sleep
you get on a consistent basis. In fact, I can think of 10 romantic situations
right off the top of my head that were permanently ruined because I was
too under-slept. Vibrancy in your movements and communication are
huge indicators to a woman about the quality of your genetic code and
lifestyle management.

Subsection 2: Diet:

Probably to no surprise to anyone reading this, diet is extremely important

to your health. The more nutrition is studied, the more things we find
out it affects. Not only can it make you fat or lean, it can also increase or
decrease depression and/or ADHD, cause or prevent neurodegenerative
disorders like Alzheimer’s, increase your maximum life span through
telomere repair, and even control which of your genes are expressed
and which are suppressed. Most people get confused by nutrition
information, because there are so many fad diets by those who appear to
be experts. The truth is, at this point in nutritional science, those who are
actually experts (have PhDs, MDs or have spent a large time pouring over
nutrition data) tend to agree on 90% of nutritional advice. It’s those on
the fringes, such as celebrities selling diet books, that tend to propagate
wild and varied advice. This is good news, because it means that whether
you are looking for weight loss, increased energy, longevity, decreased
inflammation markers or a sharper brain, the diet is going to be similar if
not exactly the same.

These are the things you need to cut out of your diet immediately:

»» Processed foods: this means anything with ingredients you can’t

pronounce, or anything where you can’t intuitively tell exactly how it
was made. This includes packaged pastries, crackers, chips, baloney,
hamburger buns, etc. These foods are often made with large amounts
of preservatives, grains, and other manufacturing chemicals that we
were never meant to eat. They also lack almost any helpful nutritional

»» Sugar: Table sugar (made from fructose and glucose) is a highly

refined and processed version of a substance that only occurs
naturally in a handful of plants (sugar cane and sugar beets). It was
never meant to be eaten in such high quantities by humans, and it is
largely responsible for our surging diabetes rates and obesity rates.
It is in fact so harmful, that some nutritionists want to classify it as a
poison. That may be alarmist, but it does give you a hint as to how bad
this substance is for your body. And it happens to be in almost every
packaged food we eat, in the form of high fructose corn syrup, cane
juice, and other synonyms. Without going into too much detail, it is
nearly impossible to be mentally and physically healthy while having
your blood sugar constantly spiked, and your fat supplies constantly

»» Breads, pastas, and other glutens: This is probably the most

controversial part of this list. There are many who believe that gluten
sensitivities are overblown. However, almost every nutritionist,
fitness expert, or doctor who studies this stuff recommends against
gluten. Gluten is a molecule that is released when you process grains,
and it is the “Glue” that holds breads and baked goods together.
It is such a good binder, in fact, that it was then isolated and put
in the majority of foods we eat. From McDonalds hamburgers
to salad dressings. The problem is, our digestive system evolved
before grain processing ever began. This means that many people
have a problem even getting gluten through their gastro-intestinal
tract, many that can absorb it have a problem processing it, and
even those who can process it have no use for it, as it spikes blood
sugar, releases inflammatory markers, and gives the body nothing
nutritionally. The end result is a substance that is great for the food
industry but terrible for our health. Gluten and grains have been
linked to everything from Alzheimer’s disease, to ADHD, to digestive
problems, to depression, and every year they find new diseases that
are aggravated by a high gluten diet.
»» Processed meats: Meat is not inherently bad for you. But there
are a lot of diseases associated with high meat diets. Upon closer
inspection of the data, the cancers, arteriosclerosis, and other
diseases associated with meat are in fact associated with high nitrite
content meats. Nitrites chemicals that are found in meats that use
preservatives. These include sausages, pastrami, hot dogs, etc. They
are also found in meats that are cooked to high degrees, such as
charbroiled steaks. The key to eating meats without the cancer risk is
to buy non-processed meats (preferably grass fed), and cook them at
heats 250 degrees or lower.

»» Other rules of eating:

»» Store bought juices tend to be extremely high in sugar and not

helpful at all

»» Even juicing at home can have too much sugar and not enough
fiber. Homemade smoothies are much better, as the fiber and
phytonutrients are maintained, lowering the impending glucose

»» The best foods tend to be on the perimeter of the supermarket,

while processed foods are in the center
Foods you should eat:

»» Fruits and vegetables: Obviously. Duh. Everyone knows this. So

why aren’t you doing it? Most people don’t eat enough fruits and
vegetables because they are generally tasteless and bulky. However,
there are easy ways to add this to your diet. The easiest way?
Smoothies. Buy a high-end blender (You can get them cheap on
craigslist), and make smoothies out of green leafy vegetables like
kale and spinach, frozen berries, and bananas. It’s about the most
nutritional thing you’ve ever eaten, it tastes good, and it’s over
quickly. Another easy way: buy pre-chopped veggies like broccoli
florets, baby carrots, or chopped bell peppers and add them as
the side to your meals. The main thing with vegetables is that you
eat a variety of them, and that you eat a lot of them. With all these
sections, we are looking for a high nutritional content that will
decrease inflammation, energize us, and help us concentrate on other
parts of our lives. Like the other lifestyle sections, you really don’t
realize how drastically a high vegetable diet improves your life until
you’ve tried it for a while. A great resource for this is 150 Healthiest
Foods on Earth by Johnny Bowden. It acts as sales copy for great
foods and gets you excited to try add them to your diet.

»» Clean meats: How important is protein? Important, but probably not

quite as important as its hyped up to be, unless you’re a bodybuilder.
However, it’s hard to have a great meal without some kind of meat.
And if you’re going to eat meat, you might as well do it right. As
discussed above, try to eat grass fed meats as much as possible.
These include lamb, bison, and grass fed beef. Chicken and turkey,
while not always grass fed, are good for you too. Fish is also great
in moderation, especially if it is wild caught. Cook your meat on low
heat to avoid most of the risk. *Full disclosure: I personally love meats
and eat much of it every day. But want to give you the most objective
information possible.

»» Other foods: Basically, any food product that grows out of the
ground and is sold in a grocery store is good for you. This includes
nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, etc. What about dairy? The verdict is
still out on that one. If you really love it, eat in moderation. If you’re
ambivalent about it, cut it out.

Other diet rules:

»» Trying to lose weight? Great. There is exactly one way for that to ever
happen: eating less calories than your body burns. What about low
carb? What about my friends dieting secret? Fuck off! Whatever diet
that you saw work, worked because the person ate less calories than
their body used. Sometimes this is easier with eating bulkier foods
like vegetables, etc. But scientifically, this is the only way that this can
»» Do I need to drink 8 glasses of water a day? Yes, if you enjoying
spending all your time in the bathroom. Otherwise, there is no data
to support that helping your health. Drink when you’re thirsty, and
try to drink mostly water, not soda or juice.

»» What about trying to change my bodies PH and alkalize it? Great

idea! Your blood has a PH of about 7.38-7.42. I highly suggest you
try to tamper with this millions of years old evolutionary mechanism
by swallowing lye or other strong bases. JUST KIDDING. You do not
need to alkalize your body. Your body does a fine job of controlling its
PH on its own, and it does so for a reason.

»» What about crystals, or getting energy from sunlight or incense

enemas? Go fuck your neighbor’s dog instead! Fundamentals are
99% of what we need. Don’t go chasing waterfalls.


You may be perplexed as to why this is the last health section. Isn’t exercise
the most important of the three? N , in fact, it’s not. Don’t get me wrong,
exercise is VERY important. But it’s not more important than diet or sleep.
You can’t out exercise a bad diet if you want to be fit. And you certainly
can’t out exercise a lack of sleep (in fact, you’re more likely to injure
yourself than get any gains if you are under-slept). What is exercise good
for? Beyond making you look better, it also decreases cortisol, increases
brain growth hormones, regulates your mood, increases heart health and
lung health, and slows the aging process. It is recommended for a reason,
because it has amazing health benefits.

Many people ask me what type of exercise they should do. The truth is,
they should do whatever they will actually do consistently. A navy seal
regimen isn’t much good if you stick to it for a week. Beyond that, there
are different advantages to different type of exercise.

Weight lifting:

Weight lifting is great for game and for life for a number of reasons that
are not immediately intuitive. First off, getting better at something that
is so universally valued can boost your confidence. It also garners you
respect, but mostly from other guys. Weight lifting also fixes almost all
posture and body language problems naturally, as most bad posture
comes from trying to compensate for weaker muscles. Weight lifting can
also increase your bone density, prepare you for sports or combat training,
increases your testosterone, and gives you some of the effects of cardio
training. I do lift weights 4-5 days every week, and I suggest it for all self-
respecting men. However, it does not have as dramatic effects on your
overall health as cardio training. If you feel drawn to weight lifting and
don’t have time for cardio, do it. If you have time for both, do both. There
are a million free guides on weight lifting, so I will not go into specifics of
how to weight lift here, with two exceptions. First, focus mainly on the
big 4 compound lifts, as they will be responsible for the large majority of
your gains. Those lifts are deadlift, squat, bench press, and barbell rows.
Second, do not engage in rapid fire compound lifts, such as those taught in
CrossFit. Compound lifts take a lot of attention to detail, and trying to do
them quickly assures injury, even if you don’t feel the injury till years later.


There is a reason so many health nuts do cardio, besides trying to be the

world’s best at exercising. If cardio was a drug, it would be prescribed
by every doctor in the world, to every patient they have. Not only is it
excellent for cardiovascular and respiratory health (a huge percentage
of deaths come from heart or lung problems), but it also releases brain
stimulating hormones, flushes cortisol (your primary stress hormone)
out of your system, releases endorphins, and has health benefits for
almost every organ in your body. Try High Intensity Interval Training,
which involves 1-2 minute sprints set between regular cardio. This type
of training is great for you heart, and also great for sex. Any type of cardio
will give you the benefits of cardio training, as long as it is over twenty
minutes long and done 3 or more times a week. Do not think that you have
to be able to run or cycle for twenty minutes right off the bat. Start off
going as long as you can, then add a minute every time you run.
Other health tips:

Smoking: Don’t smoke. Smoking is for peasants and other variety of fools.
Whenever I see someone with a cigarette, I image them paying to suck on
thousands of tiny dicks, and if it’s a female she also loses 2 attractiveness
points to me which makes her entirely non-datable, and also a very low
interest sex partner. Usually I lose enough interest to just walk away
entirely. I think I’m strongly opinionated about this because I myself
smoked for about 4 years as a teen. Dumbest behavioral pattern I’ve ever
engaged in. I promise other non-smokers are judging smoker’s negatively
as well and – all else equal - are reluctant to hire them, partner with them,
or otherwise care to be around them.

If you do smoke, the biggest boon to your health will be quitting. If you
feel you can do it yourself, try. However, there are a million free smoking
cessation programs out there that are excellent. Don’t be afraid to ask for

Supplements: Supplements can be great, if they are an add on to your

current regimen as opposed to a replacement for it. In particular, krill oil
and vitamin D should be taken by everyone. Past that, which supplements
you take depend entirely on your goals. A great resource to find out
which supplements have research behind them and which are bunk is the
website This site allows you to search by which affects you
want, and shows you the supplements that have the most positive effects.
Continuous Learning:

About ⅓ of men did not read a book last year. Of those that did read, most
of them only read part of a book, and most of the books they read were
non-fiction. CEO’s however, tend to read 4-5 books per month. This is
not because they have more time. It is because they realize how vital it
is. If you want to have any success in life at all, you have to be a voracious
continual learner. This is the one thing that every assistant, instructor, and
successful person in my tribe has in common.

The average person wrongly assumes that other people have nothing to
teach them. In reality, some of the most successful people in the world
have put an entire life’s worth of trial and error into a 300-page book,
online program, or live teaching event. If you’re reading this, you probably
already know how important continual learning is. However, most people
do not know how to structure it in a way that actually gets results. This has
several forms. There are…
»» People that don’t read or invest in educational programs at all.
»» People that do read or invest in educational programs, but take
programs that are useless to their long-term growth (Like the stay
at home mom who wants to start a business but reads nothing but
fiction novels).
»» People who take program after program or read book after book but
never implement the lessons.
»» People who are so overwhelmed with content that they actually need
to read less.

So how do you structure your continual learning? Well, let’s think about
what kind of learning you want to engage in. There is:
»» Traditional education (college, grad school, and continued learning
»» Live programs/events
»» Books
»» YouTube Videos/ Online audios/ Online articles
»» Home programs (Such as this)
»» Personal coaching sessions (Such as Bootcamp)

Each of these are useful in the right situation, but too much, or too varied
content, can strain your bandwidth and ensure that you will learn nothing
at all. Remember, we work on one thing at time. This means that first you
need to get clear on which project you are currently working on. Maybe
you’re in poor health, and you need to change your habits. Maybe you
need a career change. Clearly, you’re currently dedicated to tremendously
enhancing your dating/sex life! Whatever it is, it needs to be clear in
your mind, and you need to dedicate a block of time to it until it’s actually
finished. Once you have decided what your primary project is, you need to
start looking at which type of education will help further that goal.
Traditional education: This is great for a number of reasons. Not only can
you learn from experts that have dedicated their life to the field you are
interested in, but a degree can open many career doors for you. Someone
with an MBA, MD, JD, or PhD is automatically respected by those who
have also accomplished a lot in their lives. People KNOW what a top-
tier graduate degree is, its universally recognized, unlike many other
accomplishments. I’d suggest everyone get at least a bachelor’s degree
in a pragmatic area, and I would HIGHLY suggest going to grad school if
it is in a field that you plan on pursuing in depth and/or long term. This
means potentially getting a PhD in a STEM area, but not wasting your
time getting a PhD in Esoteric Literature or Gender Studies. Be realistic
about what the degree you are seeking will lead to in your life. Will it open
doors or close doors? Is it something that you can turn into a business or
a profitable job that you love? If so, DO IT! If it is something that will drain
your money and without giving you a leg up, look for other educational
resources. While you are in school, you want to get the best grades
possible, so this means dedicating most of your time and energy towards
your classes, and less time towards other learning avenues.

Live Programs and Events: These include my Bootcamps, my VIP tour,

other self-help seminars, etc. These are great for skills that are not taught
in mainstream society. I have taken many of these types of programs in
my life, and each one has returned vastly more value then I invested in it.
I’ve spent something like $1,000,000 on these programs and my formal
education. It’s been the best money ever spent in my life. When people
don’t love themselves enough to invest in themselves, then are puzzled as
to why others don’t love them and want to invest in them…well, I’ve always
found that laughable.

These are the types of programs you want to be taking about once every
2-3 months. It takes a lot of time and follow through to internalize these
lessons, and they tend to be very intense and compacted with knowledge.
Choose 1 for your current project, and do it early in the project so that
you have a framework with which to move forward. Also, write everything
down that you learn. These programs tend to blast you with information,
and its arrogant to expect to remember all of it.

Books: I tend to read or listen to about 40-50 books a year. I retain this
information by splitting these books into two categories: self-help books,
and general knowledge books. You should be reading one self-help book
for every three general knowledge books. This allows you a few weeks to
implement each step in the self-help book instead of just ramming through
as many self-help books as possible without implementing anything.
General knowledge books don’t need to be “implemented” in the same
way, and so you can work on habits from self-help books as you read the
next three general knowledge books. I also have a handful of books that I
want to read every 1-2 years, so about 20% of the books I read in a year
will be books I have already read. If a book is particularly good, I may read
it 2-3 times in a row to really instill the lessons. Where do I get the time for
this? One word: Audible. Audible might be the best invention of all time. It
allows you to convert all your travel and commute time to learning time.
Well worth the money every month.

Online videos and audios: A lot of guys in the community get bogged down
with this stuff. They want to see EVERY RSD video that comes out. This is
better than doing nothing, but it’s far from ideal. By overloading yourself
with such a wide variety of information, you end up not implementing
anything. I will watch several videos every month, on something I am
SPECIFICALLY working on. I will then listen to that audio or video over
and over until it is completely instilled in my brain. I’ve listened to Charles
Munger’s talk on cognitive biases probably 40 times. I suggest you do
the same. Listen to one piece of content that is specific to your current
goal or sticking point, then listen to it again and again. Don’t jump around,
it’s not going to be helpful to you. This is why I structured THE Ten
Commandments of Game how I did. It hits you on every possible learning
style, so you can absorb and retain the content rapidly and implement it
until it is entirely habituated. You will want to review many pieces of this
content several times, to ensure your highest levels of success possible.

Home Programs: These can be great, because they are specific to your
current project and often contain immense detail. Like live programs, I
would suggest doing one of every 3-6 months. Consider this program: If
you did EXACTLY what this program said, to a tee, you would never have
to worry about attracting women again. I say this not as an upsell (You
already bought the program), but because it perplexes me when guys
buy a program like this, don’t follow the advice, and then ask for more
information. A live program obviously gives you hands on training that
you cannot get in an online program. However, do not fall into the trap of
thinking you need more text information after a program like this. Either
reread and implement what I already wrote, or come get live feedback to
accelerate and optimize your learning and integration.

Personal training sessions: These are specific, live coaching sessions that
teach you very specific lessons about your current project. These include
fitness trainers, RSD Bootcamps, or even therapy. These tend to give you
the best most value because the feedback is so tailored to you specifically.
I personally have shaved MANY years off my learning curve on fitness,
game, and business by investing my time in these types of programs. Of all
the learning modules we’ve talked about, these are the ones that dabblers
do the least and real learners do the most. I cannot think of a better way to
learn than this. Do these sessions as often as is feasible.

In terms of specific structure, I tend to focus entirely on what I’ve learned

on programs during the month after I take them. For books, videos, audios,
and articles, I put all of that during my commute and travel time, mostly in
audio format. I split half that commute time between reading new books,
and half to listening to old books or audios that I want brainwashed into
me. For personal training, I tend to do at a set time at least twice per week.
Traditional education gives a good foundation so long as you’re in a quality
school and focus on pragmatic learning. Don’t waste your life with any of
these half-ass degrees in bunk topics.

This may seem like a lot, but it’s not if you are only learning about the ONE
thing you are currently working on. In that case, the information tends to
synthesize together. If you are learning about 30 different topics, you’ll be
overwhelmed. Either way, DO NOT skip this part of inner lifestyle. It is the
part of lifestyle that powers all the other parts. Without it they will never


I could write a book on this section, and someday I may do just that. For
now, I’m going to keep it to the most essential guidelines. The things I think
everyone reading this should follow.

First off, I’m not going to tell you to follow your passion. If everyone
followed their passion, we’d have a million professional snowboarders and
zero quality assurance experts. What I will do is guide you through the
process of picking a career that fits you and will give you a quality life. This
is not to say that you necessarily SHOULDN’T follow your passion, but
rather that you need to think pragmatically. A long-term career has many
different aspects to it, all of which affect your life going forward. Let’s start
thinking about them now.

(By the way, either actually answer these questions for yourself, or skip
this section. This is not a passive exercise).

1. What do you actually get the most joy out of in your life? This may
sound cliché, but it’s very vital you figure this out, because it is not
the same for everyone. Some people get the most pleasure out of
seeing their bank account go up. Some people get the most pleasure
out of having a lot of free time. Some people get the most pleasure
out of working on an involved project. Some people just really like
talking to people. Instead of guessing what you WILL enjoy in the
future, actually reflect on your life and the times when you were the
happiest or most at home. Was that when you were watching TV?
When you won a competition? By being honest with yourself you
can start to see what type of job will give you the most of that. For
me, I get pleasure out of eating steak, making money, meeting high
quality guys, meeting beautiful women, and creating projects with
people I enjoy. I don’t care about the homeless. I don’t care about
world hunger (probably just means more people needed affordable
abortion), so it would be foolish for me to base my life around those
2. What type of careers will allow you to get the most of what you want?
If you love free time and traveling, a career that where you can work
remotely is a better decision then going to med school. If you’re
one of those few people that really derives pleasure from money
(There are people like this, usually who grew up in poverty) than you
should consider wall street. If there really is something you are so
passionate about that you can’t do anything else, by all means do it.
But realize that what you are passionate about, a lot of other people
are most likely passionate about too. Everyone wants to be a writer
or a musician. The successful writers or musicians well tell you to do
just that, because they were the ones that survived, and were not
part of the other 99.999% of people who did exactly what they did
and ended up destitute. This is called survivorship bias.

3. When you you’ve narrowed down your sights to a few fields, start to
think through which jobs you will be particularly skilled at, and which
jobs you can do day after day without blowing your brains out. There
is no job where every day will be wonderful. One of my assistants
did follow his passion, and is now working as a doctor. Though he
enjoys it, he freely admits that there are still days where he doesn’t
want to be there at all. This is completely unavoidable. So, you have
to narrow down jobs to those that will provide you with some days of
enjoyment, as well as those jobs that you could feasibly be great at.
4. This is the most important step, and the one that almost all talented
people do not do. A little background first: One of my first assistants
was one of the smartest and most talented people I’d ever met. The
type of person that could start learning a skill and completely master
it within a year. When I met him, he was writing a book on the easy
way to learn guitar. The book was actually pretty good. Right when
he was close to being done with it, he decided he wanted to write a
fiction book instead. So, he wrote half of that book. Then he decided
he wanted to be a computer programmer, so he started learning that.
Every six months he would start a new career, and right when he
was about to master it, he’d decide on something else. Do you know
what he’s doing now, 5 years later? Starting another project after
abandoning the last one. I see this all the time with talented people.

In order to be successful you have to pick one thing. Pick one

thing, and then focus on it, in depth, potentially for decades at a
time. The truth is, it doesn’t matter all that much what you pick, as
long as you stick with it till the bitter end. This does not mean to be
stupid about it. If you find a legitimately better path, take it. But for
most people their problem is a lack of dedication, not too much of
it. Anyone who becomes great at something has put in many hours
a day, over a long period of time. Make your best guess at what you
think will be a satisfying career, then go for it. There’s no such thing as
a perfect choice, but there are many people who wake up at 35 with
nothing to show for their last 15 years. Also, one of the best ways
to build a vibrant tribe is to be able to bring your tribe members an
area of expertise that they can’t easily access. Everyone wants to be
friends with Mark Cuban. No one wants to be friends with the guy
who took one business class in college, or read half a book back in the

Other guidelines:

»» If you look at any specialty, you’ll find that those who have truly
excelled have done so in one of two ways. Either they’ve done it
better then anyone’s done it before (think Michael Jordan), or they’ve
done different then anyone’s done it before (think Pablo Picasso).
Ideally, you do a little bit of both. This is what I’ve done in the area
of “Game”, and that has literally changed evolutionary history (I’ve
helped countless men lose their virginity, get wives they never
thought they could, and literally live their dating/sex dreams). As I
alluded to above, competitive careers are hard to break into because
they involve doing a lot of shit that no wants to do. No one wants to
spend 7 years in grad school. That’s why most people don’t do it. Your
success over time is directly proportional to how much bullshit you’re
willing to put up with that others simply aren’t. That’s what it takes
to be better than someone in something. This doesn’t mean skipping
a concert once to work on a project, it means spending 1000’s upon
1000’s of hours doing soul crushing work that you may really not
want to do at that moment. This is what no one tells you. You can
read “The Secret” or watch YouTube videos all day long, but unless
you’re really willing to eat broken glass day after day, you aren’t going
to be remarkably successful at anything.

»» In terms of doing this differently than others, you’re going to need a

bit of creativity. Let’s say you want to a top lawyer, but you didn’t go
to a top school. We’ll, you could do what my friend did, and literally
cold call top lawyers in your city and ask them for advice. This is
something that’s too far from the mainstream for the average Ivy
Leaguers to do. You can take out ad space on women’s bikinis. You
could hire other lawyers who maybe didn’t get the best grades, but
are charismatic and will bring in a large amount of clientele. Or you
could survey clients in your field about what services they wish
their lawyer would provide, and set up shop specializing in only that
service. These are random examples You would be amazed how little
deviation there is from the beaten path. If you are constantly thinking
through what other people will not do because of social conditioning,
you will build the creativity necessary to do things differently and
better than 99% of the population.

»» One last thing on excelling at your career… There are some skills
that are useful to learn no matter what field you go into. The most
important of these is social skills. Those people I know who have been
promoted the fastest weren’t necessarily those who were just good
at their jobs. They were people that were good at their jobs, AND the
most socially talented. What does being socially talented mean? Well
in essence, it’s the ability to consistently make people feel good and
want to be around you more. If you can master this along with your
chosen specialty, you will rise quickly.


I have found that the quality of my life is directly proportional to how

organized I am. While discipline determines how much you will accomplish
in life, organization determines how fast you accomplish it. In a material
sense, it’s hard to get anything done when your place is a mess, you can’t
find important files, and car just broke down because you forgot to get the
oil changed. In a figurative sense, goals can’t be accomplished if you have
no idea what you’re supposed to be working on and where you are in the

The key to organization is documentation. That is to say, writing

everything down. The system I’m going to outline is very specific and
doesn’t necessarily need to be copied exactly, but this first principle is key.
If you get in the habit of writing things down, and then checking back on
them again, your life will go much smoother.

1. First, make files for each area of your life. Finance, health, social
circle, career, dating, living space, grooming - whatever area is of
importance and needs tracking. In those files, write down exactly
what your goals are, what you are currently doing, and what you want
to do in this area in the future. This file should include everything
that is currently happening in that area, and everything you want to
remember. It should act as a guide for how to navigate that part of
your life. For let’s say finance, you would need to write down what
you hope to accomplish financially, what your current assets and
liabilities are, how you plan to structure your finances going forward,
and anything else that is of importance for your financial life.
2. Next, create a file that compiles your goals for this year in list form.
This list should include the major goals you have for each area. Goals
are better accomplished if they are attainable, are well defined, have
clear steps to get you there, and have a timeline. These points should
be listed under each goal. It is better to focus on a few major goals
for the year. Writing down 30 things you are going to accomplish this
year provides a great fantasy that will never be realized. It’s ok to
have areas of your life that are in maintenance mode for the year. The
key is to have a moderate list of tangible goals that will actually have
the time and energy for.
3. Once you have your goals written out, create a way to quantify
your progress. This can come in the form of habit tracking apps,
spreadsheets, or notes where you write your current progress. As
with above, do not track to many metrics at one time. You will end
up getting flustered after a few weeks and will drop the tracking all
together. If you do find that you have stopped tracking for a while,
don’t stress. Just start again.

4. Keep a file on your phone (or in a small notebook you carry around)
that lists what you need to get done this week. When you finish
that task, put a checkmark next to it. Research shows that the act of
checking things off is gratifying and creates compliance. Have a set
day where you make a new list, and then add things as the week goes
on. Take items that did not get done from the previous list and port
them over to the new week’s list, with a mark to get those done first.

5. Every night before bed, make a note or file that details your schedule
and daily to do list for the next day. Make sure you do this the day
before, not the day of. Have times when you are going to do each
task, along with how long you are going to spend on it. When the task
is completed, add a checkmark to it. If a task does not get done, port
it over to the next day’s list and make sure you do it early in the day. If
you do not follow the schedule exactly don’t get upset. The point is to
get the day’s tasks done, and done well, not to be a slave to the exact
letter of the list.

6. Have a note or file that details the habits you want to do every
week, and those you want to do every day. Important: try to have
as few daily habits as possible. This sounds counterintuitive, but
if something can be done in a two-hour block once a week that is
much preferable than trying to do it for 15 minutes every day. Your
brain works better when it is able to work deeply on a task and is
not constantly switching tasks. Furthermore, trying to do 7 things
every single day isn’t sustainable. You’ll inevitably end up skipping
many of them. However, there are a few things that need to be done
every day because they gain from daily consistency or because they
are need to be renewed daily. These include exercise, grooming,
meditation (if that’s your thing), spending habits, eating habits, etc.

7. Create a Master-list. This is a file or note that provides quick

reference to all the habits, projects, and goals you have. It should be
short and to the point.

. Biggest thing I’m working on: Finishing THE Ten
Commandments of Game project
Current habit: Drinking a vegetable juice every day
What content I’m consuming: Audible of Genghis Kahn – The
Making of the Modern World
What coaching I’m engaging in: Strength Training lessons 2-4
days weekly
What are my yearly goals: Earn X dollars in my business. Help X
clients through RSD. Gain 8 more pounds of muscle.
Short term goals: finish a business project, publish more
YouTube content, mentor my assistant with his business

. Read and update this list either every day or several times a week. It
should be a way to quickly focus yourself on what you are supposed
to be doing right now.

8. Create checklists and algorithms for the processes in your life. Many
areas of your life should have an algorithm that you can turn into a
habit and refine as time goes on. This creates efficiency and fidelity.
These should be very specific.
. Random Example:
. Morning checklist/algorithm:
. Get out of bed immediately with alarm→ Walk to bathroom
and put in contacts→ walk to kitchen and make vegetable
smoothie→ As smoothie is blending take daily supplements→
walk to bathroom and turn on shower→ get in shower, use
shampoo, body soap, and facial wash→ dry off→ apply toner
and moisturizing sunscreen→ Floss and brush teeth→ walk to
closet and put on boxers, socks, dress pants, dress shirt, and
shoes → walk to kitchen table and grab wallet, keys, files, and
notebook→ walk to door and grab gym bag → Exit door and go
to work

. Yes, I realize how insane this sounds to structure things this

specifically, and no, you do not have to do this for every part
of your day. However, for things you will do over and over, you
need to have a specific way you do them each time so you are
not spending time and mental energy everyday reinventing the
wheel or forgetting key steps. This is exactly how companies
like UPS and Amazon train their employees, and it is why
they are they have reached superhuman levels of efficiency.
Anything that you do over and over again should have some
kind of algorithm or checklist.

9. Flashcards: One of the most frustrating parts of life is coming to

an important realization that could change your life, forgetting it,
making the same mistake a year later, and having to come to that
realization again. To forgo this, I starting writing any major realization
I have on to flashcards on my phone. I look at these flashcards
several times a week, and it embeds the realization into my mind. My
checklists and algorithms are also in my flashcards.
10. Physical organization: Everything in your living space or workspace
should have a designated place for it. There should be nothing that
is just meant to be floating around. Furthermore, the space for each
thing should be the most advantageous place to create efficiency.
For example, a bowl right next to the door where you put your keys
and wallet each time you enter the house. Or a specific area for
everything related to electronics or appliances like cords, flash drives,
or manuals. You get the idea, a place for everything and everything in
its place.

As stated before, you do not need to follow this exact structure if it doesn’t
work with your specific life. But you need to have SOME sort of structure.
And if you do choose any of the above outlined tools in your routine, you
will not be disappointed.

Outer Lifestyle:

Now for the fun stuff. How exactly do you build a lifestyle filled with
adventure? A life that people are jealous of? Well, if your answer is to be
rich and have a lot of free time, you’re wrong. When I was first traveling
around with the RSD boys, I was also working 80 hour weeks on my
business, AND I was enrolled in school. I wasn’t rich, and I certainly didn’t
have a ton of free time. People tend to use finance as an excuse more than
anything else, so let’s touch on that for a second…
The ability to “Finance” your lifestyle comes from compartmentalization. This means
that you pick a few things you want to do lifestyle wise, you do them smart, and then
you spend LITTLE TO NO money on other extravagances. Let’s say you make 30k a
year after taxes. 12k of that goes to rent, 8k goes to bills, food, gas, etc. If you want to
take a trip to Vegas, do you need to stay at a penthouse in the venetian? Probably not.
A room a block away from the strip costs $50 spit two ways, and a room at Treasure
Island costs $75 split two ways. In any other city, look people up who you know
through friends. Use couch crashing sites. Offer to teach someone in exchange for a

What about food? Go to a grocery store on the way to your hotel, buy 6 $5
sandwiches. If you want to drink, carry a flask instead of buying them retail at the
club. Get to know the bouncers in various cities and see if they’ll help you out with
cover every once in a while. The most expensive part of most of my trips when I was
younger was the plane ticket. And when bought far enough in advance, these usually
cost much less. Two trips a month cost me $400, and the rest of the expenses were
comparable to what I would have spent at home. The example above involves travel,
but the concept is true across the board: Splurge on the things that matter (Plane
ticket, live event, etc.) and be frugal on what doesn’t matter. Spending large sums of
money that you don’t yet have, on anything except education, will ensure that you
remain poor or mediocre. Skipping the investments in education, will ensure that you
remain very poor and very dumb.
Most people don’t live an amazing lifestyle because they think it involves
splurging on EVERYTHING. Think about this Moneyball style: Which
purchase is going to have the highest per dollar return in terms of
enjoyment? Spend the money on that, cut out everything else. No more
$7 coffees, no more Whole Foods. Those small purchases eat away at the
events that really matter.

Now that we’ve gotten that excuse out of the way. Let’s talk about how to
structure your lifestyle. There are factors that most epic lifestyles have
in common, and there are factors that make them different from one
another. A fun lifestyle usually involves the following:

1. A core group of people with similar goals and tastes (a tribe)

2. A shared mission for that group, and travel that involves that mission
(Picking-up girls, hiking, attending educational events)
3. A variety of non-goal events that everyone can go to (Parties, charity
balls, one off events like skydiving).
4. An influx of new people, new beautiful women, and friends that are
not specifically part of the core group, aka an extended social circle.
5. Access to venues, events or activities that most people don’t get to
have access to.

The difference between epic lifestyle usually dependents on archetype. If

you’re a football enthusiast, getting a big group of friends together to go
to the super bowl may be fun. If you’re into cosplay, maybe plan a trip to
comic-con. If you like things that don’t suck, a few trips a year banging hot
girls in Las Vegas may be in order.

So, let’s take each of these points one at a time.

1. Building a social circle/tribe:

I already covered much of this, but here’s a written breakdown on

how to make this work:

a. If you currently don’t have many friends, the best way to get a
core group is through shared experiences. If you’re in to pick-up,
this means going on forums, or to live events, finding guys who
want to go out, and spending a few months winging with them.
If you’re into sports, join your favorite league. Take advantage of
the various culture specific meetups in your city.

b. You’ll find that most good friends you’ve made in the past came
from a period of time where you had shared experiences or
goals. This is why most people find their friends through school
or work. It also helps to have a skill that you can add to the group
that no one else can, and for the other core members to have one
as well. Personally, when looking for new friends, assistants, or
business partners, I look for guys that are a) smart, b) loyal to me
and to each other, c) resourceful and ambitious (they also want
to build something), d) fun to be around, and e) have some skill or
personality trait that the rest of the group does not.

c. Once you’ve got a good core group of people, get everyone on

the same page to start building an epic social circle. This means
laying down some ground rules. A great social circle is a good mix
of quality successful guys, and quality beautiful women. Beautiful
women attract more successful guys and more beautiful women.
So, there has to be an understanding that:

i. The initial group of beautiful women you bring into the

group are not there for you guys to hook up with. Ever!
They are purely female friends. In time, they’ll start
bringing other girls to the events. If the girls they bring
are particularly cool, add them to the social circle. After
a while there will be so many girls around that you’ll have
a steady stream of 3rd order girls that you can hook up
with whenever you want.

ii. Everyone does what’s best for the group. In my tribe,

we all do each other an unlimited amount of favors. We
are constantly thinking about what we can do for one
another. We also NEVER do something that would hurt
the other person or their goals. When one person is
working solely for themselves, they get results sparingly.
When everyone is working for themselves and their
friends, they get exponential results.

iii. Don’t bring B players into the social circle. I’ve had
many situations where I hang out with someone whose
company I enjoy, but their friend sucks so badly that I
never bring either of them around cool people again. Your
tribe is not a charity for losers! If you throw parties filled
with negative or needy people, pretty soon they’ll be the
only ones at your parties at all.

iv. Keep the dialogue open. With wings that I’ve had, we
are constantly having frank conversations on how to
execute more efficiently. These conversations are vital
in wingmanship and when building your tribe. Make sure
everyone knows these conversations aren’t personal, but
are there to keep the social circle growing and operating

v. Start working on acquisition and retention, and spread

out the work evenly between your core group. This means
everyone is making an effort to bring cool people into the
tribe and see if they fit (acquisition). For retention, this
means each guy is either throwing the occasional event,
planning an event, or getting everyone into a cool venue.
If you have, say, 4 guys all planning one event a month or
every two months, then you’ll have plenty of fun things
to bring the wider social circle to. Remember, the goal of
the game is for people to want to come back. Don’t turn
this into an ego trip where everyone has to see you as
the leader. I’m comfortable being the leader, but I have
no desire to be the leader at the cost of my overall life.
Ideally, you’d like to be respected and accepted, but also
be in a room where everyone is even more successful
than you.

2. Building a shared mission:

a. When building your core group, you want to find people that
enjoy doing the same things you do. My tribe is built of men with
many different professions, but we are all interested in the same
core activities: Travel, meeting beautiful women, eating premium
meats, psychology, communications, and building business
projects. This is the large majority of what we talk about. This
didn’t happen because I convinced them to be interested in those
things. They were already interested.
b. The shared mission does not have to be super specific. While
some friend groups are based on a mission that is obvious to
everyone (like sports or going to metal shows), most friend
groups tend to have shared missions based on personality
attributes. If you are the type of person that is super open
to novel experiences like going to an ice cave or eating new
foreign cuisine, you’ll want to attract a group that shares
those attributes. This involves a high level of self-awareness
on your part. What types of conversations do you like to have?
Intellectual? Funny? What type of parties do you like to go to?
House parties? Clubs with bottle service? Figure out the mission
that you are already on, or would like to be on, first, and then
build the group mission around that.
c. Build the mission to be as big as possible. This does not mean big
in a literal sense, but an epic version of your mission as opposed
to a more humdrum version. When my tribe goes out to find girls,
we don’t go to the nearest dive bars. We go to Vegas nightclubs,
the other best night clubs all around the world, Playboy parties,
Maxim parties, and private invite-only events. Whatever your
mission is, think about what the highest level would look like. Go
to the biggest music festival that plays your preferred type of
music, don’t always just go to the rock bar down the street. Your
mission should certainly involve some of those small events, but
the big events are key.
d. Add travel to your mission. It’s said that as you age, time goes
faster. This is theorized to happen because we grow so used
to our current environment. Travel changes that. Everything
is new and novel, and time has a way of slowing down. There’s
also no better way to bond with others then to go navigate a
new environment with them. The familiar factor in that new
environment is your friends, and that creates a psychological
kinship with them. It also gives you a unique experience that
only your group remembers when you go back to your former

3. A variety of non-mission related experiences:

Travel creates a bond because the experience is novel. In the same

way, a variety of experiences will add novelty and texture to your
groups events. These events consist of things that you want to do
once or maybe a couple times a year. Some examples would be:
escape rooms, park parties, bungee jumping, art festivals, going out in
new cities or areas, etc.

This part is easy to implement: have each of the core members pick
one event like this a month. If you have 4 friends in the inner circle,
that means one fun novel event per weekend, with the other day
spent on an event revolving around your mission.
4. An influx of new people:

a. High quality people are hard to find. If you were to take 1,000
people randomly selected out the population in your city, how
many of them do you think you would get along with well enough
for them to become your good friend? If you have any standards
at all, the answer is probably 1 or 2. This means that finding these
new people by just talking to any random person on the street
is not an effective strategy. You want some kind of preselection
so that the new people coming in aren’t the 999 people you
just aren’t going to vibe with. There are two ways to go about
this: attracting connecters, and socializing at preselected

b. If you got involved in pick-up, there’s a good chance you aren’t

super extroverted. That’s ok, neither am I. I’m good at making
friends with the people I choose to talk to, but it’s not in my
nature to talk to a bunch of random people just for the hell of
it (outside of pick up, that is). So how have I attracted so many
amazing friends? In part because I’m good at making friends with
connecters. Connecters are the type of people that DO talk to
everyone. If they’re lame, this means they end up being friends
with a bunch of insurance claims adjusters and single dads.
However, if they’re actually extroverted AND cool, it means they
sift through the people that suck and keep in contact with those
that don’t. This is great news for us introverts, because it means
the hard work has been outsourced. I tend to think of my tribe
as having two core parts: the inner circle, and the connecters.
While the connecters may not be the best of my best friends, I
still invite them to events because I know they’ll bring other cool
people around (and yes, there are some friends that are both
inner circle and connecters). If I’m having a party, I’ll invite 3-4 of
my connecter friends and tell them to invite whoever they want.
They will then usually bring a few new cool people to the party
who I can befriend. I can then introduce my connecter friends
to the friends the other connecters brought, making everyone’s
lives better without having to go through the tedious process of
talking to a bunch of people I don’t care about.

c. Though meeting people through connecters is great, it should

be your only source of new cool people. The other source
comes through socializing in preselected environments. One
of the reasons I love Bootcamp is that it attracts exactly the
type of guys I want to meet. I also find this type of guy at high
end business events or exclusive parties. Those are the type of
environments that I will be extremely social at, because I know
that it will be a good use of my time. You attract people at these
events using the exact same sub-communications you learned in
pickup, but without hitting on them. The people at these events
are usually more than happy to be invited to another high-end
event, where you can introduce them to your cool friends and
bring them into the fold. This is in part why it’s so important to
not have B players in your social circle. If you bring a cool person
to a party filled with lame people, you’ll never see them again. If
you instead introduce two cool people to each other, they’ll see
you as indispensable.

d. Beautiful women follow their friends, and they follow quality

men. It is very important to make female friends and to keep the
relationship platonic. The guys that have beautiful female friends
meet more beautiful women, because their female friends
bring them around. If I meet a woman I get along with at a high-
quality event and she lives in my city, more often than not I’ll try
to befriend her rather than just sleep with her. I also don’t try
to fuck her good friends that then come to the party. That part
is key: don’t fuck your female friends, and don’t fuck their best
friends either. Get them all involved in the social circle. Then if
they bring a third order girl to a random party that you get along
with, feel free to fuck most of them.
5. Gaining access to events:

There are two great ways to gain access to high end clubs and
parties. One is to introduce the people throwing those parties to
other cool people, and the other (if you’re in a different city) is to
learn how to be of value to bouncers, promoters, and event planners.
a. The first way is obvious: if you know someone who throws great
events in your city, start introducing them to other great people
and beautiful women.

b. If you’re in a foreign city, or if you do not yet know that

gatekeeper, you need to get a little more creative. For bouncers
and promoters of high end clubs, the best way to gain favor is
by bringing in a large group of girls. Go a few blocks from the
club and approach groups until you befriend one. Then tell the
about the exclusive event and lead them to the front where the
bouncer or promoter is. Tell the promoter they’re with you and
you want to bring them in. From the promoters’ standpoint,
you’re doing him a favor. From the girl’s standpoint, it looks like
you know the gatekeeper and are doing them a favor. Everyone
After the event is done, go talk to the bouncer or promoter and befriend
him or give him a tip. This is key: do this after you’re already in the event,
not before. Everyone kisses their ass before they get in, and no one takes
the time to be nice to them afterwards. If you do this, you’ll get invited to
the next event, or at least get in quicker next time.

If you can be the guy that consistently brings large groups of girls to the
club or event, you’ll gain a positive reputation. Other event throwers will
start to proactively befriend you, and you can in turn introduce them to
other cool people. If you do the promoters job for them, no one is going to
want you to be around less.

It also never hurts to call the event a few days ahead and simply ask to
be put on the guest list. No one has a definitive list of every important
person on earth, and if you present yourself as someone who is supposed
to be at the event, you will often find that the planner wants you there.
The key is to not over explain or be in any way needy. Explain that you will
be traveling with some people from New York or LA, and that they would
like to attend the event. You’d be surprised how often this gets you an in.
People who speak as if they belong quickly find that in fact they do.

If you implement the above, you’re going to be far into the top 1% of most
desirable people on Earth. You have all the info you’d ever need to get
whatever you want in life. If you haven’t already, GO COMPLETE THE 3

Those who have already know this was a life changing event, that left you
with tremendously more guidance, certainty, and sense of purpose in
every area of your life.

If you have any struggle implementing these principles and want a

personal accountability mechanism to help ensure your success, please go
to and join THE BROTHERHOOD.

If you need live coaching to help you internalize and implement the
lessons from this program even more RAPIDLY, join me on Bootcamp
while I’m still available. You can find my schedule here:

Very best!

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