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5) The following are the components which included in performance agreement .

Performance Planning (includes employee goal setting / objective setting)

Ongoing Performance Communication.

Data Gathering, Observation and Documentation.

Performance Appraisal Meetings.

Performance Diagnosis and Coaching

Briefly explain all four categories of purposes and uses of performance appraisa

Administrative :The presentation Management framework for Administrative representative is

configuration to give a cycle to chiefs and laborers to talk about and give contribution on work
accountabilities, assumptions and Competencies. The cycle supports progressing preparing and input

Developmental : It can be described as measuring, improving and appraising the activities of an

organization, which including the activities of individual employees or teams of employees, to ensure
the achievement of desired organizational goals

Role Definition : The efficient assessment of the exhibition of representatives and to comprehend the
capacities of an individual for additional development and improvement.

Strategic: These are tools used by companies and employees to help gauge the value of the employee's
performance, and determine how performance can be improved.

Performance review is a two way individualized conversation between a manager and an employee,
tackling about the employees performance and achievements which may be done frequently.
Performance reviews gives both the employee and the manager a chance to talk and discuss how the
good the employee is at doing his job, how the employee's work help in achieving the company's goals
and objectives, and also what more the employee can improve to increase his productivity. In turn, they
may also discuss how the manager supervise them in their work, the guidance and directions the
manager has given and the task that the manager's assigned to his employee.

Every performance review should be a two way conversation, meaning it was not only about the
employee or the manager but for the both of them, they should be able to discuss everything which will
help them promote trust, create clarity and reduce misunderstandings, if there is any

According to (TCCSC) on the basis people distinguish occupations are

Orientation to size and powers

orientation to Sex Roles

Orientation to social valuation

Orientation to Internal, Unique Self

Stage 1: Orientation to size and power

This stage occurs between three and five years where children start to categorize occupations in simple
ways such as powerful versus weak.

Stage 2: Orientation to sex roles

The second stage occurs between six and eight years where children distinguish people's occupations
based on visible attributes . Examples include sex roles and dressing codes in different occupations.

Stage 3: Orientation to social valuation

Between nine and thirteen years, children become aware of social status and occupations. They can
categorize occupations based on individual ranks in society and educational levels. They, therefore,
eliminate occupations that they think are lowly ranked from their career paths.

Stage 4: Orientation to unique internal self

Children at the age of fourteen and above are sufficient self-awareness and have wider occupational
alternatives based on the diversity of the work environment (Gottfredson, 2005). They make
occupational goals based on a combination of diverse attributes such as values, goals, and interests and
reject incompatible field

Counseling uses multiple methods to help a patient improve their empowerment and accomplish a set
of goals including mental health, wellbeing, education, and career. Distance counseling is an approach
which allows a counseling session to use technology. The use of telephones, video conferencing sites,
private chat rooms, and emails provides many types of distance therapy. It is crucial for a counselor to
ensure that they are using robust evaluation tools while using these various types of technology,
maintaining regular communication between sessions, and orienting their client to the type of
technology they would use.

As a career distance counselor, there are ways to administer distance counseling. Since it uses
technology, it is now easy and convenient for the patient to consult with them. They can use available
technologies such as video conference, telephone, email, private chat, etc. Compare to the traditional
face to face counselling, distance counselling allow the patient to seek help without the need to travel.
Counsellor also established strategies to maintain the effectiveness of counselling even though they
don't see their patients

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