Epoka University: Academic Year 2020-2021 Fall Midterm Exam Course: Physics 101

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Academic Year 2020-2021 Fall Midterm Exam

Course: Physics 101
Group: MTE-A.
This Exam Paper contains 8 pages
Important note: Please read before you work your Exam Questions and Problems.
You may submit handwritten, pdf, word or whatever format solution of your choice.
All work must be submitted in a single file.
Please write clearly if you decide to submit handwritten solutions.
Write down your Name and Surname and your branch of study
on EACH page you use for solutions.
You do NOT have to write down the text of questions again!
Good luck!

Q 1. [8p]
Suppose we are told that the acceleration a of a particle moving
with uniform speed v in a circle of radius r is proportional to some
power of r, say rn, and some power of v, say vm. Determine
the Values of n and m and write the simplest form of an Equation
for the Acceleration.
P2. [16p]
Objects with masses m1=10.0 kg
and m2=5.00 kg are connected
by a light string that passes over a
frictionless pulley as in the figure.
If, when the system starts from rest,
m 2 falls 1.00 m in 1.20 s, determine
the Coefficient of Kinetic Friction
between m1and the table.
Q3. [8p]
You throw a ball vertically upward so that it leaves the ground
with velocity +5 m/s.
(a) What is ball’s Velocity when it reaches its maximum altitude?
(b) What is its Acceleration at the maximum altitude?
(c) What is the Velocity with which it returns to ground level?
(d) What is its Acceleration at the ground level?
P4. [12p+8p]
Find the sum of two displacement vectors lying
in the xy plane and given by expressions:
A=(2.0 i+2.0
⃗ ^j)m∧ ⃗ ^
B =(2.0 i−4.0 ^j) m
Note. You have to find the Magnitude (size) and tanθ ONLY
for the Direction of the resultant vector.
P5. [4p+12p]
A car of mass m is on an icy driveway
inclined at an angle θ as shown in the
Draw free-body diagram of forces
acting on the car. (You may use
diagram and reference frame shown
below to answer this question)

Find the acceleration of the car, assuming the driveway frictionless.
P6. [6p+6p]
The velocity of a particle moving along the x axis varies according
to the expression vx= 40 ‒ 5t2, where vx is in meters per second
and t is in seconds.
(A) Find the Average acceleration in the time interval t = 0 to t = 2 s.
(B) Determine the Acceleration (instantaneous acceleration) at t = 2 s.
(You may use the graph below to answer the problem questions).
P7. [6p+6p]
A baseball is hit so that it travels straight upward after being struck
by the bat. A fan observes that it takes 3.00 s for the ball to reach its
maximum height. Find:
(a) the ball’s Initial Velocity and
(b) the Height it reaches.
Q8. [2p+2p+1p+2p+1p]
Describe the properties of forces of friction by answering
the following questions.

a- Write the Static Friction Force Formula

between any two surfaces in contact.

b- Write the Kinetic Friction Force Formula

between two surfaces in contact.

c- Write the Factor (one factor) both μk and μs depend on.

d- State (write down) the Direction and Direction the Friction

Force Points with reference to the surfaces in contact and
Direction of Motion or direction of Impending Motion.

e- State (write down) whether the coefficients of friction

depend on the size of area between the surfaces between
objects in contact.

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