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Proctorio, founded in 2013, is an online test-proctoring tool used by several schools to monitor

students for suspicious behavior while they take virtual exams. The usage of this software however

has not come without its criticism.

Ian Linkletter, a learning technology specialist at the University of British Columbia, and an

activist against Proctorio, has found himself in legal hot water due to a series of tweets criticizing

the use of the software. In his critiques, Linkletter has openly condemed the company due to

complaints from students at various universities feeling discriminated, unsafe and threatened.

Many like-minded individuals share similar sentiments about Proctorio but are reluctant to step

forward due to the judicial system being in favor of the company. Despite legal and financial

pushback by the legal team at Proctorio, Linkletter is persistent to make his voice heard due to the

company trying to shut him down. To finance the lawsuit levied against him, Linkletter started a

GOFUNDME to raise funds so that he can shine a brighter light on the matter. The company’s

CEO Mike Olsen, while denying accusations leveled against him, has gone to the extent of forcing

a student to detain from posting any criticism aimed towards the company.

The lawsuit has gained global attention with innumerable universities from various nations

supporting Linkletter by signing an open letter titled “In Defense of Ian LinkLetter” because they

are of the strong opinion that he is shedding light of vital student affairs.

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