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Example 1: Simply Supported Rectangular Beam

Referent Calculation Result

Q1 A simply supported rectangular beam of 8 m span carries characteristic dead load

(not include self-weight of beam), Gk and imposed, Qk load of 20kN/m and
10kN/m. The design properties is a characteristic strength of concrete is 30
N/mm2, the characteristic strength of reinforcement is 460 N/mm 2, the
characteristic strength of links is 250 N/mm 2. 1.5 hour of fire resistant and the
condition of expose equal to mild condition is needed. Estimate the size of beam
and design all reinforcement including the necessary checking.

Satu rasuk disokong mudah mempunyai rentang 8 m dikehendaki menanggung

beban mati ciri (tidak termasuk berat sendiri) sebesar 20 kN/m dan beban kenaan
sebesar 10 kN/m di sepanjang rentang. Bahan binaan terdiri dari konkrit gred 30
dan keluli gred 460 untuk tetulang utama dan keluli gred 250 untuk perangkai.
Keadaan dedahan rasuk adalah ringan dan rintangan api 1.5 jam diperlukan.
Anggarkan saiz keratan rasuk yang sesuai dan rekabentukkan semua tetulang
yang diperlukan

Design Properties
L = 8000 mm
Gk = 20 kN/m ( not include self-weight of beam )
Qk = 10 kN/m
fy = 460 N/mm2
fyv = 250 N/mm2
fcu = 30 N/mm2

Beam Size
h = L/15 325 x 550
= 8000 / 15 = 533
b = 0.6h
= 0.6(533) = 320
Try beam size b x h = 325 x 550
Durability & Fire Resistance c = 25 mm
Table 3.3 Nominal cover for mild condition , c = 25 mm
Table 3.4 Nominal cover to meet period 1.5hour of fire resistance, c = 20 mm

Load analysis
self-weight of beam , Gk = 0.325 m x 0.55 m x 24 kN/m3 = 4.29 kN/m
characteristic dead load , Gk = 20.00 kN/m

Total characteristic dead load , n Gk = 24.29 kN/m

Total characteristic imposed , Qk = 10.00 kN/m

Design load, w = 1.4Gk + 1.6Qk = 50.01 kN/m w=50.01kN/m

Vmax = 200.04
Shear force maximum Vmax = wL/2 = 200.04 kN kN
Design ultimate moment Mmax = wL2/8 = 400.08 kNm Mmax= 400.08

Referent Calculation Result
Main Reinforcement
dia. bar = 20 mm
dia. links = 10 mm

Effective depth, d = h – c - links - bar/2 = 550 - 25 – 10 – 20/2 = 505 mm d = 505 mm K = M/bd2fcu = 400.08 x 106 / (325)(505)2(30) = 0.161 > K’ =0.156

Compression reinforcement is required

z = 0.776 d = 0.776(505) = 391.88 mm

As’ = (K-K’)fcubd2/0.95fy(d-d’)

Depth to the compression reinforcement, d’

d' = c + perangkai + bar/2 = 25 + 10 + 20/2 = 45 mm d'=45mm
As’ = [(0.161 – 0.156)(30)(325)(505)2] / [0.95(460)(505 - 45)] = 61.85 mm2 2T16 (As’=
Use : 2T16 (As’= 402 mm2) Refer As min 402 mm2)
As = [K’fcubd2/0.95fyz] + As’
= [(0.156)(30)(325)(505)2 / 0.95(460)(391.88)] + 61.85 3T32(As=
= 2326.9 mm2 2410 mm2)
Use: 3T32 (As= 2410 mm2)

Asmin, As’min dan Asmaks

Table 3.25 As min = 0.13%bh = (0.13/100)(325)(550) = 232 mm2
Table 3.25 As’min = 0.2%bh = (0.2/100)(325)(550) = 357.5 mm2 As max = 4%bh = (4/100)(325)(550) = 7150 mm2
Area of reinforcement is satisfactory

3.4.5 Design Shear Resistant Of Beams (Stirrup)

Only 2T32 (As = 1610 mm2) continous into the support of beam Sheer stress , v = V/bd

(eq. 3) = 200.04 x 103/(325)(505) = 1.22 N/mm2 v = 1.22
Table 3.8 Design concrete shear stress, vc

100As/bvd = 100(1610)/(325)(505)
= 0.98 < 3 ok!
400/d = 400/505
= 0.79 < 1
Guna 400/d = 1
fcu/25 = 30/25 = 1.2
Table 3.8 vc = 0.79(100As/bvd)1/3(400/d)1/4(fcu/25)1/3/m
= 0.79(0.98)1/3(1)1/4(1.2)1/3/1.25
= 0.66 N/mm2
Table 3.7 vc + 0.4 = 0.66 + 0.4 = 1.06 < v =1.22 N/mm2

0.8efcu = 0.8e(30) = 4.38 N/mm2 > v =1.22 N/mm2 ok!

Referent Calculation Result

Combined links (minimum links & Shear link) is required

(vc + 0.4) < v < 0.8efcu

Design shear links
Total cross-section of links, Asv =(1/4)(perangkai)2(2) = (1/4)(10)2(2) = 157.08
mm2 Spacing of links , sv = Asv 0.95fyv/bv(v-vc)

= 204.98 mm < 0.75d R10-200 c/c
Use: R10-200 c/c

Maximum spacing of links = 0.75d = 0.75(505) = 378.75 mm

Minimum links
Spacing of links , sv = Asv0.95fyv/0.4bv
= (157.08)(0.95)(250)/0.4(325)
= 286.97 mm < 0.75d
Use: R10-275 c/c R10-275 c/c
Maximum spacing of links 0.75d = 0.75(505) = 378.75mm
Links arrangement

Shear force for R10 – 275 c/c

Using table 3.7

v = [Asv(0.95)fyv / bvsv] + vc
= [(157.08)(0.95)(250) / (325)(275)] + 0.66
= 1.07 N/mm2

V = vbd
= (1.07)(325)(505)/103
= 175.61 kN


X1 = 0.489 m 175.61

x = (200.04-175.61) / 50.01 = 0.489 m

Referent Calculation Result Deflection

Table 3.9 L/d basic = 20 (simply supported rectangular section)

Table 3.10 Modification factor for tension reinforcement, m.f.t.r

Eq. 8 Design service stress

fs = 2fyAs req 1
3As prov b

= 2(460)(2326.9) / 3(2410) = 296.09

M/bd2 = 400.08 x 106/(325)(505)2 = 4.83

Eq. 7 m.f.t.r = 0.55 + (477-fs) .

120 (0.9 + M/bd2)

= 0.55 + (477-296.09) .== 0.81 < 2.0

120 (0.9 + 4.83)

Table 3.11 Modification factor for compression reinforcement, m.f.c.r

Eq. 9 m.f.c.r = 1 + 100As’prov 3 + 100As’prov

bd bd

= 1 +{ [ 100(402) / (325)(505)] / [3+100(402) / (325)(505)] } Ok!

= 1.075 < 1.5

Table 3.9 L/d basic = 20 (simply supported)

L/d allowed = L/d basic x m.f.t.r x m.f.c.r
= 20 x 0.81 x 1.075 = 17.42 Ok!

L/d actual = 8000/505 =15.84 < L/d allowed = 17.42

Deflection check satisfactory

Referent Calculation Result Cracking Clear distance between bar in tension

Table 3.28 S1 = b-2c-2links - 3bar
= [325 – 2(25) -2(10) - 3(32)]/2
= 79.5 mm < 155 mm Clear distance between the corner of beam and nearest longitudinal bar in tension

S2= e(y2 + y2) - bar/2

y = c + perangkai + bar/2
= 25 + 10 + 32/2
= 51mm

S2= e(512 + 512) - 32/2

= 56.12 < 155/2
= 56.12 < 77.5
Cracking check satisfactory

Design Detail

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