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Established 1914

Volume XVIII, Number 333 1st Waning of Tabaung 1372 ME Sunday, 20 March, 2011

Head of State Senior General Than Shwe,

wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing attend
ceremony to confer religious titles on
venerable Sayadaws
NAY PYI TAW, 19 March—The State Peace
and Development Council has been offering reli-
gious titles to venerable members of the Sangha at
home and abroad, nuns and laypersons yearly.
The State Peace and Development Coun-
cil issued Notification No. 1/2011 of SPDC on 4
January to announce the winners of religious
At 4 pm today, a ceremony to offer reli-
gious titles to Sayadaws, nuns and laypersons and
donate rice to members of the Sangha was held on
a grand scale at Sasana Maha Beikmandaw in the
precinct of Uppatasanti Pagoda in Nay Pyi Taw,
attended by Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and
wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing.
Also present on the occasion were State
Ovadaçariya Sayadaws, members of the State
Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, Tipitakadhara
Tipitakakovida Sayadaws, title recipient Sayadaws
and nuns, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Deputy Commander-in-
Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief
(Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife
Daw Mya Mya San, Member of the State Peace Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
and Development Council Thura U Shwe Mann Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing present
and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, Prime Minister U
offertories to a Sayadaw.—MNA
Thein Sein and wife Daw Khin Khin Win, Secretary-
1 of the State Peace and Development Council senior military officers, departmental heads and Agga Maha Pandita title recipient Sayadaws and
Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo and wife Daw ambassadors and heads of embassies to the Union Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja title recipient
Khin Saw Hnin, Member of the State Peace and of Myanmar, responsible persons of religious and Sayadaws, other title recipient Sayadaws, nuns and
Development Council U Tin Aye, General Min social organizations, staff of the Ministry of laypersons in the designated places of Sasana Maha
Aung Hlaing of the Ministry of Defence and wife Religious Affairs, title recipient laypersons, Beikmandaw.
Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) disciples, wellwishers and guests. Officials of the Ministry of Religious Af-
Vice-Admiral Nyan Tun, Commander-in-Chief Before the ceremony, the State orchestra fairs ushered Tipitakadhara Tipitakakovida
(Air) Lt-Gen Myat Hein, senior military officers of played the Dhamma songs beginning 3 pm. Sayadaws, Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru,
the Ministry of Defence and their wives, the Officials ushered members of the State Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika, Agga
commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command and wife, Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, Tipitakadhara Maha Pandita and Agga Maha Saddhamma
ministers and their wives, the Attorney-General, Tipitakakovida Sayadaws, Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Jotikadhaja Sayadaws led by members of the
the Auditor-General, the Chairman of Civil Service Guru title recipient Sayadaws, Abhidhaja Agga SSMNC into the Beikmandaw.
Selection and Training Board, deputy ministers, Maha Saddhammajotika title recipient Sayadaws, (See page 16)

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives

* Stability of the State, community peace and * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round develop- * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire
ment of other sectors of the economy as well nation
tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and
* National reconsolidation * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system
* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of preservation and safeguarding of cultural her-
* Emergence of a new enduring State Constitu- technical know-how and investments from sources inside the itage and national character
tion country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit
* Building of a new modern developed nation in * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the * Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-
accord with the new State Constitution hands of the State and the national peoples ards of the entire nation

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 1 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011

PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire

Sunday, 20 March, 2011 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views
* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation
Harmoniously combat * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State
danger of drugs * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy
The danger of narcotic drugs is a grave
threat to the entire mankind. So, Myanmar has SPDC Member U Tin Aye attends hoisting pennant-shaped
been carrying out drug elimination tasks for
vane, diamond orb atop Maha Sikhongyi Pagoda in Sagaing
In the 2010-2011 poppy cultivation
season, 15708.8 acres of poppy plantations The
nationwide were destroyed from 1 September ceremony
2010 to 6 March 2011. In states and regions to hoist
also, 442.3 acres could be destroyed in a period pennant-
from 7 to 13 March this year, bringing the total shaped
number to 16151.1 acres. vane and
Poppy growing business started when
colonialists initiated economic expansionism in
orb atop
Asia. When it comes to the combat of narcotics,
Myanmar has banned abuse of narcotic drugs Maha
and alcohol since ancient Myanmar kings by Sikhongyi
enacting laws and rules. Pagoda in
In order to reduce poppy cultivation, drug progress
production, drug smuggling and drug abuse, in Parami
Myanmar is implementing opium-substitute Ward of
cultivation and livestock breeding tasks.
Western nations with technological
advantages have spread drug production
techniques and equipment to developing NAY PYI TAW, 19 March— A ceremony to Myint Soe of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of
countries. hoist Hngetmyatnadaw (pennant-shaped vane) and Sagaing Region Peace and Development Council
This is why measures are being taken Seinbudaw (diamond orb) atop Maha Sikhongyi Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen
today to convince the youth of the danger of Pagoda in Parami Ward of Sagaing in Sagaing Soe Lwin, Chairman of Mandalay Region Peace
narcotics by holding educative talks, shows and Region was held in conjunction with the and Development Council Commander of Central
consecration ceremony at the pandal of the pagoda Command Brig-Gen Ye Aung, ministers, deputy
yesterday morning, attended by Member of the ministers and their wives, disciples, wellwishers,
The youth of today are new generation
State Peace and Development Council U Tin Aye. departmental heads and local people.
leaders of the future so they need to be both Also present on the occasion were Chairman Chairman of Sagaing Region SNC Sayadaw
mentally and physically fit. Above all, of Sagaing Region Sangha Nayaka Committee Bhaddanta Nandavamsa administered the Nine
harmonious cooperation is needed to wipe out (Shwegyin) Presiding Nayaka of Hanthagiri Precepts, and members of the Sangha recited Parittas.
the danger of drugs not only from Myanmar’s Monastery of Sagaing Agga Maha Pandita Agga SPDC Member U Tin Aye, Maj-Gen Myint
soil but also from our planet. Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Soe, the commanders, the ministers, the deputy
Nandavamsa, Chancellor of Sitagu Buddhist ministers, disciples and wellwishers offered
SPDC Member U Tin Aye and party Academy of Sagaing Agga Maha Pandita Maha pennant-shaped vane, diamond orb and alms to the
conveying pennant-shaped vane and diamond Dhammakathika Bahujanahitadhara Dr Bhaddanta Chairman Sayadaw, the Chancellor Sayadaw and
orb round Maha Sikhongyi Pagoda.—MNA Ñanissara and members of the Sangha, Maj-Gen members of the Sangha.
The Chancellor Sayadaw delivered a sermon,
and the congregation shared merits gained.
SPDC Member U Tin Aye, Maj-Gen Myint
Soe, the commanders, the ministers, the deputy
ministers, disciples and wellwishers conveyed
pennant-shaped vane and diamond orb round the
At the auspicious time, they hoisted pennant-
shaped vane and diamond orb atop the pagoda.
Officials also hoisted umbrellas atop four
encircled Zedis.
Members of the Sangha consecrated the
To mark successful completion of the
ceremony, they performed rituals of golden and
silver showers.
After the ceremony, SPDC Member U Tin
Aye, Maj-Gen Myint Soe, the commanders, the
ministers and the deputy ministers drove stakes for
posting the stone inscription and banner and
construction of the Monsaleinda Lake.
Members of the Sangha consecrated at
Buddha Image near Monsaleinda Lake at the north-
east corner of the pagoda.

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 2 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011 3

Gunmen on motorbikes kidnap South Korean children

workers in Afghanistan of Songpa

Kindergarten crouch
KABUL, 19 March— least 15 men on — mostly of Afghans — under desks in their
Gunmen on motorcycles motorcycles in the for ransom or for political classroom during an
kidnapped six road Province of Sar-e-Pul. reasons are common in earthquake drill in
engineers and their driver Mohan Marouf, an Afghanistan, where Seoul, South Korea, on
as they were travelling to a engineer for the violence has made efforts 18 March, 2011.
work site in northern construction firm Aman to rebuild the country XINHUA
Afghanistan, a public Afghan, said the abducted costly and dangerous.
works official said Friday. men were employees on a In January, two
Three Afghan and United Nations-funded Chinese engineers and
three Pakistani road building contract. four Afghans were British Airways worker jailed for bomb plot
construction workers and United Nations officials kidnapped while travelling LONDON, 19 March— A British judge has sentenced a former British Airways
their Afghan driver were said they had no back to their base after computer specialist to 30 years in prison for plotting with US-born extremist cleric
carjacked around 5:30 pm knowledge of the attack. working on a road Anwar al-Awlaki to blow up an airplane in an attack intended to kill hundreds of
Thursday and led away at No one has claimed construction project in people.
gunpoint, Abdul Qadir responsibility for the Faryab Province in the Rajib Karim, a 31-year-old Bangladeshi man, was convicted last month of
Mahmoud Zada said. abductions, Afghan police north. four counts of engaging in preparation for terrorist attacks. He already had pleaded
They were targeted by at officials said. Kidnappings Internet guilty to five other terrorism offences, but denied plotting an attack in Britain.
Justice Calvert-Smith called Karim’s offences “of the utmost gravity” in
File photo of the Friday’s sentencing at Woolwich Crown Court.
Karangetang Prosecutors said Karim used his position at the airline to conspire with al-
volcano. Indonesia Awlaki, a notorious US-born radical preacher associated with al-Qaeda and
said it had evacuated thought to be hiding in Yemen.—Internet
hundreds of people
living near Mount An Afghan youth
Karangetang off checks destroyed
northern Sulawesi books and text books
island as authorities damaged during a
issued a red alert on bomb blast at a school
Saturday following its in Behsud, Nangarhar
Province, east of
Kabul, Afghanistan on
Indonesian volcano spews new burst of hot ash 15 March, 2011.
MANADO, 19 March— Surono says Mount along its slopes have been INTERNET
Residents in central Karangetang has been evacuated away from the
Indonesia have been spilling lava and shooting mountain on Siau, part of
evacuated from the slopes clouds of gas and debris the Sulawesi island chain. Policeman killed, three suspected al-Qaeda
of a volcano that has
been spewing hot lava
up to 1,900 feet (600
metres) in the air as ash
There were no reports of
injuries, but several
leaders captured in Iraq’s Diyala
and clouds of searing gas poured down its slopes. houses and a church were BAQUBA, 19 March—A Iraqi security forces Baghdad, the source added.
high into the air for days. He said Saturday that damaged. policeman was killed and sealed off the scene and Early in the day, an US-
State volcanologist some 582 people living Internet another was wounded in detained two suspects for Iraqi joint force dropped by
two attacks in Iraq’s eastern interrogation, the source helicopters on houses at the
14 suspected criminals killed in clashes Province of Diyala, while
an US-Iraqi joint force
In a separate incident, a
edge of the village of
Jumailat, some 110 km
in Mexico captured three suspected al-
Qaeda leaders in the
policeman was wounded
when a roadside bomb
northeast of Baghdad, and
captured three suspected al-
MEXICO CITY, 19 March—Mexican authorities say six gunmen were shot province on Saturday, a exploded during an attempt Qaeda leaders, the source
dead during a gunfight with security forces in the northern city of Monterrey provincial police source by a police force to defuse it said without giving further
while eight alleged kidnappers were killed in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz. said. in the town of Khanaqin, details.
State prosecutors in Nuevo Leon, where Monterrey is located, say gunmen Gunmen wearing some 150 km northeast of Xinhua
travelling in a sport utility vehicle opened fire when police tried to pull them over military uniforms shot dead
early Friday morning. a policeman outside his
Prosecutors say police called for backup from soldiers and gave chase. The house near the town of al-
gunmen got reinforcements as well and a shootout ensued, leaving six dead. Maqdadiyah, some 100 km
Authorities in the state of Veracruz say at least eight kidnappers died in a northeast of Baghdad, the
clash with soldiers, marines and state police Friday in the town of El Higo. Army source told Xinhua on
Gen Rene Aguilar says a kidnap victim was rescued.—Internet condition of anonymity.

In this 15 March, 2011 photo, a

woman holds up a baby that was
rescued from a house where three
people were killed by unknown gunmen
in the northern border city of Ciudad
An injured victim of an explosion lies on bed
Juarez, Mexico. According to police, a
2-year-old and a 7-month-old baby of a hospital in Jalalabad, Nangarhar
were found inside the home’s master Province, east of Kabul, Afghanistan on 14
bedroom, asleep. Children, from March, 2011. One civilian was killed and
toddlers to the early teens, are three others were wounded by an explosion
increasingly falling victim to the brutal in Sorkh Rod District of Nangarhar
violence of a drug war that has cost Province, police officials said.
over 34,000 lives in the last four years.

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 3 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011
Testing finds no health
threat along West Coast
SAN FRANCISCO, 19 March—Minuscule amounts of
radiation from Japan’s stricken nuclear plant have
reached the west coast but federal and state officials say
it poses no health risk. They said Friday that the doses
of radiation that a person normally receives from rocks,
bricks, and the sun are 100,000 times the dose rates
detected at a monitoring station in California and
another in Washington state.
Concerns that Japan’s nuclear disaster was assuming A customer (C) shops at the Tsukiji fish market in
Yukiya Amano, director general of the international proportions grew as a radioactive plume Tokyo on 19 March, 2011. Fishmongers at the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), released from the Fukushima Dai-ichi reached Southern popular market reported that the number of
center, goes up the stairs to the venue of a Press California on Friday. But the results of testing reflected customers and amount of sales were sharply down
conference at the Japan National Press Club, 18 expectations by the UN’s International Atomic Energy due to fears about blackouts and the nuclear disaster
March, 2011 in Tokyo, Japan. Agency that radiation had greatly dissipated by the in northern Japan following last weeks earthquake
INTERNET time it reached the US coastline.—Internet and tsunami.—INTERNET

Man pulled from house in Japan’s Teams race to reconnect power to

disaster zone Japan nuke plant
TOKYO, 19 March— FUKUSHIMA, 19 March coast. Sunday. However, even
Military search teams —Emergency workers “Most of the motors once the power is
pulled a young man from racing to cool and switchboards were reconnected, it is not clear
a crushed house dangerously overheated submerged by the if the cooling systems will
Saturday in Japan’s uranium fuel scrambled tsunami and they cannot still work.
disaster zone but a news Saturday to connect be used,” said Hidehiko The storage pools
report later said he Japan’s crippled reactors Nishiyama of Japan’s need a constant source of
returned there a week to a new power line, with Nuclear and Industrial cooling water. Even when
after the quake and electricians fighting Safety Agency. removed from reactors,
tsunami struck and that tsunami-shattered equip- Operators of the plant, uranium rods are still
he was trapped only for ment to restart the which have prompted extremely hot and must
one day. Firefighters search for earthquake and tsunami complex’s cooling sys- global worries of radiation be cooled for months,
The young man, victims in Rikuzentakata city, Iwate Prefecture tems. Though the power leaks, hope to have power possibly longer, to prevent
found in the rubble in on 18 March, 2011.—INTERNET line reached the complex reconnected to four of the them from heating up
Kesennuma city, was too Friday, making the final complex’s six units on again and emitting
weak to talk and was Kyodo, the Japanese shelter before returning link without setting off a Saturday, and another on radioactivity.—Internet
immediately transferred news agency, said the home Friday. spark and potentially an
to a nearby hospital, said
a military official. The
man was in his 20s. In a
later report, Kyodo
A separate military
official, who would also
explosion means
methodically working
Toll from Japan disasters
official, who declined to
give his name because
quoted his family as
saying that he had been
would not provide her
name, said she could not
through badly damaged
and deeply complex
nears 7,200
he was not authorized to separated from them confirm the Kyodo electrical systems at the TOKYO , 19 March— Japan’s police agency
speak to the media, had after the 11 March quake report and had no other Fukushima Daiichi plant says nearly 7,200 are dead and more than 10,900
no other details. and had stayed in a details.—Internet on Japan’s northeast are missing after last week’s earthquake and
Magnitude 5.9 quake hits A week after the disasters devastated the
northeast coast, the National Police Agency said
off east coast of Honshu, Saturday that 7,197 people died and 10,905 were
Japan Some of the missing may have been out of the
region at the time of the disaster. In addition, the
TOKYO, 19 March — An earthquake measuring
massive power of the tsunami likely sucked many
5.9 on the Richter scale jolted off the east coast of
people out to sea, and, if the 2004 Indian Ocean
Honshu, Japan at 10:22 Tokyo Time (0122 GMT)
tsunami is any guide, most of those bodies will not
on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said.
be found.
The epicentre, with a depth of 9.70 km, was
determined to be at 39.6 degrees north latitude and
Airport security guards
143.1 degrees east longitude, about 535 km look at passengers Japan plans up to $127 billion in lending
northeast of Tokyo. crowding in lines to
There are no immediate reports of casualties or check in for their flights after quake
tsunami alert. at Narita International TOKYO, 19 March—The Japanese government plans to dedicate up to 10
A record 262 aftershocks of magnitude 5 or Airport, east of Tokyo, trillion yen ($127 billion) in crisis lending to businesses to help them finance
greater were registered in the seven days following on 19 March, 2011, day-to-day operations and repair damage from last week’s deadly earthquake
the magnitude 9.0 earthquake off northeastern eight days after an
and tsunami, the Nikkei newspaper reported on Saturday.
Japan on 11 March, Kyodo News quoted the Japan earthquake and tsunami
The government can provide special financing in the form of low-interest
Meteorological Agency as saying Friday. hit Japan. Most of
foreign visitors and loans or interest payment subsidies backed by public funds when a natural
Meanwhile, there were three aftershocks of disaster or other event triggers major economic instability, the Nikkei said.
many Japanese residents
magnitude 7 or greater, including a magnitude 7.5 are leaving Tokyo after The newspaper, without citing any sources, said that the government was
quake that occurred shortly afterwards, and 49 radiation leakage considering allocating several trillion yen and up to 10 trillion yen to the
aftershocks of magnitude 6 or more, according to accidents at a quake- scheme. Funds needed to support the scheme would be set aside in an
Kyodo. stricken nuclear power emergency budget.
Xinhua plant.—INTERNET Reuters

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 4 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011 5

Health Tip: Help contain Antioxidants during pregnancy

conjunctivitis affect child
Conjunctivitis, commonly called pinkeye, is a PHILADELPHIA, 19 March—Feeding antioxidants to rats on a
contagious infection affecting the membrane that high-fat diet before and during pregnancy prevented obesity in
covers the white part of the eye and the inner eyelid. offspring, US researchers say.
The eyes of someone with conjunctivitis can appear Researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia suggest
very red and irritated. a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet causes oxidative stress — an
Humana’s Chairman and CEO Mike
The Nemours Foundation offers these excess of free radicals — during pregnancy, predisposing the
McCallister will be at Humana Cares’
suggestions to help prevent the spread of pinkeye: national care centre in St Petersburg on
offspring to obesity and diabetes. However, feeding the rats
* Do not touch a person who has pinkeye. 18 March, to showcase and demonstrate antioxidants before and during pregnancy prevented obesity and
* Do not touch objects (such as towels or its new, innovative and interactive glucose intolerance in their children, the researchers say.
tissues) touched by a person with pinkeye. telehealth pilot, which uses the Intel Senior author Dr Rebecca A Simmons, a neonatologist at the
* Stay away from a person with pinkeye who Health Guide, as shown in this photo. hospital, says if the results are repeated in humans, the research
is coughing or sneezing. The Intel Health Guide enables Humana may have implications for reducing obesity rates in children.
* Don’t swim with a person who has pinkeye. Cares nurses to remotely monitor “We already know that there are critical periods during human
* Keep kids home from school or daycare congestive heart failure patients across development that influence the later development of obesity,”
when they have pinkeye. the country by using two-way video, like Simmons says in a statement. “This research suggests that if we
* Wash hands carefully and often throughout the video call taking place in the can prevent inflammation and oxidative stress during pregnancy,
the day.—Internet photo.—INTERNET we may lower the risk that a child will develop obesity.”—Internet

Ont surgeons bring video game technology to the OR Medics of U-health

(Ubiquitous Health)
TORONTO, 19 March—Doctors at a Toronto Surgeons typically have to leave the sterile centre take the blood
hospital are banking on video game technology field around the patient to pull up images such pressure of a diabetic
to save time and prevent contamination in the as MRI or CT scans on a nearby computer. patient (R) during a
operating room. They then have to go through a meticulous video conference call
A team at Sunnybrook Hospital has started cleanup before returning to the area to make with a specialist at
using the Xbox Kinect, a hands-free gaming sure they don’t bring in any bacteria that Seoul’s Severance
console equipped with a motion sensor, to could harm the patient. Hospital (on the
virtually manipulate key medical images It can take up to 20 minutes to clean up monitor) in Russia’s far
during surgery. each time a doctor consults an image, said Dr eastern city of
The doctors use hand gestures to zoom in Calvin Law, who helped integrate the Vladivostok on
and out of the images or freeze a particular technology into the operating room. 15 February, 2011.
shot without leaving the operating table. Internet INTERNET

Roanwell buys product lines GM to suspend work

NEW YORK, 19 March—Communi-
cations equipment manufacturer
facturing headsets, handsets,
microphones, earphones, cords,
in Shreveport, La
Roanwell Corp of New York has harnesses, and accessories for military SHREVEPORT, 19 March—General
purchased handset product lines of and commercial communications. Motors Co said it would close down
Star Dynamic Corp. It said the acquisition of the an assembly plant in Shreveport, La,
Star Dynamic’s H-207, H-250 and handset product lines continue Due to a parts supply disruption
H-350 handsets, used with military Roanwell’s expansion and growth. caused by the Japanese earthquake.
man-pack radio equipment such as We are very excited about The plant produces the Chevrolet
Two real estate agents chat beside their
the AN/PRC-70 and AN/PRC-77, will broadening our handset product Colorado and the GMC Canyon, both
advertisements along a street in Beijing on
be offered under the Roanwell brand. offerings, especially with one of the 11 March. China’s efforts to cool its red-hot
compact pickup trucks, USA Today
Roanwell said it intends to most active handset product lines used real estate market showed signs of working
manufacture the handsets at its facility in today’s military,” Roanwell Chief reported on Friday.
in February, as government data Friday
in the Bronx. Executive Officer Barbara LaBarre showed more cities seeing a fall in house The earthquake, which struck last
Roanwell specializes in manu- said.”—Internet prices from the previous month.—INTERNET Friday, was followed by a tsunami
that leveled towns along the northeast
Honda to recall 33,000 Odyssey coast of Japan.

minivans over weak windshield wipers GM spokesman Chris Lee said

the plant would close Monday and
CHICAGO, 19 March—Honda Motor Co is recalling more than 33,000 would “resume operations as soon as
Odyssey minivans to fix faulty windshield wipers, according to a Friday report we can.”
on the website of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Japanese suppliers produce
According to the recall notice, Honda is recalling 33,341 units of Odyssey several electronics parts for GM’s
minivans, all from the 2011 model year, in order to fix faulty windshield wiper vehicles, but Lee did not specify
rods, which may fail in cold weather.
A Boeing 747-8 freighter taxis to which parts from Japan were in short
the runway at Paine Field in The car company warned that if the wiper motor is switched on and the
Everett, Washington in 2010. blades become frozen to the windshield, one of the front windshield wiper
Due to slow sales of GM’s smaller
Boeing has won an order for two of linkage rods may bend or separate from the motor due to lack of sufficient pickup trucks, the assembly plant in
its new 747-8 cargo planes from stiffness. This may lead to reduction in driver’s forward visibility in adverse
Shrevepsort is already scheduled to
Korean Air in a deal valued at $639 weather conditions, increasing the risk of a crash.
million at list prices, the companies Honda said that dealers will have the weak rod replaced free of charge, and shut permanently “no later than
said in a joint statement Friday. the safety recall is expected to begin on or before 14 April, 2011. 2012,” Lee said.
INTERNET Xinhua Internet

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 5 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011

First batch of sandstorms to last till Small bomb

Monday explodes
BEIJING, 19 March—Most parts of mg per cu m, the bureau said. outside
North and Northwest China have The sandstorm is likely to last until
witnessed sandstorms since 12 March, Monday, and will cover Xinjiang, Indonesia’s
with Beijing wrapped in sand and
dust on Friday.
Qinghai, Gansu, Inner Mongolia and
Ningxia, the China Meteorological
The air quality in the capital is Administration (CMA) said on its JAKARTA, 19 March—
classified as slightly polluted in most website on Friday. Police say a small bomb
areas, but severely polluted in “Generally speaking, about 80 has exploded east of the
Badaling in Yanqing county, percent of the country’s sandstorms Indonesian capital, but
according to the latest statistics from happen in spring, especially from no one has been hurt.
An artist’s rendering of a planned export terminal in
the Beijing environmental protection March to May. We are entering the Kitimat, British Columbia is seen in this handout. Lieutenant Colonel
bureau. The bureau said several of its sandstorm season,” said Li Xiaoquan, Canadian natural gas giant Encana Corp is looking Dadang Raharja says
downtown surveillance stations had a meteorologist with the CMA. to tap into lucrative overseas markets by taking a 30 police found the
detected higher than normal levels of The monitoring results of the percent stake in an export terminal planned for the makeshift bomb in a
particulate matter - a major indicator National Climate Centre show there northern British Columbia coast. At the facility in cardboard box along with
of air pollution, at an average 500 will be slightly more sandstorms this Kitimat, BC, the gas will be converted into a liquid a note that said: “This
milligrams per cubic meter. spring than in 2010, but below the in ultra-cold temperatures. The liquefied natural contains a bomb. Allah
In the outer Changping and average level in North China. gas, or LNG, can then be loaded onto specialized Akbar.” Allah Akbar is
Daxing Districts, the level topped 800 Xinhua tankers and sold around the world.—INTERNET Arabic for “God is great.”
The cardboard box
A worker Kids increasingly among Mexico drug was sitting next to a power
ties up a bag
of cabbages
war victims box inside a housing
complex on Jakarta’s
before M EXICO C ITY, 19 Mexico’s drug war, a gunmen took out their outskirts.
March— The crime report conflict that has killed more targets with accurate fire, Raharja said Friday
loading them
describes the body of the than 34,000 lives in the often leaving their children the bomb squad was
onto a truck
shooting victim in the plain, last four years. sitting unharmed in the removing the bomb so
at Kamojang unadorned language of the “It is infuriating that same car. Now the killers that it could be safely
village near police: Thin. Black hair, they gunned down a little increasingly seem to be detonated when it went
Garut, in light brown skin, purple girl,” said Rosa Cruz willing to kill even the off outdoors, far away
Indonesia’s blouse. Bullet wound in Muller, the coordinator of youngest of children. from the public.
West Java chest. Then comes the age: the Guerrero state child The problem has The capital is already
Province 19 About 4 years old. welfare agency. “What become particularly acute on edge, after four parcel
Children, from toddlers to could she have done to in Acapulco, the Pacific bombs were delivered
early teens, are them? How could she coast resort that has become earlier this week to four
2011. high-profile Indonesians.
increasingly falling victim defend herself?” the scene of bloody cartel
INTERNET to the brutal violence of Once, Mexican cartel turf battles.—Internet Internet

Hyundai recalls 190,000 US hopes geopolitics can

cars in US help land India jet deal
S EOUL , 19 March—South Korea’s largest WASHINGTON, 19 March—Two US aerospace
automaker, Hyundai Motor Co, has recalled 190,000 firms are jostling with global rivals to win a $11-12
cars with faulty airbags in the United States, a news billion Indian fighter jet contract, hoping a nascent
agency report said Saturday. US-India strategic partnership can help seal the
Hyundai recalled 190,000 Elantra passenger deal.
cars sold between 2006 and 2008 in the US as they As defence contracts go, Delhi’s bid to replace
have defective airbag sensors, Yonhap news agency 126 aging MiG fighters is large, but hardly a show
said. stopper.
The recall is expected to begin next month, it Still, in an industry where billion dollar contracts
said. are commonplace, the project is turning heads.
“It is not the price,” explained Ron Somers, Indian Air Force Jaguar aircraft fly in
Recall repairs will be provided at dealer service
president of the US-India Business Council, “the formation during the Aero India 2011
centres, it added.
$11 billion is great, but this is geopolitical.” inauguration ceremony at the Yelhanka
India, after 50 years of depending on Russian Air Force station in Bangalore on 19 Feb.
fighter technology, is casting around for a new INTERNET
To play that role US firms Lockheed Martin
and Boeing are pitched against Europe’s “The supply of the MiG-21 established the
Eurofighter, France’s Dassault, Sweden’s Saab and Soviet Union as a close ally of the Indian government
Russia’s RSK MiG. in the ’60s and it led to the 1971 Indo-Soviet
Whichever company and country wins, the friendship treaty,” said Sunil Dasgupta, an India
deal could help cement military and strategic ties military expert and lecturer at the University System
with one of the world’s fastest emerging powers. of Maryland.
“You are talking about aligning how you work “Whichever aircraft is chosen is going to be the
together for the next two generations,” Somers mainstay of the Indian Air Force for maybe 30
said. years.”
South Korea’s largest automaker, Hyundai Experts say that the Indian Air Force, by looking The training and maintenance contacts that
Motor Co, has recalled 190,000 cars with faulty beyond Russia’s MiG-21s, could remove one of come with that could prove invaluable in boosting
airbags in the United States, a news agency the last vestiges of Cold War power politics and set ties with India’s powerful military.
report said Saturday.—INTERNET the stage for a revamp of India’s military outlook. Internet

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 6 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011 7

Shwekya Thingan offered to Buddha Patima Jade Buddha images in

Uppatasanti Pagoda cave, Maha Sutaungpyae Pagoda

Consecration of four

Buddha Patima Jade

Buddha Images and

Maha Sutaungpyae

Pagoda in progress.


NAY PYI TAW, 19 Present on the Aye, ministers, deputy

March—The third occasion were State ministers, senior
Shwekya Thingan offer- Ovadacariya Sayadaws, military officers,
ing ceremony for four State Sangha Maha departmental heads,
Buddha Patima Jade Nayaka Committee local authorities, Wut as-
Buddha images kept in Sayadaws, members of sociations of ministries,
the cave of Uppatasanti State Central Working members of the pagoda
Pagoda and Maha Committee of the board of trustees,
Sutaungpyae Pagoda in Sangha of All Orders, members of religious as-
Nay Pyi Taw was held Tipitakadhara Tipita- sociations and guests.
in the cave of kakovida Sayadaws, The comman-
Uppatasanti Pagoda here title recipient Sayadaws, der, ministers and party
this morning in conjunc- Commander of Nay Pyi offered Shwekya
tion with a consecration Taw Command Brig- Thingan and ‘soon’,
ceremony. Gen Maung Maung fruits, flowers and water

Mandalay Sayadaw
Shwekya Thingan offered to four Buddha
Abhidhaja Maha Rattha
Patima Jade Buddha Images. Guru Abhidhaja Agga
Maha Saddhammajotika
MNA Dr Bhaddanta
Kumarabhivamsa ad-
to the Buddha Patima consecrated the four ministered the Nine
Jade Buddha images and Buddha images and Precepts to the
Maha Sutaungpyae Maha Sutaungpyae congregation. The
Pagoda at Pagoda. Sangha members recited
Ganthakuditaik at the Then followed a parittas.
northeast corner of merit-sharing ceremony Next, the com-
Uppatasanti Pagoda. and Chairman of the mander and party
The Wut asso- State Sangha Maha offered provisions to the
ciations recited parritas. Nayaka Committee Sayadaws and members
Next, Sayadaws and Presiding Nayaka of of the Sangha.
members of the Sangha Bhamo Monastery of MNA
Shwekya Thingan offered to four Buddha Patima Jade Buddha Images.

Yangon Mayor inspects progress


Newly-upgraded tarred road opened in of concrete roads

Kyaikto Tsp YANGON, 19 Department on Bo Min the use of new concrete
YANGON, 19 March— Kyaikto Township, Mon member of the Township March—Chairman of Yaung Street in mixers between Banya
As a gesture of hailing State on 17 March. Peace and Development Yangon City Develop- Mingala Taungnyunt Dalla Junction and
the 66th Anniversary The tarred facility was Council township Police ment Committee Mayor Township here this Thamein Bayan Junc-
Armed Forces Day, constructed by Kyaikto Force Chief Police U Aung Thein Lin in- morning. tion on Kyeikkasan
newly-upgraded Mer- Township Development Captain Tin Kyi and the spected new arrival The mayor then Street in Tamway
chant Street was commis- Affairs Committee and executive of the township concrete mixers at viewed progress of pav- Township.
sioned in North Ward of was formally opened by DAC.—MNA YCDC Plant and Fleet ing concrete road with MNA

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 7 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011

Prime Minister U Thein Sein and wife Daw Khin Khin Win offer
provisions to a Sayadaw.—MNA

SPDC Member Thura U Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet
present offertories to a Sayadaw.—MNA
thanaçariya, Gan- sented Maha Saddham- Thura U Shwe Mann,
thavaçaka Pandita and ma Jotikadhaja title to presented Ganthavaçaka
Dhammakathika Nun Daw Kissaratheri of Pandita title to Nun Daw
Bahujanahitadhara titles Withakha Nunnery in Tikkhavati of Myawady
and insignia to the Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Nunnery of Chanmya-
Sayadaws. Township of Yangon Re- thaya Ward in Pyigyida-
Daw Mya Mya San, gion. gun Township of
wife of Vice-Senior Gen- Daw Khin Lay Thet, Mandalay Region.
eral Maung Aye, pre- wife of SPDC member (See page 9)

U Tin


SPDC Secretary-1 Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo and wife Daw offerto-
Khin Saw Hnin offer alms to a Sayadaw.—MNA
ries to a
Head of State Senior General Chief (Navy) Vice-Ad-
miral Nyan Tun offered Sayadaw.
Than Shwe … Agga Maha Saddhamma
Jotikadhaja titles and in- MNA
(from page 16) Hlaing of the Ministry of signia to three Sayadaws
Secretary-1 Thiha Defence donated Agga and Commander-in-
Thura U Tin Aung Myint Maha Pandita title and Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Myat
Oo presented Abhidhaja insignia to Abbot of Hein, Agga Maha Pandita
Agga Maha Swarnamali Monastery titles and insignia to three
Saddhammajotika title Ven. Ambalangoda Sri Sayadaws.
and insignia to Aungzedi Sumangala of Thelawala Senior military offic-
Sasana Beikman Monas- in Mount Lavinia ers of the Ministry of
tery Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ratmalama of the Demo- Defence, the Attorney-
Çatila of Sawbwagyigon cratic Socialist Republic General, the Auditor-
Ward in Insein Township of Sri Lanka, Shwehintha General, the Commander
of Yangon Region. Tawya Monastery of Nay Pyi Taw
SPDC member U Tin Sayadaw Bhaddanta Command and the
Aye offered Abhidhaja Paññajota of Ward 7 in ministers donated Agga
Agga Maha Nyaungdon of Maha Saddhamma
Saddhammajotika title Ayeyawady Region and Jotikadhaja, Agga Maha
and insignia to Molan Hsutaungpyay Monas- Pandita, Maha Saddham-
Khamti Monastery tery Sayadaw Bhaddanta ma Jotikadhaja, Agga
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sumanananda of Maha Kamathanaçariya,
Gunavamsa of Ledo in Taunglonbyan Ward in Agga Maha
Tinsukia District in Mingala Taungnyunt Ganthavaçaka Pandita, General Min Aung Hlaing of the Ministry of Defence and wife Daw
Assam State of the Re- Township of Yangon Maha Ganthavaçaka Kyu Kyu Hla present offertories to on a Sayadaw.
public of India. Region. Pandita, Saddhamma
General Min Aung Commander-in- MNA
Jotikadhaja, Kamma-

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 8 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011 9
SPDC Member Thura U Shwe Mann confers religious title on a

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye confers religious title on a

sayadaw.—MNA SPDC Secretary-1 Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo confers
religious title on a sayadaw.—MNA

Prime Minister U Thein Sein confers religious title on a sayadaw.—MNA

Head of State Senior General Than Shwe ...
(from page 8) Thein Sein, donated of Yaung-gyiU Theravada
Daw Khin Khin Win, Ganthavaçaka Pandita title Buddhist Missionary
wife of Prime Minister U to Nun Daw Dhammatheri (See page 10)

title on a
SPDC Member U Tin Aye confers religious title on a sayadaw.—MNA MNA

(Air) Lt-
Gen Myat
title on a

Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Nyan Tun confers a reli- Sayadaw.

gious title on a Sayadaw.—MNA MNA

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 9 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011

Daw Khin Lay Thet, wife of SPDC member Thura U Shwe Mann,
confers a religious title on a nun.—MNA

Daw Mya Mya San, wife of Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, confers
a religious title on a nun.—MNA

Daw Khin Saw Hnin, wife of SPDC Secretary-1 Thiha Thura U Tin
Aung Myint Oo, confers religious title on a nun.—MNA

Daw Khin Khin Win, wife of Prime Minister U Thein Sein, confers a
religious title on a nun.—MNA

Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of General Min Aung Hlaing of Ministry of
Defence, confers a religious title on a nun.—MNA
Avenue on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Ward 7 of Yankin
Head of State Senior Sagaing Region.
Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of General Min Aung Township in Yangon Region and Dr Kyaw Saw of No.
General Than Shwe… Hlaing, presented Ganthavaçaka Pandita title to Nun 146 on Mandalay-Lashio Road in Ward 4 of PyinOoLwin
Township in Mandalay Region.
Daw Çandamala of Theravada Buddhist Missionary
(from page 9) Nunnery of Ciinhmwa Ward in Falam Township of Chin SPDC Member Thura U Shwe Mann presented
Nunnery in Mashikataung Ward in Phakant Township State. Agga Maha Thirithudhamma Manijotadhara title and
of Kachin State. Vice-Senior General Maung Aye presented Agga insignia to Dr U Soe Thein of No. 206 at the corner of
Daw Khin Saw Hnin, wife of Secretary-1 Thiha Maha Thirithu-dhamma Manijotadhara titles and insignia Thanthuma and Sayibin Streets in Ward 23 of
Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo, offered Ganthava-çaka to U Shwe Hmi of No. 105 on Thameinbayan Road in Thingangyun Township in Yangon Region and
Pandita title to Nun Daw Sumala of Maha Ledi Tamwaygyi Ward (A+D) in Tamway Township of Thudhamma Manijotadhara title and insignia U Yar Chi
Dhammethaka Nunnery of Ledi Ward in Monywa of Yangon Region, Dr Than Tun of 3/A on Pyidawaye (See page 11)

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 10 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011 11

SPDC Member Thura U Shwe Mann confers

religious title on a layperson.

SPDC Vice-Chairman Deputy Commander-in-

Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-
Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye
confers religious title on a layperson.
YeU Township in Sagaing Region.
Head of State Senior General SPDC member U Tin Aye presented
Thudhamma Manijotadhara titles and insignia to U
Than Shwe… Than Htay of No. 76 on Nilar Street in Region-2 in
Thuhka Chantha Ward of Nyaungshwe Township in
(from page 10) Shan State and U Win Pe of No. 86 on Upper Thittaw
of Tayoktan Street in Phayagyi Ward of Monywa in Street in East Sawyanpaing Ward in Ahlon Township
Sagaing Region. of Yangon Region.
Prime Minister U Thein Sein presented Daw Mya Mya San presented Agga Maha
Thudhamma Manijotadhara titles and insignia to U Sein Thirithudhamma Theingi titles and insignia to Daw
Hlaing of Pwesardan Street in Phayagyi Ward of Monywa Kyin Thein of No. 49 on 27th Street in Ward 3 of
Pabedan Township in Yangon Region, Daw Nwe Nwe
Kyi of Yadanakyun Avenue of Extended Ward in Prime Minister U Thein Sein confers religious
North Okkalapa Township of Yangon Region and title on a layperson.
Daw Kyway Kyway of Building 3 on Tayoktan Street
in Phayagyi Ward in Monywa of Sagaing Region.
Daw Khin Lay Thet presented Agga Maha 20/A in Dagon Myothit (South) Township in Yangon
Thirithudhamma Theingi titles and insignia to Sitagu Region, Daw Nilar Shwe of No. 83 on Upper
Daw Aye Thein of No. 1 on Hlawga Street in Ward Kyimyindine Street in East Zaygyi Ward in
Kyimyindine Township of Yangon Region and
Daw Aye Kyi of No. 46 at Daingwunkwin in
Shangon Ward of Mawlamyine in Mon State.
Daw Khin Khin Win presented Thudhamma
Theingi titles and insignia to Daw Pyone Yi of No.
5 on 11th Yekheset Street in Ward 5 of Myaungmya
Township in Ayeyawady Region, Daw Than Than
Swe of No. 194/12 between 34th and 35th Streets
and 78th and 79th Streets in Kinsanamahi Ward of
West Shwechihtoe Ward in Chanayethazan Town-
ship of Mandalay Region and Daw San Shin of No.
10 on Mahn Ba Khaing Street in Uyin North Ward
in Hinthada of Ayeyawady Region.
Daw Khin Saw Hnin presented
Thudhamma Theingi titles and insignia to Daw
SPDC Secretary-1 Thiha Thura U Tin Aung
Nan Chit Swe of No. 17 on 1st Shwewuthmon
Myint Oo confers religious title on Street in Pathein Township of Ayeyawady Region,
Daw San San Oo of No. P/14 on Myananda Street
a layperson.—MNA
in Myakantha Uyin Ward 5 of Pathein Township
in Ayeyawady Region and Daw Yi Yi Htay of No.
in Sagaing Region and U Yon Sein of No. 385 on 82nd 13 on 7th Street in Ward 4 of Myaungmya
Street between 30th and 31st Streets in Chanayethazan Township of Ayeyawady Region.
Township of Mandalay Region. Daw Kyu Kyu Hla presented Thudhamma
Secretary-1 Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo
SPDC Member U Tin Aye confers religious Theingi titles and insignia to Daw Khin Pyone Yin
presented Thudhamma Manijotadhara titles and insig- of No. 144 on 34th street between 80th and 81st
nia to U Maung Thein of 46/E on Po Sein Street in title on a layperson. streets in Block 556 of East Aungnan Avenue in
Natmauk Ward of Tamway Township in Yangon Chanayethazan Township of Mandalay Region,
Region and U Kyaw Htay of Ywameiktha Village of MNA
(See page 12)

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 11 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011

Daw Khin Lay Thet, wife of SPDC

Daw Khin Khin Win, wife of Prime Minister
Member Thura U Shwe Mann, presents
religious title to a layperson. U Thein Sein, presents religious title to a

Daw Mya Mya San, wife of SPDC Vice-

Chairman Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army)
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, presents
religious title to a layperson.—MNA

Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of General Min

Aung Hlaing of Ministry of Defence,
confers religious title on a layperson.—MNA Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw
Kyaing Kyaing, Vice-Senior General Maung Aye
and wife Daw Mya Mya San, SPDC member Thura
U Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, Prime
Minister U Thein Sein and wife Daw Khin Khin
Win, Secretary-1 Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint
Oo and wife Daw Khin Saw Hnin, SPDC menber U
Tin Aye, General Min Aung Hlaing of the Ministry
of Defence and wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, senior
military officers and their wives of the office of the
Commander-in-Chief , the office of the Commander-
in-Chief (Air) and the Ministry of Defence, ministers,
the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the
Chairman of CSSTB and deputy ministers, depart-
mental heads, staff families and people offered rice
and provisions to members of the Sangha along the
road to the southern archway of the pagoda and the
ring-road of the pagoda.
Daw Khin Saw Hnin, wife of Secretary-1
Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo, confers Myanma Gems Emporium
religious title on a layperson.—MNA
continues for tenth day
Head of State Senior General ship delivered a sermon, and the congregation shared NAY PYI TAW, 19 March—The 48th Myanma
Than Shwe, wife… merits gained.
After the ceremony, families of the Ministry
Gems Emporium organized by Central Committee
for Organizing Myanma Gems Emporium continued
(from page 11) of Defence, the Prime Minister’s Office, the State for the tenth day at Mani Yadana Jade Hall near
Daw Lei Lei Aung of No. 44 on Panwa Street in Peace and Development Council Office and Central Myanma Gems Museum here today.
Ward 30 of Thuwunna Bogyoke Ywathit in Offices, the office of the Commander-in-Chief Minister for Mines U Ohn Myint visited the
Thingangyun Township of Yangon Region and (Navy), the office of the Commander-in-Chief (Air), emporium which was held for the second time in
Daw Sabei Ko Lay of No. 331 on 83rd Street families of the offices of Adjutant-General and the capital city. Secretary of the Central Committee
between 31st and 32nd Streets in Block 572 at East Quartermaster-General, Nay Pyi Taw Command for Organizing Myanma Gems Emporium
Aungnan Avenue in Chanayethazan Township of Headquarters, ministries, the Supreme Court, the managing-Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U
Mandalay Region. Attorney-General’s Office, the Auditor-General’s Thien Swe and committee members supervised
Minister for Religious Affairs Thura U Myint Office, the office of CSSTB, Nay Pyi Taw Devel- gems merchants at home and abroad bidding for
Maung supplicated on the religious affairs. opment Committee, Nay Pyi Taw District and jade lots.
Vice-Chairman of SSMNC Presiding Nayaka Township PDCs, religious and social organizations, The minister viewed sales of jade lots
of Dhammikayon (Kyaikpi) Monastery Sayadaw companies and wellwishers from the designated through competitive bidding system and greeted
Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Agga places offered rice and alms to members of the local and foreign gems merchants. The emporium
Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Gunesana of Yankin Town- Sangha. wil be held till 22 March.—MNA

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 12 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011 13

Meritorious deeds performed at religious edifices throughout

nation on Fullmoon Day of Tabaung

Shwedagon Pagoda teeming with devotees on Fullmoon Day of On Fullmoon Day of Tabaung, devotees seen on platform of
Tabaung.—MNA Uppatasanti Pagoda.—MNA
NAY PYI TAW, 19 March—Today offered to the pagoda in the evening, Maha Muni Buddha Image in of the pagoda.
being the Fullmoon Day of Tabaung religious associations recited Buddha Bawgathiri Ward of Zabuthiri Similar ceremonies took place
the people built pagodas made of Desana and religious verses by Township in Nay Pyi Taw District and at Botahtaung Kyaikdaeup Pagoda,
sand on beaches, dedicating to the offering fruits and water to the Buddha Phayakoehsu Pagoda, Koekhangyi Shwephonepwint Pagoda, Sule, Tooth
Lord Buddha, as a tradition of image. In addition, the pagoda was Pagoda and Hlaykhwintaung Pagoda Relic, Kyaikwaing, Thiri Mingala
successive Myanmar eras. Till today, packed with devotees who performed in Pyinmana. Kaba Aye, Maha Wizaya, Koehtatgyi,
Buddha Pujaniya festivals have been meritorious deeds and practised The 2599 Buddha Pujaniya Chaukhtatgyi, Ngahtatgyi,
held at pagodas, stupas and temples meditation. of Shwedagon Pagoda was held at Kyaikkasan pagodas, Lawka Chantha
th the prayer hall on the platform of
in Myanmar including Nay Pyi Taw The 138 Buddha Pujaniya of Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image,
on Fullmoon Day of Tabaung. Lawkamarazein Pagoda took place at pagoda this morning. Members of South Okkalapa, Melamu,
This morning, a ceremony to the pagoda in Pyinmana. The local the Pagoda Board of Trustees offered Kyaikkaloh, Kyaikkale, Kyaikh-
offer emerald bowl and Shwekya people offered rice to 150 members lights, joss sticks, meals, water to the mawwun, Kyaikkhauk, Padagyi and
robes for the third time was held at of the Sangha and 125 nuns. pagoda and took the Nine Precepts. Thunphayagyi pagodas where the
Uppatasanti Pagoda in Nay Pyi Taw Pilgrims and devotees donated A ceremony to share merits gained devotees performed meritorious deeds
in conjunction with the consecration fruits, meals, flowers, water and lights for Buddha Pujaniya of the pagoda and practised meditation.
ceremony. While 9000 oil lamps were to Datusaya Datpaungsu Pagoda and was held at Chanthagyi Prayer Hall MNA

Cultural troupes perform entertainment to mark Indonesian athletes

50th anniversary of Nepal-Myanmar diplomatic ties demonstrate skills in
Shorinji Kenpo event
YANGON, 19 March— A 19-member delegation
led by Vice-Chairman of Indonesian Olympic
Committee Mr Indra Karta Sasmka arrived in
Myanmar today by air and held a sports
demonstration at the National Indoor Stadium-1,
here, in the afternoon.
It was attended by General Secretary of MOC
Director-General U Thaung Htaik of Sports and
Physical Education Department, officials,
Indonesian OC Mr Indra Karta Sasmka and party
and athletes of Myanmar Martial Arts Federation,
Myanmar Karatedo Federation and Myanmar
Taekwondo Federation, trainees of Sports and
Minister U Nyan Win speaking at ceremony to mark 50th Anniversary Myanmar-Nepal Physical Education Institute (Yangon).
diplomatic ties.—MNA The MOC General Secretary and the
Indonesian OC held discussions on improvement
Y ANGON , 19 March – To mark the 50 th Ms Guna Laxmi Sharma, officials and guests. of sports events between the two countries. Next,
anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic First, the Nepalese Ambassador and officials the Indonesian athletes demonstrated their skills in
relations between the Federal Democratic Republic formally opened the entertainment programme. Shorinji Kenpo event. Next, training equipment
of Nepal and the Union of Myanmar, cultural troupes Next, she extended greetings and Minister U were presented for development of Shorinji Kenpo
of the two countries presented dances at the National Nyan Win made a speech. Then, the cultural troupes sport event in Myanmar.
Theatre on Myomakyaung Street in Dagon Township entertained the audience with dances. The Indonesian team will hold joint exercise
here this evening. Later, the minister and ambassador presented with athletes of Myanmar Martial Arts Federation,
Among the audience were Minister for Foreign gifts to the cultural troupes. Myanmar Karatedo Federation and Myanmar
Affairs U Nyan Win and wife, Ambassador of Nepal MNA Taekwondo Federation.—MNA

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 13 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011

Saturday, 19th March. Match previews - Sun 20th March

A look ahead to Sunday’s fixtures in the Barclays
Berbatov rescues 10-man United Premier League.
There are two key Barclays Premier League
Dimitar Berbatov got 10-man fixtures on Sunday. First Liverpool visit Sunderland
Manchester United out of jail, as his 88th aiming to banish the memories of last season’s freak
minute goal was enough to down Bolton beach ball goal. Then title chasers Chelsea and
Manchester City meet at Stamford Bridge in a match
Wanderers 1-0 at Old Trafford
which neither can afford to lose.
free-kick at Edwin van
der Sar. Stoke City 4-0 Newcastle Utd Chelsea Man City
Home defender LONDON, 19 March— into half time. Italian coaches Carlo Ancelotti and Roberto
Jonny Evans saw was Mancini go head to head at Stamford Bridge.
Stoke City moved five Their hopes were
shown a straight red City have won the last three meetings between
points clear of the Premier dashed by a shocking
card in the second half the sides including a 1-0 success at Eastlands in
League relegation zone display in the first three
for a lunge on Stuart September and a 4-2 triumph in west London last
with a 4-0 win at home to minutes after the break, a
Holden. season.
But Berbatov gave a poor Newcastle side. brief spell that saw them
Jonathan Walters self destruct as an error Chelsea have taken seven points from a possible
M A N C H E S T E R , 19 United the points by nine but are still awaiting a first goal from £50m
bundling home after opened the scoring with a from keeper Steve Harper
M a r c h — T h e striker Fernando Torres.
Jussi Jaaskelainen failed lovely flicked header on allowed Jermine Pennant
Bulgarian, who only City have managed just one point from a possible
to hold Nani’s shot. 29 minutes but Toon were to extend the lead while a
came on as a half-time nine on the road but will aim to open up a five-point
Internet very much still in it going terrible attempt at a wall let
substitute, was in the gap over their opponents.
Danny Higginbotham’s
right spot to bundle the free-kick straight through
ball into the net after Tottenham 0-0 West Ham Utd soon afterwards. The rest
Sunderland Liverpool
Jussi Jaaskelainen Aston Villa 0-1 Wolves of the half was relatively Liverpool are aiming to avenge last season’s 1-
made a mess of a even, with Asmir Begovic 0 defeat at the Stadium of Light when a shot by
Blackburn 2-2 Blackpool
straight-forward Nani pulling off a superb save Darren Bent deflected into the net off a stray beach
drive. Man Utd 1-0 Bolton in the Stoke goal, but ball thrown from the crowd.
In a first half of few Stoke City 4-0 Newcastle substitute Ricardo Fuller Sunderland have managed just one point from
chances, Javier completed the thrashing their last three home matches while Liverpool have
WBA 2-2 Arsenal
Hernandez shot wide with a cool finish deep won five of their last seven Barclays Premier League
and Martin Petrov hit a Wigan 2-1 Birmingham
into injury time after a fixtures. The Black Cats have picked up just one
Everton 2-1 Fulhum superb flick on by man- point from a possible 15 to slip to second from
SPORTS of-the-match Walters.
bottom in the current form table. The sides drew 2-
2 when they met at Anfield in September.—Internet

CROSSWORDS PUZZLE Peloton on collision course the peloton aims to defy

UCI orders by wearing
over UCI radio ban the radio-earpieces
MILAN, 19 March—The International Cycling Un- during the Harelbeke GP
ion (UCI) dug its heels in Friday as the elite peloton E3 on 26 March, the
continued its defiance in the wake of a radio-ear- Coppi-Bartali
piece ban which threatens to scupper the start to The president of Union international cycling
the season. The UCI is gradually phasing the two- of International week on 22-26 March
way radios out because it believes teams have be- Cyclists (UCI) Pat and the Criterium Inter-
come too dependent on them, use them to strategic McQuaid national on 26-27
advantage and that their use has led to boring races. cycling teams to boycott March.—Internet
Some teams have argued the radios are essen-
tial for security reasons, with sports directors and
the inaugural Tour of
Beijing in October to
Angela Stanford
riders able to warn of dangers on the road such as protest the ban, the UCI leads LPGA
has not budged. On
oil spills, pot holes or dangerous bends in the moun-
tains. Despite a threat Thursday by professional Friday, it was revealed
Founders Cup
PHOENIX, 19 March—
Sharapova’s crib devoid of tennis treasures Angela Stanford got over
INDIAN WELLS, 19 March — Maria a terrible hole in a hurry
ACROSS DOWN Friday in the first round of
Sharapova says that most of her tennis
1 Retail outlets 2 Steed treasures from her decade-long career are the LPGA Founders Cup.
4 Lubricated 3 Archbishop either tucked away in the back of a closet After making a mess of
10 Wed 5 Unsuitable or out of sight in the basement of her the par-4 eighth for a dou-
11 Horrify 6 Large British moth house. The 23-year-old Russian said that ble bogey, she holed out
12 Scene of combat 7 Daub visitors to her luxury California home from a fairway bunker for
13 Completely 8 Smell would be hard pressed to find any signs eagle on the par-4 ninth
15 Weary 9 Excoriates that she is one of the most successful hole. Her 8-iron shot
17 Avarice 14 Examination female tennis players of all-time. “I was bounced twice on the
19 Regretful 16 Lazy never like a souvenir type of person,” green, rolled a few feet,
Maria Sharapova
22 Tardy 18 Rumpus Sharapova said. “You come to my house struck the flagstick and
25 Amused 20 Solver of Sphinx’s and I don’t think you’d even know that don’t see any tennis things around,” dropped into the cup. “Af-
27 Discourage riddle I play tennis, honestly.” Sharapova said. “Even my trophies are ter our first two events, I
29 Heath 21 Precipitous Fashion conscious Sharapova likes to pretty stored in a (dining room) cabinet found that I was struggling
30 Peewit 23 Grown-up dress up as she disclosed this week at “Only if you sit in the dining-room ta- mentally, and I just get
31 Wrath 24 Boasts the BNP Paribas Open tournament say- ble, where nobody ever sits at, unless down on myself really
32 Stage-whisper 26 Depart ing she would rather sleep with her high you point them out, I don’t think anyone fast,” Stanford said.
28 Attempted heels on than a pair of tennis shoes. “You really sees them.” —Internet Internet

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 14 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 20 March, 2011 15
Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas Total sunshine hours on 18-3-2011 was (8.1) hour
WEATHER (Approx).
Rainfall on 19-3-2011 was (Nil) at Mingaladon,
Saturday, 19th March, 2011
(5.79) inches at Kaba-Aye and Central Yangon each .
Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr.
Total rainfall since 1-1-2011 was (5.79) inches at
M.S.T. During the past 24 hours, rain or thoundershowers
Mingaladon, (6.89) inches at Kaba-Aye and (7.09) inches
have been scattered in Kachin State, isolated in Upper
at Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon
Sagaing and Taninthayi Regions and weather has been
(Kaba-Aye) was (10) mph from Southeast at (15:30) hours
partly cloudy in the remaining Regions and States. Day
MST on 18-3-2011.
temperatures were (3°C) to (4°C) below March average
Bay Inference: Weather is partly cloudy in the
temperatures in Lower Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway and Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.
Taninthayi Regions, Mon State, (5°C) to (6°C) below Forecast valid until evening of the 20 th March
March average temperature in Upper Sagaing Region and 2011: Rain or thundershowers are likely to be isolated
Southern Shan State, (7°C) to (8°C) below March average in Upper Sagaing, Yangon, Bago, Ayeyawady and
temperatures in Bago, Yangon and Ayeyawady Regions, Taninthayi Regions, Kachin, Shan, Chin, Rakhine,
Kachin, Eastern Shan, Northern Shan, Kayahk and Kayin Kayin and Mon States and weather will be partly
cloudy over the remaining Regions and States. Degree
States and about March average temperature in the
of certainty is (60%).
remaining Regions and States. The noteworthy amount of State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar
rainfall recorded was Putao (0.94) inch. waters.
Nay Pyi Taw Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood of
Maximum temperature on 18-3-2011 was 95°F. continuation of isolated rain or thundershowers in the
Minimum temperature on 19-3-2011 was 65°F. Relative Northern Myanmar areas.
humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 19-3-2011 was (56%). Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area
for 20-3-2011: Partly cloudy.
Rainfall on 19-3-2011 was (Nil).
Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for
Yangon (Kaba-Aye) 20-3-2011: Likelihood of isolated rain or
Maximum temperature on 18-3-2011 was 85°F. thundershowers. Degree of certainty is (60%).
Minimum temperature on 19-3-2011 was 68°F. Relative Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area
humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 19-3-2011 was (83%). for 20-3-2011: Partly cloudy.


Programme Schedule
semis, extends win (20-3-2011) (Sunday)

streak to 18 Transmissions Times

I N D I A N W E L L S , 19 year’s Davis Cup final.
March — World No 3 Besides winning the Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MST
Oversea Transmission - (20-3-11 09:30 am ~
Novak Djokovic ex- Australian Open, 21-3-11 09:30 am) MST
tended his career-best Djokovic captured his
win streak to 18 20th singles title in Local Transmission
matches, easily defeat- * Opening
ing France’s Richard * News
“This has been the * Place of interest A beautiful city in
Gasquet 6-2, 6-4 to
best period of tennis in Myanmar
reach the Indian Wells Novak Djokovic of Serbia
semi-finals on Friday. may career over the * News
The 23-year-old past three months,” formance.” Djokovic, pounded a pair of * Current Affair “The Second Tour of FIFA
Djokovic said. “I have who won the title here forehands into the net President to Myanmar”
Djokovic is the hottest
reached another semi- * Spring Poem “Second Art Exhibition”
player on the ATP three years ago, on the final two points
final. I want to main- * News
Tour this year, going clinched the victory on of the match.
* A Visit to Naga New Year Festival
18-0 dating back to last tain this level of per- Friday when Gasquet Internet * News
* Youth and Their Role in Our Future
8:00 am 12:15 pm 5:05 pm
Oversea Transmission
5. Dhamma Puja Song 4. Golf Magazine (TV) 7. Songs in honour of * Opening
8:05 am 12:50 pm 66th Anniversary
* News
6. Nice & Sweet Song 5. Myanmar Movies Armed Forces Day * Place of interest A beautiful city in
8:15 am 4:00 pm 5:15 pm Myanmar
7. Health Programme 8. Sing & Enjoy
1. Martial Song * News
8:20 am 4:05 pm 6:00 pm * A Visit to Naga New Year Festival
8. Myanmar Traditional 9. Evening News
2. Songs Of National * News
Sunday, Cultural Performing 6:15 pm * Current Affair “The Second Tour of FIFA
20 March Arts Competitions 4:10 am
10. Weather Report President to Myanmar”
View on today 8:25 am 6:20 pm * Secret Place for Yummy Food
3. Musical Programme
12345678901 9. Songs in honour of 11. Royal White (Episode-9) (Coconut Rice)
4:25 pm * News
66th Anniversary Elephant
4. Songs in honour of * Youth and Their Role in Our Future
7:00 am Armed Forces Day 6:35 pm
66th Anniversary 12. Cartoon Series * News
1. Paritta By Venerable 8:40 am Armed Forces Day 7:00 pm * Welcome to Ngwe Hsaung Beach Resort
Mingan Sayadaw 10. International News
4:40 pm 13. TV Drama Series * Working & Living in Myanmar
Uppatasanti Paritta 8:45 am
7:25 am 10. Musical Programme 5. University Of 8:00 pm
Distance Education 14. News * News
2. To Be Healthy 11:00 am * Music Gallery
Exercise 1. Martial Song (TV Lectures) 15. International News
* News
7:30 am 11:10 am -Second Year 16. Weather Report
* Mularsheedi we Love!
3. Morning News 2. Round Up Of (Mathematics) 17. Cartoon Series * Spring Poem “Second Art Exhibition”
7:40 am The Week’s 5:00 pm 18. TV Drama Series * News
4. Documentary International News 6. Songs For 19. Yinhlaingkhatthan * Myin Ma Hti Natural Cave
(Uppatasanti 11:20 am Upholding Taythihan (Song * Myanmar Movie “Myself, Other Men &
3. TV Drama Series National Spirit Competition) ,,
Pagoda) Women
R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar.

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 15 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

1st Waning of Tabaung 1372 ME Sunday, 20 March, 2011

Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy

Riots beget riots, not democracy
Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire VOA, BBC-sowing hatred

among the people
We favour peace and stability
RFA, DVB-generating public
We favour development outrage
We oppose unrest and violence Do not allow ourselves to be
Wipe out those inciting unrest swayed by killer broadcasts
and violence designed to cause troubles

Head of State Senior General Than Shwe,

wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing attend
ceremony to confer religious titles on
venerable Sayadaws
(from page 1)
Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Thura U Vice-
Aung Ko supplied on the paper of opening the Senior
Chairman of SSMNC Bhamo Monastery Sayadaw General
of Mandalay Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja
Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Dr. Bhaddanta
Kumarabhivamsa administered the Five Precepts. Aye and
Ovadaçariya of Tipitakadhara Tipitakakovida
Selection Committee Presiding Nayaka of wife Daw
Paukmyaing Monastery of Mandalay Abhidhaja Mya Mya
Maha Rattha Guru title recipient Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Aggavamsabhivamsa read the San
Sammodaniya Ovadakatha.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye offered
Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru title and insignia to offertories
Bhamo Monastery Sayadaw Dr Bhaddanta
Kumarabhivamsa of Maha Nwesin Ward in to a
Mahaaungmye Township and Aletaikkyi Monas- Sayadaw.
tery Sayadaw of Paukmyaing Monastery of
Mahaaungmye Township of Mandalay Bhaddanta MNA
SPDC member Thura U Shwe Mann presented of Mandalay Region. Dhammikayon Pariyatti Monastery Bhaddanta
Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru title and insignia to Prime Minister U Thein Sein offered Abhidhaja Gunesana of Maha Bawdi Street in Ward 14 of
Maha Wizitayon Monastery Sayadaw Bhaddanta Agga Maha Saddhammajotika title and insignia to Yankin Township of Yangon Region.
Viçarindabhivamsa of Chanayethazan Township Kyaikpi Monastery Sayadaw of Maha (See page 8)

20-3-2011 NL.pmd 16 3/20/2011, 7:48 AM

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