Mueller 1992

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Powder Technology, 72 (1992) 269-275 269

Radial void fraction distributions in randomly packed tied beds of

uniformly sized spheres in cylindrical containers

Gary E. Mueller
Nuclear Engineering University of Mkouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 (USA)

(Received November 12, 1991; in revised form March 2, 1992)


The radial void fraction distribution in randomly packed fixed beds of uniformly sized spheres in cylindrical
containers is analyzed by a nondestructive method in which the center position coordinates of specially prepared
spheres are experimentally obtained using X-ray radiography and the radial void fraction distribution is geometrically
determined from these center coordinates. The geometrical solution for the radial void fraction distribution is
derived by dividing the fixed packed bed of spheres into a large number of radial annular layers of equal thickness
and the local void fraction in each layer is expressed in terms of the solid volume segments coming from each
sphere. The radial void fraction distribution is presented for four different diameter aspect ratios, D/d, ranging
from 2.02 to 7.99. The height aspect ratio, H/d, of each cylindrical container is approximately 7.84. Using the
new data and existing data for the radial void fraction distribution, an empirical correlation with one principal
equation is determined which accurately predicts the radial void fraction distribution for fixed packed beds of
uniformly sized spheres in cylindrical containers. The correlation can be used for fixed packed beds with D/
d a2.02. The correlation can be also used in analytical and numerical transport models for fixed packed beds
of uniformly sized spheres to closely approximate the radial void fraction in the near-wall region.

Introduction and filled the system with liquid epoxy resin. Upon
curing of the resin the solid cylinder was machined in
stages. The weight and diameter of each cylindrical
The use of randomly packed fixed beds of spheres
stage was measured and the radial variation of the void
with structural containing or separating walls is common
in many technical fields. It is well known that the radial fraction was obtained. Scott [4] poured balls into a
void fraction in these beds is affected by the surrounding cylindrical container, filled it with molten paraffin, and
walls. The first layer of spheres in contact with the then allowed it to cool. The three Cartesian coordinates
wall tends to be well ordered with most of the spheres of the balls in a roughly spherical cluster were obtained
touching it. Subsequent layers are less and less ordered by using a modified standard optical comparator. The
as one moves away from the container wall. Spheres radial distribution was then obtained for intervals of
in layers far removed from the wall display a randomized one-fifth of the ball diameter. The technique of Ridgway
configuration. This radial fluctuation in the degree of and Tarbuck [5] used a packed bed contained in a
order influences the local void fraction and gives rise cylindrical drum which was rotated about its axis so
to so-called wall effects in the flow of fluids and the that any liquid present would form an annular layer
transfer of heat and mass in these beds. The wall effects at the surface of the cylinder. When a known volume
are a very important factor in the analysis and design of liquid was added the increase in the thickness of
of equipment which uses these fixed packed beds, the annular layer was measured. This gave a measure
including chemical and nuclear reactors, heat exchan- of the voidage in the thin annular region. The method
gers, and distillation columns. used by Thadani and Peebles [6] consisted of a vessel
Several different experimental techniques have been into which plastic spheres were poured. The packings
used to determine the radial void fraction in packed were fixed in a plastic matrix and segmented. Each
beds. Roblee et al. [l] filled packed beds with paraffin segment was radiographed and the point void fractions
and allowed it to solidify. Slabs were cut and annular were determined by the radiograph emulsion point
rings were removed to determine the radial variations densities. Pillai [7] used a two-dimensional perspex bed
in the void fraction. Brosilow [2], and Benenati and with a measuring grid scribed on its outside face. The
Brosilow [3] poured lead shot into cylindrical containers voidage distribution at the surface was quantified by

0032-5910/92/$5.00 0 1992 - Elsevier Sequoia. AI1 rights reserved

counting the number of particles having their centers spheres this gives the following diameter aspect ratios,
between successive grid lines. Goodling et al. [8] used D/d, of 2.02, 3.96, 5.96, and 7.99, respectively. The
precision polystyrene spheres and an epoxy mixed with height of each of the four different cylindrical containers
finely ground iron to fill the void matrix. The solidified is approximately 100.00 mm which corresponds to a
cylindrical packed beds were placed in a lathe and height aspect ratio, H/d, of 7.84.
annular rings were machined from them. The change X-ray radiography is used to determine the center
in mass and volume between cuts determined the void coordinates of each Plexiglas sphere in the cylindrical
fraction at each radius. The above experimental data container. Since the x-ray source is of finite size, ge-
generally conclude that the radial void fraction has ometry factors such as source size, source-to-micro-
oscillations that are damped out at about four to five
sphere distance, and microsphere-to-film distance must
sphere diameters from the container wall.
be considered. The x-ray machine has a source with
Predictions of the radial void fraction which include
a focal spot size of 2.6 mm by 2.6 mm. The source-
the damped oscillations have been reported by Martin
to-microsphere distance varies, depending on the size
[9], Cohen and Metzner [lo], Govindarao and Froment
[ll], Govindarao and Ramrao [12], Govindarao et al. of the cylindrical container, but is approximately 3.7
[13] and Mueller [14]. The correlations by Govindarao m. The microsphere-to-film distance will also vary but
et al. [l l-131 are not very convenient to use in analytical its maximum value is approximately 180 mm. Based
and numerical packed bed transport models. Mueller on these values, the amount of blurring or line broad-
[14] obtains a model that consists of one principal ening caused by the finite source size on the SS micro-
equation that does as well or better than the models spheres is negligible. The distortion of the true shape
of Martin [9] and Cohen and Metzner [lo]. The model of the SS microsphere shadow image is also negligible.
can be used for fixed packed beds with Dld a2.61. Since the source-to-microsphere distance is not large
The purpose of this study is to present a nondes- enough as compared to the microsphere-to-film distance,
tructive method for determining void fraction distri- the x-ray beam cannot be considered to be parallel so
butions of uniformly sized spheres in cylindrical con- the location of a SS microsphere shadow on the ra-
tainers. The method obtains accurate and detailed diograph does not represent its true location in the
representations of the radial void fraction distributions packed bed.
for four different D/d ratios. The investigation also
For a particular diameter aspect ratio a radiograph
obtains an accurate correlation for the radial void
is obtained for the x-z plane of the Plexiglas spheres
fraction distribution which includes the damped oscil-
in the cylindrical container. The cylindrical container
is then rotated 90 degrees about the z-axis and a
radiograph is produced for the y-z plane. These two
Experimental radiographs provide the necessary information for de-
termining the center coordinates for each Plexiglas
The particles used for the randomly packed fixed sphere. Since the Plexiglas spheres are essentially trans-
beds are clear solid Lucite Plexiglas polished spheres. parent to the x-rays as compared to the SS microspheres,
The measured diameter of each Plexiglas sphere is the radiographs produce images of the SS microspheres.
12.751+ 0.025 mm. Using a Servo precision sensitive Thex-z andy-z center coordinates of the SS microsphere
drill press with a depth error of *0.0127 mm and a shadows are measured directly from the radiographs
#76 size microdrill, each Plexiglas sphere is drilled with a high resolution, high powered optical comparator
with a 0.508 mm hole. Placed at the center of each with a measuring error of f0.031 mm. Because the
Plexiglas sphere is a 0.508 f0.000635 mm diam. solid x-ray beam is not parallel the true x-y-z center co-
440C stainless steel (SS) microsphere. Each Plexiglas ordinates of the SS microspheres in the cylindrical
sphere is measured and the location of the center of
containers are determined from a microcomputer based
the SS microspheres relative to the center of the Plexiglas
code which uses the x-z and y-z center coordinates of
spheres is known within f0.127 mm. The SS micro-
the SS microsphere shadows along with thexj-z center
spheres serve as a reference for determining the co-
ordinates of the centers of the Plexiglas spheres from location of the x-ray source. The true center coordinates
the x-ray radiographs. of the SS microspheres are used as the center coordinates
The Plexiglas spheres are randomly poured into pol- of the Plexiglas spheres in the cylindrical containers
ished clear cast acrylic cylindrical containers with dif- and are known within f0.254 mm. These center co-
fering inside diameters. The diameters of the cylindrical ordinates for the Plexiglas spheres are used in the
containers are 25.75 mm, 50.50 mm, 76.00 mm, and geometrical analysis to determine the radial void fraction
101.88 mm, and with the 12.751 mm diameter Plexiglas distributions.

Geometrical analysis There are several different geometries which arise

depending on the location of a sphere and the radial
The geometrical analysis is applicable for any fixed layer that intersects it. The first geometry is for spheres
packed bed of uniformly sized spheres in cylindrical with centers that are at radial locations greater than
containers. The analysis presents analytical equations a particle radius from the center of the cylindrical
which are used to obtain the radial void fraction dis- container and where R, and/or R,,+l intersects the
tributions. The concept in the analysis is to express sphere. This geometry is designated as Type I-R. The
the local void fraction in any radial annular layer in volume, AV;-,of the segment, when R,, and R,, + 1 intersect
terms of the solid volume contributions of spheres with the i-th sphere, is determined from:
centers at positions within a particle radius on either AV=V,+,-V, (2a)
side of the layer. The center coordinates of the spheres
in the packed fixed bed are known from the experimental where
data. Bz”R” 22”
The fixed packed bed of uniform spheres in a cy- Vn+l =4 dz,r,dr,dO, (2b)
lindrical container is divided into a large number, N,, sss
0 rz, 0
of radial annular layers which are concentric and of
equal thickness Ar and equal height H. The thickness 22”= (2&r, cos 0, - G)lD (2c)
of the radial layer is determined such that N,=R,lAr r,, = (R”, + 1- R2, sinzO,)ln -R, cos 0, (24
is a desirable integer. The thickness of each layer does
not have to be equal but it is more convenient. A large r,,=2R, cos 0, (W
number of radial layers produces a detailed represen-
tation of the void fraction distributions. A small number
of radial layers can be used, but this has an averaging
effect on the radial void fraction distributions. Figure and
1 schematically shows the x9 plane of the cylindrical
container with uniform spheres and one of the radial
annular concentric layers. The radial layer has a &9
thickness Ar=R,-R,,,, and a volume of
AI’,,= n=(R*,,- R2,,+ ,)H. Starting at the wall of the con- 21” = (2R,r, cos 0, - t-y2 WO
tainer and moving towards the center, R,, and R,+l
are defined as: rll = CR’,,
- R2, sin%,) In-R, cos 0, (29
rlu = 2R, cos 0, (3)
R n+l=RC-nAr, where n=l, 2,3 . . . N, (I) (4~g-f&)m]
B,.=cos-I[ W
The total volume of solids in a radial annular layer
is the sum of the individual volume segments coming A case can occur for the Type I-R geometry when
from each sphere with a center that is at a location either R,, is greater than 2R, + R, or R,, 1 is less than
within a particle radius on either side of the layer. R,. Based on how the integration is performed in eqn.
(2), when R, is greater than 2R, + R, and R,, + 1 intersects
the sphere then V,, is zero. When R,, 1 is less than R,
and R, intersects the sphere then V,, 1 is equal to the
volume of the sphere.
The second type of geometry occurs when the center
of a sphere is at a radial location less than a particle
radius from the center of the cylindrical container and
R,, and K+l are greater than R, and R, and/or R,,, ,
intersects the sphere. This geometry is designated as
Type II-R. The volume, AK, of the segment, when R,
and R,+, intersect the i-th sphere, is determined from
eqn. (2) with the following limit changes:
rZl=(R2,+1- R2, sin202)1n + R, cos 0, (34

Fig. 1. X-Y plane of a radial annular layer in a container.


and and
r,, = R2, -R’, sin201)ln -t-R, cos 0, (3c) zlu = (R2s-rf)ln (5e)

@l.=cos-l[ (3d)
rIl =R, (59
rlu =R, (5g)
For the Type II-R geometry if R,, is greater than &“=T (5h)
2R,-R, and R,,,, intersects the sphere then V, is zero.
The third type of geometry occurs when the center For the Type IV-R geometry if R,, is greater than
of the sphere is at a radial location less than a particle R, and &+, intersects the sphere then V, is zero. An
radius from the center of the cylindrical container and analytical solution for this geometry for AVi is found
R,, and/or R,, 1 is less than R, -R. This geometry is from eqn. (2a) and is given by:
designated as Type III-R. The volume, AK, of the
segment, when R, and R,,,, are less than R, -R and Av;:= $[ (R2s- R2, + 1)3/1- (R2s- R2,J3/2] (6)
intersect the i-th sphere, is determined from eqn. (2)
with the following limit changes: The void fraction for the radial annular layer between
z2,,=(R2s-R2,,+1+2R,,+Ir2~~~ @,-<)ln (4a) R, and R,+, is determined from the total volume of
the layer and the total sum of solids from the spheres
r21=Rn+l (4b) in the layer and is given by:
r,, = 0 (4c)
AE,,= 1 - 2 AK.lAV;, (7)
02”=T (4d) i-l

where N equals the number of spheres located within

z1,=(R2s-R2n+1+2Rn+Ir2~~~ @,-<)‘n a particle radius on either side of the radial layer.
rIl=Rn (49
rI,=O (4g) Empirical correlation
&=Gi- (4h)
The empirical correlation is restricted to a randomly
A case can occur for the Type III-R geometry when
packed fixed bed in a cylindrical container of diameter,
R, is greater than R,-R and R,,+l is less than R,-R.
D, consisting of uniformly sized spheres of diameter,
For this situation, V, is equal to the value of V,, from d. Using the new data from above and the experimental
the Type II-R geometry using eqns. (3~) and (3d) minus
data from Roblee et al. [l], Brosilow [2], Benenati and
the volume of the sphere. If both R,, and R,,, are Brosilow [3], Ridgway and Tarbuck [5], and Goodling
greater than R, -R then this becomes a Type II-R
[8] for packed beds, an empirical correlation has been
determined for the radial void fraction distribution, E,
The first two variables, z2, r, and zl, r,, of the triple
at a position, r, from the container wall. The values
integrals in eqn. (2a) for Type, I-R, II-R, and III-R
of D/d for the fixed packed bed data range from 2.02
geometries are integrated analytically. The last variable,
to infinity. The model is represented by the following
0, and O,, is integrated numerically using the
principal equation:
Gauss-Kronrod method.
The fourth and last type of geometry occurs when
E= cb+ (1 - +o(ur*)e -b”, for 2.02 Q D/d (8)
the center of the sphere is at center of the cylindrical
container and R,, and/or R,, 1 is less than R,. This where
geometry is designated as Type IV-R. The volume, AK,
of the segment, when R,, and R,, 1 are less than R, a=7.45- $, for 2.02<Dld<13.0 (9)
and intersect the i-th sphere, is determined from eqn.
(2) with the following limit changes:
a = 7.45 - 11.25, for 13.0&D/d (10)
z2”= (Rzs - 6)‘” (5a) Did
rZI=Rn+I (5b) b=0.315- z (11)
- s (5c)
02”=m (5d) r*=rld, for O&d (12)

. D/d = 2.02 n D/d = 2.61

eb=0.365+ F (13)
The correlation, eqn. (8), predicts
the radial void
fraction distribution given the diameter aspect ratio,
D/d, and the nondimensional distance from the wall,
r/d. The model can be used for fixed packed beds of
uniformly sized spheres with D/d > 2.02. The main prin-
0.0 /
cipal equation, eqn. (8), is the same equation as proposed
by Mueller [14]. However, new less complicated coef-
ficients, eqns. (9-13), have been obtained plus the lower
D/d range has been reduced from 2.61 to 2.02.
lop I

. .
. D/d


* Present

. f

Results and discussion

L , I

E . D/d = 5.96 a D/d = 5.60

The geometrical analysis section presents analytical 9 ’ 0 kA I I I
equations to determine the radial void fraction distri-
bution. The only error involved in using these equations
is due to the numerical integration technique. Using
any high order numerical integration algorithm will
provide results with errors that are so insignificant as
to be practically zero.
001 I 1
The analytical equations are analyzed with mathe-
. D/d = 7.99 v D/d = 7 78 0 D/d = 8 82
matically constructed fixed packed beds where the center
coordinates of each uniformly sized sphere are known
exactly. These beds are used to determine the effect
of the size of Ar on the radial void fraction distribution.
The results indicate that if Ar is too large there will
be an averaging effect and some information will be
lost in representing the actual radial void fraction
distribution. The value used for Ar in this analysis is 0.0 1 I I I I
0 1 2 3 4
0.635 mm, which means that a Plexiglas sphere, diameter
of 12.751 mm, will be intersected approximately 20
times. This value for Ar provides accurate results for Fig. 2. Comparison between experimental data for the radial
void fraction.
the radial void fraction distributions that are more
detailed than those which have been previously pub-
dinates are known within f0.254 mm. The uncertainty
in the center coordinates is used to numerically de-
The results of the experimental and geometrical
termine the standard error of the volumes, a,,,,, and
analysis for the radial void fraction distributions are
u,,. The standard error of aAViis determined from eqn.
shown in Fig. 2. The uncertainty limits associated with
(15) for each sphere and a,,, is numerically determined
the radial void fraction, AE,, are determined by standard
at each radial annular layer using eqn. (14). The standard
propagation of error analysis for random variables that
error for Ae,, will not be constant and will change for
are uncorrelated. The standard error of AE,, is given
each radial annular layer. The largest of the uncertainty
brackets for the void fraction at a radial position is
. rN 11n
slightly larger than the size of the symbols (+) shown
in Fig. 2 and therefore are not shown.
Figure 2 shows the radial void fraction distributions
where for the four different cylindrical containers along with
data from other investigators with similar diameter
(15) aspect ratios. No existing data could be found to compare
The standard error in be,, results from the uncertainty with the data for D/d=3.96. The new data for the
in the location of the center coordinates of each of radial void fraction distributions support the results
the uniformly sized spheres. The sphere center coor- obtained from previous experiments.

Figure 3 shows a comparison of experimental data TABLE 1. Comparison of percent standard error between pre-
along with the predictions from the correlation, eqn. diction models for different D/d ratios
(8), for four different diameter aspect ratios. As can
be seen, there is close agreement between the new D/d Model Mueller
(eqn. 8) model [14]
correlation and the experimental data.
Table 1 shows a comparison of the percent standard Roblee, Baird and Tiemey data [l]
error in the predicted radial void fraction for the 8.82 10.1 10.1
correlation, eqn. (8), and that of Mueller’s model [14] 13.7 6.8 6.8
with the different experiment data. Mueller’s model Brosilow data [2]
[14] was shown to be more accurate than those of 2.61 8.4 8.4
Martin [9] and Cohen and Metzner [lo], therefore the 5.60 4.8 5.0
14.1 4.8 4.9
correlation, eqn. (8) is compared only with this model. 20.3 4.6 4.3
As seen, column 1 shows the D/d ratios for the different 03 3.8 3.4
experimental data, columns 2 and 3 show the percent Benenati and Brosilow data [3]
standard error for the two different models. The value 2.61 13.1 13.4
in parentheses is the percent standard error that is 5.60 4.2 3.7
calculated with a D/d ratio outside the range in which 14.1 4.5 4.5
the model was obtained. As seen, the new model, eqn. 20.3 3.5 2.8
01 3.8 3.4
Ridgway and Tarbuck data (51
7.78 7.9 7.9
12.9 5.1 4.9
15.6 7.2 6.4
17.3 6.8 6.3
19.5 4.7 5.2
Goodling et al. [8]
7.78 6.2 6.3
7.40 7.1 7.1
D/d = 5.60 8.41 5.0 5.1
1 .o I I I I 8.56 6.5 6.7
10.7 4.6 5.1
. Benenoti et CII [3]
ti - Model [eq (a)]
16.8 7.1 7.3
Present data
2.02 6.6 (27.3)
3.96 9.7 11.7
5.96 5.8 6.1
7.99 5.5 5.4
E 00 1 / J
E! D/d = 10.7 Total (984 points)
10, I , / I
6.1 7.1
n Goodling et al [8]
- Model [eq (8)]
(8), is based on more experimental data, has a wider
range, D/d a 2.02, is overall more accurate than Mueller’s
model [14] (percent standard error of 6.1 as compared
0.2 - to 7.1 for all 984 data points), and has coefficients that
are less complicated.
The analytical equations presented in the geometrical
analysis section are used for fixed packed beds. These
A Benenotl et a [3]
- Model [eq (811
same equations can be used to determine the radial
void fraction distribution in other types of geometries
and beds. For example, the equations can be used in
annular beds and fluidized beds in cylindrical containers,
given the location of the center coordinates of each
0.0 ’ I I / I uniform sphere. The nondestructive experimental
0 1 2 3 4 5
method can be used to determine the center coordinates
DISTANCE FROM WALL (SPHERE DIAMETERS) of uniform spheres in annular beds and fluidized beds.
Fig. 3. Comparison between prediction model and experimental The nature of this nondestructive method allows for
data for the radial void fraction. its use in determining radial void fraction distributions

in these different types of beds, whereas past exper- radial distance from cylindrical container
imental methods cannot be used. origin to edge of sphere, m
In conclusion, the analysis presents analytical equa- radius of sphere, m
tions and a nondestructive method to determine the radial distance variable, m
radial void fraction distribution for uniformly sized thickness of radial annular layer, m
spheres in cylindrical containers. Radial void fraction upper limit
distributions are presented for four different diameter volume in i-th sphere between R,, R,, +1,
aspect ratios. Based on these new and previously pub- m
lished distributions, an improved, more accurate em- volume segment of i-th sphere, m
volume of n-th radial annular layer, m
pirical correlation with a wider range and less com-
axial distance variable, m
plicated coefficients is presented which can accurately
predict the radial void fraction for fixed packed beds
Greek letters
for D/d a2.02. It can be used in transport models to void fraction
closely approximate the radial void fraction in the near- 0 angular variable
wall region. 77 Pi
u standard error

The author would like to thank Professor Robert V.
Wolf for his assistance in obtaining thex-ray radiographs. 1 L. H. S. Roblee, R. M. Baird and J. W. Tiemey, AIChE L,
4 (1958) 460.
2 C. B. Brosilow, it45 fhesi.r, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn,
New York, 1959.
List of symbols 3 R. F. Benenati and C. B. Brosilow, AIChE L, 8 (1962) 359.
4 G. D. Scott, Nature (London), 194 (1962) 956.
diameter of the uniformly sized spheres, 5 K. Ridgway and K. J. Tarbuck, /. Pharm. Pharmac., 18 (1966)
m 168s.
6 M. C. Thadani and F. N. Peebles, Chem. Proc. Des. Dev., 5
diameter of particle bed, m (1966) 265.
exponential 7 K. K. Pillai, Chem. Eng. Sci., 32 (1977) 59.
height of cylindrical container, m 8 J. S. Goodling, R. I. Vachon, W. S. Stelpfug and S. J. Ying,
Bessel function of the first kind, order 0 PowderTechnol., 35 (1983) 23.
9 H. Martin, Chem. Eng. Sci, 33 (1978) 913.
lower limit 10 Y. Cohen and A. B. Metzner, AIChE J., 27 (1981) 705.
number of radial annular layers 11 V. M. H. Govindarao and G. F. Froment, Chem. Erg. Sci.,
origin of cylindrical container 41 (1986) 533.
radial distance from cylindrical container 12 V. M. H. Govindarao and K. V. S. Ramrao, Chem. Eng. Sci.,
43 (1988) 2544.
origin to center of sphere, m 13 V. M. H. Govindarao, M. Subbanna, A. V. S. Rao and K.
radius of cylindrical container, m V. S. Ramrao, Chem. Eng. Sci., 45 (1990) 362.
n-th, n+ 1-th radius of annular layer, m 14 G. E. Mueller, Chem. Eng. Sci, 46 (1991) 706.

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