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i 5 | CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL (CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATES EXAMINATION (QagnnuaRy 2077 (am) ) ENACT PULLIN ALL THE INFORMATION REQUESTED CLEARLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS. testeove [0]: SUBIECT __ENGLISHAMPaper (2 PROFICIENCY __GENERAL REGISTRATION NUMBER SSCHOOL/CENTRENUMBER NAME OF SCHOOL.CENTRE. ‘CANDIDATE'S FULL NAME (FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST) DATE OF BIRTH | [ | | ‘| SIGNATURE it am J ie ss. vs, & a Fe * $ & oraieozo02 i r ‘tesrcove 01218020 | FORM TP 2017008 B® JANUARY 2017 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION ENGLISH A Paper 02 - General Proficiency 2hours 40 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Thispuper consists of FOUR sections A.B. C and D. Section A consists of ONE question, You MUST answer this question, Section B consists of TWO questions You MUST answer both questions from this ‘ection C consists of THREE questions. You MUSTanswer ONE question fom this section Section D consists oF TWO questions, You MUST answer ONE question frm this section Write youranswersin the spaces provided in this booklet Do NOT write in the margins ‘You ate advised tthe some time o read trough the pape and plan your answers. If you need to remtite any answer and there isnot enough space 10 do soon the original page, yournust use the exis lined psge() proved at the beck ofthis booklet. Remember to draw line through your or Ifyou use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly inthe box provided at the top of the extra pages) and, where relevant, include the uestion part beside the answer. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright ©2016 Caritbvan Exarsiations Couneil, Allrighsresewved su mn LLovatemnasanuaayie 217 iva J SECTION A (Suggested time: 35 minutes) Answer Question 1. “Write your newer on the RULED PAGE pravided. There is space for any notes you may wish to make. THESE NOTES WILLNOT BE MARKED. 1. Read the following magatine article on globalization and Caribbean transnational crime carefily aad then writes summary of I a NOT MORE THAN 120 words. If this limit i wer will beread and assesed. As faras possible in continvoss prose Inyour answer you willbe asessed on how wellyou (a) were abletoidenty the main ideas and opinions (b)Orpaniaed and expressed these ideas and opinions (@) used appropriate grammar sentence structure vocabulary splllagand punctuation. Globalization nd the Rise of Caribbean Transnational Crime Globalization hasrsited inthe speesingupandsprendof worldwide nterconnecteness. Icha eaued the wordt stinkin size, since ween use echnlogy toesablishconact with far digant places in mines. The result is hat since the 1980s, international rade has tripled, and imany tow or itensifedinuences have come obear en our lives. One ofthe mest intense and concerning influnees isthe criminal element Caribbean rational have long been going to the UK in search of opportunities, and suectoted in improving cnitens for those buck ome. Migration tothe United Kingdom levied the unemployment problem in the regan ana the migrants remited significant sums to theirrlatives in he Caribe, Today, those seeking pporuiiis include some of our etzens who ar stacted bythe legal opportunites. 1 is indeed primarily the overseas drug markets that ateaet our profession crivinals. Since the 1940s, Caribbean criminal nerworks have set out to take aévsntage of the increased opportunitits for trade to make movey in illegal goods, by migrating t the mmariete~ USA‘and UK. Given thatthe drug wage isa multimillion delle business, they are to longer stisted wit beng Ina producers-expertes of jut eannabi, but seek tobe directly linvolvedintmding onall markets. To make thishappen, they have become more organized and traninatiral in character. Transnational erm ray be seen as a negative kindof globalization, but itis driven by a atonal pursuit of wealth “Teansnaionalerimenetwerks presente Caribbeanand hose who rade withthe Caribbean with serinus economis, sxe and polieal problems. For instance, highly organized erime is ‘ecompaniedby major vile, and forthe people ofthe Caribbean it damages their reputation broad. It ells in negative scretyping. marghalisstion, and exsluzion (G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (0121 80204ANUARW/F 2017 [= ‘ME a ‘or2r002004 4 Another problem is juvenile elinqueney which comes fromm the growing number of | hidden abandoned by parents who travelled as drug couriers and are now imprisoned overseas. In the UK, although the numbers ae sal the impact is serous because its concentrated in the imer-siy communities, ppulited by gangs that realy bosome subsite fey. In rocont mes, particularly since 2006, there has ben cooperation between the UK and the Caribbean on naers related to rime contol and security, The cooperation is indiaed in cifferet ways: British plier have lakes up senior positonsinlaw enforcement in St Kits, Nevis, Jnraica, and Tinie, or instance, Naina inthe various tertoriesmay see this development ‘as.n indication tt leally we have failed to develop the appropriate level of professtnalism, butthey alsosee tase necessary act given he spread of globalization UL AEEL WERUT LIN LEN AR Alaped fiom Anhory Horvot, “ardiesond Dons: Globalisation and the Rise of Certhbcan Transnaional Crime Jamaica Journal, Vol #30 No. March‘Apr 2007. p 134 ‘Touts0 marks SEeTION A i ‘You may make notes here. This will NOT be marked. a S e 5 | § & a = 5 ; i i g GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE © ABR cratsccazanunnvee 2017 i a i vaio, SECTIONA Question 1. ‘You MUST verte your answer on this page. (G0 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, - (0121 8020ANUARYIF 2017 te cn or2ve02006 NOTHING HAS BEEN OMITTED. ere mrcenny ane: grange: i G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, a BB onnoosanvanvre 017 L 2 Read the ftlowing pour carefully and then SECTION B (Suggested time: 60 minutes) ‘Answer ALL the questions in this section. swerallthe questions that follow. On Aging When you seme siting quietly, [Uke sek et onthe srt, Bont think seed your catering, rm fstening to myself 4S Hola? Stop! Dost pty met Hola! Stop yoursymputhy! Undersancing if you gotit Otherwise do without it When my tones are stand aching Andy feet won't climb te star, {wil enly ask one fvour Don't ring eno rocking chai When you ree mewakieg, swmbling, Dont study and pet i weoag, 1s ‘Cause tired dor'tmean lazy And every goodbye aia" gape. Pan the sme person was back then, Aline less ite Iss chin, ‘let lest longs and much less wind 0 Butain't! hacky lean stil breathe i Adee fram Maya Angelon. “On ging”, ‘And SuILL Rise Viragy Press, ine Warner Books UR, 2003 G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012 I8@20JANUARY/F 2017 TO al ‘0127002008, 4 (2) (@)__ What device suse inthe phrase “Like sack lef onthe shel (lie 2)? mark) (i) Matsa esereieinin hish? ai 6) My donee itr ann mst ir 37 q oe a ee i a cons i i : : : amas a (©) Identify TWO aspets of the speaker's personality that are revealed in stanza 2. | ai | (8) Ques tne whee te per ailep e pinei i BONO WIRLEE Hey: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE aa] ie eee Ee =10- | (¢> Whatare the TWO intentions ofthe speaker inthe peer? Garis) inwshat way isthe tone of lines $8 ofthe poem diferent tom te rest oF the poem? marks) fg) According to stnza3, what axe TWO effec of aging onthe body? @marks) ‘Tota 1S marks {G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012 180200ANUAKYE 2017 L ‘Mee | oresse2010 24: REAR yg AAD ARCA (012 18020/1ANUARYIF 2017 = [NOTHING HAS BEEN OMITTED, (00 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, =| i al 3. Read thefallowing passage catefully and then answer all the questions that follow, ‘Many people daniss vegstritnisi a fits some frm of mystic esl with no substance behind tas if segetarians arcnet quite ogi the bed. There's notanisoltinthe book thet etn boc evcliod ttm decaise Lea fre frre most people. But, thecatealisand jibes are weSehingthewr days, Now. more and more peopleare sartingto listo, "uty" vegetarians, 5 bocanat erence, medicine and economics have ally caught up with our philosophy, and the ‘Ssiptnes of wadtion ae ceaizng that he vegetarians make sense [snot me, but the Frmingham Hear Stuy, te word's longest engoing investigation tio heart sseae nd dit, which has un since 1949, tat says that on average, vegetarian men Gulive her American men by six years, ICs det me, tut researchers st Boston's Brigham & to Womens Hospital who claimed thal women wo eat meat every day, re two anda half times Thom Bkaly tofave colon carer than women he ext meat sparingly not atl “Throughout Ameria, more and more people se realizing that as death isnot an option, medically 1 yepeurian dictvakesmoreserse. In he pst ter years, the number of vegetarians Tre UsAtusslmcst doutied fom 63 milion in 1988 10 24million now. So, there's ene good 1s. ason fr needing this vepetrian argument saving your ie. Many young people ae finding asmacepuie tntin order bring bref w the great American plae,a huge ssreage of Central Wielsouth Ameriean cuinforet hasbece razc aod cleared provide rang and for cate. Our [Ks need throw that for every ‘quater pounéer’ mae fom Cerwal or South American beet, Sie square yards of minforestishewe forpestre. 2» Ir Amsescans educe ir intake of reat by Just 10 pec cen, that would fre up ence land, water anderery or gewing livestock fed to adequately fed $Orilion starving people ‘And tharsoffical from the Woridnateh Insti Vivek Menon, Wile Trust of Indit’sexeeuive diestox, sai “You can't continue to let overs bilion people vein such cose proximity 10 65 percent of the word's anges tier, ag. $5 per cont ofthe eeshans in Asia, and 90 per cent ofthe ines in Asia. These animals need spare, Ihave only one soluton: give them space” Adeped from Linde McCarey. “My New Fronsier: The Path ofthe Hegetrian" Rerrieved fiom, Jy Angust 1985, {G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (01218020 ANUARYIF 2017 ce sola | ® » 0) a) » 4 \Whatisthe writer's purpote in this pastage? marks) ently ONE. eehsique the writer usestosebleve this purpose, (mark) “Whatdoesthe passage gain fromthe use of references tothe “Framingham Heat Study", “Boston's Brigiam & Wemen's Hospital” and the" Werliwatch Insitute"? @ marks) Why deesthe writer repeat he expression “It's not me” lines and 9}? (GOON TO THE NEXTPAGE (012180203 ANUARY/F 2017 L | i \ i (eo) Wdenty TWO of the susgested benefits ofa vepetarian Hest. (@ marks) (H)_Whatdoesthe writer mean by the expression “death is notan option” (line 12)? (@)__Memity ONE example of sarcasm in paragraph 3 “marks (h) Whydoes the wsterrefertothe fact hat “a huge aerage of Cental and South American rainforest Wine 16-17) has been razed and clesred? mane) ‘Total 1S marks (00 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (012180200 ANUARYIF 2017 i — ol r os 1 SECTION € 1: 4S minutes) Suggested Answer ONE question from this section. ‘Your answer is this section should be approximately 00 1 450 wordsin length. ‘You MUST writein Standard Rnglsh. However, dialect may he sed in conversation. ‘Waite your auswers on the RULED PAGES provided. You are expected toadhere tothe word limit. ‘There isa blaak pase for aay notes you may want to make. THESE NOTES WILL NOT BE MARKED. In your answer you willbe asessed ox how wellyou (@) wed thestimates provided (©) develope and erganized the content of your essay (©) _wsed linguage appropriate to your audience, purpese and content (@) used appropriate grammar, sentence structure, paragraphs, vocabulary, spell enetuation EITHER SHORT STORY 4 Welle a story basedon the pcre below. 65 mars ‘ GOON TO THENEXT NOE L ae | ii ce a oR ‘She withdrew thelas ofhersavings romherbasknacoust ant headed othe svi ofc, Leesa ‘Matheson had rally decided getaway ~ hat woul be te best thing io do, Wate story which instudes these sertsaces. 5 marks) on DESCRIPTION 6. Head returned homeo visi bis grandparents aftr liviagalroné for nea 30 yeas. This was totwhat he was expeting. Deserbe whathe siwaed howe feltasbe rode the minibus through thecity and also what hesawandfelewses be reschel lis wardpareets' home. QS marks) (G0 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, (0121 9020ANUARVIE 7017 es TT i a] ‘121802016, "7 SECTION ‘You may make notes here. This will NOT he marced. 121002017 GOON TO THENEXT PAGE ee -18- | SECTION C Write your snswer'to the question you have chosen to answer in Sestion Chere, ‘Remember 10 write your question number isthe box provided below. ‘Question No. C GOONTO THENEXT PAGE 01218020/4ANUARYA 2017 [Ee ‘OG A | oraene0 [ee s19- =| SECTION € ‘Write your answer tothe question you have chosen to answer in Section Chere. "Remember te write your question number inthe box provided below. Question No. { — |eoatinaed GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE BEB orztsoamsasuanvir2n7 L ‘HE ea] orziso2019 r v* 7 SECTION ¢ Write your answertothe question you have chesen fo answer in Seston C here. "Remember to write your qeestion number in the box provided below. Question No. { — |eonticued GON TO THE NEXT PAGE =) (012180201 ANUARYEF 2017 [e ‘ante ‘0121802020 SECTION D (Gwggestot tie: 50 minutes) Answer Question 7or8. ‘Your answer inthis section shouldbe approximately 260 ro 300 words. ‘You MUST writein Standard English. Thereisa space for]any notesyou may wish to make. THESE NOTES WILLNOT BE MARKED. Jn your znswer you wil be assessed on () —_chty, organization and development of your argument ()—_cerrectaes of grammar sentences, paragraphs, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation. EITHER 7. “Asmat phone? Whatis tha” All| want sa phone to make and receive ells — nothing ese. ‘Thats enough” Weis an essay EITHER supporting o: epporig this view (5 marks) oR “Every sine rad the newspapers or watch and listen tthe news, thew are more stores about the bad things happening around the world, Why can't they report more on the positive things?” Write an essay giving your views onthis staternent (35 marks) ‘00 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, OAV EA I oraen2i2t SECTION D Youmay make notes here. THs will NOT be marked. (GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (0121 80200ANUARY/F 2017 iB ‘coo a] Re AN Re gst TE IR: SUE RE SB ey ETA: i i i i 3 : r 2 4 ‘Welte your answer to the question you havechosen toanswer in Remember to write yur qustion number in the bex provided below. (Question No. fe) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, - (012180204ANUARY/F 2017 = r “ q SECTION D \Weite yourasswer tothe question you have chosen to answer in Sesion D here. ‘Remember fo write your question namber in the box provided below. cueton se | |entnes ENDOF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THISTEST. The Councit has made every effort trace copyright holden. Homever, any have been inadvertently overlooked or ay materel has been incorrectly acknowledged, CXC will be pleased to correc ths a the eatiest opportunity. (0121 80700ANUARY/ 2017 a L ‘0121802024 ls -25- = EXTRA SPACE, Ifyou use thisextra page, you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided. ‘Question No. i i 012 18020ANUARVEF 2017 UF Ui ua oT ove 2025 r * a EXTRASPACE you use ths extra page, you MUST write the question number clearly i Question No. 01218020NANUARY/F2017 L meena 4 (ARSuTe a Reamer mean: aman 7 EXTRA SPACE. r you use thivextra page, you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided. ‘Question No. (01218020ANUARYIF 2017 qu a orzse0zt2r r ” a EXTRA SPACE -f you ure this extra page, you MUST waite the question number clearly in the box provided. Qvestion No. (01218020UANUARYIF 2017 E et a r ~ a EXTRA SPACE Ifyou use this extra page, you MUST write the question sumber clearly in the box provided. ‘Question No. (012180204ANUARYIF 2017 fe -30- =| EXTRA SPACE Ifyou use this extra page, you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided. Question No. 1218020 NUARYIE 2017 Ul L oe ‘OM ‘or2180201 CANDIDATE'S RECEIPT inane hte INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE: f requested leary in capital eters, resrcove:[o]1 [2]: [[o]2[° SUBJECT: ENGLISH A Paper 02 PROFICIENCY: GENERAL, REGISTRATION NUMBER: FULL NAME: THLOCK LETTERS) Signatue Da ‘hand inthe bookdet. lace nti you have eceived your renal. INSTRUCTION TO SUPERVISOR/INVIGILATOR: ' ' Sign the deslrtion telow, detach this slip and hand itto the candidate as hither receipt fr this booklet | collected by you. 1 ! 1 "hereby acknowledge receipe of the candidate's booklet forthe examination sted above Signature Supervarinvigintor Dae: ‘0121002052

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