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Dear Julie Johnson (and whoever might be reading this),

Welcome to my presentation of the final portfolio. In there, you will see my genre
translation, explication essay, and literature review. As an international student, writing2 is the
first formal academic writing course. Compared with linguistic courses, this one teaches me
more about how to write a well-organized literature review and annotated bibliography by
focusing on formats, conventions, and rhetorical situations. I also learned how to use the Chicago
format. I am quite excited to try a new format after using MLA and APA. I also have a deeper
understanding of the importance of thesis, topic sentences, and transitions during this quarter.
The course setting gives me so much freedom in choosing our writing topic. This enables
me to do genre translation with the highest excitement and inspiration. In my WP1, I am inspired
by “knowing what a genre is used for can help people to accomplish goals”.1 Therefore, I write a
popular science blog translated from a peer-review article about high protein diets in order to
inform my readers about this healthy lifestyle. In my WP2, I further discuss this topic in a more
academic way by combining and analyzing five resources from both academic and non-academic
sources. WP2 offers me excellent opportunities to explore one academic topic that I am
interested in, do deep research about it, and write an integrative essay based on my research.
Both WP1 and WP2 allow me to practice writing academically given a particular rhetorical
For my WP1, I make two main revisions. The first one is reorganizing the thesis and
topic sentences to make the discussed subjects in the whole essay and each paragraph more clear
and easy to understand. The second one is revising details to make the essay more concise, such
as rephrasing sentences with “, which”. I also add more about acknowledgment. I ignored the
importance of it when I translated the peer-reviewed article, but after I searched for materials for
WP2, I started to realize that acknowledging the potential weaknesses can actually make the
article more persuasive and authoritative.
I adjust the structure of my literature review by rewriting transitions between paragraphs
in order to make the essay more logical and connected. In addition, I emphasize each resource’s
potential influence on the whole subject. That is how individual resources can play a role in
exploring the effects of HPD. For example, I discuss how HPD can play a positive role in the
treatment and healing of COVID-19. More importantly, I incorporate more course reading
materials into the bibliography to show my understanding and adopt those useful tips into my
writing. I also introduce more background about the authors of each resource to show their
authority in this field.
The interesting and informative PowerPoint makes me feel easy to understand and follow
this course material. I feel more confident to write in an academic and concise way and cater to
the rhetorical conditions. By adopting those writing tips, such as how to write an effective thesis
and translations, I am able to develop my essay in a more reader-friendly way.
Hope you have fun reading my WP1 and WP2, and thank you for your time.
Yifan Wang

Kerry Dirk, “Navigating Genres”, Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, 253.

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