Test Unit 12 - Listening - Revisión Del Intento

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22/5/2021 Test Unit 12: Listening: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / P.04 - A1.2 - AULESTIA - ING / Unit 12 / Test Unit 12: Listening

Comenzado el sábado, 22 de mayo de 2021, 19:16

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 22 de mayo de 2021, 19:17
Tiempo 56 segundos
Puntos 10,00/10,00
Calificación 20,00 de 20,00 (100%)

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22/5/2021 Test Unit 12: Listening: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1


Puntúa 10,00 sobre 10,00


Listen to a conversation between Alex and Kim. For questions, 1 - 6 choose the right answer (A, B or C)
You will hear the conversation twice.


0. How often does Alex go to the gym?

A. Hardly ever

B. Often
C. Once in a while

1. Why is Alex exercising?   B 

A. He likes to exercise.    
B. He wants to lose weight.    
C. He wants to be in shape.    

2. He thinks this kind of food is not good for his health:   B 

A. Fruits    
B. Snacks    
C. Carbs    

3. What type of diet does Kim have?   A 

A. She is a vegetarian.    
B. She avoids dairy products.    
C. She doesn´t eat carbs.    

4. Kim doesn’t like this type of food:   B 

A. Junk Food              
B. Vegetables    

C. Dessert    


5. Kim loves to eat this kind of food:   C 

A. Meat    
B. Vegetables    
C. Dessert    


6. Why doesn´t Kim exercise?   C 

A. She doesn’t like it    

B. She doesn’t have enough energy    
C. She has to take care of her family    


QUESTIONS 7 – 10      

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22/5/2021 Test Unit 12: Listening: Revisión del intento

Listen to a conversation between Carrie and Henry. For questions, 7 -    

10 choose the right answer (A, B or C)

You will hear the conversation twice.    


7. What meal are they going to eat?   B 

A. Breakfast    
B. Lunch    
C. Dinner    

8. How does Henry want his food?   A 

A. Hot    
B. Big    
C. Cold    

9. What kind of restaurant are they going to?   C 

A. American    
B. Italian    
C. Spanish    

10. What is Carrie going to order?   B 

A. Soup              
B. Salad    

C. Dessert    

◄ Listening 1. Unit 12: Food

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Reading 1. Unit 12: Fruits and Vegetables ►

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