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Jayson C Belmonte Activity #1

1.What is hazard? risk?

 A hazard is something that can cause harm, e.g. electricity, chemicals, working up a
ladder, noise, a keyboard, a bully at work, stress, etc.
 A risk is the chance, high or low, that any hazard will actually cause somebody harm

2. What are the types of workplace hazards?

Types of Hazards

 Safety hazards – ex. Electrical hazards, wet floor and fire

 Biohazards- virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites
 Chemical Hazards- cleaning agents, insecticides, preservatives, etc.
 Physical Hazards- high temperature, vibration, radiation
 Ergonomic hazards- wrong posture and movements while working
 Psychological Hazards- anything that can cause stress. Ex. Workloads, fears or
phobia, etc.

How to keep automotive shop safe?

 Always wear the correct personal protective equipment, such as gloves or hearing
 Accidents and injuries can be avoided by safe work practices.
 Every shop should mark evacuation routes; always know the evacuation route for your
 Always follow Shop policies and procedures
 Identify hazards and hazardous materials in your work environment.
 Be aware of Safety signs
 Portable electrical equipment should be the proper voltage and should always be
inspected for damage.
 Use caution when plugging in or using a portable shop light.
 Electrical safety in a shop is important to prevent shocks, burns, fires, and explosions.

How to control hazards and risks in the workplace?

 Determine how employees might be at risk

 Evaluate the risks
 Identify the hazard by carrying out a workplace risk assessment;
 Material safety data sheets contain important information on each hazardous material in
the shop.
 Do not fight a fire unless you can do so safely.
 Operating a fire extinguisher involves the PASS method: pull, aim, squeeze, and sweep.
 Vacuuming and using water are safer methods of cleaning dust or dirt that may be toxic.

What are the common hazards in the shop?

 Electrical hazards and wet floor is a common Safety hazards

 Fuels and fuel vapors are potential fire hazards.
 High temperature, vibration and radiation is a Physical Hazards
 Fuels Gas and Other liquid form use in automotives workplace is a Chemical Hazards
 Wrong posture and movements while working is Ergonomic hazards
 Anything that can cause stress workloads, fears or phobia is a Psychological Hazards

Picture B keep working area clean and organize for safety hazard. Picture A is not following
safety hazard and may cause a lot of risks.

The electrical wire has a damage causing short circuit

Too many appliances plug in that might cause overload of electricity

Windows are close it is not safe especially when in kitchen it may cause explosion. Stove
gas might have leakage.

Don’t leave work place especially when you still cooking it may cause fire

There are chair beside the cooking place where there are a boiling hot pot the kids might
reach it and cause a serious accident.

The mustard container must not be on top of the cooking platform it may cause fire

Tissue roll might roll down the floor may cause accident people might slip and fall.

What is the difference between a 'hazard' and a ‘risk'?

A hazard is something that can cause harm, e.g. electricity, chemicals, working up a ladder,
noise, a keyboard, a bully at work, stress, etc. while a risk is the chance, high or low, that any
hazard will actually cause somebody harm

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