February 11 at 6:39am Like : 2 People

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c You guys are the real thing, and these viruses in human form are not!

t! If you have any more information or sources, please

share them. Make this viral, I have 3 other photos of this and one that hasn't been tagged yet, tag your friends in those,
particularly friends who have thousands of friends.

February 11 at 6:39am · Like · 2 people



Out of curiosity I recently performed a simple search on facebook to see if there were any Redshields on there and to my
surprise found that there are.

First of all I happened upon a note which on James Rothschilds fan page that reads about young Rothschild girl, Brittany
Jacqueline de Rothschild. This note https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=431277566221 describes a young
mentally disturbed and abused defector who hates her own psychopathic family and wants out. It would appear someone
inside the Rothschild family hired the CIA to assassinate her. Brittany Ơcaused an uproar among the Jewish communityơ for
singing a Christian song during the 9th anniversary of 911, the next day she was on life support after a major car accident,
where the CIA were conveniently Ơnear byơ and brought her to the hospital. Note the black nobility at work targeting their
own over a simple hymnƦ goes to show how paranoid they are.

There is a website dubbed ƠFranceƞs Princessơ which is dedicated to her tabloid moments: http://thatbxtchbetje.tumblr.com/

One might assume such a secretive family wouldnƞt be broadcasting themselves openly for anyone to see, however some of
them donƞt seem to care and they left their pages open for your edification. I imagine many of the inner circles of the
Rothschild tribe are not on Facebook, although there definitely are some. Note how most of them cling to new age kool-aid,
Ơjust loveơ peace for all, there is no such thing as good and evilƦetc. They are universally obsessed with esoteric and occult
symbolismƦ in particular, lions, dragons, owls, Roman, Egyptian, and Masonic symbolism among others.

Note: You need a facebook accountƦ and pages may not load properly when linked from a referrer from another website
like this, so you may have to refresh/reload itƦ and or click on photos/info or their walls at first, and then you will navigate

James Rothschild fan page:

This is a good source for information. I came across statements where James scoffs how Rothschild banks are scapegoats
and that he knows the names of the people who REALLY owns the money and run the planetƦetc.

ƠJames Rothschild: More taxes for the poor and middle class squeeze the global economy like a tube of tooth pate until
00000.1% of the people have all the wealth of the planet! Then finally you peasants will need to worship us as we deserve,
as the chosen people that we are.

We choose presidents before you even vote and you do not even know who is your secretary of foreign affairs and no it is
not, Tara Krapp Beer! You people do not even plan your week. While we have a 500 year political agenda.

We are actual reading and educating our minds on how to get what we want out of the world. What did you do today? Stop
the whining!ơ

ƠJames Rothschild:
Why run for an office that I can help appoint? I would rather be the puppet master thanks. I have mistresses through the
roof and I am not shy about I am not going to profess some puritanical perspective to please voters!

I am not getting some phony family photos taken all plastic smiles and showing up at synagogue to please everyones
confused view of what makes a holy man.

If you wanted reality I would be your man but what is the likely hood that a rich Jewish elitist arrogant bastard like me is
going to get into political office here are the odds. Zero percent! That is how much I care as well!ơ
Dave Rothschild

Shawn Johnson De Rothschild (Ignatius Phoenix De Rothschild)


Rothczar Clooney Jamalchild (PinkponysPimp):


Employers: Al Jazeera English; Hmm, I figured Al Jazeera was obviously Zionist infested.

Jan Kupcake Rothschild-Zeboski

Good source; lots of siblings to search through. Likes: Disneyland, Cheese, Lady Gaga & Britney Spears, BP. Seems to be a
new age apathetic, always talking about angels and other things, anti-establishmentƦetc, Allegedly these are his websites:

* http://www.disclosureproject.org/ (UFOƞs and Aliens)

* http:///www.thetruthcollective.com
* http://www.wearechange.org/ (Worldwide 9-11 truth movement)
* http://www.projectcamelot.org/ (David Ike and a few others are involved)

Alistair Rothschild:

Check its profile pictures to look through. Can read its wall posts. Favorite music: Lidsay Lohan. Likes: Sex, new cars, and
kittens. No wonder this world is so fucked, you would think these nazis (no offense to Hitler) might have a good taste in

Mehal Darji-Rockefeller

Involved with the CFR. Likes: Social Justice, community service, and swimming. TV: Fox news, Larry King. Photos, videos
and links to fellow elite siblings.

One of the worst of themƦ blatantly psychotic and psychopathic:

David K Rothschild:

Big fan of Glenn Beck. Religious views: Religious Zionist; VOTE republican!; believes the republican side of the coin will
prevail in 2012. Has a photo of the twin towers in its profile. Likes: Israel Defense Forces, Archaeology, Khaled Abu
Toameh, Abdul Hadi Palazzi
Raziel Luria (?,blood related to many elite families)

Staunch pro Zionist, Pro Israel. ơ ƠIm Raziel Luria i have 20 years studing for Kabbalah. My favoried countries are America
and Israel.ơ Likes: Dick Cheney. TV: CNN, FOX, MTV, Seinfeld.

Ernest Bey (Deep connections with the Rothschilds)

Activities: Freemasons, Knights Templar, Dragon Court, Committee of 300, Tri-lateral commission, Royal Society

Interests: Constitutional law. Television: MSNBC, The Tyra Banks Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live. Check
out its photos.

LadyJulianne Sanada (Julianne Santa Anastasia)


ƠI come from an unbroken line of Royalty from emperor Charlemagne of ancient Prussia. I come from royal sicilian blood(
The mafia) I descend from Norman Vikings as well as Aryans and Swedes. Last but not least I am a Khazarian, Ashkenazi(
Jew)ơ. Favourite quotes: ƠI donƞt suffer from insanity, i enjoy every minute of it.ơ

Alrighty thenƦ not something hear every day.

Lastly, a Rothschild posted an interesting movie dubbed ƠBritish House of Lordsš 1 Nov
2010ơ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z69JQY929vYwhich involves the Rothschildƞs and the recent bailout in the UK.
The rest of the information is available here http://bit.ly/aChIil

Sorry, I had to put you through thatƦ but they left it open for the world to see and I figured you might find it interesting."

Source: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/12/14/zahir-ebrahim-the-invisible-house-of-rothschild-part-2/

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