Astrologer Research Paper

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This book is written (or the students,

who desire to srudy Planetary Influence

on Market Prices; instead of guesswork

and gambling methods.


This work consists ol my life-long study

ol Commercial Astrology. There are hundreds
ol books written on Astrology, but mainly
treating the Natal branch. There are some books
denlinw with the Mundane Ac Medical branch.
But the students c!o not find easily this kind
of work as 1 have endeavoured to explain in
the following pages. Several books on the
popular gambling of 'Horse racing' have been
written, but I suppose this is the first attempt
dealing with -ShuTca, Stocks, Cotton Ac Bullion
Markets. The Students will solve difficult pro-
blems very easily by this book. 1 have also
given instructions to those, who are able to
invest ibeir money. Atlcast this is the wonder-
ful book of its kind with all the Master-keys
ever presented to the public world, as an aid
to Successful Speculation, with examples and
full details. Hence this is a unique writing with
axioms solving the problems of rise and fall of
Shares, Stocks, Cotton At Bullion prices.
It is now generally agreed that itnrli u book
is greatly needed, though many attempts have
been mntle to supply the demand, still both
the bonalidc bu.sinessmfn and the students
will soon judge lor themselves whether this book
meet9 their requirements.

JULY 1935. Mahs

Wc have great pleasure in putting before

the public this revised and enlarged edition.
Still this branch ol Astrology-the Financial
Astrology is in its infancy. Wc hope, in future,
by research and experience it will be ns perfect
as any other science. The student should
remember that a great success is not attained
over night but one should toil hard and

We do not boast that the rules given in

this book arc infallible, but we think they will
save a novice from ruin

N L. PAI Kl.

1 Chapter—PlBnttary Influence on Business

Markets and world Price*.
1! Chapter—-Ruling Sign*.
III Chapter—Major Planets.
IV Chapter—General Principles.
V CHAPTER —Effects of Conjunctions.
VI Chapter—Aspects.
VII Chapter—Eclipses.
Vill Chapter—Sensitive Degrees.
IX Chapter—About Inveatment.
X Chapter—A Boom and a Slump.
XI CHAPTER—individual Share*, Stocks
and Syndic*.
XII Chapter—Significators & Indicator.
XH! CHAPTER Misfortune* by Eclipses.
XIV Chapter— Ephemeral A*pect».
XV Chapter—Corporation Chart*.
XVI Chapter—Highest fc Lowest Price.'.
XVII CHAPTER —Nature of Aspects.
XVIII Chapter — Planetary Power*.
XIX Chapter —The Signs (< Commodities.
XX Chapter —Gold Ik Silver.
XXI Chapter—Gold & Silver Contd.
XXJ1 Chapter—-Gold & Silver Contd,'
XXIII Cha PTER—Cotton Market.
XXIV Chaptjr — Covcrnori.
XXV Chapter—Seme Records.
XXV| CHAPTER—Ulrfu) rules lor Cotton.
XXVII CHAPTER —The New York Stock
XXVII! Chapter—The British Stock Exchange
XXIX Chapter—The Hombny Slock
Excho nge
XXX Chapter—House indications in n
Mundnne Horoscope.
XXXI CHAPTER A Step further in Mundane
XXXII CHat TF.R — The Mundane Maps for
Foreign Countries.
XXXII! Chapter--Effects of Lunation in
XXXIV Cmaptkk—Some u»efu! binli to Buai-
ne»i men.
XXXV CHAPTER —Advice to my readcrl.
XXXVI Chapt er-^How to Trade.
XXXVII Chapter—Indications from 1946
to 1948.
X X-X V111 Chap ( EB—Ephemeris giving Longi-
, Hides and Declinations for the lit of each
Month from 1946 to !950.
XXXIX Chapter—Some Notable concern*.



The first question that would otise in the

mind of every astrological student it this: "Do
the planets dominate over the World Markets
and its prices ) " The answer is strongly in
affirmative. The planets do influence, not only
influence hut dominate over and govern the
Business Markets and world prices. I shall
throw some light on the subject and explain
cveryTtung luridly.

The value of any kind of commodity or

tiling, mostly depends on supply and demand.
If crops of commodity, whether that may be
general usable article or metals, are abundant,
the value ol that commodity depreciates, and
when they (ail. or if there is more demand the
market goes high and high. But when such

crops fail ?" that is a question. For this we

have to refer to the planetary interaction and
( oemic Law::, which are the stability ot the
iniivcrs'*. We know, or il not. we must under-
stand that the planets net nrul react on one
nriotiu i mi the Dtmosphere,

We ail know that the Sun. Moon and the

other sister planets regulate the atmosphere,
tides and human minds. On a F ul! Moon's
dny high tides are created in the sea owing
to its intense attraction. On an F.clipse day. our
minds become dizzy owing to the dull uiinos-
phere pertaining at llus! lime.

1 Ims nothing is left to chance A magnet

attracts iron filings. SpdnU.c iron Idings on a
sheet of paper. What will you see ? The
Idnu's mrangp themselves in; definite lines that
radiate iiom the poles of the magnet. It is
due to attraction ol gravitation. Agnin rub u
glass rod w.tii n piece o; fur. and I ha', will alt-

met bits of paper. In the LrratorY WnrLJ sv^ry-

tiling has some reason. It has been found that
there never was any great earthquake or physi-
cal disturbance of the earth which was not
the direct elfect ol the interaction of the planets
in regard to the earth as a centre; such is the
case with fall and rise of the value, crops, pro-
ducts and markets. The apparent cause of
the value of any security or commoc'ity be the
balance of supply and demand, but for the
primary cause we have to look at the celestial
bodies wh-ch electrify the earth with their
positions and aspects in the heavens. If a
crop fails, naturally the value of that commo-
dity increases. If the crop is abundant, the
value depreciates. But lor the reason why it
is abundant, we have to see the heavenly j
anjrls, SinnLuly lor Cotton, L.uiscccl, wheat or
any other commodity we have to take into
consideration the positions of the planets by
which the commodities are vitalized. If major
planets be ;n bad aspects with a coontrv's

- 3-

ruling sign, there would come into force riots,

revolutions, wan, etc., and the Government
Security and Stocks of that country would
decline. II good aspects of the same planets
be in operation the prices would inflate. In
this way shares, stocks, cotton, Bullion, wheat
and other markets are controlled by the celes-
tial bodies with ihcir positions and aspects in
the heavens.
Once you enter a market you immediately
become subject to those laws of planetary
stimuli which is the centre of all activities,
whether you believe it or not. Like yourself,
iherc are thousands ol other people who are
also involved in the market. They think and
act, buy and sell without the knowledge that
they are controlled by the invisible laws ol
planetary Influence, Market prices ore gover-
ned by certain laws which must be understood
h success is to be achieved.
Wh.v is the use of Astrology if vou gain
nothing thereby? What is its use if it does not


touch the 'butter and bread' the consideration

of the millions! What ia its use if it does not
ibrow some light on the paths of human lives?
The following lines of 'Scpharia!" would con
vince my readers that the planets do inHunce
the prices and that it is now time for the astro-
iogen to be practical.

AS! nature is on the side o! the practical

,■>nd the useful Let our astrologers scclc, there-
rofc. to be ^practical. Many years ago it was
'aid to us ; "Make your astrology practical,
and it " world will follow you " The man who
voiced this remark was already convinced ol
its truth; he only failed to see its practical
value- This, in brief, is our object-to demons-
traTc (he pfaclical value of astrology. Wc have
to bring the stars down to Earth, to interpret
ibem into the language oi everyday life; in short,
to give the man in the street a science of {ore
knowledge he can turn to his advantage. For
some yean past we have studied astrology in


relation to ihc world s commercial and Iinancia 1

nticri'sfJSi a;id have brought il;c . -•id oi l: -
nars to Kr. • '.'.poo the dark- problems of luturc
vuiuca We are now in o position to contro'
vert all the pet maxims of the market, to rilcc-
livcly skin "bear" and "bnH". and show them
in all their nakedness to the world as ol the
same flesh and blood the unconscious iatcrpfe-
ters of planetary iniluncce. We can mnkc capi-
tal out of any and every transaction in winch
the "time" element is optional "
Mov.- can we do this > by a knowledge ol
Cosmic Lawa of planetary vibrations, their act-'
ions and -jcactions o;. world Markets.
Many persons hate speculation; but they
do not understand that all trade and commerce
and even the education itself is of the nature
of a speculative investment or enterprise In
all cases o good capital is necessary. Capital
is not e;*prc3£"*cl in mere gold or golden coins,
but it is the means whereby gold is purchased.


Nature has given this sort ol capita! to all; it

is not required to he developed. A farmer hv
vests labour in tilling his land and sowing inc.
best, seeds in hope that the seeds sown will
yield a good crop in the season. Here he in-
sts labour and speculates against frost, heavy
ram, earthquakes, thunderstorms and lightning.
In the si»me way a tradesman, who stocks co-
mmercial good's in his stores to get a good sum
by telling them at a profit, speculates against
'bear' and 'bull' tendency of the market prices
oi his stock.

One is loosing, the other is getting profits.

Why so ? The first had to submit to the laws
of nature. To work along with the lorcea at
nature and to follow the courccs of the stars,
is the secret of success in life. Financial Astro-
logy will teach us such things,


Each race, each and every separate

dominion, colony, and dependency over which
every Empire's flag float comes under different
Astrological dominion. Each has its separate
destiny. It is necessary to know what are
the ruling signs of different countries and cities.
Aries— England, Denmark. Peru, Judea,
Lesser Poland, Germany, Syria,
japan, Naples, Marseilles. Burmingham,
Blackburn, Baroda, Madras, Chicago,
Taurus—Irtland, Persia, Media, Assiaminor,
Chili, Poland, Austria, Dublin, Lcipsic,
Surat, Palermo.
Wales, Belgium, Lower Egypt, W,
ol England, U. S. A., North coast
of Africa, N. E. of Egypt, London,
U7) Melbourne, Versailles, Plymouth,


Cancer—China, Holland. N. W. Africa, New

Zealand, Canada. Scotland.
Venice, Milan, Stockholm, Genoa,
New York, Manchester, Calcutta.
L(0— France, Romania, Italy, Sicily, Bohe-
mia, North E. of Romania, Rome,
Damascus, Bombay, Philadelphia,
Prague, Bristol.

Virgo—Turlcc&witzerland, West indies, Assy-

ria, Ireland, Babylonia, Silesia, Jerusa-
lem, Paris, Boston, Loa Angclos,
Poona, Nagpur,

Libra— Argentine, Japan, Austria, Tibet,

China, Jndo-China, Antwarp (21) Lis-
bon, Vienna, Paris of India, Gujarat,
Burrnah, Copenhaguc (V).

5£'drp/d--Morocco, Brazil, Norway, N. Syria,

Algeria, Transvaal, Bavcria, Jutland,
Judea. Liverpool, Washington, Me-
ssina. (18) Dover, New Orleans, Delhi.

N,;i,,/7.T:////5Spain, Arabia, Australia, ! F-pynry.

Iy a i h t a -v <; u
llu'iu, Loioync, "•lelhciri.

{'uprirortniz Mexico. Jndia, Afghanistan,

Punjab. Bengal, Greece.
Oxford, Fortsuid Brussels

/L/.vr?.'/.i'l-issia, Tarlary, Abyssinia,

'rent. Hamburg, Briyhion.

PiSCiS -Portugal, Gallicia (in Spain j, Ncr

mandy, Egypt, Alexandria, Lancaster

When certain planets are in transit over

;he ruling sign of a country or form important
aspecia therein, or an eclipse falls in it, that
country is demoralised by political chanyes
•and the Slucks of the country are ulleclecF

The sign ruling a town or a country is

ascertained by noting the occurrences of impor-
tant events, laying foundations, some public
ceremony or opening of important buildingi 4c


other affairs that influence the public as a

whole, A map drawn for this time in lire
usual way. will show the Asccndanl-tho
Ruling sign. By comparing such maps in a
rencs of events, the ruling sign will be found
e'.hcr at Ascendant or at Midhcavcn.

The mn>or planets we have to take into

consideration arc three in number.
( i ) 1 iershcl or Uranus,
(n) Saturn.
(hi) Jupiter.
The specific characteristics of the planets
are as follows: —
Uranus ; Sir W. Hcrshcl was the disco-
verer of this planet. He made his find Irom
a small 7 inch telescope in 1781. Before
this Saturn had \lway3 been considered the
limit and boundary of our Solar System
This planet is a peculiar one. When we
tyrn- from west to east, Uranus spins around
from South to North. People born under
Uranus are just the same; they are outside of
all conventions; they go round the other way,

It takes 84 years for a complete circle through

the twelve Zodiacal signs renmining 7 years
in each sign. Its effect is to cause political
upheavals, revolutions, strikes, causing sudden
fluctuations in values, and a disturbing effect
onSccurities and the market is affected through
political conditions or some Government action.
It has also a disturbing eiiccl on Government
securities. Its good aspects enhance the market
and bad aspects never foil to depreciate.

Saturn: takes 30 years for a complete

ci'rcle through the tweler Zodiacal signs remain-
ing 11 years in each sign. Saturn does
produce cold, depression, and stormy condi-
Uons, When in transit through a country's
ruling sign it brings famines, failure of crops,
political troubles, unemployment, popular dis-
content and dangers of various kinds producing
great depression in prices, ha good aspects
steady the market, while the bad ones never
fail to depreciate. 1 hia planet is called the


planet ol rc.iliiction. Its evil aspects nifrct

securities verv much.
Jupiter •• is the greatest beneficial planet
in the solar system It lakes 12 years for a
complctr. circuit remaining one year in each
sign. Being so rapid, its effect is not so
potent or lasting an that of Hcrshel or Saturn.
Jupiter brings general prosperity to the Nation
through internal resources and new Industries,
cheap money. general prosperity and political
advantages; sometimes too optimistic and ever
bombastic. Its good aspects cause much expan-
sion and bring very high values in securities fee
shares. Its evil aspects indicate selling lor
profit taking and laii in values. When Jupiter
is exactly opposite, to Saturn, it produces heat,
buoVancy and optimism.

1. Hershel and Saturn when in transit through

a country's ruling sign, bring depression
and declining prices.

2. Jupiter when in transit through a country's

ruling sign brings expansion, prosperity and
advancing prices.
3. Hershel and Saturn in mutual bad aspect
cause depression and declining prices,
4. Hershel and Jupiter in good aspect bring
prosperity cc advancing prices.
5. Hershel and Saturn in good aspect bring
advancing prices.

Hershel was in transit through India's

uln.^ sign Cnpricornus from 19llS to. 19! 2.
That period is marked with political disiur-
m.i m mi l declining prices. In T^Oi .md

!(:)02, and again in 1930 to 1932 Saturn was

passing through Capricornus; at that time India
had again experienced political upheaval in the
whole country. The Government Security
( Loan ) at that time was at a very declining
price. In 1900 Saturn was passing through
the same sign Capricornus. This was attended
by the great famine in India, which put the
country and the country's industries in confu-
sion and many people died ol hunger^ The
interest resources were at the lowest point at
this time


The conjuction of two major planets in a

sign exerts a strong influence upon a ounlry
ruled by it; the effect is either good or evil
according to the nature of the planets that
form a conjunction, but it is attended by great
mulationi" and upheavals irt the political, reli-
gious and physical worlds.

The effects of conjuuctions in a country's

ruling sign are as follows :—
Mars }upiter...Qtt&{'mf[dit\on in the prices;
Popular excitement; much enthusiasm in the
market causing Bull tendency; highly specula-
tive buying.

/MafS-Sfl//ir/i...War»(strifes, riots, insur-

rection and disturbances are threatened or
actually breakout. Heavy depreciation of

PLANETARY influence

stocks and Securities, the Monarch or some

important person may die or be criticised or
be dethroned.
The conjunction of these two malefic
planets are worth more than cursory notice-
They almost constitute chronomctric or historical
pointers. This conjunction occurs every second
year, when they arc one sign furthur advanced
in the Zodiac. It will be seen that the con-
junctions of the two malefics produce sharp
and sudden calamities.
Alars-UVanuSELevolts, accidents, etc.,
disturb the order oi things. This aspect cauaes
a sudden and unexpected heavy depreciation,
but not so lasting or so serious.
JuplitT-Satnrr*. This happens every twenty
years and it causes great mutations, reforms,
and great political changes in Government,
useful reforms, constitutional changes and crea-
tion of funds This combination brings a steady
advancement in values.


Jt occured in !82l, 1842, 1861, 1881,

1901, 1921.

}npiter-fiershel.R*con-iUvc\ ion of Stocks

and issues of new shares; financial revisions,
reforms and legislative changes, ft is often
followed by epidemics.

Saturn'~liersheI...Chnn%c.i'm the Goapife.

mcnl and serious political troubles. This com-
bination shows depression in prices.

The evil effect of a conjunction is lessened,

il it occurs in a sign that is the house or exalta-
tion of one of the two planets concerned, or
if there is much difference of iattitude between
them; but the effect is increased, if the sign
is ihc detriment or fall of either.


The rise and fall in security prices follow

very closely certain positions and aspects of
the major planets Hershel. Saturn and Jupiter.

The major bad aspects being 180° oc 90*.

The minor being 135° a. 4Se. Such aspects are
called evil or inharmonious aspects.

1 he major good aspects being 120' & 60'.

The minor being 30° it 150°. Such aspects are
called harmonious aspects.
The inharmonious aspects JSO'-OO'-IJS'-
45* between the planets Hershel. Saturn a
Jupiter are periods of depression and falling

The harmonious aspects 120 60°-30°-!50"

between the same planets are periods of pro-
sperity and rising prices.


Therefore their coming harmonious or in-

harmonious aspects are indicative of a repeti-
tion of those conditions.
The conjunction is either good or evil
according to the nature of the planets and the
sign occupied; so they deserve particular and
careful notice.
Uranus with Jupiter good
Uranus with Saturn evil
Saturn with Jupiter uncertain.
The conjunctions of Mars and Jupiter and
Saturn and Mars are also important. The first
occurs every twenty-seven months. It produces
financial troubles and unrest in the country
ruled by the sign in which they are placed.
The second occurs about every two years;
this is a very serious one. It produces much
trouble to the Government; sometimes war and
rioting, etc. in the countries ruled by the sign
in which they are placed.
The conjunctions of Saturn . ad Jupiter
occur approximately every twenty years. It is


known as the Great Mutation. They take place

regularly in each of the twelve signs in a retro-
grade order of four signs for ten such conjunc-
tions and then in order oi three signs.
The conjunction of Saturn and Uranus is
evil causing famine and pestilence for several
The following combinations of aspects are
most striking and potent, and arc indicative of
the main business trend or primary stock
1 — Hershel (with Saturn.
2 — Hershel with Jupiter.
3 — Saturn with Jupiter,
t'4 — Planets transiting a country's
ruling sign.
5 — Stationary position of the planet
*' Mars.
The effects of these aspect begin to
operate from 8° to 10* away and continue the
effects 8' to 10° apart,


in eclipse, the Sun and Moon play a promi-

nent part with other planets. In earthquakes
-sUc^ tb* Bus- and Moon play a prominent part
with Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Mara, Mercury
and Saturn. In markets, etc., the Moon, Mer-
cury, Jupiter, Mars Saturn and Venus give
their prominent parts. Aries 0* coincides with
the equator, and 0' is the meridian of Green-
wich. Planets east or west of this point respond
to similar Geographical longitudes and their
configurations with one another are seen to
attend all remarkable seismic disturbances espe-
cially following an eclipse. Solar and Lunar
Eclipses have detrimental effect on the Security
prices of that country in which sign the elipsea
fall, for fhey indicate most important and far-
reaching effects and their period of influence
extends over some considerable time. The Secu-


rity suffers by diverse misfortunes and relapses.

The effect comes into operation when one of
the major evil planet comes to that very point
through transit, or comes in opposition to the
eclipse point. Eclipses have considerable in-
fluence in those countries where they are visible,
also the sign in which they fall, and more espe-
cially where they are on the meridian; and so
affect the Stocks, Bonds or Securities of those
nations to a very great extent, ft was by watch-
ing the eclipscS of luminaries, our ancient astro-
logers foretold the nature of calamities about
to happen in different countries.

Fbc result of the transit of a planet to the

eclipse point is in accordance to the nature ol
the planet.
Mors... Wars, fires; much enterprise and feve-
rish activity in the country; good trade
and new floatations. Its eflect on the
market depends on its aspects and
nature of the sign it occupies but ■gcrx;-


. ■•y
rally it induces to a brisk market, active
buying and a bull tendency.
L/fo/ia3...Strikcsfevolutions, political Changes,
5£//i/r77...Mi8iortunc95deaths. lamins?. lasSyfe
of crops and National depression due
to political reversea. Its effect on the
market is to produce a marked depression.
Neptune...Chaolic conditions, democratic di-
sturbances, confusion, raging and um
sound ventures. It tends to schemes
and plots.
Eclipsea occuring in Gardina! signs affect
the national trade and some political changes
are formed.
Eclipses in Fixed signs, cause trouble to
national finance suddenly and unexpectedly.
Eclipses in Common signs, indicate danger
of strikes and labour troubles.
The Sunoliong or conjunctions and Syzyges
of the luminaries recur on the same day every


19 years. The period of eclipses is 6585 days,

7 hours, 42 minutes Ac 3! seconds according
to the present astrologers. The effects last as
many years as the obscuration lasted hours in
a Solar Eclipse, and in a Lunar Eclipse, ao'many
months. The greatest effects ol such eclipseS
are bad or good over those countries or districts
where they are visible according to the aspects
of the major planets and the size of the eclipse.
No eclipse can threaten a pestilence or famine
to the whole earth, nor such pestilence continues
more than four years in one place In all the
eclipses the position of the Node is very impor-
tant and that can be traced out by the longi-
tude ol the Node, as the Node is that point
where the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic or
Ipath oi the Sun. The eclipse of the sun
lakes place when the New-Moon is within l8*-36'
of the Node, while the eclipse of the Moon
occurs when the Full-Moon is within t2'-24,.



Many predictions can be obtained by

watching the progress oi the planets through
different signs When certain planets come to
the actual degress of the sign of the Ascen-
dant or Mid-heaven of a place or a country,
an inevitable effect is felt which governs, the
financial world to h very great extent. When
the exact degrciis of a city or a country is
known, the degress of its meridian can also
be computed.

Below ore some of the cities with degrees

of Ascendant and Mid-heaven.
London Gemini I70-54I Virgo 20°
New York Cancer 14° Places 24°
New Orleans Gemini 27° Pisces 3°
Paris Virgo .. 14° Gemini 1 lu
Komc Virgo 23 Gemini 22°


Peking Sagittarius 16" Libra 6"

Tokio Aquarius 7" Libra 29°
Bei lin Virgo 24" Gemini 22°
Bombay Scorpio 20° Leo 22°
Calcutta Sagittarius 2° Virgo 7"

In 1896 Uranus and Saturn were passing

through the sign Scorpio 20". which is the
Ascendant of Be mbny. At that time the disa-
strous plague burst raging, which put to an end
thousands of lives in the Bombay Presidency,
and utterly, broke down the trade. In 1894
Saturn was transiting 29" of Libra. which is
the mid-heaven of Tokio. the capital of Japan.
At that^time the Cbino-japancse war was to
its fullest. In April 1898, Saturn was in the
sign Sagittarius, which is the ruling sign of
Spain. She had a disastrous war with the Uni-
ted States of America; and the immediate
effect on the market was a slump. In 1931,
when Jupiter was passing in the sign Leo. the
mid-heaven of Bombay, the gold market was


m a blaze, as long as it remained n the sign.

When Saturn in Pisces came over the mid-
heaven of New Orleans, on the I 1th march
1935. the Cotton market fell all atonce. When
Saturn came in opposition to the mid-heaven
of Calcutta in 1935 August !5lhto 28th, the Jutes
and Jute- markets were crushed down heavify.
When Jupiter transited, the Ascendant of Bom-
bay in 1933, the gold market got an upward turn.

AB:ur investment.
We should first prefer those stocks or secu-
rities or National Bonds, which are sound and
readily dealt in, on the open market. For deri-
ving profits, it is necessary that we should buy
cheaply and sell at higher prices.
Choose your stocks in that market from
which Saturn has just completed its transit.
The reason is only that, Saturn has depreciated
the piiccs of slocks of that cauntry; so you
get the stocks very cheaply. Hold the stocks
until Jupiter has made its transit. Jupiter in
transit inflates stock prices. Now, sell your
stocks at- ibi highest prices possible. By ado-
pting this method investors may gain lot of
Rules-. — Choose your market, where Saturn
has just completed its transit.
Remember that Saturn always demands
time as his motion is slow. He does nothing
quickly but rewards patience.


(2) See that Jupiter will pass through it

during the time.
(3) See that no eclipse falls on or in the
ruling sign of the stock during the time.
(4) See that major evil planets, Neptune,
Hershel and Saturn do nut transit the sign.
In this way you can purchase stocks at
the lowest prices and sell at the highest. You
may be a seller or a buyer, yet it is necessary
that you should keep your eye upon iKcTrnaior
planets especially Saturn ancb Jupitgj. By follo-
wing these rules you will be able to derive
best possible profits Suppose for instance, you
desire to purchase Chinese Bonds. Now see
that Saturn has just made it a""* transit" through
the sign Cancer, which is the ruling sign of
China, Then only purchase Chinese Bonds at
the lowest possible value and keep them until
Jupiter transits flhe sign. Jupiter raises prices
to a very great extent, so during his stay in
the sign keep your eye on the market and sell
your Bonds at the highest price possible.


A boom means a strong and extensive

advance with more or less noisy excitement.
This word is applied colloquially to market
prices, when we have a rapid growth in the
market value. It is caused when the indicator
of a thing sought for meets successively with
harmonious aspects and conjunctions nf beni-
ficial planeta without any inharmonious aspect
between, to break the aeries.

A slump means a sudden fall in the market.

It occurs: when the indicator meets with inhar-
monious or bad aspects successively without
any harmonious aspects between, to break the

The ruling sign of a company, is that

' iyhich the Sun occupies in the Radix on the
day of registration or incorporation


Action and reaction are equal and oppo-

site. If a ball is thrown upward, it will certainly
come down. Nature tends everything towards
an equilibrium. The normal level is constantly
touched. A man must know normal as well as
abnormal points. That a rise is only a preli-
minary of a heavy fall. Buy at lowest and s ell
at highest. Buyers inflate the market for the
ultimate benefit of the sellers, and the latter
will deflate it for the benefit of prospective

Astrology is only a science, it dose not

save a soul from self-undoing, but it only
throws light upon the dark & narrowed paths,
it only shows the time, when to uuy a thing
and when to sell it, or when it will be highest
or the lowest.



For the individual stocks and shares that

nrc on the open market for sole, there is
a method quite different from which you have
just studied.

Each company's Horoscope should be set

for noon of the date of Registration or Incorpo-
ration, likewise our Natal Branch in which we
prepare a Hadix, for the birth time. Here we
have to take noon time of the date of Regist-
ration or.incorporation ol that particular company,
for which we want to know The luminaries
should be placed on the ce 1 cslia 1 scheme to-
gether with Pars Fortune. For the position ol
the latter, add the sign, degrees and minutes
of the Ascendant to that of the Moon and from
that sum deduct the sipn, degrees and minutes
of the Sun. That will be the longitude of Forluna.


This gives D_zodiRcaI position as far removed

from the ascendant as the Moon is from the
Sun. Adopting this method prepare a Horoscope
cr a map for the company concerned. With the
help of this you would be able to predict the
rise and fall of each individual shares and
stocks of a company very accurately.

SmHIFlCATORS AND indicator

The word significator is derived from

L. Signum,a sign and facio,l make, i. e. to
show by a sign or to make known. In a horos-
cope, the Sun, Moon, AsccjicJant, Mid-heaven
and Fortuna are the five sensitive points and so
being called Significators. The transits of the
planets and Eclipses work at their best with
these five significators or sensitive points, i

The indicator is that planet, which is the

rulct ol;. thc sign in which the Sun is fixed or
placed in the Radix.

Side by side the Radical Horoscope the

Student should prepare a Progressed Horoscope
or Directional Horoscope which is also called,
by taking I" degree for each year to the Mid-
heaven. For the years roll on the significators
make progress.


The transits of planets Naptune, Hershel,

Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are very striking and
potent when passing over,

(i) The radical Significators,

(ii) The directional Significators.

The actual results are obtained when they

transit the actual degrees oi Significators.

The stationary position of the planet Mars

over the Significators is very potent in its nature.


Eclipses falling on the places of the

significators are detrimental to the share values
of the company by different misfortunes. The
effect of an eclipse is enduring or lasting for
a long time. Note in the Ephemeris. when
a malefic planet transits that point, or comes in
opposition, for that point will be the time when
the effects come into operation.
11 the eclipse falls on the mid-heaven, the
credit oi tile company will be at crisis, icr
the eclipses arc enduring and lasting for some
11 the eclipse falls on the ascendant, owing
to some deaths or defections etc. the personal
of the company will be reduced

11 an eclipse falls on the Sun. the directors

ol board will be in trouble.


If on the Moon, the public will be adverse

to the trading and development of the company.

if on the fortuna, the estates and property

of the concern will be affected.

The transits of the planets also indicate

nature of catastrophy about to happen.

Mars... affects the Share values, through

wars, slrikca, fires, etc.

5a/£;r/?...affcclthrough misfortunes, deaths, etc.

H.'l ihel...n\\tc\s through politic d changes,

revolutions and violent dissentiona.

Neptune... affects through lapses, defections,

chacticonditions, ringing and unsound



Ephemeral aspects of the planets to the

indicator show rise and fall of a share value
from day to day and from week to week.

Ephemeral aspects are of two ktnds:-

(I) Transits of Planets over the places of

significators, and (2) the aspects to the indicator.

•Transits may last for serveral days, while

an aspect to the indicator does not last more
than a^day, Ephemeral aspects to the indica-
tors show daily rise and fall of the share
Values, etc., while the transits of the planets,
through the places of significators, show ffhe
general trend oi rise and fall of the market.

Good aspects to the indicator cause a rise

in prices and bad aspects indicate a fall. Some


slight latitude should always be allowed, because

frequently it is found that there is a tendency
for the aspect to act on the day after it is
exact rather than on the very day.



Ahmedabad Manufacturing & Calico

Printing Co.. Ltd. Registered in Bombay. 20th
November I881J, 11-45 A.M. Local Time.
The Radix is as (ollows:—

Midheaven ... .. Scorpio 28°

Eleventh house .. Sagittarius 2)°
TweKlh House .. Capricorn 18°
Ascendant ... ... Aquarius I 70-5'J
Second House .. Pisces 24°
Third House .. Aries 29°
Fourth House .. Taurus 28°
Fifth House... .. Gemini 23°
Sixth House .. Cancer 18"
Seventh House ... Leo i7o-50'
Eighth House ... Virgo 24°
Ninth House ... Libra 29°
Sun ."Scorpio 2SnVi'

-4 2-

Moon.,. Cancer 5u-55'

Forluna Virgo 2S0-24
Neptune ,.. Taurus I 20-3 I' K
Hershel Virgo 130-25'
Jupiter Aries 90-56' R
Saturn Aries 230-7' R
Mars... Scorpio 2D0-2r
Venus Capricorn l0-23
Mercury .. Sagittarius 60~26'
Moon's Node „ Sagittarius 2b0-48

You have learnt in Chapter X!1 that the

indicator is that planet, which is the ruler of
the sign in which the Sun is fixed in the
Radix. And hence in the ahovementioned
horoscope Mars becomes the indicator oi the
Share value. Here Mars is in its own sign
situated on the cusp of Midheaven. Good or
bad ephemeral aspects with Mars-the indicator
in this horoscope-will show quick rise or fall
in the share value. Of course aspects of the
major planets will aHecc the share value to a


greater extent Mars in its own sign situated

on the cusp of the Midheaven of the horoncopc
shows stability and gradual rise of the Company
as the years roll on.

Moon in its own sign situated in the fifth

house-the house of speculation-shows quick
fluctuation in the share value.

Tata Iron A Steel Co., Ltd. Registered

in Bombay, 26th August 1907, 12-16 P.M.
(Noon) Local Time,
The Radix is as follows:—
Midheaven ... ... Virgo 6°
Eleventh House ... Libra fi0
Twelfth House ... Scorpio 6°
Ascendant Sagittarius 2°-26'
Second House ... Capricorn 1°
Third House ... Aquarius 3°
Fourth House ... Pisces 6°
Fifth House ... Aries 8°
Sixth House ... Taurus 6n


Seventh House Gemini 20-26

Eighth House Cancer 1°
Ninth House Leo 3°
Sun ... Virgo i 0 -54'
Moon Aries 9°-19'
Fortuna Cancer 90-5r
Neptune Cancer l40-7'
Hershel Capricorn 8 *-57' R
Jupiter Leo i -35'
Saturn Pisces 250-42' R
Mars Capricorn 9°
venu Leo 260-33,
Mercury Leo IQo-ZV
Moon's Node Cancer 21 •-14'

In the abovementioned horoscope Mercury

is the indicator of the horoscope.

Moon in the fifth house and in square

aspect with Hershel and Mars shows ruinous
speculation in the shares of the company. Quick
rise and fall in the share value is indicated.


Good aspects of the mnjor planets with the

significators and indicator of the horoscope will
bring rapid rise in the share value while bad
aspects will bring crisis in the share value.

Bombay Dyeing And Manufacturing Co..

Ltd. Registered in Bombay. 23rd August i879
The registration time of the above company is
not known and hence it is safer to cast the
horoscope taking 12 (Noon) Local time.
The Radix will be qs under:-
Midhcaven Leo 29'
Eleventh House Libra l"
Twelfth House Libra 29°
Ascendant Scorpio 26°~3 i!
Second House Sagittarius 2^°
Third House. Capricorn 27°
Fourth House Aquarius 29°
Fifth House Aries 1°
Sixth House Aries 29°
Seventh House, Taurus 260-3!,
Eighth House. Gemini 24°


Ninth House Cancer 27°

Sun Leo 29°-44'
Moon Scorpio i20-r
Fortuna Aquarius 8° 48*
Neptune Taurus 1 20-4' R
Hersht! Virgo 4M7'
Saturn Aries ! 3°- ! 2' R
Jupiter Pisces 80-48' R
Mars Taurus
Venus Libra 6° -30'
Mercury Virgo ir*-2i' K
Moon's Node Capricorn 22c-34"


Tata Iron And Steel Co., Ltd

Deferred Shares.
Highest A lowest price in the year
!920 is given below.
Year Highest Lowest
1918 1630 870-
1919 1400 1035
1920 111(1 947
1921 1070 ' 527
1922 705 295
1923 275 85
f92 4 187 85
1925 90 27
1926 60 35
1927 230 42
19.8 322 133
1929 320 210
1930 325 148


S93S 315 245

1932 345 260
1933 280 132
1934 228 165
1935 730 202
1936 720 460
1937 2S5U 508
1938 i860 393
1939 1560 840
1940 2238 1150
1941 2260 . 1640
1942 2332 1525
1943 Not known to u«—
1944 2336 1900
1945 2680 1977
Bombay Dyeing Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Highest & lowest price of the share in the
year since 1920 is as follows:—
Year Highest Lowest
1920 " 4330 2730
1921 3505 1680
1922 1650 1 195


1923 1565 765

1924 880 660
1925 1170 740
1926 962 842
19^7 1005 898
1928 955 70S
1929 892 70!
193U 825 635
193 i 73;) 615
1932 695 618
1933 825 675
1934 950 660
1935 965 711
1936 802 640
1937 1105 865
1938 977 788
1939 1195 690
1940 1200 870
194! 1490 970
1942 1715 990
1943 2163 1630
1944 2200 1700
1945 2240 1830



The beneficial aspects are the sextile (*)

and the trine (A)) lo 'es3 extent semi-
sexlilc (J.) and quinlilc (Q1, which always
produce a in prices. The beneficial aspects
of Luminaries, Jupiter. Venus and Neptune
with the indicator and conjunctions themselvca
always inflate the stock prices.

The inharmonious or evil aspects being

opposition (8). square (D), and to less extent
semi square (<^) and aesqui-quadralc (O),
which" always produce a fall in prices- The
inharmonious aspects of Naptune, Uranus,
Saturn and Mars with the indicator or conjunc-
tions themselves always depreciate the stock
prices. The conjunctions or inharmonious as-
pects of Saturn with the indicator or significa-
tors never fail to depreciate the prices. By its


goods aspects to the indicator it steadies the

market, but does not inilaic it. Saturn is called
the great obstructor because it acts with
a greater deliberation and certainty.

The aspect of Hershel is sudden, and so

it shows quick turns of prices of stocks suddenly.

The work of Jupiter is to expand and so

its good aspects or conjunctions with the in-
dicator never fail to enhance or to augment
the prices.

The conjunctions of Jupiter and Venus,

and also ol Sun, Moon and Neptune ihcm-
Htlves well aspected are good, as they are
iormed with the indicator; they show an ephe-
mera] appreciation of the stock and shares of
the Company. The good aspects, i. e , sextile
and trine of all other planets logethef with
those named above are beneficial and indicate
a rise in the share value, but the conjunctionp

of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Mars, and the

squares 190*), semi-squares (45*), scsqui-quacJ-
rate (135°) and opposition (180°) of all bodies,
except that of Moon, are depressing and depre-
ciating. Specially this is the case with Saturn,
which is a confirmed passive and obstructor.



/Vflp/«W5.,.Inharrnoniouaspects always in
Hate prices through the action of rings or groups
acting together to dominate the market. Its
inharmonious aspects depreciate the market.

Uranus,..lbs chiefly concerned with poli-

tical conditions, Government action and official
buying and selling. Its inharmonious aspect
affects" the market through strikes, revolutions
and political upheavals; so when in aspect' to
(he indicator never fail to observe the Govern-
ment Broker,

5a/ur//,..ltsharmonious aspect steadies the,

market, but evil one never fails to depreciate;
when it touches the sensitive points, it is sure
to upset the market.


Brings market very high through

conjunctions and harmonious aspects. Its inhar-
monious aspect shows selling for profit taking.

MQFS..Ait harmonious aspect often stimu-

lates the market, but inharmonious aspect
affects the market through war-rumours, wars,
insurrections, etc. Its sign indicates the country
from which source the danger proccccU.


Fiancts rule certain commodities and aflcct

them very much through their aspects in the
heaven. An indicator is that planet which is the
ruler of a certain commodity. Harmonious as-
pects with the indicator show rise in prices and
inharmonious aspects in the ephemeris depress
the prices of that commodity of which the
indicator is the ruler. For the daily rise and fall
in the prices of a certain commodity, note the
daily aspects of the planets with the indicator.

Sun is I be indicator of Gold. ( Atomic

weight J96>.
Moon is not a particular indicator of any
commodity, but she rules over Silver.
Mercury is the indicator of Silver (Atomic
weight lOSj, quick-silver (Atomic weight 200),
Wheat and Cotton production.


Venus is the indicator of Copper (Atomic

weight 61;, Silk, Textiles, Cotton prices and

Mars is the indicator of machinery, Iron

(Atomic weight Steel, Motors, Railways etc.

Jupiter is the indicator of Tobacco, Rubber,

"ZtiTcT^firrtAtomic weight 1 18).

Saturn is the indicator of Coal « Lead

(Atomic weight 207).

Uranus is the indicator of Elcctrum—

a composit or proportioned amalgam of all the
other planetary metals, aviation, electrical con-
cerns, wireless and telegraphs

Neptune is the indicator of raw cotton,

drugs; very soft and ductile metal of highly
poisonous properties; narcotics a tea.

Signs indicate following things: —

Aries— Rails, machinery.
Taunis Wheat, Sugar, Molasses


0«/73i/7/—Bui.Me9,Trams, Publications, KeiL

Cancer— Silver, Tea, Milk, Onions
Leo— Gold, Currency.
Virgo— Cotton product, Corn, Clothing.
Libra— Cotton prices.
Scorpio— Oils, Chemicals.
Tin, Rubber (partly )
Capricorn— Rubber.
Aquarius— Silk, Electricity.
Pisces— Fith, Breweries, Oils,



An indicator is strong when in its own sign.

Thus Sun in Leo would be strong for gold.
The Sun signifies the monarch, as head of the
nation, as well as gold is the king of all the
mttals. li the Sun be in Leo and if he be in
evil aspects with one of the major planets gold
is- likely to be affected, If a major planet be
in Leo and form evil aspects with other planets,
that will also affect gold. Similarly Mercury in
Cancer is strong for silver and any planet for-
ming evil aspects from Cancer, will affect silver.
This being the way to foreknow the fluctua-
tions of every commodity mentioned in the
previous chapter.

On 3rd July 192B. in the London Stock

Exchange gold fell. The quarterly map of 2lit
June showed the Sun in Cancer. Cancfr has


detrimental effect on the Sun which is the ruler

ol gold. The ruler of Cancer-the Moon was in
lunation or. 17th June. Sun the ruler of gold
was in scmisquare to Neptune. The major planet
Neptune was in Leo. which was affected by
the evil aspects of other plnnet3. All these made
gold prices depreciate.

The slump of silver prices on the 5th and

6th of August 1935 is another example.

Mercury entered ! eo, the detrimental sign

for silver on 2nd August. 1 he following aspects
were prominent at that time..

Mercury was in square to Hershel. Jupiter

and Mara and the Sun in scmisquare to Venus
and in ctuiffpunx to Saturn.
The evil aspect of Mercury with Hershel
ia'- prominent of all. Hershel in its inharmonious
aspects affect the market through political
upheavals and conditions. It makes sudden
sharp fluctuations.

■ r-0-

The aspects cl secondary importance ore

Mercury square Jupiter and Mars. The planet
Jupiter in bad aspect shows selling for profit
taking and hence fall in prices; and Mars
affecting the market through war rumours, etc.,
the lowest price from Rb. 72 to 64 was touched
on the 14th and 15th August '35. Mercury
entered its own sign Virgo on the 17th, which
made the market atcady.


From reports we find that for about laat

7 or 8 years there was no more atnsation in
the gold market. It remained steady with a
Slctuation of about 8 annas or a Rupee. In
September 193', the value of gold began to
rise from Rs. 21-8-0 to Rs. 27/-, and to Rs 30/-
wilhin three months; and going down to
Rs 27- 14-0 in June 1932, again got a rise to
3I-I3-U in November. In 1934 t ebruary, it was
Rs. t-34 H-0, going upto Rs. 35-8-0 in October.

Referring the ephemeris of 193!. we find

that on the !5t}i August, the New Moon falls
on the Meridian of Bombay, which is Leo 22°.
When the Sun came exactly over M. C. the
sensation of gold value began. The Sun and
Uranus were in trine, both of fiery triplicity,
and the major planets Uranus and Saturn were


in square aspects. One is the ruler of India,

the other ia that of England (being in the sign
-AiisaC-snd—L«o also ruled France. The bene-
ficial planet Jupiter entered into Leo, and
conjoined with Venus. Mars was in opposition
to Uranus. Government thought of buying gold
through its brokers. The cffccls of Jupiter are
always good, giving expansion to the thing* In
the next two months gold went up from Rs. 22
to Rs. 26. When the indicator of the thing
came in the midheaven oi Bombay, it began to
rise speedily from the first week of November
to the first week of December 1931. Then
Jupiter became retrograde till April 1932, the
value began to depreciate from about Ra. 30-10-0
to Rs, 28/8 upto the time Jupiter was direct.
Thus the whole thing v/ould be judged from
the entrance of Jupiter in Leo.


The reports show that for these eeven years

the silver market of Bombay was not steady.
Each year thcic was rise and fall in the rates.
Silver is ruled by Mercury and Moon, as well
as cotton is also ruled by the sign Cancer-the
fourth house of the celestial horoscope and by
Mercury being the fourth house of New Orleans
horoscope, the great cotton productive region
of the world, it seems there is naturally some
relation between cotton and silver someway or
the other.'
The following rules for the Silver market
will be useful!.
(1) Whenever Mercury is retrograde", the
price of silver has gone down.
(2) Whenever Mercury gets inharmonious
aspects from evil planets, the price of silver
has gone down

(31 Whenever any planet comes in the sign

Cancer, and if it gets evil aspects from any
planet, the silver market goes down

(4) The chief centre for silver is Mexico.

Its ruling sign is Capricorn Capricorn is ruled
by Saturn.

In 1929. Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on

12th June and remained there for a year;
became retrograde on 5th October and remained
so till the beginning of February 1930. Saturn
was in Sagittarius, in opposition to Jupiter till
December 1929. Mercury 'was retrograde for
some days in June and square to Saturn.
Neptune entered the sign Gemini and was in
square to Jupiter and Saturn by signs There
being no harmonious aspects, 'there was no
possibility oi a rise till February 1930.

Taking the horoscope of Bombay we find

Saturn in the 2nd house, while Jupiter just
opposite and retrograde. When Saturn went in


h>s own sign and in the Ascendant oi Mexico.

Uranus came in bad aspect with it. Thus
major planets were in inharmonious aspects.
The silver market fell from Rs 57 to Rs. 47.
as there was no good help from other minor

From February third week Jupiter got

harmonious aspects from Mercury. Mars &
Uranus and there was no bad aspect from
Saturn till April 1930. The Market went a little
high, but when Saturn became retrograde it
came down and there was a depression in the
market, though Jupiter was in the sign Cancer
Referring the ephemeris wc find that in the
sign Lancer Jupiter is in opposition to Saturn
1 he market h,rahually went down to Febru-
ary 1931,

The slump in silver prices from 65 to 57

in December 1935 between the dates 9th 6c
1 Ith is a fine specimen of example.


On 9th December, Mercury the ruler of

silver was in square aspect with the major
planet Neptune. The minor aspect being 45*
with Venus. On !0th December Mercury was
in 45' with mars. The minor aspect being
Moon in opposition to Mercury. The evil
aspect of Mercury with the major planet
Neptune, made the market Slump.

Cotton market is the king of all the mar
kets Great fortunes are gained and lo3t in
a single day in this market All the cotton mar-
kets of the world mostly depend on New
Orleans and New York cotton markets In the
following chapters you will find rules and regu-
lations governing the prices of these markets.
There are many minor factors which govern
the prices but the prime factor is the Radix
of New Orleans, as it is the biggest centre ol
cotton product.
The Nativity of New Orleans is as follows:-
Midhcavcn Piyrcs 3'
Eleventh House Aries 6'
Twelfth House Taurua 18'
Ascendant Gemini 27°
Second House Cancer 17*
Third House Leo 8°
The time taken for the Horoscope is
12 A. M. (Noon).


The fourth house is called the lower angle

of the Earth. The product is related to earth,
and so the fourth house shows the product of
the earth, i. e. farming and mining interests,
crops; so here cotton product. The sign occu-
pying the fourth house is Virgo for New Or-
leans, and so its ruler Mercury becomes the
constant indicator or governor of crop product
and its condition.

The price ol the product is governed by

the fifth house, it being the second house of
the productive house. The second house in
astrology has relation to the financial affairs
and monetary possessions, questions of buying
and selling and trade return We find Libra aa
sign; so Venus is the constant ruler or its
governor of cotton prices,


Hence the rules arc: —

(i) Mercury indicates the crop condition

and product,
(ii) Venus indicates the price of cotton.

There are three other rules for determining

the crop conditions.

(i) The aspects of Mercury from Virgo to

other celestial bodies in the Heavens.

(ii) The transits of other planets in Virgo

and their aspects.

(hi) The aspects of Mercury with other

planets in any part of the nativity should be
noted, when there are no other aspects
operating in the fourth house, as Mercury is
thd- ruler of crop conditions.
Similar are the rules for crop prices.
(i) The aspects of Venus from Libra to
other celestial bodies in the Heavens,


(ii) The transit of other planets in Libra

and their aspects.

(iii) The aspects of Venus with other

planets in any part of the nativity, when there
are no aspects operating in the fifth house, as
Venus is the indicator of crop prices.

In 1862 Saturn and Jupiter were in
conjunction in the sign Virgo, and Mars was
in the sign Pisces. A plentiful crop was signified
by Jupiter but nobody to handle it. Later on in
August 1862, Jupiter entered the sign Libra
nnd cotton prices rose to famine figures, which
caused the downfall of Lancashire, When Jupiter
passed from Virgo to Libra, only Saturn remained
in Virgo.. Saturn is the ' Death Bell ' or obs-
tructor. The fourth house shows the crop condi-
tions and yield and as Saturn being in the
fourth t house the yield would be less and
naturally the prices of crop would lid late II
Saturn be in the fifth house the prices would
On the 3rd November I9i6, Venus the
indicator of cotton prices came into its own
S'gn Libra, During s stay it had the following


Sextile Saturn and scxtlle Mars, sextile

Neptune and trine Hershel. All harmonious
aspects made the market fluctuate from low to
high well over 21-00.

There was a great slump in cotton prices

on I3ih December 1911, which made the price
fall below 5-00. The period of depression in
prices continued until the 3rd January 1912.
The following aspects were ruling.

No planet in Virgo; Venus was in Libra

but no support of good aspects from any planet,
-__i?uJL on the contrary was in square of Hershel
and Neptune, These evil aspects of Hershel
and Neptune with Venus—the indicator ci
prices made the market value depreciate.

On 29th December 1904, there was a great

slump in prices which put the market to 3*63.
Noting the ephemeris we come to know that
Mars was in Libra in direct opposition to Jupiter.
On 28th December, Venus was in conjunction


with Saturn, ihc 'Death Bell.' Obviously, the

conjunction of Venus with Saturn and the
opposition of Jupiter with Mars in Libra affected
the prices of cotton.

Fortunes were gained and lost in a single

day on 7th January 1912. On that day there
was a great slump in cotton prices. The nativity
showing the following prominent aspect.

The panic conjunction of Venus and Jupiter

in the sign Sagittarius and in direct opposition
to the Ascendant of the Radix.

The recent slump oi nearly 60 points in

Cotton in December 1935 from 9th to I2lh is
a nolablo'example for the students*

Undermentioned were the evil aspects

'-ol Venus with the other planets during the
- period.
Venus semi-square Neptune.
Venus opposition Hershel.
Venus square Mars,


The evil aspects of Venus with the major

planets Neptune and Hershel made the prices
fall, as Venus is the price governor.
These facts tell us that:-
( i ) Fianets in Virgo govern crops.
( ii} Planets in Libra govern prices.
( iii) Harmonious aspects increase, and evil
aspects diminish.
(iv) Venus is the price governor of cotton


(I) Note, the aspects over midheaven,

Ascendant, the Nadir and Decendant points.

(?) Planets passing through Virgo and their

aspects with the other planets show crop

(3) Planets passing through Libra.and their

aspects show crop prices.

(4) The ephemeral aspects ol planets with

Mercury indicate crops and shipments; and with
Venus the prices.

Another thing to be born in mind is this

The harmonious aspects to or of Mercury show
good yield of crop and hence prices depreciate. #
1 he inharmonious aspects reduce crops and so
prices inflate.


The harmonious aspects to or of Venus

show rise in prices. Successively harmonious
aspects and inharmonious aspects with Venus
will cause a great boom in the market causing
^ big rise and a big fall respectively.

The New York cotton market works harmo-

niously with that of New Orleans, so the same
rules and regulations are coincident with it.

(a) When Mercury is retrograde the price

of cotton generally goes down.

(b) When Venus is retrograde the price of

cotton goes down.

(c) Wh-n Venus is in- Virgo and Murcury

is in Libra, the market remains steady.

(d) Mpts in the fifth house, gives stimula-

tion to the market.

(e) Mars in the fourth honse disturbs

agtictiUure, hence infertility of the land.


The Ncw-york Cotton Exchange, was

opened for business on the 10lh September
1870. Its nativity is as follows. ■'Nconi
1U II 12 Asc. 2 3
!(!' 18 ^ 18 m 12 ^ 2 15 3 ^ 12
o U b * Qi '!• V
TP 17-55 = H ^ 22 K26 K 2^1 ft I ft 25
H W ft
@25 T2I ® 16

This cotton exchange dominates the prices

in the United states and generally is the
barometer for the world cotton markets, because
the large percentage of cotton is prod iced in
the United states. At times Liverpool market
will dominate that market for a abort time.
Then New-york and other markets will follow
lit. Indian markets follow both the markets,
but as a general rule it is safe to assume that
the New-york Cotton Exchange is the leading
market of the world.


The following being the Radix for the

New York Stock Exchange for I7lh May
1792 Local Time-noon-New York,

Midheavcn Taurus 29°

Eleventh House ... Cancer 4*
Twelfthjjouae ... Leo 6°
Ascendant Virgo 4<5
Second House ... Virgo 27°
Third House Libra 26°
The Sun Taurus 28°
The Moon . Aries 9"
The Fortuna Cancer I 5 "

The work of Stock Exchange chart is to

show group effect of rise and fall in share
values. These have a joint indicator which
governs the share values ■ sympathetically.
Suppose we want to know about American


Railway Shores. The third house shows Railways.

The ruler of the third house is Venus in this
horoscope, and so Venus becomes the indicator
for Railway shares The aspects of planets with
Vcnu3 will show general trend of rise and fall
of American Railway Shares

Eclipses falling on the places of signi-

ficators are adverse to share values, The transits
of major planets on them and their aspects
indicate big rise or fall in stock prices,

The Radix being as fnilowa:—
Midheaven Gemini 18"
Eleventh House ... Cancer 25"
Twelfth House ... Leo 26°
Ascendant ... Virgo 21"
Second House ... Libra !30
Third House ... Scorpio '2"
The Sun Taurus 271
The Moon . Leo I"
The Fortuna Scorpio 25"
For instance, if we want to forecast for
British Rail Shares we have to rcler the third
house of the radix. The sign scorpio is on the
third house, so here its ruler Mars becomes
the permanent indicator. The aspects of Mars
show the rise' and fall ol British Rail-Stocks
The rules for dealing are the same as the
preceding Chapter.



9th July 1875, M-22 A. M Local Time

The Radix is as follows: —

Midheaven. Cancer 7°
Eleventh House ... ... Leo 7"
Twelfth blouse... ... Virgo 7°
Ascendant ... Libra 7s-l4'
Second House ... ... Scorpio 6"
Third House ... Sagittarius 6'
Fourth House ... ... Capricorn 7°
Fifth House ... Aqua i> 7°
Sixth House ... Pisces 7°
Seventh House... ... Aries 7l'-14'
Eighth House ... Taurus 6°
Ninth House Gemini 6°
Sun Cancer 16°-
Moon . . Libra 3"-20"


Fortuna ... ... Sasittariua 24°

Neptune ... ... Taurus 2U~5>'
Hershel ... Leo 13° 49'
Jupiter ... Libra 220-23'
Saturn «•* ... Aquarius 25"-l3'R
Mara ... Sagittarius 230-IO'R
Venus ... Gemini 26"-9'
Mercury ... ... Cancer l20-58' R
Moon's Node ... Aries l20-38'



The first House... The public and its

enterprise, development and welfare. Harmonious
planets here are favourable and inharmonious
the reverse.

The second Ticnse... The price of money,

Bullions, trade-return, finance and National
treasury. Planets signify here buying and bull

The third House... All means of inland

transit; rails, trams, omnibus, aircraft, telegraph,
telephone, the postal service, newspapers and
matters to do with them.

The fourth House... Land, exploration,

mines, buildings, farming, mining, crops and
produce of the Earlhi


The fifth ...Theatres, Cinemas, art

and amusements and the price of the crop.
Planets here indicate the state of speculation.
^Saturn here shows depression, Mercury brisk
and nervous tendency, Mars the hot atomsphere
of the market and so on.

The sixth Hjust.. Wheat, foodstuffs,

clothing, labour conditions and the Public health;
-the national service, army, navy, police.

The seventh House... Banking, Surveying,

Exchanges, co -operation, valuation, internation.xl
disputes, contracts, and foreign affairs.

The eighth A/oilSC... Oils, chemicals, petrol

paraffin, photography, medical accessories and
financial relations with foreign countries.

The ninth House... Insurance, wireless

cables, radiographs, tin, foreign bonds, colonial
trade and affairs, sea-traffic, shipping and
matters to do therewith.


The tenth /y£'//5(f...Th:monnrch3, the Gove-

rnment and political situation generally.

The eleventh House... Government loans,

electric and gas companies, Exchange Bonds,
irrigation, parliament, etc.

The twelfth //PU5S.,. Laundries, Hospitals,

asylums, prisons, gold and coal storage, hoiicry,
I Ah; breweries, boot and shoes manufacturing,

The large range of affairs which 1 have

mentioned above will find their place into i
business of any stock-exchange.



We suppose our readers are knowing well

how to cast a horoscope or (igurc of the heavens.
The horoscope of a certain country, nations, or
of a place or of a conjunction ol major planets
ia always necessary to know the future. The
students should also endeavour to cultivate
perfect confidence in the science also, which is
called Mundane Astrology. '

Mundane Astrology is the science of the

influence of the heavenly bodies, as they affect
the world nations, cities, commodities, and
groups of people. Any organization under
a common governing authority constitutes an
entity. It attracts to itself fortunate and un-
fortunate events as they are attracted into the
life of a man. Both have brith-charta. Both
9how their characters and both .arc inilue-


need by vibrations through some kind of changes

and that arc seen by progressed aspects.
Suppose you require to cast a chart of n
corporation. Such correct times are not difficult
to obtain for corporations. Such a chart erected
and progressed is the best ot all indices as to
when and what events will be attracted in
ancient times rulers were looking to their state-
'astrologers for intelligence concerning to the
welfare of the country and the people. Tlvc astro-
loger had to give timely warning of eclipses
of I he probable condition and yield of the crops,
internal or foreign warfare and other matters
of the public affairs. The Judgment of mundane
asfiology is made, from the positions of the
planets in relation to the place at the time oi
an eclipse or a great planetary conjunction or
solar ingress.

I here arc three factors, which bring to us

the mystic message of the Stars. (I) The houses.
(2) The signs. (3) The planets.


Each house represents a department of the

work; the signs are divisions of the heavens,
which by their placement relative to the houses
indicate the countries they rule; and the plancta
being the messengers of God, show us the
things ruled by their motion though the houses
and signs. The sign occupied by each of the
major planets and the aspects that form between
these planets from time to time have an fnlluence
over the trend of events. It is therefore necessary
for one who wishes to learn to read horoscope
to become thoroughly acquainted with these
three factors both separately and in their various
Every science is a difficult study, progre-
ssing or deteriorating according to the cultural
value at which it is assessed by the people.
Nature presents good many difficulties and does
not admit of a thorough understanding of its
complexities, even by master intellects, adorning
the universe from time to time Thus no science
can ever be perfect.


The law of correlated successiveness is in

all respects agreeable to the astrological conce-
ption ol the unfolding of future ovcnts. Five
figures of the heavens are necessary to be
erected for various times during a year.

(I) Quarterly figures (2) Lunation figures

(3) Solar Eclipses (4) Lunar Eclipses (5) The
conjuctions and oppositions of the planets Mars,
Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, as they
are extremely importL..t conliguratnns and their
effects arc very pronounced and lasting. These
figures are called Mundane Maps, from which
prognostics are made with regard to different
nations and their markets.

(1) Quarterly figure is erected for the time

of the entry of the Sun into the signs Aries,
Cancer. Libra, and Capricorn. Such a 'map or
figure is called 'Ingress horoscope of the Sun'.
Such quarterly figures rule for a certain period,
accoiding to the sign that is rising at the Sun's

ingress moment. The figure rulcn for three

months, if a Cardinal sign is rising. Ii there is
a fftccd sign, its influence lasts for a year, i. e.
for twelve months following. 11 there is a common
sign rising, its influence will la^t for the ensuing
six months.
(2) Lunation figures are erected for each
new and_full Moon. These figures are compared
with the quarterly figures in two ways, (i)
According to the positions and aspects of the
planets in the Lunation figures, (ii) By referring
the planetary positions with the1 previous
quarterly figure as if the lunation figure is the
minute hand ana the quarterly figure the hour
hand of a clock. ( Heavenly clock ).
Eclipses—Solar and Lunar eclipses are
prominent features in Mundane Astrology; ior,
they indicate important and lasting events.
Eclipses have moat effect in the countries where
they are visible and especially where they are,
on the meridian of a country and cities ruled by
the sign in which lliey fall.


(3) Solar eclipse—The figure is erected for

the cxacE moment of New Moon at any parti-
cular solar eclipse. The influence lasts lor as
many years as the eclipse is hours in length.
The position and aspects of the Sun must be
taken into consideration. A!) eclipses fulfil their
portents within a year, but the effects are fre-
quently enduring The effect of a calar eclipse
endures for as many years as there are digits
of the solar disc obscured.
(4j Lunar eclipse—The figure is erected
for the exact moment of the Full Moon. The
influence lasts for as many months as the
eclipse's duration in hours^

(5) The figure drawn for the time of the

conjuctions and oppositions of the major planets
" with their house and signs positions These are
• extremely important configurations as their
influences or effects are found very pronounced
and lasting. The crisis due to the eclipse and
signified by it will take place at a point of lime


denoted by the distance of the luminary from

the horizon it last crossed. The time of the Sun
rise being known, and also the time of visible
eclipse, the difference in hours and minutes
divided by 2, will give the number of months
and days from the date of eclipse, when the
crisis occur. If the eclipse is invisible, because
of it taking place at night, thg lime o: the
Sun-set must be taken from the time ol the
eclipse and the difference divided by 2, will
give the months and days, which must lapse,
before the chief effects are seen. The Moon's
eclipse are similarly dealt with, but the tune
ol the Moon's rising and setting must be taken
as the basis of the calculation.


For a beginner it will be better for bim to

crrcct a mundane figure for Greenwich for a
particular time. In the case of most countries
and cities, the difficulty of obtaining.a correct
birth-chart is great. Sometimes we do not get
exact lime, date or year precisely agreeing with
a standard fact. We are therefore compelled to
use any that which wc get. Here conjunctions
of Major Planets give us much information as
to what will happen at a specified time within a
given area. For the other countries follow the
rules bclow:-

(1) f ind out longitude and latitude of the

place rccjuircd.
(2) , urn longitude degrees into time, taking
15 lor an hour, or four minutCj lor 1', and four
accomia lor a minute.


(3) If the place or country is in the west

of Greenwich subtract the time (Degrees turned
into hours) from R. A. of the meridian oi
Grcenwhich, which is otherwise called Sidereal
Time. It is given in the ephemeris with each
date of the month. This time is calculated with
reference to a fixed star. The time between
two successive passages of a given star is called
the Sidereal Day. It is nearly 3 minutes and
50 seconds more than 24 hours of our clock.
If the place or a country is in the east of
Greenwich, add the time that you have got
after turing the degrees of the longitude of the
place, into the R. A. of Greenwich meridian.

(4) Now with this R. A., or sidereal time

of the horoscope, (newly got for the latitude
of the place) and a Table of Houses for the
latitudt of the place, erect a mundane map, as
you would do for an ordinary horoscope, with
zodiacal signs and degrees on the time of the
houses, with planets.


The planets' positions will be the same

in every map, as that are in Greenwich map,
When once a map for Greenwich is obtained
by addition and subtraction of the difference
in time of the required place and that of
Greenwich, you will easily cast maps of diffe-
rent places. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
are all very slow in their movements. So no
more calculation is required for them. You have
to calculate the movements of the Sun, Moon,
Venus, Mara and Mercury only.

The ascendant or iho First house of the
horoscope of any country or mundane map is
the most important of the twelve houses, as it
shows the general condition of the people of
tHs^cxxtralryT^nd th« state affairs The New
Moon therein shows much activity and many
changes in the country according to the aspect
it gets. In its harmonious aspects, people get
many benefits, and in evil aspects much unrest
and discontents are found.
II lunation falls in the Second house, some
changes in the financial matters are seen. 1{
the lunation is well aspected. it is a good time
for stocks and shares and gilt-edged securities;
but if in bad aspects the month is bad for
Stock Exchanges, Banks and financial affairs.
If the lunation falls in the Third house-
a house of all means of communications


und lr.>vclling much activity and many bene-

fits arc denoted, it the lunation is well aspected;
but ij diflicted, much trouble, danger ol acci-
dents and losses are seen thereby.

1( the lunation falls in the Fourth house,

m good aspect shows good crops and benefit
lo agriculture and landed estates; the Govern
mcnl may get a defeat by its opponent In bad
aspect it shows shortage of crops. The lunation
exactly falling on the cusp of the fourth house
in a fixed sign ( d,®?, ^1, or , ) which is a
sign of earthquake, somewhere it will be heard
in the world.
if the lunation falls in the Fifth house-u house
of amusements, education, betting and birth-rate,
shows benefits in harmonious aspects and the
reverse in inharmonious aspects.

If the lunation falls in the Sixth house and

in good aspects, it is a good prediction for this
house affairs; if in bad aspects it prognosticates


that the people will suffer by sickness and there

will be much discontent among the working
If the lunation falls in the seventh house
a house of marraige, the affairs and relations with
the foreign powers, predicts many marriages
and good relations with the o»Hf? po-ert il
well aspected. If afflicted it shows trouble with
the foreign powers, many divorces and many
incidental narratives in public life.

li the lunation lalls in the Eighth h'i' sc,

in harmonious aspect, it shows gain to the
people according to the ruling house of the
Luminaries. It badly aspected it shows deaths
among notable persons, as the eighth house
shows mortality, suicides etc.

If the lunation falls in Ninth house, a

house showing religion, science, shipping and
trade affairs, in harmonius aspects, shows much
benefit thereby; but in bad aspect the reverse.


(j the lunation falls in the Tenth house,

ii is good for the king, government and the
ruling authorities. II badly aspected it predicts
some deaths among nobility or royalty and
troubles to Government. If an eclipse falls in
this house, it generally brings very bad results
and defeat to the Government.
The lunation in the Eleventh house shows
some activities and changes in Parliament or
Municipality representatives.
The lunation in the Twelfth house shows
benefits to public institutions and good changes
in their management. In bad aspect it predicts
much crime in the country, bad rumour! and
scandals about jaiU, hospitals, charitable institu-
tions and work houses; and disgrace to
prominent officials.
The strongest parts of a mundane map
arc the first tenth, seventh and the fourth houses
which are angles of the horoscope; then
the second, fifth, eighth and eleventh; and then
the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth houses.


Exptritnce is belter than theory.

When a Lawyer, Doctor, or an Engineer

leaves his College alter passing his examinations,
he has nothing but theory and a degree with
him. He may be well educated on the subject,
but none gcu from College the great funda-
mental basis of real practical knowledge.
Theories only applied to practical work give
nothing but failure. The practical knowledge is
only learnt in the school ol experience. Every-
one learns by experience. A man who has got
"many years experience in any line, is consi-
dered an authority, and his opinion is considered
valuable. We all learn by experience. Fools
learn in no other school.
In this world everybody ia seeking after
money. Money is the chicl thing in this world. It


is God to him. A man may emit a beautiful theory

for making money. He tries it in on paper, and
he find a that it works properly. No doubt it is
apparently successful on paper, but when
applies it to actual trading and begins to buy
or sell, he finds the weak point and the theory
fails. Study one thing-one subject properly,
concentrate it for some years, that will bring

Specinliit-hr- a\ways a specialist, because

this is the age of the specialist. Every sensible
man will go to a specialist instead of a Jack-
oi-all trades or a layman. He will not carc for
the charges, bec '.se he knows that best is
always cheapest at the end, though dear at the
beginning. But before doing so you must see
whether he is a real specialist or a Board specia-
list, as there is no examination /o pass. People
in general do not consult a specialist. They look
for advice for nothing, They ask their broker
or a banker what to buy or sell, and in the end


they find that, they have paid more because

they lose their money. A broker can not be or
is not supposed to be a market forecaster. It
is not his business. He simply buys or sells for
his commissions. He does not study the move-
ments of markets, moreover his business being
so confuting, and he sees and he ara alt rumours
and views of bcth buyers and sellers that his
judgment is unreliable. For his commission also
he misleads the trader and will get him to buy
and sell as often as possible.
1 wo things are required to make a success
in apecutaling-concentration and tonslant appli-
cation. No man can do two things at a lime.
An adviser or a specialist in other words, can
not speculate. He can not give bis attention
to' both at a time.

Do not try to become rich in a few months

or a year.
A man must have a nerve and knowledge;
and a small amonnt of capital to make a
Speculation is a venture, as well as a wild

A business man, if once loses his money,

he hi to wait for another opportunity to make
up his money. In speculation opportunities
return every year, provided he has studied
enough to see them when, they appear- The
chances of gain are so unusual and so many
rumours come in the market that a man becomes
greedy and gambles without waiting for the
real opportunity, People expect more profit in
speculation than in any other business. They


are not satisfied even il they double their

capital in a month or so. Both men of money
and poor deal in speculation. The people who
buy on a margin, always lose, because it is
gambling and not a speculation. Whenever
you start to trade or enter into speculation-
line, use your capital as you would use in your
business in such a conservative way that you
can continue.
Protect your capital, as well as profits by
using stop-loss-orders and be ready to change
your mind when conditions change.
Remember that, when cotton is at extreme
high levels and starts downward, it goes down
fast and continues for a long time. (See 1920,
It was 37 cents per pound in December; same
year it was 15 cents per pound. The decline
continued subject to rallies until June 1921,
when cotton was I 1 cents.)
Limit losses and go with trend; i. e. cut
short your losses and let your profits run, but


profits must be followed up with a stop-loss

order. (Cotton was 13 ccntB per pound in August
1921. within K) days the market went to 21 i
per pound.)
Reports and opinions should .be always
Ignore the news—reports, opinions, and
views of everybody; for. 3upply and demand
must govern in the end; and if the selling power
is greater than the buying, price will decline
itself regardless of bad crop news or any bad
rumour. II the buying power or demand exceeds
the selling, prices will advance regardless ol
good crop news.
The general trend of the market docs
not continue for long, contrary to natural condi-
tion. but supply and demand govern the price
and the market discounts future events. When
!radmg keep a chart with you. Consult it with
the good or bad news. Your chart is but the
reading of the tape.

Never trade too oftrn; the more trades

you make, the more chances you have for getting
wrong, and the expense against your profit or
adding to your loss jumping in and out will
confuse you. Wait for the opportunities and
you will get proht.

If you fail sucesaively in two or three

trades it is better quit for a while and look on,
instead of taking losuea now and then. Wait till
your judgment is clear, and the market will show
you a definite trend; you will form a better
judgment when you are out of market and you
have no hopes nor fears, and there is no
influence of the market over you Never go
beyond your limit and means in trading. Look
to your finance first and decide how far you
arc able to lose. You must understand that loss is
certain, profit in future. Always trade in limit.
Never over trade. The market moves in mysteri-
ous way and deceives the novice, as he ia
inijuenccd by his? hope and fear. He sells on

!()7 -

fear and buys on hope. Thus he buys at the

topmost price and sells at the lowest price. The
man, who speculates on some well defined
plan, buys when the public sells, and sells when
the public buys. The market docs not deceive
you but you are digging your own grave by
following your ^wn weakness, by listening the
brokers and rumours, reading newspapers, etc.,
all o! which are put to mislead you. Hence
always have cool brain.


No doubt this is a very difficult subject,

inii we Try to give some hints on the subject.
Every speculator should study the market
well. One who wants to enter into speculation
market, must have courage, judgment, patience
and power, self-reliance and purse. He must
never depend on other. Speculation is a
venture based on calculation and good judg-
ment-sound judgment. In this trade patience
and purse are the chief elements. Speculation
appear to have a special fascination for all and
as the subject more of thought and sentiment
than any other dement in marketing. Clouds
come and go leaving a clear sky behind, and
it is a natural phenomina known to all Human
A little knowledge of astrology is aj*q
necessary to understand the natures ol the


planets, their houses, the houses in which they

are located in the nntivity of the market
horoscope and lire position of the lien market.

It is not necessary to pay much attention

to the current prices. 1 Kc main thing to do is
to buy and sell, when important tops or bottoms
come out as indicated by the market nativity
rej;c<r(Jles.': ol the prices Yet watch the
or market daily.

• II there ia a small re-action yon should

buy to hold lor the rally-to recover strength
alter decline in pricC9-lO Sell when top is
indicated. 11 the. prices run up abruptly sell
out longs, and go short; watch for bottom
round to cover shorts and buy for a little
rally. No matter how little the decline is. at
that time you Jihouid buy cotton and hold for
the long pull. Watch closely the dates which
indicate change in trend and see how'lops and
bottoms form.


At times the market will make sharp topa

or bottoms and away quickly; at other times
it will hold for several days or even several
weeks round a certain level, while accumula-iorv
or distribution is taking place. The longer the
price holds round one level the more important
when it breaks out of one of the accumulations
or distributions and you should go with it, as
long as the market follows the trend, but ii it
shows a radical change, use stop-loss-order lor
your protection or reverse position.

When big breaks or advance occur you

should not hesitate to buy or sell, but remember
you should always protect your trade with
stop-loss-orders in case « reversal in trend
occurs. Stop-loss-orders should never be more
than 5 Rupees away from the market. In quiet
narrow markets you should use Rs. 2 for

If you see that you are worng, do not

buck trend: small losaet can always be made

-I i l~

back quietly, but it is hard to make big losses.

The time to pyramid is when the market is
moving in your favour and not when it is going
against you. When the market is narrow and
inactive you will simply have to be patient and
wait for a move to start.

Have plenty of capital and never over-trade.

More money is lost by over-lrading than
by any other way. You can be right on the
market, but by selling or buying too much you
get forced out just before the move starts in
your favour.

Do not try to jump in or out of the market

every Bay. This warp8 your judgment, You pay
.1 lot of commission and even il you only take
small losses they help to eat up the big, when
you make them. The big money is made by
long pull trading and not by daily scaling

Rumours of war, of weather, failure of a

bank or a banker, or some news of government


and of the sellers or buyers atonce changes

the markets. Esther the market goes up or down
at the case may be.

Bad news generally depreciate the market,

while in good news the market may rise or
may not.

■ M 3-


It is necessary to remind our readers that

this book is not a forecast, but rather a serious
study of Cosmic Laws of planetary vibrations,
their actions and re-actions on the World
Markets. We can not explain everything here,
as space does not permit us.

The indication means discovery made. Here

there is no discovery to be done, but it is in
the sense of some information or inferences
that.can be gathered from the planetary posi-
tions and aspects.

All such forecasts are mostly based on

major aspects, but With that, the aipccts or
indications shown by the minor planets, the
effects and positions of eclipses, solar ingrcsscs
and lunations are also important. By experience


it is found that, the aspects of Hershel and

Saturn show a hng trend, as their movements
are very slow; that of i lershel and Jupiter
A Shorter_ trend, and Saturn and Jupiter
only operate when ingress or lunation coincides;
that oi Jupiter affected by Saturn or Mars
shows rapid and big movements up and down.
From the beginning of the year upto the-
end of July India will aulfcr much. Wind-storms,
failure of monsoon, rpcdcmic and clis-salii"
faction among people at large is indicated.
March is bad for India Some communistic
agitation is seen somewhere near 80° North.
From October there will be peace and prosperity
as far as Ind^a is concerned. Great war is not
indicated in the near future.
The first two weeks of January show bullish
tendency of textile and steel shares. From 16th
January upto the end of the month the prices
of cotton, silver, textile and sicel shares will


From the beginning of February upto the

middle of March some rise in the prices ol
cotton and textile shares is indicated; then the
prices will be down together with the steel
shares which will continue upto the end of
From the beginning of may there will be
gradual rise in the prices of cotton, textile-
steel shares upto the end of September.
From August the price of Gold will gradu-
ally take a downward turn.
October and November will show gradual
fall in the prices of textile and steel shares
In December market will be steady and
will witness some rise in the prices of textile
and steel shares.
This year is not good especially for France
and Italy. Huge fires, strikes, riots, destruction
of life and economic depression are indicated for
these countries.

- 1 16-

While this year will be a good one for

Morocco, Brazil, Norway, Syria, Algeria, Trans-
vaal, Baveria and China. New reforms social,
economical and political will make the people

Planetary Influences are also good for India.

Economic and political conditions will be good
Food crisis will be eased. Egypt, England and
U. S. A. may have changes in Government to
the good of the people.

In January prices of textile as well as steel

shares will experience gradual rise, while February
and March will witness gradual (all in prices,
in April and may rise in prices of textile as
well as steel shares is indicated while, in June,
July and August gradual fall ia expected. Jn
September and October gradual rise in the price#
oi Textile-Steel Shares will bo seen, while in
November and December sudden collapse in
prices is indicated.


In this year the price ol Gold will fall

considerably especially, in November and


During this year Jupiter will pass through

the sign Sagittarius. You have learnt in Chapter
2, that it rules Spain, Arabia, Australia,
Hungary and Kathiawad (India). You have als6
read in Chapter 3, that Jupiter is the greatest
beneficial planet in the solar system. It takes
years for » complete circle remaining one
year in each sign. Being so rapid, its effect is
not so potent or lasting as that ol Hershel or
Saturn. Jupiter brings general prosperity
to the Nation through internal resources and
new industries, cheap money, general prosperity
and political advantages, The abovementioned
nations will enjoy all the prosperity bestowed

- Mb -

by Jupi'er. January, February and March show

bullish tendency in Shares, especially Textile and
Steel shares. From the beginning of April upto
the end oi July bearish activity in Share-Bazar
is indicated. From the beginning oi August
upto the end of December gradual rise will be
seen in' all the shares. Cotton prices will he
high throughout the year; while Gold and Silver
will be steady with small fluctuations. Generally
speaking this is a good year showing peace
atmosphere throughout the world.

.19 4 6,
(Showi'rtg planets on the 1st ol each month.)

Neptune, Herschel. Satuf! Jupiter.

Long Dec. Long Dec. Long. Dec. Long.: Dec, JLoiik- Dec

= ' T S 14'* K 23" N \W % 21* N 125* - . 8* S :27° 0

4 a
7 HP
0 Q ;20 25
3 :20 25 . 9 15 =
6 ,19 i m m s m
8 19 8 ; 13 27
9 19 14 |15 |19 ^

Saturn. Jupiler

Long.* Dec . Long, j

7 "Q 19° N 20° m'l7nS

5 20 25 MS
3 (20 27 19
2 ;20 27 18
j 120 24 :I8
5 :20 20 17
8 19 18 16
12 18 18 16
16 117 13 ®
19 116 2 Q
22 Il5 2/" 20 Id
22 15 9 21 1 W

Neptune, Hertchcl J Saturn. | Jupiter. j Mars.

Long. Dec. {Long. | Dec. {Long j Dec. [Long. | Dec. jtong.! Dec.

Jan. I30 43 S 24° M 23° N 22° Q 15° N 16* ?\220 S 7® Tip 12" N
Feb. 12 4 23 23 19 16 22 123 4
Mar. !I2 3 14
22 13 17 17 26 ;23 23 18
Apt- III 3 ' 23 23 16 29 23 13
M-ay. jlO 3 19
24 123 lb ill 29 .23 24
June. 10 3 15
25 124 17 47 26 23 611P 10
J uly- 10 3 27 '24 20 !I6 22 ;23 22
Aug. 11 3 29 24 4
24 i 15 19 ;23 9 = 4S
Sept. jl2 3 0® 24 28 13 20 |23 29
Oct.. 113 4 1 24 11
im' 12 22 23 19 m 18
Nov. 14 4 0 24 4 27 '23
Dec. 14 4 !I111 12 y 23
29 « 24 6 I 3 ^5 123 4 45 24

Naptune. 1 Heiichel S&lurn Jupiter Mar#

Dec. Long, i Dec. [Long Dec. (Long. ' Dec , iLong, j

40 S 28" H 240 K 60 TV no N; 11o -C 23* 5 .280 ^22* S

22 15
14 K : 7
9 T I 3 N

0 VP : 13
16 W|25
26 -5 22 7 @ 24
27 22
15 Q 17
3 TCP 12
19 6
Nspiune. J'-H ericheli I Saturn. | Jupiter j

Lontj, Dec. jLong. ; Dec. jLong. j Dec. jLong. < Dec. Lc

17" - 5" s 3" @'24 'N 19" lip 6 «N 7" 19 S 3c
17 j 5 2 ,24 18 6 14 17 11
16 ; 5 1 ;24 16. 7 21 15 9
"5 i 5 I ,24 14 [ fi '7 ,13 27
5 j 4 2 24 12 19 3 H «1] 22
4 4 4 24 13 9 7 IQ 27
4 4 6 24 14 8 7 10 9
5 4 7 24 17 7 6 11 25
6,5 9 24 21 5 2 12 \\4
7 |1 5 9 124 24 |4 29 13 4
8 6 9 |24 28 ' 3 28 13 27
9 ,6 9 124 ' — 2 0 X 13 ■ 20 * i23

w'e give below the dalcs-aa received by

us as birth dates of some of the important
concerns to enable the students to prepare
radical horoscopes for researches with the aid
of Commercial Astrology. It ia safer to cast
the horoscope oi a company taking noon time
as birth time where exact time ol registration
oi a company is not available.
Some of the Notable Concerns.
Rctscrve Bank of India 6th March 1934.
Bankol Baroda Ltd. Registered...20th July 1908.
Central Bank ol India, Ltd.
Registered 21 si December 1911.
NalfohaT Bank ol India, Ltd.
Registered in London...23rd March 1866.
Oriental Government Security Life
Assurance Co., Ltd.
Registered..,5th May 1874.


New India Assurance Co., Ltd.

Registered... 23rd July 1919.
Ahmedabad Advance Mills, Ltd. (Cotton)
Registered . 30th June 1903,
Aruna Mills Ltd, (Cotton)
Registered... lOkh January 1928.
Bradbury Mills Ltd. (Cotton)
Registered... 26th March 1914.
Century Spinning and Manufacturing Co,, Ltd.
(Cotton) Registered... 20th October 1897.
Colaba' Land And Mill Co , Ltd. (Cotton)
Registered... 1st July 1880.
Kohinoor Mills Co., Ltd. (Cotton)
Registered 6iH July 1896.
Clivc Mills Co., Ltd. (Jute)
Registered... tsl August 1894.
Dclhousie jute Co., Ltd.
Registered.. 25th September 1903.
Kinnison Jute Mills Co., Ltd.
Registered... 14th September 1899


_Lanadownft_Iule Co., Ltd.

Registered...30th June 1904.
Lawrence Jute Co., Ltd.
Registered...27th January 1906.
Northbrook Jute Co , Ltd
Registered...27th January 1908.
Standard Jute Co., Ltd.
Registered...30th August 1895.

Alliance Jute Mills Co., Ltd.

Registered...21 at September 1895.
Birla Jute Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Registered...25th August 1919.

Champdany Jute Co, Ltd.

Registered... 5th October 1921.

Fort Gloster Jute Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Registered...22nd September 1890.
Bally Jute Co., Ltd. Regiatered...2l8t Feb. 1918.

Hukumchand Jute Mills, .Ltd.

Registered...25th September 191'/

- 127-

Belnpur Co, Ltd. (Sugar)

Registered...27th October 19)9.
Alcock, Aahdown & Co., Ltd. (Engineering Co.)
Registered ..7th March 1884.
Indian Iron And Steel Co., Ltd. (Calcutta)
Registered... I Ith March 1918
Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, Ltd.
Registered...22nd July 1863.
Tata Oil Mills Co.. Ltd.
Registered... lOlh December 1917.
Titaghur Paper Mills Co., Ltd.
Registered.. 27th July 1882,



Teji and Mandi

(i) Cwnroercla] Witekly Market Forecast of.Fluctaa-
. * tions in prices of Gold, silver. Cotton. Jute ! (B. T.)
Grocndnnt, Grann-fnot Oil, Castor-seed. Turraaric,
Matar, Oar. Gur, Snsar, etc.. Shares—Tata
(Ordioarr), Indian Iron. Dravrins. Security; etc.

{Dr. of Jyotish Literature. Author of hfabslaxmi Psnch/.np,
Bhartiya Ephemcris j Fn'»iish &. Hindi, etc.)
Planetary Influence on Commercial Markets.

The planets do influence, rather dominate over and

govern the commercial market.
The value of any commodity mostly depends or. two
factors.-Supply and Demand. If a commodity is in pianti-
tude. the value of that commodity depreciates. But if there
is scarcity of a commodity its prices appreciate. Similarly
if a commodity is in great demand is poor, the prices fall.
Hut when does the supply increase or fall ? This depend?
on the good or bad harvest. But the quesijon is when the
harvest is good or bad For this question we must refer
to planetary laws. Planets act and react on one another
in the atmosphere. On a Full Moon's day high tides are
created in the sea owing to intense auracrion. Similarly
planets affect fall and rise of value, crops, products and
markets. The economic factors governing prices are only
apparent causes. The primary cause is reflected by planets.
If major planets are in good aspects, the prices would
rise, while the prices would fall if major planets arc in
bad aspects. Thus the Commercial markets are controlled
by the celestial bodies with their positions and aspects in
the heavens.
Economic Factors Governing the Price Level.

The price is a relationship between money and

commodities, it therefore, depends both upon money and
commodities. It is a popular maxim that the price of
commodity depends chiefly upon the demand and supply
( 2 )

of commodity and therefore you can foretell the price of

commodity, if you know its supply and demand. But this
is a wrong theory in as much as price depend; not only on
commodities but also upon money. If the Reserve Bank
of India were to double the quantity of currency in circu-
lation. the price-level would be nearly doubled, other
things remaining the same.
Hence you must watch not only the statistical position
of the commodity but clso the monetary situation
It is a popular saying that the price of a commodity
depends upon its Demand and Supply. Generally, in a
short period, supply of any commodity can neither rc
increased nor decreased. Hence supply may be taken as a
constant factor in a shorfperiod of time. // is the Demand
. that determines price in a short period. During world war
11 demand of goods increased due to the military require-
ments and hdardins. But the supply could not be increas-
ed overnight." Hence the demand became the chief factor
in determining prices in a s on time.
But in a long period, i: is supply which influences
prices more than demand. Suppose you are dealing in
oilseeds, after the next crop is ready. At this time you
must make a careful study of the crop conditions in
world market. Thus in a long period, you look on supply
moie than on demand.
Now you have fully understood the popular saying
that the price of a commodity depends upon its demand
and supply. Besides this. I have already illustrated in the
beginning that price depends also on monetary situation.
But money includes not only the currency notes but also
the credit civen bv Banks and other financial asrencics.

Credit or Bank-money is as good as currency. Suppose

your banker allows you a credit limit of Rs. 40,000 -
against some security. Now you can draw cheques upto
Rs. 40. 000/ against this credit. Here you have no: depo-
sited even a rapee. but the Bank allows you to draw
Rs. 40.000'-. Thus, besides the currency you have in your
possession. )Ou get Rs, 40,010/- more. Thus Bank incre-
ases currency in circulation. Hence price level A pends an
statistical position of Commodity and Monetary situntr n
including Bcnk credit.
Now for a proper study of monetary situaticr.. you
must know the quantity of currency notes issued, the
amount of Bank credit and the rate of circulation of
money in the market. For all these data you!
carefully study the statistical returns issued by Reser. .
Bank of India if you are dealing in the Indian Market-
But the price level o." commodities, entering into intema
tioaal trade is affected by the monetary situation in t.i: the
countries, producing these commodities. Hence for such
commodities you must study monetary s.tuit oas e: cR
Principal countries of lie v. o:;d specially U. S. A. R
Great Britai:..
Thus for a Proper forecast of Price-level you must fcavz
a complete grasp of monetary situation and statistic^.
Position of commodities, you are dealing m.
Advice to my Readers.
Do not try to become rich in a few months.
A men must have commonsenss nerve and knowl&Jct
A small amount of capital is also required.
( ^ )

Speculation is a venture, enterprise as well as a wild

If a business-man were to lose his money once, he has
to wait for another opportunity to make up his loss. If a
speculator has a sound knowledge and study of market,
the opportunities arc always there. The chances of gain
are so unusual and rumors are so many in the market
that a man becomes greedy and gambles without waiting
for the real opportunity.
People speculate more gain in speculation than in
any other business.-' People are not satisfied even if
they were to .double their capital in 3 month or so by
speculation. The people, buying on margin, always
snTer. because it becomes a pure gambling, h is not
£ specfe'adon. Hence do not buy en rraryio. \\ hcncvcr
yon srcculaie, use your capital in such a way as you
would do in your business.
Safeguard your capital and profits by y </.'.• a stop-loss
orders'ar.J always change your mind when conditions

Lhnit tosses and go Kith trend: I. c. cut short your

losses and let your profits! profits must be folio.5,-
ed UP with a stop-loss order.
Reports and opinions should be always discounted.
The general trend of the market does not continue
for long, contrary to natural conditions, but supply and
demand of commodity, together with monetary situation.
yo\crn the price. When trading keep a chart with you,
Consult it with good or' bad fifw s.
( 5 )

Never trade too often:— e more the numbers of

transactions, you make, the more chances you have for
commi'ijng mistakes. If you enhance the numbers of
iransactions. the expenses against your profits or losses
will increase and the same will perplex you.
If you (ail successively in two or three chances, it is
hciier to quit the maket for some lime and watch for
the real opportunities. This will rectify your Judgment
and you will be able to grasp the trend of the market.
Being out of market temporarily, you have neither hopes
or fears nor the influence of market over you—this will
enable you to form a better Judgment.
Always trade within your limits. Sver over trcJc. Always
hare cool brain. Look to your Capital first and decide
how far you can sustain losses. You must note that
loss is certain, white profits ore distant and a thing of
future. 1 he market is a treacherous giant and mo\es in
a mystc isous way. A novice is influenced by his hopes
and fears and the market always deceives a novice. A
novice sells on fear and bu>s on hope. Thus he buys at
ceiling prices and sells at bottom prices The man. who
speculate on some well defined plan. bu\s when others
sell and sells when others buy.
How to Trade
This is a very difficult •subject r.d o nly experience
and coramonscnce will teach you this subject. However
we shall try to give readers some important hints and
directions in the rnaticr.
Every trader should study the market we!!. A person
cmerinc into trade must have courage. Juduraenl
C 6 )

patience, power, self reliance, se'f-confidence. perseverance

toleration and a reasonable amount of capital. He should
stand on his own legs and should not depend on others.
A little knowledge of astrology is also required to
follow the natures of the Planets, their houses, the house s
in which they are located in the nativity of the market
horoscope and the position of the then market.
Current price are not of much importance. The main
principle is that you should buy and sell, when important
bottoms or tops come out as indicated h\ the mar/.c
nativity regardless of price. But still you should watch
the market and consider the daily market prices.
If there is a si&lbfcac/hw you should buy and scil
when top is indicated. If the prices run up abruptly scil
out longs, and go short, watch for bottom round to
cover shorts and buy for a little rally. You should closely
watch the dates which indicate change in trend and see
how highest and lowest prices are indicated.
When big fad or rbc occur you should not hesitate to
buy or se!!. But rn ca c a reversal in trend occurs you
should always protect ycur trade with stop-loss-oroeis
which should never dc more than Rs. 6/-away from the
market. But in case of quiet narrow markets, you should
use Rs. 2/-for stop-loss-orders. Small Tosses can always
be make back quickly, but it is hard to make big losses.

Ha\'e plenty of capital or.d ncter over-trade. You

should have enough money to iBnest in your trade. A
small capital cales away the trader. You should never
over-trade. You may be right in the judgment of market.
( 7 ,

But by byi 12 and llin bsyond your capital you may

be forced to buy or sell at a time when the market is not
in your favour. For example, you have got a capital of
Rs. 10,0C0/-only. Instead of purchasing goods worth
Rs. 10.00 /-you approach the Bank and gel a limit for
Rs. 50.000/ sanctioned in your favour. Now with
Rs. 10.0C0/-you can purchase goods for Rs. 40.000/.i- e.
four times more than your capital. After few months
depression sets in the market. Now the Bank demands
margin money, whereas you hive got no m >nry to give.
Naturally at this stage you have cot no oth-.r alternative
but to sell your goods where as the market is not i" your
favour. Yon suffer loss. In case you have not over-traded
you would have not been forced to sell goods in adverse
'o not try to jump in or out of the market every day.
This spoils your judgment. Your jutjement can not be
steady. If the transaction are made (bit? you have to
incur heavy commission and other expenses.

Some UseM Hints to Businessmen.

Experience is better than theory.

When an Auditor. Lawyer. Doctor or an Engineer
leaves his College after passing his examination, he has
no practical knowledge or experience except theory and
his degree. He may have topped the 1 >l of successful
candidates in examination but he lacks the kev 0! succ-
ess in life-practical knowledge. Practical knowledge comes
( 8 )

oniy by experience and constantly applying theory into

practical. You ieara some thing regarding \cur trade
from some book. But unless you practice the theory, so
learnt, for some time, you can not gain exper ence and -'o
can not earn. Hence you must try to get practical
Yen should always specialise in one line of trade as
this is an era of specialists. You should always avoid"Jack
of all trades but master of None." You s tould master
one line.
Principles ofSuccesfitl Speculatioo;-
In big commercia! places, like Calcutta. Bombay.
.Kanpur. Delhi, etc. you will see a number of Asso-
ciations and exchanges doing enormous business in
comraodiiiss, stocks and shares. But you will be sur-
prised to' observe that th: commodities, stocks and shares
are not physically displayed in these places. You will
not find bullion in bullion-exchange or grain in grain-
exchange or shares in shares-exchange. You will simp y
find a mass of men. bowling at each other and crying
out figures which appear to you strange and confusing.
Only after enquiring from these persons you will find
that they are buying and selling gold, silver, shares. ' j
Naturally the question arises what are th; sellers
and buyers selling and buying ? The sellers have ab:o- !
lutely got no commodities to sell. Then what are th* »
buvers buying ? I
{ 9 >

In reply to tbe above questions you are told by tben

that tbey are "Simply Speculating" or "dealing in the
future". The seller agrees to sell to tbe purchaser tbe
commodity under reference at some future date. Truly
speaking there will be no physical exchange of tbe
commodity on that future date. The question arise how
are tbey to earn profit without the actual exchange of
the commodity ? The person, who guesses correctly
what the price on a particular future date will be,
gains, while the person making an incorrect guess, loses.
The speculater guesses the probable price in future
and speculates accordingly. The speculator buys and
sells according to their probable expectations of prices
in future. For example, the price of Sugar is Rs. 30/-
per maund to-day. You, as a speculator, expect that
the price of sugar will rise to • Rs. 32/- after three
months. Hence you purchase Sugar lo-day at Rs 30/-
for delivery after three months on some particular date.
If your above guess is correct and the price actually rises
to Rs. 32/-, you coin Rs. 2/- per maur.d. You get from
the seller not sugar but your profit of Rs. 2/- per
maund. This is called margin. But in case your guess
comes out wrong and the price falls to Rs. 2/- per
maund, you lose Rs. V- per maund and this loss you
will pay in cash to seller without the actual exchange
of goods. Thus in speculation you do not require commo
dity but cash. But Brain is more important than even
Cash. For prop"" insight in future \ou require bram.
while for propci daring ('■r necessary for business) you
require Cash. Thus lb? two essential qualification of
( 10 )

a successful speculator are (a) Insight into the future

and (ij Daring.

Bulls and Bears.

If you possess the above qualification you can mint

money by speculation. You will find all sorts of pcok
in the market—some expecting rise in prices while the
others expect fall in Prices. Persons expecting a rise in
prices buy so that they may sell at a profit when the
prices rise; while persons, expecting a fall in prices,
will sell so that they, may buy at a profit when prices
fall. The former types* of persons are known as "Bulls'
while the latter tvpes are known as ''Bears."

For successful speculation it will be better if specu-

lators consult our Chart oj Secret Poin of Tcji and
Mandi. These charts contain 71 points of Teji and 52
points of Mandi. We charge Rs. 15 -per chart per commo-
dity. These charts are useful for ever avid are not confined
to any particular period. The charts indicate ttji and
mamF in Rupees and Annas. Besides these charts we
cImi supply chances to our prospective customers on
correspondence for some nominal charges to be ascer-
tained on enquiry. Those who are desirous to know
from their birth knndalis the way to get money ejsi'n
from uaie may correspond with us.

One sided Teji

JlU as. unaer the currency of Tcji-Mandi. the deficit
•n Fr.-j cu). according to the movement of the trend in the
( 11 )

market is to be made good by the speculator, so. it is

also applicable to one sided Teji. When a long range of
up-ward trend in the market is in existence, ail bargains
at that ntnc wijl prove profitable. In such burcuins only
half of the amount from tus marginal value is u>ed up.
According to this margin, when the suitable opportunity
from the m. vement of the trend in the market is visible,
the speculaior can get good profit by way of sale or
purchase of the bargain in the open market.

One sided Mandi

As the speculators are gainers on one sided Teji. when

the market shows an upward trend so. they are also
gainers on onesided mandi) when the movement in the
market shows a down-ward trend. Generally the status
of th: bargains, either on one sided. Teji or one sided
mandi is the same. The same advantages are also obtain-
able under this one sided mandi as are generally available
from one sided Teji.


The movement o- nr>cc- in speculative and investment

markets constant)) include three phases: —
I. Long trend-major movement.
V. jrhin each of the long term of miijor rmn emenl.
is a lesser series of upward and down-ward movements.
These are termed as the intermediate trends.
. 2. The most successful over a long period o/ume is to
attempt to buy at the becinmrc of an upward trend.
( 12. )

major movements and refrain from selling until th:

movement is at an end.
3. The last which is more popular With the speculator
and investor with relatively small capital, is to try and
buy on every intermediate trend, low point and sell out
on every intermediate trend and minor trend, high point.
4. The last method is highly successful, particularly
when the major trend is upward. If a high point is missed,
then the next high will allow profitable liquidation. Bui
if the,major trend is down, then the next high is always
at a lower level then the preceding high point knd losses
accrue instead of diminish. .
These are the approaches to the market operations
but constantly the speculators refuse to keep the position
of these three trends in mind. It is particularly the situa-
tion when the trends of prices are in a major downward
For successful speculation it better if specula-
tors consult our Chart of Secret Points of Teji and Mandi.
These charts contain 71 points of Teji and 52 Points or
Mandi. We charge Rs. 15/-: per chart per commodity.'
These charts are useful for ever and are not confined to
any particular period. The charts indicate Teji and Mandi ;
in Rupees and Annas. Besides these charts we also supply
chances to our prospective customers on correspondence
for some nominal charges to be ascertained on e. quiry.
Those w in desirous to know from their birth Kuad-
alis the w ,y to get money easily from trade may c.rres-
pond with v-".
( 13 )
S. No. Secret Points of Tezi. Tezi Amount of Tezi
. . Century, Tata Loco.

Rs.nP, Rs.nP. Period.

1 Rising of Venus in the East ... hr 20-0 15-0 20 Dayi

2 Rising of Venus in the West >* 25-0 20-0 15 ..
3 Setting of Retrograde Venus ... •J 30-0 25-0 30 „
4 Rising of Saturn in the West It 40-0 30-0 15 „
5 Setting of Saturn in the East 1f 15-0 10-0 20 „
; 6 Rising of Mercury in the East M 25-0 15-0 16 „
7 Setting of Jupiter in the East It 40-0 30-0 29 ..
8 ct£in2 of Jupiterpn the West It 20-0 14-0 15 „
9 Rising of Mars TK 30-0 24-0 22 „
i 10 Direct Mercury 30-0 8-0 7 ..
! 11 Direct Jupiter f 18-0 10-0 is
13 Direct Saturn 25-0 15-0 21 „
13 Retrograde Mars p. 30-0 20-0 20 „
! 14 Retrograde Venus !r.|. 20-0 15-0 19
i 15 Sun in the Capricornus with
Venus and Rahu pi 50-0 25-0 3)
16 Conjunction of Jupiter and
Rahu 11 40-0 30-0 42 ..
[•i: Conjunction of Mars and Venus ?? 45-0 40-0 21 „
1 18 Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus 25-0 12-0 18
1 19 Conjunction of Venus and Neptune 16-0 10-0 11 .
( 14 )

S. No. Secret Points of Tezi. Tezi Amount ofTezi

Century, Tata Loco.

Rs.nP. Rs.nP. Period.

20 Semi Sextile 30" of Rahu or

Jupiter or Mars with-Venus '30-0 22-0 22 ,■
-' Semi Quintilc. 36' of Mars or
15-0 12-0 10
Rahu and Saturn
22 Semi Square 45' of Mars and
Marshal *'* » ^0-0 14-0 7 „
23 Sextile 60° of Mars and Jupiter
with Venus 1 ... 1-5-0 10-0 4
24 Quintilc 72° of Mars, Rahu or
Jupiter with Venus . ... ,, 20-0 15-0 15 ,,
25 Square 90° of Mars, Neptune
cr Harschel with Venus ... n 22-0 20-0 6
26 Trine 120° of Mars and Jupiter
with Venus ... 15-0 12-0 31
27 Scrquiquadrate 135',of Mars
and Venus ... „ 18-0 14-0 1
28 Blquintile 144° of Mars and
Rahu with Venus 22-0 20-0 10
29 Quin Cun.v 150'of Mars and
Piuio with Venus „ 16-0 10-0 5 ,,
30 Opposition ISO' of Mars, Rahu
and Jupiter with Venus 25-0 20-0 4 ,,
3) Mars in Taurus 20-0 1S-0 I j (1
32 Rahu in Taurus > ... 30-0 22-0 21 ,,
S.No. Secret Points of Tczi. Tezi Amount of Tezi
Century, Tata Loco

Rs-nP, Rs.nP. Period

'! 33 Jupiter in Aries 45-0 26-0
Saturn in Aries *9 50-0 45-0
| 35 Sun in Aries .,75-0 60-0 60
1 36 Moon in Gemini with Sun in
i Aries only ** 30-0 25-0 5^ ^
J 37 Jupiter in Capricomus with
t * VIS ii .80-0 60-0 45 „
J Rahu and Mars
f* 30-0 25-0 17 ..
! 38 Jupiter in Leo - •; r» 25-0 20-0 H „
i 39 Sun in Leo 18-0 20-0 7
j 40 Mercury m Lea
PT 40-0 30-0 21
4. Mars in Libra 9' 30-0 25-0 16 ..
I 42 Jupiter in Scorpio i
i 43 Mercury in Scorpio in 20-0 15-0 '0 t
Retrograde 45-0 30-0 17
•V m
J 44 Mercury in Saggittarus ;
! 45 Sun and Venus in Sagittarus
l4< and Capricomus 22-0 18-0 6k
P 55
46 Mars in Sagittams land
Capricomus 55 33-0 30-0 :\
47 Mars with Sun in Capricomus 5' 30-0 :o-o n
( ^ )
S. No. Secret Points of Tezi. Tezi Amount of Tezi
Century, Tata Loco.

Rs.nP. Rs.nP. Period.

48 Jupiter in Capricomus with

5, 6, 7 planets ... ■„ 100-0 70-0 40
49 Saturn in Capricomus with
Sun ... 80-0 50-0 28 5?

50 Mars in Aquarius „ 45-0 21 ?•


51 Jupiter in Aquarius ,, 25-0 20-0 16

52 Moon Eclipse on Paush Sudi

Punum 15 tr i-' 45-0 35-0 17 •?
53 Moon Eclipse on Baisakha
Sudi 15 30-0 25-0 II •?
54 Moon Eclipse on Jeth Sudi 15 „ 22-0 19-0 9 •>
55 Moon Eclipse on Ashadha Sudi 15 16-0 14-0 5
56 Moon Eclipse on Shravan Sudi 15 10-0 8-0 2i ff
57 Moon Eclipse on Bhadon Sudi 15 25-0 24-0 8 ^■
5S Moon Eclipse on Aswin Sudi 15 30-0 25 0 7
59 Moon Eclipse on Karlik Sudi 15 45-0 40-0 18
60 Moon Eclipse on Agahan and Pausha
Sudi ! 5 if Sun Eclipse iaccompanies 60-0 50-0 t*
tl Sun Eclipse in Magh and Pusha
Badi 30 45-0 42-0 17 >1
2 Commet Visible on 1st to 14th
ithies 125-0 80-0 40
( 17)
S. No. Secret Points ofTezi. Tezi Amount ofTezi
Century, Tata Loco.

Rs.nP. Rs.nP. Period.

1 63 New Moon on Tuesda , Thursday

and Friday 45-0 25-0 15 >,
64 Ommittance of the Sixth Badi lithi
whenever 50-0 40-0 13 „
65 Increasement 4, 9, 14 Badi tithis 45-0 . 30-0 19 „
j 66 Ommiltance of any tithi in the Sudi 25-0 20-0 8 „
67 Panchak begins in Thursday and
Friday 16-0 12-0 5 „
68 Sankranti on Tuesday & Friday
on 0,9, 10 & 11 Rashi 49-0 30-0 19 „
169 Rahu in Capricomus and Aquarus 56-0 40-0 24 „
70 Conjunction of Rahu and Harschel 30-0 20-0 21 „
7J Rahu, Mars. Saturn and Harschel
in Scorpio 42-0 25-0 ,.

S. No. Secret Points of Mandi. Mandi Amount of Mandi

Century. Tata L >co.

Rs.nP. RsnP. Period.

1 Setting of Venus in the Easi... „ 30-0 24-0 17 ..

2 Rising of Saturn in the East ... „ 35-0 25-0 19
3 Setting of Saturn in the Wcsi ., 40-0 30-0 I" „
4 Rising of Mercury in the West ,, 50-0 40-0 21 .,
( 18 )

S. No. Secret Points of Mandj. Mandi Amount of Mandi

Century. Tata Loco.

Rs.nP. Rs.nP. P

5 Setting of Venus in the West 48-0 37-0 IS

6 Setting of Mercury in the West 20-0 15-0 7
7 Rising of Jupiter in the West 25-0 20-0 22
S Rising of Jupiter in the East 36-0 22-0 !5
9 Setting of Mars with Mercury 4C-0 30-0 24
10 Direct of Mars '... 32-0 25-0 10
11 Direct of Venus 30-0 22-0 '13
12 Keirocradc Mercury ^... 40-0 20-0 15
13 Retrograde Jupiter 45-0 40-0 32
14 Retrograde Saturn 30-0 25-0 17
15 Retrograde Harschel 25-0 22-0 10
16 Venus in the Taurus before
Retrograde ... „ 35-0 30-0 24

17 Mercury in Aries before Retrograde 2S-0 25-0 7

IS Opposition of Sun and Venus .. 2S-0 20-0 20

19 Opposition orMar> and Venus 30-0 15-0 14

20 Opposition of Saturn and Venus 40-0 14-0 17

21 Opposition of Sun and Jupiter
on Taurus 50-0 35-0 IS
22 Mars and Mercurv in Gemini 2S-0 23-0 13
( ^ )
S. No. Secret Pointr ofMandi. Mandi Amount 0!"Mandi
Century. Tata Loco.

Rs.nP. Rs nP. Perio

23 Saturn and Neptune on Virgo

and Libra in Retrograde , 48-0 40-0 JS ^

24 Jupiter in Gemini with Rahn

and Mercury 56-0 50-0 21 „

25 Sun in Gemini 30-0 28-0 14 „

26 Venus in Gemini 25-0 15-0 10 P1

27 Venus in Aquarius 40-0 20-0 7 „

2S Mercury in Gemini 30-0 28-0 3* -p
29 Mercury in Cancer 25-0 20-0 4 „
30 Jupiter in Virgo 1 8-0 13-0 7
Moon in Virgo . i:~o 10-0 1M- i\ ■
32 Venus in Virgo 35-0 15-0 15
33 Conjunction of Merc. Jupiter
and Venus in Virgo 25-0 20-0 1!
34 Sun in Libra with Mercury „ 35-0 30-0 i •.
35 Mars in Gemini and Capricornus .. 30-0 38-0 1° ..
36 Mercury in Capricornus y* 25-0 20-0 9

37 Moon and Mercury in Aquarius 25-0 13

3S Jupiter in Pisce- „ 40-0 33-0 16 ..
39 Conjunction of Mercury and
Sun in Pisces 25-0 20-0 4L

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