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Ishmael bit down as a sharp thrust penetrated through his asshole causing his weak, frail and
delicate body to shudder as the large rounded object slid back and forth from his ass slowly but
roughly. He looked up to the culprit, Barry Bagsley grinning down masochistically at his enemy’s
weak body trembling as he grabbed the chain hanging around Ishmael’s neck pulling him closer
causing river to nearly choke on the drool covered ball gag. Ishmael’s ears pinned down seeing his
mate’s eyes glow a subtle red causing him to whine quietly causing another sharp tug from Barry’s
end. He noticed Barry Bagsley’s tail was perk up as he noticed so was his, he knew just what the fuck
this had meant. Mating season…..

Strapped against the bed tightly, Ishmael knew if he resisted he would be punished severely by his
new mate…

How he had yearned for his old mates James and Razz, sure dating two people at once got
complicated and being uncomfortable with mating in general James and Razz reassured him
consistently with the process. But for now he was stuck with Barry Bagsley…. His mortal enemy since
yr8 when they had a big fall out on his previous personality, an annoying shit he reflects back on. He
had become a better person with time though slowly finding his true identity and embracing who he
was hard but he had done it. Oh how he regrated breaking Barry’s heart back when they were 12, if
he hadn’t done that these wouldn’t of happened then. But look at Ishmael now a weak omega who
was a virgin till Barry Bagsley…

Barry yanked Ishmael’s tail causing river to scream out slowly muffling into a moan. Bitting Ishmaels
pinned down ears, Barry made his mark biting off a chunk of the young omegas ears. But Ishmael
resisted, trying to shake off the dominant male was a hard work for the lesser male but Barry
Bagsley wouldn’t take it forcing Ishmael’s slightly chapped onto his own. Ishmael’s eyes widen as
Barry forced his own tongue inside and then forced the bit of part of Ishmael’s ear into Ishmael’s

“Eat Ishmael eat, take this as pay back for what happened in yr7. I loved you so fucking much yet you
still rejected me.” Barry growled at Ishmael asserting his domaince. Ishmaels face glowed with
horror as he swallowed down the fur covered ear.

Barry smirked as he signalled to someone to discontinue the recording.

Chapter 1
Ishmael walked through the school gates, fear churning in his stomach as every step lead him
towards his new mate for life. His mind flashes back to that night at the back of that club. His hand
found its way up to his ear half bitten of as if a rabid animal attacked him, the rabid part being true
he thought.

The weak omega found his way towards Bill Kingsley and Orazio, the two having newly mated over
the holidays over what Razz would say ‘a foundling connection over star geeks.’ He saw the two in a
deep embrace, tails up high and Kingsley being shoved against a wall with Razz grabbing his….

Ishmael quickly covered his eyes, his throat quickly going dry with more memory’s flooding his mind.
Barry had grabbed there as well…

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