Du Voyage, Travelling People, and Are: 24 The New Yorker, January 13, 2014

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were threatened by beatings, cigarette sending the Roma back to the border,” he semi-metaphysical quality of Romanipen

burnings, and rape. He kept his distance said. “The Roma should return to Roma- as a fully historical condition, the way that
from the streets, and enforced his rule nia or Bulgaria, and the European Union, an earlier generation of historians tried to
through his sons. The children they orga- with the Romanian and Bulgarian author- make something of the equivalent idea of
nized were instructed to pay particular at- ities, must make an effort to integrate these Yiddishkeit—the shared essence of Jew-
tention to Asian tourists, who are believed populations in their countries.” He added, ish culture. One can go down halls and
to walk around with large sums of money, soon after, “The majority should return to turn corridors in the labyrinth of offices in
have trouble communicating in French, their countries. . . . Our role is not to wel- Sciences Po, the great French institute of
and are inclined to ride the Métro. As the come all the world’s misery.” political science, and bump into scholars
trial progressed, ever more lurid stories Valls’s words—widely taken both as a whose special subject is the Roma of Bul-
filled the media, culminating in tales of testament of no-nonsense enforcement garia, or the Manouches of the Massif
Roma abductors waiting to take European and as a bid for eventual power as Prime Central, or the Sinti of Italy, busy pursu-
babies on demand. Minister or even President—brought ing truths of their actual history and of the
The second case was that of Leonarda about an open split in the Socialist cabi- romance they trail.
Dibrani, a Roma girl who was removed net, minister against minister. François The larger story is plain enough. The
from a French school bus in October by Hollande, the less than resolute President, Roma do seem to have emigrated, as they
the police and, with her family, expelled finally went live on television to make a have always claimed, in a distinct wave,
from the country. (Though the father Solomonic offer, giving the fifteen-year- perhaps a thousand years ago, from north-
claimed they were from Italy, they seem old girl the chance to return to France and ern India. Nomadic throughout Eastern
actually to have come from Kosovo, not a finish her studies if she came alone—only Europe, in France in the nineteenth cen-
member of the E.U.) If Hamidovic was to be ambushed by the television net- tury they became an increasingly settled
the face of the predatory Roma, Leonarda works, which cut instantly to Leonarda in people. The Roma have not just contrib-
was the face of their persecution. She in- Kosovo, refusing the President’s offer. uted to French culture out of proportion to
spired a cause, “little Leonarda,” and for a (“Not without my family,” she said.) their numbers—the great Manouche gui-
while her welfare became a popular piety. Though many on the left were sympa- tarist Django Reinhardt, for instance, cre-
In August, however, a respectable weekly thetic to the distrait Hollande, Valls sup- ated one of the few styles of jazz entirely
called Valeurs Actuelles (Current Values) porters included many more of those who outside America—but have even become
had already taken a startlingly tabloid made the philosopher Alain Finkielkraut’s a sort of exotic ornament of the French
turn, putting out an issue whose cover book “The Misfortunes of Identity” a state, with a special administrative cate-
displayed an image of a caravan with a red best-seller of the fall season. Finkielkraut’s gory all to themselves. The French Re-
diagonal drawn through it and the line book, though not at all Roma-centric, is public is, in principle, blind to ethnic ori-
“The Roma Overdose.” An angry edito- an exasperated account of how the old Re- gin, and so the Roma are classed as gens
rial outlined all “the things we’re not al- publican idea of French identity, open to du voyage, travelling people, and are
lowed to say”—that the Roma are a pub- all through education but still very specific uniquely allowed to carry identity cards
lic burden and a social nuisance—with a in its style (high-minded) and values (mer- with no fixed residence. (In a country
poll showing that the vast majority of the itocratic to the max), has been demoral- where an identity card is an identity, this
French people thought that the Roma ized by a slack and hasty pluralism. Valls is a big deal.)
camps should be forcibly supporters thought that the Yet most of the post-2000 Roma im-
disbanded. The governing sentimental cult of Leonarda migrants had not been nomadic for gener-
Socialist Party, which con- was a form of “angelism”— ations—not until the moment they de-
trols both the Presidency meaning a refusal to face un- cided to move to France. “Among the
and parliament, quickly pleasant realities, in this case Bulgarian and the Romanian Roma were
condemned the magazine the truth about the self-evi- low-caste people with fixed roles in agri-
and its editor, Yves de Ker­- dent (if historically rooted) culture,” Nadège Ragaru, a scholar at Sci-
drel, for being “shame­ful, pathologies of an under- ences Po who focusses on the Balkans, ex-
anti-republican and inciting class. They insist, with Fin­ plains, with the fast-speaking efficiency
xenophobic violence against kielkraut, that this “angel­ available only to a French academic. “Some
a minority group of the population.” ism” is part of a larger, enforced cult of the were agricultural workers on collective
The Socialist Party and its adherents “Other,” a compulsory act of celebrating farms in the East for several generations,
were therefore shocked when, a month difference that is undermining the French until the privatization of the farms after the
later, the Interior Minister, Manuel state, so that the defenders of little Leon- end of Communism pushed them out-
Valls—the country’s top cop, and himself arda insist on embracing the Other, even ward, and, ironically, they reclaimed their
the son of refugees from Spain—an- as the Other picks their pockets. identity as nomads, though they were re-
nounced that he was not only determined ally immigrants in search of work. Essen-
to enforce the law that had thrown out lit-
tle Leonarda but would be as outspoken as
Valeurs Actuelles had been about the issue.
O ne of the many oddities of the pick-
pocketing crisis is that it coincides
with the establishment of serious “Ro-
tially, it is a phenomenon of post-Com-
munism in the East, rather than of their
‘eternal’ identity in Europe. In Germany,
“There is no solution other than disman- mani studies” in France and elsewhere. the first waves were bought off and sent
tling the Roma camps progressively and Scholars have sought to make sense of the home. In France, they stayed. The Roma

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