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Vol. 80, No.

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright 0 1995 by The Endocrine Society

Reduction of Extracellular Matrix Protein Expression in

Human Amnion Epithelial Cells by Glucocorticoids:
A Potential Role in Preterm Rupture of the Fetal

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Departments of Obstetrics/Gynecology and Reproductive Science (S.G., R. W., L.K., C.J.L.) and
Biochemistry (S.G.), Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York 10029

ABSTRACT in amnion cells did not result from a general reduction in protein
Low levels of expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in synthesis. Cortisol and DEX reduced FN expression in amnion cells,
chorioamniotic membranes is a characteristic of prematurely rup- with half-maximal effective concentrations of approximately 60 and
tured membranes, a condition associated with 40% of preterm deliv- 8 nmol/L, respectively. In immunoprecipitation studies, DEX treat-
eries. In light of the rise in levels of glucocorticoids (GC) in amniotic ment reduced FN and collagen III synthesis to 20% of control levels,
fluid associated with preterm labor, in the present study we examined suggesting that GC may coordinately reduce the synthesis of major
the effects of GC on the expression of major ECM proteins in cultures ECM proteins in amnion cells. Similarly, DEX treatment reduced the
of amnion epithelial cells recovered after digestion of human term levels of FN messenger ribonucleic acids in amnion cells to approx-
amnions. Amnion cells were maintained with and without 10m7 mol/L imately 15% ofcontrol levels. DEX treatment also promoted a marked
dexamethasone (DEX), and levels of the ECM protein fibronectin (FN) reduction in FN expression in amnion cells cultured in serum-free
were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. DEX treat- medium to lo-50% of control levels. Our results indicate that GC
ment reduced FN expression in amnion epithelial cells to 15-30% of negatively regulate ECM protein expression in amnion epithelial
control levels and reduced FN expression in placental cells to 30-50% cells, suggesting a potential role in the genesis of altered fetal mem-
of control levels. Conversely, DEX treatment weakly stimulated FN brane ECM protein expression associated with prematurely ruptured
expression in chorion cell cultures. DEX treatment did not affect the membranes. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 80: 2244-2250, 1995)
total level of amnion cell protein, indicating that the effects of DEX

P RETERM LABOR in humans is known to be associated

with marked changes in the composition and/or dis-
tribution of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins synthesized
Labor in humans, whether occurring before or at term, is
associated with a dramatic increase in the concentration of
glucocorticoids (GC) in amniotic fluid and maternal and fetal
by cellsin the fetal membranes (l-4). A general thinning and sera (8-10). The amnion epithelium is in direct contact with
reduction in tensile strength of amniochorionic membranes amniotic fluid (11) and, as a consequence,will be exposed to
have been specifically implicated in premature rupture of the high levels of GC during preterm labor. The focus of the
fetal membranes (PROM), a condition associatedwith 40% of present study was to employ cultures of amnion epithelial
premature deliveries (1,2). The collagen content of the am- cells’ to elucidate the potential effects of GC on ECM protein
nion decreases,whereas collagenolytic properties of the am- expression in the amnion associatedwith preterm labor and
nion increase in patients with PROM who subsequently de- PROM.
velop preterm labor (l-3). Oncofetal fibronectin (onfFN), an Protocols describing the isolation of amnion epithelial cells
extremely abundant ECM protein synthesized by the pla- by trypsin treatment of human term amnions (12, 13) have
centa and fetal membranes, has been localized to regions of been adopted by a number of research groups (14-17). Using
uterine-placental and decidual-fetal membrane contact (4,5). these procedures, amnion epithelial cells are separated from
The appearance of amniochorionic-derived onfFN in vaginal the underlying basal lamina as an essentially homogeneous
and cervical secretions of women has been used to predict population of cells (12,131.Prostaglandin (PG) production by
preterm and postterm labor (4,6). BecauseECM proteins are amnion epithelial cells was increased by treatment with epi-
critical regulators of cell adherence (7), changes in the dermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-p
expression and/or distribution of ECM proteins in fetal (TGFP) (18). Treatment of amnion epithelial cells with GC
membranes are likely to play a key role in the reduction of increased the synthesis of CRH and modulated the output of
fetal membrane integrity associated with PROM. prostaglandin E, (PGE,) (14, 16, 17). In the present investi-
gation we examined the effects of GC treatment on the ex-
Received February 3, 1995. Accepted March 10, 1995. pression of FN and collagen III in human amnion epithelial
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Dr. Seth cells. These two large ECM proteins have been documented
Guller, Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology and Reproductive
Sciences, New York University School of Medicine, 550 First Avenue,
New York, New York 10016. ’ The terms amnion epithelial cells, amniocytes, and amnion cells are
* This work was supported in part by a Mount Sinai Medical Center used interchangeably and denote the homogeneous population of cells
Seed Grant (to S.G.). obtained from treating whole amnion tissue with trypsin.


by biochemical and immunohistochemical procedures to be with a cell viability between 70-90%, as determined by trypan blue
major ECM proteins synthesized by amnion epithelial cells exclusion.
Cultures of placental and chorion cells were obtained using methods
(13). Our results indicate that GC treatment markedly and described by Jones et al. (14). Essentially, all procedures were followed
coordinately suppresses the synthesis of ECM proteins by as described above for amnion cells, except that the first 15-min incu-
amnion epithelial cells, suggesting a mechanism by which bation was omitted from the protocol. Using these procedures, we ob-
GC may play a role in the aberrant expression of ECM tained approximately 10 X lo6 chorion cells and 50 X lo6 placental
cells/l0 g tissue. Based on these protocols, we obtained an essentially
proteins associated with PROM.
homogeneous population of amnion epithelial cells, as described by other
groups (12-18). The placental preparation consisted of cytotrophoblasts and
other cell types, whereas fibroblasts were the predominant cell type in
Materials and Methods chorion cell cultures by day 7.
For the experiments, a&ion, chorion, and placental cells were plated
Materials in BM supplemented with 10% charcoal-stripped calf serum (SCS me-
dium) at a density of 0.4 X lo6 cells/well of a 24-well dish for ELISA
Tissue culture media, plasticware, bovine sera, and reagents used in studies. Amnion cells were plated at a density of 2.4 X lo6 cells/well of

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the isolation of cells from human term amnion, placenta, and chorion a 6-well dish for immunoprecipitation and Northern blotting proce-
were from previously described sources (19, 20). The medium supple- dures. Cells were maintained at 37 C in a humidified atmosphere of 5%
ment ITS+ (a mixture containing insulin, transferrin, and selenium) was CO,-95% air, and fresh culture medium was added every 2-3 days.
obtained from Collaborative Research-Becton Dickinson (Bedford, MA). Alternatively for serum-free culture, amnion cells were plated at a den-
Dexamethasone (DEX) and murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) to fi- sity of 0.4 X lo6 cells/well of a 24-well dish in SCS medium. Fresh media
bronectin were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). were added every 48 h until confluency was reached on day 6 or 7.
Collagen Ill mAb was obtained from Chemicon (Temecula, CA). The Culture media were then aspirated, cells were washed twice with basal
ClRdE PREP kit used in the purification of plasmid DNA was obtained medium, and serum-free medium [BM supplemented with ITS+, 5
from Bio 101 (La Iolla, CA). I3 SlProtein Labeline Mix and I~-32Pldeoxv- pmol/L FeSO,, 50 kmol/L ZnSO,, 1 nmol/L CuSO,, 50 pg/mL ascorbic
CTP were obtained from New England Nucl& Corp. (Boston, MA). acid, and trace elements (Gibco-BRL, Gaithersburg, MD)], with and
RNazol B was purchased from CINNA/BlOTECX Laboratories (Hous- without lo-’ mol/L DEX, was added. This serum-free medium was
ton, TX). Complementary DNAs (cDNAs) to human FN (21) and human used in human endometrial stromal cell studies (23).
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) (22) were ob-
tained from the American Type Culture Collection (Rockville, MD). onfFN immunoassay. Levels of onfFN in culture medium were quanti-
Other reagents used in immunoprecipitation and Northern blotting tated by immunoassay (Adeza Biomedical) using FDC-6 mAb, as we
procedures were purchased from previously described sources (19,20). described previously (19, 20). The FDC-6 mAb detects FN molecules
The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit using FlX-6 mAb bearing the oncofetal epitope (24). For experiments, media were added
for quantitating levels of onfFN was a gift from Adeza Biomedical (Sunny- to 96-well plates coated with FDC-6 mAb. Incubations with goat anti-
vale, CA). human plasma FN Ab and phenophthalein monophosphate were car-
ried out as previously described (19,20). Optical densities, determined
for triplicate wells, were converted to levels of onfFN based on com-
Methods parison with a curve generated from onfFN standards ranging in con-
centration from O-1000 ng/mL. lntra- and interassay errors were less
Cell culture. Term amnions (n = 15), placentas (n = 3), and chorions
than lo%, as previously reported (19). Medium levels of onfFN were
(n = 3) were obtained from women (aged 24-39 yr) undergoing non-
normalized to levels of cell protein quantitated by the Micro BCA protein
laboring cesarean section at 37-42 weeks gestation. Tissues were ob-
kit from Pierce Chemical Co. (Rockford, IL) (20).
tained from uncomplicated pregnancies with normally grown singleton
fetus. None of the patients’ pregnancies were complicated by preterm Immunoprecipitation of labeled FNand collagen III. Rates of synthesis of FN
labor or preterm rupture of membranes, abruptio placentae, preeclamp- and collagen Ill in amnion cells were examined in immunoprecipitation
sia, diabetes, or other pathological conditions. For the experiments, studies, as we previously described (20). For experiments, cells main-
placentas and fetal membranes were transported to the laboratory im- tained in SCS medium with or without 10e7 mol/L DEX were labeled
mediately after delivery. The fetal membranes with adherent decidua for 4 h with [35S]Protein Labeling Mix in methionine-free SCS medium
vera were separated from the placental disc and washed in sterile saline. in the presence or absence of 10m7 mol/L DEX. Culture media were
The amnion was peeled away from the chorion-decidua, and the decidua collected, and approximately lo6 trichloroacetic acid precipitable cpm
was scraped from the chorion and discarded. Villous tissue dissected labeled culture medium/sample were precleared using BSA-Sepharose.
from the placental disc was also thoroughly washed with saline, and Samples were then incubated for 2 h at 4 C with a 1:50 dilution of anti-FN
approximately 10 g amnion, placental, or chorion tissue were used in the or anti-collagen III mAb and protein G-Sepharose (20). Immune com-
procedures described below. plexes were washed, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel
Isolation of amnion epithelial cells was carried out based on proce- electrophoresis was carried out as previously described (20).
dures described by Rice Okita et al. (12). For the experiments, amnion
tissue was minced in sterile saline, weighed, and placed in a flask Northern blotting. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) was extracted from amnion
containing 150 mL of a digestion solution consisting of basal medium epithelial cells using the RNazol B procedure, as we reported previously
(BM; a 1:l mixture of phenol red-free Ham’s F-12-Dulbecco’s Modified (19, 20). Before electrophoresis, samples were incubated with 40 U de-
Eagle’s Medium) supplemented with trypsin (5 mg/mL) and deoxyri- oxyribonuclease and extracted with phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol
bonuclease (0.1 mg/mL). The mixture was agitated (110 rpm) at 37 C for (25:24:1), and RNA was precipitated using 2 vol ethyl alcohol. Approx-
15 min in a Dubnoff shaking incubator, the contents were poured imately 10 pg total RNA (based on A,,,) per sample were separated on
through four layers of gauze, and the blood-free tissue was retained for a 1% (wt/vol) agarose gel containing 2.2 mol/L formaldehyde (25). RNA
further treatment. The tissue was then agitated (125 rpm) for 30 min in was transferred to nylon membranes, and levels of FN and GAI’DH
200 mL digestion solution at 37 C, and the supernatant was recovered messenger RNAs (mRNAs) were determined using 32P-labeled cDNAs
after passing the mixture through a 0.16-Frn sieve. The undigested tissue generated by random primer synthesis (25). Plasmids containing cDNAs
fragments were recovered and placed in 200 mL fresh digestion solution to human FN (21) and GAPDH (22) were isolated, as previously de-
and incubated at 37 C for an additional 30 min. The supernatants from scribed (20). Autoradiography and densitometry of immunoprecipita-
the second and third incubations were combined and centrifuged (500 tion gels and Northern blots were carried out as reported previously
X g; 5 min), and the cell pellets were resuspended in a 1:l mixture of (19, 20).
Ham’s F-12-Waymouth’s medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine
serum. The cells were then resuspended and washed twice in fetal Statistics. Results are expressed as the mean 2 SE. Data were analyzed
bovine serum medium before cell counting. Using this procedure, we by Student’s t test using the Statworks Cricket software package from
obtained 20-60 X 10h amnion epithelial cells from 7-15 g amnion tissue, Heyden and Son (London, UK). The values presented in this manuscript
2246 GULLER ET AL. JCE & M . 1995
Vol80. No 7

depict representative data obtained in experiments carried out at least 30-50% of control levels. Conversely, DEX treatment had a
three times. small stimulatory effect on the level of FN expression in
chorion cell cultures between days 8-13.
Suppression of FN expression by GC in amnion cells
Effect of DEX treatment on FN levels in amnion, placental,
and chorion cells In the four independent experiments using cultures of
amnion epithelial cells presented in Table 1, it is important
Primary cell cultures of human amnion, placenta, and to note that although DEX significantly suppressed the ex-
chorion obtained after dispersion of fresh tissue with trypsin pression of FN in amnion cells, it did not significantly affect
were maintained for 13 days in SCS medium with and with- the levels of total cellular protein per culture well. This in-
out lop7 mol/L DEX. Based on an ELISA that detects an dicated that the DEX-mediated suppressionof FN expression
oncofetal epitope in FN, we observed that between days 2-13 in amniocytes did not result from a general reduction in

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of culture, DEX treatment reduced the levels of FN in the protein synthesis.
medium of amnion cells to 15-50% of control levels (Fig. 1). As DEX is not a physiological GC, we also examined the
DEX treatment reduced FN expression in placental cells to effects of cortisol on FN expression in amnion cells. We noted
that cortisol and DEX mediated a dose-dependent inhibition
AMNION of FN expression to 20% of control levels, with half-maximal
effective concentrations (EC,,) of approximately 50 and 5
U Control
+ DEX nmol/L, respectively (Fig. 2). In three independent experi-
ments the EC,, values for the cortisol and DEX-dependent
inhibition of FN expression were 60.0 2 9.4 and 8.3 2 5.6
nmol/L, respectively. The finding that DEX was 7- to 8-fold
more potent than cortisol in the reduction of FN expression
in amnion cells may reflect a reduction in the biological
potency of cortisol due to the preferential binding of cortisol,
and not DEX, to corticosteroid-binding globulin present in
0 ‘I 6 12 16
our serum-containing culture medium.
Time (days)

Effects of DEX treatment on synthesis of ECM proteins by
amnion epithelial cells
Etro’ Amnion cells were maintained for 5 days in SCS medium
in the absenceand presence of 10m7mol/L DEX. After bio-
synthetic labeling, FN and collagen III were immunoprecipi-
tated from culture medium using FN- and collagen III-
specific mAb. We observed that DEX treatment reduced the
20 -;i&-gy
,I-’ TABLE 1. The effects of DEX treatment on levels of onfFN and
0 4 6 12 16 protein in amnion epithelial cells
Time (days)
Treatment Protein (fig) onfFN (ng/pg protein)

CHORION 1 Control 131.9 -+ 6.0 183.9 z 6.1

DEX 141.6 t 3.3 37.1 + 0.2

i2F0’ 2 Control
k 6.6
k 10.4
-+ 4.8
k 0.8
3 Control 76.7 2 8.5 244.0 2 29.0
DEX 85.0 -t 8.2 44.9 5 2.4
4 Control 92.8 + 7.6 226.6 2 26.2
DEX 114.0 2 10.3 29.3 2 3.3
Amnion epithelial cells were maintained in SCS medium in the
absence (Control) or presence of 10m7 mol/L DEX for 13-14 days.
0 4 6 12 16 Levels of total cellular protein were determined after lysis of cells on
Time (days) the last day of each experiment. Levels of onfFN in culture medium
were determined by ELISA and represent the maximal levels of
FIG. 1. Modulation of onfFN expression in amnion, placental, and onfFN production achieved on days 7-11 of culture. All values are
chorion cell cultures by DEX. Amnion, placental, and chorion cells presented as the mean k SEM of determinations carried out in trip-
were maintained for 13 days in SCS medium with or without 10m7 licate wells of a 24-well plate. For pooled data, the levels of protein in
mol/T.. DEX, and levels of onfFN in culture medium were determined the four independent experiments are: control, 118.1 ? 15.5; and
at the indicated time by ELISA. Levels of onfFN in triplicate culture DEX, 130.6 k 17.7 (based on Student’s t test, P = 0.676 vs. control).
wells are expressed as the mean k SE. SEs that fell within the symbol Pooled values for onfFN are: control, 197.9 2 20.7; and DEX, 33.2
are not presented. k 5.0 (P < 0.01 vs. control).

F.- _f_ DEX
FIG. 2. Dose-dependent effects of GC + Cortisol
treatment on onfFN expression in am- p Control
nion epithelial cells. Amion cells were 200 -
maintained for 9 days in SCS medium
without GC (Control) or with the indi- z
cated concentration of cortisol or DEX. 3
Levels of onfFN in culture medium were 5
determined by immunoassay and are 100 -
expressed as the mean 2 SE of determi-
nations carried out in triplicate. SEs z
were within l-20% of mean values, but -E
were not presented for reasons of 0
0. , . , . , . , . , . ,

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0 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Concentration of Steroid (nmol/L)

levels of FN and collagen III synthesis to approximately 20% mRNA in amnion cells to approximately 10% of control
of control levels (Fig. 3). In three independent experiments, levels (Fig. 4). Statistical analysis of Northern blotting data,
DEX treatment suppressed the synthesis of FN and collagen obtained in three independent experiments, indicated that
III in amnion cells to 31 ? 5.8% (P < 0.001, DEX VS.control) DEX treatment reduced the expression of FN mRNA to 14.7
and 37 k 13.3% (P < 0.01, DEX VS. control) of the control + 4.6% of the control value (P < 0.001, DEX us. control).
value, respectively. This suggeststhat GC may coordinately
reduce the synthesis of major ECM proteins in amnion Effect of DEX on amniocyte FN expressionin serum-free
epithelial cells. medium
Suppression of FN mRNA levels in amnion cells by DEX To establish defined culture conditions in which to dissect
Amnion epithelial cells were cultured for 5 days in SCS the hormonal regulation of ECM protein expression in the
medium with and without 10m7mol/L DEX, and levels of amnion, amnion epithelial cells were maintained for 9 days
FN mRNA were quantitated after Northern blotting and postconfluence in serum-free medium in the presence or
normalization to levels of GAPDH mRNA. Similar to the
results obtained in the ELISA and immunoprecipitation
studies presented above, DEX treatment reduced levels of FN

FN COL 111
+ +



- -

FIG. 3. Effects of DEX treatment on synthesis of FN and collagen III

in amnion cells. Cells incubated for 7 days in medium without (-1 and
with (+) 10e7 mol/L DEX were then metabolically labeled with FIG. 4. Suppression of levels of FN mRNA in amnion cells by DEX
[35S1Protein Labeling Mix for 4 h in methionine-free SCS medium. treatment. Amnion epithelial cells were maintained for 5 days in SCS
Immunoprecipitation of labeled ECM proteins was carried out using without (-) and with (+) 10-r mol/L DEX. Ten micrograms of total
mAb specific for FN and collagen III. The migration of labeled FN and RNA were loaded per lane before electrophoresis and Northern blot-
collagen III is indicated by an arrow. Lines reflect the migration ting. Levels of FN and GAPDH mRNA were detected concomitantly
positions of mol wt standards (180K, a,-macroglobulin; 116K, 6- on the same blot using 32P-labeled cDNA probes to FN and GAPDH.
galactosidase). Quantitation was carried out after autoradiography Levels of FN mRNA were normalized to levels of GAPDH mRNA after
and densitometry of immunoprecipitation gels. autoradiography and densitometry.
2248 GULLER ET AL. JCE & M . 1995
Vol80 . No 7




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0 2 4 6 a lb
Time (days)
FIG. 5. Effects of DEX treatment on onfFN expression in amnion cells in serum-free medium. Amnion cells were maintained for 9 days
postconfluence in serum-free medium in the presence or absence of 10m7 moVLDEX. At the indicatedtime, levelsof onfFN in culture medium
were determined by immunoassay, and the results are expressed as the mean 2 SE of determinations carried out in triplicate culture wells.

absenceof 10m7mol/L DEX. Under serum-free conditions, and outgrow other cell types (e.g. extravillous cytotropho-
DEX treatment reduced the levels of FN expression in am- blasts) within the culture.
nion cells to lo-50% of control levels between days 2-9 of In previous studies, GC were found to decrease the pro-
culture. duction of PGE, in subconfluent cultures of human amnion
Our results indicate that GC are major negative regulators epithelial cells (15), whereas GC stimulated the synthesis of
of ECM protein synthesis in human amnion epithelial cells. PGE, in postconfluent amnion cells (16, 17). These results
suggest that the cellular growth state may influence GC-
mediated actions in amniocytes. In our experiments, we ob-
Discussion served that CC suppressed FN expression between days 2
The amnion epithelial cell layer comprises the innermost and 14 of culture. As confluency was reached on days 6-7,
of the five layers of the amnion and, thus, is in direct contact this indicated that the effects of GC on FN expression were
with amniotic fluid (11,13). Amnion cells are anchored to a mediated at both sub- and postconfluency. Our serum-free
thin basal lamina by keratin intermediate filaments in a experiments were conducted on confluent cultures because
hemidesmosome structure similar to that in the skin and the presence of serum in our culture medium increased the
cornea (13). In immunohistochemical studies, the basal lam- plating efficiency and shortened the time required by cells to
ina was found to be rich in FN, laminin, and collagen III. It reach confluency (not shown). The use of serum-free me-
was previously demonstrated in vitro that amnion epithelial dium in future experiments will facilitate the identification
cells, obtained as a homogeneous population after trypsin of cofactors or mediators involved in the GC-mediated
treatment of whole amnion, synthesized extremely large reduction of FN expression in amnion cells.
quantities of FN and collagen III (13). The data presented here indicate that GC suppress the
The studies presented in this manuscript demonstrated synthesis of FN and collagen III protein in amniocytes aswell
that DEX treatment down-regulated FN expression in both as reduce the expression of FN mRNA in these cells. It has
amnion and placental cultures. Unlike the amnion, trypsin been reported that the actions of GC on PGE, levels was
digestion of human term placenta generates a mixed popu- mediated through the GC receptor (GR) (17). It is likely in the
lation of cells consisting of cytotrophoblasts and other cell present study that the GC-dependent suppression of FN
types (26). We previously demonstrated that DEX treatment expression in amnion cells was mediated by the GR. To the
suppressesFN expression in homogeneous cultures of cy- best of our knowledge, there is no information available
totrophoblasts isolated from human term placentas (19,201. concerning the cellular mechanism of negative regulation of
Drawing from our present study, it is likely that suppression FN expression by GC. Inhibition of FN expression in amnion
of FN expression in mixed placental cell cultures is due in cells by GC could be modulated transcriptionally after bind-
large part to the GC responsivenessof cytotrophoblasts. It is ing of GC to the GR, asdescribed for the effects of GC on PRL
interesting to note that the amnion epithelial cell is derived (28) and proliferin genes(29). Alternatively, it is possible that
from a cytotrophoblast precursor during the seventh or the GC-mediated suppression of steady state levels of
eighth day of development (27). Thus, the GC-mediated sup- FN mRNA in amnion cells resulted from a reduction in the
pression of ECM protein synthesis in amnion cells and cy- stability of FN mRNA. Interestingly, a recent report
totrophoblasts may be a function of their common cellular demonstrated that the oncogene HA-ras down-regulated FN
origin. The slight increase in FN expression in chorion cell expression in a human osteosarcoma cell line through
cultures promoted by DEX in the present study most likely nuclear posttranscriptional events, possibly involving al-
reflects effects on fibroblastic cells that rapidly proliferate tered processing or stability of FN RNA in the nucleus (30).

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