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(GE 02)
First Semester Academic Year 2020-2021
(Bachelor of Science in Criminology)


TOPIC: Communication, Importance and Process

Module Overview: This module is designed for Criminology students to discuss the essence of
communication to individuals and determine the elements of communication and its
importance. It also designed to identify the functions of verbal and non-verbal communication
in various and multicultural context.

Module Outcomes:

At the end of the module the students should have;

 described the nature, elements, and functions of verbal and non-verbal communication
in various and multicultural context.
 increased the knowledge in communication, its processes and principles.

Module Content:

Definition of Communication
Elements of Communication
Types of Communication
Communication Barriers
7c’s of Communication

COURSE Content

Activity Description Time

1 Interactive Discussion/Power point presentation through 30 minutes
2 Video Clip Presentation 10 minutes
3 Discussion 20 minutes


Communication is an integral aspect of living of being human. It occupies a large chunk
of your day. Intrinsically, your feel the need to express yourself-your thoughts, ideas,
perspectives, emotions, etc. And to interact with others with a purpose. Your ability to
communicate effectively enables you to establish connections and rapport with the other people.

 Definition of Communication

The term ‘communication’ is originally taken from the Latin word ‘communis’ which means
to make common, to transmit, to impart or to share between two or more persons or groups.

COMMUNICATION- is an exchange of thoughts, ideas and information from person to

Communication is defines a complex process often involving reading, writing, speaking and
Communication is the natural aspects of man’s life. It is inevitably a part of his existence, from
the time he is born he immediately learns to communicate. In fact, even while a baby is in
his/her mother’s womb, he /she know to express his/her wants.

Elements of Communication
Message – it is the body of information that creates the communication process. It contains
the information, thought, and feelings that a communicator expresses to the other participants
in the communication process.
Sender – the source of message that has the full authority to explain the meaning of the
information created.
Encoding - represents the conversion of subject matter in certain symbols. Here, things get
complicated, because most people use their own definition for certain emotions or ideas. The
way they put these in sentences offers a view over their type of personality.
Channel- it is the way by which the message may be carried or communicated. It is the means
identifies how the message is delivered.
Decoding- the receiver has to extract the meaning from the symbols sent by the sender and
understand completely what he needs.
Receiver- the one who accepts the message from the sender. This also makes feedback out of
the information taken from the source.
Feedback- it is the response that is sent back by the receiver to the sender. The feedback
reveals the effectiveness of the communication taken.
Barrier- the factors that affects the flow of communication.

Communication is the heart of human interaction. Success in communication depends
on our ability to interact with others. We need to communicate to gain knowledge, to create
relationships, and to express our feelings to others. This means that we communicate for a
purpose. However, we sometimes fail to communicate clearly, and so miscommunication occurs.
To attain effective communication, we must know and apply the basic principles of
1. Communication is purposeful. Basically, people communicate for a reason and that
reason has a purpose. We use communication to share information, ask question,
express feeling, and engage others to act on something positive and a variety of some
other purposes.
2. Communication is adaptive. Adaptive communication is a form of communication,
which is tailored to someone’s need and abilities. It is designed to provide someone with
the ability to communicate with others even if they cannot engage in spoken
3. Communication is dynamic. Communication is not static; in the process, it is always
changing from time to time. Communication is directly proportional to people’s
4. Communication is systemic. There is no communication without those elements of
communication. Each of the elements has its own function, and all elements work
interdependently to make communication successful.

The use of jargon.
Unfamiliar and/or technical terms.
Emotional barriers - some people may find it difficult to express their emotions and some topics
may be completely off-limits.
Difficult topics (politics, religion, disabilities, sexuality, sex, racism, etc.)
Lack of attention or interest

Differences in perception or viewpoint.
Physical disabilities (hearing problems or speech difficulties)
Language differences.
Cultural differences.
Noisy environment.
Noise- noise is defined as an impediment to successful communication. It is anything that
hinders shared understanding.
Types of Noise
a. External noise-originates from the communicators’ surroundings or environment.
b. Internal noise-includes anything that is self-related-your attitudes, opinions, beliefs, that
may hamper effective sending or receiving of messages. Examples can include any
physiological state, like hunger and pain out of an illness and psychological thoughts like
worry, fear, anxiety, and disappointment.
c. Semantic noise- gets in a way when the sender and receiver do not share the same
meanings for their verbal or non-verbal signals.

Types of Communication
Verbal Communication and Non-verbal Communication
Humans understand each other through the use of spoken language (verbal
communication), non-verbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions and body movements
(non-verbal communication).
Verbal Communication is comprised of sounds, words, and language which have a direct
relationship with culture.Spoken and written words refer to verbal symbols. The use of spoken
or written symbols in making and interpreting meaning called verbal communication.
Non-verbal Communication refers to those actions and attributes that have socially
shared meaning, are intentionally sent or interpreted as intentional, are consciously sent or
consciously received, and have the potential for feedback from the receiver.

Functions of Verbal Communication

1. Verbal communication helps us think
2. Verbal communication helps us shape our attitude about our world
3. Verbal communication helps us recognize complex ideas and experiences into
meaningful categories.
4. Verbal communication helps us define reality.

Functions of Non-Verbal Communication

1. Non-verbal communication is used to regulate verbal communication
2. Non-verbal communication is used to duplicate verbal communication
3. Non-verbal communication is used to complement verbal communication.

Forms of Non-verbal Communication

1. Kinesics- include body movements, gestures and facial expressions and can be
intentional or unconscious.
2. Chronemics- pertains on how people use, perceive and structure their time.
3. Proxemics- refers to the interpersonal space regulate intimacy.
4. Paralinguistic-includes factors such a syone of the voice, loudness, inflection, and pitch.
The tone of the voice can have an effect on the meaning of a sentence.
5. Haptic- is communicating through touch. Touch can be used to communicate affection,
familiarity, sympathy and other emotions.
6. Oculesics- is communication using the eyes like gazing, and eye movement.

Spoken or Oral Communication – In oral communication, spoken words are used. It
includes face-to-face conversations, speech, telephonic conversation, video, radio, television,
voice over internet. In oral communication, communication is influence by pitch, volume, speed
and clarity of speaking.
Written Communication – In written communication, written signs or symbols are used to
communicate. A written message may be printed or hand written. In written communication
message can be transmitted via email, letter, report, memo etc. Message, in written
communication, is influenced by the vocabulary ; grammar used, writing style, precision and
clarity of the language used.


 Completeness – complete communication is essential to the quality of the
communication process in general. Hence, communication should include everything
that the receiver needs to hear for him/her to respond, react, or evaluate properly.
 Conciseness – conciseness does not mean keeping the message short, but making it
direct or straight to the point. Insignificant or redundant information should be
eliminated from the communication that will be sent to the recipient.
 Consideration – to be effective, the speaker should always consider relevant
information about his/her receiver such as mood, background, race, preference,
education, status, needs, among others. By doing so, he/she can easily build rapport with
the audience.
 Concreteness – effective communication happens when the message is concrete and
supported by facts, figures, and real-life examples and situations.
 Courtesy – the speaker shows courtesy in communication by respecting the culture,
values, and beliefs of the receiver.
 Clearness – clearness in communication implies the use of simple and specific words to
express ideas. It is also achieved when the speaker focuses only on a single objective in
his/her speech so as not to confuse the audience.
 Correctness – correctness in grammar eliminates negative impact on the audience and
increases the credibility and effectiveness of the message.

Suggested Reading…..

Activity 1
Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.
(5points each)

1. Why do people communicate?

2. Give your own definition of communication? Explain your answer.
3. What factors do you think should be considered to have an effective
4. Which do you think among the elements of communication is the most

5 4 3 2 1
Content Answers are Answers are Answers are Answers are Lacking effort.
comprehensive accurate and not partial or Very poor
, accurate and complete. Key comprehensive incomplete. grammar
complete. Key points are or completely Key points are mechanics.
ideas are stated and stated. Key not clear. Very unclear.
clearly stated, supported. points are Question not Does not
explained, and addressed, but adequately address topic.
well supported not well answered. Limited
supported attempt.
Organization Well organized, Organization is Inadequate Organization Lacking effort.
coherently mostly clear organization or and structure Very poor
developed, and and easy to development. detract from grammar
easy to follow follow. Structure of the answer. mechanics.
the answer is Very unclear.
not easy to Does not
follow. address topic.
Writing Displays no Displays one to Displays three Displays over Lacking effort.
conventions errors in three errors in to five errors in five errors in Very poor
spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling, grammar
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, mechanics.
grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and Very unclear.
sentence sentence sentence sentence Does not
structure. structure structure. structure. address topic.
Rubric for Written Activities attempt.


1. In your perspective, why is the study of communication relevant to your life and
to your future profession? Cite specific instances of its significance. (15 points)


2. Do you agree that communication is something that does not have a definite end?
Support your answer? (5 points)
3. Is it appropriate to resolve conflicts using our communication gadgets even if
offline communication is possible? Explain your answer. (5 points)

5 4 3 2 1
Content Answers are Answers are Answers are Answers are Lacking effort.
comprehensive accurate and not partial or Very poor
, accurate and complete. Key comprehensive incomplete. grammar
complete. Key points are or completely Key points are mechanics.
ideas are stated and stated. Key not clear. Very unclear.
clearly stated, supported. points are Question not Does not
explained, and addressed, but adequately address topic.
well supported not well answered. Limited
supported attempt.
Organization Well organized, Organization is Inadequate Organization Lacking effort.
coherently mostly clear organization or and structure Very poor
developed, and and easy to development. detract from grammar
easy to follow follow. Structure of the answer. mechanics.
the answer is Very unclear.
not easy to Does not
follow. address topic.
Writing Displays no Displays one to Displays three Displays over Lacking effort.
conventions errors in three errors in to five errors in five errors in Very poor
spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling, grammar
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, mechanics.
grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and Very unclear.
sentence sentence sentence sentence Does not
structure. structure structure. structure. address topic.
Rubric for Written Activities


Martinez, R., (2019), Purposive Communication.

Magan, R.,et al (2018), Purposive Communication in the 21 st Century
Pilapil, E., et al (2018), Purposive Communication



Course Number: GE 02 Descriptive Title: Purposive Communication

Module Number: 1 Course Year & Section: BSCRIM1 A-E

Prepared by:



Checked by:

Dean, School of Criminal Justice

Recommending Approval:


Dean of Instruction



Acting College President


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