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Name: EJERCITO, Wilson N.

Class: Bachelor of Arts in English Language 3

Subject Professor: Dr. Chona Adlawan Subject: Stylistics


III. ASSESSMENT (Activity 4)

Below is a copy of the poem TO THE VIRGINS TO MAKE MUCH OF TIME by Robert
Herrick, stylistically analyze the poem using reader-response and affective approach.
Different analyses abound in the Internet, please observe intellectual honesty,

Your task is due on the 26th of January 2021. Kindly email your output with a subject,
Reader-Response Stylistic Analysis for the first analysis, and Affective Stylistic Analysis
for the second output, on or before the deadline.

Should you have queries or clarifications, please message me. God bless children


The poem tells us to make much of our time, to not be shy in doing the things
that we would love to do in order to enjoy every bit of our life. After reading the poem,, it
made me realize and those who will read it that life is really a combination of many
precious things that we, people should cherish and treasure, such as time and
experiences. Both are important and both are limited edition as well. Both can only be
achieved only if we are brave to make much of our time here in the world and not be
such a coward to try things here in the world.

Time is precious and it can be used and spent, it has ending, it is not unlimited;
we cannot live all the time. Time is cruel, it is deceitful; that in one strike of its clock you
may found yourself, inside the coffin, so while you still can, while time is still on your
side- enjoy. Let us not be afraid of trying for you will never know what will happen next
unless you try, and in trying we are able to do things that we are afraid to do that turns
out to be good and enjoyable to us. So what, you did not do it in trying once, try again
until the process turns to be what makes your life an amazing one.
The poem, as it tells us to be joyful and to make every second of our time in this
world counts, it also tell us not to be afraid and don’t be such coward who are afraid to
try. Don’t be frugal in yourself; don’t be timid in experiencing things. Regret, it’s all found
in the end but you can still eradicate it by walking through roads that you are afraid to
take, because in every step you make, experience and lesson s are your reward. Take
a meaningful step all the time, remember that each one of them cost a second of your

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