Schmitt, Carl: The Main Features of Schmitt 'S Thought

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Schmitt, Carl effective in the “concrete facts,” that can take

place as “cases of exception”
Carlo Galli (Ausnahmezustand). The decision is an act that
Department of History and Cultures, University of can realize an always transitory mediation
Bologna, Bologna, Italy between the above-mentioned opposite fields.
Therefore decision is part of the Law, not exterior
to it.
Carl Schmitt (1888–1985). German jurist. He Schmitt’s position is based on the
always qualified himself as a jurist, but the anthropologic pessimism inspired by French and
radicality and the innovative character of his sci- Spanish counter-revolutionary thinkers,
entific performance have made him a reference preventing him from thinking of reality as a self-
point for the twentieth century debates not only realization of the Spirit, and adhering to a positiv-
on public, constitutional and international law, but ist thought based on contingency. His Catholic
also for political science, and for the history of orientation (Schmitt 1923b) provided a scientific
political thought and of institutions. point of view that allowed him to articulate an
innovative conception of Law. Schmitt opposed
Idealism, Immanentism, and Liberalism because
The Main Features of Schmitt’s Thought he did not believe that the law can simply emerge
from history or from parliamentary debate; he
Schmitt’s work can be described as an answer to opposed Marxism, because he did not conceive
three challenges: the political crisis of the State, of Law just as the mirroring of power; he opposed
the theoretical crisis of rationalist Positivism, and Scientism, Positivism, and Functionalism because
the affirmation of Hans Kelsen’s juridical science, he regarded Law as neither a function of society,
based on the objectivity and comprehensiveness nor as a simple facilitation of social needs, nor as a
of norms’ inner logic. simply rational command of the State; he opposed
Schmitt maintained a distinction between Law Normativism and Formalism, because Law is
and reality, laws and politics. The real does not always incomplete and does not coincide with its
contain any order or norm in itself; and the Law inner logics; lastly he opposed the discourse of
has not in itself the strength to become real. But he Natural Law and Moralism. Consequently,
brought these distinct fields in relation to one Schmitt criticized both Kelsen and Hermann
another through the “decision” (Entscheidung), Heller, both the legal Positivists and the Neo-
made by different subjects: the judge, the sover- Kantians. He conceived Law in a historical, deter-
eign, the people. The “decision” makes the law mined, concrete, genealogic, and dynamic way,
© Springer Nature B.V. 2021
M. Sellers, S. Kirste (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy,
2 Schmitt, Carl

and was therefore far from both rationalism and Rechtspraxis. His aim was to assign a central
irrationalism. This is why Schmitt requires a con- place to the implementation of the Law
stant distinction between Law (jus; Recht), the (Rechtsverwirklichung) and the principle of legal
law (lex; Gesetz), and decrees (Massnahme, determinacy (Rechtsbestimmtheit), that is,
Verordnung): the first is the Idea that becomes a the concreteness of legal life, which differs from
concrete legal reality only through decision; the the abstract “legal security” (Rechtssicherheit),
second is a legal norm produced by an established the mere conformity to the norm.
power; the third is a technical administrative Schmitt further developed this topic through a
measure. philosophical discussion of the relationship
between Recht and Macht, Law and Power
(Schmitt 1914). Law coincides with neither the
Early Juridical Writings fact nor with power; the Law must be
implemented, starting from the assumption that
Schmitt’s early writings are focused on the penal between Recht and Macht it is necessary to build
law. He rejected the idea that one could deduce the a mediation that depends upon the State’s “sover-
universality of a formal concept (“guilt”) from eign decision.” The Idea of Law, therefore, pre-
empirical facticity (intention or negligence as cedes the State and is not identifiable either with
“types of guilt”) (Schmitt 1910). He therefore the State or with the law; at the same time, the Idea
argued that it is necessary to presume the duality of Law cannot be implemented without the State.
between factual reality and juridical form. This Schmitt, therefore, sided neither with mediation
position was only seemingly a Neo-Kantian one, nor with immediacy, neither with Formalism nor
since Schmitt was preoccupied with detecting a with power politics. Rather, politics is the junction
“bridge,” a concrete and effective mediation between the Idea of Law and contingency and has
between the ideal and the real, the interior and therefore a metaphysical importance: the modern
the exterior dimension of action. The link is pro- age and its political outcome, the State, cannot
vided by the concept of “end” (Zweck): the indi- work either without transcendence, that is, the
vidual’s exterior action is the “position of an end,” Idea, or without its realization through decision.
the concrete realization of an act of willing. When
this act is in conflict with the objective will of
society, that is, with the penal law, then it turns Decision, Secularization, Constitution
into “guilt.”
Schmitt next dealt with the problem of decision These issues became crucial during the Weimar
in legal practice, when a judge faces a “concrete period, when Schmitt established a strong connec-
case” (Schmitt 1912). Through the concept of Als tion between sovereignty, decision, and the con-
ob, due to Hans Vaihinger, and through a criticism stitutional order. In Dictatorship (Schmitt 1921)
of Gustav Radbruch’s “static” Neo-Kantian con- he makes a distinction between the system of
ception of the norm, he concluded that judgment norms and the concrete implementation of Law
cannot mechanically derive from the logical through its suspension (“commissarial dictator-
development of the norm and from the interpreta- ship”) or its ex novo establishment through the
tion of the law as an act of the will, presumed to be “sovereign dictatorship.” By now, politics gains
subjectively or objectively rational. Rather, the a fundamental role in Schmitt’s discourse, even if
judgment is a “fiction,” an ad hoc construction this role is not characterized in an anti-legal fash-
whose aim is to realize concrete ends: in this ion: the political decision is the only way through
case, the judge must make a decision liable to be which Law is implemented. It is the origin of
shared by “the other judge.” So doing, Schmitt political-juridical orders.
made a distinction between the interpretation and These arguments are systematized in Political
the judicial decision, the logics of the norm and Theology (Schmitt 1922), where the controversy
the practical moment, the Rechtslehre and the with Kelsen is stronger. Schmitt’s fundamental
Schmitt, Carl 3

suggestion is that the Idea of Law must be order, but a disordered reality inhabited by con-
implemented in a particular situation. This takes flict, a reality that can be temporarily reduced to
place through the intervention of sovereignty, order only through decision.
which is defined as “the decision on the case of Decisionism holds together the general theory
exception,” namely, with regard to the concrete of Law, the critique of the modern age and the
“extreme case.” The extreme case falls outside the critique of progress. Here again, Schmitt was on a
norm; however, it must be brought into the legal collision course with Kelsen, who had denied the
system: this end is pursued through decision, scientific relevance of metaphysics, i.e., of the
rather than through formal reasoning. The deci- concept of God and the State. As to the link
sion establishes a division that produces concrete between secularization and exception, Schmitt
unity. The decision does not derive from specific distanced himself also from Hegel, whose Protes-
contents. What is essential is rather the presence tant progressivism he had always criticized, and
of a personal subject, the sovereign, who takes the from Weber who was bound to individualistic
responsibility for the decision. Just like exception rationalization, much more than Schmitt himself.
and decision, the sovereign is outside the legal In contrast to Weber, Schmitt criticized modern
system, while being part of Law; both the “case rationalism and its main political outcome,
of exception” and decision precede and explain namely, Liberalism. He contested the bourgeois
normality. belief that the law can be created through rational
Neither Positivism nor Kelsen understood that discourse, within the parliament (Schmitt 1923a).
the decision on the exception is part of Law, and Legal Formalism and political individualism –
not simply its “external precondition.” Kelsen in that he already criticized as unable to act politi-
particular carried to the extremes the modern con- cally (Schmitt 1919) – share the same incapacity
ception of law as impersonal, rationalistic, techni- of understanding the origin of concrete orders. In
cal, and self-sufficient. In Schmitt’s view, Kelsen this regard, Kelsen replied to Schmitt that the
ignored that Law is not a closed system of secu- justification of parliament rests on the functional
rity; rather it is open both to the extreme case and necessity of a representative order in which the
to transcendency, to the Idea of Law and to its law could be produced through relativizing
concrete implementation by the sovereign compromises.
decision. In Constitutional Theory (Schmitt 1928)
As a consequence, according to Schmitt, the Schmitt distinguished between the Constitution
modern age cannot be regarded as a complete and constitutional laws: only the latter can be
secularization of transcendence, that is, as the suspended by the constituted powers in case of
triumph of rationalism and of positive science. emergency, as the article 48 of the Weimar consti-
Rather, it is necessary to understand the meta- tution stated. On the contrary, the fundamental
physical structure of the modern age. For realizing decision that established and oriented the whole
the Idea of Law, a decision is needed: that means legal system is an act made by the subject of
that transcendence cannot be secularized through the constituent power, that is – in democracy –
reason and technique. Modern history and pro- by the people. The Constitution is the decision of
gress are nothing but subsequent shifts from one the people concerning the modality and the form
metaphysics – and its corresponding political of their own political existence. Consequently, it
form – to the other, from Theism to Deism to is the “material” origin of the State’s political
Pantheism to Atheism, that is, from the monarchy unity. Only secondarily the Constitution is the
legitimized by the Divine Law to the Liberal State, organization of public powers according to a
from the Democratic State to the world of tech- political idea: the bourgeois liberal Constitutions,
nique. The modern age is “the epoch of neutrali- for instance, are based on the security of individ-
zations and de-politicizations” (Schmitt 1929), ual rights and on the division of the State powers.
but does not succeed in its goal: the final outcome, Thus, the Constitution concerns the political sta-
the end of metaphysics, is not a neutral, rational tus of the people rather than a legal principle. To
4 Schmitt, Carl

say that a State has a constitution is incorrect: This anti-formalistic and anti-individualistic
rather, the State is the constitution of the people drive and this tragic vision of reality had a back-
in their concrete existence, and in their concrete lash on political theory in The Concept of the
rights. Political (Schmitt 19323b). Here Schmitt stated
The political essence of the constitution is that the essence of politics does not lie in the
organized in two different principles: identity, power and in the institutions of the State, but
that is, the presence of the people in itself, and rather in the “friend-foe” relationship. This is a
representation, that is, the production of an artifi- radical conflict that precedes the State and the
cial unitary political form; in other words, on institutions, and transcends any possibility of a
national democratic homogeneity and on the par- rational dialogue among the contenders. The
liament. The liberal-democratic State, like the “political” is not a field, as the ethical, the eco-
Weimar Republic, is a mixed form where different nomical, the esthetical; on the contrary, political
and even opposite legal principles coexist: first, oppositions, that is public and not merely personal
the democratic factor of homogeneity and equal- conflicts, may form in any field. The “political” is
ity, which is recognized through the establishment the conflicting, concrete and nonrational structure
of the referendum (Schmitt 1927) and of the social of reality. In Schmitt’s legal thought, this structure
rights of the citizens; second, the liberal, juridical- is defined as and represented by exception; as a
formal rights and securities. legal system originates from the decision on the
In this way, Schmitt separated, in principle, the exception, likewise the political order originates
constitution and the State, democracy and liberal- from the decision on the opposition. In Schmitt’
ism. Similarly, he distinguished between legiti- view, Liberalism does not understand that the
macy and legality: the former is not located in “political” is the origin of State politics, and tries
the State – which, in the age of legal positivism to escape it by transforming it into competition
has become the place of formal legality – but and discussion.
rather in the constituent decision of the people. Later on (Schmitt 1938a), Schmitt credited
Legitimacy is not simply a pre-legal value but is a Hobbes – that he later reads in theological-
decision for a concrete political-legal form political, rather than decisionistic terms (Schmitt
(Schmitt 1932a). 1944) – for having laid the foundations of the
modern State with the aim of finding a way out
of the civil wars of religion, and for having based
The State, the “Political” and the Crisis of the state not only on the contract, but also on myth
the Weimar Republic and decision. Nonetheless he criticized Hobbes
for the rationalism, individualism, and positivism
Through the notions of decision and constitution, prevailing in his thought. Through the Enlighten-
Schmitt relativized the State. The State is for him a ment and Liberalism, these features depoliticized
historical and contingent order. It assumes differ- the State, turning it either into an impersonal
ent configurations according to the forms taken by machine, unable to defend itself from its enemies,
the decisive political will whence it originates: or into a pure technical power, deprived of any
jurisdictional State, governmental State, adminis- juridical dimension.
trative State, legislative-parliamentary State. The Every order, the State included, which arises
latter defines itself as “rule of law,” while in truth from the “political,” namely, is oriented against an
any State is such. Besides, the State is neither opponent. And every order must be able to recog-
“stable” nor legally “close.” Its very goal is to be nize, in order to eliminate it, that hostility can
unitary, inclusive, and to neutralize internal polit- always emerge again. The source of legitimacy
ical conflicts; but it can succeed by means of a is precisely the management of the “political”
decision. Thus, the political unity is grounded in through the constituent decision and through the
and crossed by division and exclusion, which are exercise of sovereignty. The “political” is poten-
implicit in the decision. tially an ever-present challenge within the State
Schmitt, Carl 5

and in international relations: both the internal authoritarian post-liberal State. In his conception,
peace and the universal peace are an ideological however, this State would still be democratic
construction. Once again, Schmitt lined up against because it is plebiscitary in character, and would
Kelsen’s formalism and universalism and, more still remain within the framework of the Weimar
broadly, against supranational organizations constitution. This would be a less extended State
(Schmitt 1940). than the one which is “total out of weakness,” and
Through sovereignty the modern State has able to keep together the legal form and the polit-
exercised, for some centuries, the monopoly of ical force of deciding on the enemy, of creating
the “political,” but when the State is depoliticized internal unity by excluding the anti-systemic
then subjects different from the State can become forces and of depoliticizing the economy.
the bearer of the “political,” in a more and more Schmitt’s proposal was opposed by Kelsen, that
“pluralistic,” conflict-ridden, scenario. Thus, the wanted to entrust the defense of the constitution
“political” entails a further relativization of the not to the “neutral” power of the President,
State because other subjects can be its bearers, namely, to the executive power, but rather to the
like, for instance, the Partisan, charged with an jurisdictional power of the Constitutional Court,
extremely intense and concrete, that is, “telluric,” in order to avoid the politicization of the
polemic character, which differs from the absolute Constitution.
and rootless conflictual character of the revolu-
tionary by profession (Schmitt 1963).
With these concepts, Schmitt read the final The Nazi Era
crisis of Weimar as the suicide of a State.
Expanding its activity to the whole society, the Schmitt’s endorsement of the Nazi regime was
Weimar system transformed itself into a “total opposed also by some components of the regime
State out of weakness” (Schmitt 1931) itself, and this induced him to stop writing about
succumbing in the face of the pluralism of party internal politics after 1936. It also provoked his
politics, economical and bureaucratic powers, and imprisonment by the Allies from 1945 to 1947,
in the face of the resulting “polycracy.” Schmitt the expulsion from teaching, and a long-lasting
made an appeal to the original legitimacy of the damnatio memoriae. Schmitt justified his turning
republic, that is, to the popular decision for a point with the necessity to recognize the new
liberal and democratic State, to defend it from regime born out of the election of 5 March 1933,
internal enemies, namely, extremist parties. He which in his view was a plebiscitary exercise of
suggested that the legislative power not be the constituent power that gave birth to a new
entrusted to the Parliament, which was paralyzed provisional constitution, the “Enabling Act” of
by the “negative majorities,” but to the President 24 March 1933 (Schmitt 1933).
of the Reich, elected by the people, based on Schmitt’s Nazi production is marked both by
article 48 of the Constitution (Schmitt 1932a). continuity and discontinuity. The hostility to for-
The State cannot simply be grounded in the prin- malism, liberalism, and parliamentarism persists;
ciple of legality because, in this case, legitimacy whereas what’s new is the effort to exit
would be undermined by legality and the enemies decisionism and to develop a “thinking of the
of the Constitution would have equal chances to concrete orders,” or of the legal systems, partially
legally take the power. But only the subject of borrowed from Maurice Hauriou and Santi
sovereignty, that is, the State and not the Länder, Romano (Schmitt 1934). Therefore, in this
have this power of exclusion, as Schmitt stated in phase, the legal concreteness is not based on deci-
the Lipsian Staatsgerichtshof in 1932, where he sion, but rather on concepts such as the “popular
represented the Reich against Prussia, defended identity based on race,” the “people,” the Führung
by Heller (Schmitt 1940). (that takes the place of sovereignty), in opposition
As a consequence, Schmitt depicted a “total to the formal equality and the “impersonality” of
State out of energy” (Schmitt 1958), namely, an modern laws. Thus, the idea of legal concreteness
6 Schmitt, Carl

shifts toward an organicism coupled with anti- The nomos is a “Measure” (it cannot be trans-
Semitism. In turn, the role of the people changes: lated with “the law”) that is “right” not as a natural
they become passive, while the “political” is man- right but just turning the original appropriation
aged by the Party and its Leader, which are not and the division of the land into a juridical princi-
organs of the State. Having by now lost the ple of order (Ordnung), that is also an orientation
monopoly of the “political,” the State remains as and a localization (Ortung). The nomos is not
an administrative system, whereas the nation legality, but rather legitimacy; it is not a set of
expands, beyond the State, in the dimension of international treatises, but rather the political-
the Empire (Reich), that exercises hegemony in a juridical origin of the concrete orders of the
“Great space” (Grossraum) closed to foreign globe. Therefore, the nomos derives only margin-
political and economic interventions (Schmitt ally from geopolitics: its meaning is a juridical-
1939). Schmitt’s goal was to contribute to the political rather than a natural-geographical one.
redefinition of Nazi international law. However, Every time is characterized by a nomos of the
these concepts are different from that of a Lebens- Earth; the modern age is grounded in the crisis of
raum grounded in race. the Medieval spatial order, the respublica
Toward the end of the Nazi era (Schmitt 1944), christiana, not only due to the civil wars of reli-
Schmitt saw legal science, which was still con- gion but also to a “spatial revolution.” In fact, the
crete and vital in Hegel and Savigny, turning itself discovery of America ushers in a void of order in
into pure technique, as a consequence of the pre- the historical scenario: the void space of the
vailing bourgeois and liberal “State of laws” and Oceans, and the void space of the new continent,
of positivism; legality and legitimacy become appropriated and divided by the European pow-
antithetical and no longer complementary con- ers. From the initial imbalance follows a reorga-
cepts, and under pressure from the growing nization of the world space that improves through
administrative needs to which the State is subdued different stages, from the tracing of amity lines in
in the twentieth century, legality turns into the sixteenth century up to the Treaty of Utrecht
domain of decrees. The critique of liberalism and (1713) and that continues up to the beginning of
positivism becomes a critique of the entire Mod- the twentieth century. This nomos of the Earth, the
ern age and of its dynamics, looking for some- jus publicum europaeum, is based on the balance
thing able to withhold them: namely, as Schmitt between Land and Sea (between continental
says quoting Saint Paul, a Katechon. States and England) and on the difference
between Europe and the rest of the world: that is
between the State and the non-State. In the
The “Nomos” European spaces the “just war” of the Christian
Middle Ages turns itself in the “limited war,” a
In the last phase of his work, Schmitt went back to military clash between States that recognize them-
international law, which he had engaged with selves reciprocally as justi hostes. In the
years before, with an anti-universalistic approach non-European spaces, on the contrary, there are
(Schmitt 1926). In The Nomos of the Earth unlimited hostilities because the State does not
(Schmitt 1950) he gave a reinterpretation of the exist there.
relationship between Law and politics in the Mod- The nomos is therefore the last conceptualiza-
ern age that combines the historical and the spatial tion of the “concrete Law,” which is paradoxical
dimensions, further developing some older theses in this case as well. Schmitt had demonstrated that
(Schmitt 1942). Particularly, Schmitt suggested the exception explains the norm, and that the unity
that maritime political powers look at the world of the State is based on the division produced by
as a smooth space, to be covered on the basis of decision; now he demonstrated that the modern
the principle of liberty and commerce, whereas State system exists because outside Europe there
the continental powers are the bearer of a sense of is the non-State. Colonies are central to the mod-
the border, of limit, of order. ern configuration of power rather than peripheral.
Schmitt, Carl 7

In Schmitt’s view, the crisis of the jus publicum anti-liberalism and anti-rationalism but acknowl-
europaeum and of the related nomos of the Earth edge that his thought needs to be studied for its
is determined by the victory of the universalist heuristic efficacy in detecting the inner aporias of
ideology of the Anglo-Saxon maritime powers modern age. Yet others accept his teaching and
over the concrete pluralism of sovereignties, that place him among the great thinkers of realism,
is, by the triumph of economics and techniques both in internal politics – where Schmitt is taken
over State-based politics. As a consequence of to be able to grasp the fact that executives pre-
universalism, the war as a right of sovereignty is vailed over Parliaments, and to highlight the turn
criminalized and the “just war” reemerges in the toward securitarian policies – and in international
moralistic and discriminatory form of the “inter- relations, where he is able to interpret the crisis of
national police” against the “rogue States” universalism, and the pluralistic and conflictual
(Schmitt 1938b). But the Eurocentric nomos has structuring of the world political stage.
not been substituted by a new order: Schmitt took
the world dualism between the East and the West
during the Cold War as a clash between two uni-
versalisms (capitalist liberalism and commu-
nism), none of which is able to produce a
▶ Critical Theory and International Law
concrete order (Schmitt 1951).
▶ Hans Kelsen Political Obligation
▶ Law and Political Theology
▶ Leo Strauss
▶ Maurice Hauriou
▶ Rechtsstaat
Schmitt’s interpretation of Law is realistic but not
positivistic, metaphysical, and, at the same time,
historical; the genetic role of the exception and the
drive toward form and order make Schmitt’s References
thought both authoritarian and potentially revolu-
tionary. Schmitt’s scientific contribution lies spe- Bendersky JW (1983) Carl Schmitt. Theorist for the Reich.
Princeton University Press, Princeton
cifically in his deep, genealogical gaze over the Bueno R (2015) Carl Schmitt Hoje. Política, Direito e
legal systems; the risk it entails, highlighted by all Teologia. Max Limonad, São Paulo
its critics, is occasionalism, that is the proposal of Caldwell PC (1997) Popular sovereignty and the crisis of
a “situated Law,” which is contingent because is German constitutional law. The theory and practice of
Weimar constitutionalism. Duke University Press,
radically permeated by history and politics. Durham
Since the 1980s Schmitt is one of the most Cristi R (1998) Carl Schmitt and authoritarian liberalism.
studied, quoted, and translated authors all over Strong state, free economy. University of Wales Press,
the world as a constitutional jurist and theoretician Cardiff
Croce M, Salvatore A (2013) The legal theory of Carl
of politics and international relations. Moreover, Schmitt. Routledge, Abingdon
many philosophers have dedicated attention to his Dyzenhaus D (ed) (1998) Law as politics. Carl Schmitt’s
theory of Law, of Politics, and of History: among critique of liberalism. Duke University Press, Durham
others, Walter Benjamin, Leo Strauss, Hans Galli C (2015) Janus’s gaze. Essays on Carl Schmitt. Duke
University Press, Durham
Blumenberg, Ernst Jünger, Erik Peterson, Jacob Galli C (2018) Genealogía de la política. Carl Schmitt y la
Taubes, Alexandre Kojève, Reinhart Koselleck, crisis del pensamiento político moderno. UNIPE, Edi-
Jacques Derrida, Mario Tronti, Chantal Mouffe. torial Universitaria, Buenos Aires
Schmitt was a brilliant and controversial Hofmann H (2002) Legitimität gegen Legalität. Der Weg
der politische Philosophie Carl Schmitts. Duncker &
thinker; some scholars maintain that he should Humblot, Berlin
be banned because of his support for Nazism, as Hooker W (2009) Carl Schmitt’s international thought:
if this was the manifestation of the intrinsic irra- order and orientation. Cambridge University Press,
tionality of his thought. The majority rejects his Cambridge
8 Schmitt, Carl

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